The gateway club launch new mobile responsive website

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The Gateway Club Launch New Mobile Responsive Website In anticipation of Google?s new mobile friendly algorithm update, due on 21st April 2015, Sydney?s Gateway Club launch new mobile website in full compliance with Google?s requirements. Petersham, NSW, Auatralia, April 08, 2015 /PressReleasePing/ - Google telegraphed to business owners late last year that they wanted all websites appearing in search results to be easily viewed on mobile and tablet devices. Google said it can be a “frustrating experience for mobile searchers” to end up on a web page that is not mobile responsive, thus in November 2014 they added the label ‘mobile–friendly’ to their mobile search results to communicate this to their searchers.

Websites that achieved this rating have had the GoogleBot screen the website detecting the following: if they contain software that is not common on mobile devices, the use of text that is readable without zooming, if links far enough apart so that the correct one can be easily tapped and if content sizes to the screen so users don’t have to scroll horizontally or zoom.

Mr Peter Smith, media manager for The Gateway Club said, “Google has given webmasters more than enough time to make the necessary adjustments prior to this update occurring on 21st April 2015.” He went on to say that; “Google has made it very clear that websites that fall outside their compliance requirements will simply not appear in the search results. We have worked hard to ensured we fully comply.”

Google’s algorithm update, designed solely to deliver enhanced mobile user experience, is significant and its full impact will not be fully known until it is rolled out around the globe.

Mr Peter Smith said, “ The Club has always used the latest technology to meet the ever changing needs of our patrons.” He also said, “ we applaud Google continually striving to deliver outstanding user experience and we have worked hard for some time now to ensure our website appears well on all devices.”

Those wishing to view the Gateway Club’s new mobile friendly website are invited to do so at 474 Parramatta Road Petersham NSW, Auatralia 2049 Mr Peter Smith The Gateway Club +61 (02) 9560 8066 Source URL:

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