Wisconsin Residents Give a Thumbs Up to Clothing Recycling thumbs-up-to-recycling USAgain clothing collection bins continue to serve as a convenient recycling option Waukesha, WI, February 18, 2015 /PressReleasePing/ - Two million pounds of clothing and shoes were diverted from landfills thanks to Wisconsin residents. That’s 507 garbage trucks diverted from going to landfills! USAgain, the national textile recycler provides an outlet to give surplus clothing a second life through a network of thousands of recycling bins located nationwide. By diverting 2,222,159 pounds of textiles, USAgain and its patrons prevented 15 million pounds of carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere, saved more than 3 billion gallons of water, and 12,698 cubic yards of landfill space. USAgain recycling programs are hosted in partnership with municipalities, local businesses, event based community drives and fundraisers for schools and non-profits. “We want to commend the local communities for their commitment to sustainability. These collections continue to keep clothing out of our landfills having a positive impact on our environment,” said USAgain CEO MattiasWallander. “Textile recycling programs are getting attention from municipalities with a goal to improve their overall waste diversion rates and we are working diligently to assist with their goal”. Recent data from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency shows 5.7 percent of the municipal solid waste (MSW) is textiles. A staggering 12 million tons of clothing and shoes end up in the garbage and make their way to the landfills every year. “We are making progress but our mission is to further reduce the amount of clothing that ends up in the landfills through education and outreach events in addition to our clothing recycling bins,” Wallander said. “Every bit counts and our goal is to gain more partnerships and increase the textile recycling rate to 75 percent.” Contact: Rasham Grewal, Email:, Phone: 630-293-1239 ext 1001 ### About USAgain: USAgain – a leader in the textile recycling industry since 1999, USAgain is a for-profit company that recycles and reuses clothing, shoes and other textiles. Its mission is to provide consumers with a convenient and eco-friendly option to rid themselves of excess clothing, which is diverted from landfills. USAgain maintains more than 12,500 collection bins in 19 states. For more information, visit West Chicago, IL 60185 Rasham Grewal USAgain 630-293-1239 ext 1001 Source URL: