With over 100,000 new global neurs entrepreneur affiliates, 70thirty has created a superb dual platf

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With over 100,000 New Global Neurs Entrepreneur Affiliates, 70thirty has created a superb dual platform. 70thirty Solution is extremely excited to announce their new Neurs LLC Independent Affiliate Partner platform - 70thirtyneurs. They have created a superb dual franchise online gateway for Entrepreneur & Provider. Since access to Neurs is by invitation only, 70thirtyneurs is making head way to be the UK?s premier gateway to Neurs entrepreneurial global network. LONDON, UK, May 27, 2014 /PressReleasePing/ - LONDON | 70thirty Solution is a multi mixed skills team of experienced professional Business Development Consultants. They provide virtual and physical business service solutions predominantly in the UK empowering and supporting small and medium size businesses and business start ups. You can find out more at http://www.70thirty.co.uk.

When the CEO was introduced to Neurs, he crunched numbers, weighed up the service scope and quickly realized what the platform had to offer, its immense potential worldwide and how it will impact the entrepreneurial world going forward. He asked some questions, asked a few more and not too long after signed up as an Independent Affiliate Partner. As a collective team they grouped together, watched each of the Neurs presentation videos whilst writing a plan of action incorporating and coupling different business elements together. Thereafter, their website design and development team Androi was given the task of converting the written word into a quick and user friendly graphical visual platform 70thirtyneurs.com

Neurs LLC is a business start-up consulting firm that connects and empowers entrepreneurs worldwide. It supplies the training, connections, and capital resources that entrepreneurs need to find, build, and profit from their ventures.

With as many as 100,000 Entrepreneurs and Affiliate Marketers in over 152 countries around the world enrolled into the global affiliate program for Neurs reaching 90,000 in the first 24 hours; 70thirty's CEO initial idea was to create an on-boarding platform solely for their use.

Since the initial introduction to Neurs the Neurs community has grown significantly, as a result

the team at 70thirty came up with a dual service platform primarily for Entrepreneurs and Affiliate Marketers of Neurs; who do not have web development skills, who do not have Graphic Designing talent, have no printing capabilities or simply don't have the time to sit with a web design consultant and develop an online gateway or design and print the inevitable associated marketing material to support their affiliate platform. The best of it is there's another jewel in the crown which makes up the dual platform.

The CEO said "it's only a matter of time before Neurs becomes a global market leader, and a must have online business tool. Also it's only a matter of time before 70thirtyneurs is referred to in many business development seminars and being used as a bench mark for similar business start ups. Things do not happen – things are made to happen".

With its unique concept, passion for success and dedicated commitment, 70thirtyneurs will probably be the world's most inexpensive franchise which generates social value. The Neurs franchise package contains almost everything needed to launch and market an affiliate business into the age of social media. With potential earnings for affiliate partners in the first year of $120,695 and $333,605 in the second year; without the Neurs franchise package, this is an ideal business platform for most work at home moms and dads.

About 70thirtyNeurs: 70thirtyneurs is simple, powerful, and a forward thinking concept which is probably the first Neurs Franchise business platform joining the world of social media. 70thirtyneurs.com certainly has the potential to become a global online gateway to Neurs entrepreneurial network, but most definitely for the UK.

Since the access to Neurs is by invitation only, Neurs affiliate as a business opportunity can generate income simply by inviting entrepreneurs and providers to the network with additional hours invested in the early months. The affiliate program is 100 percent free and is similar to other online affiliate programs used by Fortune 1000 companies.

About 70thirty 70thirty Solution is a team of committed and flexible consultants, the CEO himself is a former investment bank employee. Think of them as a one-stop-shop, offering the very best opportunity to connect with corporate businesses to build the kind of business one would desire, develop a platform and generate the right type of clients. 70thirty takes the affiliate Neurs Franchise concept to another level by introducing a business enterprise direct alternative investment opportunity base on future growth and business development. No Initial Fee, No Management Fee but a share of profits.

To receive a Neurs Invite, free membership, and to enroll into the affiliate program, visit http://70thirty.neurs.net/- an independent affiliate partner of Neurs. 70thirty And ROI. Daws House Daws Lane London NW7 4SD Denise Dodd 70thirty Solution 02071936698 info@70thirtyneurs.com http://70thirty.neurs.net/l/en Source URL: http://pressreleaseping.com/over-100000-new-global-neurs-entrepreneur-affiliates-70thirtyhas-created-superb-dual-platform

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