4 Things to Consider When Selecting Restroom Cubicles Restroom facilities play an important role in our daily surroundings, especially in places like offices or schools, where people spend around eight hours a day. When selecting restroom cubicles for washroom facilities, it is advisable to take your time and consider all the important things that help you make the right decisions. Whether you are looking for a brand-new toilet cubicle or a full restroom refurbishment, in this article, we share the four things to consider when selecting restroom cubicles.
1. Materials One of the important things to consider when selecting restroom cubicles is the types of materials that are suitable for your restroom’s unique environment. This is because cubicles are made from a range of different materials, so it is important to find high-quality material panels that suit your washroom setting. It is advisable to consider materials that can handle heavy traffic, high moisture, and humid conditions. One of the popular material options in the market may include Laminate Compacts, known for its water-resistant properties.
2. Privacy It is also important to consider the levels of privacy required in your restroom setting when selecting restroom cubicles. An ideal restroom cubicle should provide a safe and secure environment to users. Consider installing compartmentalized restroom cubicles that feature soundproofing, occupancy indicators, 72″ doors or panels with 9″ floor clearance.
3. Safety It is important to make sure that your public restrooms are hazard-free at all times, this is why it is important to consider safety when choosing restroom cubicles. Health and safety are the main aspects to look for, so consider safety features such as anti-finger trap hinges, handlebars for differently-abled users, a locking system that is equipped with an emergency opening provision in case of unwanted situations.
4. Aesthetics Lastly, if you are looking to create an inviting environment in your public restroom, then consider aesthetics when selecting toilet cubicles and locker solutions. This is because it is important to create a positive and safe environment and experience for
users. Compact laminates present design diversity as material here. Consider choosing bright, bold colours for school toilet cubicles, or you can opt for more stylish, contemporary colours for public restroom settings.
The final word Apart from the above-listed, there are many factors to keep in mind when choosing a washroom for your facility setting. This is because different age groups of people may have different requirements, so it is important to take time and consider all the vital aspects apart from designs and aesthetics. To get high-quality restroom cubicles and locker solutions for your facility, search for reputable service providers that offer durable and high-quality restroom locker solutions and partner with the one that meets your needs.