29 minute read
Energy Transition
An Energy Transition in India Will Likely be Bottom-up
While India presented a disappointing strategy for its long-term decarbonization at COP27 this is not the whole story: new jobs in the renewable sector are driving change
By Omair Ahmad
In an ironic comment on the COP27 process in Egypt, one of this year’s most significant climate initiatives was not announced at the UN climate summit. On November 15, 2022, the G20 Leaders’ Summit in Bali launched a USD 20 billion Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP) with Indonesia. As the fourth most populous country in the world, which generates about 60 percent of its electricity from a fleet of relatively young coal power plants, a clean energy transition for Indonesia has global repercussions, and was described by a US official as “probably the single largest climate finance transaction or partnership ever”.
Indonesia’s JETP follows the USD 8.5 billion JETP with South Africa launched at COP26. There has also been a push for India and Vietnam to become involved in the process. India, with its huge population and increasing carbon emissions – it is either the third-most polluting country, or the fourth political unit, depending on how one measures the European Union – would be the big prize. The Indian government has demurred so far, and its Long-Term LowCarbon Development Strategy (LT-LEDS) presented at COP27 goes some way to showing why.
The LT-LEDS can basically be summarized into three sections: (i) a strategy to build more renewable-based energy generation, thereby lowering the intensity of carbon emissions per unit of energy produced; (ii) the adoption of emerging technologies such as electric vehicles, bio-fuels, green hydrogen and (controversial) carbon capture and storage and (iii) a social movement that would drive lower consumption through the promotion of “traditional”, lowconsumption lifestyles. The last has no real metrics and is somewhat at odds with the energy generation focus of the first two. Nonetheless, what all three share is an absolute avoidance of phasing out coal-based power generation.
Coal in India is here to stay
There is no energy transition here, merely a promotion of renewable energy and its more efficient use alongside more coalbased power generation. In fact, over the past year India increased its coal-based power generation by 10 percent (alongside an increase in renewable energy by 21 percent). Almost threequarters of India’s energy is produced by coal plants, and while the aggressive adoption of renewable energy may lower its overall contribution to the Indian economy, total emissions are not on a downward trajectory.
One of the most important reasons is jobs. A few months ago, I was among a group of climate and environment journalists invited to a closed-door session with a senior Indian politician on India’s energy transition. One of the key questions the politician asked was how to sell the energy transition. His point was that, as an elected representative, his main responsibility is to his constituents – and their main demand is jobs.
This is a major sticking point. Coal India Limited is the largest government-owned coal production company in the world, and the third-largest employer in India. It employs just under 300,000 people directly, with about another million jobs coming from the private sector and ancillary
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continued from page 46
During these times of instant gratification, even though you do have many dedicated classical dancers, the time younger students dedicate to dancing has diminished due to their school and social activities.
So, where does that leave these kids when it comes to having a lifelong mentor/guru? As we all agree, the role of a teacher, mentor or guru is crucial in dance or any other field.
The teacher-student relationship is a revered one all through the world. In recent times, due to the institutionalization of dance education, it took away the role of the traditional gurus and the Guru-Shishya Parampara in most parts of India.
Also, due to the inconsistent transition from tradition to modernity, there is still a lot of confusion in this field. On one hand, some parents raised with traditions know the value and quality of a dance form. They go to any lengths to ensure their children learn the traditions of these classical dance forms in their most possible purest form. On the other hand, some just want it to be something quick and easy to check a box of completion.
However, all of us at some point in our career or life looked for mentors or individuals who have accomplished a lot in life. Many aspire to be like them. As stated in ancient scriptures, guru is the beacon of light that dispels the gloom of ignorance.
Considering the rigorous training over many years and a meticulous technique of codified movements that are required to be a good Indian classical dancer, it seemed necessary for this kind of relationship to exist for a deeper experience.
Tradition has a powerful timeless quality, which is thought to be such as it encompasses and fuses the past and the present.
We can see the Guru-Shishya relationship, any way we wish to see. You can call it an ancient and old practice that is not relevant to modernity, or you can say it is essential for the betterment of our community and culture.
Dance and Veda place a high value on cognition, intellectual knowing and comprehension. A successful dancer has gone through a regimented learning process creating a trained body and allowing the dancer to grasp knowledge, retain the facts and develop the power of discipline using right and left brains.
This concept is now being implemented in the modern world. Every organization seeks mentoring opportunities to better our community and the youth. May it be work, Yoga or dance, I hope we continue to be inspired by a guru’s teachings or a mentor’s advice.
And as gurus and mentors, I hope we will continue to impart our knowledge to develop the next generation of learners and leaders. My Voice Teenage Story continued from page 22 became ashamed of her tiffin lunch box when her classmates pointed out the smell and how her food looked like “brown mush”.
I was surprised to see her getting up an hour early every morning to straighten her beautiful wavy hair, making an effort to keep it plain and straight like her friend’s hair. It was a repeat of what happened to me in Elementary School! By reflecting upon my sister’s and my experience in school, it occurred to me that this cultural shaming happens at a very young age. As the mind grows up feeling the pain of cultural shaming, this mindset of “fitting in” is embedded into our everyday actions. That chameleon persona slowly becomes a part of our soul and we lose that happy-go-lucky child in us that sees all cultures as one.
Little by little, I am learning that it is okay to present myself as a part of both the Indian community and the American community. If I abandon one community, I lose half of myself. My high school is a breath of fresh air where I feel comfortable expressing myself however I want to. My school organized a “Desi Day” where Indians could proudly dress up for Diwali. I wore my bangles proudly and unlike the fourth grade me, when someone rolled their eyes at my beautiful bangles, I smiled back at them. I thought to myself, “They are just jealous of my beautiful culture. I pity them for being unable to accept our cultural differences and letting the judgment in their heart overtake themselves.”
Throughout my cultural journey, I have learned that there is no strict definition of a “True Indian” or “True Americans”. We are all “True Humans” with our unique traditions and perspectives. My school has a more diverse community with more people that share the same traditions that I do. I am more accepted by society but most of all, I accept myself. It is perfectly fine to be an “In-between” as I like to describe myself. The lines between cultures have blurred. We, the In-Betweens have blended into one unique society.
Sereena Kumar
is a sophomore at Enloe High School and has a passion for writing. Contact: slkumar@mycomedical.com
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continued from page 52 fuel made of deuterium and tritium – two versions of the element hydrogen with extra neutrons – placed in a gold canister. When the lasers hit the canister, they produce Xrays that heat and compress the fuel pellet to about 20 times the density of lead and to more than 5 million degrees Fahrenheit (3 million Celsius) – about 100 times hotter than the surface of the Sun. If you can maintain these conditions for a long enough time, the fuel will fuse and release energy.
The fuel and canister get vaporized within a few billionths of a second during the experiment. Researchers then hope their equipment survived the heat and accurately measured the energy released by the fusion reaction.
So what did they accomplish?
To assess the success of a fusion experiment, physicists look at the ratio between the energy released from the process of fusion and the amount of energy within the lasers. This ratio is called gain.
Anything above a gain of 1 means that the fusion process released more energy than the lasers delivered.
On Dec. 5, 2022, the National Ignition Facility shot a pellet of fuel with 2 million joules of laser energy – about the amount of power it takes to run a hair dryer for 15 minutes – all contained within a few billionths of a second. This triggered a fusion reaction that released 3 million joules. That is a gain of about 1.5, smashing the previous record of a gain of 0.7 achieved by the facility in August 2021.
How big a deal is this result?
Fusion energy has been the “holy grail” of energy production for nearly half a century. While a gain of 1.5 is, I believe, a truly historic scientific breakthrough, there is still a long way to go before fusion is a viable energy source.
While the laser energy of 2 million joules was less than the fusion yield of 3 million joules, it took the facility nearly 300 million joules to produce the lasers used in this experiment.
This result has shown that fusion ignition is possible, but it will take a lot of work to improve the efficiency to the point where fusion can provide a net positive energy return when taking into consideration the entire end-to-end system, not just a single interaction between the lasers and the fuel.
What needs to be improved?
There are a number of pieces of the fusion puzzle that scientists have been steadily improving for decades to produce this result, and further work can make this process more efficient.
First, lasers were only invented in 1960. When the U.S. government completed construction of the National Ignition Facility in 2009, it was the most powerful laser facility in the world, able to deliver 1 million joules of energy to a target. The 2 million joules it produces today is 50 times more energetic than the next most powerful laser on Earth.
More powerful lasers and less energy-intensive ways to produce those powerful lasers could greatly improve the overall efficiency of the system.
Fusion conditions are very challenging to sustain, and any small imperfection in the capsule or fuel can increase the energy requirement and decrease efficiency. Scientists have made a lot of progress to more efficiently transfer energy from the laser to the canister and the X-ray radiation from the canister to the fuel capsule, but currently only about 10 percent to 30 percent of the total laser energy is transferred to the canister and to the fuel.
Finally, while one part of the fuel, deuterium, is naturally abundant in sea water, tritium is much rarer. Fusion itself actually produces tritium, so researchers are hoping to develop ways of harvesting this tritium directly. In the meantime, there are other methods available to produce the needed fuel.
These and other scientific, technological and engineering hurdles will need to be overcome before fusion will produce electricity for your home.
Work will also need to be done to bring the cost of a fusion power plant well down from the US$3.5 billion of the National Ignition Facility. These steps will require significant investment from both the federal government and private industry.
It’s worth noting that there is a global race around fusion, with many other labs around the world pursuing different techniques. But with the new result from the National Ignition Facility, the world has, for the first time, seen evidence that the dream of fusion is achievable.
A hallway full of pipes, tubes and electronics. Machinery used to create the powerful lasers, like these preamplifiers, currently requires a lot more energy than the lasers themselves produce. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, CC BY-SA
Carolyn Kuranz is an Associate Professor of Nuclear Engineering, University of Michigan Article courtesy of theconversation.com
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continued from page 42
Will we even survive as a species past 2200 at this rate?
It all makes me ponder if H.G. Wells’ predictions for humanity in his acclaimed novel The Time Machine to split off into two subgroups of the childlike Eloi and the savage Morlocks could theoretically be possible.
On top of all that, many fictional stories this past year emphasized a growing fear of becoming our parents. In some cases, these tales would show the parents coming to terms with the fact they were projecting the misery of their own lives onto their children. In others, there is the gradual resolution that familial trauma will forever be cyclical as the generations continue.
Ultimately, I think at least part of our fear concerning aging involves an inevitable confrontation with our parents which in turn means we must also confront ourselves… and finally, Death itself. Perhaps this conflict, in all its grotesquerie and mystery becomes a way to overcome it, at least psychologically.
As I now reach the cusp of turning 50, the “Gen X” values instilled in me to be flexible, independent, and resourceful are still there. However, I’ve attempted over the years to understand other generational mindsets. While some circumstances have caused me to utter phrases such as ‘those kids’ and ‘now I feel old’, for the most part I feel relatively open-minded about how the world is changing.
My parents, on the other hand, are baby boomers who have chosen to maintain a particular view of the world at large that is mirrored by many of those currently running it. As the years go by, their values brutally conflict my own like a bristle pad scraping along a non-stick pan.
I have little fear of becoming my parents due to how different we are and will always remain. I won’t lie that there is a small amount of doubt lingering there that this could not always be the case. All I can do is hope that the non-stick surface of my life will hold its own against those unforgiving metal shards.
Will the cycle continue? Will the kids of today grow up and despise what we as parents have become? It is entirely possible.
The only way to break such a rhythm is to acknowledge it and try to reshape it. And I believe that this goal is entirely plausible for any generation to accomplish… if they’re willing, that is.
As we start 2023, I foresee a year where we gradually stumble farther away from uncertainty and fear and find some form of temperate balance. Yes, Death will always be there waiting. That doesn’t mean we should stop enjoying life or thrust despair upon others.
If anything, our mortality should empower us as human beings to savor what we do have and in turn share that joy as much as possible.
Happy New Year, everyone….
Jennifer Allen works at Saathee and is also a Podcaster, Blogger, Photographer, Graphic Artist, Gamer, Martial Arts Practitioner, and an all around Pop Culture Geek. You can reach her at Saathee@Saathee.com
continued from page 32
My wife offered advice to the new bride about how she faced a difficult situation when she suspected that her maid stole her Coach purse and how to keep the maid motivated, she got four more purses. I chimed in it was my idea and the purses were fake and were bought at a fraction of the price from Chinatown.
I countered back saying that my wife was learning French using an app so she could insult me in a whole different language. She explained, “I have to, English does not have enough words to describe your idiosyncrasies.” I confessed to the audience that I was not sure how she was insulting me, but she keeps saying, “Pardon my French.” The audience were engaged. They seemed to be laughing more if I was the victim of the joke.
I mentioned how I learned about a weird medical diagnosis. Apparently, you can develop facial muscle fatigue if you smile too much. I told the audience that some people don’t have to worry about it. Like my wife. We got some laughs from men, but women seemed to be grunting. At that point, my wife smiled. I wasn’t sure if she smiled to prove me wrong or was smiling about her upcoming joke.
She made fun of me saying how I was so absent minded that once I bought a book on how to organize and I lost it. I told the audience that she had lived in the US for over 30 years, and she was Americanized. But instead of saying, “Oh, My God,” she says, “Oh, my Gods!”
She mentioned how developing material together is challenging. While preparing for our set I told her that I would take out all the jokes that didn’t work earlier. She said, “So what are you going to do? Just stare at me for five minutes.” Then she poked fun at me saying that the last time she asked me if I took the trash out, I said, “Yes.” She said, “But you left all your jokes here.”
We had a few more jokes about arranged marriage and my cheapness. Then we reminded the audience that doing a duo was so challenging. We told them that in preparation for our set, we started out as a duo at an open mike show in Los Angeles. Then we had an argument and broke up. Luckily, it was on stage! The audience roared in laughter. If both of us were the target of the joke, they seemed to relish it even more.
In the end, our duo set at the sangeet was a great success. The audience laughed because not only did we have some good jokes, but we also followed some ground rules. We alternated the victim’s choice between my wife and me. Also, contrary to real married life, we kept score, ensuring that she had a higher score at the end. That meant that I was the “butt of the joke” more often than her. We also made sure she had the last laugh. She delivered the last joke telling the audience that in some normal households they have dinner. In our household, we call it a roast battle!
I hope this year we will be able to do our roast battle at some premier comedy clubs in Los Angeles. And that is a new year resolution, I hope to keep. Oops, we hope to keep!
Raajeev Aggerwhil
is a Los Angeles-based comedian. Follow him on Instagram @raajeevcomedy. Find him on YouTube.
continued from page 38 cooked dishes to increase nutrient density. Do include a variety of green such as Methi, Sarso (Mustard Greens), Palak (Spinach), and also Beet Greens, Radish greens, Kale, Turnip Greens, Tandalja or Chawli (Amaranth), Collard Greens, Arvi/Arbi (Colocasia), and Bok Choy.
Spices: Spices are key to keeping the body warm and preventing and treating winter maladies such as cold, cough, and congestion. Spices are a powerhouse of nutrients and have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and other health promoting and disease preventing properties. Certain spices help with proper blood circulation and improve digestion, and have phytonutrients, essential oils, minerals and vitamins that are vital for good health. Spices can of course be used in cooking, but during winter months you can use them for medicinal purposes and to make herbal teas. Turmeric, ginger, cloves, cinnamon, cumin, carom (ajwain), fenugreek seeds (methi), and black pepper are all spices that should be used during winter months.
Nuts & Seeds: Nuts and seeds provide much needed energy during winter, and provide protein, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals. Almonds, pistachios, walnuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, poppy seeds, and lotus seeds (makhana) are all important to include in your diet, albeit in small quantities.
Legumes & pulse flours: Various pulse flours are used to make special winter dishes that provide energy and warmth to the body. Besan (chickpea flour), Mung flour, and urad flours are mixed with nuts, seeds, and spices to make delicacies that provide healthy fats and protein, and other benefits to help fight cold cough and other maladies during the winter weather. Different regions of India are known for their own unique recipes. Try to consume whatever dishes are traditional to your family and heritage.
Jaggery & Ghee: Normally we talk about avoiding or limiting sugar and fat. During winter months, the body needs more warmth and energy. Pure jaggery and ghee are okay to consume in small quantities for overall health. Do be mindful if you have diabetes and heart disease.
Dairy products: Dairy products should be limited as they tend to build mucus and increase congestion. If you consume dairy, limit to one cup of warm milk with turmeric and other spices. Limit/avoid cheese and paneer. It is also advisable to limit yogurt during the winter months. You can also easily make warm turmeric milk with any non-dairy milks such as almond or oat milk.
Above recommendations are for general purposes. If you have any specific health issues, consider consulting a Registered Dietitian for your individualized plan.
Parul Kharod
is a registered dietitian and licensed nutritionist and works as a Clinical Dietitian. She can be reached at parulkharod@gmail.com
So, when we “make” decisions, it may be this fantastic statistical machine that hums silently under the surface making us make all these decisions while we tell stories to ourselves about the decisions we make. Because we’re good at telling stories with the words, logic and language that we have.
All these things that drain your time, though, aren’t even the real issue; they are mere symptoms of a deeper, more pernicious disease that creates these, and more. Is it possible that you care a bit too much – make that a lot! – about how you think others see you? Since there are always lots of people around, preoccupation about how others might think of you can be a tremendous drain on your limited resources.
Of course, there are some situations where what specific people think of you may matter to some degree, for example, those who determine how much you get paid, or even get paid at all. But does your acquaintance’s – whom you don’t even particularly like – view of your political leanings hold enough of a return-on-investment for you to go chasing after with so much gusto?
All that is the supply side of the equation. The demand side of things also offers a path to dealing more effectively with things.
You are much larger than you think
Nature is bountiful. It is often redundant, repetitive and replete with surfeit. We only need to look around and see, for example, that a plant may not really need all the leaves that it has, and that even when it loses some, it is able to keep functioning. And when things deteriorate, there is a healing that occurs, and things grow back miraculously to fill any vacuum that begins to manifest.
The point is that we don’t need to solve everything. The universe not only throws problems at us – many of which are “problems” created by our minds – it also takes care of them on our behalf, unbeknownst to us, if only we would have a bit more trust. For example, other organisms such as bacteria and viruses compete for survival with us and instill fear in us that they might prevail in the battle with us. But it is also worth noting that most often they do not. Part of this is because there are things inside us that are also part of the bounty of nature that rise up silently and deal with things that transfix us with fear. There is risk, of course, in leaving things to the mysteries of nature’s hand. But there is risk in not doing so too. And this is where people differ. Some err on the side of the invisible hand of nature and the unseen infinity of resources it brings, while some lean strongly toward taking control with the limited resources that can be seen.
So, infinity may feel like a difficult thing to engage with, if you don’t see the infinity that you are, and have access to.
May you bring your own inifinity to the new year!
Balaji Prasad
is an IIT/IIM graduate, a published author, SAT/ACT Online and in-person Coach, and K-12 Math Tutor at NewCranium. balaji.prasad@newcranium.com.
Students from NC State University presents Navarasa:
Navarasa is an intercollegiate dance competition where the most talented teams from universities across the nation will come together to showcase and celebrate their Indian classical dance heritage all while raising money for charity.This competition is the only Indian Classical dance competition in the southeastern United States.
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