Earthquake resilience of Pol houses in Ahmedabad
3.2.4 Approaches for structural conservation – The approaches for structural conservation study focus on the rationale and purpose of the research. It establishes the bridge between the field of earthquake engineering and conservation, where this thesis is placed. Understanding the concepts – Conservation and restoration The technical definition of conservation based on the Nara charter (ICOMOS, Nara Charter , 1994 ), can be “All actions or processes that are aimed at safeguarding the characterdefining elements of a cultural resource, so as to retain its heritage value and to extend its physical life.” The concept of restoration can be understood as an action or process of accurately revealing, recovering, or representing the state of a cultural resource, or of an individual component, as it appeared at a particular period in its history, while protecting its heritage value. (Lourenço, Varum, Vasconcelos, & Rodrig, 2015) whereas Rehabilitation is the action or process of making possible a continuing or compatible use of a resource through repair, alterations, additions while protecting its heritage value. Stabilisation, Repair and strengthening – Stabilization - Action to stop the process of deterioration which involves structural damage or material decay. Repair - an action to recover the initial mechanical or strength properties of material, structural component, or structural system. Strengthening - action providing additional strength to the structure. Approach towards risk reduction – The research on structural conservation and vernacular construction (Lourenço, Varum, Vasconcelos, & Rodrig, 2015) identifies the approach as shown in figure 20-