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Operable Rigid Panels

Operable Rigid Panels provide both enclosure and passage ways.
They can be used to make spaces adaptive and multi-functional.
The forms of Operable Rigid Panels can be mundane or highly expressive.

Skin: Operable Rigid Panels

The most basic Operable Rigid Panel is a standard door.

A basic doorway. A Rigid Panel can be made more dynamic and serve various functions by offsetting the pivot point.

A more expressive door that can serve different sizes and functions. (e.g. pedestrians on one side, bicycles or carts on the other side, etc.). A central pivot point enables walls to become passageways and create different kinds of usable space.

A double doorway or an adaptive wall. Non-Pivoting Rigid Panels can create highly variable spaces, suitable for many different uses, with the added benefit of stowing away at the perimeter.

Roll up doorways effectively provide secure enclosure and opening with the added benefit of being very space efficient when in use.

Skin: Operable Rigid Panels
Top-Pivot: Tilt Up Creative Innovations: Torggler's Kinetic Doors

A tilt up panel can serve a large wall space while providing increased overhead shelter and creating indoor/outdoor space. Can require hydraulics or other substantial structural components. Provides many of the benefits of a standard tilt up panel with lower structural demands. Offers subsequently less covered outdoor space. Vertically hinged Multi-Pivot panels can serve a large wall space combined with efficient usage of space. Torggler's doors are very expressive and provide an efficient usage of space, however can be complicated to construct and install.

Torggler's 'Evolution' door. More space efficient, but also creates shearing hazards.