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James Turrell’s Roden Crater
Roden charter is in deserted region of northern Arizona.
Roden Crater belongs to a tradition of monumental structures that have been built by artists, rulers, and priests, ancient and modern.
Turrell studied and adapted essential features of the naked-eye observatory in his designs for Roden Crater, where the natural formation recalled these man-made models.
When completed the structures within the Crater will form a vast naked eye observatory for celestial objects and events ranging from uncertain and baffling to the more familiar summer and winter solstice.
The East Portal, the Alpha (East) Tunnel and the Sun | Moon Chamber act in concert as a monumental Camera unclear, or pinhole camera.
Transmitting light from the East Portal aperture, the Alpha (East) Tunnel focuses images on the west side of the monumental image stone in the Sun | Moon Chamber annually for the southernmost sunset and every 18.61 years to mark the Major Lunar Standstill.