Star Trek: Eagle Star #202

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Commandant Erik Diabolus paced back and forth in the wardroom aboard the dreadnought Executor, a half-smoked cigarette burning in an ashtray near his place at the head of the conference table, another nearly burned through in the holder clenched between his teeth. Three months had passed since the Federation alliance had drove them from the Planet of Ruins and his League of the New Order was beginning to grow cynical about his ability to lead the Avkar military, especially as their resources were committed to something in which they had yet to make a return on. He needed to hold this alliance together; he could not achieve his ends without the technology they possessed. Those artifacts were the key to the Avkar domination of the Dominion, the Federation, hell, the universe itself. Yet, Space had them now. He knew it was just a matter of time before Space unlocked their secret. He needed to get them back; more importantly, he needed to dispose of Bruce Space once and for all. The door signal chimed and he took his seat at the head of the table, extinguishing the remainder of his cigarette, promptly lighting another, before grating, “Enter!” Two Avkar entered, Sergeant Rizak followed by a female. Diabolus said, “Sit, Sergeant. Report.” “We have identified a planet rich in Telumicite ore, called Dekaniza. The inhabitants have limited space travel capabilities, they are nothing more than ore workers and craftsmen, science and technology is not in their way of life. They will be easy to convince into becoming our allies,” Rizak said. “Will they truly, Sergeant?” “Give me the chance, Commandant. I will convince them.” “Very well, Sergeant Rizak. Go to Dekaniza; make the inhabitants of their planet the newest member of the League of the New Order. Should they refuse, destroy them.” “I will not fail you, Commandant.” “See that you don’t, Sergeant.” “Should they refuse us, I will destroy them.” Diabolus smiled, a warm light glowing in the red eye of his mask. He liked Rizak; the sergeant was young and impetuous, traits which served his cause well. Rizak was unafraid to take risks in order to further Diabolus’ designs. “Take the Xerkendri and her fleet there, as the Federation may be lurking nearby. I do not want interference from them. Understood?” “Understood, Commandant.” Rizak rose from the table, striding rather proudly in to the corridor. The female Avkar who had followed him into the conference room, and had remained silent through this exchange, now said, “What is your wish, Commandant.” “You and I, my dear Compassion, are heading for a planet in the Alpha Quadrant called Earth. I have an item there of great importance.” Since the Eagle Star only maintained two holodecks, the other recreation area in high demand aboard ship was the gymnasium. Usually, the use of the gym peaked at 0700 hours and again at 2200 hours; the morning more than the evening. Commander Doran frequented the gym every morning, running or practicing his martial arts. Wednesday and Friday mornings each week, he trained Lieutenant Xanthus Talkart in those same arts. Kevin and Xanthus walked in wearing training gi’s, leaving their shoes at the edge of the mat. Bowing to each other, they started with a warm-up, just sparring with a series of quick punches, to which their partner deflected. The sparring session continued into a series of drills with the partners throwing a series of punches followed by a series of kicks at one another. In one where Kevin had the lead, Xanthus happened to look over his shoulder to see Ensign Cammy Spencer enter the gym, not alone though, but in the company of Lieutenant AJ Thompson. They were laughing at something as they began to jog around the room on the running track. Xanthus became so caught in watching them that one of Kevin’s punches landed right in his stomach. “Xanthus? Are you still here?” Kevin said, apologetically, but then saw what Xanthus was staring at and understood immediately what had just distracted him.

In the outer reaches of the final frontier, new enemies lurk in wait. In the great unknown, darkness rises. Yet, one crew will stand against the dark and explore the unknown, mounting up with wings as eagles to the stars.

Episode #202 “Wolf’s Heart” Written By Michael A. Slagenweit Xanthus walked onto the bridge, completely avoiding the glance Cammy sent his way, wondering what this day would end up bringing him as it went on; more rude shocks he was certain. He could believe that Cammy had found interest in another man, but AJ Thompson? The chief engineer? Thompson was a hick, he thought, barely able to speak the language of his planet, uneducated, charmer, and not to be trusted. Captain Space strode on from the ready-room, taking his chair, and reading the status report on his console. Not more than a half hour after duty call, Cammy said, “Captain, I’m reading a ship on long-range sensors. Configuration is unknown.” “Could it possibly be an Avkar ship?” Bruce asked. “I’m not reading any signs that it might be Avkar. However, I am reading that the ship is damaged.” “Dana, open hailing frequencies.” Dana worked her console, then said, “Frequencies are open, Sir.” Bruce rose from his chair and said, “This is Captain Bruce J. Space of the Federation Starship Eagle Star. Can we be of assistance?” The transmission which came back was a jumble of static. Bruce looked over at Dana, asking, “Can you clean that up, Dana?” Dana tapped a couple of controls on her panel. Over the speakers, the transmission cleared up a little, so as to allow Bruce to hear the words: “….Engines… need… can you… repeat…” “Dana, can you get us anymore?” “Unfortunately, no. I’ve got the gain as high as it will go. Their communications systems must be damaged.” “The ship is holding position, Bearing 102. Mark 067.” Bruce turned to Sandarklan at conn. He said, “Lay in a course for the ship, Warp Six.” “Aye, Sir.” “Cammy, keep your eyes on the sensors. If there’s any change, alert us immediately. Also keep an eye out for any Avkar ships which might be in the area.” “Aye, Captain.” Bruce resumed his chair, tapping the internal communications panel of his console, “Space to Engineering,” “Thompson here.”

“AJ, get a damage control team ready for transport. We’re approaching a damaged ship.” “Understood, Captain.” “Xanthus,” Kevin said, “Put the ship on Yellow Alert. Just in case.”

Captain’s Log – Supplemental The Eagle Star is on route to assist an unknown vessel transmitting a distress signal. To keep on our toes, I have ordered a watch for Avkar patrols. “Coming in on the damaged ship now, Captain,” Cammy said. “Communications?” Bruce asked. “Still static, Captain,” Dana replied, “I’ve been trying to break through to them and let them know we’re here to help, but no success.” “Keep trying, Dana,” to Kevin, “Commander, take the damage control team over there. Light armament, Kevin. We don’t want them to think we’re a hostile boarding party.” “Understood,” Kevin said. He punched the comm. Control, “Lieutenant Thompson and damage control team to Transporter Room Two.” “Commander?” Xanthus broke in, “Shouldn’t you have a security escort? They may be hostile themselves, or even Avkar.” “I promise, I’ll call if I need you, Lieutenant. But the Captain’s right, we don’t want them to think we’re trying to take them over.” “Sir.” Xanthus protested, determinedly looking for any opportunity to find out Thompson’s intentions regarding Cammy. “You heard the order, Lieutenant,” Bruce cut in. “Aye, Sir.” Kevin rose from his chair heading for the turbolift. In the Transporter Room, AJ had his team assembled with engineering kits in their hands, one with a portable power converter strapped to his back. AJ said, “All ready, Commander.” “Light weapons mean type-1 phasers, AJ,” Kevin said, seeing the phaser on AJ’s equipment belt, “We’re not going into a combat zone where we need the heavy weapons.” AJ exchanged the phaser for the correct one and climbed up on the transporter pad, next to Kevin. Kevin said to the operator, “Energize, Chief.” The Away Team materialized into a room of smoke, billowing gasses, and several fires burning openly. Running about, the ship’s crew tried frantically to extinguish the blazes at the same time as trying to stabilize the damaged equipment. A bulky alien, who bore a striking resemblance to an earth ox, but with the body and facial resemblance of a human strode up to them, after he’d noticed their presence. He said, “You’re from the Federation, aren’t you?” “I’m Commander Doran of the Starship Eagle Star, we responded to your distress signal,” Kevin replied. “What we could make out of it. I’m Kur Oxdar, commander of the Cheopris, Merchant Service of Dekaniza.” “What happened here?” “We were attacked by Avkar. You’re familiar with them?” “More than we care to be.” “Our engines are fluctuating between balance and imbalance. We can’t seem to get them stabilized. Our life support systems are offline, along with all of our defensive systems.” Kevin indicated AJ and his team, “This is Lieutenant Thompson, he’s an engineer. His team will help you get your engines stabilized and try to get your life support back online. If you’ll allow, we can send over more people from our ship, try and help you get more of your systems restored.”

Oxdar bowed and said, “Anything you can do to help us would be appreciated, Commander. I fear the Avkar may be heading for our homeworld. We must return there and warn them.” AJ and his team went with Oxdar to the engine core, where a clutch of Dekanizans worked over the damaged machine. Kevin stepped aside, tapping his combadge, “Doran to Eagle Star.” “Go ahead, Commander,” Bruce’s voice replied. “We’re working to stabilize their engines and life support, but we’re going to need additional support as their defensive systems are shot as well. Request another Away Team transport over to lend us an additional hand.” “Approved. Injured?” Kevin glanced about; those who appeared to have injures seemed to have been tended to by the Dekanizans already. He replied, “I think they have the injured well in hand, Captain, but I’d keep Dr. Al-Rashid on stand by.” “Understood, I’ll send Dana and Xanthus over with another damage team.” Xanthus got his wish, but unfortunately, not his opportunity as the morning progressed. The Dekanizans, it turned out, were about a century behind the Federation in technological achievement. This made their repair job both easy and hard. The defensive systems, Xanthus discovered, were so out of date that he needed Commander Doran’s assistance to make any sense of it. Cammy and Dana ended up engrossed in repairs on the Cheopris’ sensor array. A few of the Dekanizan crew did avail themselves to Dr. Al-Rashid’s medical facilities. Essential repairs on the Dekanizan ship were complete by late afternoon, and crew started beaming back to the Eagle Star once the work had been finished. Meanwhile, Bruce ordered a stand down from Yellow Alert and took the opportunity to contact Admiral Bolter, informing him of the encounter with the Dekanizans. Bolter, impressed with the Eagle Star’s humanitarian gesture, recommended that Bruce try to establish a diplomatic dialogue with the Dekanizans. Bruce agreed, “Their captain has invited us to a meeting on their planet and I’ve accepted it. We’ll be on our way once repairs on their ship are complete.” “Good luck,” Bolter replied, “Bolter out.” Bruce and Dana made the decision to take lunch in the mess hall rather than their quarters, when she returned from the Cheopris with her team. Dana beat her husband there, however. Bruce ended up getting held up in a meeting with Dr. Al-Rashid regarding the health of the Dekanizan crew she and her staff helped treat. She entered the mess hall, getting in line right behind Cammy. “Busy morning wasn’t it?” she asked. “Certainly was,” Cammy replied, “The Dekanizans are defiantly behind the times.” They inched forward in line, just as a young man in a science uniform passed them. He glanced at Cammy and said, “Hi Cammy.” “Hi Darien.” He continued on and Dana glanced at Cammy, then the young man who passed them, and back at Cammy. She caught the look on Cammy’s face and said, “I’ve seen that kind of look before. Ensign Masters better watch out.” “Darien and I are just friends. He’s really cute, but I’ve already got someone in mind. Besides, Darien has a boyfriend.” Dana raised an eyebrow, peeking over at where the young man sat down, close to another crewman, then once again back at Cammy. A smile spread on her face, “I had no idea. So, who have you got in mind?” “An engineer,” she said, coyly. Cammy stepped up to the replicator, ordered hot chicken noodle soup, and said, “We’ve been out here for a year, Commander. People are starting to get together.” She smiled at Dana and then headed to a table off to the side of the room, across from AJ Thompson. Dana’s smile widened. She’d known from the minute she’d met Cammy Spencer that she was the type which made friends easily, so it didn’t surprise her that she developed a friendship with the Chief Engineer.

She found a spot, joined a few moments later by her husband with Kevin in two. The talk between them started with the completed repairs on the Dekanizan ship, to which they were now bringing under its own power, and then to matters of social life aboard the Eagle Star. “I’ve been thinking,” Kevin said, “of starting a band, “What do you think?” “Good idea,” Bruce replied, taking a drink out of his teacup. After all that went on last year, he’d been surprised AJ found the time to tweak the replicator so that the machine actually produced something drinkable. He continued, “Be something fun to have down at Madame Lu’s. Who are you thinking of recruiting?” “Xanthus plays bass, believe it or not.” Dana chimed in, “It’d be good for him to do something fun, rather than just exercising and work.” “Speaking of Lieutenant Talkart…” Bruce said, looking over as he entered the mess hall. Kevin and Dana followed Bruce’s gaze. Xanthus looked about, trying to see if AJ Thompson was there, but not expecting him to be with Cammy. When he saw them together, his hand on hers, he promptly turned round and headed for the corridor. Dana turned back to Kevin and Bruce. She said, “What in the world?” “He’s been acting that way since this morning,” Kevin said, “Anytime he’s seen Cammy and AJ together he’s found some excuse not to be in the same area. Personally, I think he’s jealous of AJ, because Cammy’s taken a liking to AJ and not him.” “Great,” Bruce said, “Rivalry aboard ship. Watch them Kevin, make sure it doesn’t get in the way.” When they returned to the bridge after lunch, a communication came in from the Cheopris. Bruce took his chair and said, “On screen.” Oxdar’s face appeared on the viewer. He said, “Captain Space, on behalf of my crew, I would like to thank you for your assistance.” “No thanks necessary, Kur Oxdar. We’re glad we could help.” “If you’ll set your course to follow us in, we’ll show you to our system.” “Setting course now.” The viewscreen image switched back to the Dekanizan ship slowly moving away from the Eagle Star. Bruce ordered Sandarklan to set a course to follow them and settled back in his chair to enjoy the ride. He didn’t get to enjoy it long. “Captain,” Cammy said, “I’m reading an Avkar fleet in orbit around the Dekanizan planet.” “What?” Kevin said, “Confirm that, Ensign.” “Confirmed, Commander,” Cammy replied, after working her console, “From the weapons systems aboard the lead ship, I’d suspect she attacked the Cheopris.” Dana added, “The Cheopris has come to a full stop.” “Engines to station keeping, Mr. Sandarklan,” Bruce said, “Dana, open a channel to the Cheopris.” “We’re being hailed by the planet, Captain,” Dana said. “On screen.” “Federation starship, this is Prime Minister Mahlk of Dekaniza. We request you halt your approach to our planet.” Dana said, quietly, “Captain, the Cheopris is signaling.” Bruce turned to his wife and gave her the sign for split screen communications. Oxdar’s image appeared alongside the image of the older Dekanizan. Oxdar said, “Prime Minister, this is Kur Oxdar, the Federation ship has provided us with much needed assistance after an attack. I request that you meet with their leader.” “Very well.” The Prime Minister’s image disappeared, allowing Oxdar’s to fill the viewscreen. Bruce said, “We’ll beam down in a few moments.” Bruce and Kevin beamed down to the capitol square of Dekaniza with Oxdar. Bruce found himself intrigued. From the way this civilization looked on the surface of their planet, you’d

never believe they’d achieved warp technology. The people of Dekaniza, he discovered, were mine workers and metal smiths; well built, almost massive; a civilization not unlike Earth in the medieval period of history. Travel into space seemed, by appearances, to be a long way away. Many of the buildings of the planet, made of large wooden beams and mortared stone blocks, were also mottled and scarred from weapons fire. Guessing, Bruce might’ve thought the Avkar, but a closer examination suggested it might also be Dominion. Oxdar ushered them into the capitol center, where they met Prime Minister Mahlk and another person both Eagle Star officers hoped not to see, an Avkar waiting with the Prime Minister. Bruce worked to keep his expression in check, “I come in peace and bring you greetings from the United Federation of Planets, Prime Minister. My name is Bruce J. Space. I’m commander of the Federation starship U.S.S. Eagle Star. This is my executive officer, Commander Kevin Doran.” “I greet you on behalf of the people of Dekaniza, Captain Space and Commander Doran. May I introduce you to Sergeant Rizak, representative of the League of the New Order and the Avkar Solidarity?” Bruce turned to Rizak and extended his hand, “A pleasure, Sergeant Rizak.” “Likewise, Captain Space,” Rizak said, shaking Bruce’s hand. Bruce turned back to Mahlk, “We intercepted a distress signal from Kur Oxdar’s vessel and assisted with repairs. The Kur was kind enough to invite us back to make your acquaintance Prime Minister.” “We welcome it of course, Captain Space. However, we are engaged in negotiations with the League of the New Order.” “If I am not being rude, Prime Minister, what sort of negotiations?” Rizak said, “An alliance between the League and the people of Dekaniza.” “Prime Minister, you cannot be seriously considering an alliance with these people! They’re—” “Prime Minister,” Bruce said, interrupting Oxdar, “May I suggest that the Federation might provide you with better support.” “We are already nearing completion of these negotiations, Prime Minister,” Rizak broke in, “And you know full well the Federation does not have a good reputation in this part of the quadrant.” “Gentlemen, Gentlemen,” Mahlk said, trying to stop the argument, “It is clear that you represent your governments and wish us to side with you. So we shall put it to a test. Tomorrow evening we celebrate the Turning of the Season. You and your delegations are invited to join us. The other Ministers will be there and together we shall see which of you presents himself as a better candidate for our assistance.” “Prime Minister, you cannot allow these proceedings to be interrupted just because the Federation has suddenly appeared in your system and have no cause to request your assistance.” “True, Sergeant, I do not. However, they did provide assistance to one of our vessels. Generosity is a trait we admire, so I will give them an opportunity, just as we are providing that same opportunity to the League.” Rizak made no more protest, he bowed and departed. Bruce said, “On behalf of the Federation, I thank you for including us, Prime Minister. I will contact my superiors and apprise them of the situation; they will, no doubt, inform me of what we may offer. I look forward tomorrow evening.” Bruce and Kevin both made a bow and Kevin tapped his combadge, “Doran to Eagle Star, two for beam up.” Bruce, upon arrival on the bridge, immediately put in a communication to Admiral Bolter. The Admiral, anxious to develop a friendship for the Federation in the Gamma Quadrant, transmitted instructions from the Federation Council for an alliance pact. Bolter added, “This is a great opportunity, Bruce. Don’t blow it.” “Don’t plan to, Admiral.”

Bruce spent the rest of the day and the good part of the next in preparation for the presentation. Dana provided much of the etiquette advice that he needed in order to show himself as a proper representative of the Federation. At the same time, Bruce decided that it would be good for his crew to get some experience in field diplomacy and ordered that the senior officers would be required to be in attendance that night. Xanthus paced back and forth in his quarters, fuming. He’d not gotten his opportunity to confront Thompson about Cammy, nor had she given him any indication of the extent of their relationship. She’d never said it was over between them. And now she was with another man? If she wanted to end it she could have told him so. He remembered it all like yesterday… walking the grounds of the Academy, talking about the future despite the war, making plans and making love, dreaming together. Then he’d joined Red Squad, got assigned to the Valiant, captured by the Dominion after escaping the ship in an escape pod, and taken to who knows where to have this done to him. He hoped on his escape and return to the Federation, that Cammy would find him again. She did, and they tried to piece things back together, but it just didn’t work out. Tonight, he’d find out, once and for all, if it was truly over. Although he prayed it wasn’t. The Eagle Star crew took a shuttlecraft to the surface of Dekaniza, as did the Avkar. Sergeant Rizak came with a couple of women. Dana and Na’ila disapproved, because they didn’t look like they were advisors, but the sergeant’s mistresses; not to mention that their uniforms were overly tight. Bruce, on the other hand, took great pains to impress on his officers to not do anything which might be viewed as offensive. The Dekanizans spared no expense in preparing a lavish festival. It seemed as if the whole of the planet came out to meet their guests. Bruce and Rizak spent quite a bit of time, just shaking hands with the Ministers of the planet’s leadership. Bruce later learned, as the night went on and in discussions with the Ministers, that his impressions about Dekanizan civilization were correct: Dekaniza had been annexed by the Dominion, but in the Avkar insurrection had managed to gain their own independence. They traced their mastery at creating weapons and armor back to ancient times, though they opposed war and rarely used this talent. When the Dominion left Dekaniza, they assumed that the technology they left behind would never be understood by the primitive society. Bruce smiled when he realized how wrong the Dominion was. Later in the evening, Xanthus, who’d probably drank a little more wine than he planned on, gathered up his “courage”, or what he thought it was, and went off to find Thompson. He found the chief engineer standing off to the side, but nearby the Avkar women; Cammy nowhere in sight. The look on his face might’ve suggested amusement at the music being offered by a small quartet. “Nice party,” Xanthus said. “Yeah, it is,” AJ replied. “I want to know something, Lieutenant.” “What?” “What are your intentions toward, Ensign Spencer?” AJ gave Xanthus a level stare, and in a low voice said, “I don’t really think that is any of your business, is it, Lieutenant?” “It is indeed my business,” Xanthus grated, “As she has never said it was over between us.” “As far as she’s concerned, it is.” This was the final straw. Normally, a man so in control of his emotions, everything slipped away in a second, and Xanthus put a fist across the chief engineer’s face. AJ, stunned for a split-second and tired of Xanthus’ insinuations, returned the blow. Next thing either knew, they were wresting with each other on the ground. Cammy Spencer heard the first impact, turned in time to see the second. She became quickly aware of the reason why and moved to put a stop to it. She shouted at Xanthus and AJ, but neither seemed to hear her. She felt all eyes falling on the scene, particularly those of the

Dekanizans. The embarrassment of the whole thing forced her to try harder and break this fight up, to no avail, as Kevin stepped in to take a hand. “All right, that’s enough!” he shouted, pulling both men to their feet. Xanthus and AJ’s uniforms, once spotless, were now soiled with dirt. “Commander, it’s his fault?” AJ said, pointing at Xanthus, “He started it!” Xanthus bared his canines at AJ. Kevin said, “I don’t give a damn who started it; I’m finishing it!” He slapped his combadge, “Doran to Eagle Star! Beam up Lieutenants Talkart and Thompson! Throw them in the brig. I’ll deal with them in a minute.” Both men were protesting when the transporter beam enveloped them. Kevin entered the brig, still fuming, boots slamming against the deck plates. When Kevin entered, AJ began to protest again, “I didn’t do anything, Commander! I don’t know why I’m in here!” “At this point, Lieutenant, I don’t really care who did what. All I know is that Captain Space is down on the planet right now, apologizing his butt off to the Dekanizans. So you two’re staying in here until you got this straightened out between you and you can have Ensign Harris call me when it’s done.” “Sir!” Xanthus protested, but Kevin turned on his heel and strode out, leaving Xanthus stuck in the cell with AJ and the security guard outside. “Didn’t ever think I’d get thrown in my own brig,” Xanthus muttered, “Captain was right when he said I should’ve put a softer pad on the bunk.” “I can’t believe I’m stuck in here with you,” AJ said. “Glad we agree on something.” AJ sniffed, “You said it. I’m beginning to think Cammy is right.” “In what way?” “You are pig-headed.” It wasn’t so much the way AJ spoke the words, but the words themselves which stopped Xanthus rising to put his fist in AJ’s face again. You are pig-headed. How many times had someone said it about him? His CO’s saw it as a trait to be admired when on duty, his willingness to stick to his guns, but in his personal life, it was proving more cumbersome, he realized. “Maybe I am,” he replied, voice deflated, sitting down on the bunk next to AJ. “Yeah… but to tell you the truth, Lieutenant—” “Xanthus.” AJ’s head turned, a bit of a questioning look in his face, but then continued, “To tell you the truth, Xanthus, I’ve known that Cammy still cares for you. Deeply.” It was Xanthus’ turn to wonder now. AJ nodded to confirm it, continuing, “I’ve seen it since we started going out.” “She’s never said anything?” “No, but I can tell. That’s why I’m thinking about ending it and just being her friend.” “You don’t have to do that.” “Yeah, I do. ‘Cause she’s never going to let you go, Xanthus, as much as she would like to think she has. You’re a part of her as much as she’s a part of you. I can’t get in the way of that.” They stared at each other a moment, Xanthus judging the sincerity in the other man’s eyes. It didn’t take long to convince Xanthus. Despite his hard headedness, Xanthus had also been told that he was a good judge of character, when he allowed. He said, “I apologize.” “Apology accepted, but now I gotta get out of here.” “Why?” “’Cause I overheard something. The Avkar are planning something bad if the Dekanizans don’t agree to partner with them. I was going to tell Commander Doran when you interrupted me.” “Harris, get Commander Doran down here, now!”

Kevin was convinced in a matter of minutes, Bruce shortly thereafter. He took the young men up to the bridge and said to Cammy, “Ensign, I want you to give Sergeant Rizak’s ship the works.” “Captain?” she asked, slightly confused. “Deep sensor scan, you’re looking for bioweapons.” “Aye, Sir.” “Commander Space, contact Prime Minister Mahlk. Request a meeting between us and have the Avkar representative there as well.” Mahlk said, “Despite the fact that the Federation offered crucial assistance to one of our vessels, their behavior seems to dictate otherwise. So therefore, I feel that it is in the best interests of Dekaniza that we offer our support to the Avkar Solidarity.” “Prime Minister,” Oxdar interjected, “You cannot be serious. We would be handing them our planet just as we did the Dominion when they came. Offering support to the first wave of Avkar will be like offering support to the wave of Vorta that came to us.” “My son will remember his place,” Mahlk grated. Near the back of the room, the sound of transporter materialization rose and Bruce Space appeared, with Xanthus and AJ in tow. Rizak looked over at the Starfleet officers and said, a sneer on his face, “Well, Captain Space, have you come to congratulate the newest members of the League of the New Order?” “No, Sergeant I have not,” Bruce replied, “However, I would like to congratulate you on this nearly perfect subterfuge.” “Surely, Captain Space, you don’t mean to make a scene in front of the Prime Minister, as the… what do you call it, ‘sore loser’.” “Prime Minister,” Bruce said, addressing Mahlk, “Lieutenant Thompson here, overheard two of the Avkar officers discussing that if the Dekanizan ministers chose to side with the Federation, that their orders were to attack using a bioweapon of trilithium resin.” “What is this?” Mahlk demanded, turning to Rizak. Rizak replied, “Captain Space, can you provide proof of these allegations?” “I can, Sir,” Xanthus said. He held a padd containing the sensor data from the Eagle Star out to Mahlk, and continued, “These are the high intensity sensor scans we’ve conducted on Sergeant Rizak’s ship. Trilithium resin is a byproduct of starship warp drives, as I am certain you know. When scattered into the atmosphere of a planet, it makes the planet uninhabitable for humanoid life.” Mahlk read it over, eyes growing wide as he found out what it all meant. Bruce said, “They have ten torpedoes armed with trilithium resin armed now and ready to fire. However, Prime Minister, the Eagle Star is prepared to assist in the defense of the Dekanizan people. We know that your planetary defenses are inadequate. I have ordered Commander Doran to lock the Eagle Star’s weapon systems on the Avkar. If they attempt to fire those weapons, we will intervene to ensure that those weapons do not reach their intended target. We ask nothing in return for our offer of assistance, Prime Minister. This is what the Federation is known for.” “We… appreciate… your kind gesture, Captain Space…” Mahlk replied, uneasily. This was all so confusing, but the Federation seemed to be just trying to help his people out and they didn’t want a kickback. Rizak said, trying to cut in, “Prime Minister, whatever ‘evidence’ the Federation has manufactured, you can be assured it is false. Captain Space is making a grand-stand to subvert what we have accomplished.” “The Federation doesn’t need to manufacture anything, Sergeant,” AJ said, “Your companions were quite talkative.” “Besides, have you forgotten that you attacked the Cheopris, Sergeant? For sport?” Oxdar asked. Mahlk’s face, in shock, sunk into an expression of anger. He’d heard enough of this Avkar treachery and deceit. He said to Rizak, voice low, “I believe that it is time for you and your ships to be leaving our space, Sergeant.” Rizak shot a look of venom at Mahlk, but more so at Oxdar, “This is not over between us. The League of the New Order will control this system, Prime Minister, it is only a matter of time.”

He turned on a heel and marched for the door. As he passed Bruce, the Captain said, “Sergeant Rizak?” Rizak looked at Bruce over his shoulder, stopping in his tracks. Bruce said, “Give Commandant Diabolus a message for me. Tell your master to do his own dirty work, next time. Don’t send inexperienced kids.” Rizak’s look of astute anger spoke volumes to Bruce, and he knew what would happen when Rizak carried that message to Diabolus.

Captain’s Log – Supplemental The Avkar have departed Dekaniza. The Federation Council is sending an ambassador to meet with Prime Minister Mahlk to work out the terms of an alliance. It has been a refreshing diversion to have made a friend out here rather than an enemy. I look forward to visiting the Dekanizans again. Bruce and Dana, in their civilian clothes, strode into Madame Lu’s. They’d gotten a note from Kevin earlier in the day that told them to be at Madame Lu’s for a special event. When they arrived they found the other senior officers, but Xanthus and AJ were missing, as was Kevin, himself. Cammy Spencer was the first to be surprised. Considering everything that happened on Dekaniza, she thought she might never speak to either again, but both had apologized and mutually agreed to let her find her own love without their interference. She’d accepted on the provision that they would get over their “petulant rivalry”. Madame Lu ushered them to her “party room”, served them a beverage, and departed while the lights dimmed, then went out. The party room had many high, free standing tables, with stools. Cammy took a stool, anticipating what was to come. Bruce and Dana chatted, feeling certain with their location that they knew. Dr. Al-Rashid and Sandarklan talked business, Sandarklan unsure of why his presence was required, to which Na’ila replied, “Socialization.” Over the noise of the crowd, the sounds of guitars, keyboard, and drums rose. Kevin stepped up to the mike as he began to sing, his low tenor ringing, “They got three in the front and four in the back of a Civic; camped out all night on the sidewalk just to get a ticket; with their hands on the fence in the back by the buses and the limousines; just to get a glimpse of a drummer or a singer, yeah anything; and they come from miles around; for that moment when the lights go out they scream…” As the chorus began, and the lights rose, Cammy found Xanthus and AJ flaking Kevin. Xanthus playing a bass guitar, while AJ accompanied on an acoustic. Her jaw nearly hit the floor as she recognized them. She hadn’t thought of either as singers, but realized they were quite good: “It's the girls in the front row singing; It's the boys with the wheels that bring them; It's the lighters in the air and you guys up there; You're the heart and the soul and the reason we do what we do; Here's to you” Xanthus started the second verse, a deep rumble, pointing at Cammy, “There's a silver tongue blonde trying to sweet-talk her way backstage.” She giggled, while Kevin indicated Bruce and Dana who danced together between the tables, “There's a mom and a dad in the aisle not acting their age.” AJ took over in an even baritone, “There's a wet corvette red lipstick print on a Coors Light cup; And judging by the way she's dancing I'd say she's had enough.” AJ had pointed at Na’ila, and though she wasn’t drinking, she still smiled broadly. The boys chorused for the last line of the verse, “The guitars come alive; And you make us want to stay all night when you scream…” “It's the girls in the front row singing; It's the boys with the wheels that bring them; It's the lighters in the air and you guys up there; You're the heart and the soul and the reason we do what we do; Here's to you!” As they broke into the chorus again, everyone joined in this time, voices raised in song, “It's the girls in the front row singing; It's the boys with the wheels that bring them; It's the lighters in the air and you guys up there; You're the heart and the soul and the reason we do what we do; Here's to you!” Wild applause broke out as the boys took a bow and started another song.

Star Trek: Eagle Star Episode #203 “Wolf’s Heart” Written By Michael A. Slagenweit Based on “Star Trek” Created By Gene Roddenberry Star Trek®, Star Trek: The Next Generation®, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine®, Star Trek: Voyager®, Star Trek: Enterprise®, and all associated marks are registered trademarks of CBS Studios Incorporated. All rights reserved. No infringement is intended. No profit whatsoever is coming from the use of "Star Trek" by this fan fiction. “Here’s To You” (Jay DeMarcus/Neil Thrasher/Wendell Mobley) © 2004 Sony/ATV Songs LLC/ Songs of Teracel (BMI), Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp./Lexi’s Palm Tree Music (BMI) All rights admin. by Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp. (BMI), Major Bob Music, Inc./Sweet Summer Music (admin. by Major Bob Music, Inc.) (ASCAP) All rights on behalf of Sony/ATV Songs LLC and Songs of Teracel administered by Sony/ATV Music Publishing 8 Music Square West, Nashville, TN 37203. All rights reserved. No infringement is intended. No part of this fan fiction may be reproduced or otherwise copied without express written permission of the author.

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