The Beacon 2019 January Issue

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J A N U A R Y 2019

Be A Light The Justice Foundation Continues the Battle to Overturn Roe v. Wade

True Healing Through Prayer and Community

Where Every Person Has a Purpose

Place of quiet, rest and connection Chris 'Superman' wanted more –and maybe even a miracle. out of life with Autism. page 8 page 12 1

The Largest Church You’ve Never Heard Of

Tell Your Story: Taking It To The Streets

One of the largest non-traditional Serving the homeless community church networks in the world. every Saturday night. page 14 page 18

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Januar y 2019

Matthew 5:16 King James Version (KJV) “ Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”

Welcome to the January edition of the Beacon, San Antonio’s only local monthly Christian publication! The Beacon has been hard at work to ensure we provide maximum exposure to difference-makers and their efforts across our community as well as the good news taking place in our city. We are sending weekly e-news out to our growing database. Beacon Radio’s audience is growing as we go deeper interviewing those heading up efforts that change lives for eternity. Our social media followers are increasing weekly and sharing posts that matter to our community. We have recently added Beacon TV as our newest media channel so that you can see and hear from heroes in the faith who are leading efforts to transform our city. Our future plans include equipping webinars, search capability to enable you to learn more about ministries that are in need of your unique gifting, and social media groups to help you stay informed of all God is doing in our city. God is most definitely on the move. Stay tuned. Our desire is to connect you to opportunities to make a difference as you live a life of purpose and help change even more lives across our city. Our purpose is to bring you the good news on activities, events and stories that will encourage and inspire you. A special thanks to you, our readers and audience, for the high interest and action you are taking in shaping the future of San Antonio – and for changing the eternal destiny of so many. After all, we are here to serve you. Contact us at if you are involved or aware of a faith based nonprofit, church, private Christian school or kingdom minded business that we should add to our reporting. Join The Movement! Be A Light.

Visit Us Online


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Januar y 2019



Thank you to our local businesses who have partnered with us on the following Good News stories. The Justice Foundation Continues the Battle to Overturn Roe v. Wade


2019 marks the 46th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s historic ruling in the 1973 case of Roe v. Wade, which made abortion legal and accessible to women throughout the United States. “Just like slavery and communism, abortion will end, in God's time, and I believe that will be soon.” – Allan Parker, The Justice Foundation.



Anonymous Partner

ONE: True Healing Through Prayer and Community


If you drive to a little home on West Olmos Drive located six minutes from the Alamo Quarry Market, you’ll find a place of quiet, rest and connection – and maybe even a miracle. When you enter, you might be offered coffee or green tea, smell the scented candles and hear soft strains of Lauren Daigle singing, “When I can’t stand, you carry me…”

Southwind Fields: Where Every Person Has a Purpose


Chris has big dreams. Affectionately known as “superman” by those who love him, he wanted more out of life than what he found as a young man on the Autism spectrum in a small town in South Texas.

NO PLACE LEFT: The Largest Church You’ve Never Heard Of


With hundreds of thousands of house churches across 65 countries, countless people reached and coming to Christ, and not a single “staff leader with a title,” No Place Left is one of the largest, fastest growing, non-traditional church networks in the world.

Tell Your Story: Taking It To The Streets


"We serve the homeless community in downtown San Antonio every Saturday night. After my first night of volunteering, I was so excited and couldn’t wait to do more. I felt a real connection between myself and our less fortunate brothers and sisters. Being a recovered alcoholic myself, I could relate to feeling hopeless, left out, and looked down upon". – Kenny Sides, Executive Director, Taking It To The Streets

PUBLISHER: The San Antonio Beacon PUBLISHERS: Claude Roberts, Duke Jonietz CONTRIBUTING WRITERS: Amy Morgan, Inez Kirchner, Jennie Rosio, Dana Michea Marquez, and Renee Martinez THE BEACON OFFICE: 26231 Lost Creek Way, Boerne, Texas 78015 PHONE: (210) 316-8260 ONLINE: PUBLISHED: Monthly (Lord help us!) MISSION STATEMENT: Our mission is to use cause related marketing to promote partnerships between businesses, nonprofits, churches and schools by bringing awareness of the “good news” in our community in order to help change our city.


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Januar y 2019

The Justice Foundation Continues the Battle to Overturn Roe v. Wade BY INEZ KIR CHNER WRITER

2019 marks the 46th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s historic ruling in the 1973 case of Roe v. Wade, which made abortion legal and accessible to women throughout the United States. 4

In 1969, Norma McCorvey, or better known as “Jane Roe,” an alias in the case, fell pregnant and sought to have an abortion, which was only legal in her home state of Texas if a full-term pregnancy would risk the mother’s life. With guidance, McCorvey took legal action against Dallas District Attorney, Henry Wade, claiming “criminalizing abortions in most instances violated a woman’s constitutional right to privacy,” referring to the Fourteenth Amendment, “…nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.” Later in life, McCorvey became a Christian and an activist to reverse the case she propelled in 1973. w w B e a c o n .c o m

Since the ruling, there was an unsuccessful attempt in 1992 to overturn Roe v. Wade, but one local nonprofit believes the United States is closer than ever to relinquishing control back to the states to decide to ban, further restrict, modify, or keep abortion legal. The Justice Foundation, founded in 1993, is working within the legal system to reverse Roe v. Wade, and ultimately ban abortion across the United States. The organization also works with schools, pregnancy crisis centers, law enforcement, and churches Januar y 2019

Operation Outcry Iowa Leader Luana Stolterberg testifying on behalf of herself and all of Operation Outcry before the Judiciary Committee in Washington, D.C. at the hearing, "Planned Parenthood Exposed: Examining Abortion Procedures and Medical Ethics at the Nation's Large Abortion Provider." Luana was invited by the Judiciary Committee to testify how abortion affected her. The Operation Outcry Declarations & Affidavits were presented at this hearing (see stacks on table) in October 2015. She also testified this year in the successful Iowa Heartbeat Bill that was passed. All 4600 testimonies were submitted to the Legislature in Iowa to support the Heartbeat bill.

to provide resources, training, and education on abortion laws. The foundation is led by President Allan Parker, a former law professor, and trial lawyer. According to the CDC, in the latest data from 2015, 638,169 abortions were reported in the United States. Allan estimates unreported abortions and “spontaneous abortions” caused by Plan B contraceptives and IUDs bring that number closer to one million annually.

The Moral Outcry Petition The Justice Foundation has developed a petition, and is seeking one million or more signatures, to provide Amicus Curiae (Friend of the Court) Brief support for the case to be reevaluated by the Supreme Court. Under legal precedent, a Supreme Court ruling can be overruled or reversed if it met with “severe criticism,” or a lack of acceptance by the American people. They hope to reach 250,000 signatures by Jan. 22, 2019, which is the anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision. The Justice Foundation cites five reasons to overturn Roe v. Wade in its petition: 1. The claim that abortion is a crime against humanity. A crime against humanity occurs when the government withdraws legal protection from a class of human beings – in this case, a human embryo or fetus. Parker recounts cases the Supreme Court later challenged and overturned. In 1857, the Supreme Court ruled in the case of Dred Scott v. John Sanford, that African Americans were not and could not be citizens. The case was later 5

overturned by the 13th Amendment, which abolished slavery, and the 14th Amendment, which granted citizenship and equal protection of laws to “all persons born or naturalized in the United States.” Another significant case includes the 1896 case of Plessy v. Ferguson, in which the Supreme Court upheld “separate but equal” doctrine regarding racial segregation laws. The case was later overturned in 1954, 58 years after the Plessy v. Ferguson decision. “Like abortion, people thought segregation was the law of the land,” said Parker. 2. The claim that there is new evidence that proves life begins at conception. The Law of Judicial Precedent also infers that a case should be reviewed or overturned if there are major changes in factual circumstance. According to Parker, “We change the laws because they become out of date. In 1973, in Roe, (they concluded) that at this 'stage in the development of man’s knowledge,' we don’t know when life begins. DNA testing use in courts didn't even exist in 1973.” Texas laws state life begins at conception, meaning forced abortions are a homicide and abortion is only legal with consent from the mother. The data for when life deserves legal protection is still highly debated and divided among states, scholars, medical professionals, and religious leaders, as is “personhood” or when a person should be protected equally under the laws of the United States. 3. The claim that there is new evidence w w B e a c o n .c o m

that abortion hurts women. The Justice Foundation, within its ministry, Operation Outcry, has collected more than 4,600 testimonies of women who have stated they have been hurt by their abortions, resulting in severe depression and loss of self-esteem. “In 1973, the court thought it was helping women, by freeing them from the burden of childcare, for those who didn’t want to or couldn’t care for their child,” said Parker. “But, what we’ve seen ( from these testimonies) is that it’s hurting women on a vast scale.” A woman who believes she has been hurt by abortion can confidentially file her testimony with The Justice Foundation at

Pictured right to left: Rabbi Yehuda Glick, a member of Israel's Knesset, Allan Parker and Cindy Collins at the Knesset. November 2018.

Januar y 2019

Pictured left to right, seated at front: Allan Parker, Cindy Collins, Global Advisor of Operation Outcry; Rebecca Porter, Florida Operation Outcry; Cecilia Sullivan, Florida Operation Outcry; Molly White, Texas Operation Outcry; Samuel B. Casey, Attorney, Law of Life Project; Willie Dorenbos, Schreeuwom Leven (Cry for Life) in the Netherlands; ( The next couple we do not have names) and at the very end of the table, Dr. Bert Dorenbos, Schreeuwom Leven in the Netherlands–they were invited to the Knesset in Jerusalem at the beginning of November 2018.

Jew and gentile meet at

4. The claim that Safe Haven laws across the country are a brand new major change in factual conditions. “Women no longer need to get an abortion to get what they want from an abortion, which is freedom from childcare,” said Parker. Through Safe Haven laws, a woman can give her baby to the state, which will provide care for 18 years or until adoption. In Texas, women can relinquish their baby to a fire station, hospital, or police department within 60 days of the child’s birth at no financial cost to the mother. “It’s free, equally available to the poor and rich, and the mother doesn’t have to go through Termination of Parental Rights and say they’re a bad parent,” said Parker. Parker calls this the Micah 6:8 solution. “This is justice for the baby and mercy for the mother.” According to the National Safe Haven Alliance, since 1999, more than 3,500 newborns have been relinquished using Safe Haven. 5. The claim that Safe Haven laws and the astonishing rise in the number of adoptive parents are brand new, major changes in factual conditions “There are a million people wanting to adopt healthy newborn infants,” said Parker. “Safe Haven would produce these babies, if women choose it.” According to Parker, the cost of upwards of $20,000 for an average adoption would be eliminated. 6

the Knesset in Jerusalem to share common concern for the unborn and their mothers Michael 6:8 NIV –

And what does the Lord require of you? ...To act justly and to love mercy “The State would prepare a list of people wanting to adopt, and babies would be given to a loving home right away,” said Parker. “This is an alternative to abortion, and helps those who are infertile.” When discussing extenuating circumstances regarding incest and rape, or other reasons for a medical abortion, which still vary among state laws, Parker responded, “The only valid exception is when saving the mother’s life. If you allow abortion in the case of incest, you’re only helping the abuser to cover up their crime. Rape is harder, but the women I’ve spoken to feel just as guilty taking a baby's life. Giving life can be life-affirming and healing for these women, by bringing good to what is evil.” In both these cases, Parker restates utilizing Safe Haven laws would give the mother the right to give their child up to the State. The Moral Outcry Petition, which can be found at, can be shared and signed by anyone. w w B e a c o n .c o m

Comparing the ramifications of legal abortion to the fall of Jerusalem described in the book of Jeremiah, Parker said, “This is our time to repent and turn from our sins. God might end abortion by ending America as a nation, just like God destroyed Jerusalem, but I believe He is actually going to reverse Roe by changing the hearts and minds on the Supreme Court one way or another. He is ending the ‘covenant with death, the agreement with the grave’ that is Roe v. Wade. See Isaiah 28:14-22.” Parker urges those who have had abortions to repent, as it’s not the unforgivable sin.

Preventing Forced Abortions The organization also dedicates a significant portion of its time educating schools, law enforcement, child protective services, and the public on forced abortions, which is illegal across the country. Forced abortion occurs in the following ways: 1. When men and others force a woman to get an abortion to meet their needs. 2. When adult parents force a minor to have an abortion against their will. 3. When a pimp forces a human trafficking victim or prostitute to have an abortion. To prevent forced abortions, The Justice Foundation provides education and legal tools, including letters addressed to parents, fathers, counselJanuar y 2019

Thank you to our Anonymous Partner for making this story possible to share.

ors, and law enforcement officers. Parker estimates the letters have helped prevent 95 percent of abortions that have been brought to their attention, or saved 1,000 to 2,000 babies across the nation each year since 2009. “Every year, we send the ‘Dear Counselor’ letter to over 1,000 school districts in Texas,” said Parker. “I know as a fact it has saved babies.” If the legal tools and letters do not deter parents or others from forced abortion practices, The Justice Foundation utilizes a national network of more than 3,000 volunteer attorneys to get a court order to stop it.

Milestones of The Justice Foundation: • In 2007, The Justice Foundation filed a brief on behalf of Sandra Cano, or “Mary Doe” of Doe v. Bolton, the companion case of Roe v. Wade, as well as 180 women hurt by abortion. The Supreme Court declared the “partial-birth” abortion procedure illegal and cited The Justice Foundation’s brief in its ruling. The Supreme Court acknowledged in its ruling that “some women come to regret having an abortion,” "severe depression and loss of esteem can follow," and “whether to have an abortion requires a difficult and painful moral decision,” and is “fraught with emotional consequence.” The brief was also mentioned in a 2007 New York Times article discussing the ruling. • In 2016, The Texas Attorney General, Ken Paxton wrote a letter to The Justice Foundation expressing gratitude for its work in educating the public on forced or coerced abortions and helping “women know their rights regarding their ability to protect themselves and their unborn children,” stated the letter. “Regardless of political preference, we can all agree that forced abortions are morally wrong and illegal.” • Every year, The Justice Foundation distributes materials to various agencies and schools regarding forced abortions and how to manage situations that arise. “It’s a major accom7

plishment to provide training to police departments and school districts on forced abortions,” said Parker. • The appointment of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. “We now have at least five judges that would have an open mind to overturning it,” said Parker. “And we want a fair and open hearing and re-evaluation if it should continue, be modified or completely reversed.” The immediate mission of The Justice Foundation is to overturn Roe v. Wade. After that, they will work to outlaw abortion in every state. The organization is currently challenged by a lack of communication staff and resources to advance the petition to as many people as possible. “We also need prayer because this is a spiritual battle,” said Parker. “We also need financial help to keep the doors open and ensure we can be there to stop forced abortions.” When talking about abortion and its proponents, Parker recites Isaiah 28:17-18, when the Lord responds, “I will make justice the measuring line and righteousness the plumb line; hail will sweep away your refuge, the lie, and water will overflow your hiding place. Your covenant with death will be annulled; your agreement with the realm of the dead will not stand. When the overwhelming scourge sweeps by, you will be beaten down by it.” (NIV) “Just like slavery and communism, abortion will end, in God's time, and I believe that will be soon.” Parker predicts another Supreme Court justice will be appointed, and Roe v. Wade will be reversed within two years. “But as it’s said in Proverbs, ‘Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring,’” said Parker. Be A Light. Pray for education, understanding and Christ-like love for all involved on both sides of this issue, as well as the women who are struggling emotionally, mentally, and physically from a past or current decision. Give. To get more information or donate to The Justice Foundation, visit or

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To request materials regarding forced abortions contact The Justice Foundation at 210-614-7157. The Moral Outcry Petition can be signed and shared by visiting A woman who believes she has been hurt by abortion can confidentially file her testimony at Allan Parker,, 210-614-7157, or go to

Allan Parker, President, The Justice Foundation. Sources:



Anonymous Partner Thank you Lord, for our Anonymous Partner who generously gave to The Justice Foundation so that we could feature this article in our January issue. With this generous gift we are able to help raise awareness for the fight to save the unborn in our community.

Januar y 2019

ONE True healing through prayer and community BY JENNIE R OSIO WRITER

If you drive to a little home on West Olmos Drive located six minutes from the Alamo Quarry Market, you’ll find a place of quiet and rest and connection – and maybe even a miracle. When you enter, you might be offered coffee or green tea, smell the scented candles and hear soft strains of Lauren Daigle singing, “When I can’t stand, you carry me…” Best of all, you might feel like you are in the home of a good friend you’ve been missing for a long time. This ministry had been called “Christ Healing Center” since its inception in 2004. The small beginnings are chronicled on ONE’s website. It all began when Jack & Anna Marie Sheffield, Bitsy Rubsamin and friends knew that San Antonians were looking for a place to experience and process the power of Jesus to heal body, soul and spirit. The movement’s name now is simply, “ONE.” The name is new, but the mission is the same. The name “ONE” comes from John 17 – what Executive Director Cayce Harris calls, “The most powerful prayer ever prayed: that you and I would be one in the same way that Jesus and God are 8

one. This is the foundation of everything that happens at ONE." Cayce says, “We all know that life can be noisy and complicated. Everyone wants a safe space to process life and hear God’s voice clearly.” At ONE, anyone can practice two-way conversations with God – talking to and hearing from God. This kind of prayer brings healing and freedom, according to teams at ONE who pray with hundreds weekly. “We are uniquely focused on helping people hear God’s voice and live Jesus’ prayer (John 17). We do this through prayer and classes on prayer and leadership,” Cayce explains. Yet for locals, its reputation for physical healing tends to be quite overarching. Cayce says, “Some people call and say, ‘Can you guarantee that I’m going to be healed?’” Guests of ONE file in so regularly and in such numbers – about 200 a week – that when Cayce voiced her ministry needs to the Beacon, she did not hesitate to say, “we just need a bigger staff.” Cancer patients come; those who are processing daily life come; troubled teens come; little children come with their parents; broken-hearted wives and husbands come. In the various sessions offered throughout the week, w w B e a c o n .c o m

the chance to work closely with trained volunteers and paid staff through real-life problems in a safe place draws a diverse crowd. Its Cayce Hariis, Director of ONE. non-condemning environment draws people of all ages, colors, and denominations; the rich and poor; the unchurched, the de-churched; the convinced and the skeptical. Jesus, it seems, is attracted to these people. Dramatic healings happen so often, Cayce says, “we really need to do a better job of keeping track of the stories. Every day someone tells us something am privileged to have been connected for a “ Inumber of years to ONE, originally through Jack Sheffield and Bitsy Rubsamin. I have been blessed to get to know Cayce Harris and I love her heart and her leadership. I have been served personally by this ministry through one of their leaders, Rosalind Hervey, and I am very grateful. ONE touched my life and I am happy to support this amazing ministry so that they can touch others in our community.

Scott Barr Steward ofJ aSouthwest n u a r y Exteriors 2019

Cayce with training class from Gruene.

incredible – it has become very normal to see healing and miracles happening. We see many people healed of cancer – and that’s when our guests are working with doctors. We work with the healing community of doctors in this town who are so wonderful. And we definitely have seen many doctors who say, ‘Things changed – when you all prayed.’” According to Cayce, guests have written many profound comments on anonymous feedback forms at ONE. In answer to the question, “What benefit did you feel you received from your prayer time today,” comments have included: “Healing of the root of why I have felt not valued my whole life and why I’ve subjected myself to abuse.” And, “I learned so much. I learned that I have been believing lies from the enemy. Jesus showed me that I am free and He is always with me. I feel free and alive and ready to be in His kingdom.” Peyton May, a young man attending the leadership class (which is by invitation and application only) is taking steps of faith to spark belief any time he can. Peyton says, “I love doing outreach. Whether I’m at church, whether I’m in the workplace, all this kind of blends together for me.” He strikes up natural conversations whenever he can and lets God take it from there. A former drug addict who was transformed dramatically after he came to Jesus just a few years back, Peyton said he recently enjoyed talking to a co-worker as they walked together. As they talked about her kids, he noticed that this woman was favoring her ankle. He asked if she was okay.

ONE’S Director of Partnerships, Cari Spielhagen, Kim Azar and Kim Wolfe after ONE’S Thursday Leadership Class.


“I’ve seen Jesus heal people through prayer,” he told her. “And you know, if that’s something you’re open to, I would love to pray with you, but if not, that’s totally fine. She opened up said “yes,” and almost immediately after a little prayer, her ankle became completely free of pain. Peyton’s joyful abandon and God’s supernatural healing are inspiring. Stories like Peyton’s can lead someone to understand why the above-mentioned caller would ask the ONE receptionist: “Can you guarantee that I will be healed?” Cayce says that while she empathizes with a question like that, ONE offers no such guarantee. “No, absolutely not, and that’s not what we’re going after.” As freeing as physical healing can be, Cayce says, “that is not our sole focus. We know where healing comes from – it comes from following the Healer. So all of our classes and our prayer times are focused on connection, and what it is to live as one with God. And that was Jesus’s prayer in John 17.”

on John 17 unity and the plan “ IforloveONEthetofocus serve the entire community as a collaborative organization. ONE gives us all the opportunity to come together as the Body of Christ and work together in a way that glorifies God and leads others into a relationship with Jesus.

Scott Barr Steward of Southwest Exteriors

135 W Olmos Dr, San Antonio, TX 78212

210-930-7760 • Heart to Heart Prayer. Fridays, noon to 2:00 p.m. Bring pen and paper. Arrive early if you can. This prayer meeting is helpful for quieting voices of problem areas like anxiety, fear, depression, shame, and confusion. • Connection Prayer. Tuesdays, 1:00 to 2:15 p.m. Helpful for connecting with Jesus through prayer in a deeper way. • Awake. Wednesdays, 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. Women sing, hear teaching, talk, and pray.

ONE Prayer Team Leader Sonia Roper; Longtime friend of ONE, Jeff Ryland; CHC Cuero Executive Director, Angela Hamilton; Nate and Kelly Troia, founders of Heart to Heart prayer ministry.

It was this concept of connection with Jesus which goes beyond walls which led to the name change from Christ Healing Center (CHC) to ONE. The word, “Healing” in the former name seemed to focus too much on physical healing. “Not that healing’s bad,” laughs Cayce. “It’s just that we’re not worshipping healing. We’re worshipping Jesus. And connection to Him will bring healing. And only He knows how to do that.” Also, says w w B e a c o n .c o m

• Drop-in Prayer and Communion. Wednesdays, noon to one. Prayer, communion. Especially popular with men. • Community worship night. Monthly. First Wednesday. 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Worship, brief teaching; prayer available. • High school life group. Mondays, 7:00 to 8:15 p.m. Meets at 216 Grant Ave., 78209. • Prayer through art for kids. Weekly appointments available. Kids can express their prayers through Legos or paints. • Practical Prayer Class 101. TBA. Deepen knowledge of connecting to God’s voice in prayer. • Leadership Prayer Class 401. TBA. Learn to pray for others in a sensitive, powerful way. Januar y 2019

Thank you Southwest Exteriors for making this story possible to share. ONE Kid’s and Family Coordinator, Caroline Behrens and her husband Brandon Behrens. Brandon and Caroline lead a life group in their home for high school kids and Caroline leads our “Prayer Through Art” with kids program.

Cayce, the word, “Center” in the “Christ Healing Center” name denoted a physical building too much. The mission focus goes far beyond the boundaries of the property. It has to do more with the people in the building – and their willingness to go out of the doors and then reach people in their homes, businesses, and respective places of worship. Jack Sheffield, above-mentioned Founder Emeritus of ONE, had said in a 2010 interview online, “Every church should be a healing center. We hope Christ Healing Center [now ONE] puts itself out of business.” Cayce pointed out that most physical maladies are intertwined inexplicably with toxic emotions, like fear and shame. She referenced Don Colbert’s book, Deadly Emotions: Understand the Mind-Body-Spirit Connection that Can Heal or Destroy You, which says, “Researchers have directly and scientifically linked emotions to hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and diseases related to the immune system. Studies have also highly correlated emotions with infections, allergies, and auto-immune diseases.” Who knows what came first, says Cayce, or in what order? The emotion or the physical pain? “I don’t need to know that,” Cayce concludes. “But Jesus knows how to undo what’s been negatively done. So someone could come in and go, ‘I want healing for this physically,’ but the Lord gently puts His finger on something that He knows will lead them further toward deeper healing,


saying, ‘Let me help you deal with the fear that is doing a number on your mind and body.’ Healing can come physically, but without tools that bring freedom to escape a toxic emotional lifestyle, we are missing a critical understanding of the ways that the emotional and spiritual are connected to the physical – they are inextricably linked,” says Cayce. Sassy Ross, who lives in New Braunfels with her husband, Buddy, has a story which illustrates how ONE’s desire to grow beyond their San Antonio location plays out. Her story

Worship at ONE Christmas Family Worship night in December.

maintains her connection with Jesus, and plans to keep extending her own hands to heal others in her community, regardless of whether she experiences total physical healing or not. That is simply the Spirit found at ONE and with those they serve – connection to God and each other which brings a healing of heart and a freedom in life that changes things forever. Be A Light. Pray – for Cayce and her staff to find just the right teams to handle the many guests coming for healing and direction; John 17 is a great blueprint for your prayers here. Give – ONE plans on expanding their mission’s capacity logistically when funds are in place. Attend – classes to enhance your own prayer life, or equip yourself to become a volunteer there.

ONE supports the work of local pastoral leaders. Aaron Carter, Pastor of Gruene United Methodist Church with Cayce Harris, Executive Director of ONE.

also beautifully portrays worship of the heart of the Healer Himself. Sally has stage four lung cancer. Doctors gave her, in the November of 2016, only six months maximum to live. At the time of this publishing, Sassy has beat that by 18+ months. “They’re not in charge,” she says of the professionals who estimated her post-diagnostic lifespan. It seems Someone with a higher purpose for her life is in charge, however. Sassy started attending ONE every Wednesday that she could. “Our first experience was amazing. It was very comforting. Through that process, I started to look around New Braunfels. There was no place to go and have prayer over you. So, I went to the church staff and told them my idea. They thought it was great; now we’re ready to launch, ‘Healing Hands,’ and start a once-a-week prayer time.” Although Sassy and Buddy recently learned from her doctor that the experimental drug which seemed to be working would no longer be effective, she still w w B e a c o n .c o m



Southwest Exteriors specializes in replacing windows and siding for San Antonio area homeowners. Our two core values are love and excellence and we exist to transform lives by transforming homes for the glory of God. Our long-term vision is to build a community of home contracting businesses in San Antonio over the next 20 years sharing the same business model along with shared resources and services. One of the key components of our business model is to serve as an economic engine to fund local ministries. We are honored to support ONE.

Southwest Exteriors (210) 828.5555 2430 Freedom Dr., San Antonio, TX 78217

Mention the Beacon and receive 15% off all windows, siding, and concrete flooring projects

Januar y 2019

Join the Movement! Since its relaunch in October 2018, the Beacon has reported on the amazing efforts of 14 nonprofits from across our city and seen partnerships between these nonprofit efforts and community minded businesses flourish. They are meeting the needs of the homeless, tackling the foster care crisis, providing pregnancy care centers, serving prostitutes, making adoption possible, raising up future leaders in our youth, bringing the Kingdom into the marketplace and helping teenage girls remain pure. They are located on the Northside, Southside, Westside, and Eastside of our great city. In addition, we have


seen businesses that are giving back to our community in spectacular ways. And many are responding to the call! We are seeing volunteers engaging passionately with the ministries that we have covered and many of these nonprofits have benefited from increases in giving. In addition, we believe we are helping to connect people to Him and to purpose. The need is still great. Many are hurting. Jesus said, “in this world you will have trouble, but take heart, for I have overcome the world.� We believe that together, as we continue move as His church and allow Him to work through us to love on people, meet real needs and share the life-changing message of the gospel, we will see the glory of God like never before. The Beacon will continue to report on and highlight what God is doing in San Antonio and the surrounding area. We believe it is

w w B e a c o n .c o m

our calling to share the good news of God’s activity in our community to encourage you and will continue to bring you the good news in 2019. Please visit to sign up for updates, like the Beacon on social media, watch Beacon TV and allow God to speak to you through our coverage to be encouraged and strengthened in your walk and spiritual journey. After all, there are many people in our community are counting on you! Thank you for responding. The best is yet to come. Join The Movement! Be A Light.

Januar y 2019

Southwind Field's “City Local” Cory, launching his Fiesta Especial campaign with his supervisors at Poet’s Walk Memory Care, where he volunteers each week.

Southwind Fields: Where Every Person Has a Purpose BY RENEE GONZALEZ WRITER

Chris has big dreams. Affectionately known as “Superman” by those who love him, he wanted more out of life than what he found as a young man on the Autism spectrum in a small town in East Texas. Chris struggled to find work, battled depression, and found it difficult to access the community and meaningful connections. Chris aspires to be a competitive bodybuilder and a public speaker, hoping to encourage others to chase the calling that God has placed in their hearts. Last May, Chris became aware of Southwind Fields (SWF) and asked his father to help him apply to their program, hoping to finally have the support he needed to live in his own place. Chris is now living in San Antonio in his first apartment and currently works at 12

One Southwind “City Local” helping another unpack food provided to them through Southwind Fields partnerships, as they celebrate moving day together in Manny’s brand new apartment.

UTSA part-time but has recently found employment at USAA. He has learned to travel the city on his own, is active in church, and is a volunteer speaker with SWF. Chris’s identity is not found in what others say he can do, but found solely in Christ. Chris is part of a growing number of testimonies coming from SWF. According to their website, Texas ranks 49th in the United States for providing services to adults with disabilities. Yes, w w B e a c o n .c o m

we are second to last and that is just not Texas. In addition, an estimated 9-12 percent of the homeless population has a cognitive impairment. SWF offers a solution by helping such people live independently as possible and building an inclusive community that inspires them to find purpose in their lives. It started in 2012 when a group of church members from Life Point Church started helping the broken and marginalized in San Antonio. A year later they founded the Mercy Coalition, a homeless ministry where one of its members, SWF co-founder and CEO Leslie Bellieu, discovered how many homeless individuals had disabilities. In March 2017, Bellieu was called away from her work as a CPO of a nonprofit focused on special needs and her and members of the Mercy Coalition reincorporated to become Southwind Fields, focusing on Everyone Bellieu’s goal of creating an all-inclusive deserves to community for adults live a life with disabilities. SWF is fostering a they love. sense of community with remarkable endeavors. For a small fee of $25, program applicants become “Locals” and are assigned a Local Advisor (terms like “customers” are considered impersonal according to co-founder Charles Morris). Advisors check in with Locals two or three times a week and provide services whether they live in their own places or with a caregiver. They assist Locals in living semi-independently by helping them find jobs, find apartments (SWF secured a partnership with a complex in Northwest San Antonio), provide on-call nursing, 24/7 on-call support, and optional financial management, help develop living skills, and plan weekly “Local family” events. Upcoming plans include opening the "Local Hub". The Local Hub is the next step and SWF is currently looking for a donated space. It will be a program that provides an environment where Locals work towards holistic wellness (mind, body, and soul) by taking part in activiJanuar y 2019

Cory, Kyle, and Sully playing football on beautiful Sunday afternoon. Southwind Fields promotes community, encouraging locals to form healthy, God-centered relationships, encouraging one another and doing life together.

ties that includes missionary work with other nonprofit organizations (partnerships Bellieu and the staff have maintained over the years). The program consists of daily Life groups where Locals build relationships, learn about Jesus, and help grow and maintain independent living, social, and communication skills. They will attend therapy-based classes, enjoy organic and locally sourced meals, and pursue employment opportunities with the Southwind Work team. Simply put, they locate meaning and purpose and live it out every day. The long-term plan for SWF is the Tiny House Community, an all-inclusive, sustainable gated community in the Texas hill country set to open in the next few years. Locals will have their choice of a tiny home or a room at their inspiration village, and they can take part in community outreach events and service opportunities, skill building life-groups, and therapy-based classes. Tiny House will have a clinic, farmers’ market, garden, outdoor movie theater, chapel (all run by the work teams), and on-site medical supervision in an eco-friendly environment. They are also looking for mentors, usually retirees or those with hearing and/or vision loss, who come along side SWF locals to create a

“ Where we start is symbiotic

environment, sharing their own understand that expertise and life experiences to they’re like encourage and everybody else, enrich one another's lives. SWF is that their life has actively seeking funding and purpose and in-kind donations for this vision. meaning.” SWF wants to instill the love of God into Locals by showing them that their lives matter to Him. “We believe that your identity is found in Christ,” says Bellieu. “The people that we serve know about God or have some relationship on some level, but for the most part the Gospel has never really moved them in a way they understand, and kind of where we start is People invisible helping them understand that to the world are they’re like everybody else, visible to God that their life and He has a plan has purpose and meaning.” for them because A line on the SWF website of the help of reads “Everyone willing servants. deserves to live a

helping them

life they love”. People invisible to the world are visible to God and He has a plan for them because of the help of willing servants. The people at Southwind Fields want to show adults with disabilities what it’s like to be empowered through meaningful experiences. Through community, including Tiny House, Locals will have a safe space where they can grow spiritually and emotionally and have a place to call their own. After all, “with God all things are possible”.

Southwind Fields 6581Citizens Parkway #224 Open Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.-5p.m. For more information, 210-526-1567 or find them on Facebook and Twitter @ southwindfields

Be A Light. Pray. For continued growth and divine leadership for our team and to meet the needs of those we’re serving. Invite. We want to stand in front of congregations and organizations to spread the word and invite them to be involved. Talent. SWF is looking for grant writers. Volunteer. SWF is looking for people that would consider becoming Local mentors. Contact the ministry to get involved. Give. Donations can be given through the SWF website. Help them reach their vision. STORY MADE


Anonymous Partners Thank you Lord, for these Anonymous Partners who generously gave to Southwind Fields so that we could feature this article in our January issue. With this generous gift we are able to help raise awareness for Southwind Fields and all they do to help the children in our community.

Some of the Southwind Fields staff at their monthly San Antonio Adults with Asperger’s meet-up group, the first Sunday of each month at the San Antonio Clubhouse.


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Januar y 2019



The LARGEST CHURCH You’ve Never Heard Of

Praying for and commissioning those trained at a Gospel Conversations Training in Dallas.

With hundreds of thousands of house churches across 65 countries, countless people reached and coming to Christ, and not a single “staff leader with a title,” No Place Left is one of the largest, fastest growing, non-traditional church network in the world. No Place Left is not an organization, but “a movement of movements aimed at getting to no place left where Christ is not made known in our generation. ”The concept of No Place Left, which first started circulating the globe six years ago, is to reach lost and unreached people through the Gospel, train and produce disciples, plant house churches, and reproduce the model again and again. is hard to express the excitement, freedom and “ Itpeace Christ can bring. In sharing with others, we might trip over our words, leave important information out or worse yet drive someone further away from Jesus. No Place Left offers a very clear and easy way to share the Good News that is inviting and easy to follow. The training they offer is transferable and easy to replicate. The multiplication they desire happens naturally. It is an honor for us to support their efforts. 14

Susan Kaars-Sypesteyn, Proprietor, Third Coast Kitchen

Leaders from churches and minisunder a tree in Uganda, or at a tries are laying down their titles to join Starbucks,” said Nathan. “If we’re together to see the Great Commission working toward all of the nine basic of Christ fulfilled and the Kingdom of functions of a church outlined in Acts God expanded in our city. The group 2, including praise and worship, leading the charge in prayer, communion, San Antonio includes and so on, we can Luke 10:2 – He told them, John Williams, Ben identify ourselves as a Hanna, and Nathan church.” The group “ The harvest is plentiful, Clark, along with estimates it has helped but the workers are few. partnering ministries, establish more than Ask the Lord of the churches, and other 100 house churches in individuals. “Of the San Antonio to date. harvest, therefore, to total people living However, it is send out workers into his here, 1.7 million are important to note that harvest field.” lost and don’t know the group is not Christ,” said John. anti-church. “We are “What is it going to pro-church, and the take and what would it look like if gathering of the Body of Christ, and are the 2.5 million people in the greater just moving outside of the traditional San Antonio area heard the Gospel?” ways of meeting,” said John. “We are “San Antonio is a strategic excited for what churches are doing and location, with hundreds of thousands want to help pastors and churches make of people coming to the area for more disciples and plant more churches.” college, military assignments, work The disciple-making training, which opportunities, and through immigravaries across the international tion,” said Ben. “God tells us to go to network, uses fluid, streamlined tools the nations, but he also brings the meant to cross denominations, and be nations to us.” simple, biblical, and reproducible. The The group follows a similar mission training is so easy to understand that to that of the ministry E3 Partners. The even a child could train it, and they do! vision is to “Equip God’s people, Their youngest “trainer,” Ransom, is Evangelize God’s Gospel, and Establish only 8-years old and evangelizes with healthy, multiplying, and transformahis family. tive churches everywhere.” The group Disciple Makers defines “house church” as a church Matthew 28:19 (NIV) The Great that can occur anywhere. “We are the Commission: Therefore go and make church. A house church can mean disciples of all nations, baptizing them meeting in a house, on a front porch, w w B e a c o n .c o m

Januar y 2019

Nathan and Allison Clark got matching tattoos to show Jesus came to earth, died on the cross for our sins, rose on the 3rd day and was crowned King of Kings.

Sonny (glasses holding pizza,) and Jason, (center mustache), help lead the church at West Salinas among the formerly homeless. Overseen by John Williams, blue shirt.

comes from Him, and we want to make sure our disciples are abiding consistently and with reasonable depth, and we’re spending time with our disciples to help them do that.”

in the name of the Father housing projects and two Local Mission Trip Efforts “ W e are the church. The local movement gained signifiand of the Son and the low-income homes. He cant traction in March when the group Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching currently pastors two A house church can connected two local churches to facilithem to obey everything churches and is working mean meeting in a tate a local mission trip. “We went I have commanded you. on a third. house, on a front deep in prayer walking, asking God to And surely I am with you Both men possess a help prepare us and the soil for always, to the very end of real heart for evangelism porch, under a tree whatever he would have us do,” said the age.” and have been called to in Uganda, or at a Nathan and fellow No be full-time missionaries. Ben. Shortly after, CrossBridge Starbucks,” Place Left leader, John They are seeking funding Community Church, a Northside said Nathan. “Sonny” Jordan share support from the commu- church contacted the group seeking a local mission opportunity. stories of transformation nity to continue their " We connect people The San Antonio No Place Left made possible through work. “The biggest the movement. Nathan, who need Christ and challenge is evaporation, group trained participants, and over Spring Break, connected CrossBridge a chef by trade, was going churches who desire or when a group or Community Church with a Westside through a renewing of church just fizzles out,” training in Him." church (Life Church) to visit mobile faith with his family when said Nathan. “We need a friend invited him to a constant fuel, which only home parks, apartment complexes, house church. Before he knew it, he was assisting in pieces of training, starting a house church in his apartment complex, baptizing individuals including his family, and being asked by John to join E3 Partners as a staff member. Nathan is considered a key leader in San Antonio and has worked with more than seven groups and twelve house churches locally since joining the movement five years ago. Sonny grew up in a strong Christian household but got involved in dealing drugs, which led to several prison terms. While in prison, Sonny gave his heart to Jesus and began his mission to bring others to Christ, too. Within the five years he has been part of the San Antonio team, he has worked with two Brett Wilson and his son Ransom, training the "Three Circles" Gospel Presentation at Ignite Church, Thousand Oaks YMCA 15

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and neighborhoods. More than 40 people came to Christ, and 16 were baptized, 9 of which were children. “We’re called in so many places to have unity as the Body of Christ, and these churches from the Northside and Westside were working together. It was a big ‘K’ Kingdom outreach,” said Ben. The local mission trip ignited a long-term commitment between the churches and the No Place Left team to carry out ongoing outreach locally and internationally.

Goals for the Future One of the group’s goals is as simple as getting every Christian to feel confident and competent in sharing their faith. “The churches we train become training churches, and within everything they do, they’re equipped, and know with confidence how to share their faith, disciple someone, and form a church if God opens that door for them,” said Ben. “I hope to see nine training churches launched by 2019, and for those to be multiplied to 20 by 2020.” Goals are not based on financial funding either. “This is God-generated,” said John. “Everything we do: praying, sharing our story and the Gospel, and creating disciples, can be done without finances. This movement will continue to grow even if we don’t have money because we have a God that will do that.” The number of people and house Coast Kitchen, we love people “ AtandThird our community. No Place Left offers training for us as business owners that enables us to use our influence in an attracting and welcoming way with both employees, customers and even our neighbors. The message of Jesus is really simple. Love God with all of your heart and love your neighbor. NPL’s tools and message just fits with who we are as a company with love as the central message.

Susan Kaars-Sypesteyn, Proprietor Third Coast Kitchen


Learn more about the No Place Left movement Baptism during No Place Left Spring Break Mission Trip, South San Antonio

churches involved in the movement is hard to quantify, as it’s continually changing and there is no official “hub” collecting data. When discussing the nebulous nature of the movement, Ben compares No Place Left to Airbnb and Uber, “The largest real estate company in the world doesn’t own property, and the largest transportation company doesn’t own a vehicle. They provide a platform to connect people who need something with those who have it. We connect people who need Christ and churches who desire training in Him.” It really is just that simple… and that profound!

by visiting, the “No Place Left San Antonio” Facebook page, or by contacting Ben Hanna: 210-262-2449 or John Williams John Williams 210-843-9532



Be A Light. Visit. Attend a No Place Left training and become a disciple and disciplemaker. Contact Nathan at Nathan.clark@ to schedule a one-on-one or group training. “We want to give the Kingdom away,” said Nathan. “We want to raise a legion of people that want to share the amazing things God has done in their lives with people who don’t know Him and have Him change their lives too.” Give. Help provide consistent and recurring funding to Nathan and Sonny, so they can continue spreading Christ’s Gospel full-time as local missionaries. Partner financially with Nathan at www. Partner financially with Sonny at Become a family on mission together. Host a prayer walk and pray on the issues specific to areas in need, and that God may have His will done. Learn. Learn more about the No Place Left movement by visiting, the “No Place Left San Antonio” Facebook page, or by contacting Nathan at Nathan. w w B e a c o n .c o m


www. 210.320.8211 We want to impact our world as Christ did and that means sitting at the table with all people. We minister to our employees, customers and neighbors in ways that are meaningful to them personally. For this reason, we started Third Coast Charities where our staff volunteer hours towards our community events to enrich the lives of the people around us. We invite you to visit one of our restaurants soon.

Be A Light. Januar y 2019

Take a peak at the Heroes in our Community. The Beacon is excited to announce that our newest media channel, Beacon TV, is now live on our website. We are committed to being cutting edge as we deliver the good news to you each and every month. As we start a new year, visit and click on Beacon TV to get a glimpse of the heroes and difference makers that live and work for Him across our city. Looking to volunteer with a nonprofit? Visit Beacon TV and learn how you can connect your passion to life-changing efforts. Want to find a ministry to support? Look no further than Beacon TV to get a glimpse of ministries that meet your giving goals. How about a desire to be equipped spiritually and practically? Quarterly webinars 17

focused on spiritual growth, calling and purpose, nonprofit help, finances, marriage and parenting will be placed on Beacon TV so you can visit at your convenience to grow in the Lord. Please visit tv-radio today!

Beacon Ambassador Team – Launching Spring of 2019

“scouts” to see where God is working and provide that information to the Beacon so that our stories and good news reporting will continue to grow in 2019. We will provide value through recognition and many other ways as a Beacon ambassador. Interested in learning more? Please email us at

The Beacon understands that God is working in our community and many times these efforts go unnoticed and under the radar. We desire to change that! In addition to being the hands and feet of Jesus, use your eyes and ears as well. The Beacon is in the early phases of building a team of volunteer ambassadors that will act as w w B e a c o n .c o m

Januar y 2019

“Tell Your Story” I started volunteering at Taking It To The Streets about eight and a half years ago. We serve the homeless community in downtown San Antonio every Saturday night. After my first night of volunteering, I was so excited and couldn’t wait to do more. I felt a real connection between myself and our less fortunate brothers and sisters. Being a recovered alcoholic myself, I could relate to feeling hopeless, left out, and looked down upon. This started my passionate journey with Taking It To The Streets. I remember being so worried about whether we were doing enough for our brothers and sisters. A good friend and founder of the ministry, Danny, pulled me aside and explained that it’s not necessarily our job to get everyone a job or new clothes but to love them as Christ loved us. That was quite a spiritual experience and a huge burden was lifted. My personal walk with Christ began to take on a whole new depth and intimacy. A few months into volunteering, a friend of mine who is a pastor came to me and said God gave him a vision: one day I would help lead this ministry. I remember laughing and thinking “Yeah right! God can’t use

Families drive as far as 30 miles to serve every week.

Individuals enjoy a warm meal every Saturday night.

me. He knows the who and what I have to be.” But we serve a mighty God and His plans prevailed (Proverbs 19:21). For the past three years, I’ve been the executive director and I do my best to lead this ministry. We have an amazing board of directors and the majority of us serve together every weekend. We are truly blessed with lots of volunteers from all different denominations and churches that come help us throughout the year. We typically serve between 125-175 homeless every Saturday night. We always serve a hot meal and try to demonstrate Christ’s love. We also hand out clothes, do haircuts, Bible study, praise music, etc. I’m very humbled and grateful for Christ’s hand upon this ministry, guiding and directing us. If you are like

me and want to grow spiritually and in your intimacy with Christ, I encourage you to volunteer with our ministry or with one that matches your passion. It will change you! In His name, Kenny Visit Us Online:



AM 630 The Word, KSLR is pleased to partner with the Beacon in this monthly special section called “Tell Your Story”. AM 630 The Word KSLR is your source for equipping, teaching and inspiring your walk with Christ. Please visit our website at to view our program guide for local and national Christian teaching talk programs. We are here to help listeners expand their relationship with Jesus Christ. We partner with San Antonio churches and ministries to bring quality teaching to listeners in our huge listening area. We can work with your church, ministry or business to expand your reach to this important Christian market. Please visit or contact us to learn more. AM 630 The Word – KSLR 9601 McAllister Freeway, Suite 1200 SAT 78216 | 210.344.8481

Volunteers commit their serving to God in Jesus name.

AM 630 The Word The Home of Focus on the Family 18

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We at The Beacon, are touched by the number of businesses in our community supporting nonprofits. These causes are making an eternal difference in the lives of so many in our city. We encourage you to thank and support the businesses represented in this issue of The Beacon. When you do business with them, you too are a difference-maker in our community! Be A Light. For more information on how you can be recognized as a community-minded company please contact us at


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Januar y 2019


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Be A Light

Thank You!

Thank you to our readers, writers, the ministries and partners for helping make 2018 a success at The Beacon. We look forward to continuing our work in 2019 by continuing to report on all the good things happening in our Community. *


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Januar y 2019

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