Saberes Editora Catalogue 2012
Brazilian Publishing House
About Saberes Publishing House
Saberes Editora publishing house started its activities in late 2008, with the intention to provide works of excellence for readers, including national and international writers of many different areas, particularly in public health and public law. We are an innovative publisher, with current publications, renowned authors of intellectual seriousness. Saberes Editora will keep in its editorial council recognized professionals, maintaining in our catalogue works that can contribute to the improvement of public health, administration, law and other fields of knowledge.
Public Administration A Crise do Estado Crisis of the State Author: Sabino Cassese Pages: 149 Size: 21x15 cm ISBN: 9788562844034
Sabino Cassese, italian writer, teacher at the Graduation Course of Administrative Law in Rome, jurist of profound legal knowledge, first published in Brazil by Saberes Editora.
Originally published in italian by Einaudi.
Sabino Cassese writes about the State crisis from the early twentieth century and continues with the meaning of that expression since then; the first one arose when powerful organizations, such as unions and industrial groups, appeared at the society and raised doubts about the internal sovereignty of the State.
Direito da SaĂşde no Brasil Health Law in Brazil Organized by: Lenir Santos Pages: 342 Size: 21x15 cm ISBN: 9788562844027
The health law sets today as an autonomous part of administrative law. This new field of law - strongly marked by the highest human value: life - requires study, research and formulations apart from administrative law. The book contains reflections on the social characterization of health, its conditions and determinations as well as the role of the SUS (Unified health system) facing the broad and comprehensive concept of health.
Public Administration Fundações Estatais State Foundations Organized by: Lenir Santos Pages: 387 Size: 21x15 cm ISBN: 9788562844003
According to the book, the public manager, particularly in the health area, searches the streamlining of public administration with the introduction of legal categories that favor federal management and integrated service delivery more effective and timely. The state foundation, public entity format that integrates indirect administration of the government, is considered an appropriate tool for providing public services to citizens by both the public sector and by society.
SUS: o espaço da gestão inovada dos consensos federativos SUS (Unified health system): space of innovated management of the federal consensus Authors: Lenir Santos e Luiz Odorico Monteiro de Andrade Pages:165 Size: 21x15 cwm ISBN: 9788562844010
This work analyzes the organization of SUS (Unified health system) approached by the theme of operational standards, proposing new instruments, such as contracts between public entities, to operate a system that requires innovations in its administration set up since it is an inter federative network service . Another point highlighted in this book is the lack of regulation of key issues for the organization of SUS, as the standard of care integrality, regulated access and technological innovation.
Health SUS e a Lei Complementar 141 Comentada SUS (Unified health system) and the Complementary Law 141 commented Author: Lenir Santos
Pages: 220 Size: 19x12 cm ISBN: 9788562844270 After more than eight years the Complementary Law 141 was enacted ate the National Congress, regulating the EC 29, 2000. It was published on 13 January 2012, ensuring the greatest SUS (Unified health system) institutions by equipping it with a structure of financing health expenditure. Despite the criticism of inadequate funding, such Supplementary Law, establish criteria for the sharing of federal and state resources and can strengthen the SUS as public policy constitutional.
Conhecendo seus direitos na saĂşde Knowing your rights in public health Author: Lenir Santos
Pages: 210 Size: 21x15 cm ISBN: 9788562844232
In the ‘90s, with the enactment of Law No. 8080, it was organized the SUS (Unified Health System), defined as the set of actions and public health services run by the three spheres of government, decentralized, regionalized and hierarchical. This work is a contribution to its disclosure. The book sought to systematize the rules concerning the right to public health in entries.
Health Promoção da Saúde no contexto da estratégia saúde da família Health Promotion in the strategy context of family health Organized by: Ana Fontenelle Catrib and others Pages: 277 Size: 21x15 cm ISBN: 97885628442254
This book, by correlating health promotion and quality of life, tries to show in its articles the need for the Government to ensure Brazilian society the right to equal opportunities. According to the authors, health promotion is therefore a polysemic term for gathering a series of social values that should be incorporated into social life. This work aims to demonstrate that quality of life and health promotion are common, not parallel, roads.
A Saúde em Construção: das imagens às palavras Health in Construction: form images to words Organized by: Maria Fátima de Souza Pages: 334 Size: 21x15 cm
ISBN: 9788562844164
This book is a documentary where they record the main facts in the history of public health in Brazil. With the DVD that accompanies the book you can watch the videos as a way of not letting go the lights that illuminated the minds and hearts of men and women who were able, in their time, to foresee the future in the dream of the right to health for the Brazilian nation.
Health Mulheres na Saúde Women in health: collective voices, singular images Autor (a) Maria Fátima de Sousa Pages: 185 Size: 21x15 cm ISBN: 9788562844157
The book features stories of women, women in the health area. An open dialogue of 20 years with many possible and unpredictable encounters. The uniqueness of each woman in their collective voices make this book a meeting of souls between subjects, “hope catchers”, flagged with the steadfast commitment to build a country rich in life and healthy in justice. Lay your eyes on this book and your heart to hear what these Brazilian women say.
Redes de Atenção à Saúde no SUS Health Care Networks in SUS (Unified health system) Organized by: Silvio Fernandes da Silva Pages: 201 Size: 21x16 cm ISBN: 9788561240011
This work discusses aspects of health networks, such as the configuration of SUS (Unified system of health) in constitutional regionalized and hierarchical networks, the network concept, the social and political context of the implementation of SUS, the difficulties of integrating public services, operated by autonomous entities.
Health Redescoberta da Vida Discovering life again Authors: Ana Fátima Carvalho Fernandes Pages: 103 Size: 21x15 cm ISBN: 9788562844058
A small, but great book, dense with ideas, unlike it has been seen before about support groups for women with breast cancer, from a human approach supported by interdisciplinarity. Breast cancer is a cruel disease and stealthy until its etiology and treatment can become clear, reducing the myths, sorrows and uncertainties surrounding the diagnosis, characterization and specification.
Saúde e Cidadania Health and citizenship Authors: André Pierre Contandriopoulos and others Páginas 470 Dimensões 23x16 cm ISBN 978-85-62844-07-2
This work was took its form built by texts prepared for the first international symposium of the Conferência Luso-Francófona da Saúde (COLUFRAS). The book was conceived as a dialogue between the problems that occur in Quebec and those of concern to Brazil. It presents a broad overview of health issues in both countries to which all countries must respond so that in the twenty-first century, every citizen can have access to treatment when needed, and for public health to be taken into account in public policy.
Health Síndrome de Down A-Z Down syndrome from A to Z Authors: Josep Maria Corretger and others Pages: 269 Size: 21x15 cm ISBN: 9788562844133
Originally published in spanish by Fundación Catalana Síndrome de Down
This book provides information about Down syndrome for parents, professionals and others interested in understanding this genetic alteration. The book brings the result of many years of research made by the Medical Center Down. This book aims to show that the diseases, disorders and conditions that can affect people with Down syndrome are the same that can affect anyone. The subjects are arranged in alphabetical order, with the definition and concept, clinical symptoms and when they require emergency.
Você pode me ouvir, Doutor? Can you hear me, Doctor? Organized by: Álvaro Jorge Madeiro Leite and others Pages: 333 Size: 21x15 cm ISBN: 9788562844065
Can you hear me Doctor? This is a sensitive, loving, work to remind the doctors, through letters written by other professionals, that the ability to heal begins with the ability to listen. Rubem Alves says that we love those who can kindly listen but and everyone wants to learn how to speak, nobody wants to learn how to listen.
Health Adib Jatene & Alexandre Padilha: 40 anos de medicina. O que mudou? Adib Jatene & Alexandre Padilha: 40 years of medicine. What has changed? Organized by: Lenir Santos and Luis Odorico Monteiro Pages: 200 Size: 21x15 cm ISBN: 9788562844126
The dialogue between Adib Jatene and Alexandre Padilha, health minister of Brazil. The conversation was a unique event for bringing details of the personal life of each doctor - one with 82 years and the other with 40 years old - showing two lives full of coincidences: a childhood without a father figure, a change from one state to another and a past leading for the medicine career.
Morte Azul The Blue Death Authot: Robert D. Morris Pages: 413 Size: 21x15 cm ISBN: 9788562844041
Originally published in english by Harper
In the new millennium, the demon of waterborne disease is threatening to reemerge, and the results could be catastrophic. In this fascinating, sobering account, Dr. Robert Morris depicts the epidemics that have shaken nations, celebrates the scientists who reached into the invisible and ultimately saved millions of lives, and sounds a timely warning we dare not ignore about the natural and man-made hazards present in the water we drink.
Other Subjects Astrologia e Budismo – conversa entre dois saberes milenares Astrology and Buddhism – conversation between two millennial wisdom Authors: Maria Eugênia de Castro and Gustavo Alberto Correa Pinto Pages: 192 Size: 21x15 cm ISBN: 9788562844140
Our reader finds himself in a dialogue between two scholars. Maria Eugenia Castro, astrologer, and Gustavo Alberto Correa Pinto, Buddhist monk, in their conversation it is intertwined the wisdom of millennia: astrology, over six thousand years, and Buddhism, with two thousand years. The combination of astrology and Buddhism, so full of common points, leads to reflections on life, karma, the cosmic DNA, enlightenment and oriental sense of happiness, so different from that adopted in the West.
O Livro dos Signos The Book of the Astrological Signs Author: Maria Eugenia de Castro and others Pages: 520 Size: 23x16 cm ISBN: 9788562844171
This book is for people who want to learn more about themselves from the point of view of astrology, it is not limited only to astrologers and researchers. The proposal is to take the wise teachings of astrology for all stakeholders in the process of personal growth and knowledge of the human being. You can find the characteristics of the sun sign (the principal), the lunar sign (governing emotions) and ascending (explains the reactions of the person on the outside world), and even combinations of the twelve signs, providing an unparalleled possibilities manual, leaving everyone a choice of using the available resources.
Other Subjects O Mundo à Mesa The world at the table Author: Vittorio Castellani (Chef Kumalè) Pages: 240 Size: 21x15 cm ISBN: 9788562844188
Through a gastronomic journey across five continents, the author, chef Kumalè, seeks to show how the world behaves at the table. A work intended for all readers who have an interest in knowing a little bit better the eating habits in different countries. Originally published in italian by Einaudi
All over the world, the most meaningful moments of our lives happen when we are at the table: proposals, important annonucements, parties, etc. Gastronomy is not only made by plates, but also by stories, culture, rituals.
Mulheres Malqueridas Badly Loved Women Author: Mariela Michelena Pages: 360 Size: 21x15 cm ISBN: 9788562844195
First published in spanish by La Esfera de los Libros
This book has as its scenario the author’s psychoanalysis office and their patients - badly loved women. The author studied women who have a love, but a bad love. Women in impossible, destructive and hopeless relationships. Women who remain loyal for years to intermittent, fleeting and illegal men. The author tries to point out ways to rebuild the bonds of love, from the reconstruction of the woman itself, through self-knowledge.
Other Subjects Viver na Alma To live in the soul Author: Joan Garriga Bacardí Pages: 269 Size: 21x15 cm ISBN: 9788562844102
First published in spanish by Rigden
This book makes the reader reflect on how to live in the soul and achieve harmony with the Great Soul. Living acceptance is for those who view the events of life with an open heart and bold, yet full of humility and benevolence. It takes courage, as the author says, to submit to the will of the unpredictable, the capricious forms of life that determines fortunes, misfortunes, paths and detours.
Onde estão as moedas? Where are the coins? Author: Joan Garriga Bacardí Pages: 61 Size: 21x14 cm ISBN: 9788562844201
First published in spanish by Rigden
In this book, the author tries to entice the reader to reflect on and change the process of assuming his origins, his family legacy and find, thereby, his place in the world. The text seeks to celebrate life without subtracting its realism and its rawness, the book seeks to distance itself from a positive and artificial psychology, and speak the language of reconciliation and peace, show the power of love and the way to integrate and overcome the wounds of life.
Other Subjects Rubem Alves & Moacyr Scliar conversam sobre o corpo e a alma Rubem Alves & Moacyr Scliar: a conversation about body and soul Authors: Rubem Alves and Moacyr Scliar Pages: 125 Size: 21x15 cm ISBN: 9788562844089
This work brings a conversation between renowned Brazilian authors Rubem Alves and Moacyr Scliar on diseases of the soul, as melancholy, envy, guilt, and to discuss the mythic power of the doctors, the healing power of the word and the question of happiness.
Viajantes Inesperados Unexpected Travelers Author: Carlo Lepri
Pages: 248 Size:21x15 cm ISBN: 9788562844294
First published initalian by Franco Angeli
The inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities in the labor market and the construction of their identity are aspects discussed in this book. The author wishes to point out how essential it is to establish criteria and standards consequent to what you want to achieve, outlining a methodology not only to ‘hold’ the action of inclusion, but also to establish a paradigm that relativize concepts as ‘success’, ‘effectiveness’, ‘efficiency’ and ‘productivity’
Other Subjects Expectativas Extravagantes Extravagant Expectations: New Ways To Find Romantic Love In America
The proliferation of dating websites, printed personals and selfhelp relationship books reflect the new ways Americans seek close, personal relationships. How do we establish lasting and intimate personal relationships including marriage? First published in english by Ivan R. Dee
In Extravagant Expectations Paul Hollander investigates how Americans today pursue romantic relationships, with special reference to the advantages and drawbacks of Internet dating compared to connections made in school, college, and the workplace.
Para Salvar o Planeta Liberte-se do Capitalismo To Save the Planet Free Yourself of Capitalism
First published in french by Éditions du Seuil
Will the environment support the current system of consumption? Can you keep everything as it is? This book draws attention to the destruction of the planet promoted by the current economic system, which is not only uneven, but also has no compassion for the planet and destroys it constantly. The data presented here call us to awareness of the fact that there may be a new economic system compatible with modern technology, that can be reinvented in order to respect the environment and human dignity.
Other Subjects Porque somos infelizes The reason of our unhappiness
First published in italian by Einaudi
The purpose of this book is to question whether unhappiness would not be inherent to human beings regardless of the economic, social and cultural historical moment in which they live. Over the past two centuries, requests for happiness have been so numerous and urgent, almost mandatory, which ultimately raise some questions. Unhappiness, sadness and melancholy have been, in fact, experienced by most people as symptoms of diseases that need to be eliminated, or as the unbearable resistance to the idea that progress means absolute positivity, optimism or the impeccable figure of a perfect society.
Não foi culpa minha It wasn’t my fault
First published in swedish by Ica Bokförlag
You can and you must choose, but you have to be responsible for your choices. This book is about the art of taking personal and social responsibility. The most important thing is to take advantage of your self-respect, hope to be the human being that you want to be, a human being for whom you have respect. Don’t be afraid to intervene. Praise people as much as they deserve and censure them when they have to be censured. Don’t be afraid of feeling guilty. Instead, face it like a sign of the expectations you have for yourself – a sign of your moral identity.
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