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Permanent ELIMINATION OF CONTAMINANTS without capture and/or disposal
from SABMag 75 sample
by SAB Magazine
The NEED for improved indoor air quality (IAQ) is not in the future … IT’S NOW!
North America annually loses an estimated 15 million workdays, 150 million school days and $30 billion due to Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) illnesses.
In Canada, 800,000+ people suffer from multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS).
The transmission of harmful airborne contaminants (viruses, bacteria and toxic chemicals) via existing ventilation systems relying on polluted air exchanges and inefficient filtration requires advancement NOW !
Ti-DOX EnviroTek Ltd. (Calgary, Alberta) has commercialized a fully contained air purifying device that easily connects to any furnace or HVAC system. The Ti-DOX HydroxylizAireTM simultaneously DESTROYS airborne viruses, bacteria, toxins, mold spores, smoke odour, and more to give you clean, safe indoor air. Regulatory Agencies have decided that traditional filtration methods are less reliable at preventing transmission of harmful contaminants through ventilation systems, and potentially elevate health risks to building occupants.

Ti-DOX response:
Applying a Canadian/US patented technology, the Ti-DOX HydroxylizAireTM sustainable solution IMPROVES IAQ by destroying toxic chemicals and harmful pathogens through a NATURAL process added down-stream of particulate filtration devices.

Ti-DOX Advantages:
1. UNIMPEDED air flow through superior design 2. FLEXIBLE ARRAY configurations to accommodate flow volume and/or budget requirements 3. HIGH PERFORMANCE, average 98% single-pass chemical destruction, was achieved during 3rd party lab tests with pilot project confirmation 4. Permanent ELIMINATION OF CONTAMINANTS without capture and/or disposal 5. SUPPLEMENTS traditional ventilation system designs 6. 24/7 SAFE and NATURAL process for occupied spaces 7. AFFORDABLE installation, operating and maintenance
1. Ti-DOX Co-Founders and Inventors Reinhard Schuetz, P.Eng. (l) & Dean Neitz (r) with typical HydroxylizAire installation. 2. HydroxylizAire attached to forced air ventilation ducts.
Common experiences described by HydroxylizAireTM users
“Our allergies have decreased tremendously.” “We have all slept way better than we ever have.” “I haven’t had to take my puffer nearly as much as before.” “We have had some patients come in and notice that the air was very fresh.” "Smells don't linger in my house."