Brooks Brother Campaign

Page 1

Brooks Brothers Campaign

Sabrina Nicole Trice in partial fufillment of the requirements for graduation as an Honors Scholar April 2014 Campaign book designed by Alexandria M. Hillman

Table of Contents Executive Summary

p. 1

Research Analysis

p. 6

Goals, Objectives & Strategies

p. 8


p. 13


p. 15


p. 19


p. 21


p. 22

Executive Summary Mission Statement “To make and deal only in merchandise of the best quality, to sell it at a fair profit only, and to deal only with people who seek and are capable of appreciating such merchandise.’’ Henry Sands Brooks, founder


Situational Analysis Audiences Primary Target: The Avant Garde Brooks Customer R5 ,85 21 &&5 )"&' ((5#-5 (5 2* ,# ( 65 )(- ,0 .#0 55! (.& ' (5#(5"#-55 early 50s, who “values natural materials, simple design and comfortable fit over everything else.� i R5 5, +/#, -5^- & 7 --/, ( 5." .51" .5" ]-51 ,#(!51#&&5 51 &&55 *. 58585855 5 safe . . . he knows it [Brooks Brothers] doesn’t scream out, and so it can’t be in bad taste.� R5 5-")*-5 ),5 5-/#.5." .5#-5^( ,&35#'*)--# & 5.)5 51,)(!_5 ),5." 5) -#)(8555

R5 5#-5 2 *.#)( &&35&)3 &5.)5 , ( -5." .5 (! ! 51#."5"#'5 ( 5 /#& 5, & .#)(-"#*-8555 5 He may not buy often, but buys in bulk when he does. R5 ,85 )"&' ((5)1(-5"#-5)1(5")' 5#(5 (5/, (5 , 5 ( 5&#0 -51#."5"#-51# 5 ( 55 5 three children. He has worked in the same industry for over thirty years. R5 51#&&5#(.,) / 5"#-5 & -.5-)(65 (( ..65.)5 ,))%-5 ,)." ,-51" (5 (( ..5 (. ,-5 his freshman year at college. Bennett, as well as Mr. Pohlmann’s other two children, will be introduced to Brooks as a rite of passage into adulthood. R5 ,85 )"&' ((]-5 0),#. 5 ,))%-5#. '5#-5." 5 /' ,5 ( 5- %5-/#.8

Secondary Target: The Socialite Brooks Customer


R55^ ).5$/-.5 ),5." 5,# "5 /.5 ),5." 5-/ -- /&8_5 ii R5 3 ,5 )..' (5#-5* ,.5) 5." 5/*1 , &35') #& 5'# & 5 & --85 5#-5-#(!& 65#-5#(5 his late 20s, and has finally settled into his career. R5 ,85 )..' (51 (.-5.)5 51 &&7 , -- 5)(5." 5$) 5 ( 5#(5." 5 0 (#(!-5 ),5-) # &55 events. He is looking for a brand that could offer a suit that could be worn at 5 1),%5 ( 5-., #!".5.)5 . ,7")/,5 ) %. #&-51#."5 5 . 8555 R5 5#-51#&&#(!5.)5 )' 5 / . 5 )/.5." 5 , ( 65." 5 ,))%-50 &/ 65 ( 5." 55 clothing. R5 ,85 )..' (5 ) -5().5" 0 5'/ "5 2., 5- 0#(!-5 ( 51#&&65 .5Ĺ€5,-.65 5 /3#(!5)(&35 -. *& 5#. '-5#(5." 5 (.,37& 0 &5 ,))%-5&#( 65 5 & 85

5 5 5


Brooks Brothers is an international company with its primary sales market in the United States. “In North America, the Northeast is [the] strongest market, followed by the South.� iii



“There is a different seasonality for different items, some of which is based on classification, fabrications and what we drive through our promotional calendar.” iii





Purchase Cycle

Most commonly, entire wardrobes are replenished in spring and fall.





Creative Requirements Using a budget of $21,905,000 iv, our segments need to be reminded and ensured of the Brooks’ tradition of +/ &#.3650 &/ 65 ( 5, & .#)(-"#*-51#."5 5.1 (.37Ĺ€5,-.5 (./,35* ,-* .#0 855 , ( -5#(5. "()&)!35-")/& 5 5 incorporated into the traditional Brooks culture and style: conservative modernization. Due to the assumptive nature of this campaign, using the future year of 2064, selected advertising mediums well be “developedâ€? based on the reasonable probability that the technology will exist and the average 2064 lifestyle of the two target markets.


The tone for both audiences should be reminiscent, but still relevant; masculine; sophisticated, but approachable; serious about preserving company quality and history. An introduction and welcoming attitude should be given to the Socialite target market.

Colors: The color scheme will stay true to the Brooks’ navy, white, and neutrals. More vibrant colors will be

used for the futuristic creative while more muted, traditional colors will reflect the historic Brooks’ image.

Logo:55Äť5 5 )& (5 & 5&)!)5 ( I),5." 5^ ,))%-5 ,)." ,-_5- ,#*.5.3* 51#&&5 5/- 5)(5 && promotional materials in a subtle manner.

Visuals: 5 #!"7+/ &#.35 ,))%-5 &)."#(!5#' ! ,351#&&5 5/- 51" , 5 **,)*,# . 855 # -.3& 5*").)!, *"35) 55 Brooks customers will be used to convey integration of the brand into the audiences’ everyday choices.


&#( I )*3: The campaign tagline is “No. 3D.� The headline was developed based on researching

projected future trends in technology in the personal and business sectors. “No. 3Dâ€? alludes to the integration of /./,#-.# 5 .7")' 5i 5*,#(.#(!5 0 #& #&#.35#(5 )($/( .#)(51#."5*,)0# #(!5+/ &#.365.#' 7& --5 ,))%-5 ..#, 65#8 85." Number One (No. 1) Sack Suit. Headline and copy will be geared toward the receiving audiences in the appropriate )/.& .5 ),5 "5, -* .#0 &385Äť 5 5 )/( .#)( &5' -- !#(!5." ' -51#&&5 5+/ &#.365 /-.)' ,5, & . 7 #&#.365 ( 5. "()&)!35 integration.

Competitive Media: Engaging technological advances such as Google Glass will be used to move the

audiences through the sales tunnel from awareness to interest to action using integrated platforms. The Brooks ,)." ,-51 -#. 5B &# %7 ( 7'),. ,C51#&&5 5." 5' #(5"/ 5 ),5 /-.)' ,-5#(5 5. "()&)!35 ,#0 (51),& 855Äť 5 5)(&#( 5-.), 5 allows customers to place orders in a convenient and timely fashion, and customers can visit the site for the most /*7.)7 . 5 ..#, 5)*.#)(-855


Engaging content will be shared through Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. Digital ads will be strategically placed in )(&#( 5' ! 4#( -5, 5)(5# -65 #( & -65 . 855 51#&&5 5#'*),. (.65 -51 &&855 )-#.#0 5' -- ! -5-")/& 5 5-" , 5 ( 5 Brooks should start conversations in any medium.

Research Analysis Secondary Research The sources of secondary research were Generations of Style, a book published by Brooks Brothers as a compilation of the changes throughout the company since 1818, online newspaper articles, and Google Trends searches. All sources are listed on the Notes page following the appendix.

Primary Research Primary research was conducted by visiting the closest Brooks Brothers establishment, an outlet store in Destin, 65.)5* , ),'5 (0#,)(' (. &5, 0# 1-5 ( 5.",)/!"5#(. ,0# 1-51#."5 ,))%-5 ,)." ,-5 '*&)3 -855 5*")( 5 interview was conducted with the Destin store manager Ryan on January 9, 2014. An email questionaire was returned on March 14, 2014 from Meghan Griffith, archival department of Brooks Brothers, on behalf of the marketing department. All interviews were focused on the identity of Brooks Brothers, competitors, and brand positioning to establish benchmarks for the company’s marketing.

35 #( #(!-5 ( 55 )'' ( .#)(-5 The following key findings and recommendations garnered from the research will serve as the basis for the campaign strategies:

35 #( #(!-5g

Brooks Brothers is cautious and meticulous about adapting. At the set rate, Brooks will be too far behind the technology trends by 2064 to compete.

Recommendation - Moderate, strategic technology integration will be a key component to communication and building relationships in the future.

35 #( #(!-5h

"#& 5 ,))%-5#-5.,3#(!5.)5, -. &#-"5#.- & 5 -5 5ŀ5( 7+/ &#.35^' % ,5 ( 5' , " (.6_5'#2 5' -- ! -51"# "5 , 5 creating confusion for the audiences are communicated through recent clothing trend changes and the push towards sales promotions. Recommendation - Brooks Brothers is a luxury value that should be priced accordingly. The focus of messages should be Brooks’ heritage, culture, quality, and modern integration.

35 #( #(!-5i

Brooks Brothers’ mission was compromised during the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s when purchased by multiple corporate owners who each took Brooks in a direction away from Brooks’ original vision. Recommendation - Currently, under Del Vecchio, Brooks Brothers is in a strong spot to regain its position in the industry. Del Vecchio is striving to return to the high quality fabrics Brooks used prior to the public buy-outs and hoping to build the Brooks’ customer base without alienating its existing Avant Garde market. The Avant Garde market should be leveraged to help emphasis what makes Brooks worth unconditional loyalty.

35 #( #(!-5j

A lack of communication with the Socialite market. More effort is being placed on reestablishing the “old Brooks� in the view of the current buyers, or older generationals, than on establishing a foundation with the prospective targets. Recommendation - Brooks should make itself the “father figure� that welcomes and teaches the secondary audience about its heritage, quality, and sophisticated, yet approachable style.


Goals,Objectives & Strategies Goal 1

Restore customers’ perception of Brooks’ dedication to quality and relationships.

Objective 1.1 - "# 0 5 5j5)/.5) 5k5-. ,5 0 , ! 5, .#(!5)(5 &&5*)-.7*/, " - 5 /-.)' ,5- .#- .#)( surveys by January 1, 2066. Strategy 1.1.1 5755 -#(!5 0 ,.#-#(!5 ( 5-) # &5' # 5. .# -65& /( "65^ ,))%-5 )85i 6_5 5 '* #!( focused on the quality fabric Brooks buys from around the world, the common lifestyle trends of all Brooks buyers, and the integration of new technology that allows Brooks to provide better service to the Avant Garde and Socialite markets. Tactic 5755 -#(!5, &5* )*& 5().5') &-65/*&) 5 (! !#(!5 (-. !, '5#' ! -5) 5 )."5 / # ( -5555555555555 participating in popular American traditions while wearing Brooks Brothers. Tactic 5755 ,#. 5 ( 5-" , 5 &)!5*)-.-5#(.,) / #(!5 )."5 / # ( -5.)50 &/ & 5 ,))%-5* ,.( ,-5 355 describing the quality fabric makers and distributors that do business with Brooks and explain why Brooks has collaborated with the particular company.

Tactic 5755 , . 5 #!#. &50# )5 0 ,.#- ' (.-5." .5 ')(-., . 5 ,))%-]5#(. !, .#)(5) 5 Google Glass technology.

Goal 2

Improve reach of customer base through introduction of the brand to the younger generation.

Objective 2.1 - Increase the buying preference of the Socialite to Brooks Brothers 2:1 over key competitors in a 18 month period ending June 30, 2065. Strategy 2.1.1 - Use PR tactics focused on relationship building with iconic people in American culture. Tactic 5755 Äż5 ,5*)*7 /&./, 5# )(-65-/ "5 -5 &/ 5 0365." 5 " ( 5.)51 ,5 ,))%-5 ,)." ,attire for any occasion.

Tactic ,.( ,51#."5 5 )'* (35." .5" -5 (5 +/ &&35,# "5 ' ,# (5"#-.),365#8 85 %5 (# &-65 ( 5 create product placement opportunities by clothing all models in Jack Daniels’ advertisements. Objective 2.2 - Generate sales by decreasing the amount of time between purchases for the average customer to 2.75 weeks by December 31, 2065. Strategy 2.2.1 5755Use available technology to bring Brooks to the customer and improve ease

of shopping.

Tactic 0 &)*5 ))!& 5 & --5, )!(#.#)(5) 5 5 ,))%-5 &)."#(!5#. '5 ( 5." 5 * #&#.35.)5)* ( the Brooks’ online store to that recognized item right in front of the buyer’s face.

Tactic 75 0 &)*5 5i 5*,#(.7 .7")' 5)*.#)(51" , 5 ) # &#. -5 )/& 5- & .5),5 /-.)'#4 5 (5555555555555555555555555555 accessory item, purchase the piece, and then print the apparel all from home.


Goal 3

Maintain relationships with existing, loyal Brooks’ customers.

Objective 3.1 575 #!(7/*5kf5( 15 /-#( -- -5 ),5." 5 ),*), . 5 ' ,-"#*5 ,)!, '5 35 January 1, 2065. Strategy 3.1.157 Using public relations and advertising campaigns, promote the existence and benefits of the Corporate Membership Program.

Tactic ), # &&35#(0#. 5- & . 65-' &&5 /-#( -- -5.)5." 5*,)!, '51#."5 55 ,))%5 , 5* % ! 5 )(-#-.#(!5) 5 5 , 5i 7*,#(.#(!50 .),5 ),5 5 )'* (35 , ( 5 )17.# 5),5- , 5 ),5 each employee and a handcrafted invitation with program details.

Objective 3.2 5755 (-/, 5." .5 ,))%-5 /,, (.5 /-.)' ,-5 , 5().5)0 ,7&))% 5 /,#(!5, *)-#.#)(#(!5 ( 55 5 modernization of the company’s identity by maintaining a 4 out of 5 satisfactory score on surveys sent to loyalty rewards members in December 2064 and 2065.


Strategy 3.2.1 75 Using public relations tactics, assure current customers that Brooks is not ignoring them

while modernizing, but that Brooks will now be able to provide better quality and more service features than before. Tactic -#!(5." 5 ,))%-5 &)!5^ )!/ -5;5 (.& ' (_55#(. , 5 ( 5#'*,)0 5." 5 - 5) 5 ŀ5( #(!5." 5 &)!5.",)/!"5#(. !, .#)(51#."5)." ,5-) # &5' # 5*& . ),'-5-/ "5 -5 ))%65 1#.. ,65 Pinterest, etc.

Tactic Post to the blog four times a week with content focused on relevant themes: Americans’ lifestyles, Brooks’ relationships with its buyers and customers, technology advances in the business world and integration of the new technology at Brooks, and updates to Brooks’ wardrobes. Tactic (! ! 5 /,, (.5 /3 ,-5.",)/!"5)(&#( 5' # 5 35 -%#(!5 ),5 %5 )/.5." 5 ') ,(#4 .#)(5) 5 ,))%-5 ( 5 &&)15." 5 0 (.5 , 5.)5*)-.5.")/!".-5)(5 ))%65 #- /--#)(-5)(5." “Rogues & Gentlemen� blog, and tweets that will be responded to in a constructive manner by a Brooks employee.

Tactic 5755 , . 5 / .#)( &65 (. ,. #(#(!50# )-5." .5 2*& #(5")15 ))!& 5 & --5 ( 5i 5*,#(.#(! technology will be used to improve the Avant Garde market’s Brooks experience and encourage the Avant Garde audience to be an early adopter.

Evaluation ĝ 5 5, , ( #(!5 ( 5*)-#.#)(#(!5 '* #!(51#&&5,/(5 ),5.1)53 ,-65 (/ ,35g65hflj7 (/ ,35g65hfll855 ( 7) 7." 73 ,5*,)!, --5 1#&&5 5 -- 5#(5& . 5 ' ,5#(5hflj5 ( 5hflk855 /,0 3-5B) 5 /3 ,-5 ( 5()(7 /3 ,-C65- & -65 ( 5 ))!& 5 , ( -51#&&5 5 used in evaluation of success for goals one and three specifically, but not excluding goal two. ),5." 5')(."-5) 5 *,#&65 365 /( 65 ( 5 /&35hflk65." 5 ) # &#. 5' ,% .51#&&5 5 **,) " 5.)5 . ,'#( 5 (35 " (! 5)(5." 5 target market’s perspectives towards Brooks Brothers, current interests (not including fads), and current shopping habits. In return for the $21,905,000 iv investment, Brooks Brothers will regain its elite status within the clothing industry in the minds of buyers and potential buyers. Also, advancing technology such as Google Glass and 3D printer offers Brooks a new sales outlet therefore increasing the average number of sales and the average amount spent per transaction. In order successfully measure the campaign strategies related to the achievement of the objectives and desired outcomes the campaign will be measured as follows:

Evaluation Goal 1, Objective 1 5 )-.5*/, " - 5-/,0 3-51#&&5 5&#-. 5)(5." 5 )..)'5) 5, #*.-5 ( 51#&&5 5 7' #& 5.)5 /3 ,-51#."5 5 /,, (.&35&#-. 5 7' #&5 address. Both target audiences will be encouraged to participate by the $45 Brooks Brothers gift card provided upon )'*& .#)(5) 5." 5-/,0 3855 5/(#+/ 5 ) 51#&&5 5!#0 (5 ),5." 5*/, " - ,51#."51"# "5.)5* ,.# #* . 5#(5." 5-/,0 3855 5ŀ50 7-. ,5 scale with five being the best will be used to rank the quality of the merchandise, the employee engagement during the shopping experience, the design of the store, the attractiveness of the clothing styles offered, and the interest in Brooks’ technology updates. The surveys will be available starting January 2065.


Evaluation Goal 2, Objective 1 Begin a conversation with Socialites online talking with them about their style preferences, where and how they shop, and their clothing budget. Ask how much they’ve been exposed to Brooks in the past 18 months and if their perceptions about the company have changed based on the new exposure. Ask the Socialites to rank their top five clothing brands at the beginning of the “Brooks No. 3D� campaign in January 2064 and at the end after June 30, 2065. Using a survey in July 2065, structured as explained before, have the Socialites rank how often they use Google Glass, how often they use 3D printing, if they have used either technology with regards to Brooks, and how well the experience was of using Google Glass and 3D printing, respectfully, in relation to Brooks shopping.

Evaluation Goal 2, Objective 2 Using Brooks stores’ computer data over the last year and an intercept survey completed in December 2064, determine the average amount of time between purchases for loyalty members, members of the Corporate Membership Program, and ()(7, 1 , -5-")** ,-855ĝ 5 5#(. , *.5-/,0 3-51)/& 5 5 )( 5#(5 ,))%-]5-.), -5 ( 51)/& 5 -%9 1. Are you a loyal Brooks shopper?

2. Do you belong to a Brooks rewards program, i.e. Corporate Membership Program? 3. How often do you make a purchase at a Brooks store? A. Once a week

C. At least twice a month

B. Once a month

D. At least once every three months

Evaluation Goal 3, Objective 1 By comparing the number of Corporate Membership Program participates before January 1, 2064 to the number of members after January 1, 2065 the growth of the Corporate Membership Program will be assessed to confirm that 50 new businesses have signed up for the program since implementing the marketing and PR tactics.

Evaluation Goal 3, Objective 2 Loyalty rewards members will asked to fill out surveys structured as previously mentioned: the Avant Garde target audience will be encouraged to participate with a $45 Brooks Brothers gift card provided upon completion of the survey; a unique code 1#&&5 5!#0 (5 ),5." 5*/, " - ,51#."51"# "5.)5* ,.# #* . 5#(5." 5-/,0 3:5 ( 65 5Ĺ€50 7-. ,5- & 51#."5Ĺ€50 5 #(!5." 5 -.51#&&5 5/- 5 to rank the following: 1. The satisfaction of service, quality merchandise, and technology integration.

h8555 )15) . (5." 5 / # ( 5 " %-5." 5 ,))%-5 &)!651 . " -5." 5. "()&)!37#(. !, . 5 ,))%-50# )-65 ( 5 participates in online discussions related to Brooks.

3. How pleased the audience is with the modernized and positioning of Brooks Brothers in 2064 and 2065.


Through the Years... 1840









Creative black

Allow us to introduce

to the party

Google Glass

A strategic partnership with Google to produce and supply customers with Brook Brothers Google Glass technology will achieve Brooks’ goal to improve its relationship with the Socialite customer. The Socialite will 5 **, # . 5 ,))%-]5 )''#.' (.5.)5 /-.)' ,5- ,0# 5 35*,)0# #(!5 ,))%-5 ..#, 5, )!(#.#)(5 ( 5), ,7, 35 capability by Google Glass technology to purchase the recognized clothing items through the Brooks online store. In 2064, Google Glass will also provide better Brooks service by allowing the interested customer to virtually 5 .,37)(5 (5#. '5) 5 &)."#(!8


Marketing tactics, such as the advertisement above, will show Socialites how the technology works and will emphasis how the Brooks Brothers Google Glass partnership provides better customer service and improves satisfaction with purchases. The Brooks Brothers branded Google Glass will be triggered by customers’ interest in a seen clothing item to recognize the exact Brooks attire, or closest substitute, and bring up the online Brooks Brothers store to allow the customers to purchase the item in under three minutes. The ease and speed of ordering '/-.7" 0 5 ..#, 5.",)/!"5 ))!& 5 & --51#&&5 , - 5." 5 ) # &#. -]5 ')/(.5) 5.#' 5 .1 (5*/, " - -5 ( 5 generate more sales for the company.

Social Media

Social Media The photos shared on Instagram will focus heavily on the quality fabrics Brooks buys from around the globe, the lifestyles of Brooks’ Avant Garde and Socialite customers, and the integration of new technology to improve the Brooks experience. The marketing campaign launched through social media will improve the brand perception of )."5. ,! .5' ,% .-5 ( 5-/**),.5#(7-.), 5-")**#(!5 2* ,# ( -5.)5 "# 0 5 5j5)/.5) 5k5-. ,5 0 , ! 5, .#(!5)( 5 5*)-.7*/, " - 5-/,0 3-8 Instagram posts will feature both target audiences’ daily activities while wearing Brooks: a newly printed 3D tie for work, a horseback riding competition, or a Brooks Brothers fun fact that a customer just learned. Hashtags will be included that are unique to Brooks and that are trending topics when they appropriately connect to the image. "),.5 - ,#*.#)(-51#&&5 5 5 -5( 5.)5#'*,)0 5." 5+/ &#.35),5 )'*, " (-#)(5) 5." 5#' ! I' -- ! 8

Print On Brooks 1818



2060 &# %85 ,#(.8 ,8






Print On Brooks At home 3D printing technology combined with Brooks Brothers’ designs will allow customers to purchase a Brooks accessory online and print the item at home. Print On Brooks will open up more opportunity for sales by 5 , "#(!5 /-.)' ,-51")5 )5().5&#0 5( ,5 5 ,# %7 ( 7'),. ,5-.), 5),5 /-.)' ,-51")5 , 5().5 & 5.)50#-#.5 5*"3-# &5 store during regular hours. Sales will be made more often at all hours of the day. By making the shopping experience more easily accessible and geared around the customers’ time, Brooks Brothers will improve its relationship with Socialites. The shown advertisement displays the trend in Brooks Brothers’ bow tie styles since 1818. Bow ties are not always “in styleâ€? according to pop culture, but Brooks always stocks the item proving that Brooks does not follow fads, but sets the classic style to which Socialites in any century are bound to revert. The color of the ad becomes more 0# , (.5')0#(!5.",)/!"5"#-.),351#."5." 5 0 ( ' (.5) 5*").)!, *"3855Äť 5 5Ĺ€5( &5 )15.# 65hflj65#-5') %7/*5) 5 5 Brooks 3D printed bow tie. The 3D bow tie exemplifies Brooks’ classic style with a carefully executed modern 5 /* . 855 ) # &#. -51#&&5, -*)( 5.)5 ,))%-]5-.),37. &&#(!5' ,% .#(!65 ( 5." 5 - 5) 5), ,#(!5)(&#( 55.)5*,#(.5 (5 accessory at home will improve the Socialites’ brand positioning of the modern Brooks.

Budget The budget was determined by using the standard budget provided in NSAC cases v , $10 million, plus inflation over 50 years. The inflation rate, 2.381%, was determined by averaging the yearly inflation rates in the United States over the * -.5 65hffj7hfgj855Äť 5 5#(Ĺ‚5 .#)(5 )-.5* ,53 ,5#-5 . ,'#( 5 35'/&.#*&3#(!5." 5 - 5 / ! .5) 5qgf 5B 5hfgj73 ,5 0 &/ C5 358fhing5 ( 5#-5qhin6gffI3 ,855Äť 5 , ), 5qhin6gff5'/-.5 5'/&.#*&# 5 35kf53 ,-5.)5 . ,'#( 5." 5hflj73 ,5 value which equals $11,905,000. The $11,905,000 plus the base budget of $10M gives the total of $21,905,000, the budget for the “Brooks No. 3Dâ€? campaign.










$10,952,500 will be spent on developing integrated technologies into the business model.


$5,476,250 will be allocated towards Brooks’ online presence including creating and monitoring blog posts, social media applications (Instagram, Pinterest, You Tube, etc.), and video PR pieces.


$1,825,416 will be used for PR tactics geared toward product placements and strategic branding partnerships. 7h8g8g8g5 .# 955 Äż5 ,5*)*7 /&./, 5# )(-65-/ "5 -5 &/ 5 0365." 5 " ( 5.)51 ,5 ,))%-5 ,)." ,-55 ..#, 5

7h8h8g8g5 .# 955 0 &)*5 ))!& 5 & --5, )!(#.#)(5) 5 5 ,))%-]5 &)."#(!5#. '5 ( 5." 55 * #&#.355 to open the Brooks’ online store to that recognized item right in front of the buyer’s face. 57h8h8g8h5 .# 955 0 &)*5 5i 5*,#(.7 .7")' 5)*.#)(51" , 5 ) # &#. -5 )/& 5- & .5),5 /-.)'#4 5 an accessory item, purchase the piece, and then print the apparel all from home.

7g8g8g8g5 .# 955 -#(!5, &5* )*& 5().5') &-65/*&) 5 (! !#(!5 (-. !, '5#' ! -5) 55 )."5 audiences participating in popular American traditions while wearing Brooks Brothers. 7g8g8g8h5 .# 955 ,#. 5 ( 5-" , 5 &)!5*)-.-5#(.,) / #(!5 )."5 / # ( -5.)50 &/ & 5 ,))%-5 partners by describing the quality fabric makers and distributors that do business with Brooks and explain why Brooks has collaborated with the particular company. 7g8g8g8i5 .# 95 5 , . 5 #!#. &5 0# )5 0 ,.#- ' (.-5 ." .5 ')(-., . 5 ,))%-]5 #(. !, .#)(5 ) 5 5 Google Glass technology. 7i8h8g8g5 .# 95 -#!(5." 5 ,))%-5 &)!5^ )!/ -5;5 (.& ' (_5#(. , 5 ( 5#'*,)0 5." 5 ease of finding the blog through integration with other social media platforms such as ))%65 1#.. ,65 #(. , -.65 . 8 7i8h8g8h5 .# 955 )-.5.)5." 5 &)!5 )/,5.#' -5 51 %51#."5 )(. (.5 ) /- 5)(5, & 0 (.5." ' -955 Americans’ lifestyles, Brooks’ relationships with its buyers and customers, technology advances in the business world and integration of the new technology at Brooks, and updates to Brooks wardrobes. 7i8h8g8i5 .# 955 (! ! 5 /,, (.5 /3 ,-5.",)/!"5)(&#( 5' # 5 35 -%#(!5 ),5 %5 )/.5." 5 ') ,(#4 .#)(5) 5 ,))%-5 ( 5 &&)15." 5 0 (.5 , 5.)5*)-.5.")/!".-5)(5 ))%65 #- /--#)(-5 on the “Rogues & Gentlemen� blog, and tweets that will beresponded to in a constructive manner by a Brooks employee. 7i8h8g8j5 .# 955 , . 5 / .#)( &65 (. ,. #(#(!50# )-5." .5 2*& #(5")15 ))!& 5 & --5 ( 5i 5 printing technology will be used to improve the Avant Garde market’s Brooks experience and encourage the Avant Garde audience to be an early adopter.

for any occasions. 7h8g8g8h5 .# 955 ,.( ,51#."5 5 )'* (35." .5" -5 (5 +/ &&35,# "5 ' ,# (5"#-.),365#8 85 %5 (# &-65 and create product placement opportunities by clothing all models in Jack Daniels’ advertisements. 7i8g8g8g5 .# 955 ), # &&35#(0#. 5- & . 65-' &&5 /-#( -- -5.)5." 5*,)!, '51#."5 55 ,))%- , 5* % ! 5 )(-#-.#(!5) 5 5 , 5i 7*,#(.#(!50 .),5 ),5 5 )'* (35 , ( 5 )17.# 5),5- , 5 ),5 "5 '*&)3 5 ( 5 a handcrafted invitation with program details.

Appendix 7' #&5 / -.#)(( #, 51#."5 ,))%-5 ,)." ,-

),, -*)( ( 5, #0 5 ,)'5 !" (5 ,#Ĺƒ 55."65 ,))%-5 ,)." ,-5 , "#0 5 * ,.' (.65)(5 ,# 365 , "5gj65hfgj8 955 " .5 , 5 ,))%-5 ,)." ,-5 -.5! )!, *"# 5' ,% .-5 ( 51" .5' # 5. .# -5 , 5')-.5-/ -- /&5#(5.")- 5 , -> (5 ),."5 ' ,# 65." 5 ),." -.5#-5)/,5-.,)(! -.5' ,% .65 )&&)1 5 35." 5 )/."85 #."5, ! , -5.)5' # 5. .# -65)/,5' ,% .#(!5 Äż5),.-5 , 5 predominantly focused on direct communication, such as mail, email, and social media. 955 " .5" -5 (5." 5' # 5-., . !# -5 ( 5. .# -5#'*& ' (. 5( .#)( &&35)0 ,5." 5* -.5k53 ,-> The company has not implemented a new set of media tactics within the past 5 years expect [sic] for increasing the amount of digital marketing. 955 " .5! ( ,# 5' ,% .#(!5-., . !35 ) -5 ,))%-5 ,)." ,-5# (.# 351#."5')-.>5B ,% .5* ( ., .#)(65' ,% .5 0 &)*' (.65 . 8C /,5' #(5' ,% .#(!5-., . !35#-5 ) /- 5)(5 /-.)' ,5, & .#)(-"#*-85 51 (.5.)5 /#& 5 ( 5 2. ( 5)( 7)(7)( 5, & .#)(-"#*-51#."5)/, customers. Q: Is there a seasonality for purchasing Brooks classics, such as the number one sack suit? Is there a life cycle for a Brooks suit 555555B )15&)(!5 ) -5 5 /-.)' ,51 ,5 5-#(!& 5-/#.>5 " (5#-5 5-/#.5, *& >C There is a different seasonality for different items, some of which is based on classification, fabrications and what we drive through our 5*,)').#)( &5 & ( ,85 ),5 2 '*& 65 , !, ( -5. ( 5.)5* %5 /,#(!5." 5 ",#-.' -5")&# 35- -)(65 -"' , 5#-5-)& 5#(5." 51#(. ,65 ( 5&#( (5 is sold in the summer. Also, historically, we have done ’wardrobe’ sales in spring and fall, which tend to boost sales for our tailored clothing business. 955 " , 5#-5 ,))%-5#(5." 5#( /-.,35&# 5 3 & > -5 (5 &')-.5hff73 ,5)& 5 , ( 65#.]-5" , 5.)5 & #'5 (3."#(!5 2 *.5' ./,#.38 955 " .5#-5 ,))%-]5-., . !# 5) $ .#0 5 ),5." 5( 2.5 > 5 , 5().5 .5&# ,.35.)5 #- /--8 955 " .51)/& 5 5 5!)) 50 ,# & 5.)5/- 5)(5 5* , *./ &5' *5 ),5 ,))%-5 ( 5 )'* .#.),-5B#( &/ #(!5 )-5 85 (%65 (]-5 , ")/- 65 and J. Crew)? Äť 5 , 5 , 5.1)5*)--# & 51 3-5." .53)/5 (5 & --# 385Äť 5 5Ĺ€5,-.5#-5&))%#(!5 .5 ,# 5B C50-85 / &#.3I ,0# 5B C5 ( 5." 5- )( 5#-5 ,# 5B C50-85 -"#)(5B C85Äť 5 5 -"#)(50 ,# & 5, (! -5 ,)'5 & --# 5.)5 )(. '*), ,385 -5 ,5 -5 )'* .#.),-65 )-5 85 (%5 ( 5 85 , 15 , 5)(&35 5 )'* .#.),5 ),5 5*),.#)(5) 5)/,5 /-.)' ,-5 ( 5." , 5#-5()5 . 5.)5-/!! -.5." .5 (]-5 , ")/- 5#-5 5 )'* .#.),85 5 &-)5 )'* . 51#."5 , ( -65-/ "5 -5 Ralph Lauren, and department stores like Nordstrom. 955 " .5 ) -5 ,))%-5 )(-# ,5#.-5*)#(.-5) 5* ,#.35),5% 35-/ --5 .),-5 ( 5#.-5*)#(.-5) 5 #Äż5 , (.# .#)(5),5 )'* .#.#0 5 0 (. ! -> Our mission statement, written in 1818 by our founder, established our principles, which still form the basis for our strategic #Äż5 , (.# .#)(5.)5."#-5 385 5 ) /-5)(5 / &#.365 &/ 65 ( 5 ( &/-#0 7 2 &/-#0#.385Äť 5 - 5" 0 5 ),' 5." 5 -#-5 ),5)/,5 ) /-5)(5- ,0# 5 and relationships.


Notes Suplee, Curt. “Hung Up on Brooks Brothers.� The Washington Post Magazine5hf5 )0 ' ,5gomm955hl7ho855 85 14 January 2014.



))% 65 )"(5 #&&# '855Generations of Style: It’s All About the Clothing. New York: Brooks Brothers, Inc, 2003. Print. Appendix


Number based on the standard cost of $10M in 2014 currency (the budget assigned in all NSAC cases) plus a 2.381% #(Ĺ‚5 .#)(5, . 5* ,53 ,5B." 5 0 , ! 5#(Ĺ‚5 .#)(5, . 5#(5 ' ,# 5 ,)'5hffj7hfgj:5 )/, 95"..*9II1118'/&.*&8 )'I#(Ĺ‚5 .#)(I table). $10M+[(.02381*$10M)]*50=$21,905,000. IV

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