Agent Inc. 2019 Handbook - Sabrina Watson

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Residential Agent inc. 3500 E Pacific Coast Hwy. #120 | Corona del Mar, CA 92625 | | 949.791.8160 An exclusive publication of the Agent inc. All rights reserved. DRE# 02068079 © 2018

W E LC O M E N E W AG E N T S I’ ve B e e n Li stening Ex p e r i e n c e R ea l Est ate Elevated Lea d e rshi p

Age n t- Ce n tri c Br an di n g Pe rs o n al i ze d Age n t in c. St art er Kit Age n t I n su r an ce Age n t Mo rtgage Th e Ag e nt i nc. Age n t Es cr o w M ar ke t i ng P latform Age n t A ppr e n ti ce Age n t Au cti o n Ag e n t i nc. R evenue S ha r e Age n t St agi n g Ag e n t i nc. Website Age n t Pr o pe rty M an agem en t Ex p l o r e N e i g hb orhood s Me n to r Le ade r M ar ke t i ng C oncier g e a nd Res ou r ce Ce n te r Age n t i n c. Su ppo rt Ag e n t - Ce n t ric Err o rs an d Omi ssi o n s Bu i l d y o ur own Ag ent inc. Magazi n e P h o t o g r a p hy/ Vid eog r a p hy Elevat e d M e d ia Imm e rsi ve 3 D Ex p erience Elevat e d A ffiliations

“I’ VE BEEN LISTENING” - J O H N M C M O N I G L E , F O U N D E R AG E N T I N C. In today’s over saturated marketplace of Real Estate products and over 2 million active agents nationwide, one name stands apart from the rest — John McMonigle. Renowned for his unparalleled expertise and success, John, along with his celebrated team at Corona del Mar-based McMonigle Group, have made history by selling properties totaling more than $6.525 billion over more than 15 years. John is often called upon by the media as the foremost expert in residential real estate and has appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show, Access Hollywood, The Insider, HGTV and other major networks, as well as countless print interviews in some of the country’s most respected publications. From 2004 through 2008, The Wall Street Journal named The McMonigle Team the number-one real estate team in the world. John shined as a cast member on Bravo TV’s “Real Estate Wars.”

Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out.” -John Wooden

In addition to his profound sales achievements and co-founding of Strada Properties (which he sold to Coldwell Banker in 2003), John is known for his trendsetting marketing strategies, which have set new standards for real estate advertising and sales around the world. He is also recognized as an expert in real estate development, with the nation’s top builders and developers utilizing his expertise, keen business instincts and innate ability to understand and outperform the market to sell their properties. This combined expertise and experience has taught John to listen to the marketplace and to the needs of agents. The creation of Agent inc. is a result of John’s goal of helping the new contemporary agent function at the highest level. Agent inc. uses hyperfocused techniques and a process driven platform that delivers beyond expectations in revolutionary ways that service all levels of the Real Estate process and beyond.

E X P E R I E N C E R E A L E S TAT E E L E VAT E D Our Revolutionary Platform of complete Real Estate services combine to increase productivity and customer relations management. Insurance, mortgage, escrow and disclosures, etc. are internally incorporated to achieve the highest caliber of efficiency and networking opportunities. Revenue sharing is maximized for additional Agent profit and commission opportunities.

“Treat other people exactly as you would like to be treated by them -this is the essence of all true religion� --From the first public sermon of Jesus

LEADERSHIP SCOTT MACDONALD EXECUTIVE SALES DIRECTOR Scott MacDonald has earned an impressive reputation as one of Southern California’s most respected real estate professionals. For more than 10 years he built a thriving real estate practice that ranked among the top one-percent nationally and reached the Top 10 of a 3,000-agent firm in Southern California. After an extremely successful sales career, Scott focused his talents on developing agents, offices and regions for local, national and international brands. Most recently, he honed the Newport Beach operations of a large corporate company into a Top 5 office nationally out of more than 1,200 offices. Internationally acclaimed real estate and business coach, Tom Ferry, commented, “Scott MacDonald is a very effective senior leader in the real estate business today.”

Scott’s Christian world view is the driving force behind his passion, enthusiasm and sense of responsibility to truly serve those within his company as well as its clients who are buying and selling real estate. As he puts it, “It’s an honor and privilege to help people with the biggest financial decision many of our clients ever make in the sale or purchase of a home. I feel a sacred responsibility to bring great value to them in this process.” All of his success has culminated in Scott choosing to partner with John McMonigle, one of the real estate industry’s most successful and respected agents. “Teaming with John McMonigle to build a company based on purpose-driven values is a dream come true for me,” Scott commented. “Clients deserve to work with a company that truly cares about their best interests—a company that has a proven ability to perform at the highest level on behalf of each and every client. We look forward to providing a real estate experience for our clients that is second to none.”

“In a successful organization no detail is too small to escape close attention.” --From Lou Holtz

LEADERSHIP MIKE TAYLOR MANAGER BROKER SERVICES For 40 years, Mike Taylor has worked successfully in the banking and real estate industries. Mike spent the first half of his career as a senior executive of Los Angeles based, Topa Savings Bank (formally Bel Air Savings and Loan) and Topa Thrift and Loan, which were both owned by his mentor, the legendary businessman and philanthropist John E. Anderson. While there, Mike directly supervised a portfolio of over $2 billion in real estate loans and was handson in the supervision of all litigation matters, REO sales and problem loan work-outs. He also successfully navigated both institutions through the Savings and Loan crisis of the early 90’s, and was a key contributor in the successful sales of the institutions to a Midwest bank holding company in late 1997. After the sale of the company, Mike became President and CEO of Royal Bank in Los Angeles, and guided the owners and Board of Directors in approving a consolidation plan from federal banking regulators.

Soon after, Mike decided to switch hats and became one of the country’s most successful Berkshire Hathaway/Prudential sales agents. Mike and his team ranked nationally as one of the Top 10 company teams 8 times, and also earned the honor of being named the company’s Number 1 Rancho Santa Fe Team for 16 years. No stranger to selling luxury homes, Mike was also the co-listing agent for one of only two homes that have sold above $20,000,000 in Rancho Santa Fe. Raised in Mesa, AZ, Mike attended the University of Arizona on a basketball scholarship. He completed his undergraduate and graduate education while working full-time in the banking industry, earning his Bachelor of Law and Juris Doctorate degrees from the Thomas Jefferson School of Law in San Diego. Having spent 40 years in real estate sales and real estate banking, Mike is uniquely qualified to assist homeowners with the pricing, negotiations, and sale of their homes. His in-depth knowledge of the market, combined with his management, financial, and legal background provides a unique and powerful experience for both clients and agents.


WOR LD- CL ASS M ARKE TING TOOLS Age n t i n c. We bsi te Expl o r e N e i gh bo rh o o ds Build your o w n Age n t i n c. Magazi n e Ph o to gr aphy / Vi de o gr aphy I mme rsi ve 3D Expe ri e n ce Massive ex p osu r e w i th OBEO Un l i mi te d an d Li stHu b Exclusive Te l ev i si o n & WI FI Adve rti si n g Age n t i n c. St art Ki t Marke ti n g Co n ci e r ge an d Res o u r ce Ce n te r Expl o r e N e i gh bo rh o o ds Reve nu e Sh ar e


The Time Is Now. Open Your World to New Income Possibilities

Agent Share is a unique revenue sharing program designed by Agent inc. to encourage agents to participate in the company’s gross revenue. We want you to excel like this is your own business. When we profit you profit and we encourage you to participate in your own success. This revenue share program has seven levels of revenue that the company is willing to share with their agents for attracting others to Agent inc. The company will pay a percentage of the gross commission that it’s generating from the sale of real estate from the individual agents to the Recruiting agent.




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INTRODUCING: E X P LO R E N E I G H B O R H O O D S John McMonigle’s Geographic Farming Method Software Founder John McMonigle started his career at an early age, by farming a neighborhood called Lido Island, in Orange County, CA. Having recently moved to the area from out of state, not knowing a soul, his farming efforts consisted of showing up every weekend and doing an open house with over a dozen signs advertising his name. When he finally got his first listing, he mailed a brochure into the neighborhood. It was differentiating in size and quality. When he sold that listing, he mailed a “Just Sold” flier throughout Lido Island. Over the next eighteen months, his activity increased until he had 22 listings and 30 sales in his second year of farming Lido Island.

“During my career, I have grown my real estate team to become the number one team in the nation as published by The Wall Street Journal for five consecutive years. I have built and sold mortgage companies, brokerage companies, experienced many rewarding development and business ventures that all started from farming Lido Island. This is why I value geographic farming...I know that it works.� -- John McMonigle

MARKETING CONCIERGE AND RESOURCE CENTER Our world class marketing resource center is agent centric and customized for Agent inc. exclusively. Produce, print and email in one convenient place for efficiency and brand cohesion with specially designed templates and branded content consistency. Our marketing concierge can assist new agents with their first 40 days and all on-boarding needs.

A G E N T- C E N T R I C M A R K E T I N G P U T S YO U I N T H E L E A D Build Your Own Agent inc Magazine Our multi-platform approach to the real estate industry has been fine-tuned in a way that offers our clients and partners various forms of interaction and an experiential narrative to the Orange County lifestyle that no other media offers and in a way no other group embraces.

Each agent has 4 dedicated pages in Agent inc. magazine to personalize with their contact information, bio, photo and introduction copy. The issue is created on our Agent Resource Center for easy editing and is ready-made to look like the agent has developed the issue themselves; an impressive and revolutionary way to look like an industry leader.



Agent inc. agents enjoy the benefit of company paid photography for all listings!

We provide unparalleled high quality aerial videography which includes video of the home and immediate surroundings.

Capturing world class photography is a hallmark of the legendary Agent inc. brand. Company marketing and administrative staff direct agents on the selection of the most appropriate photographers for each listing.

Neighborhood amenities can be added to the video. Evening video shoots are an additional charge. Virtual tours allows you to use both photos & videos. You can create your own videos, or let us take care of everything for you. “Meet Me Video” to include on the Agent inc. website and the agent’s e-mail signature also available. This is a excellent value which each agent should take advantage of in their first 60 day

ELEVATED MEDIA Television and WIFI Advertising Exclusive to AGENT INC. PRIME CABLE T.V. ADS •180,000 Impressions on Local Cable Networks •Through targeted buying on key networks allowing listings to reach high net-worth individuals •Air listings on top cable networks such as Fox News, CNN, ESPN, CNBC. Fox Sports, Bravo, HGTV and AMC •250 airings •PRIME TIME slots •Pre-logs are sent to the Listing Agent the week before airing begins. WIFI CABLE ADS •15 Second Commercials for Online Distribution that will drive buyers and sellers to your website. •Digital Reach and Frequency reports will estimate how many impressions and views the ad will get overtime, allowing for the agent to make strategic decisions with their marketing budget. •40,000 Impressions Geo-Targeted through Cox, Spectrum, Time Warner, AT&T, Verizon Households

IMMERSIVE 3D EXPERIENCE Creative partnerships specializing in immersive virtual tours of residential and commercial real estate space. State of the art cameras capture every dimension of the space and proprietary software is utilized to generate a highly realistic 3D model. All models are delivered in the following three perspectives. WALK THROUGH The closest feeling to actually walking through a property, this cutting-edge view is a dramatic improvement from traditional virtual tours on the market today. Easy to use controls allow anyone to seamlessly “walk” through a property. DOLLHOUSE Offering a truly unique perspective that allows users to get a sense of how a space flows together. Users can navigate around the “Dollhouse” as if peering in on a miniature version of the space. FLOOR PLAN Providing a true scope of the space being scanned, this view is great for space and design planning and will come in handy when measuring out furniture and understanding relational space. 3D SHOWCASE 3D Showcase is much more than a 3D model. It’s all-in-one property visualization, right in your web browser or virtual reality headset. With our embedded WebGL player, including engaging 3D content in your website or apps is easy. Add our print-ready 4K photography and 3D Showcase feels as real as being there





E L E VAT E D A F F I L I AT I O N S Massive exposure with OBEO Unlimited and Listhub

Residential Agent inc. is a member of OBEO and syndicates every listing thru OBEO and Listhub to hundreds of national and global websites automating Virtual Tours to bring in more customers and give access to multi-level platforms and partners.

AGENT-CENTRIC BRANDING Personalized Agent Inc. Starter Kit AGENT INC. MARKETING PRESENTATION MATERIALS Listing Presentation Coffee Table Book 1 Listing Presentation Box 1st Set of Business Cards (qty: 500) 1 Bio Written by Text Writer 50 Letterhead & Envelopes, 150 Notecards & Envelopes, 50 Folders Graphics for Presentation Coffee Table Book and Business Cards, Bio, etc.

AGENT INC. MATERIALS Errors and Omissions 1 “Meet Me” Video New Agent Ecard Announcement New Agent PR Release 1 Head Shot

AGENT INC. SIGNAGE 4 For Sale Signs Agent inc. Branded 2 For Sale Signs HOA Blue 12 Open House Sign Agent inc. Branded 1 Car Top Sign 1 Sign Bag

AGENT INC. NETWORKING IXACT - 1 Year Membership FREE Exclusive Farm Designation for Neighborhood Scoop for 24 mo. Cost of initial website setup Contacts Within Farm, email addresses, and phone numbers Training With John - priceless

PERSONAL BUILDING TOOLS Jon Wooden Book Purpose Driven Life Book




(949) 735-1004

Residential Agent Inc.


3500 East Coast Highway suite 120 Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 P. (949) 791 - 8160 DRE# 01123869






OPEN HOUSE John McMonigle (949) 735-1004


John McMonigle


949 735.1004 3500 E Pacific Coast Hwy, Suite 110 | Corona del Mar, CA 92625 INSURANCE SOLUTIONS

P. 949.791.8160 | E.


WHAT WE OFFER PERSONAL INSURANCE Most of us have felt the pain of paying thousands of our hard earned dollars each year to health, home and auto insurance carriers, but few have had the even more unfortunate pain of having to file a claim against such policies. Those who do find themselves in the position of having to file a claim learn one very important thing; the broker they chose to buy their insurance from has more affect on their future happiness than they ever thought possible. We are the perfect personal insurance solution for you because our account mangers take pride in building meaningful relationships with account holders, allowing for a full picture of your family’s risk, whether protecting your livelihood, your health or your property. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY & CASUALTY Every company needs robust liability and property protections. Whether you are a growing company trying to keep up with your internal changes, or a stable company running to keep up with the changing business world around you; a strong property and casualty brokerage like us will provide you with recommendations for the products needed to properly mitigate constantly evolving internal and/or external risk.

Kevin Hernandez Vice President | 949.287.3050

WHAT WE OFFER What sets us apart from the crowd is that we are a full service Mortgage Banking company. We have in-house origination, processing, underwriting, docs and funding. We actually have loan programs available that won’t be found at any other lender. We are unique in that we shop 10 different rates every hour for our clients… Assuring that we always lock the best rate available for our clients. Every time! Also, we have retained the ability to broker loans for the “outside the box” type instances that a conventional lender just won’t do. COMPLIMENTARY LEAD GENERATION WITH OUR STATE OF THE ART CALL CENTER Live calling around your open houses and broker previews | Live calling to your geographic farm and SOI Send out text message blasts showing it came from your phone number Deliver ring-less voicemails with your number as a call back

Andy Espineira

John Phung

Payton Wade

Vice President | 949.309.2787

Sr. Mortgage Broker | 949.284.6502

Mortgage Broker | 949.613.5618




WHAT WE OFFER AGENT ESCROW, is a company providing escrow solutions for real estate transactions. AGENT ESCROW has an extensive team of experienced professionals to assist its clients to (1) follow federal and state Consumer protection laws, (2) protect Consumer trust funds, and (3) protect Consumer non-public personal information. In addition, AGENT ESCROW embraces, as much as possible, the “Title Insurance and Settlement Company Best Practices� to illuminate the level of professionalism, promote quality, ethical and professional service, and exceed all legal and regulatory standards. AGENT ESCROW, holds the AICPA SOC 2 attestation covering the five criteria relevant to data security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality and privacy. Along with the experience and expertise of Michelle and her team, she prides herself on creating a legendary customer experience!

Michelle Stevenson Escrow Officer | 949.662.6766

Announcing the new Agent inc. Mentor Program – Agent Apprentice! This graduate level program will be spearheaded by legendary agents Barbara Amstadter and Roger Clark who share a combined 77 years of experience in the real estate industry. The goal of Agent Apprentice is to create real estate professionals who thrive in all aspects of residential and commercial brokerage. Agents will be taught all of the practical aspects of real estate not taught in real estate school. The program will equip them with the knowledge and skills to outperform their peers. They will learn how to write viable contracts, role play for effective and persuasive communication, establish farming programs, and devise open house techniques. Agents will learn the value of product knowledge and the benefit of building lasting business relationships with clients allowing them to leverage their sphere of influence.

Meetings are held weekly with various round table agent discussions which include listing and selling strategies, escrow procedures, disclosures, and all related documents. Barbara and Roger meet at least once a week, one on one with individual agents, to discuss ideas on how to best utilize their work days to maximize productivity leading to stellar results. All new agents hired by Agent inc. will have the privilege of participating in this new and creative Mentor Program

WHAT WE OFFER Welcome to Agent Auction, the premiere luxury platform dedicated to optimizing the buying and selling experience of upmarket real estate properties and high-end products with immediate results. Agent Auction utilizes our global brand reach, major national television network circulation, targeted digital campaigns, and expert photography and literature to ensure each property, object, and item gains maximum exposure across each respective industry, worldwide. Our ability to separate ourselves as a distinctive upmarket auction site attracts an expansive assemblage of serious domestic and international prospective buyers with offers in hand, prepared to strike a deal from anywhere across the globe. Agent Auction provides a modern, yet accessible new way to obtain both luxury real estate properties and luxury products. With our informative, efficient, and high profile site, buyers and sellers are able to choose an auction end date that suits their financial and lifestyle needs and expectations. With Agent Auction, the buying and selling of luxury real estate and merchandise has become a streamlined and simplified process. Agent Auction raises luxury properties and commodities to the next level of marketability and sales potential, while simultaneously meeting the financial and temporal demands of all parties. AGENT AUCTION—VIEW. BID. SELL. WIN.

WHAT WE OFFER We’ve teamed up with the best in the industry to help you discover and achieve the aesthetic design that best fits your home’s unique style. From pinging, to furniture, to decor, we take care of your every need to ensure your home makes a great first impression and brings in the highest offers. PAY NOTHING UP FRONT The cost of your home staging comes out of the sale of your home. MORE OFFERS Staging a home will likely increase the amount of offers you receive. SELL FOR MORE More offers on the table means more chances of increasing your sale price.

WHAT WE OFFER Agent Property Management is a full service property management company designed specifically for the luxury residential market. As a subsidiary of the world-renowned upmarket real estate firm, Agent Inc., our tailored property packages are designed with the high-profile client in mind, and include: • Sourcing and screening prospective tenants, ensuring highly qualified, professional occupants are placed into properties • Performing credit checks and preparing lease agreements • Collecting and disbursing rents • Conducting pre-emptive maintenance inspections • Managing tenant maintenance requests • Providing landscaping, preventative inspections, and repairs for vacant properties • Offering concierge services ranging from stocking fridges, to chartering yachts, to private event planning At Agent Property Management, we understand our clients maintain demanding personal and professional schedules. Our specialized team allows clients to achieve lifestyle balance, while ensuring each property is meticulously and efficiently supervised and maintained.

Barbara Amstadter, Associate Broker 949.500.0155 |

MENTOR LEADER Barbara’s long and prestigious career, coupled with a client list that ranges from CFO’s and Presidents to first-time home-buyers, has garnered her the recognition of being a Broker’s ‘Broker’. Peer chosen as “Realtor of the Year” and the elite 24 Year ‘Legend’ status, Barbara has been at the forefront of Orange County real estate since first moving to Newport Beach in 1977. Her tenacity, deep-seated knowledge of financing and contract structure, and service on numerous CAR committees have all contributed to a vast wealth of knowledge about the business of real estate. Having raised seven children, Barbara has a masterful ability to help clients psychologically navigate the often, unpredictable ebb and flow of challenges related to the current market.

Barbara believes relationships are the foundation for a successful career. Whether she’s working with agents, Lenders, Title, Inspectors, and/or the many other professionals who may be involved in a transaction, Barbara endeavors to maintain strong, respected connections in service to handling her client’s needs and bringing each and every transaction to a satisfying close for all. Barbara speaks fluent Spanish and Italian has traveled to 23 countries and, as a lifelong learner continues to expand her Certification success in various real estate platforms.

Roger Clark, Senior Associate 949.500.4552 |

MENTOR LEADER Roger began his professional career in 1966, in the field of Education, teaching and coaching in a local high school district. After retiring from education in 1972, his real estate career commenced.

During his 45 year career as a real estate professional he has experienced various types of transactions, both in California and Hawaii, the majority of which were “off market” properties.

Roger’s history in the Real Estate field began with the handling of all phases of transactions, involving preparing purchase and sale agreements, assisting with financing, as well as all escrow closing documents for commercial and residential properties. This would include sales of shopping centers, office buildings, hotels, and multi-family buildings, plus land parcels to the publicly held home builders.

In addition, Roger utilized these skills to assist his clients in their individual residential purchases. Roger and his wife of 52 years have two sons, both of whom live locally. “I am available and look forward to mentoring or assisting agents in their pursuit of their career with the Agent inc.”

Danielle Ouellette, Director of Operations 949 791 8160 |

D I R E C T O R O F O P E R AT I O N S Driven, determined and hardworking, Danielle’s experience with both luxury real estate and mortgage have proven to be invaluable. A South County native who currently calls Laguna Beach home, she transitioned into the field of luxury residential real estate after receiving a Masters in Public Administration. Working with the guidance of one of the industry’s best and most accomplished, John McMonigle, Danielle has gained an invaluable perspective on how to help clients and agents bring their most important goals to fruition.

As part of McMonigle Group, Danielle has access to a variety of tools and resources designed to foster the most rewarding experiences for clients with even the most complex goals at hand. Danielle focuses on a results-oriented approach by using cutting edge marketing techniques, innovative resources and modern-day thinking in each transaction. For agents, this allows Danielle to provide seamless real estate transactions that are smooth as they are rewarding.

Lauren Phillips, Director of Marketing 774.249.5694 |

DIRECTOR OF MARKETING A graduate of Chapman University and Native of Boston, Massachusetts, Lauren has a B.S. Business Administration and Marketing Degree. Lauren’s talent for helping others and her passion for real estate landed her in the epicenter of the Orange County marketplace where she can assist agents in the latest up-to-the-minute marketing strategies. Her knowledge of the Agent inc. Resource Center and her concierge level of service, is a valuable asset for all types of agents: whether experienced, or just beginning.

“Being successful and fulfilling your lifes purpose are not at all the same thing; You can reach all your personal goals, become a raving success by the worlds standard and still miss your purpose in this life.� -Rick Warren

W E ’ V E G O T YO U C O V E R E D Errors and Omissions

AGENT INC. We are please to provide our agents one of the highest quality insurance policies available to the industry, provided by Navigators Insurance Company, at an extremely competitive rate. This is not a profit center for Agent inc. and can be financed if so desired and deducted from your next two transactions. ERRORS & OMISSIONS INSURANCE POLICY COVERAGE LIMITS OF LIABILITY: A. $ 1,000,000.00 Damages Limit of Liability – Each Claim B. $ 1,000,000.00 Claim Expenses Limit of Liability – Each Claim C. $ 1,000,000.00 Damages Limit of Liability – Policy Aggregate D. $ 1,000,000.00 Claim Expenses Limit of Liability – Policy Aggregate DEDUCTIBLE (Inclusive of Claim Expenses): $5,000.00 Each Claim

Navigators Insurance Company 1 Penn Place New York, NY 10119

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