Architecture 1o1 Part II Matchbox Booklet

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Architecture 101 Part II Nina Inken Schmidtmann IG: Sabrosas_Journal




Thinking Observing Feeling Speaking

about the Species of Spaces by Georges Perec


9 out of 52

„In short, spaces have multiplied, have been broken up and have diversified. There are spaces today of every kind and every size, for every use and every function“

Encolsed Space Space Writer Space Odysee

Space Filler Outer Space Blank Space

Wasted Space Space Sickness Watch this Space


To My Experimental Spaces

„To live

is to pass from one space to another.“

Enclosed Space



A voice (off): To the North, nothing. To the South, nothing. To the East, nothing. To the West, nothing. The curtain falls. Ent of Act One. Back then she wasn´t allowed to express herself. She felt like a prisoner.

Space Writer


„I write… I write,‘I write…‘ I write that i write… etc. (…) I write. I inhabit my sheet of paper, I invest it, I travel across it. I incite blanks, spaces (…).“

The lines he wrote were meant for her. He made himself the writer. The writer who was paid according to the amount of space his material occupied in her.

(…).” “This is how space begins, with words only, signs traced on a blank page.“

He paid himself.

But she is gone and his words will never fill her pages again.

“I start a new paragraph. I refer to a footnote. I go to a new sheet of paper.

If he only knew how badly she needed to write her own words. Find her own space.

„I write in oder to persue myself.“ (Henri Michaux)

Space Odyseey


She screems her way out. All these years, all these pages - wasted. A strong conflict. She crowled away into bed. „The bed is thus the individual space par excellence the elementary space of the body (…): Fear – terror even – was always present, despite the protection of the blancets and pillow.“ „I like my bed. I like to stretch out on my bed.“ She fesls a bit better and notices a light in the dark.

Space Filler


The resurrected space of the bedroom is enough to bring back to life, to recall, to revive memories, the most fleeting and anodyne along with the mostessential. She lays awayke dreaming quite a bit.

Outer Space


1. Every apartment c onsists of a variable, but finite, number of rooms. 2. Each room as a particular functionThe It would seem difficult, or rather it would seem derisory, to question these Self-evident facts. I don´t know and i don´t want to know where functionality begins and ends, (…) The activities of today corresponds to slices of time.

Moving out Take down unfastening unnailing unsticking unscrewing unhooking. Removing carrying lifting Sweeping Closing Leaving He walks out. She walks in.

She keeps



Blank Space

a space


„The door breaks space in two, splits it, prevents osmosis, imposes a partition. On one side, me and my place, (…) on the other side, other people, the wold, the public, the politics. You can´t simply let yourself slide from one into the other. You have to have the

password, have to cross the thershold, have to show your credentials, have to communicate.“ If he only had done it right. If he only left her a blank space to fill in her password these doors wouldn´t speak of seperation.


„Granted there is a wall, whats going on behind it?“ (Jean Tardieu)

I put a picture on a wall. Then i forget there is a wall. I no longer no what is behind this wall, no longer no there is a wall, i no longer know what a wall is (…).

The wall is no longer what delimits and defines the place where i live, that which seperates it from the other places where other people live.“ Have we shared one place. Have we shared walls? „The wall is nothing more than a support for the picture. But i also forget the picture, i no longer look at it, i know longer know how to look at it.“ She, her place, their place, who´s place, a place?

Wasted Space

„Pictures efface walls. But walls kill pictures.“

Excursus: J.B. Leishman's translation:

His gaze those bars keep passing is so misted with tiredness, it can take in nothing more. He feels as though a thousand bars existed, and no more world beyond them than before. Those supply-powerful paddings, turning there in tiniest of circles, well might be the dance of forces round a center where some mighty will stands paralytic ally. Just now and then the pupil's noiseless shutter is lifted. - Then an image will impart, down through the limbs' intensive stillness flutter, and end it's being in the heart.


Space Sickness

Leaving THAT place - wandering outside… „Observe the street, from time to time, with some concern for system perhaps. Apply yourself, take your time.“


Carry on Until the scene becomes improbable, until you have the impression for the briefest of moments, that you are in a strange town or, better still, until you can no longer understand

what is happening, Until the whole place becomes strange, and you no longer even know that this is what is called a town, a street, buildings, pavements.“

So she sits there watching, observing. SOAKING It IN – ALL IN – MORE IN, hardly trying to fill what he left empty. Experimental Video Referring To Her Space Sickness

Wandering‌ from the apartment building to the town to my town to forgein towns to the countryside‌

Watch This Space


„I don´t have a lot to say concerning the countryside: the country doesn´t exist, it´s an illusion. For most people of my kind, the counry is a decorative Space surrounding their second home. The country is a forgein land. It shouldn´t be yet it is. It might not have been so, but it has been so and will be so from now on“ She watches that space. It is their, isn´t it? Nostalgic and (false) alternatives To put down roots, to rediscover or fashion your roots, to carve the place that will be yours out of space, and build, plant, appropriate milimetre by milimetre, your home.“ She builds and builds on her mind to belong completly to…

Stefano Mirti Anne-Sophie Gauvin Design 101 Community

The End

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