Sbs v35 3 may jun 2014

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May-June 2014

In this issue: History of Blues in the Schools Coming Events and Festivals And More!

The Word from the President—Jimmy Reego group organizers, and all have their own interests they wish to advance. Sometimes these various members interests clash and I have become aware that there are some hard feelings that have festered between some of these groups in our great Society. My primary motivation for volunteering my time to the SBS Board is to bring us together under the Sacramento Blues Society banner so we can unite and create opportunities for all. The truth is - music is about community and blues music is about making your troubles lighter by sharing them through song. The old "Juke Joint" on the edge of town was a place to go where you could hear the blues and drink and dance away your troubles. In today's world life can be no less of a struggle and I thank God for the Blues to help us through, but we need each other to grow the fan base and open new venues where we can see more live shows.

Greetings Blues Fans: First, I want to take a few moments and thank all of you who have volunteered your time to the Sacramento Blues Society to keep the Blues alive in Sacramento. Your time and effort touches everyone in our community, from the kids who get introduced to the Blues in their school thanks to our BITS program, to the fan who met new friends after joining us and/or one of the many Blues meetup groups, and going to shows and supporting the musicians who play their hearts out for their fans, you change lives. The wonderful truth about volunteering is that you get more than you give when you do it. The show you really want to see is even more special when you are part of the volunteer team that helped put it on. Your friendships will grow deeper when you share the experience of your favorite band performing live and you know you helped make the show happen. So, please come on out and join a committee or volunteer to help out at a show, we welcome all who wish to get involved and keep blues alive in our community. Second, let me address the fact that two of our new Board members have resigned since our last Blue Notes was published. I want to take a moment and thank Kevin Adams and Rich Forman for their time on our Board; their effort and great ideas helped give new energy to our organization. The truth is, the Sacramento Blues Society is made up of many divergent members, musicians, fans, business owners, and blues meet-up

Thanks for listening, now get up off the couch and go out to see a show, or volunteer for one of our committees and make a difference in your world today! Jimmy Reego

The Sacramento Blues Societay (SBS) is one of the oldest blues socie es in California, founded in 1979 and is a 501 ( c ) 3 nonprofit corpora on formed to preserve and promote blues music as an art form. SBS has kept the blues tradi on alive in the Sacramento area by promo ng the local blues music scene, bringing interna onally renowned ar sts to the region and publishing the “Blue Notes” six mes a year for our membership. SBS is an affiliate member of The Blues Founda on, and provides educa onal opportuni es for young people with The Blues Founda on’s “Blues In The Schools” Program. 2014 Board Officers

Sacramento Blues Society is a Proud Member of

Jimmy Reego—President Cari Chenkin—Vice President Cynthia Jaynes–Secretary Sharie Mar n—Treasurer Charles Washington‐ Parliamentarian Board Members at Large

Daniel Hernandez Cynthia Juarez “Guitar” Mac Macknally Mari Lu Onweller Renee Erickson Barbara Katen

Board of Directors Mee ngs—2nd Tuesday And as announced on Each month; 7:00 PM at the SMUD Building, 6301 S Street, Sacramento All SBS members in good standing are invited to a end.

For adver sing rates contact 2

2014 Committee Chairs

Blues in the Schools —Liz Walker/Cynthia Jaynes Blue Notes —Val Anderson & Jan Kelley/Cari Chenkin CD Reviews—Mindy Giles Donor Gi s—Daniel Hernandez Events—Mari Lu Onweller & Renee Erickson Finance—Valeriejeanne Anderson/Sharie Mar n Hall of Fame—Sally Katen/Daniel Hernandez IBC Local Challenge—Kim DuVall Membership/Volunteers —Linda McShane/Sharie Mar n Public Rela ons—Mac Macknally/Cari Chenkin SacBlues e‐News/Calendar—Willie Brown Sacramento Blues Hall of Fame—S Katen/D Hernandez Social Media/Web—Cari Chenkin

Music Musings—35 years...—by Mick Martin, Charter Member Recently, Sacramento Blues Society President Jim Reego and I were talking. Somehow, the subject shifted to why anyone would want to be a member of a blues society. I mentioned (or Jim did) that someone should write an article about the motivation behind being a volunteer who is called upon to do various thankless jobs. Why would anybody in their right mind do that kind of work for free?

The festival ended in 1993, but the blues society lives on. It had its humble beginnings at the Holiday Inn South on Fruitridge Road. Jeff Hughson, Sheila Hembury, Phil Givant, Claudia Shane, Nat Stenhouse and Johnny Lewis in attendance at that first meeting, along with around 50 or so other blues fans. The Board of Directors was elected at the first meeting and I scooted out the back door. I was writing about entertainment at the Sacramento Union newspaper and Since then, it's been rolling around in the back of my mind. wouldn't be able to promote the Blues Society if I was on the As a collector and enthusiast of various subjects: movies, Board. At least that was my excuse. music, books and so on, I can't imagine going through life without being engrossed in a hobby, pastime or passion of Oh, I wrote about the Sacramento Blues Society as often as I some kind. The impetus for joining a blues society is no dif- could, but my goal was to avoid turning my passion into ferent, it seems to me, than being in a fan club, a book club, drudgery. I had made the mistake of having to write somegoing to a football game or being involved with an arts coun- thing akin to a book report every time I saw a movie and I was not going to make that same mistake with music. cil. So why would anybody be willing to join a blues society and do all that thankless work? Why would somebody risk a big chunk of money to put on a blues concert? Deal with all the hassles of keeping a blues club open? Edit a newsletter? Put on "Blues in the Schools” year after year? I'm still not quite sure, but "I say a little prayer for you" in my heart that somebody does. And, in doing so, they are selflessly keeping the blues alive. Maybe it should be a big THANK YOU!

When you add it all up, it's because you love something enough to want to surround yourself with like-minded people and share an experience that makes your life seem somehow richer and more exciting. I am continually reminded of what an oddball I am whenever I'm at a family get-together. If I bring up one of "My Favorite Things," as the show tune goes, and then I don't feel so bad -- until I get a blank look from the people around me. Or maybe someone will say, "I like music, but how many CDs did you say you have?" Or maybe it's "You have a book collection? I have a lot more space in my home since I started using a Kindle."

Long live the blues!

At about that point, a voice in my head screams, "Outsider! Weirdo!" Then I go to a concert and hang out with my friends. We're all there for one reason: to enjoy the music. That's when the point is driven home again. If we didn't have blues meet-up groups, venues or a Blues Society, we might not be able to enjoy the music.

"I would never join a club that would have someone like me as a member." -- Groucho Marx The words of the great Groucho Marx always echo in my head whenever I begin pondering the idea of joining any organization. So the fact that I was moved to sign up people at the Sacramento Blues Festival in 1979 for a Blues Society was pretty much against character. But you have to remember, this was 35 years ago, the Sacramento Blues Festival had amazing line-ups and, because it was held at William Land Park at that point in time, admission was free. The motivation, in retrospect, was simple: I was afraid the yearly celebration of this great music might simply go away. So I went to my car, grabbed a yellow notepad and, with promoter Phil Givant's permission, stood on stage in between acts and asked people to sign up to support the festival by forming a blues society. Soon, Jeff Hughson was making his way through the crowd to get names, addresses and phone numbers, too. Now, all it would take is people showing up at the meetings. 3

March-April Blues In The Schools (BITS) - A Little History… By Liz Walker Keepin the Blues Alive One Student at a Time! - Photos by Various


to be part of Any Given Child, a program sponsored by The Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. The sterile halls of the Children’s Receiving Home have been transformed by the magic and power of the blues with an hour presentation. All BITS programs promote school connectivity…this leads to improved retention rates and positive academic outcomes. Win! Win!

As some of you might know Blues In The Schools was resurrected in 2004 when some like-minded folks got together and said “hey, let’s take the blues into some schools.” Thanks to Mick Martin and other local musicians willing to work for bananas and bottled water, Gaye Woods used her connections within Sacramento City USD to bring live professionally performed music to local students. Flash forward 10 years - BITS strives to educate and connect the regional youth with their American blues heritage at a level that would otherwise be unavailable to them. Pretty heady stuff, huh? But it's true. Through established relationships with Sacramento County Office of Education, Yolo County Arts Council, Sacramento Metropolitan Arts Commission, dozens of school sites and other arts groups in the region, BITS has grown considerably, reaching thousands of students. Musicians are now paid for their professionalism, there is a code of conduct, a core curriculum, a six song cd (with lyrics written by students) and thousands of students have experienced the blues. Young musicians from three area high schools have strutted their blues every spring for the last eight years. BITS is one of 20 local arts organizations chosen

Education BITS helps to improve literacy levels in all grades by bringing a live musical ex- Con nued next page


SHOWCASE Students from three high schools are bringing their blues to the

Witch Room Tuesday, May 6th 6pm-9pm 1815 19th St (19th & S st across from Safeway -formerly Bows & Arrows) $5 donation Bring your Day of Giving receipt and get in for free or Give at the showcase 4

Bits—alittle history—Continued Woodcreek High. These dedicated educators have welcomed BITS into their classrooms and have worked side by side with our musician/teachers. We salute them for their patience, their passion and their performances.

perience to young audiences (sometimes their first!) Children exposed to new sights and sounds are more engaged with school and life. Lecture materials and activities across grade levels on the social, political and cultural aspects of the Blues, provide schools and teachers with arts based curriculum that meets state standards.

“Blues Society has been an essential part of my music program for 8 years now. I know its spring when my students start asking me, “When does Blues Society start?” The enthusiasm and camaraderie that students develop after they have been involved in Blues in the Schools lasts much longer than the 6 weeks or so that the students are in the program. Students who have participated in the Blues in the Schools program become my “go to” players when I need to put a band together for various events throughout the year. Having working musicians instruct my students inspires the students and reinforces musical concepts I teach in class. The musicians that I have worked with through the years (Joe Lev, Lew Fratis, Jimmy Pailer, and Rick Taylor) have all put their hearts into working with the students. The students enjoy working with them and learning the Blues in a handson environment. They learn the standard forms and are also encouraged to explore their own musical interests. The culminating Showcase Performance always brings out the best in the students. They enjoy hanging out and meeting the students from the other schools almost as much as they enjoy getting up on a “real” stage with pro sound and equipment. I look forward to many more years of association with the Sacramento Blues Society’s Blues in the Schools program.” Steve Boettner, Guitar, Piano and Digital Music Teacher, Rosemont High School

“My favorite instrument was the keyboard. I have a keyboard. I like the music a lot because it was cool. As you can tell the band was nice.” - Kaleb “It was very educative and fun to attend.” - Renee “…Thank you so much for coming to our school today. Listening to the music helped me forget about my dad and the sadness we both have about my mother dying…” – 5th grader, Elder Creek Elementary School Artist in Residency This program currently consists of professional musical artists/teachers working at three local high schools to form blues bands. These after school guitar/bass/ drum classes provide students with positive mentor/protege relationships and outlets for individual expression. The teachers facilitate the musical growth of each band as they create three song sets. Upon completion of the program, the teens are invited to play at the annual showcase. BITS has been fortunate to have an incredible partnership with three outstanding high school music teachers. Steve Boettner of Rosemont High, John Ousley from West Campus High and John Harmon of

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Bits—alittle history—Continued “In the long history of Blues in the Schools, it is part of the school year that the kids look forward to. Here at West we have been doing it for almost the whole 10 years. It started with Mick coming over and playing the harp. Since that time we probably have had close to 100 kids go through the program. It makes them feel like stars, they get to make their own band, select their own songs (sometimes), and play in a club. Several of the kids have gone on to play in bands and are still playing. Joe Riechel plays in several bands in New York, Trevor Jones is in LA with his band. Matt Martinez plays in his band locally. Jack Ingram is playing in Arcata while at school. Blues in the Schools gave them an outlet to explore their talents in a blues setting. It is invaluable for the kids and they can keep their love of music throughout their lives. The Blues Society folks have been very supportive. Liz and Cindy have always been there for us. We have had artists help the kids and have all been outstanding; Mick Martin, Jimmy Pailer, Joe Lev, Paris Clayton, Lou Fraits, Tess Honn, Kyle Rowland and others who have dedicated their time to helping the next generation and carrying on the blues tradition.” John Ousley, Teacher West Campus High School

Songwriting Contest For the last several years BITS has worked with some local high schools and the court/community schools from both Sacramento and Yolo County. As a way to involve students in the creative process a song lyric writing contest was created. This contest has resulted in a soon-to-be released 6 song cd. The lyrics these young people have written are not only heartfelt but are inspiring. “Having a Bad Day” just says it all, everything goes wrong but if you stay strong you can get through anything. “Life” tells the story of one bad choice. “Rainbow Blues” says it’s not about being sad but living a full rainbow. Two new songs have just been added to the cd, “Got My Top Down” and “Cheezin & Breezin”. After the song is recorded the band returns to the

Con nued next page

You can HELP keep BITS alive and thriving by DONATING during the 24 hour on-line


Tuesday May 6th

“I wouldn't be enjoying this life without this club” - Mark

Starting @ 12:00 a.m. and ending at midnight Go to

“ the start I wasn't going to join because I was too afraid. Luckily I did, Blues Society has been one of the best experiences of my life...” Miya and look up Sacramento Blues Society Your tax deductible donation will go towards

“This was the first extracurricular activity I've ever done in school and it was amazing!”-Tyler

supporting the programs of BITS. 6

Bits—alittle history—Continued school and plays the song for the students. Imagine that young person sitting in the audience and hearing their words performed by a professional blues band! It is a lifetime memory. Your Support

years there’s more to come. 2014 is shaping up to be a transformative year for BITS. Please take a moment to visit our new website, become our friend on Facebook (, follow us on Twitter (, or share your photos on Instagram ( OR just come on up and say hello anytime. We love sharing our passion for Blues In The Schools. :)

Blues in the Schools is a magical experience that is shared not on- Lizzie, CJ and Dave ly by the students, but all involved. Thank you so much for your continued love and support for Blues In The Schools. With all that’s happened in the last 10

Coming Events—Mari Lu ‘onweller Mosher Ranch featuring Mark Hummel and the Blues Survivors, the Gary Mendoza Band, Flat Busted and Big Trouble. (See article within this newsletter)

Greetings to all of my Blues lovin’ family! It’s great to be back in the saddle again! I have accepted the interim position of Events Chair while we continue to look for someone who would like to step up and volunteer for this position. This is the Sacramento Blues Society’s 35th Anniversary Year and we all want to make it special. We plan a huge party for all of our members in December to celebrate this milestone anniversary. Because we are still working on the details, I can’t tell you too much just yet but please be sure to mark your calendars now for Saturday, December 5. It will be a show you won’t want to miss!

6/26: 4th Annual Blues and Bones Festival at the Calaveras County Fairgrounds featuring Shane Dwight, Jeramy Norris and the Dangerous Mood, Max Cabello Jr and The Breakdown, Mike Hammar, Leo Bootes, Wingnut Adams and Guitar Mac (discount for SBS members) 9/28: Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony – Hawlow’s Restaurant and Night Club, Sacramentto

We are currently working with various venues throughout the Sacramento area to find the perfect places to bring you the very best in Blues entertainment regardless of where you live. We are also co-sponsoring and partnering with other well established events and festivals and will have more information for you in the very near future. At this time, we have the following events on our calendar:

10/4: 5th Annual Blues on the River at Swabbies featuring Daniel Castro, Jeramy Norris and The Dangerous Mood, Mick Martin and the Blues Rockers (discount for SBS members) 10/12: Wendy Dewitt at the Powerhouse Pub in Folsom (discount for SBS members)

4/12: Janiva Magness at the Country Club Saloon 12/5: SBS Members Party Celebrating 35 Years – Wingnut Adams Band opens at 8:00 PM featuring (TBA) – FREE to all SBS members! (discount for SBS members) We are looking for volunteer members who would 6/15: Father’s Day Blues and Bar-B-Que at the St like to serve on the Events Committee. If you are please send an email to: George Hotel in Volcano featuring Jeramy Norris interested, and The Dangerous Mood, Tessie Marie & The Poor Man Band and More TBA! I’m really looking forward to a very special 35th 6/21: 4th Annual Barbecue Blues/Country at year for the Sacramento Blues Society! 7

Memorial Day Weekend is full of Music! - By Mindy Giles Roots music from New Orleans, Memphis and Texas are featured headliners this year at the 41st Annual Sacramento Music Festival & Jubilee running May 23-26.

Flaco Jimenez, organist Augie Meyers (Doug Sahm's bandmate in the groundbreaking San Antonio band, The Sir Douglas Quintet), Young music and now since 2010- Sahm’s p h e n o m s the rightful heir to the legacy T r o m b o n e of his dad, Shawn Sahm. The Shorty & Orle- group's infectious, partyans Avenue ready sound blends country, early rock & roll, bring a mas- Mexican folk music, R&B, blues, and whatever sively power- other roots music crosses their paths. The Torful New Orle- nados show is a greatest hits Tex Mex party, a ans root moth- celebration in honor of Doug Sahm and Freddy er of all music Fender, doing favorites from the Tornados' sound on opening night, Friday May 23. The 27 and Sir Douglas Quintet legendary canon: -year-old New Orleans j a z z - f u n k - "Mendecino”, "Until the Next Teardrop Falls”, rock alchemist Troy "Trombone "Wasted Days & Wasted Nights", "In Music from Shorty" Andrews has been on an exthe Jailhouse Now", “She's About a plosive trajectory from hometown fa- New Orleans, Mover”, "Volver", "Hey Baby Que vorite to worldwide stardom the past Memphis and Paso?", "Who Were You Thinkin' Of ?". Texas are four years. This Grammy-nominated (Sunday, May 25). Featured virtuosic composer, arranger, trumpet, trombone, and vocal star released Say And opening for them on Sunday, the Headliners That To Say This in 2013-- it topped the suave doghouse bass wild man, Lee this year Billboard charts for months. The Rocker, The Stray Cat. Deke Dickerat the st DownBeat 2012 Readers Poll tromson, who plays on Friday, is a show41 Annual bone winner fronts his hot septet, Orle- Sacramento man extraordinaire who plays a douans Avenue. They bring lots of joy to Music Festival bleneck Mosrite guitar. Like Rocker, fest crowds, but with a purpose--- in he is a Memphis-styled music man, and 2013, Andrews founded the “Trombone Shorty combines country, alternative country, rockaFoundation”--he says, "The Foundation strives billy, hillbilly, blues, Western swing and rock 'n' to preserve and perpetuate our way-of-life by roll. instilling an understanding of the importance of our musical culture in the next generation of Area favorites Mick Martin & The Blues RockNew Or- ers, Big Earl and The Cryin' Shame, Delta l e a n s Wires, Gary Mendoza, Jimmy Pailer and the m u s i - Prophets, Johnny "Guitar" Knox, The Kyle Rowc i a n s — land Band, Johnny O and the Blue F.O.'s, Joy empow- and Madness, Lightning Boy & His Thundering e r i n g Blues Band, Mumbo Gumbo, Ray “Catfish” them to Copeland Band, Tom Rigney, Two Tone Steiny play it and The Zydeco Flames are all bringing their f o r - best game to the festival this year. ward." Here’s a tip: Don’t miss the Sacramento debut The ulti- of New Orleans’ Meshia Lake & The Lil Big m a t e Horns. Tex Mex supergroup, the Grammy-winning Texas Tornados are composed of some of the gen- All details at re's most legendary figures: accordion virtuoso 8

Barbecue and Blues are Back! - By Nan Mahon Holy Harmonica! Grammy Award nominee Mark Hummel and the Blues Survivors will be in the spotlight at the 4th annual Blues and Country/ Barbecue June 21 at the William Mosher Ranch on Grantline Road.

Sponsored by the nonprofit, all volunteer Elk

Grove Regional Scholarship Foundation, all pro-

ceeds will go to fund scholarships for graduating high school seniors. Last year, as many as 150 students received help for college expenses.

Barbecue and blues go together like ice cream and August. Add a little country music and you have a rocking party going on under the shade trees of the historic family ranch. In addition to the music, an amateur rib cook-off will send saucy scents into the air. Regional celebrity judges will decide whose is best. A no host bar will be set up for thirsty partiers.

The day starts as the gates open at 12 p.m. and goes on until 8 p.m. Advance tickets are $40, and $45 at the door. Tickets include parking, entertainment, and a meal. Additional food will be available for purchase. Tickets may be purchased online at the foundation website as well as Raley’s and Bel Air markets in Elk Grove. Please, no outside food, beverages, or pets! For more information, call 916-685-7118.

Along with Mark Hummel will be the Gary Mendoza Band, and country bands Flat Busted and Big Trouble. Dancing is encouraged on the special platform in front of the stage. A homemade quilt raffle and a free tour of the old ranch house are thrown into the mix.

HOF Ceremony at Harlows — The Sacramento Blues Society is proud to announce that this year’s Hall of Fame Inductions Ceremony with be September 28th, 2:00 pm – 6:00 pm at Harlow’s Restaurant & Night Club. Our opening band (TBA) will open the show with an hour of music and will leave the back line, so after the induction ceremony, we will have a great jam. All musicians - bring your instruments and we will have a party! We will continue the party at the Torch Club for our After Party 6:00 pm to whenever!! Stop by the Torch Club some day and see the last four years of Sacramento Blues Society Inductees on the Wall of Fame! All musicians in the Sacramento region are invited to come and enjoy the music and see what the Sacramento Blues Society is doing to honor our musicians who have mentored the new era of musicians. More information will be posted on the website and included in the next two newsletters as time gets closer to the event. Please go online to and nominate who you would like to see inducted into the 2014 Hall of Fame. It is not too late! Nominations for the current year will be accepted through 6/1/14. All emails come directly to the HOF Committee from the website. Sally Katen 9

SBS Musician CDs Available! Listed below are our SBS member musicians and bands with CDs available for purchase. Please consider adding a CD to your collection to support the Sacramento area's live music scene. Bad Catz Nasty Confrontation; Amazon, iTunes Blues Vandals Partner in Crime, Amazon, iTunes Bobby Blues Ray Blues Knight of the West Coast Gary Mendoza Band Keep 'em Dancin'

Guitar Mac— She Done Moved

Marshal Wilkerson Propaganda

Jeramy Norris Band Blues Man;

Nedra Russ / NJR Everybody’s Been Somewhere;

Kyle Rowland Alone in my Dark Room & more

The Used Blues Band Used Again

Lane Baldwin/Deeper Blues Dig the Hole;; iTunes, apple

Wingnut Adams Welcome to Grooveland & more; ;; iTunes

Support our Band Members—Hire an SBS Member Band! Andy Keane & Kinda Blue

Gary Mendoza Band

Nedra Russ

Bad Behavior

Guitar Mac & His Blues Express

Randy Carey Band

Bad Catz

Howard Hall Project

Ray “Catfish” Copeland Band

Big Earl and the Cryin' Shame

Jeramy Norris & The Dangerous Mood JeramyNorrisTheDangerousMood

Rube & the Rhythm Rockers

Blusoul Band Bluez Houndz 916-991-6148 Blues Vandals Bobby Blues Ray Christian DeWilde band

Julie & The Jukes Land Park Crew More info needed

Steve Foster Band Stone Kold Tessie Marie & the Poor Man Band

Lane Baldwin Band Marshal Wilkerson

The Big Little Rowland Experience Tony Westlake & the Tuff Times

Dave Croall & the Soothers

Melonee Desiree & Causin’ a Ruckus

Used Blues Band

Delta Nights Blues Band

Mr. December Band

Val Starr & the Blues Rocket

Foxtrot Mary

Nat Bolden’s State of Mind

Wingnut Adams


2ND ANNUAL FOLSOM RHYTHM & BREWS JUNE 14 – NOON – 6 PM—PALLADIO IN FOLSOM Nothing brings people together quite like a festival – the day before Father’s Day – featuring great music, good food, family-friendly atmosphere and the best in craft beers! Carrera Productions is proud to bring you the 2nd annual Folsom Rhythm & Brews on June 14 from noon – 6PM at the beautiful Palladio center in Folsom.

appearance): Shingle Springs Subaru Stage: Tommy Castro & The Painkillers The Dennis Jones Band Val Starr & The Blues Rocket

   

David Walley’s Hot Springs Stage:  Jim Lauderdale  Roy Rogers & The Delta Rhythm Kings  Danny Click & The Hell Yeah’s

This 2nd annual event will feature over 40 craft breweries, a Kids Zone, and two stages of entertainment, great food choices and more. The event is free entry, with fee-based craft beer tasting. You can order your tasting kit on line now – at Tasting kits are $18 in advance ($25 at event) and include: a 16 oz festival glass, over 21 identified wristband and seven tasting tickets. Additional tasting tickets will be available for purchase at the event and more information can be found on the event website.


Be sure to get your tasting kits early and save! An on-line order will secure you an E-Ticket – which you print and bring to the event and redeem for your kit. Electronic scanners (new to 2014) will make for quick entry and additional ticket booths have been deployed to handle the large crowds at the event. We hope to see you all there. Cheers!

This year’s entertainment is (in reverse order of

Sacramento Blues Society Is Pleased To Acknowledge our Sponsors and Donors and Thank them for Supporting our Programs

Gold Sponsors Anonymous BronzeSponsors Ann Malveaux

Business Donors

R.J. Painting/ Construction 916-752-1687

Mary Carrera 916-941-9001

www.La‐Z‐ sacramento

Louie’s CocktailLounge

Blueslovers & Beyond Meetup Group bluesloversandbeyond

Stoney Inn


Elk Grove Sports Bar & Grill www.elkgrovespor

The Boardwalk

The Golub Family

Sacramento Day Trippers Grady O’Bryant Torch Club Marina Texeira


P. O. BOX 60580 SACRAMENTO, CA 95860-0580

Blue Notes! is The official bi-monthly Newsletter of the Sacramento Blues Society. Co-editors Vj Anderson & Jan Kelley Send information for the newsletter to or mail to Editor at above address Not a Member? Join on our website Current calendar, news, past newsletters and more!

Cover Artist Bob Cosman Our cover shot was captured by Bob Cosman when a budding musician hopped on the bar with her sax. Here are a few more great shots by Bob.


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