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Foundation Annual Report of the Sacramento District Dental Society The Heart of Our Society
Looking Back at the SDDS Foundation in 2022
As my tenure as SDDF President comes to an end, I am grateful for the opportunity to provide you with the 2022 Annual Report via this May/June edition of the Nugget
In my previous President's message, I eluded to looking forward to a hope for normalcy and I am optimistic that we are finally coming out of the Pandemic and the new normal seems to be settling into place. 2022 again was a great year for the Foundation. Our fund-raising events were back and the reception was fantastic. The golf tournament was sold out and people love Ancil Hoffman as the location. The Broadway Series returned, and we had a great turnout.
We again had amazing support from our members and were able to end the year in the green. The dental community has always been so generous to our Foundation. The longevity and continuity of our donors speak volumes about how well our Foundation has met, and continues to meet, the needs of our community.
Our Smiles for Kids and Smiles for Bigs Kids programs have continued to pivot in the face of the ongoing changes in the delivery of care via the ACA. We asked, and our members responded to our suggestion, that they adopt a family in need and provide care in lieu of attending a Smiles for Kids Day. Thank you to all of you who helped so many at this difficult time.
Workforce shortages continue to hamper the recovery of our members’ practices and the Foundation is responding with yet another program to aid in the training of more RDAs in our community. Together with The Foundation Allied Dental Education we will be providing scholarships for DA to RDA training so that we can begin to address the needs of our members and through them our community.
Our puppet show continues to grow in popularity and has expanded its reach via the virtual world to add humor and education to so many youngsters. Its effects will be felt in our community and beyond
By Viren Patel, DDS 2022 Foundation President
for years to come with the message that oral heath starts at a young age and prevention is far better than cure.
Again, it has been a privilege to help guide our Foundation through these turbulent times. I will leave you with the knowledge that our foundation will be in great hands as Dr. Carl Hillendahl takes over as President with the never-wavering help of the Board of Directors and of course our amazing Executive Director, Cathy Levering.
Once again one of my favorite quotes from Winston Churchill: “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” Thank you for giving so generously to our Foundation and giving me the opportunity to lead this organization in growth and change over the past 6 years!
Current Assets
*as expected, the market correction happened in 2022. Our overall position continues to be positive.
A charitable 501-C3 organization