5 useful tips to keep your toothbrush clean after brushing Your toothbrush will be loaded with noxious bacteria and germs after scrubbing the teeth surfaces. If you do not clean the toothbrush properly, the microbes collected on the toothbrush will proliferate. Then, What is the point in cleaning your teeth with such a dirty toothbrush? In essence, many people are not aware of the essential toothbrush care tips. For instance, keeping the toothbrush in the restroom. While flushing a toilet, the swirling water that carries waste particles from the bowl will splash over the toothbrush bristles.
Hence you should rinse your toothbrush thoroughly before brushing. Likewise, you should know the ways to disinfect your toothbrush. In this article, our team of dentists in Dr. Amarnathan's dental care has shared the effective ways to keep your toothbrush clean.
1) Soak your toothbrush in antibacterial mouthwash Soak the bristled end of your toothbrush in a cup of antibacterial mouthwash for a stretch of 30 seconds. If you are using an electric toothbrush, then keep the brush head in the solution for the same time span. Then stir the toothbrush well in the solution for a few seconds and let it dry. The fluid will kill the bacteria whilst loosen the hardened substances stuck between the bristles during the last brushing.
2) Clean the toothbrush with a denture cleanser Denture cleanser is another way to sanitize your toothbrush. Unlike certain mouthwashes, it does not contain any harsh ingredients that might break down the bristles.
The antimicrobial ingredients will extricate the hardened debris and microorganisms in the bristles. Dissolve half a denture cleansing tablet in a cup of water and soak the toothbrush's bristled end or electric toothbrush's head in it for 90 seconds. If you want a solution formulated for oral use and does not hold any harsh substances, denture cleanser will be the right choice for people like you.
3) Take advantage of Vinegar to clean your toothbrush Vinegar is a biodegradable disinfectant that can effectively fight against various microbes responsible for oral infections, and bodily disorders such as flu. Take a cup of vinegar and soak your toothbrush in the fluid for at least 30 seconds after brushing. Your toothbrush will become bacteria & germs-free.
4) Use baking soda to disinfect your toothbrush Baking soda is a widely recognized home remedy to remove teeth stains. Similar to acidic mouthwashes, baking soda is quite abrasive but it also works effectively against the harmful microorganisms lodged between the bristles as well as in your mouth. All you want to do is, mix 2 tsp of baking soda in a cup of water and keep your toothbrush in this mixture for 30 seconds.
5) UV Toothbrush Sanitizer This is quite expensive but powerful solution that ensures the harmful microbes including E.coli, Candida albicans are killed. It assassinates bacteria and viruses by destroying the molecular bonds that hold the DNA of those microorganisms. When you switch on this appliance, the ultraviolet light emit from it reach all the nook and corners of the toothbrush for sterilization.
Bottom line Aside from replacing the toothbrush when the bristles get fade or wear down, you should indulge in activities to clean the toothbrush after brushing. Likewise, you should not keep your toothbrush in a moist environment because the humidity tends to proliferate the bacteria harbored in the bristles. Do you want to know more about effective dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth and gums? Contact our dentists in Tambaram today.
Dr. Suresh