sachio badham 2018 portfolio syracuse university
sachio badham
01 long island city self-storage 02 near west community art center 03 green lakes education lab 04 plan is the generator: palazzo ognissanti 05 bobolli workshop 06 professional work
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sachio badham
SACHIO BADHAM DOB 12/04/1993 dual citizen of US and BRA Piazza Fra’ Girolamo Savonarola, 15 50132 Firenze Fl, Italy +39 327 2808864
PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE TIGHE ARCHITECTURE , Santa Monica, California, United States Architectural Intern, March 2017 Aug 2017 3D print, lasercut, handcut, paint models for exhibition Preparation of drawings for award submittals Prepare renders for clients Design the firm’s book CEARNAL ANDRULAITIS ARCHITECTS, Santa Barbara, California United States Intern, Aug 2014 - April 2015 Site visits, delivery
E D U C AT I O N Syracuse University, expected grad. 2020, New York, United States Included in Dean’s List for Fall 2015, Spring 2016, Fall 2017 3.58 Cumulative GPA Studio Professors: ARC107 Emily Pelicano, ARC 108 Maya Alam, ARC 207 Tim Stenson, ARC 208 Bess Krietemeyer, ARC 307 Greg Corso, ARC 308 Kyle Miller Santa Barbara City College, California, United States Associate in Arts, May 24, 2014 President’s Honor Roll, Fall 2013 3.43 Cumulative GPA Ventura College, California, United States 4.0 GPA for one semester attended Santa Barbara High School, California, United States High School Diploma, June 2012 Graduated with a 4.10 weighted GPA. Took all honors and college-level courses freshman-senior year. Passed 4 AP courses with A's and B's.
SKILLS Digital Analog
Rhino, Autocad, Sketchup, Adobe Master Suite, VRAY Sketching
Model Making Laser Cut, 3d Print, CNC Mill, Presentation Quality Models Languages English, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian
Piazza Fra’ Girolamo Savonarola, 15, 50132 Firenze Fl, Italy
+39 327 2808864
self-storage facility
+ project_1 long island city mixed-use self-storage facility
This project serves the function of a mixed-use self-storage facility, and is located in long island city, qeens, new york. It explores the interstitial space found between the things we accumulate in our lives -- things we classify as clutter. One mass is split into three pieces, torn apart. Each resultant mass retains discernible features of the previous whole. The self-storage volumes take on enclosed, definitive forms, and therefore define the interstitial, leaving that space to become public program. The building finds cohesion through conversation amongst its parts, continuity of shapes and lines, light and dark spaces.
sachio badham
professor greg corso
exploded interior perspective
site plan
self-storage facility
sachio badham
professor greg corso
exploded axonometric
self-storage facility
first floor plan perspective
1 2 3 4 5 6
10 sachio badham
auditorium self storage self storage circulation space classroom library and book storage
professor greg corso
exploded axonometric
self-storage facility
12 sachio badham
professor greg corso
plans section
interior view
self-storage facility
14 sachio badham
professor greg corso
study models
self-storage facility
16 sachio badham
professor greg corso
final model
self-storage facility
northwest elevation
southwest elevation
+ project_1 midterm progress
18 sachio badham
professor greg corso
first floor plan
syracuse art center
+ project_2 near west side community arts center
A bar rests atop a mound. The bar, elevated and ordered, recalls the industrial past of the building site. The mound stays rooted in the park on which it is built, rising to provide programmatic space beneath. The mound is divided into strips, each strip corresponding in section to the proximity of the bar above. The circulation of the gallery is dictated by the height of the bulges, stimulating sinuous movement throughout the space. Above, the roof is traversible, covered in vegetation. It serves as a continuation of the park, funneling circulation towards the center of the building. The bar bends above, forming a void which creates a center, accessible from all directions, framed by its natural and constructed elements.
20 sachio badham
professor tim stenson
industrial bar
vegetated roof
ground level
asphalt, continuation of sidewalk
cohesive form
tectonic strategy
retroactive drawing
syracuse art center
22 sachio badham
ground floor
first floor
second floor
professor tim stenson
section diagram
syracuse art center
each strip responds to the proximity of the bar above it. circulation of the gallery space beneath it is directly informd by the height of the bulges above
24 sachio badham
professor tim stenson
TERRAIN. Vegetated roof. Traversible. TERRAIN. Vegetated roof. Traversible. TERRAIN. Vegetated roof. Traversible. C1: Cafe to main entry
C5: Industrial Fragment C5: Industrial Fragment
C2: From Tioga st. under andCafe through building C1: to main entryto park C1: Cafe to main entry C2: From Tioga st. under C3: Gallery Circulation C2: Tioga st. under andFrom through building to park andFrom through buildinginto to park C4: landscape building center C3: Gallery Circulation C3: Gallery Circulation C4: landscape into building C5: From Industrial Fragment C4: From landscape into building center center
GROUND LEVEL. Grass terrain, walls which support landscape above, “plastic” concrete fragments GROUND Grass terrain, articulatingLEVEL. entry, and bearing walls GROUND LEVEL. terrain, walls which supportGrass landscape providing structure for above fragment. walls which support landscape above, “plastic” concrete fragments above, “plastic” fragments articulating entry,concrete and bearing walls articulating entry, and walls providing structure for bearing above fragment. providing structure for above fragment.
Main Entry Cafe ASPHALT. Same materiality as the sidewalk itself. ASPHALT. Same materiality ASPHALT. Sameitself. materiality as the sidewalk as the sidewalk itself.
Main Entry Gallery Main Entry Cafe Library Cafe Gallery Classrooms Gallery Library Studio’s Library Classrooms Classrooms Studio’s Studio’s
Center of Importance COHESIVE FORM. Symbolising the industrial edge condition and order COHESIVE FORM. industrial of the neighborhood’s COHESIVE FORM. Symbolising the industrial past, the gridded-bar sits atop another Symbolising theand edge order rooted in the piece,condition one that isindustrial instead edge and of thecondition neighborhood’s industrial landscape of the siteorder itself. The orientation of of thethe neighborhood’s industrial past, gridded-bar sits atop another these two pieces creates a literal center, a public past, the gridded-bar sits atop another piece, that is instead in the space one accessible from all rooted directions. piece, one that is instead rooted in the landscape of the site itself. The orientation of landscape of the site itself. of these two pieces creates a The literalorientation center, a public these two pieces creates a literal center, a public space accessible from all directions. space accessible from all directions.
“Plastic” concrete insertions signifying cafe and main entry Center of Importance Center of Importance “Plastic” concrete insertions “Plastic” signifyingconcrete cafe andinsertions main entry signifying cafe and main entry
final model
syracuse art center
26 sachio badham
professor tim stenson
transverse section perspective
syracuse art center
28 sachio badham
professor tim stenson
longitudinal section
syracuse art center
30 sachio badham
professor tim stenson
interior perspective
syracuse art center
32 sachio badham
professor tim stenson
green lakes education lab
+ project_3 green lakes education lab year 2, semester 2
Being located at the midpoint of a steep site overlooking Green Lakes in Syracuse, New York, this project serves as a continuation of the hiking path over which it sits. The threshold between public and private, internal and external, are effectively erased. The projects greatest spaces can be enjoyed entirely without infringing upon the activities of the private programmes within. In an effort to mimmick the experiential quality of the preceeding hike, the sequence of approaching and entering the building consists of a series of exagegerated light and dark spaces. Transparencies are created as the building contorts out from landscape, walls and floorslabs conflict, creating a sensually rich sequence of events.
34 sachio badham
professor bess krietemeyer
final model
retroactive collage drawing
green lakes education lab
36 sachio badham
study models
professor bess krietemeyer
perspective from above
green lakes education lab
38 sachio badham
professor bess krietemeyer
longitudinal section perspective
green lakes education lab
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professor bess krietemeyer
transverse section perspective
green lakes education lab
42 sachio badham
professor bess krietemeyer
perspective from below
green lakes education lab
44 sachio badham
professor bess krietemeyer
reserve shelter perspective
palazzo project
+ project_4 plan is the generator: florence palazzo midterm project - work in progress done in collaboration with Tanvi Rao
This project is conceived of in three parts. Our group of two first collaged parts of plans from iconic Renaissance Palazzo’s creating a composite plan which, through a semi-atomated process of extruding and wirecutting the silhouette of that plan in three directions, generated a form. We then inherited that form as a given, and intervened through further manipulation of plan, surface, and volume. Adopting techniques from Palazzo Ca’ Doro and Palazzo Chiericati, we opened the Piano Nobile to the public, punching a hole and extracting the frame and volume, creating a continuation of the Piazza into our public courtyard and up through void which cuts through the volume. The pre-existing loggia and different material treatments based on floor-level connect the contrasting facades, as the arno face serves as a continuation of the river front, and the piazza side serves as an animated invitation for public participation.
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professor kyle miller
elevational detail, piazza facade
detail perspective
piazza perspective
palazzo project
48 sachio badham
professor kyle miller
reserve shelter perspective
first-floor perspective
courtyard perspective
palazzo project
50 sachio badham
professor kyle miller
longitudinal section
transverse section
palazzo project
52 sachio badham
professor kyle miller
bobolli gardens workshop
+ project_5 2-day landscape workshop with julia czerniak and daniel vassini done in collaboration with danny raphael, and echo zhao As part of a two-day workshop in Florence, our group of three analyzed the boboli gardens through the lens of narrative. We proposed an intervention: rather than introducing a new story or historical anecdote, we highlighted a trend already taking taking place within the site. Our story showcased the inverse relationship between natural and construct, in efforts of highlighting the highly staged condition of the nature within the park. As the user arrives at the Isolotto, he finds himself with no obvious route back to the exit. Our intervention sits here, offerering a series of spaces for the user to reflect on the constructions’ role within the gardens. The “continuous monument� increases in scale and frequency, becoming increasing regular and regulating for the user, visibly playing a greater role in composing his experience. The intervention begins as a series of irregular pavings, eventually becoming a bench and a wall, and then a frame and an enclosure. In the final vignette, the user finds himself back at Palazzo Pitti, enclosed within the piazza, standing upon a gridded surface, staring at a projection of a painting of an idealized landscape. At this point, the user realizes the extent of the construction of his experience.
54 sachio badham
julia czerniak, daniel vassini, kyle miller, luca ponsi
existing conditions
intervention vignettes
potential movement
bobolli gardens workshop
56 sachio badham
julia czerniak, daniel vassini, kyle miller, luca ponsi
tighe architecture
+ professional_work tighe architecture, summer 2017
When working at Tighe Architecture last summer, my main tasks corresponded to the exhibitions we held in August, titled ReDrawn. This consisted of 3D printing, laser-cutting, and modeling the complex geometries of 12 of the firms important conceptual and built projects, in collaboration with my colleagues. I was also involved with producing renders and submitting proposals for clients, preparing award-submittal drawings, and designing the Tighe Architecture monograph, which is yet to be released.
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entry tube proposals and render for client
progress and final models for exhibition
tighe architecture
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s s b a d h a m @ s y r. e d u