1 minute read

Children's Meetings

Children’s Meetings will be offered for the children (ages 6 months to 9 years) of parents attending the camp meetings. Registration will begin 15 minutes prior to the start of meetings at the Seaside Pavilion. Preschool children (ages 3-5) will be in their own space in the gym at the OOB Corps and will only be united with elementary aged children during the Bible Story time. Nursery care will be provided for children 6 months up to 2 years. Meetings for all ages will run Saturday, Sunday, and Tuesday. Join us Monday night for Family Fun Night at the Seaside Pavilion.


Nursery (6 months–2)

Preschool (3–5)

Children (6–9)


OOB Corps

OOB Corps


Saturday Evening Guest

At home in the USA Eastern Territory, Mark currently serves as Senior Instructor, Curriculum Department, College for Officer Training and Territorial Theology and Christian Ethics Secretary for the Territorial Commander’s Office and his wife Sharon as Personnel Officer, Officers’ Services and Records Department. They are known for their sound Biblical teaching and their desire to live out a strong message of Hope that represents the optimistic nature of our theological heritage.

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