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SAconnects: our 10th Anniversary

During this time of reflection and celebration, we are grateful for God’s blessings


Excitement filled our hearts the day we began the rollout of a new multimedia, multilingual magazine designed to reach people with the love of Christ. Its name, SAconnects, implied that it was also intended to link you, our reader, to everything about The Salvation Army and beyond. Our plan was to connect you to a diverse community of believers through English, Spanish, and Korean languages, in print and online.

Ten years on, we continue to bring you relevant takes on ministry, music, and history, as well as mental, physical, and spiritual health. Our “Faith in Action” and “Who We Are” departments have introduced you to a spectrum of unique programs, experiences, and personalities.

Stories about people in recovery from addiction and depression have inspired others who also struggle. Lifestyle stories on spiritual life development and a variety of topics have informed and motivated readers to make transformative decisions.

The Evangelical Press Association, the world’s most recognized professional organization in the Christian periodical publishing industry, awarded SAconnects with its 2023 Award of Excellence (first place) for denominational magazines in the United States. Competing in a field of about 40 magazines, SAconnects has won more than 40 awards in the past nine years.

One judge recently remarked, “Creatively and practically, this publication fulfills its mission of encouraging readers toward the ‘ministry of presence.’”

Surviving tough times

COVID-­19 necessitated the closure of all Salvation Army churches and thrift stores and the lockdown of its adult rehabilitation and elder care centers. As they also served as the primary distribution points for SAconnects, these closures resulted in the suspension of our print production. The frustration of this new reality, and the fear of not knowing when it would end, challenged our staff to discover innovative ways to reach readers exclusively online.

Our primary mission became to report on The Salvation Army’s largest food distribution, emotional and spiritual care counseling, and social justice ministries in its history.

Other social issues also came to the fore. The murder of a former Salvation Army employee, George Floyd, resulted in a global movement for justice and equality. Our coverage of shouting voices and marching feet had to be sensitive, honest, and heartfelt as we fulfilled the Army’s mission to “meet human needs without discrimination.”

But amid the death, disease, and unrest that upended the world, something good happened too. Our magazine writers, graphic designers, videographers, photographers, and social media team proved we could communicate across multiple platforms and reach a broader audience with God’s message of hope, and our staff grew closer personally and spiritually, even while working from home.

God humbled us to keep our eyes focused on Him. In the process, our message of unity, as well as our commitment to racial, national, and cultural diversity, came to fruition in ways we did not imagine when we launched the magazine. Thanks to God and your support, we emerged as a true reflection of what The Salvation Army is all about. As we go forward into 2024 and beyond, our prayer is that you will see SAconnects as your magazine.

The truth is, though, we do not intend for you to be the end user of this publication. Indeed, if you take the opportunity to share it with others, you powerfully launch your own ministry of presence. In an act of God­inspired generosity, you can help us stay connected to each other and to the rest of the world.

May we be encouraged as Asa was when he heard these words, from 2 Chronicles 15:7, “But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.”

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