Sacred Eden - December 2010

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December 2010 US$9.95


Bust colds and flu with tea tree oil Ease dry and cracked skin Keep active in the cold

Your Best



Christmas Meal Ever: The secrets and super benefits of combining foods, page 15





Publisher’s Note




id you know that over 2 billion dollars are spent every year on antacids? Said to be caused by stress, overeating, and undereating—and linked to other physiological ailments--trouble with our digestive systems is easily and popularly eased by a chewable tablet or a swig of a sweet, chalky liquid. But only temporarily. The true cause of indigestion, gas, constipation, and hyperacidity is seldom addressed—as are many true causes of illnesses. Modern medicine and our lifestyles of convenience and quick fixes have made it so. We at Sacred Eden value the truth. And this is what we aim to share with you month after month. If you’ll turn to page 16 (“Transforming Ordinary Foods into Superfoods”), you’ll find the truth behind the most common digestive complaints—and it isn’t eating too fast or eating under pressure. It’s incorrect combining of foods. More than hindering full functions of our digestive processes, wrong pairing of foods also prevent our bodies from enjoying the maximum quality of their nutrients. Not to worry--we unlock the secrets of correct food combinations for you, and introduce you to a whole new facet of health: orthomolecularism, a revolutionary path of science and medicine extensively studied by Linus Pauling and Ramadan Hemat that fuse nutrition, bio-chemistry, and clinical nutrition together. For those with a tendency to let the cold winter blues get to them will get a lot of help in this issue, as well. We’ve got tips on how to stay active to get that blood and serotonin pumping (pages 4 and 20), and a wealth of herbal knowledge on page 18 (“A Wise Woman’s Tips to Beat SAD”) to keep heavy moods at bay.” Even before the holidays draw to a close, we’d also like you readers to be prepared. Post-Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Year is a time of a lot of groaning and regret for piling on those calories, so we’ve armed you with what you need to know about cleansing your systems quick (“Benefits of a Three Day Cleansing Diet,” page 9); and psyching yourselves up to sticking to your 2011 fitness resolutions on page 11 (“29 Off-The-Wall Reasons To Get In Better Shape”). And because we know that a lot of you still like to indulge, we give you practical pointers on how to deal with the pitfalls of any holiday: avoiding the temptations of binging (“The Great Holiday Challenge,” page 20), and alleviating those effects of imbibing a tad too much (“Hangover Helpers,” page 22). (If you do choose to give into temptation at the buffet table, remember that adding unsaturated fats like olive oil, nuts, or avocados to salad can help release antioxidants in vegetables; and using herbs and spices to marinade meat you intend to grill, to reduce carcinogenic compounds released by grilling—just a couple of insider’s health tips!) This issue, we’d like to make everyone happy, so we’re giving away very special discounts on our Tonic Alchemy, MSM, and He Shou Wu Hair Growth products. The fun starts on page 12. Meanwhile, we’d like to wish all you readers a very blessed, meaningful holiday season. Thank you for making 2010 an amazing period for us at Sacred Eden. We’re looking forward to giving you more ways to achieve perfection in the coming years. To Your Health, Wealth & Happiness,

The Sacred Eden Team

Table of Contents 4




Healthy Solutions


5 Tips For Keeping Active In The Winter; A Guide To Sunless Suntan Lotion; 4 Tips To Dealing With Dry Skin; Avoiding Being Sad in a Season of SAD


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It’s a Wrap! Unique gift-wrapping ideas put more zing in your presents. Try them out this holiday

The Shop-aholic. It’s been the subject of recent movies and books and it’s always pumped up to be something glamorous. But shopping addiction is as dark as it gets


Age-Old Remedy for the Newest Flu. The flu virus mutates and can kill, but it’s no match for this diminutive plant


Benefits of a Three-Day Cleansing Diet. Avoid feeling like a bear just out of hibernation! Bounce back from the wintertime blahs with these pointers


Easing Eczema. The cold air is harshest on eczemasufferers. Their skin becomes so dry it splits open, causing pain and in some cases, infection. Here’s how to make it more bearable


29 Off-The-Wall Reasons To Get In Better Shape. Tired of listing down the same boring goals about exercising every time a new year rolls around? Here, try these

Food and Nourishment


Party-Worthy Turkey Parts. Demolished your turkey over Thanksgiving, and don’t know what to do with what’s left? Three suggestions for making the most out of your leftovers



Tonic Alchemy: The World’s Ultimate Superfood

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MSM: Younger, Stronger, Better


Restore Your Hair Naturally with He Shou Wu




Transforming Ordinary Foods into Superfoods. Food combining and the science of orthomolecularism aims to fully optimize the nutrients of food, having the body digest them to their full extent, and cure a host of diseases


A Wise Woman’s Tips to Beat SAD. Holidays and indeed, wintertime, brings about Seasonal Affective Disorder. Women are more particularly prone to this condition, especially in their more mature years. Here are invaluable ways to cope

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The Great Holiday Challenge. Binging, lazing about, slacking off from exercise? Don’t let these happen to you


Hangover Helpers. ‘Tis the season to be jolly—and a little bit drunk! Save yourself from the ails of a hangover with this preventive tips



A GUIDE TO SUNLESS SUNTAN The danger of exposure to the ultraviolet lights of the sun and tanning beds has been well established. The only safe tan is a fake tan. Using a sunless suntan lotion is the best way to get the color you want without the risks to your health. Skin cancer and premature aging of the skin are the most common health dangers resulting from exposure to UV rays. Sunless tanning products are available in a wide range of formulas. You will find them for every skin type and color. It’s important to choose a product that is made for your skin type for the best results. Using a darker formula on very light skin can result in skin discoloration and an orange hue to the skin. Many products are marked for light or fair skin. Tips * Prepare your skin before applying the tanner. Shower and use an exfoliating product to remove dead skin cells. This will help with even absorption. If you take time to prepare your skin, you will get better coverage and your color will last longer. Some self-tanners come in a complete kit with the lotion and an exfoliating product. * Some lotions are colored. As the lotion soaks in, the color fades. Apply to thicker areas of the skin, such as the elbows, knees and ankles last to avoid darker color in these areas. Wear plastic gloves during application to keep the palms of the hands from getting stained. * Sunless tan products take up to an hour to work. For an all over tan without tan lines, apply the product in the nude. It can take up to an hour for the product to soak in and begin to work. The effect will last approximately one week. To maintain your color, re-apply the lotion every three to five days. You can make this part of your regular beauty routine, or just use them for vacation or a special occasion. * If you want a great safe tan, but don’t want the hassle of applying the lotions, consider visiting a salon for a spray on tan. The process only takes a few minutes, but the full effect won’t be seen for several hours. Most solutions have a bronzer that will give some immediate results. This initial color will darken throughout the day. Your spray on tan will last between one and two weeks, depending on your skin. Shaving, chlorine and sitting in the sand will make your skin exfoliate faster and your tan will fade quicker. An extending moisturizer can help extend your tan. You can use a home tanning product in between booth sessions to keep your color.

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ith winter here, there will be lots of cold days that simply make people want to stay inside and keep warm. However, all those days spent indoors is generally accompanied by the winter blahs. The following five tips will help you have an active winter and finally beat the winter blues. Tip #1 Enroll in Gym Classes Continue hitting the gym or take a class—it will help you get out and about, and meet new people. This is also a great way to stay active and in shape in preparation for the coming summer.) Tip #2 Take a Bike Ride (A bike ride is fun any time of the year and can be especially enjoyable during in the winter air!) Tip #3 Go for a Walk Tip #4 Weekly Meeting with Friends Tip #5 Plant a Winter Garden



ry skin is a common problem during the cold winter months. Symptoms of dry skin include redness and a tight feeling when you attempt to bend your fingers or even in the slightest movement of your hand. In the case of extreme dry skin, cracking and bleeding may occur. This is the most unpleasant part of dry skin as it can be very embarrassing and, as expected, very painful. While it often seems that there is no way to end this discomfort, there are several tips to help individuals who suffer from dry skin. Tip # 1 Use a soap that has moisturizing lotion. This will be gentler on your skin and will add moisture back where it has been otherwise removed. If possible, avoid harsh soaps that dry out the skin or strip it of its natural moisture. Tip # 2 While it is important to maintain proper hygiene, overly washing your hands or showering multiple times each day may promote dry skin. After washing, it is equally important to dry your skin thoroughly to prevent it from chafing. Tip # 3 Use a quality exfoliation product to remove dry and/or dead skin cells. By removing the old cells, you will expose the healthy cells and may be better able to fight against nature’s harmful effects. Tip # 4 If problem worsens or persists, consult a dermatologist. In some instances, over-the-counter products may not be able to treat severe cases of dry skin. A dermatologist has the ability to recommend stronger treatment products. Any individual who develops severe dry skin or that which does not respond to over-the-counter treatment, should consult a licensed dermatologist for proper diagnosis and treatment.

AVOIDING BEING SAD IN A SEASON OF S.A.D. From the months of November to February, the days are shorter and colder, and the nights longer and darker. As the climate changes, many people actually tend to feel gloomy and miserable. Such mood disorder is known as winter depression, or Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Based on statistics released by the SAD Association, 500,000 people in the United Kingdom had experienced some form of winter depression, while doctors have estimated that 20% of the population, or almost 2 million people are affected by the disorder in Sweden. Norman E. Rosenthal is the US doctor who coined the term SAD in 1984. Winter depression has a sound medical basis that involves changes in the body's mood centers brought on by shorter daylight hours and a lack of sunlight. Most people suffering from this depressive illness experience a sense of utter isolation and loneliness. The only consolation is the fact that many people go through the same grumpiness during this time of the year. It provides a sense of comfort and assurance that sufferers are not alone. Light therapy, one of the most effective and clinically proven treatments for SAD, has been shown to benefit some 80 to 85 % of SAD cases. It may sound very simple but the process involves more than just turning on a light and sitting beside it while twiddling your thumbs as you wait for that renewed energy to power up your whole well-being. The average domestic or office light emits a paltry 200 to 500 lux (a lux is a unit of illuminance) whereas a minimum of 2,500 lux is required to alleviate the symptoms of SAD. In comparison, a clear summer's day can reach an intensity of 100,000 lux. Using these measurements as basis, a number of specially designed light boxes have been invented that emit precisely the right amount of illumination. Symptoms of SAD gradually subside by sitting in front of one for about 30 minutes to several hours, depending on the severity of the condition. When it comes to treatment of SAD symptoms, light therapy could be the best approach to consider. But to those with severe symptoms, addressing the root causes of the condition may involve the use of both anti-depressant drugs and psychotherapy treatments. When you watch movies that feature warm, sunny, summery climates, marked improvements in mood are demonstrated. Any film with clear blue cloudless skies, palm trees, and an absence of snow may qualify for a movie therapy. Watching outdoor sports like cricket or golf may produce the same mood-enhancing effect. On the contrary, overexposure to snooker, darts and indoor bowling has been found to bring on a state of depression and trance-like catatonia that, in severe cases, culminates in complete mental health breakdown.

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Unique gift-wrapping ideas put more zing in your presents. Try them out this holiday


f you're tired of your gifts looking like everyone else's, put some creative thought to it. Gifts don't have to just be paper and ribbon that you bought at the store. Let some of these ideas inspire you.

Decoration - Instead of using ribbons and bows, make the decoration part of the gift. Tie a bunch of cinnamon stick on top with ribbon. Tie your package with satin or velvet ribbon and let the ends of the ribbon flow down the package. Add a silk flower inserted in the knot of the bow. If your recipient likes to cook, tie wooden kitchen utensils in the bow. Your ribbon or wrapping paper could be replaced with a decorative kitchen towel. Festive boxes - For small items, buy small Chinese take out cartons, the ones that have a folded top and metal handle. Decorate the outside with brightly colored stickers of hearts, flower, or Christmas themes. Write the recipients name on the top flaps.

Original Wrapping Paper - At the craft store, buy sponges that have

been cut into shapes of flowers, sailboats, etc. Dip them in paint and press them onto plain white wrapping paper or Kraft colored paper. Your decoration can fit the gift or the recipients taste.

Trimmings - Instead of using bows on every package, buy ornaments or

small toys when they are on sale. Use these items that best fit your recipient’s hobby or lifestyle and tie or glue them onto your package.

Name Sacks - Sew up some red, blue, yellow, and green velvet squares

into sacks. Turn down the top edge, sew in place to allow a small opening for a drawstring. Write the recipients name on the bag with glue and sprinkle the glue with glitter. Fill the sacks with candy or small toys. Use more string to wrap around the package and through the drawstring to secure the sacks.

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It’s been the subject of recent movies and books and it’s always pumped up to be something glamorous. But shopping addiction is as dark as it gets


There are several general questions to ask oneself to determine if one is an addict or not. Here’s a self-check:

1. How often do you engage in this substance or behavior? 2. Think about a typical day / week. On how many days do you engage in this substance or behavior? How many times per day? 3. Think about the past year. What is the greatest number of times you’ve engage in this substance or behavior on any one occasion? 4. How often during the past year have you found that you can’t stop taking this substance or stop this behavior once you had started? 5. How often during the last year have you failed to do what was normally expected from you because of a substance or behavior? 6. How often during the last year have you needed this substance or behavior in the morning to get yourself going? 7. How often during the last year have you had a feeling of guilt or remorse after taking this substance / engaging in this behavior? 8. How often during the last year have you been unable to remember what happened the night before because of a substance or behavior? 9. Have you or someone else been injured as a result of taking a substance or engaging in a behavior? 10. Has a relative or friend or a doctor been concerned about your use of a substance/ behavior or suggested you cut down?

et’s get one thing straight: Addiction in any form is abnormal.

“Psychological and physiological dependence on a substance or practice” is the medical definition of the term addiction. An addiction is an uncontrollably strong longing for something -- an abnormal, almost kinky obsession for things. A person with an addiction is called an addict.

Addiction is in fact a hydra-headed concept having different facets. Medical researches and studies have shown that every individual to some extent has an addiction. For some, it’s alcohol, nicotine and drugs. For others, it’s the unhealthy obsession for swiping the plastic, forking over bills, and accumulating material things that they may or may not even remember acquiring after. It’s an illness that gives the victim a rush the same way a person gets one from narcotics.

IT’S ALL IN THE MIND Shopping addiction falls under the category “psychological addiction,” which means being psychologically addicted to certain things or practices: gambling, food (eating), sex, and indeed, shopping. If your shopping behavior has caused you problems with your family, friends, workplace,

work itself, and has harmed you (put you in great debt, has you lying or stealing to feed the addiction), then you need to get help. Addictions, and recovery from them, require that you actively seek help from a source other than yourself. You may want to start by consulting with your family doctor or with an addictions counselor. This is a good place to start since it will be important to access both your emotional and your physical behavior as they are related to your addictions. Freedom from addictions is often referred to as “recovery”. There are many temporary solutions for freedom from addictions but there are really only two ways to permanently overcome addictions. One of the most common methods of overcoming addictions is to be firm with the practice of abstinence. This means that you completely stop giving into your behavior and cut from the source its cause—staying away from malls, cutting your credit cards, handing over your money to someone you trust and asking for an allowance for things only absolutely necessary--so that you have no way to continue to feed addictions. It’s the same way the alcoholic can never have another drink and that the gambling addict can never again go to a casino or other place where any type of gambling action takes place.


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The flu virus mutates and can kill, but it’s no match for this diminutive plant


very year the seasonal flu kills about 36,000 people and sends 200,000 to the hospital, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Every year during "flu season" (typically starting around Thanksgiving and peaking around Christmas) there's a rush to get flu shots; especially among the elderly, the ill, and the very young, the concern is well-grounded. For most sufferers -- between 5 and 20 percent of the population every year -- the flu brings fever, headaches, fatigue, aches and pains, stomach distress and other symptoms that make life miserable for days. Every year, rumors begin about a pandemic flu outbreak. It's important to understand exactly what this means, rather than just being fearful of something arriving at the nearest airport to which you have no defense. Viruses are the invading organisms responsible for most epidemic illnesses. Virus-caused illnesses range from the common cold to cold sores, warts, measles and chicken pox, hepatitis, West Nile virus, the "ordinary" flu, and AIDS. Most recently, it's the Avian flu that has people on edge. We can help prevent the passage of viruses from person to person by avoiding large indoor gatherings of people (which is near impossible during holiday season) and exercising good sanitary practices - washing hands often, using tissues, ventilation of rooms, etc. Viruses are known to be resistant to pharmaceutical antibiotics. Many public health experts have pinned their hopes on the antiviral drug Tamiflu to fight the avian flu, for example, only to find that resistant cases are emerging. A flu virus mutates frequently and sometimes a new strain emerges that humans have not been exposed to. If the strain spreads easily between humans, it can cause widespread death and overwhelm global health resources. A flu virus from half a world away is one to which you will most likely have no immunity, unlike the local ones you contact, and the mutations can leave us even more defenseless.

AN EASY SOURCE FOR TREATMENT A safe, natural, and powerful treatment can be found in the healing properties of the oil of the tea tree, Melaleuca alternifolia. Tea tree oil has various uses in medical treatments because of its triple antibiotic features: it's an antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal agent.

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Tea tree was an important medicinal for native Australians. They drank tea made of the leaves and applied tea tree poultices to treat wounds, cuts, and various skin disorders. In 1920, Dr. A. Penfold tested the oil's properties for the first time. He discovered that tea tree oil was 12 times more potent than the accepted antiseptic at the time, carbolic acid. Dr. Penfold's research prompted further testing in the following decades, contributing to its increasing use by the public. Tea tree oil is a valuable alternative to pharmaceuticals. Its complex chemical composition makes it extremely difficult for germs to develop resistance. Traditional antibiotics possess more simple chemical structures to which germs can easily develop immunity. Tea tree oil is readily absorbed and it continues to block germ growth at the site for several days after the initial application. The oil is a proven immuno-stimulant and anti-viral agent; it is even currently being tested in the treatment of AIDS.

USING IT You should apply a small test amount to the skin before using it for the first time, as with any product, there is always the chance of sensitivity in any particular individual. Adding a couple drops to a vaporizer and inhaling the steam helps to freshen and disinfect the air, killing germs that infect the sinuses and lungs, and opening clogged respiratory passages. The oil can be rubbed into the skin at full strength, or mixed with a carrier oil or lotion. The oil can also be added to a hot bath and is then assimilated both through the skin and the nasal passages. A caveat: Personal use of tea tree oil is not to be substituted for advice from your family doctor. It is, however, useful in prevention and as a first aid treatment. Always seek professional advice before using any herb or medicinal treatment, even if there is anecdotal and scientific evidence of truly amazing results using this phenomenal substance.



CLEANSING DIET Avoid feeling like a bear just out of hibernation! Bounce back from the wintertime blahs with these pointers


intertime leaves a lot of us feeling blah and washed out. Our skin gets dry and pale, our eyes can seem dull and lifeless--and let’s not even get started with the havoc on our body created by the foods we eat. Thanksgiving dinner, Christmas parties and New Year’s Eve all came with plenty of rich, decadent dishes and calorie-laden cocktails. It’s no wonder that by the time the holidays end, we could really use a pick-me-up. And those are just a few of the things a quick cleanse can remedy. Have you been plagued by chronic constipation, allergies, sinusitis, or any other chronic aches and pains? If you’re tired of relying on over-the-counter medications to make it through day to day life, there might just be an unexpected culprit-- blockage(s) in your body’s elimination system. Basically, what this means is that you might be suffering from mucus and other wastes building up in your body’s major routes of elimination: Your lungs Your pores Your kidneys, and Your bowels.

THE DIET IN A NUTSHELL While you may come across several different variations of the three day cleansing diet, here are some of the things theyíll all have in common: You’ll have to drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water each day When it comes to foods, be ready to restrict your diet to 5 to 6 servings of fruits and vegetables each day, preferably raw or steamed. In case you didn’t get the hint, that means NO meat. If you do opt for breads or cereals (and you probably shouldn’t), it’s important that you only chose whole grains During this 72 hour period, it’s important to avoid sugars, coffees, and sodas. If you’re afraid you’ll suffer from headaches from caffeine withdrawals, you might want to begin slowly reducing your coffee intake prior to the “fast.”

THE CLEANSING DIET IN ACTION While there are many different variations of the cleansing diet being touted by various different experts, most of them follow a pattern that looks something like this:

Getting rid of this waste build-up will better allow your body to get the most out of your regular diet--a bit like the performance difference you see between low- and high-octane fuel.

Day 1 -- A complete food fast; water only


Day 3 -- 5 or 6 servings of vegetables and veggie juice only (water is still a must)

Of course, the three day cleansing diet isn’t for everyone. Some people may be too weak or may suffer from conditions that make the cleansing diet too dangerous to undertake. For this reason, it’s important to stress how vital it is to first consult with your doctor before you begin a new dietary regiment. Also, I can’t stress enough that this is a diet to help you cleanse your system out, not too help you lose weight. Misuse could be extremely hazardous to your health!

Day 2 -- 5 or 6 servings of fruit and fruit juice only (water is still a must)

Day 4 -- Go back to your regular diet It is important that you drink purified water, take no alcohol, and eat no processed foods. By drinking only water, juices or broths, or eating one kind of food for this certain period of time, your body starts burning fat for energy. Of course, variations do exist, and with a little guidance from your health professional, you should have no trouble finding one suitable for your own unique needs.

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ECZEMA The cold air is harshest on eczema-sufferers. Their skin becomes so dry it splits open, causing pain and in some cases, infection. Here’s how to make it more bearable


nother bane of wintertime is the exacerbation of eczema, an inflammation of the skin frequently seen in association with allergic conditions such as asthma and hay fever. The parts affected by eczema develop lesions which will often appear as patches, blisters and/or scratches. The vicinities affected by eczema are very itchy and uncomfortable. The affected areas may become abnormally thick. Thickening of the skin can be brought through trauma to the patches from scratching and rubbing. The affected spots will be typically dry in comparison to unaffected areas. The face, elbows, behind the knees, wrists are more likely to develop eczema than other body parts.

The reasons for accumulation are multiple. One important cause is the competition between the naturally secreted hormone and the topical hydrocortisone for the same receptors, which can raise the uncoupled hormone level. Another important cause is the steroid structure of the hormone, which makes elimination through the kidney difficult. The corticosteroid creams have to be used with a low dose of hormone and for short period of time as sometimes indicated on the label. On the other hand, sudden discontinuation of the corticosteroid cream can lead to the worsening of the eczema.

One of the major causes of eczema is the imbalance in a person’s immune function and is probably a form of response to the environmental substances such as dust, pollution, yeast, cosmetic products, chemicals such as: detergents, oils, greases, solvents at home or in the work place. In addition, stress can cause a depletion of certain body nutrients (vitamins and minerals), which ultimately leads to a sensitivity towards eczema.

Herbal therapy is a mild but long lasting alternative for eczema treatment. Many herbs are known for their beneficial qualities in the treatment of eczema such as: Burdock, Calendula, St. John Wort, Chamomile, Chickweed, Yarrow, Nettle, Licorice. They can be used as teas, tinctures or for topical treatment.

The most common conventional treatment for eczema are corticoid creams containing hydrocortisone. Hydrocortisone is similar to a natural hormone secreted by adrenal gland, which controls the inflammation process and actively participates in the ionic body balance. The hydrocortisone creams are effective for reducing inflammation, swelling, redness and itching thereby allowing the affected area to heal. In spite of temporarily reducing the effects of eczema, these creams can lead to skin thinning and damaging. At high doses or at low doses for extended time, the hydrocortisone can accumulate through the body and induce metabolic changes in salt and water balance, potassium and calcium balance and increase the blood sugar level.

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Since eczema is a complex skin disease one single herb is not enough to relieve the symptoms of the eczema or eradicate the disease. A complex mixture of beneficial herbs is more likely to succeed in the treatment. The antioxidant therapy has been successfully used in the prevention and treatment of different skin diseases, which usually are characterized by a high percentage of free radicals at the site of the affected areas. A good example of natural antioxidants is Sea Buckthorn and Grapeseed oils. They contain a wide range of antioxidants such as vitamin E, A, C, selenium, beta carotene, anthocyanidins, which can be beneficial in the case of eczema and other skin disorders.

Check his beddings and swaddling. Make sure all bedding is 100% soft cotton, as synthetic fabrics can contain fibers that irritate the skin. Also, make sure that the detergents used on his clothes and beddings are perfume-free. Perfuming agents can be harsh and wreak havoc on the skin. Bathe baby regularly. It’s been suggested that baby should be bathed at least once per day, twice if at all possible. Obviously the temperature of the water needs to be correct to prevent baby getting a chill. An oatmeal bath is recommended to ease the itching. Soak yourself. The best treatment for dry skin is to have a good bath every night before going to sleep. This enables your skin cells to absorb water. You can also soak the affected body part for about 20 minutes in warm water and then pat dry. Apply petroleum products. Once you are through with your bath, apply a coating of petroleum jelly product. Then put on a pair of socks for your feet or a pair of light cotton gloves for your hands to seal the moisture. These petroleum products work far better than commercial moisturizers, since they do not have the same sealing effects. Avoid tartar toothpaste. If you suffer from cracked lips, minimize your usage of tartar toothpaste. This toothpaste contains compounds that irritate the mucuous membranes and other sensitive tissues. These toothpastes leave the skin cracked and cause a rash which itches around the mouth.

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OFF-THE-WALL REASONS TO GET IN BETTER SHAPE Tired of listing down the same boring goals about exercising every time a new year rolls around? Here, try these By Brad Howard

stablishing clear expectations while working out often can be the difference between success and failure. Too many people try to do too much and get frustrated. Instead of “lasering” in on a few great strategies, they try to do as many things as possible. As they say, “Jack of all trades, master of none” applies here. To help renew your spirits of why proper diet and exercise is important for the New Year, I’ve compiled a somewhat comical list. See how many apply to you:

17 Because love making is much more fun without the extra rolls 18 Because being able to see your toes… hmmmm 19 Because bigger clothes cost more money 20 Because shopping for smaller clothes raises spirits

1 Because it costs you (or your loved ones) over 5 million pennies in future health care if you aren’t

21 Because hitting the State Fair and observing everyone shouldn’t be the only thing that puts a smile on your face

2 Because feeling better tomorrow starts today

22 Because having the woman in your life open a stuck jar of pickles for you is embarrassing

3 Because torture is a bad persuasion technique 4 Because studies show that fit people make more money 5 Because if you don’t, you suck 6 Because movie stars do it 7 Because performers do it 8 Because everyone that is cool in your life, does it 9 Because you CAN commit 1.5 hours per week out of 176 10 Because avoiding a wheelchair is a good thing 11 Because hugs are better when you can actually wrap your arms around someone 12 Because your kids really don’t want to put you in a rest home 13 Because no matter what you keep telling yourself, thick is not sexy 14 Because feeling grandpa’s muscles at Thanksgiving can be a yearly ritual 15 Because cottage cheese is for fruit 16 Because squeezing into a size 6 means you’re not a size 6

23 Because no matter what anyone says, women are always in competition with each other. You do want to win, right? 24 Because you had to ask your 10 year old son to take out the trash... after all you couldn’t lift it 25 Because beer makes everyone else look better while making you look worse 26 Because weight training makes you look better while making everyone else look worse (see competition in women) 27 Because yelling at the gym is a lot better than yelling at work (unless you are a cheerleader) 28 Because “Shut your mouth or I’ll kick your ___,” now actually has meaning 29 Because being told you look 40 when you are actually 60 does something strange to self-confidence Again, make sure to renew your sense of self worth this holiday season and strive to become a healthier you. Great information is always key but watch out for the dreaded “information overload.” Get equipped and make 2011 the best year of your life.

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Special Advertising Section: Give the Gift of Health



ou’ve tried coffee, energy drinks, a stroll around the block—and still feel sluggish and out of energy… what do you do?

We’ve got the answer for you.

You take it as a drink, just one serving a day, and can see amazing results in as short as a week’s time. We’re talking about none other than Tonic Alchemy—the world’s ultimate superfood. And we’re offering it to you this Christmas at a fantastic deal of 15% off when you buy two or more bottles!

WHAT DOES IT DO? Just one serving of Tonic Alchemy a day is sure to * increase mental energy * fortify your immune system * detoxify your body * improve your digestion And don’t worry—unlike other “healthy” drinks, Tonic Alchemy tastes great.

THE REASON BEHIND YOUR FATIGUE General fatigue, the sense of not being able to focus, stubborn colds, indigestion, flatulence, constipation…these are common ailments of, well, just about anyone living in today’s world. These seemingly small diseases, as well as more serious cases like heart disease, cancers, high blood pressure, obesity, and depression are on the rise—in fact, it’s increased 10 times over during the period from year 2000 to 2005! In addition, 66% people are now overweight and an alarming 20% are almost diabetic!

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NUTRITIONAL DEFICIENCY IS TO BLAME. This goes beyond the typical American relying on fastfood and junkfood. The farming system (a system that does not sustain the richness of minerals in the soil, and cuts corners in the preservation of nutrients in exchange for the swiftness in manufacturing and distributing) prevalent in America has resulted in depleted soil and foods deficient in nutrients. Since the Great Depression, the mass marketing of food has resulted in poorer quality food. Not to mention genetically modified foods, artificial preservatives, food that contains empty calories, etc. The typical American diet is comprised primarily of foods rich in fats, sugar and chemical additives, and low in natural vitamins, essential nutrients, important phytochemicals, and beneficial trace minerals. Nutrition is central to health, well being and longevity. The government's new dietary recommendations urge you to consume up to 13 servings per day of vegetables and fruits. Are you meeting this standard? If not, you’re at no. 1 risk for all the health ailments we’re mentioning now. You may be asking: But is it possible—in this day and age—to actually get all the nutrients we need, without moving away from the city and radically altering our way of life? There is.

71 IN 1! We assure you: there is a way to get more nutrition in a single spoon than most Americans get during the entire day. In order to stay healthy you need vitamins and nutrients from a variety of foods, plants and herbs, a great diversity that can do all the work for you. Tonic Alchemy has all these. It’s got: Cereal grasses that mineralize Green superfoods that alkalize Supertonic herbs from Chinese medicine Life filled sprouts Algae for rare minerals Sea vegetables for phytonutrients Super fruits

Flax Seed Sunflower Pumpkin Seed Garbanzo Bean Kidney Bean Lentil Sprout Chia Sesame Seed The people of Okinawa, a small island in Japan, enjoy the highest longevity in the world with very low rates of chronic disease. How do they do it? It seems that one of the secrets of Okinawans is their consumption of a wide variety of whole grains every day. Tonic Alchemy contains 13 grains that have been sprouted before being put in this blend to release their life force and allow their nutrients to be quickly absorbed.


Garden vegetables Mineral and electrolyte sources Probiotics for boosting your immune system and beneficial flora

TONIC ALCHEMY’S UNBEATABLE BENEFITS • Increases mental and physical energy • Nourishes all the tissues and every cell of the body • Builds blood • Maintains a healthy immune system • Helps establish a healthy intestinal pH balance • Nurtures and balances our natural intestinal flora • Tonifies all the organ systems • Protects the liver, lungs, brain and other tissues from toxins and pollution • Improves digestion • Reduces chronic inflammation • Deactivates harmful free radicals • Detoxifies poisons and rid them from the body • Removes heavy metals from the body

HOW TO USE TONIC ALCHEMY Just add one spoon of Tonic Alchemy into a pint of water and shake it or blend it. This blend of 71 superfoods contains literally thousands of phytonutrients, many of which are extremely rare and yet incredibly valuable to human health and well being!

TONIC ALCHEMY’S WONDER INGREDIENTS Sprouted Grains Amaranth Buckwheat Azuki Quinoa Millet

Reishi Mushroom Only kings were allowed to eat this in ancient China. It tonifies all three treasures in Chinese medicine (jingo, qi, and sheen)

FRUITS AND GARDEN VEGETABLES Anti-oxidants like Blueberries, Cherries, and Papaya provide you with a powerful frontline to minimize free oxygen radical damage and make you feel younger. Tonic Alchemy also uses a lot of garden vegetables to provide you with a complete source of plant-based minerals (not lab-based ones, but living ones). Our blend uses the juice from carrots, broccoli, tomato, Brussels sprouts, onions, garlic, ginger, cucumbers, kale, spinach, parsley, cabbage, celery, cauliflower, green bell peppers, and asparagus.

GREEN POWER Tonic Alchemy also uses two different blends to alkalize and mineralize your body. One is the Sea Vegetable Blend, where we use Laminaria Japonica, Eckonia, Ascophyllum Nodosum, Macrocystis, and Alaria—all provide you very rare phytonutrients.

Ho Shou Wu

The other blend is a more traditional Green Juice Blend which is made out of barley grass, rye grass, wheat grass, oat grass, alfalfa grass, and kamut grass. You’ve heard about the benefits of wheat grass juice. Our 6-grass blend takes things to the next level. Green “chlorophyll” is central to any life process on earth, and without it, life would not exist. It’s nature’s perfect blood tonic and a very powerful antioxidant that protects you from premature aging and disease.

The plant that restored the thin grey hair of a 58-year old man to thick, black hair that lasted until the age of 130.



We use another variety of adaptogens, fruits, and grains to complement the nutritional profile of our product and make the other nutrients easier to absorb. Here you will find a concoction of herbs, probiotics, fruits, barks, and extracts from: Luo Han Guo, Lactobacillus, Hydrilla, Ashitaba, Green Tea, Spirulina, Dunaliella, Appla, Chlorella, Acerola cherries, Rice Bran, Stevia, Pineapple, Larch Bark, and Bitter Melon.

Ashwaganda Called the Indian Ginseng in Ayurvedic medicine, it’s used to help cure chronic fatigue, weakness, impotency, and premature aging. Astralagus The stabilizer of upright Qi (life force) in Chinese medicine.

An adaptogen and antioxidant that regulates blood pressure, lowers cholesterol, and improves endurance. Maitake Mushroom It works with your immune system and provides information to make it stronger and stronger. Lycium Berries Also called Wolfberries, this little fruit is considered the no. 1 superfood in Chinese medicine. Schizandra Another tiny berry that protects the liver and your immune system, and also helps with viral hepatitis. Agaricus Also called “God’s Mushroom” because of its curative benefits to a wide range of disorders. Rhodiola The “Plateau Ginseng” considered sacred by the Tibetans because of its life-giving properties. Cordyceps Another life-giving mushroom native to the Himalayas that is used as a life-enhancing agent, build sexual and physical power, mental energy, and prolong life.

This blend provides you with a host of benefits as well: Acerola cherries give you vitamin C, Spirulina and Chlorella will help you detox from poisons and toxins, and the Probiotics help regulate your digestion and transit. …and much more!

To redeem your discount, type "XMAS" in the coupon box on the store checkout page. If you need assistance redeeming your discount, please call 1-800-719-9817. The Sacred Eden Team "Restoring People Back to Perfection"

Discount code cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotion. This promotion expires on January 10, 2011.

Special Advertising Section: Give the Gift of Health







f you’re looking for a substance to help you restore your body to its youthful glory, MSM is for you.

It softens internal tissues that have been rendered tough by age and injury, by rebuilding connective tissue with elastic sulfur bonds. It builds collagen, therefore helping in maintaining healthy joints. Practitioners of yoga will notice an increase in flexibility with the help of MSM, and athletes and active individuals will benefit from its ability to help fasttrack recovery from injuries and strain. Does this sound all macho to you? Listen again—because of its ability to build collagen, MSM is also beneficial to ladies. It helps create smooth skin, thick lustrous hair, and strong nails. No more going to the nail salon to have fake nails done! MSM does amazing work in enhancing beauty and restoring vitality to our skin and joints. And for those ladies—and even men—with calcified joints, MSM can break down those dangerous calcium deposits, helping your joints more flexible and younger!

HOW DOES IT WORK WITHIN OUR BODIES? MSM enables our bodies to move nutrients through our systems, and at the same time flushes out toxins, with greater ease. It opens up tissues, makes them more permeable, so the good stuff can flow through and the bad stuff can be easily rid of. It’s also got a remarkable effect at neutralizing foreign proteins (i.e. allergens, toxins, undigested food), giving it anti-inflammatory properties.

WHERE IS IT FROM? MSM is a naturally-occuring form of dietary sulfur found in fresh raw foods that are involved in the cycle of rain. Deficient in foods grown in greenhouses or in foods grown through irrigation, MSM is abundant and can be found naturally in fields that welcome open rain.

MIX IT WITH VIT C FOR MAXIMUM BENEFITS For an even more powerful blended drink, maximum benefits may be obtained by mixing 1 Tablespoon of MSM powder with a teaspoon of Camu Camu berry powder in 3 cups of water. Camu Camu contains the highest levels of Vitamin C of any food in the world, making this combination extremely beneficial for immunity and essential for building supple, radiant skin. Even if you don’t have Camu Camu onhand, you can just as well mix one tablespoon with two cups pure water or fresh orange juice.

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MSM CAN CURE THE FOLLOWING DISEASES Osteoarthritis: According to a hospital report, patients who took MSM had reduced pain and improved physical functioning, without major adverse events. No evidence of a more general anti-inflammatory effect was found, as there were no significant changes in two measures of systemic inflammation. Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis: Twenty-five subjects consumed 2,600 mg of MSM per day for 30 days. The study was not blinded. A significant improvement in symptoms was observed compared to those taking a placebo. No significant changes were observed in two indicators of inflammation (C-reactive protein and immunoglobulin E levels). The authors suggest that MSM is safe for short-term use and recommend that a larger, double-blind study be performed to establish its usefulness in treating symptoms of seasonal allergic rhinitis. Interstitial cystitis: In 1978, the FDA approved dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) for instillation into the bladder as a treatment for interstitial cystitis. Since DMSO is metabolized to MSM by the body, it is possible that MSM is the active ingredient in DMSO treatments. Snoring: Blum & Blum conducted a randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled clinical trial of an MSM-containing throat spray for snoring

To redeem your discount, type "SANTA" in the coupon box on the store checkout page. If you need assistance redeeming your discount, please call 1-800-719-9817. The Sacred Eden Team "Restoring People Back to Perfection"

Discount code cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotion. This promotion expires on January 10, 2011.




he Zhi Shou Wu—or He Shou Wu--name came from an old Chinese story. It tells the story of Mr. Ho, from Hebei Province, who at age 58, had not been able to father a child.

A monk advised him to eat jiaoteng gathered from a mountain. Mr. Ho did, and consumed it regularly. Soon after, he was able to father several children. His hair turned from grey to black, his vision improved, and his body became more youthful. He lived to be 130 years old (some say 160), still with black hair. Since then, the herb has been named after Mr. Ho’s hair (shou=head; wu=black). Ho’s son is also reputed to have lived to 130 years of age. Do you want to experience what Mr. Ho did in his twilight years? youthfulness, vitality, and in particular, his thick mane of hair?

THE LONGEVITY HERB Known as Fleeceflower Root, Maltiflower Knotweed, or Tuber Fleeceflower, and various other names in Chinese, this tonic is said to produce longevity, fertility and vitality. A vine plant that grows well in a shady bed, it’s quite popular in the Orient, used by millions regularly to help develop Qi (pronounced “chi”, or energy). It is China's most renowned "longevity herb” and has acquired a broad reputation as a youth preserver, rejuvenator and sexual tonic. 

 Resembling the madrake root, He Shou Wou has very large roots that can weigh up to 2.7kg. The roots are very important in Chinese traditional medicine and have been used there at least since the Tang Dynasty (713 A.D). It’s said that whatever the Supreme Being creates, he creates according to the form for which the plant’s purpose is for--the heavy tubers resemble the shapes of human beings. Many of the traditional beliefs about Fleeceflower Root (or Zhi-Shou-Wu) pertain to its relation to the appearance of the material.

A SACRED PLANT Zhi Shou Wu root extract is not a quick fix. It is a sacred plant that will bring you the results in time (it can take as much as 3 to 4 months to be fully effective). Don’t get desperate if you don’t see the results by the end of the week, because you won’t. This therapy is sure to get you results— results you would never get through surgery! What Got Your Hair in Trouble in the First Place Some “experts” say that "pattern baldness" plays the main role in the hair loss equation; others say that not eating the right foods, vitamins and minerals cause hair loss; and some believe not using the right shampoo or hair treatment will trigger hair loss. What we don’t take into consideration is the water we use. Most of the water we use for showers has negative effects on our hair. It doesn’t contain any minerals (like freshwater from a spring or river or lake does) and makes your hair thin and deteriorated. So it is useless to use all kinds of treatments if you wash your hair with poor quality water (basically, standard tap water). Some people use all kinds of methods to re-grow their hair--and sometimes they get short-term results. When the hair starts to fall out again, they become desperate and anxious. Discount code cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotion. This promotion expires on January 10, 2011.

You should understand that we’re dealing with a very complex problem, and using a shampoo won’t fix your problem. We need to feed our hair the nutrients it needs to be thick, shiny. It’s not an impossible mission. You just need to know how to do it. There are many conceivable causes for hair loss...and the reality is people are looking for a specific cure, something that delivers results quickly and without paying excessive prices. But the unquestionable problem lies with the trend that people attempt to treat their hair loss from the outside to the inside--when it should be treated from the inside-out. First, you need to determine how hair loss actually occurs (which not many people actually know)… secondly, you need to take the right actions “help” your body by increasing your intake of the natural foods, herbs and minerals. He Shou Wu can give you all these. Aside from restoring natural hair growth, it can also: • replenish the vital essence of the liver and kidney • nourish the blood • help restore grey hair to its natural color • help with insomnia, aching back and knees, neurasthenia and palpitation • help with constipation and hypercholesterolemia • acts as a natural detox for the body

WE OFFER REAL HE SHOU WU Please don’t fall for cheaper imitations! We have the highest potency 10x extract available on the market. Our high quality extract uses only mature Fleeceflower root for maximum medicinal properties. Order now—our stocks are vanishing fast!

To order, please visit Order now to benefit from our great discount! If you need assistance redeeming your discount, please call 1-800-719-9817. The Sacred Eden Team "Restoring People Back to Perfection"

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Food combining and the science of orthomolecularism aims to fully optimize the nutrients of food, having the body digest them to their full extent, and cure a host of diseases


ne of the busiest times of the year is now, in almost every aspect. Businesses cram to close their books and prepare for the following year, shopping centers are filled to the brim, and kitchens worldwide are literally cooking up a storm. Our stomachs aren’t spared from the hard work—especially if you’re eating the wrong combination of foods. Food coma, indigestion, gas, and indeed, even being overweight: all these are results of incorrect food combining. That heavy feeling we normally get after a huge meal, like we just want to lie down and do nothing, happens because our digestive systems go into overdrive. The human stomach is designed to have food there remain only for approximately three hours before proceeding into the small intestine—only if you’ve combined your food properly. Some foods, especially if combined with the wrong kinds, can take up to 12 hours to digest! That’s a long time and a lot of work for our digestive system. No wonder our energies are sapped. Correct food combinations are not only important for proper digestion, but for the optimum utilization and absorption of nutrients into our system. Dictated by principles of digestive chemistry, food combining is all about understanding the behavior of acids and alkalines. The rule of thumb is: acids and bases (alkalis) neutralize each other. This means that when they come into contact, they cancel each other out and this stunts digestion. This basic fact supports several studies that show that the human stomach can only digest one kind of concentrated food at one time.

DECOMPOSITION IN YOUR STOMACH For example: proteins need a highly acidic environment. Carbohydrates (starches, fruit, sugars) and fats require a more alkaline environment. When these two are eaten at the same time (two

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or more in combination), digestion doesn’t work as effectively as it should. When they come together, the digestive juices produce a contradictory action and you get—you guessed it--indigestion, bloating, gas, abdominal discomfort or even pain, and weak assimilation of nutrients. Let’s say you eat an apple, a couple of bread rolls, with a slice of ham. The quicker digested food, like the apple, will have to wait until the slowest digested food, the ham, leaves the stomach before the fruit leaves. This process can take as long as six to eight hours. While that is happening, the apple and the bread undergo decomposition and fermentation. If you remember your science classes, these processes produce gas, acid and alcohol—substances that can double the discomfort of indigestion.

OVER 2 BILLION DOLLARS ARE SPENT EVERY YEAR ON ANTACIDS—WHY NOT JUST GO TO THE CAUSE OF INDIGESTION, RATHER THAN SUPPRESS IT? There’s an even more alarming word for this crisis in your stomach: “toxemia.” By its root word alone, “toxic”, toxemia happens when food rots in your digestive tract and therefore supplies no nutrition.

COMBINING CORRECTLY FOR WEIGHT LOSS AND DISEASE PREVENTION Nutritionists and some fad diets are aware of the value of separating proteins from carbohydrates in the pursuit of weight loss, but it’s more than that. By separating the two food groups, we’re actually gaining more energy for food to pass efficiently and swiftly through the intestines. This doesn’t mean that you have to eat like a

yogi. You can still have your burger—just have the burger without the patty and combine with a salad. Or you can have a baked potato with cheese and some vegetables. If you eat fruit, have it alone and make sure your body gets at least three hours for it to digest properly before eating anything else. You can still enjoy the foods you eat; you’re just not throwing them altogether at the same time. Whether you’re eating healthy food or junkfood, if your body cannot process what you eat, you LIMIT INTAKE OF will end up with many grave THESE HIGHLY health conditions. Basically, though, it’s best to stay ACIDIC FOODS away from highly acidic AND DRINKS foods (those high in sugar, Sports drinks processed, refined, and Sweetened fruit juices packaged). These send the Sodas body’s pH balance out of Coffee whack and will easily lead Black tea you to faster aging, disease, Beef fatigue, and a lower imBeer mune system. Cow’s milk Go for foods that are Hard cheese mostly alkaline. Limit your Cold cuts acid-forming foods to only White flour 40% of your daily diet. Drink Cranberry sauce at least five glasses of alkaCandy line water each day (eight Cakes is ideal). You can make this Donuts by adding alkalizing drops available at your neighborhood health food store, or adding fresh lemon juice to water.

BASIC FOOD COMBINING RULES It’s not rocket science to remember the food combination rules. Here’s an easy guide, according to Himanshu Garg of 1. Carbohydrates should never be mixed with sour foods. This is because the sour foods deactivate the action of saliva, which is necessary for digestion of carbohydrates. Saliva can act

ORTHOMOLECULAR MEDICINE IN A NUTSHELL In 1969, scientist Linus Pauling coined the word “orthomolecular” to denote the use of naturally-occuring substances, particularly nutrients, in maintaining health and treating disease. Unlike “holistic medicine,” which has run the risk of being accused of “quackery” by detractors, Orthomolecular Medicine is soundly based on scientific reason, its foundations being nutrition, biochemistry, and clinical nutrition. Richard A. Kunin, MD of outlines its 15 principles: 1. Orthomolecules come first in medical diagnosis and treatment. Knowledge of the safe and effective use of nutrients, enzymes, hormones, antigens, antibodies and other naturally occurring molecules is essential to assure a reasonable standard of care in medical practice.


2. Orthomolecules have a low risk of toxicity. Pharmacological drugs always carry a higher risk and are therefore second choice if there is an orthomolecular alternative treatment. 3. Laboratory tests are not always accurate and blood tests do not necessarily reflect nutrient levels within specific organs or tissues, particularly not within the nervous system. Therapeutic trial and dose titration is often the most practical test. 4. Biochemical individuality is a central precept of Orthomolecular Medicine. Hence, the search for optimal nutrient doses is a practical issue. Megadoses, larger than normal doses of nutrients, are often effective but this can only be determined by therapeutic trial. Dose titration is indicated in otherwise unresponsive cases. 5. The Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of the United States Food and Nutrition Board are intended for normal, healthy people. By definition, sick patients are not normal or healthy and not likely to be adequately served by the RDA. 6. Environmental pollution of air, water and food is common. Diagnostic search for toxic pollutants is justified and a high "index of suspicion" is mandatory in every case. 7. Optimal health is a lifetime challenge. Biochemical needs change and our Orthomolecular prescriptions need to change based upon follow-up, repeated testing and therapeutic trials to permit fine-tuning of each prescription and to provide a degree of health never before possible. 8. Nutrient related disorders are always treatable and deficiencies are usually curable. To ignore their existence is tantamount to malpractice. 9. Don't let medical defeatism prevent a therapeutic trial. Hereditary and so-called 'locatable disorders are often responsive to Orthomolecular treatment. 10. When a treatment is known to be safe and possibly effective, as is the case in much Orthomolecular therapy, a therapeutic trial is mandated. 11. Patient reports are usually reliable, the patient must listen to his body, the physician must listen to his patient. 12. To deny the patient information and access to Orthomolecular treatment is to deny the patient informed consent for any other treatment.

properly only in an alkaline medium. 2. Large amounts of proteins and large amounts of carbohydrates should not be taken in the same meal. These two types of food are digested in different parts of the digestive tract and in different medium (Carbohydrates are digested either in mouth or in small intestine in alkaline medium, Proteins are digested in stomach in acidic medium). 3. Large amounts of proteins should not be taken simultaneously with large amounts of fats (e.g. dahl and ghee). The reason is the same as for the above rules. 4. Proteinous foods should not be ingested with sour fruits. For instance, if lemon juice or tomatoes are added to dahl, the acids in these fruits cause a diminution in the secretion of digestive juices, rendering digestion less efficient. Components of Different Food items: Proteins : Pulses, milk, meat, fish, eggs, etc. Carbohydrates : Wheat, rice, millets, other cereals, various tubers roots, etc. can be taken with the vegetables given below. Vegetables : Green leafy vegetables, cucumber, pumpkin, bitter gourd, cabbage, cauliflower, tomato, brinjal, ladies finger, pea, sweet gourd, etc. Sweet-sour Fruits : Orange, mosambi, apple, grape, pomegranate, myrobalan, mango, plum, berry, raspberry, litchi, cherry, pear, pineapple, etc. Sweet Fruits : Figs, papaya, banana, dates, sugarcane, sweet berry, peru, raisin, etc.

13. Inform the patient about his condition; provide access to all technical information and reports; respect the right of freedom of choice in medicine.

Healthy Combinations:

14. Inspire the patient to realize that health is not merely the absence of disease but the positive attainment of optimal function and well-being.

Unhealthy Combinations:

15. Hope is therapeutic and orthomolecular therapies always are valuable as a source of Hope. This is ethical so long as there is no misrepresentation or deception.

• Proteins with Vegetables • Carbohydrates with Vegetables • Proteins with Sweet-sour Fruits • Proteins with Carbohydrates • Carbohydrates with Sweet Fruits • Proteins with Fats • Vegetables with Sweet Fruits

Author, pacifist, alternative medicine, raw foodism and fasting advocate, and vegetarian, Dr. Herbert M. Shelton is famous for his Hygienic System series of books. 1. Eat acids and starches at separate meals. Acids neutralize the alkaline medium required for starch digestion and the result is fermentation and indigestion. 2. Eat protein foods and carbohydrate foods at separate meals. Protein foods require an acid medium for digestion. 3. Eat but one kind of protein food at a meal. 4. Eat proteins and acid foods at separate meals. The acids of acid foods inhibit the secretion of the digestive acids required for protein digestion. Undigested protein putrefies in bacterial decomposition and produces some potent poisons. 5. Eat fats and proteins at separate meals. Some foods, especially nuts, are over 50% fat and require hours for digestion. 6. Eat sugars (fruits) and proteins at separate meals. 7. Eat sugars (fruits) and starchy foods at separate meals. Fruits undergo no digestion in the stomach and are held up if eaten with foods that require digestion in the stomach. 8. Eat melons alone. They combine with almost no other food. 9. Desert the desserts. Eaten on top of meals they lie heavy on the stomach, requiring no digestion there, and ferment. Bacteria turn them into alcohols and vinegars and acetic acids.

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Holidays and indeed, wintertime, brings about Seasonal Affective Disorder. Women are more particularly prone to this condition, especially in their more mature years. Here are invaluable ways to cope By Susun Weed


intertime is depression time for many women. Perhaps it is harder to look at the bright side when days are short, perhaps the holidays and family demands take their toll on us. Of course, depression can also be triggered by lack of thyroid hormone and by use of steroids, high blood pressure drugs, and ERT/HRT. But most often the cause of depression is the belief (valid or not) that nothing you do makes any difference. Victimization and poverty lock women into depression. More than one-third of all American women have been victims of sexual or physical abuse; and women make up more than two-thirds of all Americans who live below poverty level. Yet our culture frowns on women who express their anger. No wonder depression is a woman's issue. When our need for reliable, joyous intimacy is frustrated, and expression of our frustration would endanger us, depression comes and protects us. When there is no way to deal effectively with situations that enrage us, depression comes and helps us quiet our violent impulses. Wise Woman remedies don’t seek to eliminate our feelings, or turn “negative” ones into “positive” ones, but to help us incorporate all of our feelings into our wholeness/health/holiness. Welcome the dark. Cherish the deepness. Give yourself over to a day or two of doing nothing. Then, get up, no matter how bad you feel. Set a goal for the day and meet it. Smile--it releases brain chemicals that make you feel good. Smile no matter what. Do it as an exercise. Hate it while you do it. But smile! Homeopathic remedies include Arum metallicum, for women with frequent thoughts of suicide who feel cut off from love and joy; and Sepia, for women who are disinterested in everything, angry at family and friends, and just want to be left alone. Sunlight. For emotional health (and strong bones) get 15 minutes of sunlight on your uncovered eyelids (outside, no glasses, no contacts) daily. If you can’t get out (or if the sun doesn’t cooperate), wake up one to two hours earlier than usual. (You can stay in bed, but keep those eyes open.)

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Sing the blues; dance ‘em too. Women have depended on songs and dances to carry them out of depression for centuries. Dance therapy is more effective than talk therapy for reaching and healing traumatic experiences. Even a single session may have a dramatic effect. Find your rage and write it down. Get a massage and let the anger move out of the muscles. Volunteer to help change something you are upset about, even a small thing. St. Joan’s/John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) lives in very sunny locations and blooms at summer solstice. I call it bottled sunshine. A dropperful of the bright red tincture taken one to three times daily has helped many women relieve SAD (seasonal affective disorder), move through grief, ease the physical pain of depression, and walk on the sunny side! CAUTION: Hypericum in capsules is not as effective and can cause unwanted side effects. Oatstraw infusion (not tea, tincture, or capsules) has been an ally for depressed women since earliest times. Gentle Avena nourishes the nerves and helps you remember why life is worth living. To make an infusion: Brew one ounce by weight of dried herb (that's a cup by volume) in a quart jar filled to the top with boiling water. Steep for at least four hours, then strain and refrigerate your infusion. Drink as many cups a day as you wish. Or make an oatstraw bath by adding two quarts of infusion to your bath water. Garden sage (Salvia) is an ancient ally for emotionally-distressed women. In some societies, only crones were allowed to drink the brew made from the nubbly leaves (at least partly because it delays menses and dries up breast milk). Make an infusion (see oatstraw); drink by mixing a few spoonfuls of the dense brew into hot water or warm milk; add honey to taste. The undiluted infusion keeps for weeks refrigerated. Read. Behavioral and interpersonal therapies are as effective as drugs in relieving depression. Not only that, two-thirds of those who simply read about therapy improve significantly. Thirty minutes of aerobic exercise, especially soon after awakening, has been shown to help women whose depression is resistant to all treatments, including drugs.

Sleep less. If you are a woman who overproduces a normal depression-causing substance which accompanies sleep you will feel depressed and often find it difficult to wake up. Sleeping more will only compound the problem. Instead, stay up all night once a week. If you can’t cope with no sleep, even mild sleep deprivation (such as sleeping five hours or less for two nights in a row) dramatically decreases depressive symptoms in some people. Low levels of calcium, zinc, and B vitamins are associated with depression. Get more by eating more cheese and yogurt, more garlic and mushrooms, more whole grains and beans. Lack of vitamin B12 doubles the risk of severe depression for older women. This critical nutrient, found only in animal products, is destroyed by tofu and soy beverage. Drink real milk, eat real cheese, eat meat at least occasionally and watch your mood improve.

BEAT HOLIDAY STRESS AND LONELINESS The Spending Factor Among the many sources of holiday stress is unmet expectations with giving of gifts or amount of merry-making. Keeping humor up and having realistic expectations help a great deal in being in tune with the holiday spirit. The National Mental Health Association recommends that you take care of yourself first and foremost, starting with setting realistic goals for the holidays and keeping your expectations simple for yourself and everyone else. Watch your budgets. Draw one up and cover the basics: Christmas dinner and gifts. See where you can cut corners. Stick to your figures. If you’ve got a credit card, don’t go crazy with it—or you’ll find more reason to be worried once billing comes around. Explain to your spouse and children or loved you’re your current situation in an honest, straightforward manner. There’s nothing wrong with being short on cash. Who knows—it may be the same people you don’t want to divulge this fact to who can help you out in the end.

Keep Resentments in Check

1600 mg of SAM-e (A-adenosylmethionine) relieved the symptoms of moderate depression as well as imipramine, but no better than Hypericum (St. J's wort). CAUTION: Of the brands tested by Consumer Reports, only Natrol, Nature Made, TwinLab, and GNC passed all tests.

Don't spend the holidays confronting relatives about past conflicts--instead, extend grace and show kindness to forgive and forget. If you want to resolve issues, wait till after the holidays to bring them up again—and do so in a controlled, non-volatile manner. If you must express your feelings, seek out a sympathetic family member or friend. While you’re at it…

Avoid hormone replacement--ERT/HRT--if you're depressed; it's strongly associated with an increase in suicide attempts.

Watch the Sweets, Carbo, and Alcohol

Women who used to take lithium say they have gradually switched over to skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora). A dose of infusion is one cup/250 ml or more per day; of fresh plant tincture is 5-8 drops twice a day; of the dried plant tincture is a dropperful/1 ml several times a day. CAUTION: Skullcap can make you sleepy. For women whose depression resists all other therapies, electro-convulsive treatments (ECT), previously known as shock treatments, have been updated with special care taken to minimize harm. The women I spoke with who were using ECT told me it was incredibly effective, and the side-effects, including severe memory loss, acceptable to them. From doing nothing, to ECT, the range of remedies available to depressed women is enormous. To help you choose wisely, these effective, simple Wise Woman remedies are in order of safety: the safest remedies first, and the most dangerous ones last

While overindulging on sweets and carbohydrates may feel comforting at the time, the after-effects can make you moody later. Same with drinking alcohol to excess. You feel high immediately after consuming them, but the crash makes you feel lower than ever. Another source of glumness is the pounds you’ll gain during the holidays. Try to continue your fitness regimen to burn off the calories from the dinners and parties. Any physical activity is good, whether it’s dancing in your living room or a long walk with a friend to alleviate some stress.

Reach Out to Those Who Need More Help than You One way to take off the focus on our misfortunes or lack is to concentrate our time and effort in relieving others’. Volunteer to help in a nursing home, serving food in a soup kitchen, reading to sick kids, or join a prison outreach. Even a spontaneous act of kindness to a homeless person will lift you up; it will make a difference in the other person’s life, too. Be wary of family members who are using more than normal amounts of alcohol, pain medications, or sleeping pills. Be vigilant when someone is acting confused, can't concentrate, seems lost in the midst of family affairs, or can't seem to stop crying. Feelings of despair or apathy that don't go away for two weeks or longer may lead to depression and needs professional help. The typical symptoms of depression include a sense of hopelessness, boredom with or lack of enjoyment in activities that were previously pleasurable, changes in appetite and sleep patterns, thoughts about suicide, and difficulty concentrating.

Beating Depression By Action Should you find yourself alone and feeling lonely, however, the most effective way to keep the blues at bay is to keep moving and reaching out to people who can make you feel better—just don’t pull them down with you! No one likes a Debbie Downer. Watch a funny movie. Just laughing about something and releasing the stress can make you feel better. If you are having trouble finding something to laugh about, maybe you can find some people to cheer you up. Invite a few good friends over just to talk and have an appetizer and you will see how much better you feel afterwards. Listen to upbeat music. Even as babies in the womb, we respond to music. Maybe you will find you want to get up and dance and there is nothing wrong with that--even without a partner! Just move to the beat and let all your stress flow out of your fingertips and toes. Do some housework. A less cluttered house will do wonders for your mood. There is something about a clean bathroom, living room, or kitchen that gives most people a sense of relief and order. Purge your home of non-essentials the way you would purge your spirit of bad vibes. Get out and move your body. Let your blood circulate. Shoot hoops in the driveway, ride a bicycle down the street and say hi to people you meet along the way. Relating to people will always perk you up. When deciding an activity, ask yourself how it will benefit you and your mood: doing productive things are sure to lift the blues. Reward yourself with some ice cream after.

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T HOLIDAY CHALLENGE Binging, lazing about, slacking off from exercise? Don’t let these happen to you


Starting from around Thanksgiving to roughly the end of Christmas, people eat more than they usually do at any other time of year. This period of time is sometimes nicknamed the “season of gluttony,” where even the most health and weight-conscious individuals forget about the stress of watching what they eat and dig into whatever happens to be on the table at the time. For some, avoiding the stress and anxiety that comes with turning down food during the Holidays is often enough to make them go on eating binges until the 25th comes around and all this insanity ends. After all, a little indulgence during this relatively short amount of time isn't going to have any harmful side effects on the body, is it? Well, medical science may have something to say about that assumption. For most, the worst things that can happen are things like indigestion, a hang-over (for those among you who drink), and the need to get looser-fitting clothing. However, science says that there may be more drastic side effects than that, some of which may appear immediately, while others may manifest later on. The immediate effects usually come in the form of flatulence and bouts of indigestion that vary in terms of intensity (refer to “Transforming Ordinary Foods into Superfoods,” also in this issue). Putting on a few extra pounds after a couple of meals is perfectly understandable and, for some people, even expected. Other, more dangerous side effects can appear, however. For example, it is quite possible for someone to experience nausea and drowsiness while driving home after a particularly big Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner. Pain in the gallbladder and a mild dulling of alertness and reflexes can also come because of massive meals. However, these are just the preliminary things that people have to worry about. The higher the quantity that was eaten and the more fat content it had, the longer it takes for the meal to actually finish being dissolved by stomach acids. This causes an extra load to be placed on the body, forcing the circulatory system to pump more blood into the digestive system to keep up with the load. This deprives over areas of the body their regular supply of blood and nutrients, which results in things like nausea and drowsiness. For the average system, this is not a major problem, but for people with already strained cardiovascular systems, this can result in things like heart attacks and higher blood pressure levels. The ability of the human mind to ignore things like being full is an evolutionary mechanism that allows humans to stock up on body fat in times of plenty. This, in theory, allows people to have a larger energy reserve when food is scarce. The body and mind does place limits on things like these, but during the Holiday season, most people are able to ignore this impulse in favor of eating more food.

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THE STRUGGLE WITH CALORIES For people who have problems with obesity, this can be a very difficult time as it can really throw them off target. One can easily add up ten pounds during the season. While three ounces of white turkey meat has only 130 calories, a serving of sweet potato casserole can give you as much as 330 calories. Stuffing has approximately 107 calories, a slice of pumpkin pie has more than 300, and a piece of pecan pie has 500 calories. Dietitians recommend that instead of drinking alcohol and other high-caloric drinks, try to enjoy eating pies and turkey with lots of water. Help yourself with a reasonable portion of meat, vegetables without the high-calorie sauces, and a few small bites of desserts. Eat slowly. But don't get stuck in guilt if you've eaten too much. Feeling guilty only makes things worse. It may lead you to totally abandon your diet and make haphazard decisions to resume weight loss plans in January next year. Walking around the block can help you lose those added calories. It would take 27 minutes of walking to burn the 97 calories in an 8-ounce serving of cola. A really fast mile would burn 125 calories. But it's not enough to cover the 2,000 to 3,000 calories in an average Thanksgiving meals alone. And we still have Christmas and New Years Eve parties to go. Have a plan of action by visualizing the meal beforehand. Decide ahead of time what food to eat and what to avoid. Eating while sitting is advised to make you feel fuller rather than standing which easily keeps the food down. Eat from a plate to keep things in proportion rather than off a tray, which makes you lose track of how much you already had.

FOLLOWING YOUR HEALTH REGIMEN AMIDST THE REVELRY Holidays are just an excuse to go off track from your fitness program. The mindset of people is that since we follow our fitness regimen all week / month / year long, we can indulge in gorging over those cakes and ice creams. Aim to stay on track with your fitness program this and all other holidays. Make a decision to stay in shape with all the food around you.

If you think you would like to lose 25 lbs during holidays despite enjoying parties, set a goal much before and start working towards it. A goal can also be to gain few kilos also... With so much lip smacking, gorgeous food all around, you will feel tempted to cheat. Keep one day aside where you can treat your self to all your cravings, but stick to your fitness program the rest of the week. And don’t feel even one iota of guilt—here’s a tip: why not schedule your cheat day when you have a major event lined up? If you skip one day of exercise, don’t despair. Get on with it the next day. Nothing goes to waste. One day of holiday in your fitness schedule should be a motivating factor for you to get back on your fitness regimen. If you have planned a big dinner, you might tend to skip either a morning or afternoon meal. Avoid changing your eating pattern. Treat the big dinner party at night just like regular dinnertime and eat how much you would eat normally. Control food portion size in holidays. Eat your favorite foods in moderation. Overindulgence will show around your waistline. One always has choices, no matter where you are. Make the best possible choice based on the alternatives available in front of you. Go for fruits instead of starches; help yourself to a smaller portion rather than a huge one. Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water daily. Drink few glasses of water before dinner to control your appetite but not kill those hunger pangs. If you just drink and not eat a well-balanced meal, you will bloat. Drink water throughout the day to maintain a steady state of hydration.

CONSTIPATED? A HOME REMEDY One of the after-effects of binging is constipation. Get relief with cayenne. Cayenne is a constipation home remedy that is effective in producing peristalsis in your colon and aids digestion. It can be used regularly at every meal and when needed for constipation. Cayenne pepper is known to help thin the blood and therefore is likewise good for improving blood circulation. Cayenne is available in capsules of different strengths, from 5,000 heat units (HU) to 100,000 and even higher. Always use the recommended dose shown on the bottle of cayenne you use. As a constipation home remedy, start with one capsule of 40,000 HU and always take it after you eat. You will feel a hot or slight burning feeling in the upper stomach. That’s when you know its working. The feeling is like when you get heartburn. This burning sensation will pass as your body gets use to you using cayenne. Do not use cayenne seeds, as they can be toxic. If you are pregnant or breast-feeding do not take cayenne supplements. Use cayenne only as directed on its container and only as capsules. Cayenne has the ability to block the ulcer producing effect of NSAIDS. It also has shown to increase the body’s absorption of theopylline, a drug used to treat asthma. In his book, “Left for Dead”, Dick Quinn tells how Cayenne pepper saved his life after coronary bypass surgery failed to restore it. In this book, Shannon Quinn, says, “One of the most effective stimulants, mostly, cayenne targets the digestive and the circulatory system. Cayenne regulates blood pressure, strengthens the pulse, feeds the heart, lowers cholesterol, and thins the blood. It cleanses the circulatory system, heals ulcers, stops hemorrhaging, speeds healing of wounds, rebuilds damaged tissue, eases congestion, aids digestion, regulates elimination, relieves arthritis and rheumatism, prevents the spread of infection and numbs pain.” Cayenne is also safe for pregnant women.

Holidays are a hectic time. All premeditated schedules can go haywire. To stay on track, create a work out timetable listing down all the parties, dinners and so on. Keep the timetable in such a place where you are forced to look at it every day.

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HELPERS ‘Tis the season to be jolly—and a little bit drunk! Save yourself from the ails of a hangover with this preventive tips



any people love to indulge in a beer or glass of wine or two after work. This season, that amount is sure to be doubled—even tripled—what with the afteroffice parties and numerous get-togethers.

Hangovers are actually caused by a complex chain of chemical reactions that occur in the body after drinking alcohol, which results in not only the loss of fluids but also sodium and potassium. The effects of a hangover include nausea, weakness, dizziness and sleeplessness.

Even though it may not be healthy, drinking in small quantities would not cause much harm. The problem starts when there is excessive drinking. You may enjoy being drunk and may not realize things happening around you. The next morning, you realize there are some moments of the night before you choose not to remember—and wake up with a throbbing headache and a mouth that tastes of stale alcohol. You’re parched and seem to can’t get enough water.

If you have had one too many, here are a few of the most popular hangover remedies and how they can help:

Yes, you’ve got a hangover. Some of the common symptoms of a hangover are Severe headache Nausea Diarrhea Dizziness Dry mouth Dehydration

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Water: It’s the first step toward combating dehydration. Coffee: Coffee won’t sober you up, but the caffeine will wake you up and help that headache. But it can also increase dehydration and make your stomach feel worse, so if you choose coffee as your cure, drink plenty of water. Eggs: The protein in eggs helps provide energy. They also contain cysteine, a nutrient that is thought to help rid the body of toxins. Energy drinks: Energy drinks can replenish lost nutrients and rehydrate your body. But one product, Hair of the Dog, goes beyond the typical energy drink because it also contains detoxifiers that target the liver. Hair of the Dog contains natural stimulants to get your metabolism going, 1,000 milligrams of vitamin C, as well as B vitamins.

Gingerroot: Gingerroot tea can settle your upset stomach. Hot soup: Soup soothes the stomach and helps with rehydration. Bananas: Bananas are rich in magnesium and potassium, which are depleted during heavy drinking. Honey: Honey will increase your blood sugar levels. Tomato juice: Since tomato juice contains salt, it helps the body retain fluids. In fact, any fruit or vegetable juice will rehydrate your body and replenish it with vitamins and other nutrients.

COMMON DO’S AND DONT’S WHILE DRINKING * Never drink on empty stomach. If you happen to eat, the food helps in absorbing the alcohol content rather than directly getting into your bloodstream * Consume water (more times than ever) while drinking alcohol as it would help you from dehydration * Don’t have different alcoholic drinks at one time * Avoid colored drinks such as such as red wine, whiskeys, and dark rum, and sweet cocktails as they have a higher alcoholic content than clear drinks

CURING DEHYDRATION A hangover can strip your body of fluids. Replace them as soon as you can to cut short the effects of hangovers: * Start drinking water soon after you wake up. A squirt of lemon is a good idea for your first glass of the day. * Take sips rather than gulping down water all at once. * Drink steadily throughout the day especially if you are active. * You can also get some liquid into your system by eating fruits and vegetables which contain anywhere from 70% to 92% of water. Here are some signs that you are dehydrated: *Fatigue * Flushed skin * Dry mouth * Dry lips * Cramps * Headache * Sunken eyes * Stiff Joints * Dark Urine When you wake up in the morning your urine should be clear with no odor. This is a quick and easy way to tell if you are dehydrated. You can alleviate many physical problems just by drinking the appropriate amount of water per day. This is especially true if you have difficulty with constipation. When you drink water some of it gets into the bloodstream to nourish all the cells of the body; some goes to other major organs such as the kidneys, bladder etc., but the rest is utilized by the colon to remove fecal matter. You would not expect your toilet to flush properly without water; it is also true for your body.

BATTLING HANGOVERS AND OTHER AILMENTS WITH GINSENG Ginseng is a common health drink in China, Korea, and Japan and consumed its distinct flavor and medicinal properties. The word “ginseng came from the Chinese term “jenshen,” which means, “in the image of man.” Ginseng refers to a group of herbs from the plant family Araliacae. There are the three main types of ginseng: Oriental ginseng (Chinese or Korean), American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius), and Siberian ginseng (Eleutheroccus senticosis). Traditional Chinese medicine says that each type of ginseng has unique healing properties. It contains complex mixtures of carbohydrate compounds, nitrogenous compounds, nitrogenous compounds and other essential vitamins and minerals. Compounds called ginsenosides were identified by many studies as its main active components. Ginsengs have “cooling” effect, which make it useful for the treatment of fever, respiratory tract disorders, and the improvement of blood circulation. Studies show that ginsenosides, the active ingredient of ginseng, is responsible for the many health benefits of ginseng. For this reason, ginseng is used by people the world over as an alternative medicine. All over Asia, thousands of people drink the beverage because they believe that ginseng helps: • reduce fatigue and increases stamina; • increase the formation of red blood cells and helps eliminate anemia; • improve mental conditions and helps prevent neuroses; • increase the secretion of body fluids and helps prevent diabetes; • normalize pulmonary functions, preventing coughing, tuberculosis, and asthma; • strengthen the gastrointestinal system and can help facilitate liver regeneration; • detoxify poisons; • enhance blood alcohol clearance; • reduce the effect of alcohol intoxication; • eliminate hangovers; and • treat influenza and other infections. Ginseng is also used to enhance physical and mental performance. It is often called an “adaptogen” because it bolsters the body's ability to combat physical and mental stress. Several studies show that ginseng is able to reduce the levels of fatigue in men and women. Many clinical studies show that people who take ginseng or ginseng supplements were able to overcome higher levels of emotional and physical difficulties. In addition, regular intake of ginseng may reduce one's chance of acquiring different types of cancer especially the types that affect the lungs, liver, and ovaries. Reports say that individuals who use ginseng regularly feel better and are more alert. It may also improve one's memory and other mental faculties. For maximum results, some regular consumers of this herbal beverage include another traditional healing ingredient called gingko biloba. Impotence is another ailment that can supposedly be treated through regular consumption of ginseng. Ginseng is believed to be effective in helping increase sperm production. It is also taken as a supplement to improve sexual performance. Recent medical studies show that ginseng does enhance libido and sexual performance. Ginseng promotes the release of nitric oxide and improves the blood flow in the penis and, in the process, enhances sexual pleasure and performance.

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Leg of Turkey Stew INGREDIENTS Turkey leg Small broccoli flower 1 cup button mushrooms 2 bay leaves Half a teaspoon of black whole pepper corns 3 dashes of ground pepper One teaspoon sea salt Garlic powder Half an onion ¼ cup red wine or balsamic vinegar Half a teaspoon of brown sugar 2 tablespoons olive oil 2 tablespoons of tomato paste 1 cup water 1 clove garlic PROCEDURE 1. Rub turkey with salt, pepper and ground garlic mixture. 2. Fry in a dash of olive oil until slightly browned. 3. Place turkey leg in slow-cooker. Throw in bay leaves, crushed garlic, whole pepper corns and onions. 4. In a bowl mix tomato paste, brown sugar, a little soy sauce, wine and a pinch of salt and pour mixture over the turkey leg. 5. Add the olive oil. Set slow cooker to high and cook for two hours. 6. Set temperature to low until ready to serve. 7. In a small sauce pan, boil broccoli flowerettes and mushrooms. 8. Arrange the turkey leg in a shallow dish with the sauce, mushrooms and broccoli.

Ground Breast Turkey Patties INGREDIENTS Ground turkey breast 2 to 3 Tablespoons olive oil ½ cup romato paste 2 Tablespoons garlic powder 2 eggs ½ cup wheat flour 2 teaspoons Salt 2 teaspoons ground pepper Basil leaves, chiffonade Italian seasoning PROCEDURE Mix ground turkey breast with garlic powder, salt and pepper. Break two raw eggs into the mixture. Add the flour. Form the mixture into patties. Grill until done. Set aside. In a saucepan, pour in olive oil and sauté garlic and onions. Add the tomato paste and stir for a half hour, adding water if needed to decrease thickness of sauce. Keep stirring until done. When cooked, pour the sauce over the patties. Garnish with basil leaves on top. Serve with salad of your choice.




Demolished your turkey over Thanksgiving, and don’t know what to do with what’s left? Two suggestions for making the most out of your leftovers By Tia Lirio

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