Sacred Eden - February 2011

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February 2011 US$9.95


• 10 ways to avoid a heart attack • Signs to watch out for • What to eat



Be Your Most Stunning!



20 No-Fail Diet Tips— plus: Busting the Blah Out of Exercise

Publisher’s Note





ever knock the value of being in love, or loving.

While there are many among us whose destinies lead them to never be married or co-habit with another, man—or women—for that matter, were not made to live in isolation. Since 1979, the National Longitudinal Mortality Study has been studying the phenomenon of partnered men and women and their longevity. The feedback from over a million subjects has proven that married people outlive unmarried ones; they have even been found to have lower cancer rates and less likely to suffer from disease such as pneumonia, than singles. A study made in 2008, meanwhile, in the University of Pittsburgh, found that happily married women have a much lower risk of cardiovascular disease “than those in stressful and troublesome relationships.” Another more recent study, this time from the University of Iowa, found that cancer patients who had a strong sense of connection and a satisfying relationship with others had more active “natural killer” cells—those white blood cells that kill cancerous cells—than those who didn’t have healthy social bonds. And yet another research made at the University of North Carolina showed that the act of hugging dramatically lowers blood pressure, and increases levels of oxytocin, the hormone that plays a key role in orgasm. It doesn’t take much medical and scientific proof to see the benefits of connecting with someone intimately and authentically, however. When we find joy in someone else’s company, we become more alive, more aware of ourselves, and generally feel better, inside and out.


This being the month of Saint Valentine’s, the priest who believed in the power of love and suffered for it (or so goes one of the many legends about him), this issue of Sacred Eden is dedicated to the subject of matters of the heart—both literally and figuratively. Alongside articles on heart health (pages 3 and 5), we give you soul-enriching stories on how to transform the way you love and treat yourself (page 7 and page 27), and how to better connect with your loved one (page 11 and 17). And because sex is an important component of being connected with your partner, we also give you a background of what nature has to offer in that department (page 19). After all, it’s also been scientifically proven that men who have sex two or more times a week lessen their risk for heart failure by half! That’s no excuse to be cavalier about it, though, as irresponsible and indiscreet sex can lead you to the illnesses you’ll find on page 23. For all its beauty and glory, love of course, entails some risks… the little lumps of pain and fear and uncertainty will always be there, even in the seemingly most perfect union. But perhaps it’s these very same risks that make the experience even more satisfying—and in the end, more meaningful and healthfully beneficial. It’s been proven that being in love not only strengthens your soul, builds up your tolerance to pain and stress, but also nourishes your body from the cellular level. You can even say it’s the easiest way to health. To Your Health, Wealth & Happiness,

The Sacred Eden Team

Table of Contents

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A Note From the Publishers

Great Valentine’s Deals in this issue!


Healthy Solutions


Proposing on Valentine’s Day; So You Want to Lose Weight?; Head: Create Your Own Bliss With Aromatherapy; 10 Ways to Avoid a Heart Attack; A Diet for Smokers and Ex-Smokers



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Keeping Heart Healthy. No one has to be a victim of heart disease ever again—just follow these basic rules of thumb and watch out for these signs

Heart and Soul


Make Your Man’s Valentine’s Day Rock! While chocolates and roses may do it for the women, guys need something a little more untraditional. Here are some suggestions by real men


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A Better You. Your Seven-Day Program to Self-Improvement

Bring Back that Lovin’ Feeling. Feeling estranged or just worried that your marriage is missing that “spark”? Here are 5 simple ways to re-connect with your husband



20 Dieting Success Tips. We’ve made it easy for you—you’ll never have to agonize through another diet again!


Health Benefits of Marriage and More. Here’s something you should share with your boyfriend or girlfriend if they’re getting cold feet about tying the knot…


Nature’s Answers to Youth and Vitality. Mostly highlighted for their contributions to better sexual health in men and women, maca and bee pollen also have a treasure trove of other benefits





Food and Nourishment



The New Aphrodisiacs: Foods For Sexual and Reproductive Health. No longer belonging in the realm of myths, foods that enhance sexual health can easily be found in your grocery store

A Flower A Day Keeps The Doctor Away. The addition of edible flowers is a wonderful way to add dimensions of taste and aesthetics to everyday dishes



Bathing With Herbal Essential Oils. This month of love, we give you a recipe of a different sort—with you, in a tub of softly perfumed water, as the main ‘ingredient’

Chlamydia-The Silent Disease. One of the most common STDs in the United States, you may not know you have it until it’s too late. Here’s what to watch out for

Fitness Made Easy and Fun. Eating right, exercise, keeping fit doesn’t have to be a chore—read through and find out how small changes to one’s lifestyle can ensure lifelong health


PROPOSING ON VALENTINE’S DAY 1. Do it in front of her family 2. Plan a weekend getaway 3. Borrow a scene from her favorite click flick—if it’s My Best Friend’s Wedding, holler out “Will you marry me?” as she is getting on the train to go to work. If An Officer and a Gentleman is her favorite movie, walk in to her office, just pick her up in your arms, and carry her out. As you are carrying her out, ask her to marry you. You get the drift.



educing the food all in a sudden could adversely affect one’s health. Hence reduction in food intake also means adopting a healthier and balanced diet schedule. As a rule of thumb, embrace a healthy weight loss diet plan that is rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, low-fat dairy products and whole grains, alongside drinking lots of water, at least 8 to 10 glasses a day. It would be prudent to chart a healthy weight loss diet plan for oneself than following text book quick weight loss program. And finally, backup your efforts with a strict fitness regime to burn away those extra calories from the body. Make it a practice to spend 30 minutes active, at least three times a day.



heart attack is known as a myocardial infarction. This occurs when the heart muscle is damaged or does not receive enough oxygen. Many cardiac related problems occur due to blockages in arteries that carry purified blood away from the heart to different parts of the body. Another cause is the formation of blood clots. Very often, it is quite difficult to differentiate between a heart attack and heartburn. The common signs of a heart attack are a tightness, pain, or discomfort in the chest. Sweating, nausea, and vomiting that are accompanied by intense pressure in the chest. A radiating and intense pain in the chest that extends from the chest to the left arm. A shortness of breath for more than a few minutes. If you have any of the above you must consult the doctor or go to the emergency rooms. The risk factors for a heart attack include: smoking, diabetes, high levels of cholesterol, hypertension, family history of heart diseases, atherosclerosis, lack of exercise, obesity, and fast foods. You can reduce the risks of a heart attack by: 1. Quitting smoking. 2. Eating healthy. Avoid fatty foods, excess salt, and red meats. 3. Controlling high blood pressure and diabetes. 4. Ensuring regular exercise at least 30 minutes a day. Walking is most beneficial. 5. Preventing obesity. Doing all you can to maintain weight. 6. Choosing to live a healthy lifestyle. 7. Practicing meditation. 8. Doing regular relaxation and breathing exercises. 9. Undergoing periodic cardiac evaluations. 10. Including foods that are rich in anti-oxidants in your diet.

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o diet or eating-plan, no matter how nutritious, can neutralize the health damage caused by the 850+ chemicals in tobacco smoke--many of which are carcinogenic. On average, if you smoke 20 cigarettes a day, you double your risk of a heart-attack and are five times more likely to suffer a stroke than a non-smoker. At 40 cigarettes a day, you are five times more likely to suffer from sudden cardiac death. Smoking is also the leading cause of lung cancer. Tobacco smoke leads to increased levels of free radicals--cancer-causing agents--in the body and a corresponding need for protective antioxidants that can neutralise them. The main antioxidant vitamins are vitamin C and vitamin E (which works best in combination with the mineral selenium). Phytochemicals such as bioflavonoids and carotenoids (eg. beta-carotene) are also rich in antioxidants. Use the following suggestions are a guide to minimum dietary requirements. - Eat 3-5 daily servings of deep green, dark red, orange of yellow vegetables. - Eat 3-5 daily servings of red, yellow, orange or green fruits. - Switch from coffee to tea, ideally green tea. - Each day, take 2 tsp of wheatgerm oil (rich in vitamin E) and 6 Brazil nuts (rich in selenium). [Note: A serving is approx 1 medium fruit, or 1/2 cup chopped of such] INCREASE YOUR VITAMIN INTAKE One cigarette is estimated to rob the body of 25mg of vitamin C. Thus all smokers have a greatly increased need for this antioxidantrich vitamin simply to maintain minimum levels. In practice, this need can only be met by taking supplements. As a general guide, I suggest you take 1 gram of vitamin C supplements per day. Choose a "timedrelease" brand that includes a minimum of 100mg bioflavonoids. Get your Vitamin C from: Fruits, such as: blackcurrants, papaya, guava, cantaloupe, elderberries, kiwi fruit, mango, oranges, strawberries. Fruit juices such as: cranberry, grapefruit, lemon, orange. Vegetables such as: red peppers, green peppers, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, kale, tomatoes. GET PROTECTION FROM CAROTENOIDS Carotenoids are pigments found in plants. All carotenoids are antioxidants, the most common example being beta-carotene. It is found in green plants (eg. spinach), as well as orange and yellow plants, such as carrots, sweet potato and melons. Clinical trials

indicate that when consumed in foods - not supplements - betacarotene reduces certain precancerous symptoms. [Warning: beta-carotene supplements actually increase the risk of disease (eg. lung cancer). Thus your intake of beta-carotene should come exclusively from food.] Use the following suggestions are a guide to minimum dietary requirements. Eat 4 daily servings of deep green, yellow or red vegetables, including: carrots, sweetcorn, pumpkin, spinach, sweet potato. Eat 4 oz tomatoes daily, either in sauce or chopped. Eat 3 daily servings of colored fruit, including: melon, oranges, strawberries, mango, cherries. EAT MORE BRASSICAS According to research evidence, cigarette smokers who eat more brassicas have less incidence of cancers (eg. breast, colorectal, lung, pancreatic, prostate and stomach). As all these cancers are initiated by free radicals, it follows that brassicas may help to prevent other problems initiated by free radical damage and accelerated by smoking, such as: cataracts, emphysema, asthma and age spots. Brassicas include: broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage (all types), cauliflower, cress, horseradish, kale, kohlrabi, mustard, radish, swede, turnip, watercress. EAT MORE GARLIC AND ONIONS Garlic is a good source of unique antioxidants and contains anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. Its anti-tumor properties are well documented. Onions, a member of the same vegetable family, have similar properties to garlic. MORE DIETARY TIPS Reduce the total fat in your diet. At the same time, minimize your intake of saturated fat and trans-fatty acids. Eat regular servings of omega-3-rich oily fish (eg. salmon, mackerel, sardines). Eat healthy carbohydrates. Avoid refined white flour carbs, choose only whole grains such as, oats, brown rice, wholewheat pasta. In addition, choose foods rich in soluble fiber (eg. apples, oat bran). Eat healthy low-fat protein such as fish, lean chicken/turkey, or egg-whites. Include small amounts of lean red meat in your diet, along with regular servings of soy foods (eg. soybeans) and other vegetable protein. Reduce sodium in your daily diet. Check food labels and choose low-sodium or sodium-free foods. Also avoid adding salt when cooking or eating.



ere is a simple and wonderful recipe that you can try at home in your bath before bed.

1 cup Epsom salts 10 drops Lavender essential oil 1 drop food coloring Shake all ingredients in a Ziploc bag until coated. Store in a bottle or bag. Lovely Lavender Lotion Apply this easy to mix lavender lotion after your bath, or if you’re lucky enough to have a partner who is willing, request a relaxing massage before bed. The calming scent of lavender also works for fussy babies. 1 oz. glycerin 2 tsp. oil of lavender Put ingredients in a clean glass bottle and shake well. Refrigerate.

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Body WATCH YOUR DIET, LOWER YOUR BLOOD PRESSURE According to statistics, one in four American adults has hypertension, which means that these people need to quickly lower blood pressure in order to decrease the risk of stroke, heart attack and kidney failure.


No one has to be a victim of heart disease ever again—just follow these basic rules of thumb and watch out for these signs


t’s a no-brainer to say that living a healthy lifestyle can go a long way in reducing the chances of developing cardiac problems. Even those with inherited risk or who are genetically programmed towards heart disease can avoid it—all it takes is more careful adjustments of your lifestyles to greatly improve our prospects of avoiding it.

The two most deadly contributors to cardiac problems are smoking and obesity. Both of these can raise blood pressure to dangerous levels, putting extra strain on the heart. Smoking causes the build up of fatty deposits within the arteries, also causing circulation problems. Being overweight also tends to mean that a healthy diet is not being followed, and so the body may well be short of essential minerals and nutriments that the heart needs to keep on functioning healthily. The symptoms of a heart problem can be both subtle and dramatic, and so a diagnosis of heart disease is often made later in the game. If you come across more than one of the symptoms below, then a trip to your doctor is highly advisable. Breathlessness when engaged in physical exercise is normal to some extent for almost everyone, but if you find you're becoming breathless more and more easily then this is a clear sign that your general fitness levels aren't all they could be, and that your heart may be struggling under the pressure. Palpitations, that is, a heavily or unevenly beating heart, can be a sign of anxiety or can come on after extreme exercise, but if neither of these situations apply then heart problems could well be the culprit. A tingling feeling in bodily extremities such as fingers, toes or lips is often a sign that your circulation system isn't delivering enough oxygen--again a sign of possible heart problems. Should your extremities develop a bluish color, then this is certainly not a good sign, and medical attention should be sought at once. The final and most obvious sign of cardiac problems is a feeling of tightness or pain in the chest, a condition known as angina. If you feel chest pain with any regularity, even if not severel, a medical check up is advised. Angina can be controlled by medication in many cases, and doesn't have to develop into full-blown heart disease.

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The American Heart Association (AHA) Nutrition Committee recommends recommends that people who need to lower blood pressure should eat more fruits, vegetables and diary products, which are high in electrolytes and naturally occurring minerals. Studies have also shown that persons eating foods rich in potassium, such as bananas, dates, potatoes, and raisins tend to have lower blood pressure. The Committee also recommends reduction of salt consumption. Also, those who need to lower blood pressure must avoid having more than two alcoholic drinks per day. Managing one’s weight is also an important recommendation. The Committee approximates that even a small reduction of two points in diastolic blood pressure could lower a person’s stroke risk by 15 percent and lower heart disease risk by 6 percent.

HEALTHY CHOICES TO LOWER YOUR CHOLESTEROL Heart disease and stroke are often triggered by high cholesterol in the blood. Changing your diet to lose weight is not the same as changing your diet to control your cholesterol levels. While losing weight will certainly improve your health, you also need to monitor your diet to exclude foods that are causing your high cholesterol levels. Whole milk and ice cream should be avoided. Additionally, butter, egg yolks, and cheese and foods that include them should be removed from your diet. Finally, organ meats like liver, high-fat processed meats (like sausage and hot dogs), and limit your intake of fried foods. For instance, a good variety of fruits and vegetables (with five or more servings per day), grain products like bread, cereal, rice, and pasta (choose six or more servings per day). In addition, lean meats and poultry ( without skin and up to 6 ounces per day), fat-free and low fat milk , beans and peas , nuts and seeds in limited amounts, and fatty fish ( which can be baked or broiled , but limited to 2-3 servings per week ). You should use vegetable oils like olive oil or corn oil when preparing your foods. There is also a large assortment of spices to give your food that extra pizzazz.




While chocolates and roses may do it for the women, guys need something a little more untraditional. Here are some suggestions by real men By Michaela Scherr


alentine’s Day! What a great day for romantics at heart! Any excuse to celebrate a day of l’amour is in my opinion, a good excuse and on the 14th of February, cards, flowers and the whole love thing will be celebrated for many with romance and style. The history of this day has origins in both Christian and Ancient Roman tradition. As a matter of fact there are many legends surrounding Valentine and the day it was yet to become. According to the Catholic Encyclopedia (1908) there are least three St Valentine’s recorded. One legend has it that in 269 AD in ancient Rome, Saint Valentine was secretly performing marriages and engagements in direct contravention of the Emperor Claudius II, who banned marriages and engagements in an attempt to recruit and enlist more soldiers (recruitment numbers were down because the men wanted to remain with their loved ones). Alas and alack it was all too good to last, when St Valentine’s secret was discovered, as punishment for his crime, he was thrown into jail, beaten with clubs, followed by execution. The legend goes that before he was beheaded on 14th February, he fell in love with his jailor’s

daughter and wrote her a billet-doux (love letter). Itís said he signed off on his note with “from your Valentine”. Many years later in 496 AD, Pope Gelasius declared a day of honor for Valentine and so began Valentine’s Day. Meanwhile, in ancient Roman days the 14th of February celebrated and honored Juno, Queen of Roman Goddesses and Gods who was also said to be Goddess of woman and marriage. Another legend has it that Valentine was an early Christian who made friends with many children. The Romans apparently imprisoned him because he didn’t worship their gods. The children, missing Valentine, would hand him loving notes through the bars of his cell. Whatever the legends, the 14th February is the day where many of us exchange cards (anonymously or not) and do something romantic for our partner. Having a pretty good idea on what women want, flowers, chocolates, and a card (yes I know some of us are still waiting!) I wondered what men wanted and so asked a group of men: if they could have something they really wanted what would it be? For partners scratching for ideas, the following will give you some idea what he really wants if it were up to him. I was told, come up with any

of the following and it’s guaranteed--Valentineís Day will go off like a frog in a sock: 1. A beautiful meal at a restaurant 2. A good book and the silence to read it 3. A weekend away at a resort or hotel 4. Day-tripping around coastal or country areas, eating breakfast and lunch out at different places 5. Hanging out with loved one 6. Breakfast in bed 7. Driving an open top sports car for the day 8. A ride in a supersonic jet 9. Nice bottle of single malt, like a 100-year old scotch 10. Police arresting and taking away the motherin-law 11. Massage in a day spa 12. Complete day of wife or partner agreeing with everything said 13. 24 hour nag-free day 14. Someone else working at your day job for the day 15. Wife or partner completely losing their voice for the day 16. To be alone 17. Visit an art gallery 18. Visit a museum 19. Play golf or go to a sporting event--whatever is in season 20. Ride a Harley Davidson.

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YOU Your Seven-Day Program to Self-Improvement


loss—even a lack of--self-esteem, can wreak havoc on the way you live your life and the choices you make along they way. If there’s one thing we should take care of, it’s our own sense of self. So what does it take to be a cut above the rest? Here are some of the things you can consider to re-create your sense of self. Reflect on them throughout the week, and return to them when necessary.

DAY 1 KNOW YOUR PURPOSE Are you wandering through life with little direction, hoping that you'll find happiness, health and prosperity? Identify your life purpose and you will have your own unique compass that will lead you to your truth north every time. This may seem tricky at first when you see yourself to be in a tight or even dead end. But there's always that little loophole to turn things around and you can make a big difference to yourself. Here’s a trick: create your own mission statement. Make it clear and attainable, keeping the abstract terms at a minimum and giving it a reasonable timeline.

DAY 2 KNOW YOUR VALUES What do you value most? Make a list of your top five values. Some examples are security, freedom, family, spiritual development, learning. As you set your goals for this year, check your goals against your values. If the goal doesn't align with any of your top five values, you may want to reconsider it or revise it. Use this list to motivate you to do more than you ever dreamed of.

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DAY 3 KNOW YOUR NEEDS Needs that are not met can keep you from living your life fully. Take care of yourself. Do you have a need to be acknowledged, to be right, to be in control, to be loved? Face your unmet needs and discern if they’re deal-breakers, are just whims that can be done away with, or will further lead to chaos and loss. List them down, and beside them, list ways how they can be realistically met—even if it means finding “closure” with a long-estranged family member, coming clean with a debt, or admitting that you are wrong to an old lover.

DAY 4 KNOW YOUR PASSIONS What lights you up from the inside? What makes you feel alive? What makes you feel like you can go at a thing all your life, and not get tired of it? Know who you are, where you stand, and what you truly enjoy in life. Obstacles like doubt and lack of enthusiasm may hinder you, but should not derail your chance to become the person you ought to be. Even money shouldn’t be an excuse to continue your passion. Express yourself and honor the people who have inspired you to become the very person you wanted to be.

DAY 5 LIVE FROM THE INSIDE OUT Increase your awareness of your inner wisdom by regularly reflecting in silence. Commune with nature. Breathe deeply to quiet your distracted mind. For most of us city slickers it's hard to even find the peace and quiet we want in our own home, but even just sitting in a dimly lit room and playing some classical music will help clear

your mind. While at the office, you can take 15 minutes out of your lunch break, close your door, and tune out.

DAY 6 HONOR YOUR STRENGTHS Think about it: What are your positive traits? What special talents do you have? List three--if you get stuck, ask those closest to you to help identify these. Are you imaginative, witty, good with your hands? Find ways to express yourself through your strengths. You can increase your self-confidence when you can share what you know to others. Annie Dillard said: "Similarly, the impulse to keep to yourself what you have learned is not only shameful, it is destructive. Anything you do not give freely and abundantly becomes lost to you. You open your safe and find ashes."

DAY 7 SERVE OTHERS When you live according to your inner self, you may find that you develop an interconnected sense of being. When you are true to who you are, living your purpose and giving of your talents to the world around you, you give back in service what you came to share with others--your spirit--your essence. The rewards for sharing your gift with those close to you is indeed rewarding, much more if it were to be the eyes of a stranger who can appreciate what you have done to them. Self-improvement is indeed one type of work that is worth it. It shouldn't always be within the confines of an office building, or maybe in the four corners of your own room. The difference lies within ourselves and how much we want to change for the better.


VA Get LE th od uc 20% NTI is pr NE od tc od off th ’S D uct a I e: VA e listeSCOUt our LE d pr NT o NT ice! f



Proven ingredients including Resveratrol, Aloe Vera, Collagen, DMAE, Hyaluronic Acid, Green Tea, Grape Seed, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Tumeric Acid and Many More In One Convenient Package For Superior Age Defying Results!


ver dreamed about being that person who always gets compliments about their agedefying looks? Or how good would it be to have a hidden “super power” that stops the aging process? Well we’ve got the closest thing: a power packed product with an incredible force to combat wrinkles. This advanced formulation combines the most successful anti-wrinkle treatments on the market in 1 single potent capsule. Its goal? To slow and reverse the aging process by eliminating wrinkles like never before! Each ingredient has been meticulously researched and hand picked to produce the most effective high potency formulation on the market which promotes healthier and younger skin! Included in Sacred Eden’s Anti-Wrinkle is Collagen, the primary protein found in connective tissue, along with Hyaluronic Acid, the same nutrient injected by dermatologists to help reduce wrinkles... Both of them at pharmaceutical strength!

COLLAGEN: Found normally in 90% of our tissues through out our bodies, which assists in the building blocks of connective tissue in keeping with healthy skins cells, one of the main functions is to unite layers of skin tissue keeping an appearance of youth. GRAPE SEED (95% extract): This acts as an antioxidant in transporting waste substances out of the skin so that other functions of the skin can take place to restore the cells and membranes. As this process is accomplished, this agent allows for the expansion and contraction of skins’ pores so that elimination of waste substances can take place.

This risk-free guarantee covers all Sacred Eden products…because we only sell the best.

This offer expires at the end of February 2011.

Look Your Best, Ever!

Sacred Eden’s Anti-Wrinkle Formula instructs your body to moisturize and stretch your skin, clearing away lines and years from your face

RESVERATROL (15 to 20% polygonum cuspidatum): Resveratrol has been known for years as a substance that can manipulate genes that can bring forth a portion of our youth. Resveratrol, in this case, promotes a healthy DNA in our skin that can motivate our cells into restoring themselves.

Just to show you how confident we are about the amazing benefits of this super blend, we dare to have you try “Anti-Wrinkle Formula” risk-free for the next 30 days. If you’re not happy with the results, ship your used and unused bottles to us and ask for your investment back. This way you’re completely covered!



Sacred Eden’s Anti-Wrinkle also attacks the damaging free radicals in the body with a super powerful blend of antioxidants including Resveratrol, Green Tea, Grape Seed and Alpha Lipoic Acid.



HYALURONIC ACID: Absolutely valuable and is found everywhere in our bodies. This is used to maintain fluids that transport nutrients for skin tissues and prevents the effects of drying that causes wrinkles. Hyaluronic Acid is highly important in allowing movement of the tissues so that healthy cells can continue to be active. TURMERIC EXTRACT (95% curcuminoids): Helps to protect the skins cells against a variety of diseases. It has the ability to penetrates the membranes of skins cells. GREEN TEA: to promote healthy skin metabolism ALOE VERA: Has been used throughout the ages as a very rejuvenating gel when applied on the hair, face and body. This is because it reduces inflammation, provides nutrition and helps your skin radiate with beauty. Our formula also provides you with very powerful “skin vitamins” and aminoacids like Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Niacinamide, Alpha Lipoic Acid, DMAE, L-Glycine, L-proline, L-Gluthathione, etc

Take 2 pills a day of our anti-wrinkle formula to ensure your skin gets all the nutrients it needs to remain hydrated and young. A standard bottle contains 60 pills and only costs $29.97— this month, however, enjoy Sacred Eden’s Valentine gift of 20% off…now you can get this product for only $23.97! Visit to order now!

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No longer belonging in the realm of myths, foods that enhance sexual health can easily be found in your grocery store


ike the fabled fountain of youth, aphrodisiacs--foods thought to enhance sexual prowess--have always belonged more to the realm of mythology than modern day science. But as researchers continue to unlock the unique protective and curative benefits of fruits and vegetables, what once looked like wishful thinking might soon become a prescription for overall sexual and reproductive health. Could watermelon help you make whoopee? Along with tomatoes and pink grapefruit, watermelon is loaded with lycopene--a powerful antioxidant widely recognized to protect against prostate cancer. Emerging evidence suggests that lycopene might also enhance male fertility. Improvements in sperm concentration and motility were observed after 30 infertile study participants took part in a 30-day trial of lycopene supplementation. While the amount of watermelon needed to elicit similar effects has not been determined, whole fruit generally contains a variety of synergistic compounds that help to support delivery mechanisms. Speaking of delivery appears that another watermelon compound --the amino acid citrulline--may function as a natural alternative to Viagra. Both citrulline and Viagra help increase blood flow to the pelvic area, the former by increasing the body's release of nitric oxide, the latter by destroying those enzymes that inhibit nitric oxide's effects.

AN HERB FOR MALE SEXUAL ENERGY AND PERFORMANCE Butea Superba, an herbal plant indigenous to Thailand, is an alternative herbal treatment for erectile dysfunction. It can be either taken orally or applied topically, as a gel, and is said to promote sexual functions without any nervous, muscular, or cardiac over stimulation. Research shows the Butea Superba also supports enhanced blood flow, erectile efficiency, strength, and staying power. Some also take it as a natural dietary supplement that promotes a healthy cardiovascular system.

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By Jennifer Grossman Director, Dole Nutrition Institute

While lycopene is found in the red flesh of the watermelon, citrulline is most highly concentrated in the rind. With one compound combating free radicals and the other fighting erectile dysfunction, the two found within the same fruit may work synergistically to promote overall male reproductive health. Promotion of sexual health goes hand in hand with prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. But while most sexual health campaigns focus on modifying sexual activity per se, very little is said about the role of diet in reducing the frequency and severity of STD outbreaks. When you consider that lowered resistance can trigger attacks of certain STDs, like genital herpes, it makes sense that immune-boosting foods might also help protect against viral eruptions. New research suggests that eating veggies like broccoli might halt herpes flare-ups. A study done at the Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine found that indole-3carbinol--a compound found in cruciferous veggies such as broccoli, brussels sprouts, cauliflower and cabbage--kept the herpes virus in hibernation during lab experiments (clinical studies would be needed to confirm the in vivo benefit for humans). Lysine is another compound that may inhibit herpes viral activity. Soybeans, cooked and raw, are a super source of lysine. Lima beans also are loaded.

DIET MAKES THE DIFFERENCE While more than a million people acquire herpes annually, five times that number will become infected with human papilloma virus. Once again, prevention is the key to putting a cap on such stats, but given that HPV is considered the most common STD in the United States, it's worth noting that for those already exposed to the virus, diet can make a difference. Women who eat the most veggies are 50 percent less likely to have persistent HPV infections--thus reducing their risk of cervical cancer and infertility. While vegetables are more protective than fruits and juices, lycopene-rich foods like tomatoes and watermelon have the highest benefit. As long as we've broached the subject of diet and reproductive health, keep in mind that low-carb diets also could reduce a woman's chances of becoming pregnant. Animal studies conducted at the Colorado Center for Reproductive Medicine found that even a "moderately" high protein diet could prevent an embryo from attaching to the wall of the womb or hinder its early development. Though further research will be needed to show that the same effect may be responsible for fertility impedance among humans, the findings suggest that women's protein intake should be less than 20 percent of overall calorie consumption during efforts to conceive. Moreover, given the role of folic acid in preventing neural tube defects, Mother Earth's bounty of folate-rich fruits and veggies should be first on the menu of all mothers-to-be.




ost people who have never done a colon cleanse have an average of 10 pounds (sometimes even up to 20 pounds!) of undigested fermented foods and rotting fecal matter stuck in their bowels, but even after a cleanse, your colon can get clogged up pretty easily if you don’t take care of your diet! This putrefying junk slows you down and infects your body, allowing parasites and bacteria to build nests inside of your intestines! This puts strain on your normal metabolic processes and impairs your immune system... and adds extra inches around your waistline... Super Colon Cleanse is a powerful proprietary formula includes a wide array of plants and herbs that will help you detox from the inside out as follows: FENNEL SEED. Helps liquify the waste matter so it leaves your bowels more easily. CASCARA SAGRADA. Relieves chronic constipation, stimulates a sluggish colon while producing a tonifying effect. GINGER GOLDENSEAL. Promotes a calming effect and soothes the irritated linings of your digestive system. PUMPKIN SEED. A high source of fiber, vitamin A, calcium and iron, containing small amounts of protein, B1, B2 and B3. BUCKTHORN ROOT. Helps to move fecal matter more quickly through the colon, speeding up the time it takes to detox. LICORICE ROOT. A highly prized Chinese herb that keeps your lungs clear, your digestive tract calm, your colon cleansed and your adrenal glands functioning properly. RHUBARB. An astringent and purgative, rhubarb relieves constipation and stimulates the colon to contract. CITRUS PECTIN. A soluble dietary fiber that cleanses the colon and removes toxins from the body, plus controls diarrhea and lowers cholesterol. LACTOBACILLUS ACIDOPHILUS. This strengthens the good bacteria in your bowels. ACAI FRUIT (4:1 extract). This little berry is a powerhouse of nutrition and antioxidants. CAPE ALOE. A wonderful cleansing and laxative compound. BENTONITE CLAY. This is a very magnetic clay that attracts heavy metals, locks them inside and transports them out of the body. ALOE VERA. Has a cooling, anti-inflammatory effect and restores the bodily hormones and enzymes within the colons or intestines. CAYENNE PEPPER. Expands your rectum slightly so that waste matter may be eliminated more easily and without pain. SENNA. Acts as an powerful natural fiber-rich ingredient to effectively remove even the adhered slime wastes out of the body.

A standard bottle contains 60 pills and only costs $21.99!

OAT BRAN. Oat bran fiber eases transit and is used by many people suffering from constipation. PRUNE JUICE. Prunes act as a diuretic, allowing you to go to the bathroom more easily. FLAXSEED OIL. A healthy source of omega 3s to replace the healthy EPAs and DHAs and support your circulatory system.

This offer expires at the end of February 2011.

Di Pro ge du st ct ive s f He or alt h!





growing body of scientific evidence suggests that you can treat and prevent some illnesses with foods and supplements containing certain kinds of live bacteria. Bad bacteria cripples your immune system and invites disease into your body. The only way to fight it is to enlarge the size of your “beneficial army” that keeps disease under control. Northern Europeans consume a lot of these beneficial microorganisms, called probiotics (from pro and biota, meaning “for life”), because of their tradition of eating foods fermented with bacteria, such as yogurt. Probiotic-laced beverages are also big business in Japan. The benefits Sacred Eden’s Probiotic Formula: •Keeps unfriendly bacteria under control--don’t let disease expand into your body •Maximizes absorption of nutrients-absorb all the good stuff from the food you eat •Improves digestion and elimination by digesting food completely •Keeps digestive systems clean (colon and small intestines) •Boosts immunity by having a larger “beneficial army” •Balances hormones by optimizing bodily functions •Performs biological “transmutation”--yes, you can “transform” bad foods and prevent them from hurting your intestines... In a single pill, our formulation contains close to 1 billion active cultures of the most popular probiotics: Lactobacillus Acidophilus, ORDER NOW AND TRY IT Bifidobacterium Longum, Lactobacillus RISK FREE! Casei, Lactobacillus Salivarius, Dahulin PB, We’re confident about the amazing BioMOS benefits of Sacred Eden Super Colon Cleanse and Sacred Eden Probiotic Formula. Try them risk-free for the next 30 days. If you’re not happy A bottle only with the results, ship your used and costs $29.97… unused bottles to us and ask for your investment back. This way you’re At less than $1 a completely covered! day for greater This risk-free guarantee covers all Sacred Eden products…because we only sell the best.Visit www.

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Feeling estranged or just worried that your marriage is missing that “spark”? Here are 5 simple ways to re-connect with your husband


ave you ever rolled over in the morning and not known the man lying next to you? (And no, we’re not talking about your years in university!) After years of marriage, you may start to feel like your husband is a stranger. (Or maybe he’s just growing stranger.) Growing apart in a relationship or marriage is normal—but don’t allow it to get too strained! Here are 5 simple ways to jumpstart your connection with your partner.

1. COOK A MEAL TOGETHER. The idea behind this is teamwork. Whether it’s breakfast or dinner, it doesn’t matter, as long as you’re spending time together. How about getting up early Sunday morning and making a big old-fashioned Sunday breakfast for you and the kids? Or sending the kids to a sitter and preparing a nice romantic dinner together? You’ll save money fixing the meal at home rather than dining out. Plus, you don’t need to get “all dolled up” (unless you want to).


Tackle a big and messy job on your to-do list, like cleaning out the garage, pulling up shrubs in the yard, organizing the attic. Make an afternoon of it and do it together! Next is the best part: Now that you’ve worked up a sweat, why not draw a bath for two?

3. REMINISCE. There’s nothing like remembering your common histories to remind you of your love for each other. Dig up old photos (or if you’re a younger couple, click through old files), listen to music you both liked while you were dating, or visit an old date place. Talk about the activities you used to do when you first started going out. If possible, make a plan to start doing them again—taking long walks, going to concerts, or making out at the movies.

4. PLAY HOOKY! Sometimes all a relationship needs to break the monotony is a stay-cation.

For to any relationship to work, each of you should continue to learn working together. Preparing a simple meal is a good way to start re-building the practice of tackling more difficult things together.

Plan a day where you can each stay home from work and spend the whole day home alone—together--doing absolutely nothing! Lay in bed all day, cuddle, and watch movies. Make sure to turn off the ringers on your phones.



The goal here is to bring back the feeling of working as a unit—going at a job until it’s done and relishing in the sense of accomplishment.

11 sacrededen

Listen, ask questions, be his partner in all

aspects of your life. Something as simple as making it a point to ask, “How was your day, Honey?” every day when he gets home and listening to his response can make all the difference. You’re not in your marriage by yourself. Share your concerns with your husband if you’re not feeling quite as close as you once did. Let him know how you feel, how it makes you feel and that you want to work on it. Chances are your husband will be clueless, but once he realizes you’re genuinely concerned, he’ll jump right in and meet your efforts.


What your lady really means when she says she’s too tired to have sex I have given all I’ve got to everyone else and I have nothing else to give. I need time for me. Can’t we just cuddle? I’d rather just talk. I want someone to be my “nurse” for a little while. I need someone to care about “me” for a change. I want someone to make me feel better.






air loss is a very complex problem, and using a shampoo won’t fix your problem. We need to feed our hair the nutrients it needs to be thick, shiny. It’s not an impossible mission. You just need to know how

to do it.

Hence: Sacred Eden’s Sacred Hair Growth Formula. Aside from restoring natural hair growth, Sacred Hair Growth can also: • replenish the vital essence of the liver and kidney • nourish the blood • help restore grey hair to its natural color • help with insomnia, aching back and knees, neurasthenia and palpitation • help with constipation and hypercholesterolemia • acts as a natural detox for the body It contains:

Fo Ma r Su le pe He rio alt r h!




s men get older, the prostate keeps growing. As it grows, it squeezes the urethra and the pressure from the enlarged prostate affects bladder control–you feel burning sensation when you urinate, or feel the need to urinate quite often, and sometimes in insufficient amounts. That’s what happens when your prostate gets inflamed or irritated.

Sacred Eden’s Prostate Support Formula is an all natural herbal formula enriched with vitamins, amino acids and more to heal enlarged prostrate and provide optimum male health and performance. Prostate healing herbs: SAW PALMETTO. Inhibits testosterone action on the prostate, helping with enlarged prostate but also treats other genital, urinary and reproductive issues. BETA-SITOSTEROL . A plant oil that helps individuals with enlarged prostate. PYGEUM AFRICANUM. A massive evergreen tree from Africa used for over 40 years in contemporary medicine for patients suffering from prostate enlargement. GRAVIOLA. The “acetogenins” in this plant are said to be 10,000 times stronger in curing colon cancer than the traditional “adriamycin” drug. CAT’S CLAW. Considered sacred in Peruvian medicine, and after proving itself in so many afflictions, quickly became one of the best selling herbs in the U.S. LYSOPENE/LYCOPENE . A red carotene found in tomatoes that has been used to treat swollen, enlarged prostate.

ASTRAGALUS. A Chinese plant that builds the Chi (Vital Energy for Life), it also boosts the immune system, fights disease and helps lower stress and makes you adapt to stress better. Stress is a leading cause of hair loss.

STINGING NETTLE. Has been shown to help men urinate and empty their bladders more easily when suffering from BPH or prostatitis.

REHMANIA. A Chinese herb, its main function is to stimulate production of adrenal cortical hormones. These hormones are anti-inflammatory and explain the use of Rehmania in treating asthma, skin diseases, arthritis, menopause, impotence, hair loss (alopecia) and other hormone deficiencies.

AIDED BY SPECIFIC AMINO ACIDS LIKE: L-Alanine, L-Glycine, Glutamic Acid

PORIA. Increases absorption of elements, in particular Zhi-ShouWu, a Chinese herb used for longevity and hair loss. CHUAN XIONG. Increases blood flow and Chi (Vital Energy for Life. NETTLE EXTRACT. Known for treating alopecia areata. A gentle irritant, this herb is able to improve scalp circulation, stimulate hair roots, facilitate the flow of oxygen and nutrients into hair follicles, and promote overall hair growth. HORSETAIL PLANT. The extra-fine silica within horsetail has been effective in strengthening hair growth, nails and teeth. SAW PALMETTO EXTRACT. May have the same effect as the drug finasteride in treating hair loss and prostate enlargement diseases. Sacred Eden Sacred Hair Growth Formula’s standard bottle contains 100 pills and only costs $24.95! Go to to learn more about this product. This offer expires at the end of February 2011.

MALE ENHANCEMENT VITAMINS AND MINERALS: Vitamin B-6, Zinc, Copper, Selenium, Vitamin E, Calcium D-Glucarate, Magnesium Stearate, and Silicon Dioxide. Medicinal mushroom complex proven in fighting against cancer containing: Reishi Mushroom-tonifies all three treasures of the body--physical, energetic and spiritual; Maitake Mushroom-indicated for diseases of the stomach and intestine; Shiitake Mushroom-works with the immune system to fight off infection and disease. Green Tea to support healthy metabolism, and a proprietary Super food complex that has been proven to boost health, sexual performance and stamina including: Red Raspberry Juice Extract, Brocolli, Quercetin, Juniper Berry Powder, Uva Ursi Powder, Buchu Leaf Powder, Pumpkin Seed Powder, Burdock Root Powder, Cayenne Pepper Powder, Goldenseal Powder, Gravel Root Powder, Marshmallow Root Powder, Parsley Leaf Powder, and White Pond Lily Powder. TRY IT RISK FREE! We’re confident we are about the amazing benefits of Sacred Eden’s Sacred Hair Growth Formula and Sacred Eden Prostate Support Formula. Try them risk-free for the next 30 days. If you’re not happy with the results, ship your used and unused bottles to us and ask for your investment back. This way you’re completely covered! This risk-free guarantee covers all Sacred Eden products…because we only sell the best. Visit to order now!

The effects can be seen in a matter of days!

Sacred Eden’s Prostate Support is very budgetfriendly--a 30 day supply only costs $24.99! Go to prostate to learn more about this product.

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very cook likes to heighten her experience and always looks for new ways to improve and change. Flowers are a wonderful step to this, as they are easy to cook with, add beauty and aroma, and help the imagination flow to create more and more interesting recipes. There are many flower varieties which are edible, and add a subtle flavor into your dish. Cooking with flowers, though, is a cautious process, as you must be completely sure that what you are serving is neither poisonous nor chemically treated. Once you have chosen your flowers safely, the options available for cooking are very wide. Learn which flowers you can cook with, and, upon buying them, be sure that they have been grown to be eaten and stick to using the petals. Keep in mind that many flowers used as garnishes are often only decorative. For instance, many live flowers used to decorate wedding cakes are not for consumption. However, when you are cooking with flowers you know to be good for eating, let your imagination run, and you will create a myriad of dishes that are enhanced and beautified by the flower garden you have added into them!

CHOOSING EDIBLE FLOWERS The absolutely most important factor when deciding to cook with flowers is to be sure that the variety is edible, and not poisonous. While this article shall provide general guidelines, do confirm before the use of any plant in your food that it is, in fact, edible. The safest bet for edible flowers is those that will eventually grow into the vegetables and fruits that we already know and love. Often the flowers of vegetables, fruits, and herbs offer a reminder of the plant they come from, in a more subtle flavor. Examples are the basil, chive, garlic, and lemon flowers. These are good garnishes for dishes which may already use the fruit of the above-mentioned flowers. The chamomile flower is very gentle and pleasant also. Other flowers that come from plants we know are the arugula flower, the mustard flower, the squash flower (which can even be fried and eaten on its own), and the sunflower. Edible flowers are not limited to those which later blossom into fruits and vegetables. Some of the prettiest flowers have petals which we can eat. Specifically, carnations, dandelions, jasmine, rose, lavender, violets, and daisies are edible. Some of these add a beautiful aroma to the dish, and a very romantic bite. Such flowers are perfect to add to a salad, because they add sharp color, which always makes a salad more appealing, along with a delicate flavor.

13 sacrededen

A DAY KEEPS THE DOCTOR AWAY The addition of edible flowers is a wonderful way to add dimensions of taste and aesthetics to everyday dishes COOKING AND GROWING RULES There are important rules that absolutely must be followed when using flowers in cooking. Never use an ingredient in your cooking that you are not sure is safe. Remember that many flowers are poisonous, so be certain of the identity of the flowers you have chosen to cook with. Do not buy flowers for cooking from florists, unless specifically grown for eating purposes. Most flowers for a florist are not grown as comestibles, and thus are not treated as comestibles. The products with which these flowers are treated are not to be consumed. Thus, either find a florist who specializes in growing flowers for eating purposes, or grow your own! Growing your own flowers for food entails basically the same rules as growing flowers for aesthetic pleasure, but be sure to avoid pesticides, and use natural methods of keeping

first-time flower cooks, use small amounts, as any food new to the digestive tract should be introduced slowly and easily.

FOOD IDEAS Flowers are perfect garnishes for salty and sweet dishes, and petals add a nice flavor and look to salads. Try making a salad mix of veggies and fruits, and throw in some flowers as well. Herbal butters have never looked prettier with flower petals mixed into them, and most batters will only be upgraded with a flower mixed into them. Imagine the beauty of crepes with some lavender flowers spread throughout! Drinks will look sharp with flowers frozen into ice cubes, while teas are delicious with aromatic flowers. Adding some rose jam to your tea is also a delicious option of sweetening your tea, so think of the jams you can make from flowers. Once you start cooking with flowers, you can be so much more creative in your cooking, with results that all notice and love.

THE SAFEST BET FOR EDIBLE FLOWERS IS THOSE THAT WILL EVENTUALLY GROW INTO THE VEGETABLES AND FRUITS THAT WE ALREADY KNOW AND LOVE. bugs away: plant a variety of flowers near each other, as this equilibrium may help ward off bugs. Remember that ladybugs eat many pests, so know your friendly bugs; smearing some garlic and coffee grinds into the soil often keeps pests at bay as they hate the sharpness and bitterness of these foods. Lastly, use only the petals of flowers, as the pollen may cause allergies, and is often bitter. Especially for



he National Commission on Sleep Disorders Research estimates that 40 million Americans suffer from chronic sleep disorders (some without even knowing it) and another 20 to 30 million experience sleep problems intermittently. S;eep disorders also increase with aging. Sacred Eden Sleep Formula has NONE of dangerous side-effects of prescription drugs sleep aids (i.e. confusion, strange behavior, agitation, hallucinations, worsening of depression, suicidal thoughts etc.). Our formulation: Vitamin B-6, Magnesium, Melatonin, Valerian Root Powder, Hops Flower Powder, Passion Flower Powder, and Chamomile Flower Powder •VITAMIN B6 can relieve insomnia and night cramps •MELATONIN, also called the “night hormone”, helps your body understand that bed time is near and makes you fall asleep easier (very effective for jet lag and shift work) •VALERIAN ROOT POWDER takes away the stresses of the day and makes resting in your bed much more relaxing and comfortable •HOPS FLOWER POWDER relaxes your nerves, drives away sleeplessness and promotes soothing sleep •PASSION FLOWER POWDER has a mild sedative and relaxing effect that encourages sleep •CHAMOMILE FLOWER POWDER is a herbal remedy and natural sleep aid that helps you fall asleep faster and have better quality sleep.





odern research has discovered 6 very powerful ingredients that fight oxidation and keep the human body looking and feeling younger: Acai Fruit, Goji Berry, Hawaiian Noni Fruit, Mangosteen Fruit, Pomegranate and Resveratrol.

Anti-Oxidant Benefits: • Promotes anti-aging of cells and overall body • Greatly reduces incidence of all cancers • Prevents glaucoma and macular degeneration • Reduces risk of cholesterol-oxidation and heart disease • Increases immunity and resistance to flues, viruses and infections. The all-natural premium formula that delivers all of the Top 6 Antioxidants is Sacred Eden’s Advanced Oxidation Control. It includes: RESVERATROL: Resveratrol is a powerful antioxidant that is produced by some plants to protect against environmental stresses. Perhaps the most notable producer of resveratrol is the grapevine. The scientific community started taking wine's health benefits seriously after 60 Minutes reported the famous French Paradox study in which people in France were less likely to die of heart attacks than Americans despite similar high fat diets. AÇAÍ FRUIT: This little, rich berry is no doubt one of the most nutritious foods in the world. Açaí is packed with anti-oxidants (to help combat premature aging), essential fatty acids, dietary fiber and amino acids. In fact, studies show that Açaí pulp contains 10 to 30 times the anthocyanins (purple colored antioxidants) of red wine! GOJI JUICE: Goji juice contains a variety of nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, antioxidants, and glyconutrients that have been shown to improve your overall health. MANGOSTEEN: Mangosteen has a number of compounds, the most prominent being xanthones, a group of compounds that has antioxidant and other potent physiological properties. HAWAIIAN NONI: For over 2000 years, Noni (morinda citrifolia) has been used for its many beneficial properties. The early Polynesians found it particularly beneficial for imbalances of the immune, respiratory, digestive, and intestinal systems. Currently, scientists are studying possibilities in treating hypertension, high blood pressure, and counteracting the aging process with this wonderful fruit. POMEGRANATE: Pomegranate fruits contain polyphenols, tannins and anthocyanins - all are beneficial antioxidants. Interestingly, pomegranate juice contains high levels of antioxidants - higher than most other fruit juices, red wine and even green tea. On top of these 6 major anti-oxidants, the Sacred Eden Antioxidant Formula includes Raspberry Fruit Powder, Wild Black Cherry Fruit Powder, Blueberry Fruit Powder, Elderberry Extract and Grape Skin Extract. All these berries provide a range of different antioxidants for a balanced, powerful effect.

ORDER NOW AND TRY THEM RISK FREE! We’re confident about the amazing benefits of these super blend! We dare you to try Sacred Eden Sleep Formula and Sacred Eden Antioxidant Formula risk-free for the next 30 days. If you’re not happy with the results, ship your used and unused bottles to us and ask for your investment back. This way you’re completely covered!

Restful sleep is yours, for only $24.99! Go to to learn more about this product. This offer expires at the end of February 2011.

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A standard bottle contains 60 pills and only costs $24.99… At less than $1 a day for longer lasting youth, it’s worth every penny!

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We’ve made it easy for you—you’ll never have to agonize through another diet again!

SUCCESS TIP NO. 1: DRINK 8-10 GLASSES OF WATER EACH DAY To begin, drink a glass of water in the morning first thing, before you eat. If you wish, you can also add a few drops of lemon or lime to your water but no sugar or sweetener! SUCCESS TIP NO. 2: EAT BREAKFAST Do not skip breakfast. If you need to go to bed a little earlier so that you can get up 20 minutes earlier each morning do it! Breakfast is so important to your good health and to weight control. According to Dr. Barbara Rolls, a professor of nutrition at Penn State University, "Your metabolism slows while you sleep, and it doesn't rev back up until you eat again." Eating breakfast is not only good for overall weight loss, it will help you stay on track with your diet the rest of the day. You are more likely to binge on something sweet and in the bread group if you skip breakfast. You can always keep a couple of hard-boiled eggs in the fridge or some high-fiber, low starch fruit around. If you plan to eat fruit at all during the day, breakfast is the perfect time to do it. SUCCESS TIP NO. 3: EAT AT LEAST 3 MEALS AND 2 SNACKS EACH DAY This can be one of the hardest adjustments to make. After all, you are busy! When do you have time to worry about filling your plate with more frequent meals? Just like eating breakfast will increase your metabolism, so will eating more often. This will also help you curb your bad-carb intake by making sure that your snacks are planned and occur regularly throughout the day. It will just take a minimal investment of planning time at the grocery store and at home each morning before you head out for the day to make some healthy food choices and prepare a few healthy snacks and meals. For suggestions, just see the handy list of snacks and appetizers listed later.

15 sacrededen

SUCCESS TIP NO. 4: AVOID WHITE FOODS If it is made from sugar, flour, potatoes, rice or corn--just say no. Always look for colorful fruits and veggies to substitute for the white ones. Buy broccoli, lettuce, bell peppers, green beans and peas, brown rice in moderation, leafy greens like kale and spinach, apples, melons, oranges and grapes. These foods are also high in fiber, nutrients and important antioxidants. SUCCESS TIP NO. 5: EAT YOUR VEGGIES It is so easy to use a low-carb diet as an excuse for poor nutrition. Resist this temptation. If the only vegetable you have eaten in the last five years has been the potato, now is a good time to begin experimenting with other vegetables. This is important for your overall health and to avoid some nasty side effects of not getting enough fiber in your diet. Experiment with grilling veggies and cooking with real butter to add flavor. You can also search for new recipes on the Internet or in cookbooks. SUCCESS TIP NO. 6: PREPARE YOUR OWN FOOD AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE If you cook your own foods, you know exactly what the contents are and you will be able to better control for hidden sugar and otherwise processed foods. Another benefit is the cost savings over the long run. Even if you must go to the grocery store more often, you will save a significant amount per meal as opposed to eating at restaurants. SUCCESS TIP NO. 7: INVEST IN A GOOD SET OF FOOD STORAGE CONTAINERS Having food storage containers of various sizes on hand will make it so much easier for you to plan your meals and snacks. When you buy nuts, fruits and vegetables in bulk you can simply prepare, separate and store them for easy use later.

For instance, you can preslice your apples and snack on them over several days. Simply cut them, rinse them in pineapple or lemon juice and store. This will make a quick and easy snack for later. SUCCESS TIP NO. 8: EAT SOME PROTIEN AT EACH MEAL AND AS A SNACK Eating protein helps you burn more calories. Jeff Hample, Ph.D., R.D., a spokesman for the American Dietetic Association says that, "Protein is made up mainly of amino acids, which are harder for your body to breakdown, so you burn more calories getting rid of them.” Eating protein will also help you feel full so that you are less likely to crave unhealthy snacks. SUCCESS TIP NO. 9: DRINK A GLASS OF WATER AFTER EACH SNACK This has other benefits aside from helping you get in your 8 to 10 glasses of water each day. Ever feel hungry after eating a handful or standard serving of nuts? Try drinking water afterwards. The water will help you feel full and prevent overindulgence. Drinking water after a snack will also help remove the aftertaste from your mouth and can help curb your desire for more. SUCCESS TIP NO. 10: EAT SLOWLY AND ENJOY YOUR FOOD Don’t get in the habit of eating while standing or eating quickly. Sit down and chew. Eating slower will help you enjoy your food more, pay attention to what it is you are actually eating and get a better sense of when you are actually full. SUCCESS TIP NO. 11: EAT YOUR LARGER MEALS EARLY AND SMALLER MEALS LATER You will feel better and lose weight quicker if you eat a large breakfast and eat a smaller dinner. You may also want to eat the majority of your carbs earlier in the day, saving a salad and lean meat protein for dinner. Eating larger meals during the part of the day when you are most active will help you to feel satisfied throughout the day and curb cravings for unhealthy snacks. SUCCESS TIP NO. 12: CONSIDER EATING SALMON OR MACKEREL FOR BREAKFAST This is one way to work in Omega-3 fatty acids that are good for you and add some variety to your daily diet. After a few months you may tire of eating eggs and bacon for breakfast. Substituting fish will give you the protein and healthy fish oils you need. You can try canned salmon or mackerel in croquettes for a healthier sausage substitute. Or you could simply eat cold leftover salmon the next morning with dill sauce.

SUCCESS TIP NO. 13: USE LETTUCE LEAVES INSTEAD OF BREAD You can make a double cheeseburger with onions, pickles and tomato wrapped in a whole lettuce leaf. Or you can make tasty wrap sandwiches with lettuce instead of tortilla and bread. This will help increase your good carb and fiber intake while giving you more variety in your diet. SUCCESS TIP NO. 14: EAT A FRUIT TO SATISFY YOUR SWEET TOOTH Why not try cheese with fruit slices or berries? Or cream with berries? You could even try sweet pineapples or strawberries with cottage cheese? Berries are sweet and high in fiber and nutrients and dairy products are high in protein. If your low-carb plan will allow it, this is a sweet and tasty alternative to more sugary desserts. The protein in the dairy products and the fiber in the fresh fruit also makes them more filling. SUCCESS TIP NO. 15: GET YOUR FRUIT FRESH NOT SQUEEZED Fruit juice can be very tempting as a replacement for soda, but just how healthy is fruit juice? If you read the labels you will soon realize that in many of the commercial juices available at your local grocery store there is very little actual fruit juice. What you will find is lots of sugar water and other ingredients. Why not skip the juice altogether and eat a fresh piece of fruit? SUCCESS TIP NO. 16: GO EASY ON THE MEAL REPLACEMENTS New meal replacement shakes and bars go on the market almost every day. These shakes and bars may claim to be healthy, but almost all of them, even the Zone Perfect bars, contain hydrogenated oil and sweeteners. So be careful. The bars especially may be only slightly healthier than a Snickers candy bar. As a rule you wouldn’t want to indulge in a meal replacement shake or bar every single day. SUCCESS TIP NO. 17: IF IT SOUNDS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE IT PROBABLY IS Low carb doughnuts and muffins? Come on. While low-carb pastries may be tempting remember that they still contain all of the usual carbohydrate suspects: sugar or a sugar substitute and flour.

They may be healthier than your typical muffin as an occasional treat, but remember to stick with the basics for continued low-carb success. SUCCESS TIP NO. 18: AT THE GROCERY STORE, SHOP AT THE OUTER AISLES Think about it, when you go into the grocery all of the healthy stuff, fruits, vegetables, meats, and dairy products are arranged around the stores walls. You only seldom need to enter the center aisle areas in those few stores that stock butter and cheese in the center near the frozen foods. Train yourself to start on one end of the outer aisle and work your way around. It will be much easier to avoid carb cravings and fill your basket with healthy items if you do so. SUCCESS TIP NO. 19: INVEST IN GOOD COOKBOOKS Can’t figure out what to eat? Need some variety in your diet? Turn to a cookbook. Granted, not all recipes in a cookbook are low-carb fare, but you will be surprised at the number of low-carb and low-carb friendly recipes you can find in your standard Betty Crocker Cookbook. Plus, new low-carb cookbooks are hitting the shelves all the time. So be sure to take advantage of these resources and try something new, different and delicious. SUCCESS TIP NO. 20: TAKE A GOOD MULTIVITAMIN Even the most conscientious food combiner may miss some healthy vitamins, minerals and trace elements in their diets. To help make sure you get everything that you need, consider taking a good multivitamin. Check with your doctor first for recommendations and you should be tested for anemia to see if you need a vitamin with iron. However, the longer you eat low-carb and the more red meat you eat, the less anemia will be a problem and you should be able to take vitamins with less iron.


he number of marriages ending in divorce may be on the rise and many couples are now starting to re-evaluate their relationships, but while the increasing statistics may be true, it is important to know some facts about marriage and how it benefits both spouses--physically, emotionally, psychologically, even financially. According to a study released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), married people fare better in nearly every measure of health. They live longer lives, and they suffer less from heart disease, back pain, headaches, and serious psychological distress. Most married people are also less likely to get involved in smoking and heavy drinking. They even fared better on their depression tests than when they were still single. (This is, of course, taking all into consideration that the marriage is a healthy, reciprocal, viable one. While live-in partners, divorced and separated coupled don't get the same health benefits as happily married couples, a bad marriage can have serious negative effects on your health. Marital stress can be a strong a marker as work stress—probably even more-when it comes to your risk of heart disease.) Married couples benefit about equally from marriage, although in different ways. While both men and women live longer, happier, healthier, and wealthier lives when they are married, husbands are usually the ones to gain greater health benefits. The wives, on the other hand, get the greater financial advantages.



Here’s something you should share with your boyfriend or girlfriend if they’re getting cold feet about tying the knot…

17 sacrededen

For most couples, the secret to a longlasting marital relationship is commitment and companionship. They define their marriage as a product of hard work, dedication, and commitment to each other and to the institution of marriage. The most successful marriages are couples who have become friends and are compatible in interests and values. Although some quarters claim that the arrival of the first baby comes between the husband and wife, thus bringing some kind of stress to the marriage, it seemed that it was just an initial effect since couples with children have a slightly lower rate of divorce than childless couples.

CO-HABITATION—NOT THE SAME And how about those couples who live together? Do they enjoy the same benefits as marriage? Not so, says the study. Still, others may argue that co-habitation is just like marriage, but without the “piece of paper.” However, it does not bring the benefits --in physical health, wealth, and emotional well-

being--that marriage does. In terms of these benefits, cohabitants in the United States more closely resemble singles than married couples. If their bond isn’t strong enough, they become less committed over time and more likely to call it quits when problems arise. Recent findings reveal that there may be less motivation for cohabiting couples to undergo conflict resolution. This is due, in part, to the fact that cohabitants tend not to be as committed as married couples, and they are more oriented toward their own personal autonomy and less to the well-being of their partner. A large body of research also shows that being unmarried and/or living with a man outside of marriage, is associated with a considerably higher risk of domestic violence for women. Moreover, married men are less likely to commit domestic violence because they are more invested in their wives' well-being, and more integrated into the extended family and community. These social forces seem to help check men's violent behavior.

DID YOU KNOW? In the past, women with higher education were less likely to get married. On the contrary, recent studies on marriage rates in the mid-1990s concluded that today's educated women are more likely to marry despite of their older age, than their non-college peers.

When it comes to sexual relationships, married people have both more and better sex than do their unmarried counterparts. Not only do they have sex more often but they enjoy it more, both physically and emotionally.

ALTHOUGH… With all of the above-mentioned advantages and benefits of marriage, the one area where married couples fared unsatisfactorily is with body weight. Most married men and women have the tendency to gain weight. From ages 45 to 64, three out of four married men were overweight or obese. Single men and women who had never been married were the leanest groups.

HOW ENHANCED SEX LIVES CAN LEAD TO HEALTHY MARRIAGES Studies show that frequent sex between married couples lowers feelings of insecurity and increases the level of commitment. The whole process deepens their physical intimacy and strengthens their bond of love. Understanding sex between married partners may lead to improved and fruitful marriages. Openness, willingness to experiment, and mutual trust should be the cornerstones of a healthy, active sex life between married couples. After all, love is supposed to be fun and exciting! However, even in this day and age, quite a large number of couples still restrict themselves from talking about sexuality and their sex lives. Some are shy, while others are reluctant to open up with their respective partners. It may sound extreme, but true: hesitance to face issues on sexuality can lead to failed marriages. Sexuality is one of the key factors in a healthy marriage. Mind you: sex is not just about satisfying each other's libido or sexual desires. More than that, it is about effective communication and intimacy. Both partners should look forward to an entirely satisfying sex life along with the emotional connection that it brings. Robert Holden, a doctor who specializes in emotional health, says that sexual intercourse is not just an act of lust, but a form of communication and intimacy. He said, “ of the big mistakes we make in relationships is that we don't give our best energy to the people that matter most. And I think that people should make time to be able to give some of your best energy to each other.” If you’re encountering any problems, don’t despair. According to many health and marriage

experts, it is normal for couples to encounter difficulties in their sexual relationships. Some of the common problems couples may encounter are boredom, a lack of intimacy, low sexual desires, lack of passion or interest in sex, or even a lack of “ability” or falling short of expectations. Some of these sexual problems take a toll on the emotional and physical condition of the persons involved. The repercussions take their toll on their self-esteem, and most evidently, on their looks and health. On the contrary, people who reportedly had active sex lives become happier and closer to their partners. PERFORMANCE COUNTS If the issue is performance, experts advise men who have difficulty in their sexual performance to check and improve their lifestyle. Food intake, daily work and domestic routines, and level of physical fitness all play a role to determine a person's sexual health. All agree that alcohol should be taken moderately since it is one of the major causes of impotence (erectile dysfunction) and premature ejaculation. A study on 17,000 alcoholic men revealed that after several years of zero alcohol intake, at least 50 percent of the respondents regained their normal erectile functions while the other 50 percent partially or completely achieved erection. High blood pressure is also a major cause of erectile dysfunction. A study published in the Journal of Urology in 2000 showed that 68 percent of men with high blood pressure aged 40 to 79 experienced erectile dysfunction at one time or another. At least 45 percent of these cases were considered severe erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction occurs because high

blood pressure keeps the arteries that carry blood to the penis to dilate. This causes the smooth muscles in the penis to reduce its ability to relax, leading to inadequate blood flow to the penis that hinders the erection of the penis. In addition, high blood pressure in men may lead to low testosterone levels. Testosterone is the male hormone that plays a crucial role in the male sexual arousal. Cigarette smoking and consumption of fatty foods are the leading causes of high cholesterol, which leads to high blood pressure. DON’T OVERDO IT Clinical studies show that proper exercise may enable the body to produce more testosterone. Additionally, a substance called endorphin is produced when people exercise. These endorphins gives periods of relaxation and bliss and relieve people who exercise off the stress and anxiety that they experience. Over-training, however, is one factor that is considered to contribute to sterility. It was revealed that over-training causes fatigue, which then temporarily reduces sperm count and affects its quality. Specialists say that this happens because the body literally “kills” itself during training. To build muscles and improve the body, it needs to recuperate to attain normal cell development. Intense physical activities may reduce the level of hormones in the bloodstream that affects sperm production. Medical experts believe that sperm levels return to nearly normal after about three days. They added that drinking coffee after a few hours of training may protect sperm quality because of the antioxidants that are found in caffeine.



Mostly highlighted for their contributions to better sexual health in men and women, maca and bee pollen also have a treasure trove of other benefits



everal natural sexual health supplements have gained popularity in the United States over the past few years. These sexual health supplements come in different shapes and sizes, with some packaged as chemical-based medications and others marketed as purely herbal preparations. Among the variety of herbal supplements for sexual health, there are two natural products that have been considered as having the most positive impact on male and female sexual health: The mixture of maca and bee pollen has been given positive reviews by both consumer groups and researchers. Bee pollen, for one, is said to possess healing and preventative properties that promote male reproductive health. It has been found to prevent prostate problems, increase sperm count, as well as improve one's sexual performance and libido. It’s also been found to increase libido, eliminate discomforts of premenstrual syndrome, as well as improving women’s ovarian functions. The protein content in pollen is richer compared to any animal source and it contains more amino acids than beef, eggs, or cheese of the same weight. The concentration of nutrients found in natural pollen is extremely high, that's why even a small dose of this wonder food will bring about healthy benefits in the human body. This natural supplement is rich in antioxidants, proteins, free amino acids, vitamins A, B-complex, C, E, minerals, antibiotic properties, as well as in anti-cancer properties. Maca, meanwhile, indigenous to Peru, is a root that has been commonly referred to as the natural Viagra. A plant with radish-like roots, the roots are dried up and stored for up to seven years, and has been found to be rich in essential minerals, especially selenium, potassium, iron, magnesium, and

19 sacrededen

Bee pollen is one of the world's oldest health foods. You can find references to it in the Bible, the Torah, the Koran as well as ancient Chinese and Egyptian texts. Bee pollen is made when the bee—which gathers pollen from flower to flower-- makes it back to the beehive where bee keepers can then collect it. And it is precisely because of this that many people may have negative reactions to bee pollen. In fact, there are documented reports of bee pollen and royal jelly triggering asthma, hives, sore throats, rashes, and even anaphylactic shock in people with allergies to specific pollens. Knowing this, always consult a professional before taking on any new nutritional supplement. Allergies aside, it is considered by many to be nature's most perfect complete food. Bee pollen is extremely loaded with vitamins and contains nearly all known minerals, trace elements, enzymes and amino acids. Bee pollen is also considered to be a first-rate source of anti-oxidants. Taking it helps to balance the incomplete foods that we are all exposed to in everyday life. Many people swear to the healing properties of bee pollen. It is purported to give you increased energy, boost your body's immune responses by increasing your red and white blood cells, increase longevity by repairing damaged cells, and help to cure all kinds of diseases with it's built in antibacterial qualities. There have also been claims that it is good for the intestines, moderating and controlling the organisms dwelling there and helping to aid digestion and the assimilation of nutrition.

THE BEAUTY BENEFITS OF BEE POLLEN calcium. It also contains fatty acids such as linoleic acid, palmitic acid, and oleic acids, and polysaccarides. Used by the ancient Inca people for centuries as a natural tonic, recent research has shown that Maca is a natural hormone dispenser and alternative treatment for male and female sexual health problems.

MORE WHEN COMBINED A combination of Maca and bee pollen helps improve stamina and endurance. As an aphrodisiac, it helps increase male vitality and sexual performance. Athletes and the elderly also benefit a lot from this combination. It gives them more energy and prevents life-threatening diseases. In sufficient amounts, the concoction also works as a treatment for depression, various addictions, and trauma.

WHAT IS GELATINIZED MACA? Gelatinization is an extrusion process that removes the starch from the root, leaving a more concentrated powder that is easier to digest. Gelatinized Maca was the form used in the first human clinical study on Maca that yielded great results. Plus if buying in the powdered form, gelatinized Maca tastes much better and mixes easier into food and beverages. BENEFITS OF MACA * Increases libido * Deeper sleep * Balances moods * Enhances memory and brain function * Increases energy levels * Helps adapt to stress * Slows the aging process * Lessens aches and pain, more endurance and stamina * Prevents osteoporosis, high calcium and vegetable protein * Reverses vaginal dryness

When it comes to young and beautiful skin, bee pollen has outstanding gifts. Swedish dermatologist Dr. Lars-Erik Essen uses bee pollen to successfully treat acne and other skin conditions and observes its beautifying and anti-aging effects. He reports that bee pollen “seems to prevent premature aging of the cells and stimulates growth of new skin tissue. It offers effective protection against dehydration and injects new life into dry cells. It smoothes away wrinkles and stimulates a life-giving blood supply to all skin cells.� He believes its skin rejuvenation properties are due to its high concentration of nucleic acids RNA and DNA, as well as its natural antibiotic action.

ALL ABOUT MACA Maca root grows in the mountains of Peru at high altitudes of 7,000 to 11,000 feet, making it the highest altitude growing plant in the world. Maca is a radish-like root vegetable that is related to the potato family, and is tuberous and spherical in form. The root itself is about three to six centimeters across and 4.7 centimeters in length. There are four recognized types of Maca Root based on the color of the root. Root color varies from creamy yellow or light pink to dark purple or black. Chemically, Maca root contains significant amounts of amino acids, carbohydrates, and minerals including calcium, phosphorous, zinc, magnesium, iron, as well as vitamins B1, B2, B12, C and E. Peruvian Maca also includes a number of glycosides. As a nutritional supplement, Peruvian Maca has generalized tonic effects on the biochemical functioning of the human body. Chief among these effects is the enhancement of endocrine function. The endocrine system includes all of the glands, and the hormones they secrete, that exist in the body and that control such conditions as fertility, sexual function, digestion, brain and nervous system physiology, and energy levels. Hormonal regulation is responsible for all of the physiological attributes that enable us to enjoy the myriad sensations of being vibrantly alive, including those related to sexual arousal, physical activity and mental-emotional states of being. Maca root has also been called an adaptogen, which means that it increases the body's ability to defend itself against both physical and mental weakening, hence potential illness. It is believed it achieves this by supporting adrenal and pituitary gland health, both of which underlie proper endocrine function. MACA FOR BOTH MEN AND WOMEN Traditionally, Maca has been used for a variety purposes, which can differ for men and women. For example, women have found it helps relieve the symptoms of PMS and menopause. Women tend to notice a dramatic decline in hot flashes and night sweats. Men have used it to enhance fertility and sexual function. Users of Maca root tend to derive a variety of benefits in accordance with their individual needs. However, both men and women have found that it significantly boosts libido and sex drive, increases energy, stamina and the feeling of general well-being. In fact, recently Maca has been used as an excellent alternative to anabolic steroids among athletes seeking muscle hypertrophy. Unlike many other energy- and muscle-boosting substances, such as anabolic steroids, Maca contains no chemicals that interfere with or over-activate normal endocrine function. For Males:


* Increases energy (chronic fatigue)

* Treat PMS (mood swings)

* Treat sexual dysfunction (Loss of Libido) * Increases stamina and athletic performance * Nourishes glandular system * Fertility enhancement * Improves physical and emotional well being * Promotes mental clarity * Balance hormones

* Menopause symptom relief (hot flashes) * Sexual stimulation * Nourishes glandular system * HRT alternative (Hormone Replacement Therapy) * Increases stamina and athletic performance * Increases energy (chronic fatigue) * Balance hormones

r ou gar Y of Su th! l d o l r o nt Blo Hea o C d ke 3 an Bone a SACRED T and g a e , Om vels Le






e need two types of essential fatty acids (EFAs) in our diet: the Omega-3 and Omega-6 families, but modern diets tend to provide excessive amounts of Omega-6 essential fatty acids, while intake of Omega-3 essential fatty acids are well below optimal levels.

The Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition recommends an intake of 450mg EPA + DHA per day, but most people barely get 100mg. That’s why you need Sacred Eden’s Omega 3. The top benefits of Omega 3s are: 1. They provide freedom from pain and inflammation - the EPAs regulate your body's inflammation cycle. 2. The promote better brain function and higher intelligence - omega 3s improve memory, recall, reasoning and focus. 3. They improve your mood - Fish oil supplements "alleviate" the symptoms of depression, bipolar and psychosis. 4. They help you focus - Children and adults with ADD and ADHD, dyslexia, dyspraxia and compulsive disorders experience a greatly improved quality of life. 5. They promote cardiovascular health - They help lower cholesterol, tryglicerides, LDLs and blood pressure, while at the same time increasing good HDL cholesterol.



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THE SILENT DISEASE One of the most common STDs in the United States, you may not know you have it until it’s too late. Here’s what to watch out for

hlamydia is the most common sexually transmitted disease in the United States. On an average, 1 in 10 adolescent women tested, test positive for Chlamydia. Chlamydia often has no symptoms in men and women, and according to the US Center for Disease Control (CDC) it is estimated that 4 million people are infected each year. Caused by a bacterium that is transmitted by sexual contact—that is, any sexual contact that causes your mucous membranes to get in touch with infected secretions (including kissing!)--the complications of chlamydia are severe if it is left untreated. Untreated Chlamydia can lead to other problems such as pelvic inflammatory disease or PID. Chlamydia can also lead to infertility and premature births in women and sterility in men. Common symptoms include: * Discharge from lower region (men and women) * Painful intercourse (women) * Low-grade fever (women) * Pain or burning while urinating (men and women ) Chlamydia has symptoms much like those of gonorrhea. If any of these symptoms arise, it’s best to see a doctor right away. Additionally, in women, its symptoms can range from abdominal pain, abnormal vaginal discharge, bleeding between menstrual periods, cervical or rectal inflammation, low-grade fever, a yellowish discharge from the cervix that may have a foul odor, vaginal bleeding after intercourse, rectal itching, rectal bleeding, painful intercourse, painful urination, and the urge to urinate more than usual. In men, the most commonly reported symptoms are pain or burning feeling while urinating, pus or watery or milky discharge from the penis, swollen or tender testicles, rectal itching, rectal bleeding, and rectal inflammation. All of these symptoms are often disregarded by those who suffer from the disease, or are mistaken for other ailments because they are non-specific. This bacterial infection is commonly spread through vaginal, oral, and anal intercourse, but in rare cases may be passed on by a mother to her child through vaginal childbirth. In some cases, though, it is possible that no symptoms are present—thus earning it the title, “the silent disease.” Three quarters of infected women and about half of infected men present no symptoms. Those infected with chlamydia often do not feel any symptoms until complications arise from the bacterial infection, occasionally becoming the cause of permanent damage. Symptoms of chlamydia can also affect the eyes. Common eye problems resulting from chlamydia are itching, redness and discharge. Like mentioned earlier, it is always best to seek professional help if you have any of these symptoms. Sometimes the symptoms mentioned above are very mild and are ignored. These symptoms appear after about two weeks of sexual contact. If caught in the early stage, antibiotics can clear chlamydia within a week or two. If ignored, though, treatment becomes a long drawn process.

23 sacrededen

COMMON S.T.D. SYMPTOMS AND TREATMENTS ARE GENITAL WARTS SERIOUS? Genital warts are more common than we think; for most of those people, the warts are only a bother. They are usually treated with some medicine and then forgotten about. But they can get serious and are definitely not something anyone wants to brag about! If women have genital warts on the cervix, they can cause abnormal pap smears. If this is left unattended, it may even cause cancer. To prevent this, women should have a pelvic exam at least every six months. Men and women who have warts on or inside the anus should also have an exam every year. Even after you have the genital warts removed, they may return. This is because the virus stays in your skin once you are infected. You can pass the virus to your sexual partners while having sex.

CHLAMYDIA AND INFERTILITY Women may lose fertility if chlamydia is left untreated. Untreated chlamydia leads to Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) in women. This is an infection of the reproductive organs of women. She may get her ovaries, cervix, and uterus, fallopian tubes infected. If the diseases progresses, she may lose her ability to be fertile. Many times PID develops without showing any outer signs.

conclusively proven using the microscopic analysis that the quality of sperm declines significantly if the male has the bacterial infection. This is an important breakthrough for couples who have been unsuccessful in becoming pregnant, because chlamydia is a treatable disease. Treatment for the bacterial infection is a course of antibiotics. Doxycycline is the usual drug prescribed, with one tablet taken twice a day for a week. This antibiotic has minimal side affects and can be taken with food. With doxycycline, it is best to stay away from dairy products and calcium supplements to help it work its best.

The most convenient treatment is called Men may develop azithromycin because DID YOU KNOW? swelling and pain in the you take four tablets at testicles. Men may also Most sexually active teenage girls the same time. During develop complications of know almost nothing about sexuthe study, 95 out of the the prostrate gland. ally transmitted diseases (STDs), 143 men were treated except AIDS, until it is too late. with antibiotics and If you touch and reassessed after four infected surface and touch months. Scientists your eyes, you also may found that an average of 36 percent infect your eyes. showed a marked improvement in sperm Chlamydia can also damage sperm quality, and during that period 13 percent quality, thus causing infertility in men. of the couples got pregnant. After the Spanish researchers recently presented treatment was finished, 86% of those their findings at the American Society for treated got pregnant. Reproductive Medicine conference, based on The significance of the study goes a study done on 143 men infected. Using a beyond the infertility issue. It is also a new microscopic analysis technique, samples wake-up from the test subjects were analyzed and found to have a level of sperm damage more call for many healthcare professionals to than three times higher than in healthy men. increase public awareness about chlamydia The sperm damage includes the level of DNA amid the rising numbers of people who fragmentation, poor sperm concentration, have this bacterial infection, especially in increased levels of shape defects and poor the 18 to 25 age group. If this growing ability to swim quickly. trend is unchecked, chlamydia maybe Chlamydia has already been linked to infertility in women, but this study has

killing those yet to be born.

High risk behaviors and lack of disease information and resources have had a profound effect on the spread of diseases like Chlamydia, Herpes and Hepatitis in the United States.. Some of these diseases have little to no symptoms, yet can be extremely harmful if not treated and can spread without knowing so. HERPES. An extremely common sexually transmitted disease. Most adults have some version of the disease. Many do not know they even have the herpes virus. Herpes is often associated with sores on the mouth (cold sores) and genitals (genital herpes). Many people don’t have any symptoms; others have some symptoms which are mild enough to confuse them with a rash or a mosquito bite or anything that may cause redness, swelling, itching, burning and blisters. Some may not even know what herpes symptoms are. About 25 percent of the US population is infected with genital herpes, with women being more affected than men. Studies have shown that the vast majority (80 to 90 percent) of people who have genital herpes have not been diagnosed with the condition. There is no cure for herpes, however herpes symptoms and breakouts can be treated with medication prescribed by your doctor. Generally, herpes is usually most problematic during the first breakout and lessens with age. HEPATITIS. There are many versions of hepatitis. Hepatitis B, for example can be prevented with a vaccination; other versions of hepatitis cannot. Hepatitis can be spread via sexual activity or by eating food that is handled improperly. Hepatitis is a serious illness that affects the liver and may cause jaundice. Symptoms of hepatitis can include: extreme fatigue, headache, fever and hives. In its later stages, it can be life threatening.

PRACTICE SAFE SEX! Use condoms. Avoid having multiple sexual partners. Women should not douche. Douching increases the possibility of getting chlamydia. Health concerns should be top of the agenda whenever a person decides to engage in a serious, intimate relationship. No one can tell if a person is infected with STD. Even healthy-looking people can have the disease without them knowing it. Unwanted pregnancy is also another consequence of irresponsible sexual relationships. Having a sexual relationship entails great responsibility, not only to yourself, but to your partner as well. It’s better to be safe than sorry!

FITNESS MADE EASY AND FUN Eating right, exercise, keeping fit doesn’t have to be a chore—read through and find out how small changes to one’s lifestyle can ensure lifelong health


hile there are many lifestyle choices a person can make to stay healthy, most experts agree that there are five main behaviors we can initiate in order to increase our chances of staying in optimum physical health. In research studies all over the world, health experts have shown that our participation in the following five healthy functions is essential towards maintaining a healthy body, mind, and spirit.

LET’S EAT Eating healthy means making wise choices for your body. Wise choices come from researching the healthy foods. There are many foods considered "superfoods" and they need to be part of your nutritional routine. Almonds, avocados, skim milk, green tea, blueberries, and raw or fresh vegetables and fruits, salmon, oatmeal, and cantaloupe are just some of the superfoods you could be enjoying right now. * Don’t stuff yourself. It has long been known that overeating can cause weight gain, take our stores of body energy down to a very low level, as well as create dangerous imbalances and havoc on our metabolism or metabolic rate. The best advice is to eat in moderation and only till you feel satisfied. Eat smaller meals throughout the day. * Eat a majority of healthy foods. Fresh raw vegetables and fruits, lean meats, less fat and whole grains. Vegetarians and non-vegetarians alike should research and find the best foods for their bodies. Whatever your choice of dietary and nutrition lifestyle, make sure you stay away from sugar and processed foods (anything in a can or in a box). * Lastly, make mealtime one you look forward to. If you look at food as something to be enjoyed and savored, you are less likely to make meal time something you are resigned to "have to do". Stop the trips to fast food restaurants or popping a frozen meal into the microwave. Take time for meal planning. Learn how to cook or find recipes that are healthy. Cook ahead several meals and have them ready to heat.

LET’S GET MOVING Exercise is as essential as proper nutrition. Many of us seem to think that we have to run 10 miles a day or work out in the gym for hours to get the right amount of exercise. Most physical fitness experts agree that a minimum of 30 minutes a day would be better than nothing at all. It’s also been said that we need exercise to increase our heart rate (cardiovascular) and tone the body (stretching). More than that, exercise also needs to be fun. * Any amount of exercise is better than no exercise at all. If you just can’t stand the idea of going to a gym and working out several hours a day then try these: * Put the remote control next to the television and leave it there. Get up to change your channels. * Park in the furthest parking spot you can whenever you go somewhere. * Use the stairs and not the elevators. * Choose something you are passionate about, such as dance, sports, or yoga. * Find a gym that offers a good rate and has a personal trainer included with your membership.

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TURN DOWN THE SUCK IN FITNESS BY ANNA FLEET Exercise is good for you—there’s simply no doubt about it! However, I still meet clients on a daily basis who’ve vowed to dedicate themselves to an exercise program, only to quit after a month. Let’s face it, North Americans start and stop their fitness programs more frequently than they change their underwear. I understand that buying gym memberships and large pieces of fitness equipment is downright unaffordable to much of the population--especially when that membership looses itself in the back of your wallet or that high-tech treadmill is being used as the most expensive clothes rack your basement has ever seen. When I became a certified personal trainer I soon learned after talking to clients, and seeing them come to the gym for a while only to suddenly disappear, that the key to a successful fitness program is fun! That’s right: exercise should be fun. I mean who ever said it should be a boring, tedious vacuum of your valuable time? I encourage everyone to switch up the word “exercise” for “leisure activity”. After all, you would be certain to pen a social outing with your girlfriends into your daily planner, so why not get the girls together and go to a spin class or on a power walk? I tried a pole dancing-strip cardio workout with a few of my girlfriends a couple weeks ago, and trust me it had me laughing so hard, that alone gave my abdominal muscles a workout. We started with pole dancing - which is far more challenging than it looks. Believe me, it takes a large amount of upper body strength to keep yourself suspended from a pole, and swinging yourself around it is reasonably cardiovascular. The cardio strip was more like the sweaty high-intensity cardio workouts that I’m used to. The workout mimicked exotic dance movements, so the hip thrusts, kicks and abdominal twisting works parts of your body you didn’t know existed. Start by searching your local community centers and gyms for an activity that you really enjoy. Try tango lessons with your significant other, a bonding session of mother/baby yoga, a high-octane cardio kickboxing session with your best friend--all followed by a healthy lunch. By turning simple daily activities into something more rewarding, you get your fun social gathering and your workout in too!

* Start using that pool in your backyard, your building, or neighborhood.

TIME TO SAY GOODNIGHT Studies of production rates at some major corporations say the culprit of over tired adults is working too much, stress (or the inability to relax and reduce stress levels) or simply staying up too late at night. Our bodies require rest and sleep. Sleep is the time our bodies repair themselves. These repairs can range from healing and thwarting off potential illness, rejuvenating our energy systems, maintaining our emotions and keeping them in balance, to name a few.

HYDRATION! HYDRATION! HYDRATION! Drink as much water as you can tolerate. There is an endless list of the benefits of hydrating your body with water. Some are: * Hydration means elimination. Naturally, what goes in must come out. Staying hydrated means healthy and less painful waste elimination. • Hydrated skin is less dry, itchy and flaky. It also appears more vibrant and healthy looking.

PLAY MORE, SUFFER LESS Movement is supposed to be fun. It should be good for the soul as well as for the body. Our bodies are meant to be in motion. To be active, agile, busy, and full of life. We weren't meant to sit on the couch all day any more than we were meant to spend hours locked away in smelly gyms. Time travel back to when you were a child. If you were like most children, you were on the move all the time. It was never called exercise. Who would have thought of such a thing? It was called playing! And it was fun. Children don't count calories. They don't force themselves to play for a certain amount of time. They move around because they love it and it feels good. So play more. Have more fun. KEEP IT SIMPLE. MAKE IT EASY. JUST GET UP AND MOVE YOUR BODY AROUND A LITTLE EACH DAY.


*Move in ways you LOVE.

*Take up roller skating or inline skating

*Move to feed your soul and to feel vibrantly healthy.

*Toss a Frisbee around *Learn karate again *Dig out the old croquet set and play a few rounds *Ride your bike around the neighborhood just for fun

SOME MORE GROWNUP IDEAS: *Hiking *Swimming *Running *Belly dancing *Skiing *Tennis *Yoga

*Crank up the richness quotient in your life.

*Splash around in a pool or lake


*Play some softball with friends


*Treat yourself to fun and playful ways to move about each day.

*Chase your dog around the yard

*Ice Skating

*Play miniature golf

*Ballroom dancing

*Jump around on a trampoline


*Make snow angels

*Water Skiing

*Play tag with the kids

*Tai Chi

*Jump rope


*Build a sandcastle at the beach


*Spin a hula hoop


*Put on some music and go wild dancing all through your house


*Fire the drill sergeant in your head and do what feels good. *Look for ways to move that make your heart soar with happiness.

*Go outside and dig around in the dirt

*Stretching in any way that feels good to your body

WHAT WORKOUT WORKS FOR YOU? These fitness tactics have proven themselves time and time again—see what fits your lifestyle best: FUNCTIONAL WORKOUTS. This refers to any workout that transcends our everyday activities. Examples of functional exercise include sport-specific training (for novice athletes or weekend warriors), core training and multi-muscle moves that target the muscles we use regularly. SHORT EFFECTIVE WORKOUTS. Fitness classes like cardio-pump and cardio-resistance training fusion workouts such as Boxercise with weighted gloves; or total body circuits made up of multi-muscle exercises like squats, lunges, push ups, and pull ups. CORE TRAINING. The core is specifically all of the muscles in your abs and back that help strengthen your other muscles and better support your spine. A happy spine will make simple daily tasks--such as reaching, bending and lifting, chasing the kids, even sex--easier and more enjoyable. These workouts use stability balls, take the form of Pilates and yoga strength and stretch workouts, Barre3, Plana Forma, and the like. MIND-BODY WORKOUTS. Fusion workouts with more spiritual origins (yoga and Tai Chi) mixed with traditional weight training and cardio elements. You may want to try these out if you have mounting stresses at home and work. FUN WORKOUTS. Some of the recent ones to hit the scene are largely danceinspired--belly dancing, cardio strip, pole dancing, salsa, and Zoomba dance workouts.


bath is always a calming way to relax. With the addition of herbs and their essential oils, it can soothe aching muscles, wash away tension, ease skin irritations, softens skin and give a peaches-and-cream complexion. Set the stage for your bath with a clean, fresh bathroom. Keep clean towels, bath gels, and a loofah handy. Choose relaxing music, light aromatic candles around you. All in all make sure that everything you need for your—and if you wish, your partner’s--luxury is within arms reach. CREATING AN HERB BAG Fill a muslin cloth or an old stocking with your favorite herbs. You can use bath salts, citrus leaves, dried rose petals, and dried lavender flowers to name a few, to create an herb bag.


* Rosemary to get you going in the morning, or a quick pick-me-up in the evening. Also good for aches and sore muscles.

This month of love, we give you a recipe of a different sort—with you, in a tub of softly perfumed water, as the main ‘ingredient’

* Chamomile, Lavender or Roses are good for dry, delicate or irritated skin.

If you prefer to use essential oils, do not use more than 5 drops in a bath. Dilute it with milk or a carrier oil (such as mineral oil).

* Rosemary, Calendula and Thyme are good for oily skin.

Some of the common herbs and its essential oils used in the bath are:

* Citrus scents and Lavender have soothing and therapeutic properties

* Black Pepper for relief for aching muscles

* Ylang Ylang exfoliates and moisturizes the skin

* Clary Sage as a perk me up and premenstrual tension

* Apricot and Amber moisturize and restore softness and suppleness to skin.

* Eucalyptus for respiratory problems

* Chamomile aids in relief of aching muscles and nervousness

Lavender, the bushy perennial with the refreshing and delightful scent, has a long history of medicinal uses. Lavender is as old as humankind. It was even used in ancient times to tame lions and tigers. Perhaps the ancient people intuitively knew what modern researchers are finding out about lavender.

* Eucalyptus opens the pores and the vapors from the bath help to clear the breathing passages.

Already in use by different civilizations for more than 2,500 years, this beautifully-scented herb has been used as a perfume, disinfectant, deodorant, aphrodisiac, and insect repellent.

* Geranium for very dry or itchy skin, eczema and PMS * Jasmine, when you wish to feel luxurious * Lavender for dry skin, eczema, sprains, hot flashes, headaches, over work, insomnia * Orange to pep you up

* Lemon Balm is good for hyperactive children


Lavender was also used in earlier days as a condiment and for flavoring dishes to comfort the stomach. It is calming and has an uplifting influence. Warm lavender tea applied as a compress can relieve a headache. In the bath water, lavender oil relaxes one, and gets rid of tension, thereby making one feel better. AS A MASSAGE OIL For general muscle relaxation, mix two teaspoons of almond or olive oil mixed with 3 drops each of essential oils of lavender. AS A STIMULANT Red lavender lozenges is more than a favorite after-dinner treat--the essential oil, or the spirit of lavender made from it, is a restorative and acts as a tonic against weakness, palpitations, spasms, and colic. It can also promote appetite and dispels flatulence. Drop 1 to 4 drops in sugar or in a spoonful or two of milk to enjoy the stimulating effects of lavender. AS A FATIGUE RELIEVER A few drops of the essence of lavender in a hot foot bath is a fantastic way of relieving fatigue.

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