Sacred Eden - January 2011

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2011: YOUR BEST YEAR! • Enter it Stress-Free • Follow our 5-Point Formula for Success • Make Those Resolutions Come True





January 2011 US$9.95





Have More Sex, Live Longer

Responsible and loving sex burns calories, produces endorphins, and eases minor aches and pains


Publisher’s Note





In Japanese business and manufacturing circles, you will come across this word often. Meaning “improvement” or “change for the better,” it refers to actions or activities that continuously improve functions or roles. It doesn’t stop there. It also applies to processes, making sure to eliminate wastage, streamline operations and move the whole organization towards perfection. In this issue, you will see how the practice of kaizen philosophy can be applied to your life. By the time you’ll be holding this in your hands, you’d have probably made your list of New Year’s Resolutions—try to follow the tips we give you on page 17 to make those resolutions see fruition!

more pleasant sleep, to reversing the clock and years, to enhancing your digestive system—you take your pick. Whether you’re battling hair loss, or experiencing some problems with your prostrate, or would like to adjust your blood sugar levels, Sacred Eden has the carefully-created formula for you. The most effective changes take place when they’re done gently, in increments. This is the law of nature. It takes time for a plant to unfurl its beauty; for mountains to form; for a baby to grow into the wonderful creature he or she is meant to be. When change is hastened, it results in waste—or at worst, abominations.

In fact, the small changes and steps you can make to achieve “perfection” in your health (which is the goal of Sacred Eden) can be found all throughout this issue: we’ve got a list of power-packed foods designed by nature to fight particular health ailments (page 9); easy commandments to keep mind, body and spirit aligned (page 15); and the benefits of and simple recipes to kick off a raw food diet (page 25), among others.

Change taken slowly also gives the beholder the gift of learning, and the gift of experience. When one appreciates the process of change and savors it patiently, each lesson becomes more valuable.

We’ve also got very special gifts to help you welcome the New Year: in between our regular stories are special pages chockfull of information of new products that are readily available in the Sacred Eden store. Made of 100% natural ingredients, these supplements will help you get your overall health (and looks!) back on an even keel. From helping you get a deeper,

From us at Sacred Eden, here’s to ever learning, ever growing in perfection.

Each experience is grander. More meaning can be derived from it; more “continuous improvement.”

To Your Health, Wealth & Happiness,

The Sacred Eden Team

Table of Contents 3


A Note From the Publishers



Healthy Solutions


Ways to a Stress Free 2011; 5 Simple Steps to Lower Your Cholesterol Level; 7 Unique Ways To Make Someone Smile; The Importance of Fiber



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A Formula for a Smashing 2011. Take time to look back to the old year and re-program your thoughts and words towards success! Chinese Medicine 101. What may seem like nonsense and superstition to some is a complex and sophisticated, centuries-old system that rests on the principles of balance


Food and Nourishment


Foods That Fight Health Problems. There are certain foods made to battle specific health issues. Here’s a power-packed rundown

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Be Heart-Healthy The Plant-Based Way. Vegetarian diets are natural choices for those who want to reduce the risk of heart disease


Heartburn and Acid Reflux, Away! Natural remedies to regain balance in your stomach is what’s best for those suffering from the effects of over-indulging at the New Year’s buffet table



Yoghurt—Good Inside and Outside Your Body. A refreshing snack, this food also adds luster to skin and hair. Try these recipes to keep glowing this winter season




Commandments for a Healthier Life. The simplest things like getting a check-up and laughing out loud are essential in keeping mind, body and spirit healthy all the time


A New Approach to Making New Year’s Resolutions. Complement your 2011 list with fresh ideas to help you make each resolution come through and true



Finding Relief From a Debilitating Disease. There are an estimated total number of 43 million Americans --16 percent of the population--suffering from one form of arthritis. Here’s some painrelieving advice


Smart Sex. Frequent and loving sex is proven to prolong life and better one’s health. To fully enjoy the benefits, though, you’ve got to practice it responsibly. Eating the right foods helps too


Go Raw. Combined with regular exercise, a raw food diet is not only an excellent weight loss method—it gives you extra energy, and ensures you get the most nutrients out of your food


The Ideal Fitness Activity. It’s virtually free, easy and has the least impact on your body. Why not start walking today?

HealthySolutions A STRESS FREE 2011 Work changes into your life gradually. No crash diets. No sudden, intense workout programs. No radical overhauls of who and what you are. You might maintain it for a while, but it can’t last. True change takes lots of small, mindful, subtle decisions over time that add up to bigger, more enduring transformations. If youíre really intent on change, you should develop the staying power to achieve it without having to act rashly. Do it by degrees. Why make yourself crazy? Cut down on competitive stress. Our days are filled with stressful competitions. And most are absolutely unnecessary. Because they're driven by insecurity, fear of being left behind, an ingrained need to always have more or better than the next guy. Try to get above all that. If you want to compete, vie to be the one who stays calm and in control, who isn't easily sucked in by material things, who avoids being caught up in the daily grab-bag that robs people of health and peace of mind. Compete for that and see how pointless all those other competitions become. It's not what happens to you, it's how you react. In any given day, you'll have progress and setbacks, triumphs and failures. As good a day as some people have, they'll manage to find something to fret about. And as bad a day as others have, they'll see the good in it. Which attitude will win over your day? And the next day? You have control over that: to enjoy your accomplishments without diminishing them; to accept your failures as opportunities to learn. Eliminate meaningless deadlines. Our lives have become one long game of beat the clock. Avoid the trap of assigning timeframes to everything you do, especially if you have little idea how long it will take. Remember: it's not a deadline you need, it's a goal. Make your goal one of completing a project in a careful, professional, satisfying manner. In other words, as long as it takes to do it right. Don’t over-volunteer. Volunteering is great, but heavy involvement can steal important time from your family and relationships. (And it shouldn't be used as an excuse to avoid more important obligations.) If the work becomes too demanding, simply say no. Nobody else is going to look out for you better than yourself. If we all “volunteered” to spend more time with the kids, visit our parents, make loving homes, and carve out special time for ourselves, there wouldn’t be a need for so much volunteering in the first place. Steer clear of negative people. They' pull you down, darken your outlook, try to make your life as miserable as theirs. Who needs that? And if you are stuck with don't agree with or encourage them. In fact, say nothing and simply leave the scene whenever they launch into one of their diatribes. Give things a chance. Today, everyone expects instant gratification. Don't be so quick to abandon something that doesn't give you immediate results. This could prevent you from experiencing the greater benefits you'd enjoy by sticking it out longer. Be patient. Give it more time. Find out for certain if something is worthwhile rather than make a hasty departure. It's better than someday regretting you never really gave it the chance it deserved.

5 SIMPLE STEPS TO LOWER YOUR CHOLESTEROL LEVEL Eat right. It may sound simple, but diet has such a significant impact on lowering cholesterol that it should be the number one factor you look at. Exercise. Exercise itself doesn’t directly lower cholesterol, but will strengthen the heart and entire circulatory system. Quit smoking. If you smoke, the plaque build-up in the arteries due to high cholesterol is accelerated. When plaque blocks the flow of blood to the heart, the muscle has to work harder to get oxygen. This can lead to a heart attack. If the arteries get completely blocked with plaque from high cholesterol, then a stroke can occur. Relax. Chronic stress can affect cholesterol levels. If you are constantly stressed and eating a low cholesterol diet, you may not see any improvement in cholesterol readings until you learn to relieve stress. Talk to your doctor. Not all doctors are quick to prescribe medications. In fact, the more enlightened doctors will help you form a diet and exercise plan that is suitable for your current overall health and abilities as a first step toward lowering cholesterol.

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HealthySolutions 7 UNIQUE WAYS TO MAKE SOMEONE SMILE 1. Write an encouraging note to others. Handwritten notes

that are given to encourage, not just for thanking someone for a gift, are rare. That makes handwritten notes even more special. Start a new practice of sitting down and writing an encouraging note on a regular basis. You just might start a trend!

2. Take a friend out to lunch or invite her to your home for a

meal. You will get to know each other even better than you do right now. If you feel like being more adventurous, throw a party for several of your friends and put smiles on a multitude of faces.


Give someone an inspirational book to read.


Ask a friend or relative if you can take care of their kid(s) for a day or evening. If you have been a parent, you know the value of being able to have a few hours of "adult time" without worrying about the children. Don't wait to be asked to baby-sit when it is required. Offer to do it at a time when the parent can do something fun and relaxing.

5. Deliver a meal to someone you know that is sick or having

a rough time. We have all been sick and know the last thing you want to do is be out of bed. There are also times when life is tough and it is hard to do all of the daily chores. You can be a tremendous help by providing a meal that can be enjoyed.

6. 7.

Volunteer time to supporting your local church or charity.

Thank everyone that supports you throughout the day. The list of those that you come in contact with is endless. Remember family and friends, secretaries, co-workers, teachers, Sunday school teachers, pastors, store employees, janitors, gas station attendants, those that deliver your mail and newspaper, and servers at restaurants.



iber is the indigestible part of plant foods. They are usually the walls of the plant cells, skins and seeds. Due to refining of foods much of the fiber has been lost in our diets causing digestive problems and overall poor health.

How does fiber help your digestive tract? It absorbs water when it moves through the digestive tract and forms bulk in the intestines. This will soften stool and help food move faster through the digestive system. List of common foods that contain fiber, and their recommended daily allowance: Brussels Sprouts, 2 grams Broccoli, 4-5 grams Bread, 4-7 grams - 2 slices whole wheat, pumpernickel, seven-grain Carrots, 3-4 grams Bran Cereals, 5-10 grams - All-Bran, Bran Buds, 100% Bran, Raisin Bran Beans, 6-10 grams - baked beans, black beans, great northern beans, kidney beans, garbanzos, pinto beans, white beans Berries, 4-5 grams - blackberries, raspberries Sweet Corn, 5 grams Beans Peas, 7-9 grams - black-eyed peas, green peas Greens, 4-6 grams - beet greens, collards, kale, spinach, turnip greens Bananas, 3 grams - medium 8" long Dried Figs, 10 grams - 3 figs Fruit, 4 grams - medium apple, medium pear According to the American Dietetic Association a healthy adult needs 20g to 35g of fiber per day. However the average person consumes only 14 to 15 grams. This leads to digestive problems and contributes to the growing problem of obesity. Easy ways to increase fiber: Eating brown whole wheat bread instead of refined white bread Including more lentils, fruits and vegetables in your diet (see above list for some of these) Eating brown rice instead of refined white rice Eating bran cereal or granola cereal for breakfast When you increase fiber in your diet you will experience some bloating and gas problems at first. However these will all subside in a matter of weeks as your body gets used to your new improved diet. Food supplements for fiber: Psyllium husk, a common supplement Methylcellulose, made naturally from the cell walls of plants Polycarbophil, based on plant sources- This may cause less bloating than Psyllium husk and is often used when treating digestive disorders Vegetable gums, a new form of fiber supplement

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2011 Take time to look back to the old year and re-program your thoughts and words towards success!

STEP 1: ACKNOWLEDGE YOUR ACHIEVEMENTS Take a few moments and reflect upon the past 12 months. Think about the high points and low points. Spend at least 5 minutes reviewing your past achievements. Then write down your answers to the following questions: -My biggest achievements in 2010 were… -Some of the things I wanted to achieve but didn’t are… -What stopped me was…

Many people evaluate their lives and set new patterns around the New Year. There are several ways that this can deliberately set you up to fail. Often, this is done because there is an expectation of setting resolutions at this time of year. Also, there is often a sense of giving things up or a judgment about not having succeeded the previous year. Typically these type of resolutions have the word “must” associated with them. For example: * I must change jobs * I must be able to get into this new dress by February * I must do this, give up that...and so on. This approach has a few pitfalls. How committed is the person to their goals if they feel forced to do them? The judgments and the sense of giving things up attaches negative emotions to the goals so they don’t seem like fun or have any excitement. Is it any wonder that so many people fail with New Year Resolutions before the end of January?

A Solution Three elements of NLP (NeuroLinguistic Programming) Techniques include examining intention behind behavior, emotional state and belief changes. By taking these three elements we can start looking at our New Year Resolutions differently.


Goal Setting and Intention

As you sit there, contemplating the year ahead, realize that many of the things you do want in your life CAN happen. So cut out three paper circles and title them “same,” “better” and “best.” These are your 2010 film reels. Now think about the year ahead and what you really want out of all the areas in your life--relationships, career, money, personal growth, health, family and friends, social life and your physical environment. Then pick up the film reel you want to choose: “same,” “better,” or “best.” Now write the script for that film.

By examining what we gain from our goals, whom they are for and why we want them some interesting things sometimes fall out. The motivation to succeed--or not--comes from this element.


Emotions-- The Secret to Success

Walt Disney once said, “If you can dream it, you can do it.” What you imagine is a powerful precursor to success. That’s why your next activity is to create a Vision Board. Simply go through some magazines and cut out pictures that visually represent what your achievement looks like, feels like, smells like, and sounds like. Pick out images, colors, words, and patterns that best represent your most important dreams and achievements for the year ahead. Then make a collage of your pictures. Reflect upon these and really feel what it would be like to achieve your dreams.

STEP 4: PREPARE YOURSELF FOR THE JOURNEY Whenever you instigate any change, you create resistance. After all, it’s so much more comfortable sitting in the comfort zone isn’t it? But if you want things to be different, then you’re going to have to make changes. In a journal, draw three columns going across the page and title them “the change,” “the obstacle,” and “the solution.” In the first column, list the changes that you will need to make to bring your 2011 aspirations into reality. In the second column write any obstacles and finally, brainstorm and come up with some solutions. You will notice, that when there is a will, there’s a way!

STEP 5: PRIORITIZE AND GO FOR IT! Now it’s time to summarize and prioritize. Being focused is important for turning ideas into action. Put the first things first, and make sure your goals are specific and achievable and that you have a “support person” to keep you on target. To finish, review all the good work you have done so far and make a list of no more than 5 goals. Nominate somebody to whom you will be accountable to, and determine how and when you will update them.

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Have you ever seen or experienced the situation where the closer you got to success the more anxious you got about it? And then possibly fell at the last hurdle? The problem with being too emotionally attached to your goals might lead to failure. How well would your crops grow if you were constantly digging them up to see how far they had got?

Belief Changes What you believe about yourself and the world around you will determine your success or failure. Any NLP Practitioner will show you a whole number of techniques for changing beliefs, letting go of limiting beliefs and installing empowering one.




f you're struggling with diabetes or insulin resistance, this is the NATURAL solution you're looking for. Finally you have the chance, thanks to a superior natural supplement, to take control over your blood sugar levels, instead of letting them take control over your life.

HERE’S WHAT "BLOOD SUGAR SUPPORT" CAN DO FOR YOU: *Skyrocket your blood glucose metabolism (you might even forget that you live with diabetes)

HERE ARE JUST SOME OF THE 20 SUPER-INGREDIENTS THAT HELP SUPPORT YOUR BLOOD SUGAR LEVELS: BITTER MELON FRUIT EXTRACT (raw ingredient) will help lower blood glucose levels and provide a healthy boost of energy GUGGUL EXTRACT. Studies have shown some success in addressing memory issues with diabetes. This is one of the forgotten ingredients mentioned earlier. GYMNEMA SYLVESTRE POWDER. This provides important nutrients that are used throughout the body to help maintain normal, healthy glucose levels. LICORICE BARK EXTRACT. This helps you with metabolic syndromes and also helps reduce abdominal fat.

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DIABETES Having a hard time keeping your blood sugar levels at their optimum level? Take control with Blood Sugar Support!

*Help you become more relaxed, more focused and able to do more during the day

Our proprietary blend contains over 20 natural ingredients, hand-picked carefully from sacred mountains and plains all around the world. Some of the elements of this super blend are forgotten by contemporary medicine. Of course you know that conventional medicine is not always right...



*Rejuvenate the cells of your pancreas (you'll feel healthy again and you'll radiate energy all day long)

Blood Sugar Support is intended to complement exercise and dietary reform efforts by helping to curb your appetite for sugar, support weight loss, and smooth out blood sugar spikes after meals.


BANABA LEAF EXTRACT. Diabetic studies have found banaba may help reduce blood glucose and insulin levels. Banaba leaf was a popular remedy for blood sugar, kidney and liver health in traditional cultures, particularly in the Philippines and in India. YARROW LEAVES. Studies indicate they act as an antioxidant and may help reduce pancreatic damage caused by oxidative stress. JUNIPER BERRY. Supplementing with juniper berry may help reduce both blood glucose levels and mortality index CAYENNE FRUIT. This is helpful for weight control and helps decrease insulin resistance in pre- diabetes and diabetes All these, plus a carefully balanced blend of vitamins, minerals and amino-acids (Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Magnesium, Biotin, Zinc, Manganese, Chromium, Alpha Lipoic Acid, L- Taurine, Vanadyl) create a great effect that brings the formula home.

THE CONCLUSION IS SIMPLE... This is a proven blood sugar support formula that will make your life a lot easi-

CEYLON CINNAMON BARK POWDER. This helps lower blood sugar levels in Type 2 diabetes. This works like a super "weapon" from the inside, making your body feel great. HUCKLEBERRY POWDER. Very useful in stabilizing blood sugar levels (when combined with other elements in a super recipe will do wonders with your body)


TRY IT RISK FREE! Just to show you how confident we are about the amazing benefits of this super blend, we dare to have you try Blood Sugar Support risk-free for the next 30 days. If you're not happy with the results, ship your used and unused bottles to us and ask for your investment back. This way you’re completely covered!

er. It’s created using the best quality NATURAL ingredients that will be absorbed by your body very fast. The effects can be seen in a matter of days. Ride the health wave of the 21st century and go with what's best for your health long-term. After all, we're talking about your life here!

Compared to traditional diabetes treatments, Blood Sugar Support is very budget-friendly--a 30-day supply only costs $24.99! Visit to order now!

This risk-free guarantee covers all Sacred Eden products…because we only sell the best. Call our friendly Sacred Eden support team at 1-800-718-9817 to know more about how to get this quality product.

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What may seem like nonsense and superstition to some is a complex and sophisticated, centuries-old system that rests on the principles of balance


here is an undeniable mystique that accompanies Traditional Chinese Medicine or TCM, a range of traditional medical and therapeutic practices developed in China over thousands of years. In fact, one of the earliest known compilations on Chinese medical practices dates back to 2698 B.C. To the uninformed, it is assumed that TCM is all about the use of exotic products such as bat excrement and cow urine as medicine. Many also wrongly assume that the diagnosis and treatment offered by TCM practitioners is nothing more than just guesswork; and that these practitioners do not really have actual abilities to discern the patient's symptoms. In truth, Traditional Chinese Medicine is a complex and centuries-old system that has been shown to be effective in the treatment and management of various ailments ranging from sinusitis to muscle spasms. Chinese herbal concoctions have also shown efficacy in providing migraine reliefs and lower back pain relief, and everything in between.

HARMONY AND BALANCE The core concepts of traditional Chinese medicine can be found in Chinese philosophy, with Wu Xing and the concept of yin and yang as the primary foundations of both diagnosis and treatment practices. The basic perception of the body in Chinese medicine is that it is a whole, but with separate parts. The parts are designed to work together in harmony, generally by balancing their naturally opposing concepts against one another. Each part not only serves a physical function, but is also important to mental processes. This explains the belief in Chinese medicine that what affects one's physical health also has consequences for one's mental health, with each imbalance in the body having a

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counterpart imbalance in the mind. This aspect echoes the principles of yin and yang, which is best summarized as a blending of two opposing but complimentary concepts, with neither one being superior in any way over the other. Disharmony is said to occur when yin or yang becomes more prevalent in the body than the other. This disharmony or imbalance is thought to be the reason behind human illnesses. The Wu Xing aspect comes into play in terms of analyzing how the disharmony came about. Wu Xing is similar to the classical concept of the basic elements, which are composed of fire, water, wood, earth, and metal. Each of these elements can be found in the body, with varying concentrations in different areas of the body. Combined, the elements produce a delicate balance and results in the normal state of a person's physical and mental health. This balance can be affected by internal and external factors, which can sway the elemental balance in a variety of ways. In theory, an increase in certain elements in areas that perform certain functions can sway the yin and yang balance, thus affecting a person's health. The treatment for the condition, whether it be sinusitis, lower back pain, knee pain, migraine headaches, visual migraines, insomnia or whatever else ails the patient is ultimately determined by where the imbalance is and what caused it. For example, an excess of water that swayed the balance more to the yang in the nasal area is sometimes cited to cause problems such as colds and sinusitis. To counter this, a traditional Chinese doctor might prescribe a formula composed of herbs and more exotic ingredients to help suppress the water element and, thus, restore balance to the yin and yang. Traditional Chinese medicine also espouses a number of other treatments, including those based on the manipulation of the patient's diet.

ACUPUNCTURE Another famous aspect or branch of Traditional Chinese Medicine is called acupuncture, a technique that involves the insertion of needles into the skin on specific points around the body to help restore “balance” between the Yin and Yang. Acupuncture is also the branch of TCM that is concerned with the treatment of what Western medicine would term as mental health disorders including anxiety and phobias. Acupuncture is seen as an effective means of balancing the flow of “chi” or internal energy throughout the body. In TCM, the need to balance the yin and yang of the mind and heart is as important as attaining balance in the human body.

COMPLEMENTARY Modern TCM practitioners in China, however, do acknowledge that there are situations when the traditional remedies can no longer put the body back in proper balance. In most cases, when such situations are encountered, the patient is advised to consult a doctor who practices Western medicine. However, this does not create a conflict between the two schools since most Chinese patients and doctors actually appreciate the “balance” between Eastern and Western medical theory and practice. For example, Chinese people will have no problems with surgery for appendicitis. At the same time, they will see no conflict in using traditional herbal formulas to help recover after the surgery, or to prevent the appendicitis in the first place. This is often in sharp contrast to the attitude of some practitioners of traditional Western medicine who tends to dismiss other medical philosophies, theories or schools as mere quackery.






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Fight the burning effects of aging from within with these 6 powerful antioxidants!

ave you ever cut an apple in half, put it aside, and then when you tried to eat it after 30 to 40 minutes, saw it had turned brown? That’s what oxidation does to your body--it’s called Oxidative Stress and it’s one of the major components of aging. Now, if you were to cut that same apple in half but rub some lemon on it, afterwards you would see that the sides would retain their original color--that’s what antioxidants do: they help you prevent premature oxidation and aging. Modern research has discovered 6 very powerful ingredients that fight oxidation and keep the human body looking and feeling younger: Acai Fruit, Goji Berry, Hawaiian Noni Fruit, Mangosteen Fruit, Pomegranate and Resveratrol.

ANTI-OXIDANT BENEFITS: • Promotes anti-aging of cells and overall body • Greatly reduces incidence of all cancers • Prevents glaucoma and macular degeneration • Reduces risk of cholesterol-oxidation and heart disease • Increases immunity and resistance to flues, viruses and infections. The all-natural premium formula that delivers all of the Top 6 Antioxidants is Sacred Eden’s Advanced Oxidation Control. It includes: RESVERATROL: Resveratrol is a powerful antioxidant that is produced by some plants to protect against environmental stresses. Perhaps the most notable producer of resveratrol is the grapevine. While it has been known for thousands of years that wine is a healthful

drink, the scientific community started taking wine's health benefits seriously after 60 Minutes reported the famous French Paradox study in which people in France were less likely to die of heart attacks than Americans despite similar high fat diets. AÇAÍ FRUIT: This little, rich berry is no doubt one of the most nutritious foods in the world. Açaí is packed full of anti-oxidants (to help combat premature aging), essential fatty acids, dietary fiber and amino acids. In fact, studies show that Açaí pulp contains 10 to 30 times the anthocyanins (purple colored antioxidants) of red wine! GOJI JUICE: Goji juice contains a variety of nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, antioxidants, and glyconutrients that have been shown to improve your overall health. MANGOSTEEN: Mangosteen has been used for many years in Southeast Asia as a medicine for numerous ailments. In addition, mangosteen has a number of compounds, the most prominent being xanthones, a group of compounds that has antioxidant and other potent physiological properties. HAWAIIAN NONI: For over 2000 years, Noni (morinda citrifolia) has been used for its many beneficial properties. The early Polynesians used it as a general tonic. They found it particularly beneficial for imbalances of the immune, respiratory, digestive, and intestinal systems. Currently, scientists are studying possibilities in treating hypertension, high blood pressure, and counteracting the aging process with this wonderful fruit. POMEGRANATE: Pomegranate has quickly become one of the most talked about health

TRY IT RISK FREE! Just to show you how confident we are about the amazing benefits of this super blend, we dare to have you try Sacred Eden’s Antioxidant Formula risk-free for the next 30 days. If you're not happy with the results, ship your used and unused bottles to us and ask for your investment back. This way you’re completely covered! This risk-free guarantee covers all Sacred Eden products…because we only sell the best.

Call our friendly Sacred Eden support team at 1-800-718-9817 to know more about how to get this quality product.

“ANTIOXIDANTS ARE A NATURAL MODERN DAY FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH. INCLUDE THEM IN YOUR LIFE DAILY AND YOU’LL BE THE ENVY OF ALL YOUR FRIENDS. THEY’LL WONDER HOW YOU’VE MADE TIME STAND STILL.” foods in the past year. Pomegranate fruits contain polyphenols, tannins and anthocyanins - all are beneficial antioxidants. Interestingly, pomegranate juice contains high levels of antioxidants - higher than most other fruit juices, red wine and even green tea. On top of these 6 major anti-oxidant the Sacred Eden’s Antioxidant Formula includes Raspberry Fruit Powder, Wild Black Cherry Fruit Powder, Blueberry Fruit Powder, Elderberry Extract and Grape Skin Extract. All these berries provide a range of different antioxidants for a balanced, powerful effect.

Take 2 pills a day of the Sacred Eden’s Antioxidant Formula to ensure your body gets all the antioxidants it needs to keep you forever young. A standard bottle contains 60 pills and only costs $24.99… At less than $1 a day for longer lasting youth, it’s worth every penny! Visit to order now!

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Body BANANAS. Mother Nature’s

perfect snack. No preparation, no washing or refrigeration. They are prepackaged in a biodegradable wrapper for perfect enjoyment. Since they are easily digestible, they are often served as babies’ first food. Women suffering from PMS can get a healthy serotonin rush by consuming a banana. Bananas help build a shield against heart disease. They are packed with potassium that helps fend off high blood pressure. In short, the goodness of bananas battles cancer, heart diseases, high blood pressure, kidney stones, premenstrual syndrome and strokes.

BEANS. BASIL. BARLEY. Barley, with all

its magic ingredients, is good for heart diseases, diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Beta-glucan fiber lowers cholesterol, while tocotrienol deactivates an enzyme that tells the liver how to produce artery clogging cholesterol. Barley is a quick fix for constipation. Just 1 cup of cooked barley can provides approximately 14 grams of fiber to get the bowels moving.

Originally a cooking herb, basil has found many uses as a medicinal herb too. Basil weakens the ulcer producing activity of aspirin and alcohol, fights inflammation and swelling, and battles infection-causing bacteria. It also prevents colon cancer and helps build strong bones. Basil helps reduce bloating and flatulence. If you overindulged with alcohol, drink tea by steeping 2 Tablespoons of chopped fresh or dried basil leaves mixed in 1 cup of just boiling water for about 15 minutes. Strain and sip and feel the difference.

These luscious legumes are loaded with fiber and other nutrients to keep body running in top shape. Beans fights cancer and cholesterol. B vitamin folate reduces blood levels of amino acid involved in heart disease. People having type 2 diabetes benefit from the soluble fiber present in the beans. It slows down the passage of carbohydrates from foods into the bloodstream. Beans fight the battle of bulge as they control your appetite by taking up lots of room in your tummy. If you keep forgetting things, people, etc., boost your brainpower by eating a serving of beans few times are week.


There are certain foods made to battle specific health issues. Here’s a power-packed rundown

LEAN BEEF. Are you

surprised to know that beef can help to fight common health problems? Loaded with disease fighting nutrients, lean beef produces no complaints. Lean beef lowers level of bad density lipoprotein and improves levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol. Beef supplies vitamins and minerals that maybe in short supply in a diet. Selenium in beef is a powerful antioxidant that lowers the risk of skin cancer, fights heart disease and wards off infections.

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One cup of fresh beets gives 1/3 of daily folate requirement. In short. vitamin B that keeps homocysteine in control so that it does not trigger a heart attack. Beta-cyanin, a phytochemical that gives the beets their deep red color, is a cancer fighter. Beet juice curbs normal healthy cells from changing into cancer cells. Beets are good source of fiber for good bowel function. Beet battles cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.


bell pepper packs in twice as much vitamin C than an orange. Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant eating up free radicals that cause cell damage leading to heart disease and cancer. Vitamin C also bolsters your immune system helping to lessen the severity and duration of a cold. Lutein and zeaxanthin--two plant compounds in red bell peppers--prevent age-related macular degeneration (ARMD), a common cause of irreversible blindness in people. Ophthalmologists recommend intake of these compounds from foods rather than medicine or supplements.





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Proven ingredients including Resveratrol, Aloe Vera, Collagen, DMAE, Hyaluronic Acid, Green Tea, Grape Seed, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Tumeric Acid and Many More In One Convenient Package For Superior Age Defying Results!


ver dreamed about being that person who always gets compliments about their agedefying looks? Or how good would it be to have a hidden “super power” that stops the aging process? Well we’ve got the closest thing: a power packed product with an incredible force to combat wrinkles. This advanced formulation combines the most successful anti-wrinkle treatments on the market in 1 single potent capsule. Its goal? To slow and reverse the aging process by eliminating wrinkles like never before! Each ingredient has been meticulously researched and hand picked to produce the most effective high potency formulation on the market which promotes healthier and younger skin! Included in Sacred Eden’s Anti-Wrinkle is Collagen, the primary protein found in connective tissue, along with Hyaluronic Acid, the same nutrient injected by dermatologists to help reduce wrinkles... Both of them at pharmaceutical strength!

This product instructs your body to moisten and stretch your skin, removes wrinkles and turns back the clock…

Sacred Eden’s Anti-Wrinkle also attacks the damaging free radicals in the body with a super powerful blend of antioxidants including Resveratrol, Green Tea, Grape Seed and Alpha Lipoic Acid. RESVERATROL (15 to 20% polygonum cuspidatum): Resveratrol has been known for years as a substance that can manipulate genes that can bring forth a portion of our youth. Resveratrol, in this case, promotes a healthy DNA in our skin that can motivate our cells into restoring themselves. COLLAGEN: Found normally in 90% of our tissues through out our bodies, which assists in the building blocks of connective tissue in keeping with healthy skins cells, one of the main functions is to unite layers of skin tissue keeping an appearance of youth. GRAPE SEED (95% extract): This acts as an antioxidant in transporting waste substances out of the skin so that other functions of the skin can take place to restore the cells and membranes. As this process is accomplished, this agent allows for the expansion and contraction of skins’ pores so that elimination of waste substances can take place.

TRY IT RISK FREE! Just to show you how confident we are about the amazing benefits of this super blend, we dare to have you try “Advanced Oxidation Formula” risk-free for the next 30 days. If you’re not happy with the results, ship your used and unused bottles to us and ask for your investment back. This way you’re completely covered! This risk-free guarantee covers all Sacred Eden products… because we only sell the best.

Call our friendly Sacred Eden support team at 1-800-718-9817 to know more about how to get this quality product.

HYALURONIC ACID: Absolutely valuable and is found everywhere in our bodies. This is used to maintain fluids that transport nutrients for skin tissues and prevents the effects of drying that causes wrinkles. Hyaluronic Acid is highly important in allowing movement of the tissues so that healthy cells can continue to be active. TURMERIC EXTRACT (95% curcuminoids): Helps to protect the skins cells against a variety of diseases. It has the ability to penetrates the membranes of skins cells. GREEN TEA: to promote healthy skin metabolism ALOE VERA: Has been used throughout the ages as a very rejuvenating gel when applied on the hair, face and body. This is because it reduces inflammation, provides nutrition and helps your skin radiate with beauty. Our formula also provides you with very powerful “skin vitamins” and aminoacids like Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Niacinamide, Alpha Lipoic Acid, DMAE, L-Glycine, L-proline, L-Gluthathione, etc

Take 2 pills a day of our anti-wrinkle formula to ensure your skin gets all the nutrients it needs to remain hydrated and young. A standard bottle contains 60 pills and only costs $29.97! Visit to order now!

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Vegetarian diets are natural choices for those who want to reduce the risk of heart disease

By Jen Scott

ll diets designed to promote heart health are low in fat and cholesterol and high in fiber. Vegetarian diets, then, are natural choices for those who want to reduce the risk of heart disease because vegetarian diets are naturally low in fat and cholesterol and high in fiber. Eliminating meat, poultry and fish, which are among the foods highest in fat and cholesterol and lowest in fiber, can be a giant step toward improving heart health. Another step, which comes naturally to vegetarians, is to increase the consumption of plant-based foods that are naturally high in fiber. Plant-based foods, particularly fruits and vegetables, also provide antioxidant protection for the heart. The following guidelines from are recommended for cooking heart-healthy vegetarian meals: Sauté foods in water or very small amounts of olive or canola oil. Olive and canola oils are considered the healthiest oils because of they help to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. Low fat cooking methods are also recommended for heart health. Such methods include broiling, steaming, roasting, baking, poaching, boiling, and stir-frying with little or no oil. You can also try replacing some of the oil, butter or margarine in recipes with water, juice, applesauce, or puréed prunes. Frying foods, particularly deep-frying, is never recommended for those concerned about heart health. Since egg yolks are high in cholesterol, whole eggs can often be replaced with bananas, tofu, applesauce, or egg replacers in most recipes. You can also replace the yolk with the white of

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another egg. For example, if a recipes call for one egg, use two egg whites and discard the yolks. When shopping for ingredients for hearthealthy meals, buy plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes and fat free or low fat milk products. Avoid frozen vegetables with cheese, cream or butter sauces. Read the labels on snack foods to find out how much fat and cholesterol they contain. The best snacks are popcorn, fresh fruits and vegetables, rice cakes, and pretzels. There are also lower fat baked versions of many chips that would ordinarily be high in fat. Fiber helps to cleanse the blood of cholesterol, which is why high fiber diets are considered beneficial to the heart. To increase fiber intake, choose whole grain breads and cereals and limit the consumption of refined (white) breads and cereals. Also limit consumption of sugary baked goods like croissants and muffins, which tend to be low in fiber and high in fat.

EATING OUT Eating out can be especially challenging both to vegetarians and to those concerned about heart health. Some simple guidelines can make it easier: •Choose stir-fried entrees, steamed vegetables, and pasta with tomato sauce. •Order baked potatoes without butter or cheese, and choose vegetable-based soups. •Avoid mayonnaise-based salad dressings, and always ask for dressings and sauces to be served on the side so you can limit the amount you eat.

•Saturated fats and trans fats should be avoided, while monounsaturated fats are generally considered good for the heart. The fact that saturated fats are mostly found in animal products is another natural advantage for vegetarians concerned with heart health. But saturated fats are also found in coconut, palm, and palm kernel oil, so these oils should be avoided on a heart healthy diet. Trans fats, which may also contribute to the development of heart disease, are found in margarine and many baked goods. Monounsaturated fats, the kind that are good for the heart, include canola oil, olive oil, flax seed oil, nuts, avocado, soy, and nut butters. A vegetarian diet that includes soy products may add an extra benefit for heart health. Many studies suggest a connection between soy, such as tofu, soymilk, and soy yogurt, and lower rates of heart disease. The usual recommendation is 25 grams of soy protein per day. Since cholesterol is only found in food of animal origin, such as meat, eggs and dairy products, vegans do not need to worry about cholesterol in the foods they eat. Grains, legumes, nuts, fruits, vegetables and vegetable oil are all naturally cholesterol free. Conversely, only vegetarian foods provide heart healthy fiber. Oats, carrots, fruits, and beans are especially high in the kind of fiber that helps to lower cholesterol levels in the blood. Jen Scott is author of the site, dedicated to educating people about the benefits of having a more vegetarian like lifestyle.





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Sacred Eden’s Glucosamine formula contains the highest-grade glucosamine sulfate for maximum benefits

lucosamine is an amino sugar that is found in seafood shells, mushrooms, and in the bones and bone marrow of animals.

Because glucosamine is used to create some of the major components of joint cartilage, supplemental glucosamine may help to prevent cartilage degeneration and treat arthritis. Oral glucosamine can be used as a treatment of osteoarthritis, and dosages of 1,500 mg per day have been found effective in helping with osteoarthritis pain relief. Studies indicate that glucosamine can help alleviate joint pain related to osteoarthritis and improve general joint function, including greater joint flexibility. Along with chondroitin, studies suggest that together they help offset joint space narrowing, and prevent the loss of cartilage within the joint seen with osteoarthritis by stimulating production of new cartilage. Some studies indicate that glucosamine may help as much as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, and tolmetin in relieving symptoms of osteoarthritis, particularly in the knee, with fewer side effects. The beneficial effects of glucosamine have been proven to be dramatically enhanced when taken in conjunction with MSM, a form of organic sulfur, also available in the Sacred Eden store. While clinical trial data is mixed at this point, with certain studies praising the effects of glucosamine while others finding it just as effective as the placebo pill, we at Sacred Eden have been speaking to actual arthritis sufferers and asked them about their experience with glucosamine: In over 90% of the cases, the feedback we received was very encouraging, with people reporting clear signs of improvement, and ease of inflammation and pain. Currently, the OsteoArthritis Research Society is recommending glucosamine as their second most effective treatment for moderate cases of osteoarthritis. Likewise, recent European League Against Rheumatism practice guidelines for knee osteoarthritis grants to glucosamine sulfate the highest level of evidence (1A) and strength of the recommendation (A). And that’s exactly what Sacred Eden’s Glucosamine formulation contains: the highest grade glucosamine sulfate! We know arthritis can be such a frustrating, debilitating disease and we would like to give you a chance to try the effects of glucosamine yourself, without risking one cent.

TRY IT RISK FREE! Just to show you how confident we are about the amazing benefits of this super blend, we dare to have you try it risk free! We invite you to try "Glucosamine" for the next 30 days by ordering it from the Sacred Eden store. If you're not happy with the results and have not experienced diminished inflammation and pain, ship your used and unused bottles to us and ask for your investment back. This way you’re completely covered!

Allergy Note

Since glucosamine is usually derived from the shells of shellfish while the allergen is found within the flesh of the animals, it is usually safe even for those with shellfish allergy. But please consult your doctor if you have any history of shellfish allergies.


Free yourself from the pain and inconvenience of arthritis! Get a bottle of 120 capsules of Sacred Eden Glucosamine for only $21.99! Visit to order now!

This risk-free guarantee covers all Sacred Eden products…because we only sell the best.

Call our friendly Sacred Eden support team at 1-800-718-9817 to know more about how to get this quality product.

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Natural remedies to regain balance in your stomach is what’s best for those suffering from the effects of over-indulging at the New Year’s buffet table

cid reflux and heartburn require alkaline nutrients to provide relief. These four natural remedies, when prepared properly, will give you the relief you need from these conditions. Try them; you will be surprised on how well they work!

CINNAMON Cinnamon has many medicinal uses aside from adding flavor to certain pastries. It has an antiseptic effect and has been historically used for colds and flu. It has fighting power against Candida albicans and has the ability to settle acidic stomachs. Here’s how to use cinnamon for an acid stomach or heartburn:

Spread them out on a flat dish to dry Allow them to get crinkly dry Store them in a glass jar or zip lock bag Whenever you get an upset stomach, acid reflux or heartburn, start chewing and eating these strips of dried grapefruit. These strips will settle out your stomach. Eat only a few of them and test to see how many you need.

ROMAINE LETTUCE Romaine lettuce can be used to eliminate an acid reflux or heartburn condition. This lettuce is high in minerals and is highly alkaline. Here’s what you need to do: Buy an organic romaine lettuce head

CARDAMOM, WHICH IS FOUND IN INDIA, HAS BEEN USED SUCCESSFUL IN TREATING CELIAC DISEASE, WHICH IS AN INTOLERANCE TO GLUTEN FOUND IN MOST BREADS. Here’s how to use it with half-and-half and slippery elm root herb. Slippery elm herb in powder form can be purchased in any herbal store.

Toast raisin bread

Wash in distilled water

Butter the raisin bread

1 teaspoon of slippery elm bark

Sprinkle cinnamon on the bread

Cut up the leaves and place them in a blender

a pinch of nutmeg

Sprinkle cardamon on the bread

Add cold distilled water to make a slurry

When you eat this toasted bread, chew slowly and completely before swallowing to allow the digestive juices in your mouth to start breaking down this food.

GRAPEFRUIT SKINS only organic grapefruit for this remedy. Here’s what to do: Grate the entire outer skin of an organic grapefruit

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Add a slight amount of honey to give it taste Drink a 4 to 8 ounces to get relief from your acid reflux or acid stomach

MACE, NUTMEG, AND SLIPPERY ELM Here is a natural remedy that uses mace and nutmeg, which has a history of treating indigestion, acid stomach, heartburn, acid reflux, stomach gas, and vomiting.

a pinch of mace add distilled water to make a smooth slurry heat a pint of half-and-half to boil take off half-and-half from stove and add herb slurry stir in herb slurry Allow this mixture to cool. Drink up to one half cup at a time. Store the unused portion in the refrigerator. Warm this mixture up when you’re ready to drink the next cup.






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Protect Your Prostate and Rejuvenate it with Sacred Eden’s Prostrate Support Formula


ven if you’re under 50, and you’re currently having troubles with your “number one” this may be one of the most important messages you’ll ever read… Did you ever feel that burning sensation when you urinate? Or felt like you needed to urinate quite often--and sometimes in insufficient amounts? That’s what happens when your prostate gets inflamed or irritated. It can be tiring and quite uncomfortable. Now, if you’re over 50 and have started having problems urinating, the reason is most likely an enlarged prostate. As men get older, the prostate keeps growing. As it grows, it squeezes the urethra and the pressure from the enlarged prostate affects bladder control.

BETA-SITOSTEROL . A plant oil that helps individuals with enlarged prostate. PYGEUM AFRICANUM. This massive evergreen tree from Africa has been used for over 40 years in contemporary medicine for patients suffering from prostate enlargement. GRAVIOLA. The “acetogenins” in this plant are said to be 10,000 times stronger in curing colon cancer than the traditional “adriamycin” drug. CAT'S CLAW. This herb is considered sacred in Peruvian medicine, and after proving itself in so many afflictions, quickly became one of the best selling herbs in the U.S. LYSOPENE/LYCOPENE . A red carotene found in tomatoes that has been used to treat swollen, enlarged prostate.

If you feel you frequently need to go to the bathroom, have troubles starting your “number 1” or are unhappy with the small amount of urine each time you go, then you need to start thinking about the health of your prostate.

STINGING NETTLE. This has been shown to help men urinate and empty their bladders more easily when suffering from BPH or prostatitis.

As you get older, your risk for prostate cancer also increases. That’s why you might want to take a special herbal formulation created specifically to strengthen and rejuvenate your prostate.

Vitamin B-6, Zinc, Copper, Selenium, Vitamin E, Calcium D-Glucarate, Magnesium Stearate, and Silicon Dioxide.

We’d like to introduce to you Sacred Eden’s Prostate Support Formula, an all natural herbal formula enriched with vitamins, amino acids and more to provide optimum male health and performance. Here’s what’s included in this formula:

PROSTATE HEALING HERBS: SAW PALMETTO. Inhibits testosterone action on the prostate, helping with enlarged prostate but also treats other genital, urinary and reproductive issues.

Male enhancement vitamins and minerals:

AIDED BY SPECIFIC AMINO ACIDS LIKE: L-Alanine, L-Glycine, Glutamic Acid

MEDICINAL MUSHROOM COMPLEX PROVEN IN FIGHTING AGAINST CANCER CONTAINING: REISHI MUSHROOM. Tonifies all three treasures of the body--physical, energetic and spiritual MAITAKE MUSHROOM. Indicated for diseases of the stomach and intestine.

TRY IT RISK FREE! Just to show you how confident we are about the amazing benefits of this super blend, we dare to have you try Sacred Eden Prostate Support Formula risk-free for the next 30 days. If you're not happy with the results, ship your used and unused bottles to us and ask for your investment back. This way you’re completely covered! This risk-free guarantee covers all Sacred Eden products… because we only sell the best. Call our friendly Sacred Eden support team at 1-800-718-9817 to know more about how to get this quality product.

SHIITAKE MUSHROOM. Works with the immune system to fight

AMONG AMERICAN MEN, PROSTATE CANCER IS THE MOST COMMON CANCER (OTHER THAN SKIN CANCER) AND THE SECOND LEADING CAUSE OF DEATH. IN 2010 IN THE UNITED STATES, IT IS ESTIMATED THERE WILL BE WELL OVER 200, 000 NEW CASES OF PROSTATE CANCER, WITH WELL OVER 30,000 DEATHS CAUSED BY PROSTATE CANCER. off infection and disease. Green Tea to support healthy metabolism, and a proprietary Super food complex that has been proven to boost health, sexual performance and stamina including: Red Raspberry Juice Extract, Brocolli, Quercetin, Juniper Berry Powder, Uva Ursi Powder, Buchu Leaf Powder, Pumpkin Seed Powder, Burdock Root Powder, Cayenne Pepper Powder, Goldenseal Powder, Gravel Root Powder, Marshmallow Root Powder, Parsley Leaf Powder, and White Pond Lily Powder.

THE BALL IS IN YOUR COURT... This is a proven prostate support formula that will make your life a lot easier. It’s created using the best quality NATURAL ingredients that will be easily and swiftly absorbed by your body. The effects can be seen in a matter of days.

Compared to traditional treatments, Sacred Eden’s Prostate Support is very budget-friendly--a 30 day supply only costs $24.99 in the Sacred Eden store. This is premiere 21st health technology. Go full blast with health and visit to order now!

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The simplest things like getting a check-up and laughing out loud are essential in keeping mind, body and spirit healthy all the time


here’s no time like the present. People the world over often make resolutions to do something to better themselves in the coming year. In 2011, consider doing something that will benefit your overall health.

Here are some suggestions to get you started:

GET A CHECK-UP. An excellent place to start when considering

lifestyle changes is with an honest assessment of your health. Make an appointment for your annual physical exam. This way, you can begin the year with an accurate assessment of your physical state. Your doctor will be able to focus your attention on areas that are of immediate health concern. This is especially important if you’re a smoker, overweight, or if you have any significant health issues that might prevent you from performing simple daily tasks.


Make another profound difference to your health by consuming more water. Many people make the mistake of assuming that they’ve received enough water from the various pop, coffee and other beverages they’ve consumed in a day. This is not entirely accurate. Ideally, one should consume upwards of eight, 8-ounce glasses of water per day. The human body is 72 percent water. A 5 percent drop in fluids creates a 25 to 30 percent loss in energy. A 15 percent drop in fluids causes death! Currently, already 66 percent of us aren’t drinking enough water, so over half the population isn’t running on all six cylinders to begin with, so to speak--before things like bad air, bad food and stress take their toll. Water helps the body metabolize stored fats. It can also help your body cleanse itself of free radicals, which have been linked to cancer and other such ailments.


Exercise is yet another effective way to maintain optimal health. That’s not to say that one has to become entirely committed to working out each and every day, but it’s in every individual’s best interest to perform some form of activity three times per week. Physical exercise can be performed in a wide variety of ways to keep it fun and interesting. For instance, the simple act of walking is a highly effective form of exercise. It’s one that can be completed without supervision, without props, and without any previous experience working out. Joining a gym has a number of direct benefits as well. Not only will you have access to some excellent equipment, but you will also benefit greatly from the fitness knowledge that most personal trainers possess. When you’re physically unfit, and particularly if you’re also unwell, it can be a mammoth battle to just do the most minimal amount of exercise in a day. The danger is that inactivity leads to further loss of energy, which becomes a self-perpetuating cycle until you can barely get off the couch.

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An excellent way to get back into a physical routine is to start slowly. Ridiculously slowly, it may seem. For the first couple of weeks, walk/ride for 5 minutes per day-- exactly 5 minutes, no more, even if you think you could continue. When the 2 weeks are up, increase to 7 minutes, then 10 minutes, 12 minutes. Continue to gradually increase your activity until you’re at a level that you’re comfortable with. It may sound a little silly, but it works. In effect, you trick your body into producing more energy. You’re building your exercise time up so slowly that your body doesn’t really realize what’s happening. Follow this method and, before you know it, you’ll be comfortably exercising within your limits every day.


Everyone should be familiar with the dietary guidelines established by the leading health agencies and authorities. The "food pyramid" is by far the most popular set of published nutritional guidelines. The food pyramid advises people to include all of the major food groups -- grains, vegetables, fruits, dairy and meat (or protein) -- in their diets. But keep in mind that the dietary needs of each individual will vary, and what’s ideal for one person isn’t necessarily ideal for the next. Everyone, though, benefits from eating more vegetables. A great way to get the nutrients found in fresh veggies without spending all day at stove or eating raw celery sticks is to juice your veggies. Make sure that you own a good juicer (some juicers expose vegetables to heat created by friction during juicing, which breaks down important enzymes), grab some fresh vegetables and drink your way to good health. It takes a fraction of the time (there’s no cooking involved, for one thing) and it’s convenient. You can take your juice to work and even give some to the li’l ‘uns for school lunches! Wheatgrass in particular is an excellent source of nutrition. It’s high in chlorophyll (sometimes described as “plant blood” because it closely resembles human red blood cell molecules) and has over 100 elements that the body needs. Fresh grains are another excellent source for vitamins and minerals.

TAKE SOME ‘ME’ TIME. Don’t forget to take some quiet time

for yourself. Meditating is an excellent way to minimize stress. You don’t have to sit around for hours, just give yourself 5 minutes of quiet time every day--even in the shower, if that’s the only place where you can get time out--and have a little catch up with yourself. And, last but by no means least, laugh! In fact, laugh like a loon--the louder the better! You’ll be amazed at how much such a simple thing can lift your spirits!



Any time you rid the body of waste matter, it is very common to experience an immediate drop in both weight and waste size! This particular cleanse is extremely effective and should therefore not be taken on a daily basis for more than a week. As always, we do recommend that you consult your health practitioner before taking any nutritional supplement.


Even after a cleanse, your colon can get clogged up pretty easily if you don’t take care of your diet! Twenty pounds may seem hard to believe but don’t forget that the small intestine is about 20 feet long and the large intestine is 5 feet long and a lot wider...

DEATH STARTS IN THE COLON! This putrefying junk slows you down and infects your body, allowing parasites and bacteria to build nests inside of your intestines! This puts strain on your normal metabolic processes and impairs your immune system... Not too mention the extra weight around your waistline...

FENNEL SEED. Helps liquify the waste matter so it leaves your bowels more easily. CASCARA SAGRADA. Considered sacred by the Spanish missionaries, it relieves chronic constipation, stimulates a sluggish colon while producing a tonifying effect. GINGER GOLDENSEAL. Promotes a calming effect and soothes the irritated linings of your digestive system. PUMPKIN SEED. A high source of fiber, vitamin A, calcium and iron, containing small amounts of protein, B1, B2 and B3. BUCKTHORN ROOT. Helps to move fecal matter more quickly through the colon, speeding up the time it takes to detox. LICORICE ROOT. A highly prized Chinese herb that keeps your lungs clear, your digestive tract calm, your colon cleansed and your adrenal glands functioning properly.

This risk-free guarantee covers all Sacred Eden products…because we only sell the best.

Call our friendly Sacred Eden support team at 1-800-718-9817 to know more about how to get this quality product.





Sacred Eden’s Super Colon Cleanse will make you instantly feel lighter, and give you more energy, and increased metabolism!

All its ingredients are natural and should be taken with plenty of water. This powerful proprietary formula includes a wide array of plants and herbs that will help you detox from the inside out as follows:

Just to show you how confident we are about the amazing benefits of this super blend, we dare to have you try Sacred Eden Super Colon Cleanse risk-free for the next 30 days. If you’re not happy with the results, ship your used and unused bottles to us and ask for your investment back. This way you’re completely covered!

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Super Colon Cleanse is a rigorous cleanse that functions of eliminate waste matter from the digestive track that has accumulated over a period of time. This period of time may include a number of years.





ost people who have never done a colon cleanse have an average of 10 pounds (sometimes even up to 20 pounds!) of undigested fermented foods and rotting fecal matter stuck in their bowels. (We apologize for the graphical description but this is a matter of life and death!)


RHUBARB. An astringent and purgative, rhubarb relieves constipation and stimulates the colon to contract. CITRUS PECTIN. A soluble dietary fiber that cleanses the colon and removes toxins from the body, plus controls diarrhea and lowers cholesterol. LACTOBACILLUS ACIDOPHILUS. This strengthens the good bacteria in your bowels. Think of it as the Big Tank that kills candida, parasites, etc. ACAI FRUIT (4:1 extract). Acai berry became very popular in 2008 after appearing on the Oprah show. This little berry is a powerhouse of nutrition and antioxidants. CAPE ALOE. A wonderful cleansing and laxative compound. BENTONITE CLAY. This is a very magnetic clay that attracts heavy metals, locks them inside and transports them out of the body. ALOE VERA. Has a cooling, anti-inflammatory effect and restores the bodily hormones and enzymes within the colons or intestines. CAYENNE PEPPER. Expands your rectum slightly so that waste matter may be eliminated more easily and without pain. SENNA. Acts as an powerful natural fiber-rich ingredient to effectively remove even the adhered slime wastes out of the body. OAT BRAN. Oat bran fiber eases transit and is used by many people suffering from constipation. PRUNE JUICE. Prunes act as a diuretic, allowing you to go to the bathroom more easily. FLAXSEED OIL. A healthy source of omega 3s to replace the healthy EPAs and DHAs and support your circulatory system.

Take 2 pills a day of the Sacred Eden Super Colon Cleanse to ensure your body eliminates all that junk in your gut! It’s what you need to get jumpstarted on health—and lose weight and inches while cleaning out your system. A standard bottle contains 60 pills and only costs $21.99. Visit to order now!

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Complement your 2011 list with fresh ideas to help you make each resolution come through and true

ver thought about a resolution to help you make all your goals more achievable? You can't make a lot of money if you don't have the habits that lead to that. You can't have better physical conditioning if you just start another exercise program and then quit. You have to change your mind before the rest will change. Here are some new ideas for that interior self-improvement.

KAIZEN FOR THE NEW YEAR Kaizen: "Japanese for continuous and incremental improvement, a business philosophy about working practices and efficiency." The "continuous improvement" theories of efficiency expert W. Edwards Deming was introduced in the 30s and 40s. After the war, his ideas were picked up by the Japanese and developed into "Kaizen," a method for efficiently creating quality products through small and continuous changes. Guess what? This is perfect for accomplishing your personal goals, too.

Small questions, small comfortable changes, and continual progress-that's kaizen. Imagine where you'd be if you had consciously made one small change in your life each week for the last few years. Better yet, imagine where you'll be next year, if you start the process today. "A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step." - Lao Tzu

FORGET THE AFFIRMATIONS Stand in front of that mirror if you want, repeating to yourself "Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better." If it doesn't do what you hope, though, here's a new idea (okay, an old idea renewed): Evidence is more convincing than affirmation. To that I add: What you look for, you find, and it changes your mind. Prove this to yourself by watching for nice people for a few days, making a mental note each time you see one. It will change your experience of people in a positive way. Then, to test the idea further, watch for rude

IMAGINE WHERE YOU’D BE IF YOU HAD CONSCIOUSLY MADE ONE SMALL CHANGE IN YOUR LIFE EACH WEEK FOR THE LAST FEW YEARS. Want to quit smoking? The kaizen way might be to stop smoking in your car, as the first small step. Then you could switch to a brand with less nicotine, stop smoking in the house, and so on. Kaizen uses "small questions." In factories this meant no more questions like "What are you going to do to improve the company profits this year?" That elicits fear more than creative ideas. A better question is, "What small change could we make in your department to reduce expenses or improve quality?" This approach was found to be far more productive. For purposes of improving your life, this means asking small suggestive questions, like, "What could I do to free up five minutes for my meditation practice?" or "What small change could I make if I wanted to improve my relationships today?" Small questions dispel the fear, intimidation, and procrastination that come with facing the issue head-on.

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people for a few days, and you'll see them all over. Do this exercise, and you'll quickly come to understand that you experience the world not just according to what is there, but even more according to what you pay attention to. To use this to motivate yourself towards positive change, find your successes. If your New Year’s resolution is to exercise more, notice when you remember to park farther away from the store so you have to walk. Write it down even. Point out your successes to yourself, and you'll start to have more of them. If you want to lose weight, note every time you walk past the refrigerator without opening it. Focus on and remember any success. You can start doing this right now. First things first. Resolve to change the habits in your mind. Isn't that better than the typical New Year’s resolutions?





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Good bacteria in our digestive system ensures prevention of disease, care of Sacred Eden’s Probiotic Formula


ur body is a mass of microbes--we're more bacteria than anything else and we have trillions of different bacteria in our digestive systems.


DO YOU HAVE MORE OF THE GOOD BACTERIA OR ARE YOU STRUGGLING WITH AN IMBALANCE OF HARMFUL BACTERIA? The bad bacteria will cripple your immune system and invite disease into your body. The only way to fight it is to enlarge the size of your “beneficial army” that keeps disease under control. A growing body of scientific evidence suggests that you can treat and prevent some illnesses with foods and supplements containing certain kinds of live bacteria. Northern Europeans consume a lot of these beneficial microorganisms, called probiotics (from pro and biota, meaning “for life”), because of their tradition of eating foods fermented with bacteria, such as yogurt. Probiotic-laced beverages are also big business in Japan. Now it’s possible to get all the probiotics you need and start reversing disease through Sacred Eden’s Probiotic Formula.

TRY IT RISK FREE! Just to show you how confident we are about the amazing benefits of this super blend, we dare to have you try Sacred Eden Antioxidant Formula risk-free for the next 30 days. If you're not happy with the results, ship your used and unused bottles to us and ask for your investment back. This way you’re completely covered! This risk-free guarantee covers all Sacred Eden products…because we only sell the best.

Call our friendly Sacred Eden support team at 1-800-718-9817 to know more about how to get this quality product.

DISCOVER THE BENEFITS OF OUR PROBIOTIC FORMULA: •Keeps unfriendly bacteria under control--don’t let disease expand into your body •Maximizes absorption of nutrients absorb all the good stuff from the food you eat •Improves digestion and elimination by digesting food completely •Keeps digestive systems clean (colon and small intestines) •Boosts immunity by having a larger “beneficial army” •Balances hormones by optimizing bodily functions •Performs biological “transmutation”--yes, you can “transform” bad foods and prevent them from hurting your intestines... In a single pill, our formulation contains close to 1 billion active cultures of the most popular probiotics: Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Bifidobacterium Longum, Lactobacillus Casei, Lactobacillus Salivarius, Dahulin PB, BioMOS Start taking our probiotic formula and enjoy the benefits of enhanced detoxification, faster weight loss, higher immune function and overall greater feeling of wellness and satisfaction!

Take 2 pills in the morning and 2 at night with your meal (standard bottle has 120 pills and lasts 30 days). Probiotics are generally safe to use but as with any lifestyle or diet change, please consult with your physician before adding any supplements to your diet or making lifestyle changes. It costs only $29.97… At $1 a day for greater health, it’s worth every penny! Visit to order now!

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Now you can fall asleep easier, sleep deeper and wake up refreshed and energetic with Sacred Eden’s Sleep Formula


leep disorders, from insomnia to sleep apnea to sleep deprivation due to work schedules or caring for sick family members, take an enormous toll on sufferers and society at large.

The National Commission on Sleep Disorders Research estimates that 40 million Americans suffer from chronic sleep disorders (some without even knowing it) and another 20 to 30 million experience sleep problems intermittently. Sleep disorders increase with aging, so if you’ve been having more problems sleeping lately, that’s your sign right there that you might need a natural formulation to help you at night. The reason why you want a natural formulation is because... DANGEROUS SIDE-EFFECTS HAVE BEEN REPORTED FOR PRESCRIPTION DRUGS FOR SLEEP. With all the dangerous side-effects of prescription drugs sleep aids (i.e. confusion, strange behavior, agitation, hallucinations, worsening of depression, suicidal thoughts etc.), more and more people are turning to alternative solutions to help them sleep. That’s why we developed the Sacred Eden Sleep Formula. Your alternative solution, The Original Sleep Formula 786™ consists of herbs used throughout history for sleep and relaxation as well ingredients that have been clinically researched as sleep aids. Our powerful formula gets amazing reviews from our customers!

Michael Jackson, Heath Ledger and Anna Nicole-Smith all shared a problem. They all had trouble sleeping, and should’ve turned to all-natural sleep aids, such as Sacred Eden’s Sleep Formula— instead of potentially harmful prescription sleeping drugs. Start taking The Sacred Eden Sleep FormulaTM and fall asleep easier, and get deeper, more satisfying rest and wake up refreshed and energetic!

Our formulation: Vitamin B-6, Magnesium, Melatonin, Valerian Root Powder, Hops Flower Powder, Passion Flower Powder, and Chamomile Flower Powder •VITAMIN B6 can relieve insomnia and night cramps •MELATONIN, also called the “night hormone”, helps your body understand that bed time is near and makes you fall asleep easier (very effective for jet lag and shift work) •VALERIAN ROOT POWDER takes away the stresses of the day and makes resting in your bed much more relaxing and comfortable •HOPS FLOWER POWDER relaxes your nerves, drives away sleeplessness and promotes soothing sleep •PASSION FLOWER POWDER has a mild sedative and relaxing effect that encourages sleep •CHAMOMILE FLOWER POWDER is a herbal remedy and natural sleep aid that helps you fall asleep faster and have better quality sleep All of these natural ingredients are safe to use and will not cause addictions or side effects.

TRY IT RISK FREE! Just to show you how confident we are about the amazing benefits of this super blend, we dare to have you try Sacred Eden Antioxidant Formula risk-free for the next 30 days. If you're not happy with the results, ship your used and unused bottles to us and ask for your investment back. This way you’re completely covered! This risk-free guarantee covers all Sacred Eden products…because we only sell the best.

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THIS COMPREHENSIVE FORMULA FROM CLINICALLY-RESEARCHED NATURAL INGREDIENTS HELPS YOU SLEEP LIKE A BABY WITHOUT DANGEROUS SIDE EFFECTS AND WITHOUT GROGGINESS WHEN YOU WAKE UP... Take 2 pills at night 40 minutes before bedtime (a standard bottle has 60 pills and lasts 30 days). Our sleep formula is generally safe to use, but as with any lifestyle or diet change, please consult with your physician before adding any supplements to your diet or making lifestyle changes. Restful sleep is yours, for only $24.99! Visit to order now! Call our friendly Sacred Eden support team at 1-800-718-9817 to know more about how to get this quality product.






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here’s a good reason your mother always told you to eat your vegetables: It’s because they are jam-packed with essential vitamins and minerals your body needs to fight disease and increase energy and concentration levels. Nowadays, while natural intake of vitamins and minerals is always recommended, there are an abundance of options at your disposal. And unlike the days when your mother was growing up, you can find all the powerful vitamins and minerals you need in one convenient pill--meaning those vegetables aren’t so important anymore…But don’t tell your mother that! WHETHER IT’S BECAUSE YOU: • Hate vegetables • Have an increasingly busy lifestyle

Get The Vitamins and Minerals Your Body Needs in 1 Single Super-Supplement—Sacred Eden’s Vitality Multi


• Want to feel more vibrant and focused


• Want to increase your immune system

...and ANTIOXIDANTS like (para-aminobenzoic acid) and TRACE MINERALS (like boron)... and more!

The Sacred Eden Vitality Multi is the only multivitamin you will ever need to ensure your body gets all the nutrients it needs to stay healthy, focused and energized: A REPLENISHING MULTI-VITAMIN AND MULTI-MINERAL COMPLEX THAT HELPS YOU FEEL GREAT, IT’S GOT: Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin B-1, Vitamin D, Vitamin B-2, Niacin, Vitamin B-6, Folic Acid, Vitamin B-12, Biotin, Pantothenic Acid, Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Zinc, Selenium, Copper, Manganese, Chromium, Potassium, Inositol, Choline, Lecithin, A GREEN AND FRUIT COMPLEX FOR OPTIMUM PH: Wheat grass, Barley grass, Raspberry Juice Extract, Grape Seed, Citrus Bioflavanoids, Safflower,


TRY IT RISK FREE! Just to show you how confident we are about the amazing benefits of this super blend, we dare to have you try Sacred Eden Antioxidant Formula risk-free for the next 30 days. If you're not happy with the results, ship your used and unused bottles to us and ask for your investment back. This way you’re completely covered! This risk-free guarantee covers all Sacred Eden products…because we only sell the best.

Call our friendly Sacred Eden support team at 1-800-718-9817 to know more about how to get this quality product.

Take 2 pills a day of the Sacred Eden Antioxidant Formula to ensure your body gets all the nutrients it needs to keep you going. A standard bottle contains 60 pills and only costs $24.99… At less than $1 a day for more energy and vitality, it’s worth every penny! Visit to order now!

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FINDING RELIEF FROM A DEBILITATING DISEASE There are an estimated total number of 43 million Americans --16 percent of the population-suffering from one form of arthritis. Here’s some pain-relieving advice


nknown to many, arthritis is one of the most common chronic diseases in the world—and because of today’s unhealthy lifestyle choices, it just doesn’t afflict the “oldies” anymore. The average onset of arthritis is 47 years old, but even people in their 20s or 30s can already feel the onset of the disease. Sadly, even infants have been diagnosed with forms of arthritis. The term "arthritis" is used to refer to one or more of a group of over 100 rheumatic diseases. Quite often, arthritis is caused by the deterioration of cartilage in the joints. Symptoms of all of these diseases include pain, stiffness and swelling of the joints, and can affect other parts of the body such as other bones, muscles, tendons and ligaments. According to Ayurveda arthritis is primarily a vata (air) disease which is caused by the accumulation of toxins in the joints. This can be caused by poor digestion and a weakened colon. Symptoms of arthritis include: Fever, pain and stiffness in affected muscles (in cases of chronic muscular rheumatism); pain or tenderness in a joint which is aggravated by any movement or activity, such as walking, getting up from a chair, writing, typing, holding an object, throwing a ball, or even turning a key. While there are many popular drugs formulated by pharmaceutical companies to help you get through the discomfort of arthritis, there are also simple—and natural—cures that will help you start reversing the symptoms.

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HOME REMEDIES Two teaspoons of lemon juice and a teaspoon of honey mixed in a cup of warm water taken twice a day. Alfalfa tea twice a day. Two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and two teaspoons of honey dissolved in a small glass of warm water taken once or twice a day. Hot vinegar rubbed into aching joints brings some relief from pain. Two parts pure olive oil and one part kerosene makes a liniment to bathe afflicted joints. One tablespoon cod liver oil to the juice of one orange, whipped and drank before sleeping. One raw clove of garlic eaten every day. This clove can also be fried in ghee (clarified butter) or castor oil. Take for two months. Guggulu (an Indian cleansing herb) is very helpful in curing arthritis. Eat half a teaspoon with warm water twice a day after meals. Exercise the afflicted joints in a tub full of hot water.

HERBAL REMEDIES Herbal oils are applied to the arthritis to loosen stiff joints, restore mobility, remove pain, inflammation or swelling, nourish tissues and relieve pain.

The following have been used traditionally to treat rheumatoid arthritis: Shallaki, also known as boswellia (Boswellia serrata), comes from a tree that yields gum when its bark is peeled away. In clinical trials, promising results were observed in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, chronic colitis, and Crohn's disease. Researchers found that standardized Boswellia extract significantly reduced swelling and pain and usually reduces morning stiffness for people with rheumatoid arthritis. Ashvagandha (Withania somniferum) is from the potato family. Originally from Asia, its roots have long been used to treat rheumatism, high blood pressure, immune dysfunctions, erection problems and also to ease inflammation.

GIVE YOURSELF A SALT BATH Try Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate)! Magnesium has both anti-inflammatory and anti- arthritic properties and can be absorbed through the skin. Magnesium is one of the most important of the essential minerals in the body, and it’s commonly deficient in the American diet. A New England remedy for arthritis is a hot bath of Epsom salts. The heat of the bath can increase circulation and reduce the swelling of arthritis. Dosage and Directions: Fill a bathtub with water as hot as you can stand. Add two cups of Epsom salts. Bathe for 30 minutes, adding hot water as necessary to keep the temperature warm. Do this daily or as often as you'd like.

THE COST OF ARTHRITIS Arthritis is one of the most disabling diseases. Arthritis currently affects more than 40 million Americans and that figure is expected to rise to 60 million by the year 2020. If not treated, arthritis only grows worse with time. Arthritis is so detrimental that of the diseases that instill chronic physical disabilities, it is second only to heart disease. The cost of Arthritis is not only measured in the loss of quality of life, but it is also measured by dollars and cents as well. It is estimated that over $150,000 is lost by an individual over the course of a lifetime due to the debilitating effects of arthritis. This is totaled by lost wages, medical treatments, and the cost of medicallybased needs and care. Some steps and treatment plans used by arthritis sufferers include: Losing weight (thereby reducing stress and strain on the joints) Increasing nutritional Intake Reducing stress (both physical and emotional) Participating in gentle, stress-free exercises such as stretching Using both hot and cold therapies Protecting joints by use of splints and braces Drug therapies Surgery

Because of all this, it's sometimes called the "Indian ginseng." Ginger (Zingiber officinale) may be among the best-studied of the four. Research suggests ginger root inhibits production of prostaglandins and leukotrienes, which are involved in pain and inflammation. In an uncontrolled 1992 Danish study, 56 patients who had either RA, OA or muscular discomfort took powdered ginger. All of those with musculoskeletal pain and three-fourths of those

with OA or RA reported varying degrees of pain relief and no side effects, even among those who took the ginger for more than two years. Tea tree oil is very good for arthritis as it is able to penetrate and desensitize irritated nerve endings. For relief from pain caused by the various arthritic afflictions (rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, etc.), combine 18 drops of tea tree oil with 1/8 cup of almond oil. Put in a dark bottle and shake before applying it topically two to four times a day as a massage oil. Putting two to three drops of tea tree oil into a warm bath is also a great way to alleviate the joint pain associated with arthritis.

DIETARY CHANGES In order to go beyond merely relieving arthritis symptoms, it is important to make dietary changes. Changing the type of oil in the diet to one rich in omega-3 fatty acids suppresses the inflammatory that the body makes. Omega-3 fatty acids switch off the enzymes that break down joint cartilage, and are found mainly in oily fish such as sardines, salmon and cod liver oil. Omega-6 fatty acids, meanwhile, are found mostly in plant seed oils such as evening primrose and sunflower oil, and can also have a positive effect in relieving arthritis symptoms. Foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids are: canola oil (the oil and margarine) salmon oil cod liver oil (mmm yum :) soybean oil soybeans walnut oil walnuts avocado oil fresh avocado.

FOODS TO AVOID Try replacing much of the red meat you consume with oily fish. Red meat is also a good source of iron, so be sure to eat lots of dark green leafy vegetables and other foods rich in iron so as not to be deficient. Other foods to keep away from are: alcohol tea coffee saturated fats processed foods fried and grilled foods

UNDERSTANDING ARTHRITIS The two most prevalent types of arthritis include Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis. Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis, in which joint cartilage is destroyed. In other cases of Osteoarthritis, the patient experiences bony outgrowth, also known as bone spurs. These patients also lose cartilage particles. Osteoarthritis affects mostly aged people, from 55 years and older. That is why most people say it is an “aged disease” of the joints. Osteoarthritis is mostly common in the hands, feet, spine, hips and knees of victims. In rheumatoid arthritis, the patient experiences white blood cells in the synovial membrane dividing, growing and multiplying. These produce inflammation of the joint capsule and synovial membrane, loss of space in the synovial cavity, pain and stiffness in the joint. If there is no arthritis relief and treatment, this may lead to cartilage destruction. Apart from these types of arthritis, another type of arthritis that commonly affects people is Inflammatory Arthritis. This type of arthritis causes very severe inflammation in the joints and the tendons of the victims. This is mostly characterized by the swelling and inflammation of the synovial membrane, thereby causing severe pain and stiffness in the joints of the victims. Inflammatory arthritis makes the joint look red and warm when touched. Gout is the oldest form of Arthritis and is the result of too much Uric Acid. The Uric Acid deposits crystals in the joints, leading to Gouty Arthritis. The joint pain, inherent to all arthritis sufferers, is referred to as “Arthralgia”. Not only are the joints susceptible to attack, but the surrounding muscles, tissues, and organs are vulnerable to the effects of arthritis as well. In fact, arthritis has been known to attack the heart, kidneys, lungs, and liver. Even children suffer from arthritis. In the United States, about 300,000 children suffer from one type of arthritis-related disease or another.

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o you regularly exercise, eat the right foods, and take the right vitamins? Heck, throw in frequent sex in your health regimen! While the degree of sexual activity in one's health is not a principal topic of research, many studies suggest that safe sex can do wonders for one's overall health. Safe sex practiced in a loving, intimate relationship has numerous health benefits, like improved cholesterol levels and increased blood circulation. It also encourages the flow of testosterone, a hormone that plays an important role in the immune system. Sexual intercourse burns about 200 calories, the same number of calories can be achieved by spending 15 minutes on a treadmill. In addition, sex encourages the production of endorphins, the body natural painkiller. These substances bring about a state of bliss and free people from stress and anxiety. These factors can lead to feelings of happiness, greater health and may slow down the aging process. An active sex life may lead to improved health and enable people to live longer and happier lives.

FOR HIM A medical study published by Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), found out that frequent ejaculation resulting from sexual activity may help protect the prostate from cancer. This finding supports a smaller study in Australia from 2003 that found out that men in 20's who ejaculated more than five times a week were less likely to developing prostate cancer than their counterparts who ejaculated four to seven times a month. Specialists add that ejaculating regularly might lower the risk of cancer because cancer-causing substances are flushed out of the body in the seminal fluid instead of being trapped in the prostate.



Frequent and loving sex is proven to prolong life and better one’s health. To fully enjoy the benefits, though, you’ve got to practice it responsibly. Eating the right foods helps too

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In addition, researchers in Queens University concluded that by having sex three or more times a week, men may cut heart attack or stroke rates by almost half. However, having sex with multiple partners may raise a man's risk of prostate cancer to up to 40 percent because this increases the risk of contracting sexual infection.

FOR HER Sexual activity may also help prevent endometriosis, a common gynecological condition that affects about 89 million women around the world. This condition occurs when the tissue lining inside a woman's uterus grows in other places like the ovaries or the fallopian tube. This growth can cause pelvic pain and may lead to infertility. A study by the journal of Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation concluded that women who were sexually active during their menstruation were 15 times less likely to develop endometriosis than women who abstained from sex during periods. The contractions of the uterus during orgasm may help flush away menstrual debris out of the uterus. Sexual activity among women also prompts the production of estrogen, which can act as a painkiller and reduce the pain of Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS).

SEXUAL INTERCOURSE BURNS ABOUT 200 CALORIES, THE SAME NUMBER OF CALORIES CAN BE ACHIEVED BY SPENDING 15 MINUTES ON A TREADMILL. IN ADDITION, SEX ENCOURAGES THE PRODUCTION OF ENDORPHINS, THE BODY NATURAL PAINKILLER. EATING YOUR WAY TO BETTER SEXUAL HEALTH But to actually be active and enjoy sex, one must be healthy and aptly nourished. There are some foods that are touted as “aphrodisiacs”— foods that enhance sexual performance or make one feel aroused. Grapes, oysters, and chocolates, for example, are three of the most commonly known aphrodisiacs. Now, while all of the above foods have been known to release varying levels of endorphins into the body in the same way sex does, they are not necessarily all that beneficial to one's sexual health. Of course, that doesn't mean that food and meals don't play a part in a person's sex life, because there's quite a bit of scientific data saying that it does. Working from the top and going down, the brain is the core of all activity that concerns the body, including sexual functions. Replacing full meals with snacks or junk food can seriously decrease the usual flow of nutrients to the brain, making it less capable of processing all the stimuli and emotions involved in sexual activity. In short, the lack of nutrients can dampen someone's ability to enjoy sexual intercourse. Moving a little lower, it makes sense that sexual health is connected to the overall state of the circulatory system. Blood circulation is necessary not only for the proper functioning of internal organs but also for ensuring the functions of the male and female reproductive organs. So, if the heart or the blood vessels are in poor condition, it also has a detrimental effect on the body's ability to perform properly during sexual intercourse. Increased or improved blood flow helps increase the sensitivity to stimuli of the appropriate organs and heightens the level of physical endurance during intercourse.

THE ROLE OF NITRIC OXIDE For more specific help regarding food and sexual health, some might want to look into Nitric Oxide, which is not to be confused with Nitrous Oxide. Nitric Oxide (NO) is the substance found on the lining of the internal workings of male and female genitalia. Without it, men can't obtain or sustain an erection (even with proper blood flow), while women are unable to become lubricated, regardless of what stimulation is put in there. Some doctors suggest that the ingestion of arginine, another substance which encourages the body to produce NO. Arginine helps improve circulation and sexual health. Arginine is typically found in walnuts, almonds, and salmon. Antioxidants, particularly the ones that are chemically abundant in dark chocolate, also have positive effects on sexual performance and health. Antioxidants are linked to improved blood circulation, something that has already been mentioned as being beneficial to sex. Other good sources include tomatoes, spinach, garlic, red peppers, and red grapes. However, some point out that chocolate somehow also increases desire along with improving performance, likely because certain components in chocolate can improve circulation.

MAINTAINING SEXUAL HEALTH AND INTIMACY Some people believe that once a person matures, he will no longer show any interest in doing the things he used to enjoy, such as sex. This is untrue, of course, for the need for intimacy has no age limits. A person's hunger for affection, intimacy, and emotional bond with another person is limitless. However, there are still a significant number of older men and women who no longer have fulfilling and happy sexual and intimate relationships with their partners. Poor sexual health can be attributed to the physical and physiological changes the body goes through. As a woman ages, she experiences physical changes that are associated with hormonal imbalance (particularly, menopause). For instance, the vagina takes a longer time to lubricate and swell when aroused. This physical change can make intercourse painful, thus resulting in decreased or lost of interest in sex. In men, the most common physical change is difficulty in achieving and maintaining erection. Erections do not last long and are less firm. While the physical changes cannot be totally reversed, the psychological changes can be addressed—if not managed sustainably—to maintain and improve sexual health in one’s golden years. Here are some points to consider about transforming one’s attitudes towards mature sex: 1. Accept the changes in your body and strive to improve. Do not be turned off by the sagging skin on your forearms or your protruding belly. Instead, welcome these changes, but do your part in minimizing them. Keep an agespecific skin care routine, an exercise or fitness regimen, a healthy diet, and fashion style. Confidence is a prime sexual booster and looking good and being healthy are parts of it. However, accept that you may not be able to fit in the jeans you wore when you were 20 or sport the abs you had back in your college days. Just strive to be healthy and feel good in your own skin. 2. Take note and communicate about your and your partner's changing sexual needs. At 20, you may feel up and running the instant your partner walks through the door. However, age does affect your sexual responses and that of your partner. Age can make your body require more stimulation to feel aroused or orgasm. Similarly, your partner, provided that he or she is of the same age range, may feel the same needs like longer stimulation to get in the mood. Knowing what clicks for your body and your partner is essential in communicating your sexual needs to each other. 3. Expand your definition of sexual relationships. Actual intercourse can be very tiring especially if you have aching joints. Understand that intercourse is only one of the ways you can achieve sexual intimacy with your partner, not the only way. Often, passionate kissing, touching, massaging, and other forms of sexual contact can be fulfilling enough for both partners. 4. Veer from routine. If you and your partner have been having sex after a long day at work for the past 10 years of your relationship, you might want to consider morning sex as an alternative. A simple change in routine can rev up your sex life and start making things exciting again. Alternatively, instead of jumping onto the sack instantly, try setting the mood with a romantic dinner and some dancing. 5. Consult your doctor. Sometimes, the changes your body undergoes may be too severe that they can impair your sexual performance. Surgeries, chronic illnesses, and medications can affect how your body responds to sexual stimulation. Talk to your doctor about the possible side effects of the medications you are taking on your sexual drive and response. Likewise, a lengthy discussion about chronic illnesses like high blood pressure, heart problems, and their effects on your sex life is also in order to ensure your health safety when doing the deed. Alternatively, you can ask your doctor for a prescription of medications that can help increase your sexual vigor and boost your libido.


GO RAW Combined with regular exercise, a raw food diet is not only an excellent weight loss method—it gives you extra energy, and ensures you get the most nutrients out of your food


Some quick tips on how should you start to change your diet: Instead of taking foods out, start with adding raw foods to your diet. Drink only natural squeezed juices. Especially green juice made from celery, cucumber, and green leafs. (Try cucumber, celery, green leafs, some ginger, and lemon). Start your lunch and dinner with a big salad. Add nuts and seeds. Start eating nuts, almonds, and seeds, or fruits, as snacks.

he raw food diet hasn’t grown in popularity for nothing.

Eating raw foods is natural. Our bodies thrive on all that is fresh and vital. A raw food diet (or increasing the amount of raw food that you eat) is bound to bring a feeling of increased wellbeing. Raw food is vegetarian food which is not baked, cooked or heated over 48 Celsius (about 120 Fahrenheit degrees). Raw food can be categorized into four main groups: vegetables and fruits, sprouts of all kinds, dehydrated breads and fruits, and fermented food with friendly germs. It is a known fact that since 1500 BC, famous people already consumed raw food: Leonardo de Vinci, Russo, Hippocrates, Tolstoy, and many more.

THE POWER OF ENZYMES The benefits of raw food are better understood when the phrase “living food” is brought up. In a nutshell: Enzymes. When the food is heated over 48 degrees all enzymes die and lose their power. Enzymes are created by our body to perform better, such as adjusting our bodies to consume less food but better absorb its nutrients. One of the most important benefits of consuming raw food is maintaining a balanced body weight. Problems that stem from being overweight are well known: blood pressure,

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heart disease, etc. The following can be enjoyed if one keeps within ideal weight: improved immunity system, better sleep, higher energy, better digestion, improved skin appearance, weight loss and reduced risk of serious illnesses like heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Another important element when maximizing the benefits of enzymes is the correct blending of foods (this was taken up in Sacred Eden’s October-November 2010 issue – Publishers). It is important to avoid mixing of vegetables and fruits, sweet fruits and sour fruits, fat and fruits. The reason is that every food group is digested by a different enzyme. The mixing can result in a swollen stomach, heaviness, and drowsiness.


Start to remove processed food. At start, try a diet of 20 percent raw and 80 percent not raw, and slowly reverse it to make 20 not raw and 80 percent raw.

Raw food diets are also excellent detox diets. Different combinations of raw, living foods and juices can be used for colon cleansing, liver cleansing, kidney cleansing and skin cleansing.

THE BASICS OF A RAW FOOD DIET Any fresh fruits, vegetables, grains, seeds, beans, nuts, legumes, young coconut milk-even seaweed--can be menu items of a raw food diet. Your choice of foods may depend on your reasons for dieting, for example:

Raw food diets are based on unprocessed and uncooked plant foods, preferably organic, such as a variety of fresh fruits and veggies, nuts, seeds, grains, dried fruit, fresh juices and purified water.

Sprouted brown rice slows glucose absorption and improves the metabolism.

Basically a vegetarian diet, the raw food diet promotes eating and drinking “living” foods. Living foods and juices contain the maximum amount of fiber found in raw produce, fiber that can be lost in processing. Such foods are easily metabolized and tend to be lower in calories than the average diet.

Carrots are a great source of vitamin A as well as encouraging healthy vision and a healthy cardio-vascular system.

A raw food diet contains little or no saturated fats, is low in sodium, high in potassium, magnesium, folate and fiber.

Cabbage supports healthy cellular function; radish leaves act as an anti-oxidant, as does Shitake mushroom.

You can use a sprouter to sprout seeds, grains, beans--even wheatgrass. Sprouts could be called a “super food”--organic sprouts contain enormous levels of proteins, vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, chlorophyll pigments and enzymes, and are the ideal natural supplement.

A GREAT JUICING RECIPE TO COMPLEMENT A RAW FOOD DIET IS CARROT JUICE WITH POTATO, FENNEL AND APPLE. SIMPLY JUICE 4 MEDIUM CARROTS, 2 APPLES, 1 SMALL POTATO AND 1 SMALL STALK OF FENNEL. JUICE IT Sprouts can be used in salads and soups, or can be juiced. Fresh juices are a great ready energy supply and a good quality juicer produces living juices that are full of essential nutrients.

You can even use soy milk makers to make non-dairy drinks from different beans, rice, nuts, seeds and grains to have with breakfast. If you want something a little more substantial than soy milk you can make your tofu (or, of course, visit a good health food shop).

A great juicing recipe to complement a raw food diet is carrot juice with potato, fennel and apple. Simply juice 4 medium carrots, 2 apples, 1 small potato and 1 small stalk of fennel.

Essentially, the idea of a raw food diet is to eat unprocessed foods for at least 75 percent of the time

Fennel has been shown to reduce and control inflammation of arthritis; it evens mood fluctuation and depressive states and has the rare nutrient called manganese-plus zinc and vitamin B complex.

A raw food diet is certainly a good way to improve your overall health and wellbeing. Like anything worthwhile it takes time, energy and commitment. Because many of the foods for this particular type of diet are made from scratch there is some preparation time involved. There are many great products on the market that can help you prepare your own living food and save you some time as well.

The nutritional value of grains and seeds is impressive. They contain most of the vitamins--particularly A, B, and E. They’re also fantastic natural sources of unsaturated fatty acids and lecithin, and an excellent source of proteins.


CAUTIONARY NOTE As with any major change in diet, it’s wise to consult your doctor before beginning a special diet. This is especially true for children, pregnant women, anyone with anemia and anyone with a pre-existing medical condition. Even natural foods can conflict with certain medications, so please ask your doctor or pharmacist if you’re taking any medication. Because a raw food diet is detoxifying some people suffer a mild detox reaction including mild headaches, nausea and cravings. These symptoms may last for several days and you’ll get more enjoyment out of your raw food diet if you cut down on things like meat, sugar and caffeine a week or so before commencing the diet.

AYURVEDA AND THE RAW FOOD DIET The word, Ayurveda is from the ancient Indian language, Sanskrit, and literally means "Knowledge of Life.” The Ayurvedic approach to life involves listening to and addressing the unique needs of your body, recognizing and balancing your mental and emotional states, and deepening your connection with your spirit, your essential self. The raw food diet is based around the principle that eating a diet high in raw food will normalize and alkalize your body. This, in turn, connects the mind with the body; thus, Ayurveda and the Raw Food diet are very similar. In Ayurveda, the idea is that you eat according to your “dosha” (body constitution): vata, pitta and kapha. Vata is composed of the elements of air and ether Pitta is composed of the elements of fire and water Kapha is composed of the elements of water and earth Vata types are generally thin and find it hard to gain weight. Vatas need to get sufficient rest and not overdo things, as they can tire easily. Pitta types are generally medium sized and well proportioned. They also tend to be intelligent, with a sharp wit. Kapha types tend to have sturdy, heavy frames. They are prone to gain weight easily. They often tend to have a positive outlook on life. So, what does this mean, and how does it apply to you? In Ayurveda, it is believed that each person is governed by one dominant dosha and you should eat according to that dosha.

Vata Balances: Sweet fruits, apricots, avocado, bananas, berries, grapes, melons, asparagus, beets, cucumber, garlic, radishes, zucchini. Aggravates: Dried fruits, apples, cranberries, pears, watermelons, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, raw onions.

Pitta Balances: Sweet fruits, avocado, coconut, figs, mango, prunes, sweet and bitter vegetables, cabbage, cucumber, okra, potatoes. Aggravates: Sour fruits, berries, bananas, plums, oranges, lemon, pungent vegetables, garlic, onions.

Kapha Balances: Apples, apricots, berries, cherries, cranberries, mangos, peaches, pungent and bitter vegetables, broccoli, celery, garlic, onion. Aggravates: Sweet and sour fruits, bananas, coconut, melons, papaya, sweet and juicy vegetables, potatoes, tomatoes. There are many suggestions in Ayurveda, which are very easily translated to a Raw Food Diet. Such suggestions are: Eat mainly seasonal fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds and grains. Eat according to your constitution, or dosha. Fast for one day every two weeks. Establish a regular eating routine. Eliminate or limit caffeinated, carbonated and alcoholic beverages from your life. Drink herbal tea, fruit and vegetable juices.

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FITNESS ACTIVITY It’s virtually free, easy and has the least impact on your body. Why not start walking today?


n an ideal world you'd be able to eat all you wanted, do as little exercise as you felt like and move around just by flicking a switch.

And if you chose to sit in front of the TV all day stuffing yourself with cakes and ice creams, it wouldn't make the slightest difference to the way you looked or how you felt. In an ideal world, you wouldn't have to worry about your lifestyle. You'd look and feel great all the time. But in the real world, huge numbers of adults and children are obese or overweight. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Sciences, heart disease kills nearly one million people every year. There are many reasons for this. The time spent watching TV is just one. Working for long periods at a computer and an increasing reliance on the car are others. And if, like many, you know you're not as active as you should be, you may come out in a cold sweat every time the dreaded word “exercise” is mentioned.

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But here's the thing. You don't need to worry. There is an activity you know only too well that offers the perfect solution to being unfit. It's called walking! Just imagine for a moment what the ideal fitness plan would look like: 1. It would be easy to do and enjoyable for its own sake 2. It would provide a wide range of health benefits like: - Reducing the risks of heart disease, diabetes and minor illnesses - Controlling or reducing your weight - Reducing your blood pressure - Reducing your risk of injury - Reducing stress and improving your sleep - Improving your posture

5. It would put you in control of your body and your life. Walking is ALL of the above. It's the IDEAL solution to the problem of inactivity. It can be your solution. Walking for exercise is extremely low impact, and so anyone of any age can do it safely and frequently without worrying about damaging themselves. Running and other more strenuous forms of exercise can cause all kinds of joint pain and soreness, and isn't recommended unless you are in otherwise good shape. You can stop your body going into further decline just by walking a bit more each day. All you have to do is increase the amount of walking you already do on an average day to 21 minutes (or 30 minutes over five days a week). Then you need to do it regularly, making it part of your daily routine.

3. It would be cheap—even free--and wouldn't involve the purchase of lots of equipment

And that's all it takes to achieve a basic level of fitness!

4. It would be flexible enough to adapt to the time you have available

The wonderful thing about walking for fitness is that you can do it anywhere: at home, in the gym, in your local neighborhood or, for the more adventurous, in the great outdoors.

WALKING FOR IS IT TIME TO GET A TREADMILL? A survey conducted by Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association tells that people spend more on treadmills than other exercise/ fitness equipment. You get an unbeatable workout on cardiovascular muscles and a high rate of calorie burning on a treadmill. A 60 minute-workout on the treadmill burns an average of 865 to 705 calories. Benefits of Exercise Treadmill 1. Treadmill lets you exercise indoors, in case of bad weather outside. 2. It’s got adjustable speeds that accommodates both running and walking 3. There is little or no impact on heels, knee ankles, and back, and as a result fewer injuries. 4. High end treadmills allow adjusting of speeds and inclines so that running or walking uphill/ downhill is simulated. Before buying an treadmill, consider the following: 1. What are your long term exercise goals? There are different models to suit individual preferences. 2. The space availability/constraint in your home. 3. Decide what dimensions of walking track is comfortable for you. Normally 4’x1.5’ suits most. Running may call for longer track than this. 4. Check for deck thickness, which must be ¾’ to 1’ to support both running and walking. 5. Also look at the unit’s shock absorbers, smoothness of deck, instrument console warranty, and price and brand. Ask around or research on what are the more reliable models.



By Donovan Baldwin

t is generally well accepted that exercise burns calories and can increase the overall health of body and mind. Most of us also recognize that walking is one of the simplest and most effective exercises for weight loss and health. What many people don't realize is that they might not be getting the most effective returns on their efforts. It actually requires just a little tweaking of a simple walking program to make it more effective as a weight loss program. Many experts will recommend a minimum of 30 minutes of sustained physical activity every day for health. However, 30 minutes of walking a day, while it may initially cause some welcome and valuable weight loss for an overweight individual, the weight loss results will probably not be sustained as the body makes adjustments and learns to accept the new demands made on it. Rest assured, walking (or participating in other activities) for a sustained 30 minutes a day WILL result in better health, a greater level of energy and well-being, as well as producing SOME weight loss. However, anyone seriously overweight will probably not create the sustained, permanent weight loss they seek with only 30 minutes a day. Because of the manner in which the body draws on fat stores vs. other stored energy sources, the first, and most valuable step, will be to increase the amount of time the activity is performed. Forty-five minutes is better than 30, and 60 is better than 45 minutes. Admittedly, walking an hour a day, six or seven times a week may be difficult for some to fit into their schedules. However, simply increasing the time to 45 or 60 minutes of activity two or three times a week will produce more weight loss than keeping all walks at 30 minutes. Another technique is to increase the speed with which you walk on the days that you do not walk more than 30 minutes. This also has the benefit of conditioning the body in a slightly different manner than the slower paced, longer walks. Remember, no walk should introduce extreme difficulty in breathing. A rule of thumb is that if you cannot talk and walk, you are attempting to either go too fast or too far. Always build up slowly to new levels of exertion. You may also want to consider adding resistance training, such as with free weights, or equipment such as a Bowflex or Total Gym, or similar exercise apparatus. This builds muscle tissue which will burn more calories even in a resting state. Additionally, walking exercises only certain muscles and muscle groups. A resistance training program can be used to train muscle groups generally not included in walking. Although the extended 45 and 60 minute walks will be somewhat more effective if done at one time, two 30 minute walks in a day will be more beneficial for fitness and weight loss than only one.

WALKING VS. RUNNING Certainly, if you train to the point where you can run certain distances in certain times, you will almost certainly experience a major weight loss if that is what your body needs. However, you can get just as fit as a runner by walking with a great deal less danger of injury. A beginning walker in particular is more likely to experience less discomfort during and after an exercise period than a beginning runner. Once you have built muscles and stamina, you may wish to move into a running program. Also, in the beginning of any exercise program, whether for weight loss or physical fitness, extreme demands on the body and one's physical, mental, and motivational resources may result in the program being dropped. It is generally easier to slip into a permanent walking program from a sedentary lifestyle than a running program. You can sneak into a walking program without any special equipment or preparation, and no one but you needs to know that the shopping trip to the mall was actually your secret walk for the day. There's an old saying that the journey of a thousand miles begins with one does a successful weight loss program.

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OMEGA LEVELS! Balance out your Omega-3 Levels with Sacred Eden


e need two types of essential fatty acids (EFAs) in our diet: the Omega-3 and Omega-6 families, but modern diets tend to provide excessive amounts of Omega-6 essential fatty acids, while intake of Omega-3 essential fatty acids are well below optimal levels. The sunflower oil and corn oil that you already use for cooking provides you with plenty of omega 6s... BUT are you eating 3 times more omega-3 rich fish to counter it? If not it’s time to supplement with healthy Omega 3s! There are two types of Omega3:EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). EPA is to support the heart and artery health, while DHA is indispensable in the structure of cell membranes throughout the body, and particularly those of the brain and the retina of the eye. The Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition recommends an intake of 450mg EPA + DHA per day, but most people barely get 100mg. THE TOP 7 BENEFITS OF OMEGA 3S ARE: 1. They provide freedom from pain and inflammation - the EPAs regulate your body's inflammation cycle, which prevents and relieves painful conditions like arthritis, prostatitis, cystitis and other diseases ending in "itis." 2. The promote better brain function and higher intelligence - omega 3s improve memory, recall, reasoning and focus. You'll swear you're getting younger and smarter. 3. They improve your mood - Research studies found that fish oil supplements "alleviate" the symptoms of depression, bipolar and psychosis. 4. They help you focus - Children and adults with ADD and ADHD experience a greatly improved quality of life. And those with dyslexia, dyspraxia and compulsive disorders have received a new lease on life thanks to fish oil supplements.

5. They promote cardiovascular health - They help lower cholesterol, tryglicerides, LDLs and blood pressure, while at the same time increasing good HDL cholesterol.

7. The lower the risk of breast, colon and prostate cancer. - through three mechanisms: by stopping the alteration from a normal healthy cell to a cancerous mass, by inhibiting unwanted cellular growth and by killing off cancer cells.

• Depression • Cardiovascular Disease (high cholesterol, high blood pressure) • Type 2 Diabetes • Fatigue • Dry, itchy skin • Brittle hair and nails • Inability to concentrate • Arthritis and joint pain • Osteoporosis If you want all the benefits of omega 3 fatty acids without the harmful toxins that you’d get by eating a lot of fish (i.e. mercury contamination), the solution is to take a molecularly distilled fish oil supplement.

THE EASY WAY TO GET THE RIGHT AMOUNT OF OMEGA-3 The Sacred Eden Omega 3 is no ordinary fish oil. Made from pharmaceutical grade fish oil, it provides your body with the EPAs and DHA it needs, plus a critical dose of Vitamin E.

This is a Maximum Strength Omega-3 suitable for daily use and provides 840mg of EPA and 560mg of DHA! Fish oils oxidize very easily and therefore add to the oxidative stress on the body and that’s why this maximum potency formula is also aided by Vitamin E. Vitamin E is a fat- soluble antioxidant that will protect your body and brain from deadly free radicals.

Molecular distillation allows the oils to be separated from the bad contaminants. The rich, healthy omega 3 oils can then be encapsulated into soft gels for easy swallowing. Of course, there’s a little more to it than this, but this is the Two capsules of the Sacred Eden Omega 3 most important point to understand. formulation per day (one in the morning and

Just to show you how confident we are about the amazing benefits of this super blend, we dare to have you try Sacred Eden Antioxidant Formula risk-free for the next 30 days. If you’re not happy with the results, ship your used and unused bottles to us and ask for your investment back. This way you’re completely covered! This risk-free guarantee covers all Sacred Eden products…because we only sell the best.

Not only are purified fish oil supplements the best source, they are also the most economical. You’ll spend more on a fish dinner than you will on a month’s supply of a top notch supplement.



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Omega 3 Fatty Acid Fact: The human brain is comprised of 60% fats, and approximately half of that fat is DHA omega 3.

6. They provide protection from heart attack and stroke - When plaque builds up on arterial walls and then breaks loose, it creates clots. If a clot gets stuck in the brain, it causes a stroke and when it plugs an artery, it causes a heart attack. Omega 3 breaks up clots before they can cause any damage.

one at night) will provide you with all the EPAs and DHAs you need...and protect you against inflammation, heart disease, stroke, cancer and also boost your focus, brain power and mood... Order your 90 day supply of the ideal Omega 3 supplement for just $14.95! Visit to order now! Call our friendly Sacred Eden support team at 1-800-718-9817 to know more about how to get this quality product.






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NOW! Get Sacred Eden’s Sacred Hair Growth Formula to restore your head of full, lustrous hair


ome “experts” say that "pattern baldness" plays the main role in the hair loss equation; others say that not eating the right foods, vitamins and minerals cause hair loss; and some believe not using the right shampoo or hair treatment will trigger hair loss. Some people use all kinds of methods to re-grow their hair--and sometimes they get short-term results. When the hair starts to fall out again, they become desperate and anxious. You should understand that we’re dealing with a very complex problem, and using a shampoo won’t fix your problem. We need to feed our hair the nutrients it needs to be thick, shiny. It’s not an impossible mission. You just need to know how to do it. There are many conceivable causes for hair loss...and the reality is people are looking for a specific cure, something that delivers results quickly and without paying excessive prices. But the unquestionable problem lies with the trend that people attempt to treat their hair loss from the outside to the inside--when it should be treated from the inside-out. First, you need to determine how hair loss actually occurs (which not many people actually know)… secondly, you need to take the right actions “help” your body by increasing your intake of the natural foods, herbs and minerals.


Aside from restoring natural hair growth, Sacred Hair Growth can also: • replenish the vital essence of the liver and kidney • nourish the blood • help restore grey hair to its natural color • help with insomnia, aching back and knees, neurasthenia and palpitation • help with constipation and hypercholesterolemia • acts as a natural detox for the body


Chuan Xiong


Increases blood flow and Chi (Vital Energy for Life), stops stagnation, directs the active ingredient (Zhi-Shou-Wu) to the hair.

Astragalus is a Chinese plant that builds the Chi (Vital Energy for Life), it also boosts the immune system. It's a general tonic that fights disease and helps lower stress and makes you adapt to stress better. Stress is a leading cause of hair loss. Rehmania A Chinese herb, its main function is to stimulate production of adrenal cortical hormones. These hormones are antiinflammatory and explain the use of Rehmania in treating asthma, skin diseases, and arthritis. Rehmania is also recognized to treat menopause, impotence, hair loss (alopecia) and other hormone deficiencies. Poria Poria increases absorption of elements, in particular Zhi-Shou-Wu. Which ensures the ZhiShou-Wu brings the greatest results.

TRY IT RISK FREE! Just to show you how confident we are about the amazing benefits of this super blend, we dare to have you try Sacred Eden Sacred Hair Growth Formula risk-free for the next 30 days. If you're not happy with the results, ship your used and unused bottles to us and ask for your investment back. This way you’re completely covered! This risk-free guarantee covers all Sacred Eden products…because we only sell the best. Call our friendly Sacred Eden support team at 1-800-718-9817 to know more about how to get this quality product.

Nettle Extract The most famous application of nettle infusions is in treating alopecia areata. A gentle irritant, this herb is able to improve scalp circulation, stimulate hair roots, facilitate the flow of oxygen and nutrients into hair follicles, and promote overall hair growth. HorseTail Plant Because of the extra-fine silica within horsetail, it has been effective in strengthening hair growth, nails and teeth. Saw Palmetto Extract Some studies have shown that saw palmetto may have the same effect as the drug finasteride in treating hair loss and prostate enlargement diseases

Sacred Eden Sacred Hair Growth Formula is what you need to regain that head of healthy hair. A standard bottle contains 100 pills and only costs $24.95! Visit to order now!

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OUTSIDE YOUR BODY A refreshing snack, this food also adds luster to skin and hair. Try these recipes to keep glowing this winter season

More Yoghurt Packs Just Yoghurt. Apart from zinc, plain

yoghurt contains lactic acid, a natural skin smoother that makes it a simple, yet effective facial mask. Just spread it on your face and leave it on for 20 minutes before rinsing off with warm water.

Protein Power Pack. Mix 1 egg

white, 1 tablespoon yoghurt, 1 teaspoon Fuller’s earth and 1 teaspoon honey. Mix and apply on face and neck for cleansing, toning, moisturizing and nourishing benefits all in one!

Nice and Zesty - 1 teaspoon yoghurt

and juice from an orange or lemon juice. Mix together and smooth onto face. Allow to remain on for five minutes, and then rinse off with warm water. Zesting up your yoghurt facial by adding a tablespoon of fresh citrus fruit gives the pack an extra refreshing punch. Besides, lemon and orange restore the skin’s normal pH balance, making it look fresh and young again.

Feel-Fab Fruit Pack. One half cup

plain yoghurt, 1 carrot (for soothing, antiinflammatory benefits), 3/4 peach (a natural emollient) and 3/4 cucumber (to refresh and soften the skin). Blend together. Apply and let sit on the skin for 10 minutes, then rinse. Your skin will be left feeling renewed and moisturized.

Beat the Dry Daze. One half cup

plain yoghurt, 1 tablespoon olive oil and 1 3/4 teaspoon fresh lemon juice. Mix all ingredients together. Apply on the face for five to 10 minutes, and then rinse off with warm water. Heals dry skin.

oghurt – a great snack for all seasons. A virtual treasury of zinc, calcium, Vitamins B1, B2, B6 and B12, protein and yeast, the wonderful nutrients and minerals in yoghurt protects your bones, fights off osteoporosis, battles cancer, cancer, diarrhea, high blood pressure and yeast infection. It bolsters digestion, immune function and weight control. Yoghurt also adds enzymes and oils to the skin, working as a natural moisturizer. It can also reduce pore size, improve overall skin texture, and give you that healthy glow. Follow these tried-and-tested yoghurt usage tips, and your skin and hair will glow! - Got blemishes, acne? Slather yoghurt on your acne daily. The rich zinc content will help to clear your skin. Avoid the flavored varieties and apply yoghurt only after you’ve removed all make-up. - To stop pimples in their tracks, mix some brewer’s yeast with plain yoghurt and apply it on your face. Let it sit a few minutes, and then wipe clean. - Itchy scalp? Apply some yoghurt on your head, wrap your hair in a towel and then rinse after 15 minutes. The yoghurt will chase away dandruff, too! - Your hands and nails can also benefit from yoghurt. Simply combine half a cup of plain yoghurt with the juice of one lemon. Refrigerate it for a few hours and then use it to massage your hands and nails. Rinse and pat your hands dry. Do this for a fortnight and you will notice how soft and supple your hands feel.

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