Sacred Eden - June 2010

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Back to Perfection

June 2010

Happy Dad’s Day!

Celebrating Men’s Health Quit Smoking in 6 Steps Natural DHT Blockers Prevent Prostrate Cancer


How To Choose and Buy Supplements,

for Women—

page 15

Fresh Fruit Facials, page 9 Mineral Makeup, page 10

Meditation Magic:

Calm Your Mind, Increase Your Energy


Superba— A Su per Aphr o d isiac F r o m Thail an d !

A note from the Editor




ere at Sacred Eden, we strongly believe that anyone can attain--or regain-- perfection. Regain? You may ask. Were we ever perfect to begin with?

Yes, we were. When we were first formed in our mother’s wombs, we were perfection personified—each of our cells, tissues, organs, and eventually, systems, worked in beautiful accord with each other. Like a well-rehearsed opera, our bodies, minds, and spirits did not know dissonance. This is the way the universe (or whatever name you may assign to our Creator) meant it.

The journey I embarked ever since I started Sacred Eden, is all about claiming our true and intended selves. It’s all about opening my eyes and my consciousness to powerful and not-so-new knowledge; it’s about remembering in the very sense of the word: re-membering. Gathering up pieces—or if I’m going to push it, dis-membered fragments--of a collective and ancient wisdom about health, living a full life, being at peace with oneself and nature, and putting them back together to create something whole.

Then life happened, and we forgot our true form and purpose. We allowed artificial ways of living to influence the way our bodies and minds worked. We fell out of tune.

Every issue of this magazine gives you, the reader, vital pieces of information and insight that can help you get yourself intact—mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually—as well. This issue, in particular, celebrates men’s health (on account of June being Father’s Day Month), but the articles we have for you can be enjoyed by men and women alike: how to beat everyday stress and boost general health through meditation (page 5); the dangers of alcoholism and how to deal with it (page 13); and a smart guide on shopping for supplements and knowing the real deals from the scams (page 15), among others. Those who enjoy healthy eats will likewise enjoy this issue—we’ve got a feature on the raw food diet (page 17) and great detox teas you can make at home (page 19). Information is power—how many times have we heard that echoed in our favorite TV shows and movies? If one agrees with this, then what you’re reading right now may just be one of the most powerful tools you will ever have. Sacred Eden gives you more than health tips. What we’re sharing with you are keys to unlocking your own sense and source of perfection. All the information, products, and insights we share with you are a labor of love borne out of the belief that everyone of us deserves a long and purposeful life in the best possible state of health we can achieve. Enjoy this issue.

Benjamin Ravaru Editor

Table of Contents



A Note From the Editor



Healthy Solutions


Maintain Those Testosterone Levels!; Risk Factors For Prostate Cancer; Natural DHT Blockers; Stop Smoking, Regain Your Health; Prevent Constipation with Papaya



Achieve Your Best through Meditation. Used as either a spiritual or health exercise, meditation can bring clarity and calmness to the mind—and eventually, a heightened sense of energy to the whole body.

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Stay Positive, Stay Healthy. Your moods and disposition affect your physical health. Here’s how to stay upbeat even when things threaten to run you down.

A Natural Sexual Enhancer. Thailand’s got another secret for pleasure: Butea Superba—long used as an aphrodisiac by the locals, both as a tonic and as a topical solution.

Food and Nourishment


Anyone For Tea? Taken for centuries in the East, green tea is growing in popularity as a staple beverage on healthy tables in the West. Drink to refresh, rejuvenate, and add health to your lives.

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All-Fresh, All-Natural Skincare. Good for nourishing the body, the main ingredients in these D-I-Y facials are great for beautifying the skin as well.

Mineral Makeup— Traditional makeup products can cause the skin damage if worn over time for prolonged periods without adequate cleansing. Switch to a better alternative.


Detox Teas. Easy and quick cleansing and healing drinks you can make in your own home.




Yes, Chocolate is Good for You! Proof that chocolate—especially in its raw or dark form, and preferably organic—carries a host of amazing health benefits and can even help you lose weight!


Health Benefit or Health Risk? Many reports praise the benefits of moderate alcohol consumption, but fail to address the finer points: increased disease risk in a certain age group, and risks to your life, liver, looks and limbs.



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A Health Product Shopping Guide. How to tell scams from the real deal? Read on.


All About The Raw Food Diet. More than just a culinary or health fad, uncooked (or at least, heated till 115-degrees Fahrenheit) food releases all the nutrients our bodies need.


HealthySolutions Maintain Those Testosterone Levels!

Natural DHT Blockers


ere are more reasons to watch what you eat and keep a regular exercise routine:

If your testosterone levels dip, you’ll suffer low sex drive, constant tiredness, depression, and loss of strength. Furthermore, very low levels of testosterone in men increases the risk of obesity and heart attack. Testosterone is a steroid hormone necessary for enhanced libido, energy, immune function, and protection against osteoporosis. In addition, this hormone supports the development of certain male attributes like hair patterns, muscles, and voice modulation. Although testosterone is considered a male hormone, women also need small quantities of it for muscle and bone strength. As people age, a decline in testosterone production is experienced. Environmental toxins, prolonged stress, and depression are just some of the factors that may trigger the body to lower testosterone reproduction. Lifestyle can also be a factor in lowered production of this hormone. Excessive drinking, smoking, lack of exercise, and unhealthy diet may damage the testes and lower testosterone production. Makes you think twice before binging and slacking, huh?

Risk Factors For Prostate Cancer


he prostate is a small, walnut-shaped sex gland in men that produces the seminal fluid, which nourishes and transports sperm. The growth of the cells in the prostate gland is stimulated by the male sex hormone called testosterone. The causes for prostate cancer are unknown, and it progresses very slowly--the early stages show little or no symptoms. If detected early, effective treatment with minimum side effects is possible. Watch out for these signs and symptoms: Urgency in urination Difficulty in starting urination Dull, persistent ache in the lower pelvic area Painful urination, a very slow flow (almost like a dribble) Intermittent urine flow, and a sensation that the bladder is not empty Frequent urination, sometimes including blood Painful ejaculation Persistent pain in the bones, lower back, hip and thighs General ill health, loss of appetite, and decline in weight

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ver 95 percent of hair loss cases are caused by an upsurge in DHT levels. Controlling DHT, therefore, is key to restoring hair growth.

Ways of blocking DHT include keeping it from attaching to the receptors of the hair follicles, reducing the production of DHT in the first place, inhibiting the production of the enzyme 5 alpha reductase (the main cause for the existence of DHT) or reducing the substance that produces the enzyme 5 alpha reductase--cholesterol. Once DHT is effectively blocked the remaining hair follicles will be able to convalesce and begin to grow healthy hair once again. The best natural DHT blocker is zinc. Other supplements that can help are Saw Palmetto, which acts very similarly to Propecia by effectively blocking the 5 alpha-reductase and then by blocking the receptor sites on cell membranes that absorb DHT. Another natural DHT blocker is Pygeum extract, which reduces prolacting levels (responsible for the increase in testosterone), and blocks the accumulation of cholesterol in the prostate glands. Shoutbox: DHT also contributes to other diseases of the body such as prostrate cancer.

The risk of prostate cancer increases with age. As with almost any other cancer, heredity also plays a key role. For reasons unknown, AfricanAmerican men seem to have a higher risk of prostate cancer. A fat-rich diet and sedentary lifestyle also contributes to the risk. Fat causes an increased production of testosterone, which may in turn lead to the development of cancer cells. High levels of testosterone mean higher chances of developing prostate cancer. Therefore men who suffer from hypogonadism, or have been undergoing long-term testosterone treatments are at risk. A vasectomy may also result in prostate cancer, though there is no conclusive proof of this. The best way to naturally reduce the risk from prostate cancer is to eat a diet rich in fiber and low in fat. Regular exercise also helps.

HealthySolutions Prevent Constipation with Papaya Stop Smoking, Regain Your Health


lot of smokers can attest to how difficult it is to get rid of their nasty smoking habits. They have gotten so used to it that they feel like their day lacks something important if they fail to puff even a stick of cigarette. How does one begin to quit smoking and keep their promises to remain smoke-free? Here are some quick and easy ways: 1.Prepare yourself for the battle you’re about to face. Your biggest opponent here is your self--your will and determination to say no to cigarettes. Psych yourself up, think only of positive thoughts. Negativity will only make you lose your drive to quit easier. 2.Make a list. Jot down every reason you have in mind to want to quit smoking. List down all the positive effects quitting will bring you. Write down all the activities you can enjoy once you’ve let go of smoking. This gives you something to look forward to when you’ve finally achieved your goal. 3.Condition your body. Get started in a moderatelypaced exercise routine that will help get your body in the best condition to fight your cigarette cravings. 4.Mark the date. Set the date when you will finally quit smoking. Make it sacred, let nothing or no one break it for you. It may help that you make the quitting date fall on a significant date to make the event something to look forward to. 5.Know what you’re getting yourself into. Keep your expectations simple and attainable. Over-expecting may magnify little failures. Understand what you’ll be battling while trying to quit. You’ll experience withdrawal symptoms, but these symptoms will pass in a matter of minutes, it is just a matter of holding on to your will a little longer than usual. It is also best to keep in mind that most quitters never got what they wanted in their first tries. So don’t be too hard on yourself if you’ve failed a few times before. 6.Gradually cut back on the amount of cigarettes you light. It doesn’t help to abruptly deprive yourself of the cigarette and nicotine intake that you’re body has gotten used to. Something as little as one stick every one or two weeks will help your body ease out of your usual nicotine fills.


onstipation is a condition whereby the fecal matter traveling through your colon remains too long in your colon before traveling out of the rectum.

For a natural cure for this, try papaya: it not only aids digestion but also helps prevent constipation. It provides relief from piles and has anti-cancer properties. Papaya has also been shown to lower cholesterol levels, prevents the formation of urinary stones, prevents intestinal infection by parasites and aids in the proper functioning of the body’s immune system. For lactating mothers, according to traditional beliefs, papaya also helps to stimulate milk production. Papayas contain papain, an enzyme that helps digest proteins (especially food with gluten). Concentrated amounts can especially be found in unripe papaya. This enzyme helps prevent the accumulation of mucoprotein (partially digested protein) in the body and lymphatic system. In fact, papain has been extracted to make dietary supplements for digestion. Thus, the unripe papaya is considered to have more healing powers for constipation than the ripe one. Papayas are a good source of fiber. Its fiber is able to keep cancer-causing toxins in the colon away from the healthy colon cells. Those who are experiencing constipation or at risk of colon cancer should consider taking more papaya. Papaya’s folate, vitamin C, vitamin A, beta-carontene and vitamin E have been linked with reduced risk of colon cancer. Additionally, the antioxidant nutrients found in papaya have also been proven to reduce muscle inflammation and the healing of burns and wounds. You can enjoy papaya on its own, or prepared these ways: 1. Papaya Milk Energy Drink. Cut papaya and blend with milk in a 50/50 mix. Add honey if desired. Papaya milk is a good energy drink for growing children. 2. Papaya Salad (Thai Style). Shred green papaya and cut some tomatoes. For dressing, add chopped garlic, 2 tablespoon fish sauce, 1 tablespoon lime juice, cilantro, Thai basil, 1 teaspoon chopped mint, chili padi (optional) and sugar to taste. 3. Green Papaya Juice. Peel off skin and put in blender. This recipe is especially good for the lymphatic system and after a meal that is heavy in gluten.

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Achieve Your Best through

Meditation Used as either a spiritual or health exercise, meditation can bring clarity and calmness to the mind— and eventually, a heightened sense of energy to the whole body


ccording to Buddhism, a person can reach Nirvana, or the highest state of enlightenment, through continuous meditation and by participating in the Buddha's daily service, among other things. In scientific studies, it has been proven by being in a relaxed state of mind through meditation the person can go into an alpha state--a level of consciousness that promotes good healing. Meditation is spiritual tool and health enhancer in one. More than just the chants and meditative posture, meditation is about proper breathing and concentration of one's thoughts. There are two types of meditation; the concentrative and the mindfulness type. The first focuses more on the person's concentration, sitting quietly and calmly with breathing patterns. Continuous rhythm of inhalation and exhalation of the breath will make the person feel more calm and relaxed, resulting in the mind being more aware and tranquil at the same time. Mindful meditation, on the other hand, involves attention and awareness on passing waves of sensations, images, feelings, thoughts, sounds, smell--anything that your body can interact with. This in turn will give the person a more non-reactive mind state, much like looking at a television, without any feeling or thoughts that can bother you.

Top Alternative Healer The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine reports that 8 percent of Americans use meditation as a health tool, making it one of the top 10 alternative healing options in the U.S. Research on meditation began back in the late 1960s. Herbert Benson, MD, began studying the physiological impact of Transcendental Meditation on individuals. In recent years, the scope of studies has focused on how the practice can reduce symptoms of chronic illnesses--from cardiovascular disease to cancer. Twenty minutes of daily meditation can provide relief for ailments such as low back pain, headaches, depression and anxiety. Suffers of these chronic conditions should attempt to incorporate the meditation practice into their daily routine. If meditation can lower blood pressure, it could be a useful tool in helping patients with hypertension. There are many meditative approaches but regardless of the technique, medical research indicates that the practice of meditation tends to evoke a state of physiological relaxation: blood pressure drops, heart beats slower and breathing is quieter; other biochemical changes can also occur, including raising your immunity towards disease, promoting more restful sleep, and generally energizing the body and mind.

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5 Helpful Ways to Relax The Mind and Uplift Your Spirit 1. Meditation. Meditation is one of the greatest self healing tools available and costs nothing except a little of your time. Put on some meditation music, sit in a cool, dimly-lit room, and breathe evenly. Spending time in quiet contemplation can soothe your soul and reconnect you with the highest aspect of yourself. 2. Aromatherapy and Essential Oils. Rebalance and rejuvenate your spirit through blending a selection of essential oils together in an aromatherapy oil burner. Approximately an hour before retiring to bed place a few drops of the following in an aromatherapy oil burner with some water (for safety’s sake, extinguish the flame before lights are turned off for the night): 4 4 4 3 3

drops drops drops drops drops

Jasmine Rose Neroli Lavender Bergamot

3. Breathe. Stand with feet a shoulder-length apart. Take three slow and deep breaths using the diaphragm muscles. Breathe in through the nose, and breathe out through slightly parted lips. As you do these imagine you’re inhaling your personal power, filling every cell in your body, from your diaphragm up to the top of your head. 4. Be in the Present Moment. Take a few deep breaths and focus totally on this moment, right now. If you’re reading a book or magazine, or even this article, totally focus on the words and take in their meaning. There is only you and this article now in the present moment. If you’re in the workplace, focus totally on the task at hand, and only this task, and what you must do in order to complete it. Nothing else matters except you and the task at hand. 5. Set an Intention. Know what you want, meditate on it, give it a timeframe and open your heart to it.


Train your Brain to Keep You Happy Richard Davidson, a neuroscientist at the University of Wisconsin and Jon KabatZinn from the University of Massachusetts Medical Centre concluded a study that shows us a peek into the way we run our lives. They took a group of 41 stressed, but otherwise healthy, individuals working in a biotechnology firm in Wisconsin. Twenty-five were taught meditation. In this case: mindfulness meditation. The group met for a two and a half to three hour meditation class each week. After six weeks they all attended a seven hour meditation retreat. In addition each member was asked to meditate, at home, for one hour a day using a guided meditation tape. The other 16 were held as a control group and did not receive meditation training until the study was completed. At the end of the eight week program, they also gave all the participants a flu jab. Guess what: The members of the meditation group had a significant increase in antibody titers--in other words they have less chance of catching flu. The bottom line appears to be: If you want to have good health and overcome the day by day blues and maintain happiness learn to meditate. When you meditate you change the way your brain operates. In addition, they found, the more you practice meditation the better your daily performance. ''What we found is that the long time practitioners showed brain activation on a scale we have never seen before. 'Their mental practice is having an effect on the brain in the same way golf or tennis practice will enhance performance.'' It demonstrates, that the brain is capable of being trained and physically modified in ways few people can imagine.--Richard Davidson

Stay Positive, Stay Healthy Your moods and disposition affect your physical health. Here’s how to stay upbeat even when things threaten to run you down


hat do you choose to be? Happy and optimistic—or pessimistic, allowing gloom and negativity to haunt our every waking hour? Our disposition not only affects our behavior but the state of our health, as well. Extensive research has shown that people who are optimistic have a 50 percent lower risk of untimely death than those who are pessimistic. Aside from a lower risk of premature death, having a positive attitude increases a person's energy and ability to handle life's difficulties, helping the person easier attain peace, calm, and joy. Conversely, people suffering from depression and anxiety are at greater risk of having heart disease and other illnesses. Further studies also proved that people who are under extreme prolonged stress are more susceptible to infections like the flu and the viral cold. But let’s get real: sometimes, we just feel too run down or sad to always remain positive all the time. Thus comes in the number of techniques that can be learned to help reduce the impact of stress and anxiety. Relaxation techniques based on Western, Eastern, and other traditional forms of meditation can help us reclaim a positive outlook and not only alleviate but also prevent psychological problems such as depression, anxiety attacks, aggression, and other stress-related illnesses like chronic pain, tension headaches, and hypertension.

Try these techniques: Visual Imagery. Visualize yourself in the midst of a soothing and peaceful scene--a forest, a beach, a stream, a lake, or in the mountains. You could also try recalling a special, happy moment in your life. The practice of visualization slows down the heart rate and breathing patterns. Meditation. Often referred to as the act of “emptying” one's thoughts of all negative thoughts and emotions, meditation helps cultivate calmness and promotes the development of new and fresh insights into a problem and about life itself. Exercise. A good relaxation therapy that is mixed with physical exercise is called isometric squeeze technique, which entails the application of alternate tension and relaxation on the body's 16 different muscle groups.

Steps to a More Positive Life 1. Reduce Stress. Avoid things, events, and people who get you “worked up”, or find the best way to deal with them and bring harmony and peace into your life. 2. Get Plenty of Rest. Get at least seven to eight hours of sleep at night and periodic breaks throughout the day while you’re working. 3. Get Organized. Cut the clutter in your life. Throw or give away things that don’t matter, or which you don’t have use for. Clean up your living and work space. Compartmentalize your belongings. They say your desk is a reflection of your inner state—look at it: are files and pens all over the place? Or is everything arranged in a neat and organized manner? 4. Exercise. Help your body create those stress-busting and feel-good endorphins by giving yourself a good workout! 5. Eat Well. Don’t feed your body junk. Learn to prepare and appreciate good, healthy, freshly-cooked meals with fresh ingredients. Stay away from complex carbs, too much sugar, and processed and fatty foods.

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Body What is Erectile Dysfuntion? Erectile dysfunction (ED), also called impotence, is characterized by a man's failure to have an erection or keep an erection long enough to finish the sexual intercourse. Severity of ED varies among men, with some having irregular ability, to other having total inability to achieve an erection.

A Natural

Sexual Enhancer

Thailand’s got another secret for pleasure: Butea Superba—long used as an aphrodisiac by the locals, both as a tonic and as a topical solution


nown for its beautiful beaches and bustling nightlife, Thailand has one more secret that will make men’s blood quicken: Butea Superba, a herbal plant indigenous to the country, and from which is extracted an ingredient for both topical and oral use for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Butea Superba has been employed as well in traditional medicine for well over a century. It’s a hardy herb in the shape of a crawling herb with long tubers, which contains at least 15 chemicals in the group of direct chain organic acid,s sterol, sterol glycoside, flavonoid and flavonoid glycoside. Known locally as Red Kwao Krua, its female counterpart is the White Kwao Krua, believed to be beneficial to female sexual health.

Its benefits were studied and the active components identified by biomedical researcher Dr Wichai Cherdshewasart. He began his research on Butea Superba in 1991 by traveling all over rural parts of northern Thailand to search for and identify the most potent strains of Butea Superba. More popularly known as Dr. Wichai, this ethnopharmacologist has numerous scientific degrees. In 1998, King Bhumibol of Thailand appointed him to Thailand's National Board of Biosafety, a group which concerns with protecting and preserving the natural plants that are found only in Thailand.

Miracle Plant

Middle-aged and older men in Thailand consider this plant as a natural aphrodisiac, and have been known to use it as a natural form of Viagra. The roots and stem of Butea Superba are used to increase sexual performance; it has the same effects as Viagra-creating vasodilation and increasing blood flow to the penis. It also enhances stamina and sensitivity. Research has shown that Butea Superba does so without over stimulating the nervous, muscular, or cardiac system, making it a safer alternative to the more popular pill.

This plant is now hailed as a sort of miracle plant for more than the benefits it gives sexually, however. The extract of Butea Superba can likewise be taken as an aid to overall health. Its high flavonoid and flavonoid-glycoside content has been shown to support a healthy cardio-vascular system. If you know your supplements, flavonoids are responsible for anti-bacterial, antiinflammatory, anti-allergic, anti-mutagenic, anti-viral, anti-neoplastic, anti-thrombotic, and vasodilatory actions.

Unlike Viagra, though, Butea Superba can also be made into a gel--when applied prior to intercourse, it helps increase penile strength, prolong erection, and prolong post-ejaculation erection.

Before ingesting any supplement, however, remember to consult with your physician. This herb, in particular, may have side effects on men with heart problems.

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Aside from the aging process, Erectile Dysfunction can also be caused by psychological factors (anxiety, stress, depression, and dissatisfaction with a partner), or physical factors (any ailment that prevents the nervous system from responding to arousal, like injuries to the spinal cord, damage to the nerves in the genital area because of diabetes or surgery. In addition to these factors, lifestyles that involve excessive alcohol ingestion, smoking, or unhealthy diets may lead to impotence. Two herbal remedies taken in different dosages are considered two of the world's most effective aphrodisiacs. Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma Longfolia) is a flowering plant that can be found in Malaysia and Indonesia. Historically, this plant in its natural habitat was used a herbal folk treatment for various sexual health problems. Many scientific studies have proven that Tongkat Ali helps boost libido and testosterone levels, which in return may improve sexual performance. On the other hand, horny goat weed (Epimedium) works by improving the blood flow to the penis, which then enhances sexual pleasure and performance. It also helps men increase their stamina, last longer during sex, and reduce premature ejaculation. Despite the existence of these products, men are still encouraged to open up and talk to doctors and other medical specialists to explore other ways of curing their ED.



Anyone For

Tea? Taken for centuries in the East, green tea is growing in popularity as a staple beverage on healthy tables in the West. Drink to refresh, rejuvenate, and add health to your lives


ade from the leaves of the Camellia Sinensis tree, green tea is grown in Japan and is harvested in the spring months. Recent research shows that this tea is particularly beneficial for your healt, being higher in antitoxins than the traditional black tea drunk in the West. Green tea has also been found to have vitamin C and fluoride. Green tea has more of these properties than the traditional black teas because it goes through little or no processing (fermenting or oxidizing). This brings out the antioxidants and vitamins but will reduce the stimulant quality (caffeine) of this tea.

Full Benefits It is recommended to drink at least three cups or more per day to enjoy the health giving properties of green tea. In addition to the ones listed below, it can be used to keep the following at bay: cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, high cholesterol, cardiovascular disease, cataracts, infection, and impaired immune function. Helps in weight loss. The green tea leaves augments metabolism in the body, helping you burn more calories. Fights bacteria. This boosts your immune system and also helps kill bacteria that cause plaque and succeeding tooth decay. Green tea can help in fighting food poisoning. Lowers blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Gets rid of bad breath. Some element is present in green tea that stunts the growth of odor-causing bacteria. Decreases toxins emitted by cigarette smoke. If you are a chain smoker, six cups of green tea a day reduces the risk caused by toxins emitted by cigarette smoke. It’s a beauty aid. Take some tea bags, and freshen up your face by applying them around your tired eyes to soothe puffiness. Green tea can also help get rid of blemishes or freckles. Green tea also has antiseptic purposes, and can be used to treat minor cuts, rashes and to cure sunburn. Helps increase digestive and respiratory health. Boosts your immune system Reduces high blood pressure Helps treat arthritis due to its anti-inflammatory qualities.

The best way to make green tea hot or cold is to make it with loose leaves. These are easily available in many grocery stores and most health food stores. When making iced tea it is good to steep the tea for about 20 to 30 minutes. You can just pour hot water on it and let it cool slowly. Fast cooling will not allow the full taste to come out; so slow cooling at room temperature is best.

Creative Ways to Enjoy Your Tea You can also make some good tea pops. Just fill an ice cube tray with green tea (cooled) and put toothpicks in each square and enjoy when fully frozen. You can also make regular cubes of green tea to add to beverages. If you want to spice up your tea you can add citrus peel as it steeps. Anise and chicory are also added for a change in taste. Citrus peels are especially refreshing with iced green tea. You can also add ginger as a real thirst quencher for those hot days.

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All-Natural Skincare

Good for nourishing the body, the main ingredients in these D-I-Y facials are great for beautifying the skin as well

Steps to Brightening Up Skin To keep your skin vibrant and healthy on a regular basis, you must have a regimen that incorporates exfoliation and nourishing the skin. Exfoliate You should exfoliate at least two to three times a week to keep the skin’s healthy glow. One solution for exfoliating the skin in an in expensive way is to use sugar. Glycolic acid, which is found in most AHA (alpha hydroxyl acid) products is from sugar cane. You can benefit from glycolic acid by using sugar for exfoliation. Simply mix one half to one teaspoon of sugar in with a small amount of your favorite skin cleanser. Wet your face and massage the cleanser/ sugar mixture over your face for one to two minutes. Rinse your face with lukewarm water. You will instantly feel a difference in your skin. Nourish


kin can be naturally cleansed, toned, and lifted without using chemical-based products. You can look into your own kitchens to create these wonderful and cost-efficient facials, and stay beautiful—the natural way!

Peach Facial Works best as a tightening mask Simply take a ripened peach, and remove the skin and the pit from the center. Place the peach and the whites from a single egg in a blender, and whip until smooth. Pat the mixture onto your face, and allow it to sit there for 30 minutes. Rinse with cold water.

Apple Mask Good for refreshing normal skin Peel, core, and quarter an apple. Chop the apple ina blender, and add two tablespoons of honey. Blend until smooth. Then remove the mixture from the blender, and refrigerate for approximately 10 minutes. Apply the mixture to your face using a patting motion, and be sure to pat until the honey becomes tacky. Leave it on for about 30 minutes, and rinse with warm water.

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Give your skin a refreshing drink with a simple nourishing facial mask with powerful ingredients that can be found in your kitchen. Combine one or more main ingredient with a liquid ingredient for to make a wonderful facial mask. Base your ingredient choices on the health properties of each item. Base Ingredient

Strawberry Mask Use extremely ripe strawberries for full benefits! Add approximately one half cup of strawberries and a cup of cornstarch to a blender, and mix until smooth. Apply the mixture to your face, and be careful to avoid the area around your eyes. Leave it on for 30 minutes, and rinse it off with cool water.

Tomato Mask Excellent for blemished skin Chop a ripened tomato into small pieces, and place it in your blender. Add one tablespoon of lemon juice and some instant oatmeal or rolled oats. Mix until it is all combined. Do not mix for too long, as it will not stick to your face. If it gets too thin, simply add more oatmeal. Apply the mixture, and leave it on for 10 minutes. Scrub it off using a warm, wet cloth.

Honey. It is a humectant (which draws in moisture) and it has antibacterial qualities that also stimulates and smoothes the skin. Mango. Provides natural fruit enzymes which also exfoliates the skin. The oil in mangos also helps moisturize the skin. Avocado. A naturally rich moisturizer that has essential fats and oils. Oatmeal. Moisturizing and slightly exfoliating Liquid Ingredient Milk. Enzymes and lactose acid are used to exfoliate and milk fat to condition the skin. Aloe Vera Gel. Healing and softening. Egg White. Tightening and conditioning. Follow your treatments with your favorite hypoallergenic moisturizer.




Makeup— Traditional makeup products can cause the skin damage if worn over time for prolonged periods without adequate cleansing. Switch to a better alternative


ineral cosmetics have their basis in ground-up minerals, including various metal ores and iron oxide. Being natural, they are allergen-free and contain no chemical dyes, added preservatives, fillers, perfumes, oils or talc ñ or other ingredients commonly found in traditional makeup products. Mineral makeup contains only pure mineral pigments in concentrated form. Due to their concentration they perform the functions of concealer, foundation and powder—in an incredibly all-in-one single application which binds to the skin so well that very little touch-up is required as the day progresses. After mineral makeup is first applied--and this can be done very simply with a brush-- the skin might appear a little powdery, but after a short time you will find that it is taken up very well by the natural oils within the skin. And incredibly, you’ll find that by nighttime your face will look just as fresh as it did in the morning when the makeup was first applied, without shine or streaks. Mineral makeup’s purity means that it works well with most skin types and you will find that it adds a day-long youthful sheen to your skin. But it also possesses several other benefits:

It’s a natural sunscreen Mineral foundation powders also contain zinc oxide and titanium dioxide that act as a reflective coating which blocks the harmful effects of the sun. In addition, natural forms of Vitamins A and E are regularly added which have anti-oxidant benefits and also help prevent photo aging of the skin. Treat Your Skin Right Don’t smoke Avoid stress Stay out of the sun Drink a lot water Get enough beauty sleep Eat lots of fruits and vegetables Use a sunscreen Wear sunglasses with anti UV/ UVB-enforced tint

It has antiallergy qualities

It’s easy to apply Mineral makeup can be applied quickly and easily with a brush or sponge, and when applied to clean moisturized skin, it doesn’t smear or run. To immediately do away with the initial powdery effect, all you need to do is mist your face lightly. Ordinary water will do.

It is versatile Due to its day-long enduring qualities, mineral makeup is not only ideal for those with hectic lifestyles, but it has also found favor in the film and beautv industries. Plus, it is often provides a great solution for many with existing skin problems, such as those caused by burns.

It is cost- and time-effective If you are used to cosmetic counter prices, you aren’t going to be totally shocked. However, you should also consider the savings you can make by using mineral makeup. What would you normally put on your face before venturing out in the morning? After a moisturizer, how about a primer? Then there are concealers, foundation, blusher, creams, powder… However when using mineral makeup, after using a moisturizer, you’ll find that many products which were once a part of your daily regimen, now become totally redundant. So the overall savings could be quite significant.

Since synthetic dyes, perfumes and preservatives are avoided in the composition of mineral makeup, there is little risk of skin sensitivity to the ingredients, resulting in a considerably reduced risk of longer-term allergic reactions.

Use SPF-enhanced makeup

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Yes, Chocolate

is Good for You! Proof that chocolate—especially in its raw or dark form, and preferably organic—carries a host of amazing health benefits and can even help you lose weight! By Dianne Ronnow


ore and more studies have recently come out, proving more that chocolate—that candy given so much of a bad rap over the years—can be good for you.

A study at University of California Davis found that participants who ate chocolate showed a reduction in platelet activity. This means that chocolate has an anti-clotting, blood-thinning effect that can be compared to aspirin.

You may have already heard that chocolate contains beneficial flavonoids and antioxidants. Flavonoids are naturally-occurring compounds found in plant foods that are full of recognized health benefits. There are more than 4,000 flavonoid compounds, which are a subgroup of a large class called polyphenols. Phenols are believed to help reduce the risk of heart disease by helping prevent atherosclerosis. The flavanols in chocolate appear to help the body use nitric oxide, which is crucial for healthy blood flow and blood pressure, which means that chocolate might help reduce hypertension as well.

A Harvard University study of 8,000, with an average age of 65, revealed that those who consumed chocolate lived almost a year longer than those who did not. Those who ate one to three candy bars per month had a 36 percent lower risk of death (compared to the people who ate no candy), while those who ate three or more candy bars per week had a 16 percent lower risk.

1. Cacao, the source of chocolate, contains antibacterial agents that fight tooth decay. Of course, this is counteracted by the high sugar content of milk chocolate.

A study of older men in The Netherlands, known for its chocolate, showed that those who ate the most chocolate, an equivalent of one-third of a chocolate bar every day, had lower blood pressure and a 50 percent lower risk of death. The researchers also noted the men eating the most cocoa products were not heavier or bigger eaters than the men who ate less cocoa.

3. Chocolate contains phenyl ethylamine, a mild mood elevator.

Red wine is known for its high phenol content, but an average bar of dark chocolate contains more phenols than eight ounces of red wine. Scientists at Cornell University and Seoul National University examined the cancerfighting antioxidant content of hot cocoa, red wine, and tea, and found that cocoa had nearly double the antioxidants of red wine and four to five times more than tea. Holland's National Institute of Public Health and Environment found that dark chocolate contains 53.5 mg of catechins per 100 grams. (Catechins are the powerful antioxidants that fight against cancer and help prevent heart disease). By contrast, a cup of black tea contains only about 14 mg of catechins and green tea has about 30 mg of catechins.

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Milk chocolate—just a little--is also good for the body And it's not just dark chocolate that is the only healthy type of chocolate. Most studies talk about the benefits of dark chocolate, but some of the most recent news about chocolate includes good news for milk chocolate lovers, who have been left out in the past. The Wheeling Jesuit University in West Virginia did a study that shows that milk chocolate seems to boost brainpower. The groups in the test consumed, on different occasions, milk chocolate,

Chocolate: The Body Defender and Protector—Fast Fact

2. The smell of chocolate may increase theta brain waves, resulting in relaxation.

4. The cocoa butter in chocolate contains oleic acid, a mono-unsaturated fat which may raise good cholesterol. 5. Drinking a cup of hot chocolate before meals may actually diminish appetite. 6. Men who eat chocolate live a year longer than those who don't. 7. The flavanoids in chocolate may help keep blood vessels elastic. 8. Chocolate increases antioxidant levels in the blood. 9. Mexican healers use chocolate to treat bronchitis and insect bites. 10. The carbohydrates in chocolate raise serotonin levels in the brain, resulting in a sense of well-being.

Super Fat-Melting Chocolate Recipe Revealed A special formulation of “super chocolate” has been fast increasing popularity among international models and athletes as a weight loss aid. Formulated by Benjamin Ravaru, an entrepreneur turned wellness advocate (and editor of this publication), this “super chocolate” is dubbed Xocoslim and can reportedly help one safely lose up to 40 pounds in less than three months.

dark chocolate, carob and nothing. Then they were tested for cognitive performance including memory, attention span, reaction time, and problem solving. According to Dr. Bryan Raudenbush, "Composite scores for verbal and visual memory were significantly higher for milk chocolate than the other conditions." The study also found that consumption of milk and dark chocolate was associated with improved impulse control and reaction time. It seems that by consuming chocolate you get stimulating effects from substances found in chocolate, such as theobromine and phenylethylamine, which then lead to increased mental performance.

A Harvard University study of 8,000, with an average age of 65, revealed that those who consumed chocolate lived almost a year longer than those who did not. Feel good Chocolate really does make you feel good, too. It is known to stimulate the secretion of endorphins, producing a pleasurable sensation similar to the "runner's high" a jogger feels after running several miles. Chocolate also contains a neurotransmitter, serotonin that acts as an anti-depressant. Studies in England show that even the aroma of chocolate gives a bout of euphoria and will help lift the spirits. And now people are looking at chocolate for skin care. According to Marlies Spinale, director of Tru Spa, "Like many other antioxidants, cocoa polyphenols are thought to offer the skin protection from free-radical damage caused by sun, pollution, stress, alcohol consumption and other factors. I believe that we will hear more about the benefits of chocolate in skin care." Some people have been avoiding chocolate because one of the main ingredients of chocolate is cocoa butter. It was thought that it was an unhealthy fat, but actually cocoa butter is not unhealthy. It is made up of the beneficial fatty acids--oleic acid (a heart-healthy monounsaturated fat also found in olive oil), stearic and palmitic acids. Stearic and palmitic acids are healthy forms of saturated fat. Plus chocolate contains vitamins A, B1, C, D, and E, as well as potassium, sodium, and iron. It must be stressed, though, that one should keep chocolate consumption in moderation. If available, go for organic chocolate, and stick with darker chocolate because it has more chocolate flavonoids and less sugar--sugar weakens the immune system; so don't consume sugar if you are ill.

Defying modern views of chocolate, Ravaru clarifies that “in the ancient Aztec times, chocolate was revered and respected as a food of the gods. The reason it’s gained its reputation as a junkfood today is because it’s mixed with disease-provoking white sugar and homogenized, pasteurized milk.” After many years of being overweight and desperately trying to lose the extra pounds through traditional means—going to the gym, patronizing carb blockers and pharmaceutical fat burners—Ravaru turned to more holistic ways of weight loss. For nearly a year, Ravaru studied Chinese, Indian, and Tibetan medicine texts and began experimenting with a super-food so rich in nutrients, that it was once used as a currency in ancient times: raw cacao. Chocolate, or more precisely the cacao bean and cocoa powder, is a complete source of nutrition and the number one source of magnesium. According to nutritionists, a person can theoretically survive on cacao alone. Cacao has the highest oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) anti-oxidant rating--26,000 units; the USDA recommends that a person consumes foods with merely 3,000 units a day. That’s five times higher than that of goji berries or acai berries, which have been in the anti-oxidant limelight for the past few years now. Cacao, though, is much more affordable and easier to find at your local health food store. Combined with certain healthy ingredients, it can be made into a dish that not only tastes delicious, but will help one lose weight. Ravaru, who was once a hefty 230 lbs at 5’11” and is now a lean 154 lbs, attests to its efficacy. “You’ll not only melt off the pounds, but optimize your hormones, increase your energy, and your sex drive.” A simple blend of raw cacao powder and healthy sweeteners such as honey, xylitol, or yacon syrup may be used to prepare a simple dish. "Instead of using sugar, you can try yacon syrup,” Ravaru explains. “Yacon is a complex sugar, so much so it's considered a dietary sugar and it has medicinal properties.” To get a rich, creamy texture, Ravaru suggests adding virgin coconut oil. Virgin coconut oil is a healthy fat that provides multiple weight management benefits, fights parasites, candida, stress and fatigue and improves digestion. It’s one kind of fat that’s actually good for the body. Ravaru shares more details on this information and more with a free video presentation on the Xocoslim website. For more details, recipes, and fat-melting tips, please visit

Feature 5 Physical Effects Of Alcohol Abuse Alcohol abuse effects can be far-reaching and devastating, affecting the drinker and those around her or him as well. They can be both psychological and physical, and can be experienced with as little as one or two drinks--as soon as 10 minutes after drinking begins. With continued alcohol consumption on that occasion, the immediate effects of alcohol abuse worsen and become more serious. Here are five of the immediate physical alcohol abuse effects:

Health Benefit

or Health Risk? Many reports praise the benefits of moderate alcohol consumption, but fail to address the finer points: increased disease risk in a certain age group, and risks to your life, liver, looks and limbs


By Jennifer Grossman, Director of the Dole Nutrition Institute.

eware when you read headlines regarding alcohol’s supposed benefits—usually, they extol the virtues and gloss over the truth about alcohol abuse. For example, most of the research regarding alcohol's effects in raising good cholesterol, or HDL, levels looks at men and post-menopausal women. Very little, if any, evidence suggests that alcohol consumption in younger women is beneficial. Even worse, other studies associate younger women's alcohol consumption with increased disease risk. Up to 4 percent of breast cancers can be attributed to alcohol. According to a recent study in the British Journal of Cancer, every drink increases a woman's chances of developing breast cancer. In a recent summary of 63 published studies, 65 percent of the studies found an association between alcohol consumption and increased breast cancer risk. It's tempting to dismiss these health risks by pointing to more obvious ones, like excess weight and inactivity. In fact, 54.3 percent of women age 20 to 39 are obese or overweight. But if you're one of them and you're trying to lose weight and increase fitness, drinking alcohol will hardly help you achieve your goals. Add that much-ballyhooed glass of red wine a day without making any other changes in your diet or exercise, and you'll gain nearly 15 pounds per year. In four years, you'll be 60 pounds heavier, which won't do much to help your heart. Counting calories from alcohol can be doubly difficult. Not only are these calories less satisfying than those from food, these days they're likely to come in super-sized martini glasses. Alcohol sabotages your diet in other ways as well. Lowered inhibitions can lead to overeating, while even one drink can dampen your metabolism for up to 24 hours. Bottom line: Be honest with yourself. Don't use health claims about spirits as an excuse to justify excessive drinking. Keep in mind that plenty of other, better ways to improve heart health are out there. Start by getting and staying fit. Exercise at least five times each week. And eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, whose antioxidants may reduce the risk of heart disease by reducing the oxidation of cholesterol in your arteries. Most of all, remember that less is more. And get all the facts before you go looking for your health at the bottom of a glass of booze.

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1. Inhibitions Become Reduced. At a blood alcohol concentration of 0.05, changes in a person's behavior begins to be noticeable. Alcohol abuse effects and reduced inhibitions can put a person at higher risk for actions they would otherwise not participate in, such as sexual activity, continued drinking or illegal drug use. 2. Loss of Muscle Control. At the level of 0.10, slurred speech will likely be evident. Impaired judgment and poor coordination are physical effects of alcohol abuse that can lead to falls and accidents. 3. Memory Loss and/or Blackouts. Since alcohol depresses the brain's control mechanisms, as blood alcohol levels increase, periods of time and certain situations and events may not be remembered afterward. 4. Stupor. At a blood alcohol concentration of 0.40, a person can hardly function, acting seriously dazed and confused. 5. Coma. At a blood alcohol level of 0.50, a person is at risk for coma, which can be life-threatening. And at this level or higher, respiratory paralysis and death become very much a possibility. Other alcohol abuse effects that are short-term include nausea, hangovers, headaches and fatigue. The longer a person abuses alcohol over time, the higher the chances of the other effects manifesting, and alcohol dependency developing. Malnutrition can develop from a reduced appetite plus inadequate absorption of nutrients in the intestinal tract and from consuming “empty” calories in alcohol. Calories from alcohol are called “empty” calories since alcohol contains no beneficial nutrients, vitamins or minerals. Alcohol is especially harmful to the liver since the liver does most of the work of breaking down alcohol. Alcohol destroys liver cells, and therefore, the ability of liver cells to regenerate. This condition leads to progressive inflammatory injury to the liver and eventually, cirrhosis of the liver.

Alcoholism—Treating and Keeping it at Bay Medications The classical use of medications for alcoholism is to encourage abstinence. Antabuse (also known as Disulfiram), for instance, prevents the elimination of chemicals which cause severe discomfort when alcohol is ingested, effectively preventing the alcoholic from drinking in significant amounts while they take the medicine. Heavy drinking while on antabuse can result in severe illness and death. Naltrexone has also been used because it helps curb cravings for alcohol. Both of these, however, have been demonstrated to cause a rebound effect when the user stops taking them. These do allow a person to overcome psychological addictions to alcohol, but they do not treat the neurochemical addiction. In more recent studies it has been demonstrated that the use of Naltrexone while the alcoholic continues to drink can result in extinction of the neurochemical addiction. Referred to as the "Sinclair Method", this technique is used with good results some US states and in Finland but has failed to penetrate much of the world because of the long-standing bias against any treatment that doesn't involve detoxification and abstinence. Rationing Rationing or other attempts to control use are increasingly ineffective as pathological attachment to the drug develops. Use often continues despite serious adverse health, personal, legal, work-related, and financial consequences. Detoxification Detoxification programs run by medical institutions often involve stays for a number of weeks in specialized hospital wards, where drugs may be used to avoid withdrawal symptoms. In severe cases, detoxification may lead to death. To that point, even a simple "detox" can involve seizures, if not properly monitored. Post Detox Therapy After detoxification, various forms of group therapy or psychotherapy are recommended to deal with underlying psychological issues leading to alcohol dependence. It is also used to provide the recovering addict with relapse prevention skills. Aversion therapies may be supported by drugs like Disulfiram, which causes a strong and prompt sensitivity reaction whenever alcohol is consumed. Naltrexone or Acamprosate may improve compliance with abstinence planning by treating the physical aspects of cravings to drink. The standard pharmocopoeia of antidepressants, anxiolytics, and other psychotropic drugs treat underlying mood disorders, neuroses, and psychoses associated with alcoholic symptoms.

Group Counseling In the mid-1930s, the mutual-help group-counseling approach to treatment began and has become very popular. Alcoholics Anonymous is the best-known example of this movement. Various branches are available for family members of the alcoholic or commonly referred to as the codependents. Other groups include LifeRing Secular Recovery and SMART Recovery. Prevention Some programs attempt to help problem drinkers before they become dependents. These programs focus on harm-reduction and reducing alcohol intake as opposed to cold-turkey approaches. One such program is called Moderation Management. Nutritional Therapy Another treatment program is based on nutritional therapy. Many alcohol dependents have insulin resistance syndrome, a metabolic disorder where the body's difficulty in processing sugars causes an unsteady supply to the blood stream. While the disorder can be treated by a hypoglycemic diet, this can affect behavior and emotions, side-effects often seen among alcohol dependents in treatment. The metabolic aspects of such dependence are often overlooked, resulting in poor results. Return to Normal Drinking Although it has long been argued that alcoholic dependents cannot learn to drink in moderation, research by the U.S. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) indicates a small percentage of individuals in the US whose dependence began more than one year earlier are now drinking in moderation. In contrast, a high percentage who undergo Naltrexone use-reduction therapy are capable of normal drinking habits. Use of Naltrexone involves taking the medication an hour before any drinking occurs in order to maintain this. Societal Impact Today, alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence are major public health problems in North America, costing the region's inhabitants, by some estimates, as much as US$170 billion annually. Alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence sometimes cause death, particularly through liver, pancreatic, or kidney disease, internal bleeding, brain deterioration, alcohol poisoning, and suicide. Heavy alcohol consumption by a pregnant mother can also lead to fetal alcohol syndrome, an incurable and damaging condition. Additionally, alcohol abuse and dependence are major contributing factors for head injuries, motor vehicle accidents, violence and assaults, neurological, and other medical problems. Alcohol addiction is a treatable disease. If you are an alcoholic or are a family member of an alcoholic, contact your physician for the most current treatments available.

54.3 percent of women age 20 to 39 are obese or overweight. But if you're one of them and you're trying to lose weight and increase fitness, drinking alcohol will hardly help you achieve your goals.


A Health Product

Shopping Guide How to tell scams from the real deal? Read on

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Buying Natural Supplements—What to Get, What to Save On Ideally, vitamin and nutrient requirements should come totally from your diet. The problem is, many people make poor food choices every day. And even with a well-balanced diet, studies find that nutrient values of foods have been declining for decades because of soil depletion. When looking to buy natural health supplements, leading the list should be the daily vitamin/mineral/nutrient supplement that is the basis of your supplement program. And all daily supplements are not created equal. Top supplement choices for health and wellness are these:


ake our dodo bird poop extract and your cancer will be cured!”

High-Quality Daily Vitamin/Mineral/Nutrient Supplements. A daily high-quality, broad-spectrum anti-aging natural supplement helps fill in the dietary gaps that everyone will have. Few persons obtain the minimum recommended servings of five to nine cups of vegetables and fruits per day, for example, and thus do not obtain the health benefits associated with these vital foods. The 3-Way Test to Check if a Product is Credible:

“Ancient American Indian dandelion recipe is the cure for AIDS!”

* Research

Just when you think you’ve seen and read it all, yet another miracle cure surfaces. With the way they’re phrased— often with vague but plausible scientific facts and exotic-sounding explanations on how they work--it's often times hard to tell if a product is “for real” or not. Here are a few pointers that should help you choose effective nutritional products instead of hyped-up trash.

* Find out Reactions to its efficacy

Research The first factor you'll wish to look at is scientific research on a product. Ask the company or salesperson for studies from legitimate institutions and experts on their product. First of all, if there have been no legitimate scientific studies done on the efficacy of the product, in a legitimate laboratory, be very wary. That said, any scientific studies that show positive results about the product should also be investigated. You have to determine, for example, if the study was made on the same ingredients, in the same state. For example, a salesman may give you a study showing excellent results with Aloe Vera. Such studies may have most likely been performed using fresh aloe vera; not the particular aloe-derived product that you are considering buying. This is very important, because there are many things that a company can do or not do (even without knowing it) in between harvesting the plant and the actual processing of the ingredient before it is sold. It can often be difficult to determine if a product is processed properly.

* Look into its Reputation

Reputation Another thing to consider is the reputation of the company you are dealing with. The best way is inquiring about the product through the Better Business Bureau. This bureau processes customer complaints and creates reports on each company, and whether or not they were resolved or unattended.

Reactions Another place to get customer feedback on companies is Alexa, a website that keeps track of other websites’ rankings. Alexa allows customers to write reviews on websites; cross-check reviews on other information regarding the product, and compare—if the feedback is hugely disparate or few and far between, then chances are you’ve got a dud. Another way to check out a product is to do testimonial checks. Most companies will have product testimonials, which they use to promote their product. However, many of these are fabricated testimonials. Post a shoutout on forums and focus groups, so you can reach out to more people. Just as many companies use testimonials, many use medical references, generally doctors, who recommend the product. It's a good idea to check and see if the doctors are actually practicing MD's who use and recommend the product, or if they are just paid endorsers or employees of the said company.

Taking one of the cheap one-a-day vitamins is probably a waste of time and money. When considering to buy natural health supplements, vitamins and minerals are just the beginning. The body needs and will use a wide array of anti-aging natural tonics for health and wellness substances - amino acids, antioxidants, bioflavanoids, neuronutrients, herbal extracts, enzymes and other nutrients such as L-Carnosine, alpha lipoic acid and acetyl L-Carnitine and so on. These nutrients must be in the correct proportions to each other based on the latest research. Omega 3 Supplements. From heart health to depression treatment to pregnancy health, Omega 3 benefits are too good to ignore if you are interested in health. Three of the top Omega 3 food sources are cold-water fish, grass-fed (not grain-fed) meat and eggs. Omega 3 oils provide DHA and EPA in a natural form that your body can easily assimilate. No conversion is required by the body as is required for flax oil, for example. Most of the clinical studies on Omega 3 benefits are based on fish oils from consuming fish and fish oil supplements. Natural Cholesterol Lowering Supplements. The most effective is policosanol which comes from sugar cane. Its cholesterol-lowering abilities are published in over 80 clinical studies, which are more studies than for most prescription drugs. Policosanol significantly lowers total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and increases highdensity lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol without the side affects associated with the statin drugs. Arthritis Supplements. There are nutrients that have been shown to reduce inflammation, swelling and stiffness. Aiming to achieve long term pain relief by targeting the cause, not just the arthritis symptoms, should be the goal of arthritis natural tonics for health and wellness. Sexual Enhancement Supplements. Many sexual problems (and health problems) are related to nutrient deficiencies. In men, for example, men with impotency problems also suffer from cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes or are taking prescription drugs which commonly cause sexual dysfunction problems. Restore your general health and your sexual health will automatically follow.


All About The

Raw Food


More than just a culinary or health fad, uncooked (or at least, heated till 115degrees Fahrenheit) food releases all the nutrients our bodies need By Sylvia Riley


he raw food diet is as much a lifestyle as an eating plan; a naturalistic approach which excludes, in addition to cooked and animal foods, processed and refined ingredients. Unlike many other bandwagons however, raw foods (also referred to as “living foods”), offer unarguable health benefits and one can reap rewards even as a 50 percent dabbler. To be a 100 percent extremist takes commitment, discipline and education and is best introduced gradually to avoid the overwhelm of inevitable detoxification.

Raw Power Raw plant foods are healthy, regenerative, cleansing, energizing, predominantly alkaline, and packed with vitamins, minerals, healthy oils, enzymes and antioxidants that promote health, beauty and longevity. As well as enhancing digestion and protecting against aging and disease, a raw food diet has noted weight loss benefits and promotes clear, beautiful skin. The benefit of raw food becomes even more apparent in view of the effects cooking can have on constituents in food.

What is Raw Food?

The Effects of Cooking

A food is essentially “raw” if it is kept below 115 degrees Fahrenheit—any degree above that, and the food enzymes are destroyed. Eating raw food ensures a rich intake of nutrients, fibre, healthy oils and life-giving enzymes. Raw food is much more easily digested, taking half to a third of the time of cooked food, around 24 to 36 hours compared to 40 to 100 hours. Raw vegetables and fruits are also predominantly alkaline so help to optimize the pH balance of the body (around 60 to 80 percent alkaline foods being recommended for an internal environment resistant to disease).

Arthur Baker writes in Awakening Our SelfHealing Body, “Overly cooked foods literally wreck our body. They deny needed nutrients to the system since heat alters foodstuffs such that they are partially, mostly, or wholly destroyed. Nutrients are coagulated, deaminized, caramelized and rendered inorganic and become toxic and pathogenic in the body.”

Whole foods, sprouts and raw juices are favored in a raw food diet, and dehydrator “ovens” effectively concentrate the flavor of certain raw foods to assist in the creation of a mind-boggling array of as-cooked dishes.

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The indigestible end products of cooked foods can linger in the gut, clogging the intestines and interfering with healthy elimination. They can cause a build-up of toxins, mutagens and carcinogens. Carbohydrates ferment, proteins putrefy and fats become rancid, creating free radicals that enter the blood stream. Lipufuscin, the “aging pigment”, is an example of a waste product created from damaged proteins and fats. It accumulates in

Why Go Raw? A diet of at least 75 percent raw food offers numerous health benefits, such as increased energy, improved skin appearance, better digestion, weight loss and reduced risk of serious illnesses like heart disease, diabetes and cancer. A raw food diet contains little or no saturated fats, is low in sodium, high in potassium, magnesium, folate and fiber. Raw food diets are also excellent detox diets. Different combinations of raw, living foods and juices can be used for colon cleansing, liver cleansing, kidney cleansing and skin cleansing.

the skin and nervous system and is visible as brown “liver spots” on the skin and eyes. Toxic by-products and excess free radicals from cooked foods can weaken the immune system and accelerate the aging process.

Juice It! Sprouts can be used in salads and soups, or can be juiced. Fresh juices are a great ready energy supply and produces living juices that are full of essential nutrients. A great juicing recipe to complement a raw food diet is carrot juice with potato, fennel and apple. Simply juice 4 medium carrots, 2 apples, 1 small potato and 1 small stalk of fennel. Fennel has been shown to reduce and control inflammation of arthritis, it evens mood fluctuation and depressive states and has the rare nutrient called manganese, plus zinc and vitamin B complex. The nutritional value of grains and seeds is impressive. They contain most of the vitamins ñ particularly A, B, and E. Theyíre also fantastic natural sources of unsaturated fatty acids and lecithin, and an excellent source of proteins.

Enzymes Cooking destroys enzymes in our food. These delicate, heat sensitive proteins can destabilize at temperatures as low as 115 degrees Fahrenheit, hence even light steaming can render them inactive. Enzymes, so abundant in a raw food diet, are highly functional catalysts involved in various health-regulating tasks in the body, such as breaking down food in digestion, delivering nutrients, carrying away toxic wastes and strengthening the endocrine and immune system. All living cells contain enzymes which function in cooperation with other minerals. As there is not an unlimited supply of enzymes, eating them in our food lifts the burden off organs to produce digestive enzymes which allows a greater use of enzymes for other metabolic purposes, freeing up more energy for the performance of other tasks.

Nutrients In cooking food we can loose up to 97% of water-soluble vitamins (B and C) and 40 percent of fat-soluble vitamins (namely A, D, E and K).

Proteins Foods To Get You Started Any fresh fruits, vegetables, grains, seeds, beans, nuts, legumes, young coconut milk ñ even seaweed ñ can be menu items of a raw food diet. Your choice of foods may depend on your reasons for dieting, for example: Sprouted brown rice slows glucose absorption and improves the metabolism Cabbage supports healthy cellular function; radish leaves act as an antioxidant, as does Shitake mushroom Carrots are a great source of vitamin A as well as encouraging healthy vision and a healthy cardio-vascular system You can use a sprouter to sprout seeds, grains, beans--even wheatgrass. Sprouts could be called a “super food”--organic sprouts contain enormous levels of proteins, vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, chlorophyll pigments and enzymes, and are the ideal natural supplement. You can even use soy milk makers to make non-dairy drinks from different beans, rice, nuts, seeds and grains to have with breakfast. If you want something a little more substantial than soy milk you can make your tofu (or, of course, visit a good health food shop).

Heat denatures proteins, modifying their molecular structure and rendering them unusable. The bacteria in the gut feeds upon undigested proteins that tend to putrefy, giving rise to toxins. Raw foods provide healthy, readily available protein in greater supply without undigested residue.

Fats Oils are heat, light and air sensitive. Heating can destroy the goodness of an oil and alter molecules generating toxins and free radicals. Unrefined oils that are cold-pressed contain all their natural healthy substances (olive oil for example is rich in phytonutrients, flaxseed oil a great source of omega-3 fatty acids and so on). Oils should be kept refrigerated in dark sealed containers.

Fiber Fiber is essential for health and helps to flush out the intestines, scrubbing them clean and aiding elimination. With cooked food fiber becomes a soft substance, loosing its brush-like quality. It can partially rot, ferment and putrefy in the gut, causing toxins, gas and heartburn.

Super Raw Eating superfoods enhances a raw food diet even further. Superfoods are the most potent, antioxidant rich, nutrient dense, disease fighting, anti aging, beautifying, mood enhancing, immune boosting foods on the planet. Raw superfoods ensure an optimum intake of nutrients and phytochemicals for optimum health.

Last But Not the Least… As with any major change in diet, it’s wise idea to consult your doctor before beginning a special diet. This is especially true for children, pregnant women, anyone with anemia and anyone with a pre-existing medical condition. Even natural foods can conflict with certain medications, so please ask your doctor or pharmacist if you’re taking any medication. Because a raw food diet is detoxifying some people suffer a mild detox reaction including mild headaches, nausea and cravings. These symptoms may last for several days and you’ll get more enjoyment out of your raw food diet if you cut down on things like meat, sugar and caffeine a week or so before commencing the diet. A raw food diet is certainly a good way to improve your overall health and wellbeing. Like anything worthwhile it takes time, energy and commitment. Because many of the foods for this particular type of diet are made from scratch there is some preparation time involved. There are many great products on the market that can help you prepare your own living food and save you some time as well. Combined with regular exercise, a raw food diet is also an excellent weight loss method. If you’ve been feeling “a little off”, or just need a pick-me-up and some extra energy, then a raw food diet is certainly a good way to go.

Detox Teas Easy and quick cleansing and healing drinks you can make in your own home

Make a pitcher of green tea and add the contents of a can of organic sliced peaches. Chill thoroughly.

Ginger Healing Tea with Turmeric Turmeric--that richly-flavored, ginger-like root—has amazing healing properties. It’s a free-radical-fighting antioxidant-rich curry spice that has been hailed as a defense against both cancer and Alzheimer’s. Try this blend with citrus and maple syrup to make the perfect blend of healing nutrients. Ingredients 2 cups water 1/2 teaspoon powdered ginger 1/2 teaspoon powdered turmeric 1 Tablespoon maple syrup Juice of 1/2 lemon Procedure 1. Bring water to a boil, then add powdered herbs. Simmer for 10 minutes. 2. Strain tea into a mug, add maple syrup and lemon, stirring to combine. Drink warm. Makes 1 serving.

Peachy Iced Green Tea According to clinical studies conducted by Dr. Abdul Dulloo, of the University of Geneva in Switzerland, green tea raises metabolic rates and speeds up fat oxidation, thereby helping you lose weight. Green tea contains flavonoids and polyphenols that make it a great immuneenhancing health-booster and anti-cancer agent. Ingredients 6 green tea teabags 6 cups cold water 2 ripe peaches, pitted and sliced Procedure 1. Place teabags in a large teapot or pitcher. 2. Put sliced peaches in a saucepan, add cold water, and bring to a brisk boil, then pour water and peaches over teabags. 3. Steep for 6 minutes, then add sweetener (maple syrup, honey or Succanat are recommended). Allow tea to cool, then refrigerate until thoroughly chilled. 4. Include a few peach slices in each glass and serve with a spoon, garnished with a sprig of mint, if you like. Makes 6 servings.

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