Sacred Eden - October & November 2010

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Break Out of Your Fitness Rut!

New Moves and Attitudes, page 15




ften taken for granted and even sometimes used jokingly is the condition known as Adult ADHD. It’s gotten more and more attention over the years, however, the latest research being about “adding cognitive behavioral therapy -- an approach that teaches skills for handling life challenges and revising negative thought patterns -- to pharmaceutical treatment for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) significantly improved symptom control in a study of adult patients,” according to a report from Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) in Journal of the American Medical Association. "Medications are very effective in 'turning down the volume' on ADHD symptoms, but they do not teach people skills," explained Steven Safren, PhD, ABPP, director of Behavioral Medicine in the MGH Department of Psychiatry, who led the study. "This study shows that a skills-based approach can help patients learn how to cope with their attention problems and better manage this significant and impairing disorder." More than 4 percent of adults in the U.S. have ADHD. A feature in this issue (page 13) takes up the needs and special considerations of those who do suffer from it, and gives alternatives to non-medication treatments, as espoused by the newest research. Sacred Eden is committed to that—to giving natural methods to dealing with conditions and ailments. We believe the road to recovery is more fulfilling that way—and more inspiring to other people. Another issue which has gained popularity in recent years is Acid Reflux syndrome (page 17), which is a sign of the times. High-level stress factors, coupled with unhealthy eating habits, only exacerbate this condition. Some sectors say that left unabated, Acid Reflux can lead to cancer of the esophagus. But we’re not all doomsday predictions in this issue. We’ve got the usual stuff that applies to everyone as well—tips on staying fit, sticking to a healthy diet, and, especially in the case of this issue, upping the ante when it comes to your fitness workouts (page 15). Recognizing that everyone—greenhorn gym goers, longtime exercise fanatics, and professional athletes—hit some sort of roadblock or plateau when it comes to their regimens, we’ve brought you practical tips and pointers to ponder on that’ll jumpstart your active life. For those, meanwhile, stuck in the rut of compulsive eating and being addicted to unwise food picks, this issue gives tips on breaking free from bad eating habits on page 9. Because Sacred Eden is also committed to bringing you enlightened choices about your health, we give you a look at Vitamin C, that much-touted “wonder vitamin.” We answer your questions as to its real efficacy, and explain why some qualities of Vitamin C—as drug companies and marketers would espouse—are indeed factual, while others may be just hype. Please turn to page 7 for more. What every reader should turn to is page 11, however. On it, we reveal the ultimate superfood source—an amazing supplement created by Ron Teeguarden that consists of 71 super powerful food components. Sourced from pristine areas around the world, from deep in the sea to the highest mountaintops, this supplement is called Tonic Alchemy. Master herbalist brought modern science know-how and ancient Chinese tonic wisdom to make a blend that does wonders for one’s nutrition. Check it out now. Have a good read, everyone.

The Sacred Eden Team

Table of Contents 4




A Note From the Publishers


Healthy Solutions


An Acid Vs Alkaline Diet; 5 Best Ways To Lose Weight; Know the Types Of Steroids—and What to Stay Away From; 5 Simple Tips To Fix Makeup Mistakes




Techniques To Help You Meditate Better. Even seasoned meditation practitioners can lose focus in the speed-crazed, mindset of modern life. We need all the help we can get. Here are some tips to get in tune with our spiritual selves



An Equation for Better Health. Sometimes, getting healthy doesn’t have to be a grand production. Following these four steps is a good, easy start

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Yes, You Have To Go To The Dentist. This tedious chore is more valuable to health and good looks than you think!


Vitamin C - The Wonder Vitamin? Does vitamin C deserve all the publicity it’s been getting—or is it all hype?


Break Bad Eating Habits! Busting the habits of snacking on junkfood in between meals, emotional eating, skipping meals or binging may be a challenge, but it’s all worth it

Food and Nourishment



One Great Fruit for Lower Blood Pressure. The tomato is a fruit, not a vegetable—and here are five easy ways to get the most out of it!


Detoxifying with Teas. These two easy-to-make teas heal and protect you from illnesses, and are good detoxifiers, too


Tonic Alchemy. Just a single tablespoon of this blend of superfoods provides more nutrition than what most Americans get in a day!


Hair Apparent. Touted as a magic potion for long life, He Shou Wou is best known for its hairrestoring qualites


MSM’s Got It All. From building collagen to calming inflamed muscles, MSM does its piece on being the youth elixir of the times


Sacred Eden is Here to Bring You Back to Perfection



Adult ADHD and Procrastination. Taken for granted by most people, planning and looking forward is a source of fear for those with ADHD. Learn how to deal and other ways to cope


Prevent Acid Reflux. Commonly known as “heart burn”, this condition poses more discomfort than most people realize


Get Out of Your Fitness Rut. Whether a newbie or a veteran in the fitness game, we all encounter plateaus which may be difficult to overcome. Learn your way around and get back on track!



ur body’s internal system needs a PH of just above 7.0; our immunologic, enzymatic and repair mechanisms all function at their best in this alkaline range.

If our body becomes over acidic, i.e. under a PH of 7, you may start to experience a combination of these symptoms: Low energy, fatigue Nasal congestion Hives Muscle Pain Weak nails, dry skin, dry hair Frequent colds, flu and infection Headaches If you have these symptoms and eat foods which create acid in the body, you may need to balance it with an alkaline diet. There is a whole list of foods that cause the body to be over-acidic: dairy and dairy substitutes, animal meat, most grains, chickpeas, condiments, aspartame, prunes, chocolate, peanuts, alcohol and quite a few other types of foods. To balance your PH, the remedy is simple and logical; eat more alkaline causing foods, like watermelon, lime, mango, most vegetables, vegetable juices, almonds, sprouts, avocados and green tea. The benefits of an alkaline diet include: Rapid weight loss Increased energy The need for less sleep Improved skin and hair condition Better mental attitude



hen you are dealing with a phenomenon as diverse as human beings, it is very difficult to create rules which will work equally well for everyone. Nevertheless, there are some characteristics shared by all human beings, and this means that some basic principles can be developed. Here are five proven techniques to help you lose weight. 1. The most fundamental strategy of successful weight loss is to burn more calories than you take in. You shouldn't find it difficult to apply this in some aspect of your life. Adjust your diet by cutting down on high fat food, and take some simple exercise for twenty minutes, three times a week. Going for a brisk walk instead of driving everywhere will have the desired effect, as will gentle jogging or swimming. 2. Gym membership is becoming increasingly popular, and, as long the exercise you do is well planned, it can be extremely beneficial. Aerobic exercise has to be the focal point of your plan, otherwise you could do more harm than good. Provided you adhere to this basic rule, some anaerobic weight or resistance training can help tone up your body. This will give you more strength and vitality, and should increase your confidence. 3. Going to see a professional nutritionist or dietician can pay off handsomely. If you go it alone, you will need to put in some serious research to make sure you are genuinely eating healthily, and many who try this find themselves discouraged by the lack of variety in their diet. It certainly doesn't have to be that way, as there are plenty of different healthy meals which help you lose weight. Getting the advice of a professional can make the task of losing weight seem so much more enjoyable! 4. Find a friend to train with. If you and a friend are both regularly free at the same time of day, it can make sense to train together. Having someone to help you through the times when you don't seem to be getting anywhere can keep you in the game until the improvement suddenly appears. Having a social aspect to your exercise will help you look forward to it, and make you more likely to stick to it! 5. Eat less food more often. Many medical practitioners now recommend eating more meals a day, with less food at each one. This is a more balanced way to take food into the body, spreading the load on the body over a far wider period of time. The system of eating three meals a day is designed far more to fit in with the working day than it is to fit in with the needs of the human body. When you eat less more often, the body absorbs more of the nutrients in the food, so your body craves fewer calories.

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teroid or sex hormones are produced naturally in the human body by the adrenal glands. Steroids can also be formed as a medication or drug. Steroids are available lawfully only by proper recommendation. Small steroid doses are taken to deal with a handful of critical medical conditions like AIDS, Cancer, liver tumor etc. Different types of steroids do have legitimate medical uses The different types of steroids have different function to play. There are basically three types of steroids that include corticosteroids, estrogens and progestogens, and androgens. The types of steroids are explained below: Corticosteroids. Corticosteroids are formed in the adrenal cortex that are involved in a range of physiological arrangements such as blood electrolyte levels and behavior, immune and stress response and regulation of inflammation, carbohydrate and protein catabolism. Estrogens and Progestogens. Such types of steroids are the female steroid hormone responsible for the development of secondary sexual features in them. These types of steroids can also maintain the female reproductive system. Androgens. The male sex hormone produced in the testes, which is responsible for typical male sexual traits. Testosterone is the important androgenic hormone that looks after the male reproductive system. Testosterone is normally given to treat female breast cancer, androgen deficiency, and for growth stimulation, weight increase, and RBC production. Some types of steroids are harmful to human body, and they are banned or banished by governmental authorities. Sometimes physicians recommend different types of steroids to treat certain kinds of anemia and men who don’t produce enough testosterone on their own. Doctors also prescribe corticosteroids to reduce swelling. People use various types of steroids for a number of purposes. Some people use steroids to enhance their muscle mass and overall strength, others make use of steroids to treat their illness. Some types of steroids help annihilating some types of cancer cells and can make chemotherapy more in effect. Dexamethasone, hydrocortisone, methylprednisolone and prednisolone are the common types of steroids that are used in treating cancer. Steroids abuse is common among athletes engaged in power sports such as power-lifting, muscle building, baseball, football and rugby. The various types of steroids available in the market include Testosterone, Dianabol, Danocrine, Anadur, Anavar, Andriol, AndroGel, Anadrol, Cheque Drops, Oxandrin, Winstrol, Deca-Durabolin, Durabolin, Equipoise, and Depo-testosterone.

5 SIMPLE TIPS TO FIX MAKEUP MISTAKES “I’ve put on too much foundation!” This is a very common mistake that we all make when we put on makeup. If you are totally made up, to take off any excess foundation, do the following: * Lightly moisten a clean sponge with water (the sponge should be almost dry and without any makeup residue) and sponge all of your face with downward movements. TIP: It’s very important, most of all, to avoid excess foundation and concealer around the eyes. To eliminate any excess in this area, perform the same step and afterwards use your fingertips to softly blur the product in that area. “My eyeshadow looks too dark!” If you’ve put on too much eyeshadow, or it looks too dark, follow these steps to quickly fix the problem: * If it happened on your upper eyelid, blur the eyeshadow toward the edges with a clean brush to reduce the color. If it still looks very dark, apply a little bit of matte cream eyeshadow with a brush (if you don’t have cream eyeshadow, you can use translucent powder) and blur the eyeshadow. *If it happened on the lower part of your eye, use a fine, clean brush to blur, or pat it softly with a Q-tip. *If as you were blurring, you’ve left the contour of the eyelid and the shadow looks very dark, blur it with a clean sponge and afterwards apply a little bit of foundation, patting lightly to fix the foundation. “I’ve put on too much blush!” If you applied too much blush, try the following tip: * Stroke your cheek with a thick, loose powder brush--the brush should be completely clean. If you still have too much blush on, apply translucent or clear powder with the same brush, just over the blush. That way the two powders should mix, clarifying the original color. “I’ve put too much makeup on my eyebrows!” * When we put too much makeup on our eyebrows, we look harsh and we can’t even recognize ourselves. * Simply brush the eyebrow with a clean Q-tip, going against the grain of your eyebrow. You will see how quickly the color you initially applied disappears. “I’ve smeared mascara on my eyelid!” * Continue applying makeup and when you have finished, allowing enough time for the mascara to dry, apply a Q-tip right over the smudge. You’ll see how it quickly disappears and you donít need to remove the makeup from your whole eye. TIP: A good trick to avoid smudging yourself is applying makeup first to your inferior eyelashes and then to the superior.

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Even seasoned meditation practitioners can lose focus in the speed-crazed, mindset of modern life. We need all the help we can get. Here are some tips to get in tune with our spiritual selves


Whether it’s through faith, music, or some other type of artistic expression, you must find what will awaken your soul in order to strike balance in your life. Here are some tips to guide you:

nce thought of as a ritual performed by men who shaved their heads, wore long robes and lived in mountain caves, this mind quieting, stress relieving natural selfhealing practice is becoming so commonplace that corporations such as Deutsche Bank, Google and Hughes Aircraft recognize the intuitive powers of it and offer meditation classes to their employees.

Ask yourself: What are your goals for the future? What would you like to ultimately achieve in your life? Is it spiritual enlightenment? Is it social status? Or is it merely to be the best person you can be, and make a contribution to society? What is important, though, is the process by which you attain your ultimate goal. That is what will generate your passion.

But how does one detach himself from distractions to top into their body's natural potential to break free?

Try to focus on the positive, and do not dwell on the negative. Recall you accomplishments and good deeds. Doing this will help keep you positive, and keep your spirit up. If you constantly remind yourself of your mistakes, you will find it harder to succeed down the road, and your mind, body, and soul will work against you.

Stress is created when the mind is not doing what the body is. If you are doing bills and your mind is wandering from picking up the kids and making dinner to finishing up at work, that creates stress. But if your mind is focused on what your body is doing, then there is no stress. This is a fundamental meditation technique.

You’ve heard of finding your “happy place” right? This form of meditation helps you take your mind and spirit to a comfortable place that fills you with happiness. This is an ideal thing to do when you are in the middle of a stressful day at work or with the kids; it provides the perfect opportunity to regroup.

GET REAL Most meditation techniques assume the mind-body already exists. This works well in a mountain monastery, but can be difficult to achieve in the real world. Look for ways to utilize textures that interest you, sounds that soothe you, and scents that enhance your focus. Experiment with simple, easy motions to relax your body and to prepare yourself for meditation. Motion can focus the mind and help you break away from the whirlwind of thoughts generated each day. Think of running your hands through a fountain, if you have one available. Play with smooth stones, or make shapes of clay or sand. Flip a smooth stick of wood or roll it back and forth between your hands.

USE MUSIC Whatever kind of music you enjoy, you can find this as a very relaxing way of meditation. For a lot of you that are in good physical shape and like to exercise in a gym at home, or even by jogging, you want to be able to free your mind of a lot of things that have bothered you through the day. If you are out and about doing your exercises take a portable MP3 player with you and let the music take all of your tension away.

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Soothing music during a hot bubble bath (water cleanses bodies and minds) clears the mind and helps you gather thoughts.

MAKE YOUR LIFE A MEDITATION Uniting body, mind, and soul is the ultimate form of meditation, however. In that state, everything we do is a prayer and an homage to the Divine. Part of uniting these three elements of your person is knowing what makes you passionate. Knowing what makes you passionate will help you get in touch with your soul, to feel creative energy, to feel truly alive. Spiritual or creative passion can help you to achieve those feelings.

Spark a change. Plan a vacation, even if it is just for a weekend. Nothing does the body, mind, and soul better than a little change of scenery. Go where you will be happy, and be able to let loose and have some fun. Try it on your own. It might sound scary, but you will be surprised at how relaxed and refreshed you will be after a weekend all to yourself! Try some daily affirmations. Pick three things that you can say out loud in the mirror that will help you stay centered, positive, and focused. Saying something often enough has the power to make it true for you. Remember not to dwell on the negative, focus on the positive. Three basic affirmations that you can work from include: “I am safe and secure.” “The Universe gives me everything that I need.” “My income will continue to increase.”

Body EQUATIONS FOR STAYING HEALTHY The rule of 3: Keep note of what

you do during the times of day: morning, afternoon, and evening. Plan out the activities in their appropriate time. There are activities that are suitable in the morning, or maybe until the afternoon, and there are also some personal activities that are suitable for the evening. Any unplanned schedule and adherence therefore would result in added stress, and therefore be detrimental to the self.


FOR BETTER HEALTH Sometimes, getting healthy doesn’t have to be a grand production. Following these four steps is a good, easy start

Examples of activities that are good in the morning are exercise, early morning sunshine, a time to reflect and plan other activities for the rest of the day, and breakfast. As for the afternoon, continued work from the morning, a little bit of recreation perhaps, and an eagerness to get home and rest. Evenings are good for a cool down walk in the neighborhood, spend time with the family, watch a little television, and definitely sleep. (The exact activities that are placed into these three different times throughout the day differ from each person’s career and work schedule. Nevertheless, it is always safe to assume one of these times as resting and sleeping schedule.)

Six small meals: Recent studies

have shown that the average daily caloric requirement needed per day is best digested and assimilated if they were distributed into six small meals instead of three large ones as considered before. This allows the body to digest the food at a constant rate without oversupplying and causing the body to store excess nutrients into fat.


ealthy living in bite-sized nuggets? It’s possible. Here are four very important healthyliving pieces of information you can actually use.

STEP 1: NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS Necessary and very beneficial- especially when combined with healthy eating habits. It's very difficult to get all the nutrients your body needs through food alone, but combining proper nutrition with nutritional supplements is very powerful. That being said, the one supplement everyone should be taking is a good multi vitamin/ mineral. Look at it as added insurance- eating well is crucial, but now that you're also taking a multi, you can rest assured you're getting the nutrients your body needs.

STEP 2: NUTRITION Good nutrition is very important. You are what you eat, remember that. Make a conscious effort to gradually improve your eating habits, eating more of the good foods (nuts, berries, peanut butter, olive oil, greens, chicken, whole grains, etc.) and less of the bad foods (fried food, saturated fat, fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, etc.). Reading the label of what you're eating will tell you a lot. You may think you lack the needed willpower, but you'll be amazed at what happens when

you start to gradually improve your eating habits.

STEP 3: EXERCISE Exercise is the missing piece of the puzzle when it comes to better health. There are so many benefits of exercising, including stronger bones and improved libido--it's a no brainer to start doing it. Your goal should be to exercise 3-5 times a week with a combination of cardio exercises and strength training (but no more than 1 hour per workout session). It's been measured that if you add 3 pounds of muscle to your body, this added muscle will burn as many calories as if you ran 1 mile. Muscle burns calories!

STEP 4: STRESS MANAGEMENT AND SLEEP Stress management and getting good sleep each night round out your path to better health. Until you find a way to manage your stress, it will continue to do damage to your body. Two tips you might want to implement include prioritizing your day each morning and practicing deep breathing exercises (yes, you probably already knew this, but have you tried it?). Getting enough sleep each night is equally important when you consider your body uses this time to repair itself. You should aim for 7-9 hours each night. Two tips you might want to implement include exercising and avoiding late night eating.

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DENTIST This tedious chore is more valuable to health and good looks than you think!

t does sound like a boring topic, but going to the dentist is one of the biggest obstacles to absolute health (and beauty!).

And face it: You can’t achieve the best personal dental care if you just depend on yourself and your resources at home. Dentists are equipped with tools, machines and instruments that would surely make your teeth and mouth cleaner, fresher and better. Perhaps one of the most common pieces of advice that dentists give their patients is to be careful with what they eat and drink. Eating and drinking sugary stuffs such as candies, cakes and soda can attract a lot of plaque to stick to your teeth. If you want to have healthy teeth, do try to eat more fruits and vegetables and drink more water than soda. Going to the dentist every six months is considered more as prevention against cavities, plaque build-up and other teeth and mouth-related problems. The goal of dentists is to prevent gun disease, tooth decay, and other disorders that put the health of your teeth and mouth in jeopardy. A casual consultation with a dentist will usually consist of three parts: a medical and dental history (this is where the dentist asks questions about tooth care and reviews past dental records), dental examination and professional cleaning (oral prophylaxis). The dentist will then examine the gums, teeth and other tissues surrounding the mouth. The joints of the jaws may also be included in the examination to check for the over-all health of an individualís mouth. Dentists usually use a probe and mirror to check the crown (the visible part) of each tooth for evidence of looseness, decay or plaque. The dentist may also check the quality of your bite and the way your teeth fit together.

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After checking the teeth, the dentist will usually proceed to examine the general condition of the gums. Healthy gums are pink and firm--not swollen, soft or inflamed. If the dentist can find deep depressions (or pockets), he or she might suspect that an individual has gum disease. When the dentist is finished examining the visible parts of the mouth and teeth, the dentist will then take X-rays that could possibly reveal abscesses, tooth decay, or impacted wisdom teeth. Abscesses should really be discovered right away because it involves collection of pus surrounded by tissues that are swollen. If it won’t be treated right away, it might be a source for other complications.

WHY PROFESSIONAL CLEANING IS BETTER THAN NORMAL TOOTH Professional cleaning aims to remove hard deposits with the use of a scraping instrument named a scaler. Aside from a scaler, an ultrasonic machine may also be used by the dentist; it uses high frequency sound waves to facilitate the loosening of plaque deposits. After cleaning, most dental hygienists will polish the teeth. Polishing of the teeth smoothens and cleans the teeth’s surfaces, removing annoying stains and making the teeth more resistant to plaque. There is also a dental hygiene package that consists of application of fluoride sealant or compound to help prevent or slow down decay.

The world is full of instant solutions and shortcuts and dental care is not exempted from the variety of instant solutions. A lot of breath mints and breath fresheners are available in the market today, offering instant fresh breath to individuals who are perhaps too busy to spend at least three minutes to brush their teeth. Aside from the fact that breath mints and breath sprays can’t really rid your teeth and mouth of minute pieces of food debris, they are also not good for long term use. The truth is, breath mints and breath freshener sprays are only good at masking mouth odors. Sure, they can give you instant fresh breath that can probably last for a few hours, but when you look at your mouth through a microscope, you will really be disgusted and appalled by all the bacteria and food debris that can be found in your mouth and in between your teeth. Same thing with mouthwash--substituting brushing with a simple mouthwash gargle session in the bathroom may seem to save you a lot of precious work time, but in reality, you are just putting your teeth (and mouth) in jeopardy. Mouthwashes are made to enhance the cleanliness of your teeth, not to substitute tooth brushing. Simply gargling with mouthwash won’t thoroughly cleanse your mouth. Sure, your mouth may feel fresh and clean after you gargle with mouthwash, but if a microscope would be placed in your mouth (especially in between your teeth), you may just end up being disgusted with what you see.


THE VERSATILE ANTIOXIDANT VITAMIN Slice an apple into half, and it turns brown. This is an example of a process called oxidation. If the sliced apple is dipped in a lemon juice, however, the rate at which the apple turns brown is slowed. It is because the Vitamin C in the lemon juice slows the rate of oxidative damage.


Does vitamin C deserve all the publicity it’s been getting—or is it all hype?

Vitamin C is known in the scientific world as ascorbic acid, a term that actually means “without scurvy.” We depend on ascorbic acid for many aspects of our biochemical functioning; yet human beings are among only a handful of animal species that cannot produce their own supply of vitamin C. Like these other animals, including primates and guinea pigs, we have no choice but to obtain this nutrient through food or our daily diet.

By Donovan Baldwin

Vitamin C, as an antioxidant, helps reduce the activity of free radicals. Free radicals are by-products of normal metabolism which can damage cells and set the stage for aging, degeneration, and cancer.

Unfortunately, although vitamin C is anti-viral and does support the immune system, it is not necessarily a magic bullet that will defeat the common cold or even cancer! In fact, some recent studies seem to be indicating that Dr. Pauling's claims might be a little overstated.

Free radicals are molecules with an unpaired electron. In this state, they're highly reactive and destructive to everything that gets in their way. Although free radicals have been implicated in many diseases, they are actually a part of the body chemistry.

Vitamin C, like most other vitamins and mineral supplements primarily helps the body do its job effectively. Deficiencies of vitamin C can predispose the body to certain ills, and proper intake either through daily diet or vitamin supplementation can help prevent certain conditions and illnesses. Vitamins and mineral supplements should never be used as the only path to health, but should be part of a lifestyle that includes overall attention to nutrition, activity (okay, exercise), proper rest and sleep, and enjoyable forms of recreation and relaxation

As an antioxidant, vitamin C's primary role is to neutralize free radicals. Since ascorbic acid is water soluble, it can work both inside and outside the cells to combat free radical damage. Vitamin C is an excellent source of electrons; therefore, it “can donate electrons to free radicals such as hydroxyl and superoxide radicals and quench their reactivity.” Vitamin C also works along with glutathione peroxidase (a major free radical-fighting enzyme) to revitalize vitamin E, a fat-soluble antioxidant. In addition to its work as a direct scavenger of free radicals in fluids, then, vitamin C also contributes to the antioxidant activity in the lipids. Optimal health, however, requires a balance between free radical generation and antioxidant protection. One of the functions of Vitamin C is to get and quench these free radicals before they create too much damage. However, there is research to show that vitamin C may act as a pro-oxidant. Under certain conditions, it may act opposite to its intended purpose. This has raised concern among thousands of people who supplement their diets with vitamin C.


itamin C may possibly be a "wonder vitamin" in some people's books. A lot of claims have been made for it in the past few years, not the least of which was Dr. Linus Pauling's claims for its ability to prevent and lessen the duration and intensity of the common cold when taken in large doses.

SOURCES Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin, and, as such, is not stored in the body. This means it must be regularly replaced by diet and/or supplementation. The most commonly recognized sources of vitamin C are citrus and other fruits - oranges, tangerines, limes, guava, lemons, papayas, strawberries, black currants, grapefruit and mangoes - as well as a wide range of vegetables. Some vegetables which contain Vitamin C include collard greens, sweet and hot peppers, broccoli, tomatoes, brussel sprouts, cabbage, potatoes, kale, spinach, and watercress.

BENEFITS Vitamin C is a nutrient valuable for tissue growth, protection of cell membranes from toxic wastes, wound healing, and, as mentioned, support of the immune system. It supports the growth of collagen and cartilage, protecting in this way against many of the effects of aging. As an antioxidant, vitamin C helps combat free radicals, and it may help with cancer, high cholesterol, cataracts, diabetes, allergies, asthma, and periodontal disease. The effectiveness of vitamin C is believed to be increased when taken with vitamin E.

DOSAGE The recommended daily intake of Vitamin C is 60 mg per day for adults, although many people, following Dr. Pauling's lead, take much higher doses in hopes of preventing colds and warding off the effects of aging. However, in higher doses there may be some toxicity with one of the side effects being diarrhea. In some cases, higher doses of vitamin C may cause kidney stones or anemia, due to an interference with the absorption of vitamin B12. A reminder: vitamin C is water soluble, and unused portions will be flushed from the body, so daily intake of foods rich in vitamin C or supplementation with a multivitamin may be of value. While there do not seem to be major problems associated with an high doses of Vitamin C, it might a good idea to stick within recommended daily allowances since the jury is still out on side effects.

DEFICIENCIES The most well-known result of a vitamin C deficiency is scurvy, a condition characterized by weakness, anemia, gum disease, and skin lesions. Fortunately, scurvy is very rare in our modern society although still found to a greater degree in areas of poor nutrition. Frequent infections, severe colds, nose bleeds, tiredness, and painful joints may also indicate a deficiency.

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BREAK BAD EATING HABITS! Busting the habits of snacking on junkfood in between meals, emotional eating, skipping meals or binging may be a challenge, but it’s all worth it


ad eating habits can ruin your life. They can make you lose control, and influence you to make poor and unhealthy food choices that will eventually make you overweight and obese.

Here are some very practical tips to get you started, and hopefully make you stay on the path of healthy eating.

Slow down. People who eat faster consume more calories because their brain doesn't have the chance to recognize that the stomach is full.

Use utensils. Sounds like a no-brainer, but finger foods are eaten quickly and

readily, and junkfoods are almost always finger foods! Always eat food from a plate with utensils. Drink water throughout your meal. But remember--whether diet fork, diet spoon, chopsticks or teaspoon, at the end of the day, it is the will power that makes the difference when come to diet control.

ENDING THOSE ADDICTIONS Are you ready to say goodbye to an unhealthy relationship with food? Think about that for a moment. Close your eyes and really think it through. Ask yourself these questions: Would you eat differently, and if so, how? Would you act differently, and if so, how? What else would change, and what would stay the same? What would you lose? What would you gain? Until you know what you want, know you can achieve it, and know what else will change (i.e. how your life may be different), you can't discover any obstacles that first must be considered. For instance, you may want to stop eating anything after 7 PM, but your husband doesn't come home from work until 8 and he wants you to join him for dinner. That's an obstacle. If you don't work out ways to overcome your obstacles perhaps through discussion and compromise with your husband, there's bound to be a problem. Just saying you're not going to do something anymore rarely works. Instead, determine what might stand in the way of achieving your goals, find a way around them, and you're much more likely to actually achieve those goals once and for all. The statement, "if this one thing were handled, then everything else would fall into place" is an "If Then" statement and gets people into trouble. They want a fairy godmother to make it all better. A strong belief that one single thing such as, "eating sugar is my problem," sets you up to fail, especially if you really like eating sugary foods.

Remove temptations. Keep food out of sight and store a minimum amount of

Getting a handle on your cravings is not an all-or-nothing proposition. You must leave room for occasional deviations. It's not the occasional side trip that causes weight trouble, it's the road we usually travel.

Count your calories with a realistic pace. Do a little, not a lot. By cutting

In NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) a good starting point is the exercise called Establishing a Well Formed Outcome. "Well formed" means it meets all criteria of a well thoughtout end result.

food in the fridge, your kitchen cabinets and in the pantry. Never store your favorite foods. Keep on hand only those foods that require preparation before they can be eaten. 500 calories per day for a week, you will have lost 3,500 calories. One pound a week is a nice, natural pace of weight loss. A good, brisk walk each day can cut out 250 calories, and skipping dessert (but not breakfast) can do the rest. Go slow and gentle: don't try to lose a lot of weight at once. Experiment with what you're willing to let go of: the grande latte you usually enjoy at 10 AM; the buttery movie popcorn that's become a nightly habit. Target foods you don't especially love and stop eating them.

Rate your hunger. Ask yourself, "how

hungry am I on a scale of 0 to 10?" 0 means you're starving--woe to anyone who gets between you and the fridge! 10 means you're so stuffed you can't eat another bite-you might explode! Eat when your hunger falls somewhere between 4 and 8; but stop eating when you feel you've reached 7 or 8.

Plan your meals ahead. Planning your food a day in advance ensures that when that emotion hits, you are not tempted by other foods. The old triggers will still happen, but the difference is you already made the choice about your food intake even before your emotions have gotten a grip on you.

Here are the steps to creating a well-formed outcome: 1) State what you want (not what you do not want). "I want to weigh 135 pounds." 2) Determine whether you can achieve it (do you believe it is possible?). 3) What resources do you have and what do you need (time, money, gear, clothes, equipment, coaching, whatever). 4) Check whether anyone else is involved and any potential obstacles that may come up regarding others. Think of everyone involved in your day-to-day life. 5) Picture yourself "as if" you've obtained what you say you want and see if that picture fits. Do you like what you see? 6) Put together a plan of action for the achievement of your outcome. While it may seem like a lot of effort simply to decide what you really want, going through these steps helps you find potential obstacles which previously stopped you from moving forward. For example, if you decide you want to join a gym and start exercising every day but don't even own a car and just lost your job, that exercise plan might not work out right now. A better plan in this instance may be doing exercises at home, or within walking distance (or simply walking for exercise). There are always options.




The tomato is a fruit, not a vegetable—and here are five easy ways to get the most out of it! By Frank Mangano


Healthy Eats

ave you had your lycopene today? If you ate a green salad with fresh chopped tomatoes, then you not only got a healthy dose of this powerful antioxidant, but you have also taken significant action toward lowering your blood pressure. A recent double-blind study conducted in Israel has confirmed what hearth-healthy Italians have enjoyed for centuries--tomatoes (and tomato sauce) lower blood pressure and the risk of heart disease. The Israeli study was led by Dr. Esther Paran, head of the hypertension division of Soroka Medical Center. It involved patients who were already being treated for hypertension, but were not responding well to the medications. Dr. Paran had patients take a supplement of tomato extract. The results were a significant drop in blood pressure after just four weeks. Tomatoes are so effective at lowering blood pressure because they contain lycopene. This potent antioxidant is even the focus of some hybrid tomatoes grown by the Israeli company, Lycomato, in order to have higher concentrations of lycopene in each piece of fruit. Other antioxidants found in tomatoes make this one super-food in the prevention of heart disease. It can even help keep LDL cholesterol from oxidizing which makes it stick to the arteries and narrow the passage way causing blood pressure to increase. Even during the peak growing season it can be difficult to consume four whole tomatoes each day, which is the recommended amount for having a positive impact on blood pressure. Here are some ways to get the benefits of tomatoes without having to eat them straight off the vine.

1. Chili. Using fresh tomato puree, which is

a concentrated form of tomatoes, as the base for your chili utilizes the antioxidants without the bulk of a whole tomato. Add some ultra-lean and high protein ground bison and kidney beans with minced garlic and onions, and cayenne pepper and you have a heart-healthy main course and a full day’s allowance of tomato.

2. Make red sauce for your pasta.

Since using olive oil with the tomatoes enhances the curative quality, make your pasta sauce red with tomatoes, tomato paste and olive oil to sauté the garlic and onion. Tomato paste used in making sauce contains more than 10 times the nutrients of a single tomato.

3. Eat it raw. Have a fresh salad as a side

dish to either of these entrees and cut one whole tomato on top. You’ll get one-quarter of you tomato intake right there.

4. Juice it. It is better to make your own fresh

Adding tomatoes to your diet can reduce systolic blood pressure by 10 points and diastolic pressure by 4 points, according to the Israel study.

juice so that you can control the sodium. Storebought juices can be high in sugar and sodiumbased preservatives. If you have a juicer, you can make some incredible veggie juices to suit your own tastes by adding carrots, celery and some low-sodium seasonings.

5. Take a tomato supplement. If you just can’t stomach tomatoes, then a 200 mg supplement provides the equivalent of more than the recommended four tomatoes.

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Special Product Feature

TONIC ALCHEMY Just a single tablespoon of this blend of superfoods provides more nutrition than what most Americans get in a day!

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reated by world-renowned master herbalist Ron Teeguarden, whose credo is “never settle for less than the best,” Tonic Alchemy is undoubtedly the ultimate superfood. One serving a day will provide body, mind and spirit with 71 individual superfoods— the most awesome range of nutrients combined in one meal. Sourced from the depths of the ocean to the highest mountains all over the world, these 71 ingredients cover the following Group Components: Super Fruits Garden Vegetables

due to lack of variety, lack of fresh living foods, and due to the adulteration and destruction of nutrients during food growing and processing. And, of course, many of the foods we find ourselves exposed to are in fact harmful and contribute to disease and degeneration.

BENEFITS OF TONIC ALCHEMY This blend is an extraordinary health-promoting tool. By consuming one to two servings per day, you are assuring yourself of good nutrition, and you are protecting your body against the ravages of modern society. Tonic Alchemy™ helps to:

Mineral and Electrolyte Sources

Increase mental and physical energy


Nourish all the tissues and every cell of the body

Cereal Grasses Other Green Superfoods Supertonic Herbs Sprouts Algae Sea Vegetable But Tonic Alchemy does not just provide conventional nutrients—it transcends “normal nutrition.” This blend of 71 superfoods contains literally thousands of phytonutrients, many of which are extremely rare and yet incredibly valuable to human health and well-being. Almost every vitamin, mineral, protein and co-factor so far discovered in whole natural foods has a part to play in nurturing and protecting the human body and mind. Yet normal nutrition in our modern society is very limited for many people

Build blood Maintain a healthy immune system Help establish a healthy intestinal pH balance Nurture and balance our natural intestinal flora Tonify all the organ systems Protect the liver, lungs, brain and other tissues from toxins and pollution Improve digestion Reduce chronic inflammation Deactivate harmful free radicals Detoxify poisons and rid them from the body Remove heavy metals from the body


PREMIUM TONIC HERBS AND INGREDIENTS—IT’S ALL IN TONIC ALCHEMY Various forms of fresh water algae have earned a place because of their incredible nutritional profiles and “nutrient density.” A number of seaweeds, especially the brown seaweeds, are included because of their extraordinary and safe detoxification and protective actions in humans, and rich nutrient profiles. Certain vegetables and bean sprouts have likewise been proven to be extraordinary sources of nutrients that promote glowing health. Many fruits are included for their incredible antioxidant activities, and for other reasons. Certain mushrooms are included for their potent immune modulating functions and other benefits, especially on the cardiovascular and hepatic functions of the body. Tonic Alchemy also features adaptogenic herbs that contain substances that fortify our body in many ways and help us adapt to the harshness of this polluted, hazardous, stressful world. Even probiotics are featured to help re-establish the intestinal bacteria balance.

Special Product Feature

HAIR APPARENT Touted as a magic potion for long life, He Shou Wou is best known for its hair-restoring qualites


nown as Fleeceflower Root, Maltiflower Knotweed, or Tuber Fleeceflower, and various other names in Chinese, this tonic is said to produce longevity, fertility and vitality. A vine plant that grows well in a shady bed, it’s quite in the Orient, used by millions regularly to help develop Qi (pronounced “chi”, or energy). It is China's most renowned "longevity herb” and has acquired a broad reputation as a youth preserver, rejuvenator and sexual tonic. 

 Resembling the madrake root, He Shou Wou has very large roots that can weigh up to 2.7kg. The roots are very important in Chinese traditional medicine and have been used there at least since the Tang Dynasty (713 A.D). It’s said that whatever the Supreme Being creates, he creates according to the form for which the plant’s purpose is for--the heavy tubers resemble the shapes of human beings. Many of the traditional beliefs about Fleeceflower Root (or Zhi-Shou-Wu) pertain to its relation to the appearance of the material.

A SACRED PLANT Zhi Shou Wu root extract is not a quick fix. It is a sacred plant that will bring you the results in time (it can take as much as 3 to 4 months to be fully effective). Don’t get desperate if you don’t see the results by the end of the week, because you won’t. This therapy is sure to get you results—results you would never get through surgery!

TO GET SACRED HAIR GROWTH VISIT SACREDHAIRGROWTH.COM NOW! Thousands of people are using all kind of forms from this plant: tea, natural pills, powder etc. They have great results. Among celebrities that have used Zhi Shou Wu, we can say that it is the plant of Chinese kings.

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DISCOVER HOW YOU CAN CURE YOUR BALDNESS! Some “experts” say that "pattern baldness" plays the main role in this hair loss equation. Others say that not eating the right foods, vitamins and minerals, or that choose the wrong shampoo or hair treatment can leave you bald. Some people use all kinds of methods to re-grow their hair--and sometimes they get short-term results. When the hair starts to fall out again, they become desperate and anxious. You should understand that we’re dealing with a very complex problem, and using a shampoo won’t fix your problem. We need to feed our hair the nutrients it needs to be thick, shiny. It’s not an impossible mission. You just need to know how to do it.

Special Product Feature MIX FOR MAXIMUM BENEFITS Maximum benefits may be obtained by mixing 1 Tablespoon of MSM powder with teaspoon of Camu Camu berry powder in 3 Cups of water or juice. Camu Camu contains the highest levels of Vitamin C of any food in the world, making this combination extremely beneficial for immunity and essential for building supple, radiant skin. Add Sun Warrior Protein to this drink to take the synergy between sulfur and Vitamin C even further.

 The anti-inflammatory effects of MSM be may enhanced by combining it with our Blue Mangosteen Antioxidant Blend. This superantioxidant combines the power of certified organic mangosteen powder with blue-green algae form Upper Klamath Lake in Oregon. This combination has the potential to reverse lower back pain and ease the suffering due to arthritis. Begin by taking one capsule of Blue Mangosteen with 2 Cups of purified water or fresh orange juice into which you have mixed 1 Tablespoon of MSM powder.


GOT IT ALL From building collagen to calming inflamed muscles, MSM does its piece on being the youth elixir of the times

M MSM CAN CURE THE FOLLOWING DISEASES OSTEOARTHRITIS: According to a hospital report, patients who took MSM had reduced pain and improved physical functioning, without major adverse events. No evidence of a more general anti-inflammatory effect was found, as there were no significant changes in two measures of systemic inflammation. SEASONAL ALLERGIC RHINITIS: Twentyfive subjects consumed 2,600 mg of MSM per day for 30 days. The study was not blinded. A significant improvement in symptoms was observed compared to those taking a placebo. No significant changes were observed in two indicators of inflammation (C-reactive protein and immunoglobulin E levels). The authors suggest that MSM is safe for short-term use and recommend that a larger, double-blind study be performed to establish its usefulness in treating symptoms of seasonal allergic rhinitis. INTERSTITIAL CYSTITIS: In 1978, the FDA approved dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) for instillation into the bladder as a treatment for interstitial cystitis. Since DMSO is metabolized to MSM by the body, it is possible that MSM is the active ingredient in DMSO treatments. SNORING: Blum & Blum conducted a randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled clinical trial of an MSM-containing throat spray for snoring

SM is a naturally-occuring form of dietary sulfur found in fresh raw foods that are involved in the cycle of rain. MSM is deficient in foods grown in greenhouses or in foods grown through irrigation, but can be found naturally in fields that welcome open rain. In the body, MSM softens leathery internal tissues by rebuilding connective tissue with elastic sulfur bonds. This is how MSM lives up to its reputation of building collagen and maintaining healthy joints. This is also why MSM increases flexibility (good for yoga), hastens recovery time from sore muscles, and is excellent for recovery from athletic injuries.
 MSM works to build collagen, helping to create smooth skin, thick lustrous hair, and strong nails. MSM makes the tissues more permeable so that they may move nutrients in and toxins out with greater ease. MSM has a remarkable effect at neutralizing foreign proteins (i.e. allergens, toxins, undigested food) making it anti-inflammatory. MSM works to enhance beauty and restore vitality to our skin and joints. MSM works particularly well in conjunction with vitamin-C rich foods.


Special Product Feature



acred Eden's mission is to bring our health back to a state of perfection and heal one person at a time working closely with nature. We strongly believe Mother Nature has everything we need to restore our health and vitality. We plan to help heal 300 million people by 2015 through a mix of information products, supplements, coaching and health retreats.
Our nutritional supplements are formulated with the highest quality plants and herbs from ancient chinese, ayurvedic and shamanic medicine. These highly potent extracts help detoxify your body and provide a tonic boost by providing your body with the right nutrients from minerals and vitamins to exotic phytonutrients and beneficial trace minerals.
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 All About the Raw Food Diet 
 Get Rid of Migraine Headaches 
 The Food Mood Connection: Ayurveda Traditional Medicine Natural Remedies for Hair Loss 
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Feature ADHD HELP GUIDE You can start with the ADHD site or ADHD e-zine (online magazine), for example, to find almost any ADHD article as it is relevant to you: *BTE,, offers information and a number of helpful, informative ADHD articles for scholarship and personal use. *ADDitude magazine is online and by subscription, and has so many practical and realistic ADHD articles for the professional, the student, the parent, and the adult that you will definitely want your own copy! I came by the magazine through the college where I worked, and since then has read every magazine issue cover to cover. I then had to subscribe to resist the sinful temptation of keeping the copies I borrowed.




You will also want to check out the ADHD article databases:

Taken for granted by most people, planning and looking forward is a source of fear for those with ADHD. Learn how to deal and other ways to cope

*The absolute premier site for ADHD articles is ADD Consults (addconsults. com). It will take you a little time to figure out how the system is constructed, but once you decide on a subject area, or sub-topic, you will get ADHD articles on everything from ADD strategies to comorbidity information to ADHD articles about children and adults with ADD. The articles are upscale and professional, clinical, and/or personal, and are a must read! The site is built by Terry Matlin, MSW, ASCW, and features the astoundingly superbly brilliant support of ADHD article writers who are big names in the fieldEdward Hallowell, John J. Ratey, Sari Solden, Thom Hartmann, and Michelle Novotny, to name just a few!

ne of the things people with Adult ADHD symptoms really struggle with is procrastination. And procrastination really comes out of fear. Some people with Adult ADHD might not feel like they know exactly what they want to do with their whole lives. And this is where a lot of fear about choosing what to do next comes from.

Most likely, if you have Adult ADHD symptoms, you'll find yourself in the exact same situation at some point in the future. It happens. You work really hard. You go full speed at something, and occasionally, you look up and you say, "What the heck am I doing?"

Well, you know what? Whatever you want to do with your life right now, it probably is going to change at some point (especially if you have Adult ADHD). Just because you're going full tilt on something right now doesn't mean you have to do that for the rest of your life.

The second fear those with Adult ADHD symptoms feel has to do with how much there is to learn about a subject or skill, and the information overload that occurs so often with Adult ADHD.

The moment you find the source that is most user-friendly and helpful to you, go ahead and sign up for a free newsletter, one which offers an ADHD article or two weekly or monthly (whenever the newsletter is delivered to your inbox): *Terry Matlin, ACSW, also offers a newsletter which features an ADHD article, book reviews, and blurbs on many ADHD aids/products for the ADHDer, as I call her or him (as I call myself). *Breath and Shadow, a monthly (or thereabouts) newsletter put out by ROSC as the Journal of Literature and Disability Culture, is for writers and artists with any or all disabilities, and issues a monthly newsletter with a predetermined theme, but occasionally you might get an ADHD article. You can find the most relevant, scholarly ADHD articles, or the most personal and still accurate ADHD article written by a non-credentialed individual who is or knows someone who has to put up with the frustrations and challenges as well as special and unique gifts of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, a.k.a ADD.

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It does mean that, if you're going to spend your time doing something, it should be something you're incredibly passionate about to begin with, something that you'd like to spend all your time on anyway.

That's ok. At that point, if you really want to, you can shift your focus. No one's stopping you. But don't let that fear stop you from starting.

You could be a specialist in list building, in search engine optimization, in advertising or all these different subspecialties, and you realize that what you're trying to do is go out and learn an entire industry. Of course, it doesn't really work that way.


DE-CLUTTER YOUR MIND! But you need a clear head to do it. So if you've got information overload, and you can't decide to focus on one thing, how do you clear your head? What you need to do is this: You need to go on an "unsubscribe" campaign! Start with the information you have coming in on your computer every day.

You don't go out one day and say, "Okay, I'm going to be a lawyer," and understand every aspect of law. Even lawyers have to pick a specialty, be it corporate, criminal, bankruptcy or whatever. You don't say, "I'm going to go out and learn everything there is to know about foreign language," right? You pick one; a sub-specialty. So, if that is true, that brings up another question for people with Adult ADHD symptoms: "What sub-specialty do I pick then? I have to pick one." Again, we're teaching you ways to think with your Adult ADHD brain instead of against it here. As you're thinking about the anxiety of having to pick one area of specialty, for example, to grow your business or to work on in your life, remember that people with Adult ADHD symptoms have something that they use automatically every day they don't usually appreciate, and that is a very highlydeveloped intuition.

You should continue subscribing to or buying the information from the people that you intuitively know are going to help you with your one main focus. But clear out the rest, so you don't even see it. Let your computer sort it so your head doesn't have to. Do this with other things in your life too. Once you decide what you're main focus is (at least for now)--then "unsubscribe" or disconnect from anything, and anyone, that doesn't contribute to that one goal. Then you can get down to the business of choosing a specialty and learning all about that one thing. You'll be amazed how much more focused you'll be, automatically!

Intuition is why people with Adult ADHD make snap decisions all the time. You're really good at it naturally. It’s coming from your gut.

With an increasing number of our youths suffering ADHD, stress syndromes, unemployment, depression, drug use, crime and higher rates of youth suicide than ever before, todayís parents and teachers are finding their roles more and more difficult. According to renowned family relationships specialist Marguerite Clancy, there are no overnight solutions for issues such as ADHD, but there are a few quick things struggling parents can do now to start dealing with it: 1. Get into a routine and stick to it (try to include fun times and laughter) 2. Set up a punching bag or get your child playing a sport 3. Be consistent with discipline and offer rewards where appropriate 4. Use positive language, keep directions short, maintain calm 5. Agree on consequences for behaviour together “There are many options available to parents and carers. It is important to show love and respect, and to lead by example,” says Marguerite. “There are also many forms of therapy available to help that donít rely on medication.” For example, she recommends Sandplay Therapy, which is a well established technique for enhancing emotional growth through play. She suggests parents encourage their child to use toys to represent things that are bothering them. Dolls, action figurines, cars, balls, and even blocks can all be used to represent people, objects, and everyday situations that may be very hard for the child to put into words. “You’d be surprised what problems your child is experiencing-- many of them would be things you’d never have even dreamt of,” says Marguerite. “By recognizing the significance of imaginary play, you give your child a way to express themselves using a language they’re fluent in.” According to Marguerite, parents can then talk about these problems with their child. Then if they’re still experiencing problems, they may want to try a punching bag or a sport. “With an easier way to communicate and an outlet for your child’s frustrations, you should find it far easier to figure out how to improve your situation.”

NON-DRUG TREATMENTS FOR ADHD Up until recently, there were only four "effective" choices for ADD/ADHD. These were: 1. Do nothing and hope they'd get better with time. This is the sad choice of many non-caring or low-income parents, and it almost never works. 2. Put them on Prescription Medications. In some ways, this choice is even worse, as these drugs are not only addicting, but can cause cancer, kill, and affect for life, as the latest news shows. 3. Pay exorbitant amounts of money for EEG Biofeedback (Neurofeedback). This has been

the best solution up to now. The overall success rate (with good and bad clinicians) is considered to be about 85 percent. But, the cost of 60 (recommended) half hour sessions with a "professional" at US$4500 to over US$10,000 is way above the ability of most mid and lowincome families. 4. Try various allergy clinics to try to find the allergy/sensitivity responsible, and also do all the various tests for mineral toxicity (mercury, copper, arsenic, cadmium, etc.) This is also pretty expensive, with the very best system (End Point Titration) costing upwards of US$10,000. (For more info on EPT, see www.Alternate-Health. com/allergy.html <http://www.Alternate-Health. com/allergy.html> ).



ACID REFLUX Commonly known as “heart burn”, this condition poses more discomfort than most people realize


hen the liquid content of the stomach regurgitates (backs up, or refluxes) into the esophagus, it’s called acid reflux. It's annoying and painful.

But the reflux of the stomach's liquid contents into the esophagus occurs in most normal individuals. However, when heartburn becomes acid reflux disease or Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease, commonly referred to as GERD, it is s real problem. That is because with GERD, the acid is stronger and stays in the esophagus longer causing more discomfort. Most often, you will experience this during the daytime when you are upright, sitting straight, or standing. You body handles this reflux by the fluid flowing back down into your stomach. You swallow more during the daytime therefore draining the acid back to where it belongs. Your salivary glands produce saliva that also contains bicarbonate that acts to neutralize the acid your stomach has kicked up. At night though, you may have a greater problem when acid reflux disease occurs that is because while sleeping, gravity does not work as well lying down, your constant swallowing stops, and the production of saliva is reduced. Certain conditions make a person more prone to acid reflux disease, this GERD. For example, while you are pregnant, this can be a serious problem. Elevated hormone levels of pregnancy probably cause reflux by lowering the pressure in that part of your body known as the lower esophageal sphincter. Also, the growing baby puts more pressure on the

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abdomen. Both of these effects of pregnancy tend to increase the risk of GERD. If your acid reflux disease is a minor condition, then you should only experience minor symptoms. These would include primarily heartburn, regurgitation, and nausea. However, if the condition is complicated, then watch out for the following symptoms.

COMPLICATIONS The liquid that comes back into the esophagus damages the lining of the esophagus. The body tries to protect itself from the acid reflux disease by “inflaming” the esophagus. Trying to speed the healing process through the inflammation, the wall of the esophagus may form an ulcer. The ulcer is a break in the lining of the esophagus wall. Then what happens is that there may be bleeding. If the bleeding is very severe, patients might need a blood transfusion or even surgical treatment. If your heartburn is severe or acute, happening very frequently, you need to see a doctor. What can you do for yourself to help the condition? Try sleeping a pillow a night that raises your chest up slightly so that gravity can bring the acid back down more easily. Since this condition usually occurs on a full stomach, eat earlier and eat less to keep the stomach from being too full. Ease off on the chocolate, peppermint, alcohol, and caffeinated drinks. Reduce fatty foods and of course, cut down or quit smoking. Other foods may aggravate the conditions. Avoid spicy or acid-containing foods, like citrus juices, carbonated beverages, and tomato juice.

BE KIND TO YOUR ESOPHAGUS Should you feel more and more discomfort to your esophagus, be comforted in the fact that it can be healed in about three days. Simply eating foods that are easy to digest, three or four times during the day, and omitting the regular big meals, is the key. Fruits like bananas, melon and apples during the day help, as snacking on on walnuts and almonds. Eating slowly in a relaxed atmosphere and chewing food well helped enormously. There are foods and drinks which should obviously be avoided like those which are fried, spicy, or too crunchy. Alcohol and carbonated drinks are a definite no-no. We are all aware of which foods trigger our indigestion. You just have to avoid them for a few days until you are over the hump.

GERD AND CANCER—FINDING A NATURAL CURE Over 15 million Americans experience acid reflux daily. People at all ages are susceptible to this condition. Older people who suffer from acid reflux tend to be more seriously affected than younger people. 13,000 people are diagnosed with esophageal cancer each year. At least 12,000 people die from it. The overall survival rate is very poor. Acid reflux is the greatest known risk factor for developing Barrett’s Esophagus, which can become esophageal cancer. Barrett’s esophagus occurs when chronic acid reflux or esophagitis is not controlled. Through constant inflammation and damage, the normal cells that line the esophagus called squamous cells turn into specialized columnar cells. Columnar cells are not normally found in human beings and can become cancerous. Although this can happen to anyone, it usually occurs in people over forty who have had regular bouts of heartburn for more than five years. Some of the symptoms are difficulty in swallowing and being awakened in the night by the pain of heartburn. Some people have no symptoms at all. Scar tissue can develop from the constant attack of acid on the tender lining of the esophagus. The tissue can become thickened and hard, making the esophagus narrower. This can make it difficult to swallow food or even water. Could a supplement called MSM be the answer? MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) has the ability to soften scar tissue, making it flexible and permeable. MSM has been touted as the greatest natural healing agent since vitamin C. It seems to have the power to reduce pain and inflammation. It is currently being used to treat a wide range of ailments including, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis and gout. It’s even being used as a treatment for snoring and constipation. MSM has been used with great success on horses and dogs, to control the inflammation associated with allergies. If you should choose to go the allopathic medical route, diagnosis of Barrettís Esophagus involves an endoscopy. The doctor sticks a long mechanical tube down your throat to observe the esophagus and perform a biopsy. It can’t be a very pleasant procedure. And what if the results are negative? The doctor will most likely prescribe drugs which have harmful side effects. Some of these drugs include H2 blockers like cimetidine, ranitidine, and famotidine. Or he may prescribe the drugs omeprazole and lansoprazole, which are proton pump inhibitors. Some of the side effects of these drugs are: headache, disturbances of the gut such as diarrhea, constipation, nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain, excess gas in the stomach and intestines (flatulence), dry mouth, skin reactions such as rash and itch, inflammation of the skin (dermatitis), dizziness, pain in the muscles and joints, swelling of the legs and ankles due to excess fluid retention (peripheral edema), pins and needles (paraesthesia), depression, agitation, confusion, difficulty sleeping (insomnia), sleepiness (somnolence), liver or blood disorders. The list goes on and on. If the drugs don’t work then he’ll most likely suggest a surgical procedure called fundoplication, which entails removing the damaged part of the esophagus and attaching the remaining section to the stomach.

NATURAL HERBS FOR HEALING There are many natural herbs and health store items which can assist in this healing process. Slippery elm, Twig tea, aloe vera juice, licorice products and orange peel extract can be of great value, just to mention a few. Removing stress from your life is essential during this period. Yoga and meditation are worth considering to ward off the daily angst.



om Turner, executive liaison for the Spina Bifida Association says dealing your fitness obstacles is all about perspective. Perspective. And also, according to him, there’s no mountain too high to climb. Tom would know. Paralyzed from the waist down since birth he’s now 35 and trains about three times a week. Tom has set down 3 basic principles that will help break down fears and intimidations when striving to reach fitness goals.

Principle #1: Move Into The Fear.


FITNESS RUT Whether a newbie or a veteran in the fitness game, we all encounter plateaus which may be difficult to overcome. Learn your way around and get back on track!

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“Train you mind to believe no mountain is too high or any goal is too difficult to attain,” Tom says. Basically, it’s all about meeting your fears and facing them head-on. In this principle, aim to recognize your fears, acknowledge them and then move through them. Ask yourself what is it that makes you uncomfortable? Have you let yourself get out of shape and are afraid you’ll never get back? Do you have an injury that’s caused you to be afraid of your body? If you can visualize creatively, then you can put your fears in check. See your self as you’d like to be. Remember: your body loves you and has the potential to heal itself to perfection. Your only job is to trust it and listen.

Principle #2 Trust Your Intuition.

It is important when overcoming obstacles and learning to break through barriers that you begin to listen to the still small voice of your body. In most cases, we all want the comfort of having someone telling us what we can and cannot do. However, our highest truth lies within us. This is not to say that the good opinion of others is not important, but ultimately the decision-making comes from within. When facing a challenge or an obstacle look to how you feel. What are your instincts telling you? Often it is simply your instinct that will move you into a new mindset and raise your consciousness. “I wasn’t about to let the wheelchair stand in my way,” Tom says. In fact, he says he had to merely change his perspective about it. He says he first had to learn about what his restrictions were then, create a boundary for himself. “We all have boundaries,” he says. "Regardless if a person can walk or not, obstacles are as unique as people themselves. Therefore, it’s first best to know your boundaries."

Principle #3 Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night.

What then, about fear? If we move into the fear and meet it eye to eye what if fear meets us there? “After 19 operations in my life, Iíve really come to terms with fear,” Tom says. “It really comes down to our most primal fear; fear of death. Once you realize that death is all part of the divine plan, it’s liberating, you can let it go and, instead, choose how to live. So instead of being afraid of death I decided to choose how to live." The bottom line: Staying afraid often keeps us from truly living. Tom says a positive attitude is key, "Life is all about attitude." He also says he could let fear beat him down, yet he doesn’t. “I wouldnít want to miss being part of tomorrow,” he concludes. That said, what fears are getting in your way? Make today the right time to face them.

PUTTING THE FUN BACK IN FITNESS Experts suggest that staying fit (and trim) can remain to be fun by simply finding the right routine (and activity) for you.

Hoofing It

Walking and/or running are two of the most popular activities for all ages, especially since walking is something most of us “have” to do, and since neither requires any special equipment. And they add that walking is an excellent activity for fitness “fanatics” of all ages, even those who may have cardiac conditions or other “inhibitory” ailments. Plus you can do it indoors, outdoors, or on a treadmill, the important thing is that you keep moving. Running will burn twice the amount of calories as walking but is also harder on your heart, joints and muscles. And for those already off to a running start, make sure you invest in the best shoes you can afford and that your shoe is comfortable and properly fits.

Stroke Your Ego

Doing the stroke or swimming is one of the best exercises for the entire body building not only muscle but physical endurance as well. If you happen to be a bit overweight or out of shape, you can start by doing some (supervised) aqua aerobics in a pool, which is generally easier on the joints.

Getting A Jump Start On Health And Fitness

Skipping rope is an inexpensive way to work out and you can do it practically anywhere. Not only does jumping rope tone and condition muscles, but also builds coordination. However, it can be hard on ankles, knees, feet, and back. And experts suggest looking for another exercise alternative if you already experience orthopedic problems.

Putting The Pedal To The Metal

Stationary or mobile, biking can be beneficial both indoors and out, as cycling build both muscle and stamina.

Twenty-Three SKI-do

Cross-country skiing is a great way to get some exercise and some fresh air during those cold winter months. Besides helping to generate heat, the relatively easy to learn sport with a low injury rate, also helps build endurance while working your upper and lower body, heart, and lungs.

5 WAYS TO GET THE BEST OUT OF YOUR HOME TREADMILL The no. 1 fear that people have when investing in a home treadmill (or any piece of exercise equipment) is that they won't use it. You know the story. It gets delivered, you set it up and enjoy it for a few days...and then it sits...and waits. A treadmill provides the best overall cardiovascular workout and it's still the number one exercise machine for those who want to lose weight. So it's an investment in your health that will pay large dividends--if you are prepared to get the maximum benefit from it! 1. DO YOUR RESEARCH FIRST Make sure you look at what each treadmill offers you and compare it to your unique needs. For example, if you live in a condo and/or like things neat and clean, a folding treadmill might suit you best. If you want a folding treadmill, do you prefer a manual folding treadmill (like most folding treadmills) or do you want a shockassisted folding treadmill with wheels on the bottom that's easy to move? If you like to drink water during your workout, make sure there's a water bottle holder included in the treadmill console (it might surprise you how many treadmills do not have this feature.) Do you get bored easily and need a challenge? What about getting a treadmill with lots of user programs or one that is iFit compatible? These things may seem little and maybe it might cost you a bit more; but if it means you're actually going to enjoy your workout it will be well worth it! 2. PLACE THE TREADMILL IN A “HAPPY” SPOT. By 'happy' I mean well-lit, open and stimulating. Don't put it so you face the bare wall when you walk or run. If you get bored easily, put it facing the television or facing a window where you can have an attractive view while working out. Rooms and spaces have definite “feels” to them and that will affect the success of your workouts. Make sure your treadmill is placed in an area that makes you feel energized, happy and mentally stimulated.

3. GET YOUR EXERCISE ARSENAL READY BEFORE THE TREADMILL ARRIVES. Do you like listening to fast music when you exercise? Do you like watching your favorite movies? What about reading magazines? What inspires you to work out and feel your best? Get these things ready even before your treadmill arrives and you'll be three-quarters of the way there. Have several workout or favorite CDs around. Get your favorite movies or shows on tape. Gather your favorite magazines. By having an “exercise” stash around your treadmill, you'll be inspired to workout and you won't be stuck running around looking for something to do when you want to start exercising. 4. MAKE AN EXERCISE PLAN. Before you start working out, try making a plan, a "roadmap to your rock-hard body" so to speak. By writing down how long and what kind of workout you'll be doing in week 1, 2, 3, 4 etc, you'll get yourself psyched up for success. Remember that every time you workout, you are planting the seeds for the kind of dream body that you want. By having a plan, you can see just how many seeds you've planted (and even how long it will take to start reaping the results!) Have fun with it and you'll be motivated to achieve your health goals (and get maximum benefits from your treadmill!) 5. TRACK YOUR PROGRESS Ok this is related to #4 but it's more of an ongoing thing. By tracking your progress every day, you get a major sense of accomplishment which snowballs into even greater fat-burning results. I suggest you have “minimum goals” like "I'll walk for at least 10 minutes." or "I'll do 5-30 second intervals." These are easy to do and you'll probably go beyond them - which will encourage you even further and heighten your sense of accomplishment.


These two easy-to-make teas heal and protect you from illnesses, and are good detoxifiers, too

Ginger Healing Detox Tea with Turmeric There has been a lot in the news lately about the amazing healing properties of turmeric, a free-radical-fighting antioxidant-rich curry spice that has been hailed as a defense against both cancer and Alzheimer’s. When we found this tasty recipe for a warming, detoxifying gingerturmeric tea, we were thrilled: as the holiday season nears, we figured we could use some detoxing and healing! Ginger and turmeric combined with citrus and maple syrup (try yacon syrup to stay away from the pounds and make it extra healthy!) to make the perfect blend of healing nutrients. We streamlined the recipe to make it ultra-easy, too: INGREDIENTS 2 cups water 1/2 teaspoon powdered ginger 1/2 teaspoon powdered turmeric 1 tablespoon maple syrup Juice of 1/2 lemon

Iced Green Tea with Peach Drinking green tea may help you lose weight. According to clinical studies conducted by Dr. Abdul Dulloo of the University of Geneva in Switzerland, green tea raises metabolic rates and speeds up fat oxidation. Green tea is also a great immune-enhancing health-booster and anti-cancer agent, with flavonoids and polyphenols that are said to inhibit tumor formation. INGREDIENTS 6 green tea teabags 6 cups cold water 2 ripe peaches, pitted and sliced PROCEDURE 1. Place teabags in a large teapot or pitcher. 2. Put sliced peaches in a saucepan, add cold water, and bring to a brisk boil, then pour water and peaches over teabags.


3. Steep for 6 minutes, then add sweetener (yacon syrup or xylitol are recommended). Allow tea to cool, then refrigerate until thoroughly chilled.

1. Bring water to a boil, then add powdered herbs. Simmer for 10 minutes.

4. Include a few peach slices in each glass and serve with a spoon, garnished with a sprig of mint, if you like.

2. Strain tea into a mug, add maple (or yacon) syrup and lemon, stirring to combine. Drink warm. Makes 1 serving.

Here’s a shortcut! Make a pitcher of green tea and add the contents of a can of organic sliced peaches. Chill thoroughly. Makes 6 servings.

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