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Fresco Painting
Fresco Painting
Dome: Jesus on his throne of glory revealing his Sacred Heart to the world(DONATED). To the left of Jesus is the Blessed Mother(DONATED). To the right of Jesus is Joseph his foster father($15,000)(Donated). Surrounding the Holy Family are the 12 Apostles($12,000 each). Sts. Simon, James the Lesser, Thomas, Bartholomew, James the Greater, John, Peter, Andrew(DONATED), Phillip, Matthew, Jude, and Matthias. Dome Drum:: New Eden: This level of the dome depicts 16 different Saints of many nationalities and virtues. It also includes symbolic images of trees representing particular Christian values. Saints($10,000 each): Sts. Jose Sanchez Del Rio, Sharbel Makhluf(DONATED), Elizabeth Ann Seton, Rose Phillippine Duchesne, Damien of Molokai, Vincent de Paul, Francis(DONATED), Patrick(DONATED), Andrew Kim, Dunglac, Maximillian Kolbe, John Neumann, Josephine Bakhita, Therese Lisieux, John XXIII, Paul VI. Trees($5,000 each) (2) Date Palm: Spiritual Victory; (2) Cedar: Steadfastness in Faith; (2) Olive: Peace and Charity; (2) Dogwood: Sacrifice and Purity. $25,000 Dome drum frieze: At this level are painted the words from the Book of Revelations 5:12 “Worthy is the lamb that was slain…” which are prayed in the Church’s Liturgy of the Hours.
3-D computer rendering of the interior of the Cathedral dome, viewed from the crossing