SAC Scouts Newsletter - Issue 119

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Issue 119 Issue 1192017 October October 2017

From the Courtyard


GSL’S NOTE Our GSL tells us what’s on! As expected, during October we welcomed a number of new members to our Group. At least eight new cubs joined and six new scouts. We are also preparing for the going-up ceremony on November 8th so we ensure we have the right balance in each Section.

In this issue Cubs.. - It’s Halloween!

Many activities have taken place in all sections and you will read more about them in this issue. Meanwhile leaders have been preparing events for the Bulwark Shield which shall be taking place between 4th and 5th November. Many other leaders have been involved in other administrative issues at Association level. I guess not many members and parents realise how much time our leaders dedicate to these “behind the scenes” events but they are equally important to Wednesdays meetings


as they set and provide the structure within which we operate as a Group.

October’s Over!

Ventures.. - Tour De Malte

Although we hope that November and December are “quiet” we always end up doing more than we planned. Besides the Christmas parties each section tries to take the opportunity to thrive on the enthusiasm of new members and would be leaders and organises training and scout related courses.

Rovers.. - ...

Memories.. - Where are they now?

1987 Jamboree in Australia Its been thirty years since our Group was preparing to go to the Australian Jamboree. Who knows where all the former troop members are right now? If anyone out there is reading this, what do you think about organising a reunion? I’m waiting…… Former Scouts Get-together The Group is planning an event for former scouts. The date is yet to be decided but I am hoping that it will be towards the end of January 2018. More information will be available on the Group’s facebook page in the coming weeks. The objective is a simple one- to get former scouts together and try and establish our own fellowship which could be linked to the Scout Association of Malta’s Fellowship organisation. It will be a simple affair, tea, coffee, biscuits or a small bibita’.

From the Courtyard


Issue 119 October 2017

Membership form We have sent an email to the ventures’ and cubs’ parents for the time being so that a new membership form is filled in on-line. It however still needs to be printed and signed and returned to us. Please do so by November 22nd. Subscriptions 2018 We shall also soon be sending the subscription form for 2018. Kindly co-operate and return the subscription fee by the deadline in a sealed envelope with the form details. Annual General Meeting We are planning to hold our Annual General Meeting on January 26th 2018. More details will follow, please keep this date free. All members are expected to attend and as many parents/guardians as

GSL’s note



From the Courtyard


Issue 119 October 2017

The Cubs’ Halloween party was a night filled with spooky activities, terrifying treats and

From the Pack

ghoulish games!

We had a superb time at this year’s Halloween party! The party was set for the 1 st of November and all the Cubs were told that they could come in costume for an awesome, spooky, scary meeting.

Left: Wrap a Mummy. Right: Ghost Sack Race


From the Courtyard


Issue 119 October 2017

Left: Find the bones. Right: Guess how many!

The Cubs alternated between three sections throughout the meeting/party. They had a number of games outside

From the Pack

with Akela and Baloo and Cub Helper Max. These games included a Ghost Sack Race, Ghost Bowling and a ‘Wrap the Mummy’ race in which they had to wrap each other in gauze. Inside the decorated Troop Room, they had 4 games with Baloo and Blue Smoke and Cub Helper Daniel. These games were: ‘Guess How Many?’ in which the Cubs had to guess how many sweets there were in a number of jars. In the ‘Find the Bones’ game they needed to collect all the bones needed to put a skeleton back together. They also had a Halloween Memory game and a ‘Decorate your Pumpkin’ game.

Cubs in the mousehole Down in the spooky Mousehole, the Cubs together with Raksha and Rikki Tikki Tavi had to decorate a skull using paints and colours, which they then would take home as a souvenir of this years’ Halloween Party.


From the Courtyard


Issue 119 October 2017

The Cubs spent the last half an hour of the meeting/party eating and drinking together. The food and drinks were so carefully prepared and warmed by Chill and Bagheera. We also awarded the prize for best costume to Cub Sam Hills who was dressed as a very bloody butcher!

From the Pack

All in all, we had a terrific scary time!!

Top: Some cubs in costume, pose for a Halloween photo! Right: Cub helper Max, with some of the cubs.



Issue 119 October 2017

From the Pack

From the Courtyard

Top: Cubs in costume. Right: Skeleton in a Ghost Sack. Left: Enter if you dare—the mousehole gets a Halloween makeover.


From the Courtyard


Issue 119 October 2017

Nicole Mifsud – Hathi Cub Leader

P.S – We would like to thanks Ventures Johnny and Luke for helping us with the setting up and decorating before the meeting as well as helping us out with anything we required throughout the Halloween Party!

From the Pack

Thank you!

Cubs decorate Halloween skulls in the ghoulish mousehole.


From the Courtyard


Issue 119 October 2017

October has been a relatively quiet month for the Troop section, which provided us with a welcome break from a jam-packed September. One interesting event that took place after Summer Camp, was the National Camp, which was attended by a contingent of 10 of our scouts. This took place right after our Summer Camp, so the boys who attended spent a whole 10 days under canvas! Feedback was very positive, it was great to meet so many scouts from other groups and make new friends, but after an extended period of camping in the summer heat, the respite offered by October was most welcome! It gave us time to prepare for the upcoming Operation Bulwark Shield happening on the first weekend of November. Relatively quiet, still means fairly busy though for our troop! We assisted in a group initiative to collect funds for the Malta Hospice Movement, and we participated in a procession organised by the Birkirkara Parish, that took place on the 6th October. The procession left the Fleur de Lys Convent and finished at St.

From the Troop

Theresa’s Church, where mass was celebrated, by Bishop Paul Cremona.

We spent our meetings getting things organised, and sorting out patrol equipment, which after Summer Camp understandably needed some TLC! We also took the opportunity to brush up on some scouting skills necessary for Bulwark, such as knotting and mapping. Hopefully that way nobody gets lost, and no bivouacs collapse tomorrow. We’re already in Gozo as this is being typed out, so next month look forward to the exciting tales of Bulwark! Bernard Maniscalco Scout Leader


From the Courtyard


Issue 119 October 2017

In one of their last activities before some of them move on to become Rovers, the SAC Unit

From the Unit

went on a bike hike, followed by an satisfying supper at HQ.

For this October’s activity the S.A.C Venture Unit planned a bike hike. The route was planned during a Wednesday meeting and care was taken that each participating member had a proper functioning bike which was fully equipped with front and rear lights, breaks and gears. Since safety is the number one priority during these types of activities each participant had a helmet and high visibility vest on as well as activity wear. We took off from S.A.C headquarters at around 3 o’clock on the 21st which was a Saturday. The first check point was Ta’ Qali national park. Along the way we passed through Balzan, Lija and Attard all the time watching out for oncoming traffic and staying on the left lane. Our Venture Leader Andre made sure we were in a single file and away from harm as this type of activity can be risky without the right precautions At Ta’ Qali we stopped at the outdoor gym. Feeling hyped by our physical performance we took the opportunity to pump up our muscle and get that adrenaline rushing through our veins by putting together


From the Courtyard


Issue 119 October 2017

a quick but efficient full body workout. This time was also utilized to pump up our bike tires and check for any other problems. The second check point was Chadwick Lakes where the Unit took a break to enjoy the view whilst our dear leader had to tend to one of the members’ loose wheels. After solving this problem by switching bikes, as one member was rather large for his bike, we had another obstacle which was a steep inclined hill which took much effort to climb but after much huffing and puffing, all the members made it up including the rather large one. However most made it on foot whilst others barely pedaled up the hill. We then arrived at Mtarfa and kept going up to the next check point which was the Roman Villa at Rabat. This is easier said than done as Rabat is situated on an even higher hill. However, with our expert knowledge of mapping combined we managed to find an easy route and arrived at our checkpoint on time without breaking a sweat. We decided to stop for a well-deserved break and savour some traditional Maltese local cuisine from the local pastizzeria and refuel our body with the appropriate electrolytes from our favorite sports drinks. We then took off cautiously, making our way down Rabat through traffic, on

From the Unit

our way to Ta Qali. From Ta Qali we took a route back to the headquarters, where we arrived just before it got dark at 7pm. We immediately got to work on preparing and cooking our scout made healthy southern fried chicken with ingredients purchased by our leader and official scout cook, Zarby.

Gourment meals underway. Left: The unit pitches in to make supper. Right: Daniel Mifsud Baron on cooking duty. We spent the rest of the night playing board games and chatting. We all agreed it was a very fun and thrilling activity which we will definitely do again.



Issue 119 October 2017

From the Unit

From the Courtyard

Top left: Group exercise! Top Right: HQ made, battered chicken in the making. Bottom left: The final result looked and tasted amazing. Bottom Right: The unit, refueling midway though the route.

Max Evers Venture


From the Crew

From the Courtyard



A Rover Article.

Issue 119 October 2017

From the Courtyard


Issue 119 October 2017

SAC goes to New Zealand in the heart and memory of one of our Old Boys. Captain Alex Abela, RMA Retd., was a member of the SAC Scout Group between 1942 and 1955, when he ended his service as Scout Master. He then emigrated to New Zealand in 1962, and in 1990 became a

From the Past

member of the Order of Malta.

Then and now. Left: 1954 Scout Master SAC at Ghajn Tuffieha hike, wearing old “Gilwell Park” scarf and Wood badge. Right: Captain Alex Abela, RMA Retd. in Wellington, New Zealand. On 28 October 2017, Alex was presented the award “pro Merito Melitensi” in recognition of his voluntary work in the Islands of Samoa, and the Tham Hin Refugee Camp in Burma/Thailand border and in the Solomon Islands. The award was made by the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of St John of Jerusalem, Rhodes and Malta. This took place at an Investiture Mass at the Chapel of the Sisters of Compassion in Island Bay, Wellington, New Zealand where the Principal Celebrant at the mass was his Eminence Cardinal John Dew of New Zealand. From afar, Alex still follows our SAC Scouts and last summer followed the entire Facebook livestream of our summer camp’s campfire night. We thank Alex for his keen support and augur him all the best.

Ivan Consiglio Rover


From the Past

From the Courtyard



Top: SAC Group Photo, 1943. Alex back row, far right. Middle: 1952 SAC Patrol hike near Selmun Palace Bottom: SAC marching from IHQ Floriana to Valetta, 1947 St Georges Day Parade.

Issue 119 October 2017

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