Our Lady of Wisdom Court #2392
Celebrating 25 Years of Service Catholic Daughters: An Abundance of Blessings Diane McDonald, Regent Our Lady of Wisdom Court #2392 I joined the Catholic Daughter’s in April of 2006 and was looking for an opportunity to provide service for the St. John Vianney Parish. I am so thankful I joined this organization as it has provided
spiritual guidance and an abundance of blessings for me and my family. I believe this has helped me to be a better person and a better Catholic. I have served as an officer for the past 8 years and am the current Regent of Our Lady of Wisdom Court #2392. I would like to share a little history about the Catholic Daughter organization. In 1902, James Cardinal Gibbons wrote an article for the “Ladies Home Journal”. His
view was that times were changing and foresaw that women outside the home was the worst forces against the female sex. Many called 1902, “The Year of the Restless Woman”. The Catholic Daughters of the Americas was founded in Utica, New York in 1903 by John Carberry. It was originally called the the “National Order of the Daughters of Isabella,” and John F. Carberry was our first Regent. The Knights established our two standards of
Catholic Daughter's of America Our Lady of Wisdom Court #2392
Unity and Charity. In 1921, the organization’s name was changed to the Catholic Daughters of America. It was around that time that the Knights of Columbus and the CDA went their separate ways allowing CDA to become and independent organization. In 1954, the order changed its name to the Catholic Daughters of the Americas. There are currently courts in 45 states, Panama, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Canada, and Africa. Court Our Lady of Wisdom #2392 was instituted at the California State Convention held in Sacramento on May 13, 1994. We began with
28 members, peaked at 69, and currently have 47 members. Since our inception, our court has donated more than $50,000 to local and world charities and donated an additional $10,000 to specified National Charities. We also make awards to the St. John Vianney School children through our Education Contest sponsored each year. On a spiritual note, our Court has sponsored several parish retreats, catechism book sales, Mother’s and Father’s Day cards, and we participate in May Hours. Our
Court has conducted several Living Rosaries (we encircle outside our Church), monthly rosaries for the military and world peace. Our labors of love also include making lap robes, quilts, blankets for children at risk, watch caps for seamen, and donations of wheelchairs, sewing machines, toiletries for the needy, and volunteering at the Food Locker and Wellspring Center. We encourage any and all women to consider joining the Catholic Daughters of the Americas. You will never regret your decision. 3
Catholic Daughters of America The CDA Motto: "In Unity and Charity" Who Are The Catholic Daughters of the Americas? We are the largest and oldest organization of Catholic Women in the world with membership of approximately 114,000. Organizations are formed in the United States, Guam, Mexico, The Dominican Republic, Saipan, The Virgin Island and Puerto Rico. The organization was formed in 1903 by the Knights of Columbus and has its national office in New York. The Catholic Daughters is the largest affiliate of the National Council of Catholic Women (NCCW).
We welcome all Catholic Women! A warm welcome is extended to all Catholic women interested in joining CDA at St. John Vianney parish. We meet the 3rd Tuesday of each month (September through June) at 7:00 pm in the Southwest room of the Dwyer Parish Hall. To become a Catholic Daughter, a woman must be at least 18 years old and Catholic. Attend a meeting or two to hear about the service and charity that this ministry provides. For more information, please call Regent, Diane McDonald (916) 3165625 or email: cda2392@yahoo.com 4
What We Do Services to the Parish: German Food Booth at Parish Festival CDA Education Contest Funeral Luncheon Program Father’s Day Brunch Lenten Soup Meal Holiday Craft Fair Rosary for the Military
St. John Vianney Funeral Luncheon Program
Mission Statement Catholic Daughters of the Americas strive to embrace the pricipal of faith working through love in the promotion of justice, equality and the advancement of human rights and human dignity for all.
Court of Our Lady of Wisdom established a Funeral Luncheon Program for Members of SJV Parish in 1994. The program is non profit and run completely on donations. All work is done by CDA members and a few other parishioners volunteering their time and talents. Program Coordinator: Alberta Pfaff, along with the assistance of a few dedicated CDA members and rotating volunteers, provides a beautiful luncheon arrangement for families. For more information on this program or to volunteer to assist with the program contact Alberta at: 916-361-9223
Our Lady of Wisdom Court #2392