Who we are: South Shore is a Tech Startup incorporated in Uganda, which provides access to affordable internet services to individuals and businesses in Uganda.
What we do: We set up internet serving points in underserved areas within Uganda like the one below.

South shore was launched in 2021 during the COVID 19 global pandemic, to provide affordable internet services to residents of entebbe, who were no longer accessing the same with ease, as major telecom companies in Uganda closed their service centers and physical stores due to a nation wide lockdown. Since then, the company has grown to add 8 similar internet serving points and a major service center in Entebbe city.
South Shore also partnered with pay way to enable small businesses and government institutions to collect and manage payments and and also signed another partnership with Bank of Africa
Entebbe, to provide agency banking services to its clients across the country
In all communities we serve, residents find our serving points convenient and easy to access. We also employ young people that know and understand the local language and culture, creating more trust and confidence as these employees are trusted members of their communities.

After more than 83 weeks of school closure in Uganda due to covid19, causing the world’s longest disruption that affected more than 10 million learners according to figures from the U.N. cultural agency. Our team in collaboration with the office of the municipal education officer for Entebbe city, launched the ”internet for every school campaign”.
The campaign lasted for only one month and more than 100 learners form 20 selected schools in entebbe were able to access free wifi to boost their digital learning experience.

South Shore has also created 30 direct jobs and provided internet and digital payment services to more than 4,000 individuals and businesses in uganda contributing to the attainment of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Goal 9.c, which aims to ‘significantly increase access to ICT and strive to provide universal and affordable access to the Internet in least developed countries .

Our customers no longer need to travel to traditional banks that are open for only 8 hours, or spend time in lo ng bank queues to deposit or withdraw money. We extend banking hours for both clients and banks and bring convenience to customers as our serving points are close to where customers live, work and shop.