Letmeintroduce youwith thisletter toSadafAryaei.

She has shown excellent results in academic achievement, and her maturity stands out for her excellent learning capacity. She possesseshigh qualities inurbananalysis anddevelopment.
She has collaborated on a research project that I lead at the University of Malaga, financed by the Spanish Government and supportedby Fundación Renovables.

Theprojecttriestoprovideurbanpoliciestodecreasecontamination in Spanishcities.
The investigation proposes solutions for climate change and necessary zero-emission actions for the cities to achieve European GreenDeal targets.
Her contribution to the project included analysing European Green Deal documents and Green award-winning European capitals. She selected six cities to compare their urban policies, actions and indicators. These indicators included sustainable mobility, energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and biodiversity. An ideal city wasproposedbasedontheabovementionedfactorstoconcludethe project.
AboutthepersonalprofileofSadafAryaei,Icouldsummariseheras committed, creative and responsible. She has a great disposition towards both individual and teamwork. She possesses qualities and abilities with a significant predisposition to put her knowledge into practiceto achieve the highestlevel of learning.
Therefore, I recommend her widely because she is a very prepared studentandalwaysready to learnandact.
Withoutfurther ado for the moment, I remainat your disposal if you requireadditional information.
MaríaJoséMárquez Ballesteros Professor of UrbanismandTerritory Planning mjmarquez@uma.es EscuelaTécnica Superior deArquitectura Universidadde Málaga