Rethinking of Borders

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Project Brief

The plot which is located in Jos verdegemstraat i,is a parking lot of 6400m2 which consists 92 Garage boxes.According to the interviews with local people,lack of a family place is one of the major problems in is area.On the other hand there are hundrends of garage boxes in this area eventhough each house has its own parking around.Therefore I saw these garage boxes as a potential to be converted to courtyards since it is inside a group of houses and it can have a sense of collectivity for them with small interventions,so I tried to involve them in the project by playing with the borders of the houses with the plot,My idea was to keep existing boxes and give them functions and by mixing functions keep courtyard alive and attractive for neighbours. To continue my idea ,the profession school just beside the plot inspired me,since it is a school which mostly immigrants which don’t have jobs come there to learn professions but the school doesn’t have any place like ateliers which they can implement what they learn,I thought that by giving them ateliers to work and show their skills (like shop-ateliers)they could have progressed better and actually it could be start to their future works,so remove the border of school and plot and I provide them a courtyard which was missing in school building plus workshops to work.In addition,convert 1 part of the boxes to studios for studens with financial problems. In courtyard scale I imagined different 4 catagories of neighboures,first catagory is the neighbours which are outgoing and they have long gardens. second category are neighbours which are want to share an area with each other but not with others ,and third category is the one which let to make their garden only visible and the last category is one which they don’t want to their wall to be touched.Therefore I designed the borders according to each category for example, for outgoing ones,I offset their gardens and make collective garden for barbeque,reading books,etc,the design of the border is also taken into account that gardens are visible and the border is bookshelf itself. As a result a live semi public courtyard for all family members and students created.

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