Clinical research bibliography edited master

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PEER REVIEW CLINICAL RESEARCH BIBLIOGRAPHY RELATING TO SADDLE FIT SADDLE INTERFACE PRESSURE MEASUREMENT 1. Burman, M.S. Paul Using Pressure Measurements to Evaluate Different Technologies, Decubitus, Vol 6 No.3, 93 38‐42 De Cocq, P., Clayton, H. M., Terada, K., Muller, M., Van Leeuwen, J.L. 2009, Usability of normal force distribution measurements to evaluate asymmetrical loading of the back of the horse and different riderposition on a standing horse, The Veterinary Journal, 181, 266-273. Fruehwirth, B., Peham, C., Scheidl, M., Schobsesberger, H. 2004, Evaluation of pressure distribution under an English saddle at walk, trot and canter, Equine Veterinary Journal, 36(8), 754 – 757 2. Harman, Joyce, C. Practical Use of a Computerized Saddle Pressure Measuring Device to Determine the Effects of Saddle Pads.on the Horse's Back, Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, Vol 14, No. 11, 1994 606‐611 3. Harman, Joyce, C. Practical Saddle Fitting, Parts 1, 2 &3, The Equine Athlete, Vol.8, No 2, Mar/Apr 1995, Pgs (1) 12‐14 (2) 14‐17 (3) 17‐ 19 Harman, J.C., 1997. Measurement of the pressure extended by saddles on the horses back using a computerized pressure reading device. Pferdeheilkunde 13, 129–134. Harman, J.C., 1999. Tack and saddle-fit. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Equine Practice, 15, 247–261. Harman, J. C. 1995a, Practical saddle fitting, Part 1, The Equine Athlete, 8 (2), 1, 12 - 13. 4. Holloway, Effects of external pressure loading on human skin blood flow measured by 133Xeclearance, Journal of Applied Physiology Vol. 40, No.4ApriI1976,597‐600 Kotschwar, A. B., Baltacis, A., Peham, C. 2009, The influence of different saddle pads on force and pressure changes beneath saddles with excessively wide trees, Equine Veterinary Journal, 184 (3), 322 – 325. 5. L.B. Jeffcott, et al, Validity of Saddle Pressure Measurements Using Force‐Sensing Array technology – Preliminary Studies.,Veterinary Journal 199 158 113‐119 Liswaniso, D., 2001. A study of pressure patterns beneath the saddle of riding horses using force sensing array (FSA) technology. Ph.D. Thesis, Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge, United Kingdom. Meschan, E.M., Peham, C., Schobesberger, H., Licka, T. F. 2007, The influence of the width of the saddle tree on the forces and the pressure distribution under the saddle, The Veterinary Journal, 173, 578 - 584. 6. Pullin, Gregory, et aI., Use of Force Sensing Array Technology in the Development of a New Equine Saddle Pad: Static and Dynamic Evaluations and technical Considerations, Journal of equine Veterinary Science, Vo. 16, No.5, 1996,207‐216

TISSUE PHYSIOLOGY 7. Allen, Doug, Blood Flow Restriction caused by Bandaging an Equine in vivo study conducted at the University of Georgia, March 1996, 8. Brace, Robert and Guyton, Authur C., Transmission of Applied Pressure Through Tissues, Proceeding of the Society of Experimental biology &Medicine, 1977 154, 164‐167 9. Brand, P.W., Pressure sores ‐ the Problem, Bedsore Biomechanics, University Park. Press, London, 197521 ‐ 23. 10. Fernie, G.R. and Doman, J., Problems of Clinical Trials with New Systems for Preventing and Healing Decubiti, Bedsore Biomecanics, University Park. Press, London. 1975315‐320 11. Gibson, T. et ai, Biomechanical Concepts and Effects, Bedsore Biomechanics, University Park. Press, London. 197525‐30 12. Guyton, Arthur C., Capillary Dynamics and Exchange of Fluid between the Blood and Interstitial Fluid, Text of Medical Physiology, 1986,323‐349 13. Guyton, Arthur C., Capillary Dynamics and Exchange of Fluid between the Blood and Interstitial Fluid, Text of Medical Physiology, 1986,323‐349

14. Guyton, Arthur C., ACUTE CONTROL OF LOCAL BLOOD Text of Medical Physiology, 1986,323‐349 15. Guyton, Arthur C., FUNCTIONAL CAPILLARY PRESSURE Text of Medical Physiology, 1986,323‐349 16. Guyton, Arthur C., Special examples of "Metabolic" Control of Local Blood Flow Text of Medical Physiology, 1986,323‐349 17. Husain, Tafazzul, An Experimental Study of Sore Pressure Effects on Tissues, with Reference to the Bed Sore Problem., J. Path. Bact, Vol LXVI, 1953,.347‐ 358 . 18. Kosiak, Michael, Evaluation of Pressure as a Factor in the Production of Ischial Ulcers, Arch. of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 1958,623‐629 19. Kosiak, Michael, Etiology and Pathology of Ischemic Ulcers, Arch. of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 1959, 62‐69 20. Le, Khanh M., et aI, An In‐Depth Look at Pressure Sores Using Monolithic Silicon Pressure Sensors Microvascular Research, Vol 74 No.6, 1979,745‐754

SADDLE AND BACK KINEMATICS Audigié, F., Pourcelot, P., Degueurce, C., Denoix, J.-M. and Geiger, D. (1999) Kinematics of the equine back: flexion-extension movements in sound trotting horses. Equine vet. J., Suppl. 30, 210-213. 21. De Cocq, P., van Weeren, P.R., Back, W., 2004. The effect of a girth a saddle and weight on the movements of the horse. Equine Veterinary Journal 36, 758–763. De Cocq, P., Mariken Duncker, A., Clayton H. M., Bobbert, M. F., Muller, M., Van Leeuwen, J. L. 2010, Vertical Forces on the horses’s back in sitting and rising trot, Journal of Biomechanics, 43, 627 – 631. Holmes, M., Jeffcott, L. 2010, Equitation science, rider effects, saddle and back problems in horses: Can technology provide the answer? The Veterinary Journal, 184 (Editorial), 5 – 6. 22. L.B. Jeffcott, Back Problems in the Horse Back‐ A look at past, present and future progress, Equine veterinary Journal 1979, 11 (3), 129‐136 23. L.B. Jeffcott, Disorders of the thoracolumber spine of the horse ‐ a survey of 443 cases, Equine veterinary Journal 1980, 12 (4), 197‐ 210 Jeffcott, L.B. (1999) Historical perspective and clinical indications. Vet. Clin. N. Am.: Equine Pract. 15, 1-11. 24.L.B. Jeffcott,. The Equine Back. The Blood Horse, May 1998 1‐7 Licka, T. and Peham, C. (1998) An objective method for evaluating the flexibility of the back of standing horses. Equine vet. J. 30, 412-415. Licka, T.F., Peham, C. and Zohmann, E. (2001) Treadmill study of the range of back movement in horses without back pain. Am. J. vet. Res. 62, 1173-1179. Von Peinen, K., WiestnerT., Bogisch, S., Roepstorff, L., Van Weeren, P. R., Weishaupt, M. A., 2009, Relationship between the forces acting on the horse's back and the movements of rider and horse whilewalking on a treadmill, Equine Veterinary Journal, 41 (3), 285–291. Walmsley, J.P., Petterson, H., Winberg, F. and McEvoy, F. (2002) Impingement of dorsal spinous processes in two hundred and fifteen horses: case selection,surgical technique and results. Equine vet. J. 34, 23-28. Winkelmayr, B., Peham, C., Fruhwirth, B., Licka, T., Scheidl, M. 2006, Evaluation of the force action on the back of the horse with an English saddle and a side saddle at walk, trot and canter, Equine Exercise Physiology 7, Equine Veterinary Journal Supplement 36, 406 – 410.

MATERIAL SCIENCE 25. Chow, William, at ai, Effects and Characteristics of Cushion Covering Membranes Kenedi, R.M. and Cowden, J.M. Bedsore Biomechanics, University Park. Press, London, 1975,95‐108 26. Todd, Beth A. et aI, Three‐Dimensional Computer Model of the Human Buttocks, in vivo. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development, vol. 31 No.2 1994 111‐119

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