Lessons of the Last Liberty Script 20.1

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Connecting the dots, through Maritime History Lessons by

Pres ident

R o o se ve lt Humphrey

B o g art Pres ident

P u tin

C h an n eling t h e Wis dom of An c estors



Jones Act 1920







2019 © The Last Liberty LLC V 17 v 4

WORKPRINT 4.5.2019 Synopsis: This film explains the contemporary importance of the United States Merchant Marine, by placing current events in historical context, by following the history of the Last Original Liberty Ship, the SS Jeremiah O’Brien, employing visual time travel, to flash - back and forth, from 1776 to the present. 1. SMPTE Color Bars 1





00:01:13:26 00:00:12:29 00:00:19:16 00:00:47:03 00:01:13:26

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2. FAIR USE CLAIM - 00:01:09:00 2 3 4 5

2. FAIR USE CLAIM 1 Not for Distribution 2 Fair Use Claim 3 Legal Standard 4 Permission

00:00:04:00 00:00:04:00 00:00:12:29 00:00:19:16 00:00:47:03

Not for Distribution Producer Narrator: This film edit is a Workprint only. and is not for distribution. It is intended for copyright stakeholders, only. Fair Use Claim This film claims fair use content, which is permitted by copyright statute. Meets the “Copyright” Legal Standard

Producer Narrator: Because this film meets the 4-prong copyright legal standard 1. Transformational: Historical Commentary 2. Copyrighted Material Published Documentary Film 3. Amount of Use: Minimal measured in Seconds 4. The effect on Potential market: is Negligible Seeking Permission

Producer Narrator: Additionally, since this film addresses National Security. The Producer is also securing Copyright permission from all stakeholders. This workprint edit is intended to provide the editorial context to be able to grant permission, or request removal of Copywritten Material, in order to avoid any challenge relating to the "Fair Use" claim in the future 2

3. MARAD OPENING - 00:00:36:00 6





MARAD Narrator: Maritime transportation built this country. From it, flowed prosperity, Cities grew, populations flourished. Because of water, we could not fail. But today, our maritime transportation system is in decline. Of the 50,000 trade ships that travel the earth. Only 78 fly the U.S. Flag. The lowest in History

4. PUTIN PRESS CONFERENCE 2016 - 00:00:17:00 7

4. PUTIN PRESS CONFERENCE 2016 1 Putin Press Conference / Maloney




Maloney narration: Look at what he is saying here: “How can you not understand that the world is being pulled in an irreversible direction? From what I can see we are in grave danger. I do not know how this is all going to end. I think this is gravely dangerous. I not only think it, I am assured of it. 8

Time Travel to 2018 - 1 Year Ago




5. CONGESSIONAL PRESS CONFERENCE 2018 - 00:00:27:00 9 10 11 12

5. Energising American Ship Building Act 2018 1 Energising American Ship Building Press Conference 2 In Celebration of the U.S. Capitol Dome 3 Marad Economy 03 02 4 CVN 70 ships Wake

00:02:11:23 00:02:11:23 00:02:11:23 00:02:23:27 00:02:27:19

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00:00:27:00 00:00:00:00 00:00:03:00 00:00:04:00 00:00:11:00

Garamendi narration: (on camera) We are all here, today, National Maritime Day, because of this critical American maritime industry, Obsoletely, essential to our National Security. This industry is in trouble. The Department of Defense relies on a U.S. Flag Fleet and its pool of trained and certified mariners for over 95 Percent of the National Sealift In time of War and Emergency. But Our Fleet is in rapid decline. 13

Time Travel to 1776 - 240 Years Ago





6. LESSONS OPENING - 00:01:28:00 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

6. LESSONS OPENING 1 Lynx - American Privateer 2 Moving the World APL 3 USS Zumalt DDG 1000 4 Phoencians Before Columus 5 French Warship Replica 6 Lynx - American Privateer 7 Hacksaw Ridge - Battleship firing 8 El Coqui and Crowley Global 9 Tote Maritime Ruerto Rico 10 The Largest Aircraft Carrier 11 Marad Economy 03 02

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Film Narrator Barry Ellis: Since the dawn of civilization, the strongest nations of the world have been measured by their merchant fleets, not by their navies. Today, few people understand the importance of merchant ships. We all think of ships as Navy. But, that is only half of the Story. From the ancient Phoenician Traders to the empires of Spain, France and England and centuries later in America, it is the flag merchant fleets that carried the commerce, that built these great nations. Protected by Navy ships For centuries, at peace or at war SEAPOWER has always meant a strong Merchant Marine protected by a strong NAVY. Somehow, America has forgotten this fact. However, 50 years ago it was another story 25

Time Travel to 1941 - 78 Years Ago




00:03:53:10 00:03:59:22 00:03:53:10

00:00:09:00 00:00:15:00 00:00:06:00

7. CONVOY TO RUSSIA - 00:00:09:00 7. CONVOY TO RUSSIA 26 1 Convoy to Russia 1942 27 2 Naval Legends Actic Convoys

00:03:44:06 00:03:44:06 00:03:47:22

Pathe News Narrator: Northwards to the arctic circle rides the convoy and escort bound for ports in Northern Russia. Over 2000 miles of dangerous waters travestying the hard route that leads to Murmansk and Archangel. 4

8. AMERICANSKI LIBERTY SHIP - 00:00:25:00 28

8. AMERICANSKI LIBERTY SHIP 1 Action in the North Atlantic - Americanski Freighter




Deck hands on Liberty ship: Hey Look. I think they are on our side. FAMOUS LAST WORDS. No, they are ours alright. Russian Planes on the Starboard Quarter. Russian Pilot: “Americanski Freighter Liberty Ship” 29

Time Travel to 1979 - 40 Years Ago




9. BREAKING OUT OF THE FLEET - 00:01:09:00 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48

9. BREAKING OUT OF THE FLEET 1 The Last Liberty - Bow 2 SS jeremiah O'Brien Side Swipe 3 SS JOB - GG Southside High 4 GG Under North Tower 5 SS JOB - GG outside low Tug 6 SS JOB - Aerial Dolly outside GG 7 SS JOB Bow Dolly Tug 2 8 SS JOB Bow Dolly Tug 1 9 SS JOB Jeremiah Obrien Plate 10 SS JOB deck 11 JOB Port Side Tug 1 12 JOB Star Bow Tug 1 13 JOB Port Bow Tug 1 14 JOB EnginePicton Crankshaft 15 JOB Port Side Tug 1 Carquinas Bridge 16 JOB Port Side Tug 1 Close 17 JOB Engine at Speed out of the fleet 18 JOB Port Bow Tug 1 Three Brothers 19 Reseerve Fleet 5 Ships Aerial

00:04:29:23 00:04:29:23 00:04:33:04 00:04:36:05 00:04:39:05 00:04:41:12 00:04:43:02 00:04:49:27 00:04:52:24 00:04:55:05 00:04:59:09 00:04:59:22 00:05:03:08 00:05:05:21 00:05:06:16 00:05:18:11 00:05:21:29 00:05:23:26 00:05:25:08 00:05:29:24

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Pilot Conversation with Ship Traffic Control: 00:04:58 Traffic, Traffic , Unit 31, Unit 31, Jeremiah O'Brien, the Jeremiah O'Brien Film Narrator Barry Ellis: October 6, 1979, at the National Defense Reserve Fleet in Suisun Bay, California, a group of volunteers was able to steam up and sail the last surviving Liberty Ship out of the fleet under her own power, after being out of commission for over 33 years 00:05:16 This Liberty Ship is the last of fleet 2,571 Liberty Ships, that were built during World War II. At that time, the allies were desperately short of supplies, but America had allowed its Merchant fleet to deteriorate, dramatically after World War I and did not have enough ships to supply an Allied War Effort. 00:05:38 5


Time Travel to 1919 - 100 Years Ago




10. WHAT HAPPENED AFTER WORLD WAR I? - 00:00:23:00 10. WHAT HAPPENED AFTER WORLD WAR I? 50 1 March of Time - The Nation did Nothing




March of Time Narrator: In 1919, faced with the problem of what to do with its big wartime merchant fleet the nation did nothing. 100's of ships, built quickly at enormous expense, under the pressure of war were laid up to rust and rot. Ship building stopped and without a struggle the United States drifted back to its lowly position among the world's shipping nations. 51

Time Travel to 1979 - 40 Years Ago






11. BRIDGE OF SHIPS - 00:00:13:00 52

11. BRIDGE OF SHIPS 1 JOB Pan Reserve Fleet - Camera 1


Film Narrator Barry Ellis: So, President Franklin Roosevelt, who during the first World War, had been Secretary of the Navy and understood the importance of a strong Merchant Marine, inspired the nation to build a “Bridge of Ships”. 53

Time Travel to 1941 - 78 Years Ago




12. EMERGENCY DEFENSE OF THE NATION - 00:00:25:00 54 55 56

12. EMERGENCY DEFENSE OF THE NATION 1 Birth of Victory - Champaign Launch 2 How the Cargo Ship Helped WW2 3 Birth of Victory - Ships Ships and More Ships

00:06:28:07 00:06:28:07 00:06:39:16 00:06:46:11

00:06:53:28 00:06:39:16 00:06:46:11 00:06:53:28

00:00:25:00 00:00:09:00 00:00:07:00 00:00:07:00

President Franklin Roosevelt: This is a memorable day, in the History of American Shipbuilding. A memorable day In the Emergency Defense of the Nation. Today, from dawn to dark, 14 Ships are being launched on the Atlantic, on the Pacific and on the Gulf. This is, certainly, no time to be content we must build more cargo ships and still more cargo ships 6


Time Travel to 1950 - 69 Years Ago




13. HISTORY REPEATING ITSELF - 00:00:28:00 13. HISTORY REPEATING ITSELF 58 1 March of Time - History Repeating itself




March of Time Narrator: Many a Master Mariner sees U.S. Maritime History repeating itself Master Mariner: Here we spend a pile of dough to build ships and train men and we finally get ourselves a real Merchant Marine and now it already shows signs of cracking up. People just don't realize that we belong on the sea. We got foreign trade to carry and we've got to have a Merchant Fleet to back up the Army and Navy in time of war. Are we going to let it all go? The way we did last time. 59

Time Travel to 1979 - 40 Years Ago




14. JEREMIAH O’BRIEN HISTORY - 00:00:34:00 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69

14. JEREMIAH O'BRIEN HISTORY 1 Reserve Fleet Pan - camera 1 2 Deck enter Bay Camera 1 3 JOB Star Bow Tug 1 4 Reserve Fleet Superintendent - Potenger on camera 5 JOB Port Bow Tug 1 6 Stern SF in distance Tug 1 7 Port Bow Transamerica Tug 1 8 Port Bow Transamerica Fireboat Camera 1 9 Deck entering Bethlehlem Shipyard camera 1 10 Entering the Drydock Camera 1

00:07:31:02 00:07:31:02 00:07:33:21 00:07:35:04 00:07:37:24 00:07:50:03 00:07:52:07 00:07:54:04 00:07:55:23 00:07:58:16 00:08:00:00

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Chief Engineer Tom Pottenger, live action: They steamed the ship into the fleet as an operating ship in 1946 and they shut her down there in the fleet. After about 13 years, with no care or preservation of any kind, we were able to activate the ship in the fleet, steam it up and run it down the bay and bring it from Suisun Bay Reserve Fleet to Bethlehem shipyard, where she was drydocked, and rehabilitation work started. 70

Time Travel to 2016 - 3 Years Ago





15. WHY RUSSIANS ARE SCARED - 00:00:53:00 15. WHY RUSSIANS ARE SCARED 00:08:10:05 71 1 The Map that show why Russia Feels Surrounded 00:08:10:05 72 St2Petersburg Economic Forum 2016 - Putin "the problem" 00:08:48:18

00:09:03:07 00:08:48:18 00:09:03:07

00:00:53:00 00:00:38:00 00:00:15:00

Mike Maloney (on camera): The Russians now have a reason for their paranoia, they are scared, right now that they could be under attack and here is one of the reasons. This is a map of the former USSR and this is what was called the “Iron Curtain”. So, this is what it looks like today, this is what it looked like in 1949. Look at the buffer zone that Moscow had from everywhere and look at where it is today the threat is, now, right on their borders 00:38:49 President PUTIN on camera – narrator 2 translating: reading from subtitles. Your people, in turn do not feel a sense of the impending danger - this is what worries me. How can you not understand that the world is being pulled in an irreversible direction? That's the problem. 73

Time Travel to 1979 - 40 Years Ago




16. JEREMIAH O’BRIEN IN THE SHIPYARD - 00:00:33:00 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83

16. JEREMIAH O'BRIEN IN THE SHIPYARD Stern 1 in Drydock just as she was pulled up Rusty camera 1 2 Stern in Drydock BARE METAL Camera 1 3 Stern in Drydock 2 coats of grey paint 4 Black Anti fouling below the waterline. 5 Removed from the Drydock 6 Work on Deck 7 Crowsnext to Bulwarks 8 Two coast of grey paint 9 Sandblast to bare metel 10 Paint Winch Head

00:09:08:16 00:09:08:16 00:09:12:09 00:09:17:00 00:09:19:15 00:09:22:15 00:09:25:08 00:09:27:16 00:09:34:01 00:09:36:18 00:00:40:06

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Film Narrator Barry Ellis: She spent nearly eight months in the shipyard where her hull was sandblasted to bare metal and a coat of inorganic zinc was applied and finally two coats of grey paint to the topsides and a black antifouling below the waterline 00:09:23 she was removed from the drydock and work on the deck began from the crow’s nest to the bulwarks, she was stripped to bare metal, primed with zinc and red lead, and finally painted with two coasts of grey paint 8

Machinery such as winches were all cleaned to bare metal painted and lubricated


Time Travel to 2014 - 3 Yeas Ago




17. PUTIN’S SECRET WEAPON - 00:00:30:00 85 86 87 88 89

17. PUTIN'S SECRET WEAPON 1 Club K Contain Missile System 2013 2 Obama 3 Putins secret weapon - UN General Assembly 4 Hunting Isis 5 Club K Contain Missile System 2013

00:09:46:15 00:09:46:15 00:09:50:23 00:09:52:16 00:09:57:14 00:10:03:29

00:10:16:08 00:09:50:23 00:09:52:16 00:09:57:14 00:10:03:29 00:10:16:08

00:00:30:00 00:00:04:00 00:00:02:00 00:00:03:00 00:00:06:00 00:00:12:00

Boom from Rocket launch Boom from Rocket launch Video narrator: the U.S. President (Obama pictured) speaking at the 69th Session of the U.N. General Assembly called the action of Russia the main threat to the world, more terrible than international terrorism and Islamic fundamentalism One of the reasons for those words could be the information that the new Russian Sea based Cruise Missiles zeroed out the American domination Boom from Rocket launch. Boom from Rocket launch. 90

Time Travel to 1979 - 40 Years Ago




18. SHIPYARD VOLUNTEERS - 00:00:34:00 91 92 93 94 95

18. JEREMIAH SHIPYARD VOLUTEERS O'BRIEN WAS 1 Workers Handled Outside of Ship 2 donated 1000's of hours - Needle Gun Dring 3 Red Lead - Dring 4 Rebrick Boiler - Dickie 5 Signmaker Miss Jeremiah Obrien

00:10:21:10 00:10:21:10 00:10:24:29 00:10:32:04 00:10:36:05 00:10:43:16

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00:00:34:00 00:00:03:00 00:00:08:00 00:00:04:00 00:00:07:00 00:00:11:00

Film Narrator Barry Ellis: While the shipyard workers handled the outside of the ship many volunteers donated thousands of hours to strip the interior steel to bare metal, with needle guns, and then, painstakingly red lead and repaint all the interior surfaces, such as the binnacle and telegraph one volunteer, who had worked for the boiler manufacturer used his valuable experience to rebrick the inside of the boiler.


Film Narrator Ellis: This ship was named after Jeremiah O'Brien, who in 1775 commanded the first vessel in our nation’s history to engage in combat with the British during the Revolutionary War.


Time Travel to 1776 - 240 Years Ago




19. AMERICAN REVOLUTION - 00:00:39:00 97 98 99 100 101 102

19. AMERICAN REVOLUTION 1 Flint Lock firing American Revolution Era stock Footage 2 US Brig Niagra Under Full Sail 3 Why china is building islands 4 A brief history of longshoremen - beeak bull loading 5 Mechanical Wheat harveters 6 Horse drawn Hay

00:11:00:11 00:11:00:11 00:01:10:57 00:11:13:19 00:11:18:19 00:11:26:11 00:11:32:21

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00:00:39:00 00:00:10:00 00:00:03:00 00:00:05:00 00:00:08:00 00:00:06:00 00:00:07:00

President Franklin Roosevelt: Through all the years after the American Revolution your government reiterated and maintained the right of American Ships to voyage hither and yon without hinderance from those who sought to keep them off the seas or drive them off the seas. 00:11:19 As a nation we have realized that our export trade and our import trade had a definitely a good effect on the life of families not only on our seacoasts but also on the farms and the cities a hundred or a thousand miles from salt water 103

Time Travel to 1939 - 80 Years Ago






20. 114 SHIPS SUNK - 00:00:10:00 20. 114 SHIPS SUNK 104 1 The Battle of the Atlantic - 4 months - 114 ships sunk


History Channel Narrator: British: By the end of 1939 In just 4 months of warfare German submarines had had sunk 114 Allied Merchant Ships

21. THE ULTIMATE RESULT - 00:00:15:00 105 106

21. THE ULTIMATE RESULT 2 Ultimate Result WWII Footage - German Uboats 3 Battle Sounds of WW II

Harry Dring NPS Curator Narrator: 10

00:11:54:28 00:11:54:28 00:12:00:28

00:12:09:02 00:12:00:28 00:12:09:02

00:00:15:00 00:00:06:00 00:00:09:00

The ultimate, result was very simple. Hey, the Germans are sinking ships faster than, we are building them. We, Americans are building them, and we are in it.

22. NAZI MENACE - 00:01:23:00 107 108 109 110 111 112

22. THE NAZI MENACE 4 Roosevelt Speaks aobut the Sinking of US Ships 5 WWII Footage - German Uboats 6 Merchant Marine Law 1936 - Birth of Victory 7 Shipyard workers of America 8 Liberties lined up at yard 9 Adolph Hitler at Krupps Factory

00:12:09:02 00:12:09:02 00:12:16:09 00:12:36:19 00:12:55:01 00:13:21:22 00:13:25:24

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00:01:23:00 00:00:27:00 00:00:11:00 00:00:19:00 00:00:30:00 00:00:04:00 00:00:07:00

President Franklin Roosevelt (on camera) These Nazi submarines and raiders are the rattlesnakes of the Atlantic. They are a menace to the free pathways of the high seas, they are a challenge to our sovereignty. They hammer at our most precious rights, when they attack ships of the American Flag, symbols of our independence, our freedom and our very life 00:12:37 Since 1936, when the Congress enacted the present Merchant Maritime Law, we have been rehabilitating a Merchant Marine that had fallen to a low level and today we are continuing that program at accelerated speed. 00:12:55 The ship workers of America are doing a great job. They have made a commendable record for efficiency and speed. With every new ship, they are striking a telling blow to the menace to our nation and the Liberty of free peoples throughout the world 00:13:16 They struck 14 such blows, today they have caught the true spirit with which all this nation must be imbued, If Hitler, and other aggressors of his ilk are to be prevented from crushing us. 113

Time Travel to 2018 - 1 Year Ago




23. EVERYTHING HAD TO BE HAULED -00:01:27:00 114 115 116 117 118 119

23. EVERYTHING HAD TO BE HAULED 1 U.S. Navy Destroyer Launch Tomahawk missile 2 Drone Footage US Armored Brigade Combat Team 3 MSC Trilateral Replanishment at Sea 4 Military Sealift Command 5 Ships Shots MSC Dry Cargo 6 UUS Essex Replenishment at Sea

Harry Dring NPS Curator Narrator: 11

00:13:38:01 00:13:38:01 00:13:51:00 00:14:06:02 00:14:12:25 00:12:16:09 00:14:20:22

00:14:26:07 00:13:51:00 00:14:06:02 00:14:12:25 00:14:16:18 00:14:20:22 00:14:56:06

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Now, Navy Protects, Navy fights as an offensive weapon. You got to think about all stuff that is needed to operate anywhere in the world, to do anything. Whether it is running airplanes or small craft or a whole Navy or a section of the Navy and that means supplies. Everything had to be hauled in by ship. The Navy did not haul that stuff in. The Merchant Marine brought it in. The potatoes and the bullets and the bombs. All that stuff had to be hauled

24. MILITARY SEALIFT COMMAND - 00:02:31:00 120 121 122

24. MILITARY SEALIFT COMMAND 1 MSC How we move a Brigade Size Equipment 2 ARC Endurance 3 MSC How we move a Brigade Size Equipment

00:13:33:22 00:14:26:23 00:15:01:24 00:15:10:24

00:16:02:00 00:15:01:24 00:15:10:24 00:16:02:00

00:02:31:00 00:00:35:00 00:00:09:00 00:00:52:00

sound of Horn Navy Transcom Officer Narrator: So we got the 10th Combat Aviation Brigade. It is redeploying back to the United States after a 9-month deployment. We got them going back out from Europe. From Greece from Riga, Latvia from Bremerhaven, Germany and from, of course, Rotterdam, Netherlands, where we have the bulk of the cargo going out. So, approximately, 1100, I think it is 1104 pieces are being loaded here in Rotterdam uh...consisting of 57 helicopters loaded on to the 4th deck. On to this ship, the American Roll on Roll off Company, “Endurance�, which was chartered by Military Sealift Command A perfect vessel to load a Combat Aviation Brigade for both deployment and redeployment. You can get all the helicopters on in one fell swoop. They go on quickly they come off quickly We look at the way the world is today. We have kind of gotten away from the Global War on terrorism, those kinds of deployments. We are getting back to things we used to do in the 90's. When we are looking at larger forms of power projection. So, if we are looking at putting, more than one heavy brigade combat team more than one combat aviation brigade. many more actually into Europe, into other parts of the world. We are going to need to be able get these ships in rather quickly and turn them to get back to Conus. The Military Sealift Command can allow us to tap into the grey bottoms that we got available to us for the movement. They could charter vessels like this, not just with American Roll On Roll Off Company, but any of the companies with American Flag Ships. 12


Time Travel to 1943 - 76 Years Ago




24. NO JOB BIGGER THAN THIS? - 00:00:30:00

Humphry Bogart (on camera): How did you ever happen to join the Merchant Marine? Cadet: that is what I wanted to do even when I was a kid. I guess I have read everything ever written about ships: Dana, Conrad, Marriot, Melville. Humphry Bogart: I never got around to reading that stuff. I have been too busy doing it. Cadet: Seems to me that the toughest most important job, anyone can do, both for now and after the war. Humphry Bogart: You are right, son. There is no job bigger than this. Let me tell you something. No matter how many planes, and tanks and guns, you pile up, no matter, how many men you got, It does not mean a thing unless the men get the stuff when they need it that is your job, and my job to see that they get it. 00:16:24 - 00:16:37 = 00:0:13

26: KAISER BUILDS SHIP IN 4 DAYS 15 HOURS - 00:00:27:00 125 126

26: KAISER BUILDS SHIP IN 4 DAYS 15 HOURS 1 Kaiser Shows how to build a ships in 4 day 2 Robert E Peary Launched in 4 days

00:16:37:16 00:16:37:16 00:16:47:28

00:17:04:15 00:16:47:28 00:17:04:15

00:00:27:00 00:00:10:00 00:00:17:00

Movietone Newsreel Narrator: Kaiser, the miracle shipbuilder shows how his yards launched Liberty Ships in record time. This 81-piece model of the 10,000-ton ship is put together in 7 minutes And with the launching Robert E. Peary Kaisers men send a prefabricated ship down the ways in 4 days and 15 and a half hours. As she hits the water the ship is 90 percent completed. 13

In a couple of days, less than a week after her keel was laid, she will be ready for service.

27: FUTURE GENERATIONS OF YOUNG WOMEN - 00:00:38:00 27: FUTURE GENERATIONS OF YOUNG WOMEN 127 1 Women Working in the Shipyards - Birth of Victory




Janet Doyle, Rosie the Riveter: Working in the shipyard was an incredible opportunity to make a contribution to.....society. Specially, the war effort at that time. In my mind, it was sort of the beginning of the women's movement in the sense that Women proved that were they were totally able to do a man job and that sex was not a factor in their being able to be riveters, or welders or whatever. It certainly, opened up the whole subject, the whole possibility for future generations of young women

28. STALIN WASN'T STALLIN - 00:00:19:00 128

28. STALIN WASN'T STALLIN The Big Three, Chucchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin




Music: Well, Now, Stalin wasn't stallin’, when he told the beast of Berlin that he would never rest contented til had driven him from the land. So, he called the Yanks and English and proceeded to extinguish the Fßhrer and his vermin this is how is all began 129

Time Travel to 1987 - 32 Years Ago




29. THE INF TREATY - 00:00:39:00 29. THE INF TREATY 130 1 Gorbashov and Reagan Singing INF Treaty 1987 131 2 Putin Secret Wapm 3M14 Klub Missle 132 3 Russia pulls out of INF treaty

00:18:06:25 00:18:06:25 00:18:13:13 00:18:24:05

00:18:45:15 00:18:13:13 00:18:24:05 00:18:45:15

00:00:39:00 00:00:07:00 00:00:11:00 00:00:20:00

Video narrator: An interesting fact, the intermediate range nuclear forces treaty signed by Moscow and Washington in the far 1987 prohibits Russia to deploy land-based missiles with ranges of more than 500 kilometers, but this prohibition does not apply Sea based missiles. 00:18:24 Putin Translator: 14

Russia's response came quickly President Vladimir Putin said he was simply doing what the Americans did the day before, halting its involvement in the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty or I.N.F. Our American Partners have announced they are suspending their participation in the deal and we are also suspending our participation. 133

Time Travel to 2016 - 3 Years Ago




30. THE SEABASED MISSILES - 00:00:48:00 134 135 136 137

30. THE SEABASED MISSILES 1 Putin arrives a Novorossiysk 2 Admiratl Zitka reported the submarines 3 Russian Nuclear Submarine "Yuri Dolgoruky" 4 Putins Secret Waspon 3M14 Klub Missile

00:18:46:01 00:18:50:17 00:18:55:19 00:19:14:00 00:01:22:04

00:19:33:12 00:18:55:19 00:19:14:00 00:01:22:04 00:19:33:12

00:00:48:00 00:00:05:00 00:00:21:00 00:00:08:00 00:00:11:00

Video narrator: Putin arrived at Novorossiysk to hold a meeting on the port's development. At the Meeting Admiral Zitka reported to him about the construction the Black Sea Fleet Base in Novorossiysk. In particular, Admiral Said, the submarines, which will be based here, have long range cruise missiles and the coveredness of these submarines departure from the mooring places in Novorossiysk is much higher than in Sevastopol. Putin’s surprise is, that it was believed and officially announced, that the Club Cruise missile used in Project 636.3 submarines for the Black Sea Fleet had a range of 300 kilometers. Unexpectedly, in turn out to be 5 times more it fundamentally changes the balance of power in favor of Russia 138

Time Travel to 1945 - 75 Yeasr Ago




31. MERCHANT MARINE DILEMMA: - 00:01:24:00 139 140 141 142

31. MERCHANT MARINE DILEMMA 1 Comcerns about the US Merchant marine after WW2 2 We have to have Government Subsidies to hold our own 3 Congress should pass a law the 50% exports on US ships 4 U.S. Capitol Dome Restoration

00:19:38:13 00:19:38:13 00:19:52:21 00:20:04:18 00:09:52:21

00:19:56:09 00:19:52:21 00:20:04:18 00:20:12:03 00:19:56:09

00:01:24:00 00:00:14:00 00:00:12:00 00:00:08:00 00:00:04:00

Newsreel Narrator: But the Merchant Marines number one dilemma will remain the same: There is just one thing I want to know, how is my ship, with its high operating costs, going to stay on the seas, in completion with foreign ships?


As an answer, many ship owners look to the government for help. If we are going to hold our own in world trade, we’ve got to have government subsides, to make up for the high costs building and operations. Congress should pass a law requiring 50 percent of our exports to be carried in American Ships.


Time Travel to 1987 - 32 Year Ago




32: THIRD TIME IN OUR HISTORY - 00:00:44:00 144 145 146 147 148 149 150

32: THIRD TIME IN OUR HISTORY 1 JOC APL Launches EXX alternative to Air 2 Underseig Intro USS Missouri 3 MARAD Economy 03-02 4 Navy Emergency Breakaway 5 Chinese Build Up in the South China Sea 6 MARAD Economy 03-02 - 78 ships 7 Geoplitics of Northwestern Persian Gulf

00:20:16:29 00:20:16:29 00:20:26:11 00:20:28:27 00:20:32:07 00:20:36:04 00:20:44:13 00:20:48:20

00:21:00:21 00:20:26:11 00:20:28:27 00:20:32:07 00:20:36:04 00:20:44:13 00:20:48:20 00:21:00:21

00:00:44:00 00:00:10:00 00:00:02:00 00:00:04:00 00:00:04:00 00:00:08:00 00:00:04:00 00:00:12:00

Film Narrator Barry Ellis: Since World Peace is directly linked to trade, the deterioration of our Merchant Marine, seriously weakens this nations position. America is so Memorized with Military Might that it has forgotten that our Merchant Ships are our first arm of commerce and forth arm of defense. After on the discussions, about a 600 ship Navy, America, has still over looked that this is the third time our history that we have allowed our Merchant Fleet to deteriorate This fact of underscored on Sept 29, 1987 by Admiral William Crowe Chairman of the Joints Chiefs of Staff in reference to our operations in the Persian Gulf.


33: AN HISTORICAL PROBLEM WHEN YOU COMMENCE CONVOY 1 Admiral Crowe - Historical Problem Convoy




Admiral Crowe Speaking(on camera): We underestimated two of three areas We didn't fully appreciate the problems of Dovetailing Military with Commercial interests.


Incidentally, I have looked into it since then, and it is a historical problem, when you commence convoy. 152

Time Travel to 2018 - 1 Year Ago




34. MILITARY SEALIFT COMMAND 2ND FLEET - 00:00:32:00 153 154

34. MILITARY SEALIFT COMMAND 2ND FLEET 1 US Second Fleet Establishment Ceremonry 2 Commander Admiral Andrew Lewis

00:20:16:29 00:20:16:29 00:20:26:11

00:21:48:09 00:20:26:11 00:21:48:09

00:00:32:00 00:00:10:00 00:00:22:00

Admiral Lewis: (on camera): The elements that comprise the second fleet tactically independent but synchronized with a unity of effort, assured by clear commander intent The 2nd fleet includes the Military Sealift Command and her merchant mariners who on a daily basis provide crucial, critical logistics, strategic sealift and specialized mission support 365 days a year

35. CHALLENGES HAVE RETURNED: - 00:01:00:00 155 156

35. CHALLENGES HAVE RETURNED: 1 Commander Admiral Christopher Grady 2 Chinese Navy Promo

00:21:48:09 00:21:48:09 00:22:08:09

00:22:48:00 00:22:48:00 00:22:32:01

00:01:00:00 00:00:32:00 00:00:32:00

Admiral Christopher W. Grady (on Camera): As we gather here today, to formally establish or reestablish the 2nd fleet here in Norfolk. I think it is worth noting: what has driven us to this event day? What was a catalyst? To me it is clear. Our nation and Navy is once again being challenged at sea. Our sea control and our power projection, two vital elements of our National Security are being challenge by resurgent powers, namely, Russia and China. Both seeking to supplant the United States as the partner of choice among free and prosperous nations. And we as a Navy as a Nation, have not had to confront such peer competitors, Since the cold war ended nearly three decades ago. 17

Simply put, the days of competition at sea and challenges to our Maritime Security and superiority have returned

36. PUTIN’S 2018 PRESS CONFERENCE - 00:01:00:00 157 158

36. PUTIN 2018 PRESS CONFERENCE 1 What are you going to do 2 Putin We are to build the biggest ships.

00:22:48:09 00:22:48:09 00:22:08:09

00:23:48:17 00:23:07:20 00:23:48:17

00:01:00:00 00:00:19:00 00:00:40:00

Putin Translator: Mr. President, Last year you signed the Decree to transfer capital of the far east to Vladivostok from Harboursk. So, what are the plans of the government to strengthen the region? The Furthest Post of our country in the far east and this gives us advantages. We would keep developing Science, Education, we will keep supporting the Federal University We will also work on developing shipbuilding. We are going to build a shipbuilding plant in Vladivostok. You know that the first steps have already been taken. Those were major steps We are going to build the biggest Ships in Russia, there. And such large ships have not yet been built in the Soviet times.

37. ENERGIZING THE AMERICAN SHIPBUILDING ACT - 00:02:19:00 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170

37. ENERGIZING THE SHIPBUILDING ACT 1 In Celebration of the U.S Capitol Dome 2 Energizing American Ship Building Act. Garumendi 3 Meark - Worlds Biggest Ships 4 Vertrep and Refueling at Sea 5 LNG Ships 6 Drone over Chevron Tanker 7 Vigor Industrial - The future of shipbuilding 8 Ingalls Shipbuilding 9 Energizing American Ship Building Act. Wiker 10 Vigor Industrial - The future of shipbuilding 11 Ingalls Shipbuilding 12 Lynx American Privateer

Congressman Garumendi (on camera): 18

00:23:49:03 00:23:49:03 00:23:52:15 00:24:05:02 00:24:15:20 00:24:44:00 00:24:48:16 00:24:53:13 00:25:00:23 00:25:20:29 00:25:38:14 00:25:44:00 00:26:05:10

00:26:08:11 00:23:52:15 00:25:20:29 00:24:15:20 00:24:25:24 00:24:48:16 00:24:53:13 00:25:00:23 00:25:17:00 00:26:15:13 00:25:44:00 00:25:48:29 00:26:08:11

00:02:19:00 00:00:04:00 00:01:28:00 00:00:10:00 00:00:10:00 00:00:04:00 00:00:05:00 00:00:08:00 00:00:17:00 00:00:55:00 00:00:07:00 00:00:04:00 00:00:03:00

This is why we were here, to Rebuild our U.S. Flag Fleet. For the sake of our economy and for our national security. For too long, we have outsourced the Security and Control over the supply chain that undergirds our entire economy. Of the one point four billion Tons of goods that travel through U.S. Ports each year: 98 % travel on foreign flag vessels, operated by foreign mariners. Congress can start turning that around by passing this legislation we are presenting, today‌. Energizing the American Shipbuilding Act. This legislation is very simple. This would result in the domestic construction of over 50 vessels. Which would expand and enhance our industrial base and create thousands of jobs. High paid in manufacturing and maritime jobs and develop the shipbuilding capabilities vital for America's nation Security. 00:25:22 Senator Wicker Narrator (on camera) If you believe in bipartisanship, this is a press conference for you. If you believe in bicameralism, You’re at the right place, today. And my goodness, if you want a program that unites labor and management and manufacturing, then this is the bill for you. And, of course, John mentioned, what this means to National Security. And it just means so much. Well, because when the flag goes up and a crisis occurs, we need American Ships to depend on. And we will have more of them if this bill comes to fruition. 00:26:17

38. LESSONS OF THE LAST LIBERTY - 00:00:12:00 171 172

38. LESSONS OF THE LAST LIBERTY 00:26:18 --> 00:26:29 = 00:00:11 1 MARAD Economy 03-02 Shipping Routes around the world 2 MARAD Economy 03-02 Count down to 78

00:26:15:28 00:26:15:28 00:26:21:10

00:26:27:10 00:26:21:10 00:26:27:10

00:00:12:00 00:00:07:00 00:00:06:00

Film Narrator Barry Ellis: Now they we are protecting Foreign Flag merchant ships, half way around the World, It may be prudent for Americans to remember the Lessons of the Last Liberty 173

Time Travel to 1919 - 100 Years Ago




39. THE NATION DID NOTHING - 00:00:12:00 174

39. THE NATION DID NOTHING 1 Concerns about US Merchant marine after WW2




Movietone narrator: In 1919, faced with the problem of what to do with its big wartime merchant fleet: the nation did nothing. And without a struggle the United States drifted back to its lowly position, among the world's shipping nations 19

40.. WE BELONG ON THE SEA - 00:00:13:00 175

40. WE BELONG ON THE SEA 1 Concerns about US Merchant marine after WW2




People just don't realize that we belong on the sea. We got foreign trade to carry. And we've got to have a Merchant Fleet to back up the Army and Navy, in time of war. Are we going to let it all go? The way we did last time.


41. AMERICANSKI FRIEGHTER - LIBERTY SHIP 1 Action in the North Atlantic - Famous Last Words




I think they are on our side. Famous Last Words No, they are ours all right. Russian Planes on the starboard quarter Americanski Freighter Liberty Ship


42. THE LAST LIBERTY 00:27:27 --> 00:27:35 = 00:00:07 1 JOB Side Swipe




Narrator Barry Ellis: This Liberty Ship is the last of fleet 2,571 Liberty Ships that were built during World War II

43. NO BIGGER JOB BIGGER THAN THIS - 00:00:13:00 178

43. NO BIGGER JOB THAN THIS 1 Action the North Atlantic - No job Bigger than this




Humphrey Bogart (on camera) No job bigger than this. Let me tell you something No matter how many planes and tanks and guns you pile up, no matter how many men you got, It doesn't mean a thing unless the men get the stuff when they need it. That is your job and my job to see that they get it

44. GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH - 00:01:21:00 179

44. GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH 1 Ships Ships and More Ships - Birth of Victory 2 Golden Gate Aerial of JOB 3 JOB High Angle Dolly 4 JOB Low Angle Dolly

00:27:34:18 00:27:34:18 00:27:42:22 00:28:15:04 00:28:36:03

00:28:55:01 00:27:42:22 00:28:15:04 00:28:36:03 00:28:55:01

00:01:21:00 00:00:08:00 00:00:27:00 00:00:21:00 00:00:19:00

President Franklin Roosevelt narrator: This is, certainly, no time to be content. We must build more cargo ships and still more cargo ships 20

We propose these ships sail the seas, as they are intended to. We propose, to the best of our ability to protect them from torpedo from shell or from bomb. The Patrick Henry, as one the Liberty Ships launched, today renews that great patriots stirring demand: Give me Liberty or Give me Death There shall be no death for America for democracy, for freedom. There must be Liberty. World Wide and Eternal, that is our prayer. our pledge to all mankind

45. IN MEMORY OF HARRY AND MATILDA DRING - 00:00:25:00 45. IN MEMORY HARRY AND MATILDA DRING 1 In Memory of Harry and Matilda Dring 2 who liad the foundations for the Maritime Museum 3 were the inspriation for this film

00:28:55:18 00:28:55:18 00:28:59:19 00:00:00:00

00:29:12:00 00:29:12:00 00:29:12:00 00:29:12:00

00:00:25:00 00:00:10:00 00:00:10:00 00:00:05:00

In memory of Harry and Matilda Dring Who 75 years ago, along with Karl Kortum, laid the foundation of ships, for what is now, known as the San Francisco National Maritime Historical Park And were the inspiration for this film.

46. CREDITS - 00:00:30:00

46. CREDITS 00:28:23,201 --> 00:28:46,958 = 00:00:00 Rolling Credits


Producer, Writer & Director Robert Ferrand Cinematography Robert Ferrand Doug Hunt Monti Hunter Doug Dickensen Karil Daniels Dennis McNew Aerial Cinematography Jan D’alquin – Camera Bud Shipley – Pilot Helicopter – Almaden Vineyards 21



Sound Recordists Robert Ferrand Nelson Stole Original Film Editor Robert Ferrand Original Video Editor Duncan Gould Davinci Resolve Editing Robert Ferrand Production Assistance Gilda Jacobs Marci Hooper Original Post Production Highland Laboratories Film to 4K Video Transfer Cinelous Original Production Support Snazelle Films CineRent West Adolph Gassers Archival Film Alfred T. Palmer Univ. of Cal ‚Äì Bancroft Library Turner Broadcasting ‚Äì Action in the North Atlantic MARAD ‚Äì Maritime Administration Sound Tracks I left my heart in San Francisco Stallin wasn’t Stallin’ Original 1980’s Funding Ferrand Family Harry and Matilda Dring Myron and Dorothy Alexander Barry Boise Robert Voris Thomas B. Crowley Sr. 22









Connecting the dots, through Maritime History Le ssons b y

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2076 2076

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