Saddle Standard Slide Show

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Measurement protects the


Agenda The Problem Federal Regulations Basic Physiology A Scientific Solution


Misleading & Deceptive

Saddle Fitting

What is the Problem? The saddle will show signs of wear before the horse will show signs of trauma from the saddle.

Catch 22 The saddle customer cannot determine saddle fit prior to purchase

Can’t See Under Saddle The consumer is forced to determine The functionality of the product despite

Misleading labeling, labeling Deceptive trade practices, and the lack of measurements, measurements standards standards, or methods to determine functionality

VENDOR Responsibility When the consumer pays for the product It is the vendor vendor’s s responsibility to be sure the product can function in the manner it was intended to be used

Uniform Commercial e l Code e 2-315 IMPLIED WARRANTY: Fitness for a Particular Purpose Where the seller at the time of the contracting has reason to know any particular purpose for which the good are required and that the buyer is relying on the seller’s skill or judgment to select or furnish suitable goods, there is unless excluded or modified under the next section an implied warranty that the goods shall be fit for such purpose.

How to Fit a Saddle 1. Place the Saddle on the horse. 2. Check that the Front of the Saddle Has the same shape as the horse’s wither 3 Be sure the fork or pommel of the saddle 3. Is two to three fingers above the spine of the horse 4 Lift the skirts or flaps and check under the saddle to 4. be sure the bars or panels fit evenly down the horse’s back. 5. Ride the horse for a “short” ride and see if there Are Any marks on the horse’s back. 6. If the sweat marks on the horse’s back are even THE SADDLE FITS.

Fuzzy Logic We do not know the sizes of the saddles W know We k th thatt th they are all ll different diff t But, we know that they fit all horses

Misleading labeling “Narrow” Narrow , “Regular” Regular & ”Wide” Wide “Flat”, “Sway”, “High” “Full “F ll Quarter Q Horse” H ” “3/4 Arab” The horses backs & saddles are 3 Dimensional Surfaces RELATIVE TERMS ARE MISLEADING

It Takes Two to Tango

“Arc” is more critical than “Width”

No “Arc” Arc Measurement

A miss is as BAD as a mile

Everything , except “Arc” Arc

No way to relate saddle shape to the horse

Form reveals Function

Th There are no measurements t for f the th “Arc” “A ”

No Common Language Treemaker Saddlemaker Distributor Retailer Consumer H Horse Everyone is Injured

Century Old Problem 1897

“It was found that as high as 45 per cent of the trees on hand furnished by some Contractors during the (Civil) war had to be rejected� ODUS C. HORNEY, Lieutenant, Li t t Ordnance Od Department, D t t U. S. Army.

Consumer Injury Can NOT use the product

Ft. Riley, KS 1941

Auburn,Ca 1998

Secondary Injury Poor P S Saddle eF Fit t can cause e the horse to compensate, Le Leading g to other ot e Physiological injuries As well as Behavior Problems That can injure the Rider

Financial Injury Saddles Cost Between $500 - $5000 Times 2x – 3x – 4x – 5x – 6x – 7x Saddles Many People Spend More Money on Saddles than they did for the Horse And still do not know if the saddle fits

Reality Check

Considering only 2 different shapes at (1,2,3,A,B) (1 2 3 A B)

2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 32 combinations. 3 shapes cannot fit all horses?

No Sweat The claim is: the saddle cuts off blood flow to tissues so they cannot sweat. S poor saddle So ddl fit can b be seen on th the horse. h All saddles cut off blood flow If the theory was correct all properly fitting saddles would have uniform dry y areas under the saddle

Oh, my aching back ! Some horses can perform badly without suffering from a back problem. Some horses can perform adequately d despite it having h i a back b k problem. bl S Spontaneous t recovery ffrom many ttypes of back problems is quite common.

The horse can not speak, S Sizes are meaningless, If you can not see, and You do not measure ANY CLAIMS OF SADDLE FIT



Emperor has no Clothes

Measurement is the Solution

Who is Kidding Whom?

The Saddle Industry Rejects Measurement Period P i d

Measurement would permit “value value comparisons comparisons� between competing saddles

Federal Regulations Fair Packaging and Labeling Act 1451 Congressional Declaration of policy

“Packages and their labels should enable bl consumers to t obtain bt i accurate t information as to the quantity of the contents and should facilitate comparison” p ” “value comparison

Federal Regulations Title 15 Commerce & Foreign Trade, Sec 16.3(F)

“The The term performance characteristic means a performance characteristic of a consumer product that can be measured in an objective manner�

Federal Trade Commission Act - Section 5 “The Th underlying d l i legal l l requirement i t off advertising substantiation is that advertisers and ad agencies have a reasonable basis for advertising claims claims” “reasonable before they are disseminated”

Consumer Protection The goal of consumer protection law is to permit the consumer to understand what h they h are buying b i and d to make k

“value value comparisons” comparisons Th consumer mustt be The b “FULLY INFORMED”

Deceptive Trade practice Suggesting gg g to try y the saddle on the horse,, is deceptive because the customer believes if they do not see any mark on the horse that the saddle fits. This may not be true, because it takes Longer for the horse to show signs of Trauma than it takes to scuff the saddle

Mislead the Customer There must be a representation, omission or practice that is likely to mislead The lack of any measurement, measurement misleading labeling and deceptive claims are likely to mislead the consumer, consumer because they have no way to make “value comparisons�. comparisons�.

No way to determine Fit Examine the p practice from the perspective p p of a consumer acting reasonably The lack of any measurement, misleading l b li and labeling d deceptive d ti claims l i prevents t saddle ddl consumers from making “value comparisons� or permit them to determine saddle fit prior to purchase p p of the saddle.

Customer Beware Will the act or practice affect the consumers conduct or decision. decision If the saddle consumer understood that Labeling was misleading and there was no “objective� basis to claim that a y would be more cautious saddle fits,, they

Saddle Sales Disclosure The saddle will show signs of wear before the horse will show signs of trauma. Saddle Labeling is misleading The weight of the rider has an effect on the shape of the saddle. 3-D and “objective� Saddle measurement is available

Voluntary Product Standard Permits the Saddle Industry to come into “compliance with the law through voluntary and cooperative action by private companies i response to in t nonbinding bi di staff t ff advice, d i formal f l advisory opinions by the Commission, and guides and policy statements delineating legal requirements requirements.�

N National Institutes I of

Standards & Technology “acts acts as an unbiased coordinator in their development, provide editorial assistance i their in th i preparation, ti supply l such h assistance i t and review as is required to assure their technical soundness, so ndness and to seek satisfactor satisfactory adjustment of valid points of disagreement.�

United States

Saddle Standard Nationally y recognized g requirements q for saddles and their fit to horses Saddlemakers, Distributors, and Equestrians can contribute to the development of “Voluntary Product Standards�.

Low Hanging Fruit Plaintiff Plaintiff’s s Attorneys can easily Win a class action law suits on behalf of Equestrians who have been mislead Because there is no defense The Downside: Plaintiff’s Attorney will only accept cash The saddle companies will never survive

The Gentle Giant The Federal Trade Commission action against g MISLEADING LABELING &


Will protect t t consumers and d vendors d While promoting a “Voluntary Product Standard”

“No one will do anything unless they are sued” Dan Deweese Past Editor – TacknTogs Saddlery Trade Journal Circulation 25,000

“You’re Job is to wake the Sleeping Giant” Dr. Mathew MackayMackay-Smith Medical Editor – Equus Magazine Largest U.S.Equine magazine Circulation 250,000+

Measurement protects the



Saddle Fitting

Scientific M ethod ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾

Identify the Problem State the Hypothesis C ollect the D ata C onfirm /Reject Hypothesis C onclusion

What is Saddle Fit ? “SADDLE FIT” means that the shape of the saddle p panel that is in contact with the horse’s back is the same shape as the MOUNTED horse horse’s s back back.

Fit, Rock, Bridge, Twist

Why W is it so complicated ? 1 The weight of the rider 1. rider, affecting the 2. Saddletree, affecting the 3. Panels of the saddle, affecting the 4. Saddle Pad, affecting the 5. Capillaries in the Skin of the horse, affecting the 6. Capillaries in the longissimus g dorsi muscle, affecting g the 7. Curvature of the spine of the horse, affecting the 8. Horse’s range of motion, affecting the 9 Performance of the Horse 9. Horse, affecting the 10. Behavior of the horse, affecting the 11. Attitude and performance of the Rider.

Management of pressure There is no way to eliminate saddle pressure We only need to understand what the horse’s tissues require to remain healthy’ With that knowledge we can intelligently administer pressure to the horse’s back without injury.

Capillary Closure Pressure e e

I the Is th critical iti l issue i in i preventing ti saddle related trauma

It doesn’t take much TO STOP THE SHOW

The effect of external p pressure on blood flow using a radioactive isotope illustrates that

60% of the blood flow occurs below .25 PSI.

In goes the Good Blood OUT GOES THE BAD BLOOD

“Reactive “R ti H Hyperemia” i ” - The Th ti tissues starved t d of arterial blood are flooded with oxygen.

Internal Pressure Pressure inside the tissues can be 3 - 5 times more than on the surface.

Muscles are more susceptible to trauma than skin.


Pressure over Time CAN CAUSE TRAUMA

The damage is function of the intensity of pressure and how long it remains remains.

What do we REALLY know ? Pressure is not distributed evenly throughout tissue Internal tissue pressure is 33-5X surface pressure Muscle is more susceptible to damage than skin. Tissue damage is a function of pressure over time CONSTANT INTERMITTENT FLOW OF BLOOD is required for tissues to remain healthy.

Goal of Saddle Fitting To achieve an even pressure throughout the saddle contact area Remove the saddle every few hours to permit blood to flow to the tissues. tissues.

Scien tific M ethod ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾

D oes the Sa ddle ddl e F it? The P ressu r e is un ifo rm re M easure easur e Sa ddl e P res sure The P ressu r e is un ifo rm re This Sa ddl e F its th is ho rs e ddle

Measurement is Good The primary purpose of a system of measurement is precise description description. In practice, the method of securing precision that has proven to be overwhelmingly g y superior p is SPECIFICATION BY NUMBERS. NUMBERS.

What are we Measuring?

The Saddle Contact Area Only y

The “Low“ Tech Solution

Measure the Horse

Measure the Saddle

English Measurements

90 0

110 0 15 0 Wither

120 0

140 0


10 0





Western Measurements


90 0

110 0

15 0

120 0 50


140 0 10 0


140 0 10 0



As Above, So Below, Ain’t so The weight of the rider causes the horse’s back to bend. Therefore, the measurements of the “unmounted unmounted”” horse need to be "corrected "corrected"" to determine the proper shape of the ”mounted ”mounted mounted"" saddle. saddle

Ferrand’s Formula Weight Compensation Factor

Rider Weight

Calibrated Standard

Horse Weight

RW - C

WCF = ----------------B Patents Pending

Incremental Standard

Calibrated Standard

HW - Z


--------------Y Incremental Standard

Calibration is the accurate comparison of any measurement instrument to a known standard. Without numerical values there is no way to "calibrate" or compare shapes.

The “High” Tech Solution

“Objective Objective” ” Saddle Measurement

The Buck Stops Here

Saddle Fits

Saddle Bridges

English Formula

Western Formula

In the Ball Park




Formula for Every Barn Breed, Discipline, p Condition will also effect saddle fit. fit

The performance of the horse can be "scientifically" measured and correlated to the subjective observations of the riders.

Horse Vs saddle 100 0

130 0 25 0


100 0 Saddle

140 0 10 0

130 0 20 0


50 140 0

10 0

00 50

140 0

00 00


140 0 00



00 50




10 0 is Measurable

Pads Do Something Something, But not Much

No Pad

1” Fleece

1” Fleece 1/2 Foam

1” Fleece 3/4 Foam

How to measure a Saddle Without the Horse

Angles g



Adjustable Jig Saddle Tree Alignment

Quality control

Measure Horse

Glue Panel

Secure Fork

Weight Compensation

Shape Panel

Verify 33-D Measurements

Adjust Jig

Clamp Panel

Verify Saddle Fit

Scientific Saddle Fitting 1. Measure the Horse 2 C 2. Compensate t ffor weight i ht 3. 3 Recalibrate Measurement 4. Match Saddle to New Measurements 5. “Objective� Verification of Fit

Measurement protects the


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