Bluegrass Signature Collection 2023

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Signature Collection



Fromitsinceptionin1990,Saddler’sCreekWines havefollowedaguidingprinciplethatourwinesbe madeforthesolepurposeofbeingsavouredwith bothgoodfoodandgoodfriends.

Theintentinourwinemakingisclear-firstand foremost,enjoymentanddrinkability.

OurflagshipBluegrasswineswerebornunderthis guidingprinciple.ThenamingofourBluegrass Collectionwasinspiredfromwheretheoriginal Americanoakbarrelswereproduced,atthe ‘Bluegrass’Cooperage,inthe‘Bluegrass’stateof Kentucky,USA.

Thisregionisfamousfortheannualrunning oftheKentuckyDerby,thehorseracefor 3-year-oldthoroughbredsrunannuallyat ChurchillDownsinLouisvilleandalegofthe celebratedTripleCrown.Itwaswithastrong loveof“all-things-equine”thatourwinery’s predecessorscreatedaconnectionwiththis Kentuckyheritagebyincludinganillustration ofthefamedKentuckyBluegrassonourwine’s iconiclabel.

TheinauguralvintageofBluegrassCabernet Sauvignonwasproducedin1990andharvested fromsmall-batchparcelsofthehighestquality fruit,thiswinehaslongbeenthedarlingof

thecollection.Thisclassicandhighlylaudedvarietal wasfollowedbytheintroductionof winesproducedinasimilarveinandstructure: BluegrassMerlot(firstrelease1995),a BluegrassShiraz(released1998)andfinally thelusciousBluegrassCabernetShiraz“TheBlend” (released2006).

WiththeestablishmentofCLUBEQUUSin1998,the BluegrasslabelwinesquicklybecameourSignature Collectionofredwines.CLUBEQUUSMembersand cellardoorvisitorsalikewereenamouredbythe wines’richandbold,up-frontfruitqualities,with layersofflavourrevealedinalongandelegant, texturedfinish.

TheBluegrassCollectionarecraftedforlongevity andhavetheabilitytoagegracefullyformanyyears. Knowingthatwithtimeandpatience,thesewines willevolvetodevelopfurtherdepthofflavourand complexityovertime.

Nevertheless,theyarealsocreatedtobe approachablewhenyoung,makingthemperfectfor savouringandsharingatanycelebratorymoment. Inessence,thesewinesembodytheSaddler’s Creekwayoflife-atraditionofsharinggoodfood andsuperbwinewithfriendsandfamily.

The Collection

A selection of carefully curated, traditional in nature, premium Australian wines. Crafted for longevity...

Capable of being cellared for many years, first and foremost crafted to be enjoyed with good food and good friends.

Harvest April / May



Grape to Glass

Thewinemakingprocessbeginsinthecool oftheeveningorearlymorning,whereinthe vineyardthegrapesareharvestedbeforebeing crushedandchilledpriortotransporttothe HunterValley.

FruitfromLanghorneCreekinSouthAustralia experienceaverygentlecoldsoakalongthe way,asthe'must'istransportedfromthe vineyardtoushereinourHunterValleywinery.

Thisslowdriveenablessubtleextractionof colourandflavoursfromtheskinsofthe


The'must',freshlycrushedjuicethatcontains theskins,seeds,andstemsofthegrapeis

thenallowedtocontinuetosoakforuptofive dayspriortofermentation,wheretheferment is“pumped-over”multipletimesperdayto enablecolourandflavourintegration.

Followingprimary(alcoholic)fermentation, malolacticfermentation(MLF)isallowedto finishintankbeforethewinesaretransferred toamixofnewandseasonedAmericanoak hogs-headsandbarriques.

Thewineismaturedinbarrelforapproximately 18monthspriortothefinishedwinebeing blendedandpreparedforbottling.

Maturation up to 24 Months Released 26 months later

Signature Style

One of the least known aspects of winemaking is blending. This vital step in the process is a team effort for our winemakers and ensures the final wine will be consistent, balanced and layered with aromatics, taste and textural complexities.

Bluegrass, like almost all wines are blends in some form. Blending starts all the way back in the vineyard where fruit is selected from specific blocks that could vary in age, clone or soil type, all giving rise to unique characteristics only found in that one parcel of grapes.

Of course then there is blending of different varietals, regions, oak barrels, all of which are individual variables our winemakers have to play with.

Blending is the process of combining all the elements and then fine tuning over and over again so as to create the best possible wine.

ForourHeadWinemaker,BrettWoodward, blendingisa“labour-of-love”.Itrequiresthe closestcollaborationwithhisvineyardand winemakingteam,toensurethatthefinal productcarriesthetraditionalBluegrass stampandmeetsthehighexpectationsour CLUBEQUUSMembersandvisitorstothe cellardoor.

WithBrettatthehelmofwinemaking,these newreleaseBluegrassexhibittherenowned Bluegrasssignaturestyle,whichisexpected andlovedbyourextendedSaddler’sfamily...

Balanced, Elegant and Fruit Driven...

Wines crafted for longevity which no great cellar is complete without.


Langhorne Creek

Our iconic Bluegrass Collection is produced from premium grapes which are historically harvested from Langhorne Creek in South Australia. Located on the Fleurieu Peninsula, 70km from Adelaide. It is home to some of the oldest recorded Cabernet Sauvignon vines in the world and fifth-generation winemaking families.

Nestled on the banks of the Bremer River which floods annually and deposits nutrientrich soil on the surrounding plain. It is significantly cooler than the McLaren Vale and Barossa regions partly due to, ‘the Lake

The magic of wine is in its ability to express provenance.

Doctor’, a wind carrying cool breezes from nearby Lake Alexandrina. This cool maritime breeze, keeps temperatures down and allows for a longer, more even ripening period. This unique terrior produces full bodied Cabernet Sauvignon and Shiraz which are aromatic and fruit driven. The firm tannins create generous structure and body with good length of flavour. Bold, richly flavoured, opulent red wines, characters that have become synonymous with our Bluegrass Collection.

Total planted area - 6069 ha (15000 acres) with a total annual crush of approx. 60,015. The top varieties planted - Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Merlot and Riesling. Vineyards: Follett’s - Gumtree, 44R Blocks, Rivers End - Old Barn and Pecadore vineyards.

Langhorne Creek Vineyard - SA

Bluegrass Cabernet Sauvignon Thedarli

ThematriarchoftheBluegrasscollection,ourCabernetSauvignon hasbeentruetostylesinceitsinceptionin1990.

Thislate-ripeningvarietyexcelsinLanghorneCreek,whichis amongAustralia’stopregionsforCabernet.Itproducesfullflavouredyetelegantwineswithastructuralpalate,fine,plush tanninsandsubltechoc-mintcharacters.Thesearesofterand moreapproachablethanCabernetwinesfromsomeother regions,makingthemidealforimmediatedrinking.However,they alsohavetheabilitytoagegracefullyformanyyears.

Food Pairing: Cabernet Sauvignon is ideal with big rich meals especially slow cooked red meat. The firm tannins in these wines refresh the palate after each bite.

Savour with slow roasted lamb shoulder

Region: Langhorne Creek

Maturation: American oak

Cellar: Long term 10+ years

Like all of our wines in the Bluegrass Collection, this fine red can be enjoyed now or cellared with absolute confidence.

Bluegrass Shiraz

TheuniqueterroirofLanghorneCreekproducesfullbodied aromaticShirazwithplushdarkfruits.Thefirmtanninscreate superbstructureandbodywithgenerouslengthofflavour.

Bold,richlyflavoured,opulentredwines,charactersthathave becomesynonymouswithourBluegrassShiraz.

Food Pairing: Full bodied Shiraz goes best with big rich flavoured foods. Smokey BBQ meats or Rich tomato Italian style dishes.

Savour with Italian beef short ribs

Region: Langhorne Creek

Maturation: American oak

Cellar: Long term 10+ years

Like all of our wines in the Bluegrass Collection, this fine red can be enjoyed now or cellared with absolute confidence.

Bluegrass Cabernet Shiraz “The Blend”

A classic Australian blend, the marriage of Cabernet Sauvignon and Shiraz is regarded by wine critics and judges as “the great Australian red”.

Elegance, structure and length of Cabernet combines harmoniously with the rich fruit and ripe tannins of Shiraz which adds, middle-palate velvety richness and spicy notes, creating a complex but balanced wine with great cellaring potential.

Food Pairing: This is such a great all-rounder food wine. Made for BBQ meals, along with mushroom and tomato dishes.

Region: Langhorne Creek

Maturation: American oak

Cellar: Long term 10+ years

Like all of our wines in the Bluegrass Collection, this fine red can be enjoyed now or cellared with absolute confidence.

Savour with BBQ miso mushroom & halloumi burgers

Bluegrass Cabernet Merlot “The Blend II”

CabernetSauvignonandMerlotcreateaharmonisedblendof flavourandfinesse.Thegenerousbodyandstructureof CabernetSauvignonprovideasolidbackboneforthewine, whilethesoftertanninsanddarkfruitflavoursoftheMerlot provideasmoothermouthfeel.Whenblendedtogether,they complementeachotherbyshowcasingthebestcharacteristics ofeachvarietal.

Food Pairing: This blend loves Italian flavours, especially tomato-based and savoury, salty foods with cured meats, mushrooms and parmesan.

Savour with polenta and pork ragù.

Region: Langhorne Creek

Maturation: American oak

Cellar: Long term 10+ years

Like all of our wines in the Bluegrass Collection, this fine red can be enjoyed now or cellared with absolute confidence.

Brett Woodward Head Winemaker

Bluegrass Sparkling Cabernet Sauvignon

Bluegrass Sparkling Cabernet Sauvignon displays all the hallmarks of a true Bluegrass with an elegant twist. The base wine goes through the same winemaking process as our Bluegrass table wines, prior to blending and undergoing a secondary fermentation giving the wines a deliciously refreshing fine bead. It is the perfect sparkling for lovers of red wine.

Food Pairing: Not just a pre-dinner drink. It’s sensational to have with a meal. Match with rich flavours or game meats like duck or venison and allows the wine’s fruit notes to balance the richness. Subtle hints of sweetness calm a spicy sauce.

Savour with Duck Bao Buns

Region: Langhorne Creek

Maturation: American oak

Cellar: Enjoy now, everyday is a celebration

IMPORTANT: Be sure to serve this wine chilled below 4°

Like all of our wines in the Bluegrass Collection, this fine red can be enjoyed now or cellared with absolute confidence.

























Inapot,sweatonionsandgarlicinthebutteruntiltender.Stirincherries andsauteefor3mins.Stirinsugarandcookuntilmelted,thenstirin mustardandpepperandcookoutfor2min.Addremainingingredients andreduceheattolow,simmerfor15min.Removefromtheheatand allowtocoolcompletelybeforeglazing.


Preheattheovento180°Seasontheribsonbothsideswithsaltand paprikathenplacetheminadeepoventray.Addremainingingredients intothedishandcoverwithwatertillthemeatisjustcovered.Coverwith bakingpaperthenwraptightlywithfoil,makesurethefoilhasnotears andisreallywellfoldedaroundtheedges.Bakefor2hrsthencheckifthe ribsaretender(thebonesshouldfeelliketheywillpopoutwithabitofa wiggle.Otherwise,continuecookingforanother20minandrepeatthe check.Removefromtheheatandallowtorestintheliquidfor½hour, removeandallowtodrainonaplate.Increasethetemperatureofthe ovento220°.Placetheribsonanoventrayandbasteheavilywiththe glaze.Returnribstoovenandcookfor20-30mins,untiltheglazeis shiny,stickyandsmellamazing.ServewithyourfavouriteBluegrass.

Recipe by Jonathan Heath, Well Seasoned Catering

Crafted for longevity

TheBluegrassCollection,arerenownedfortheir exceptionalagingpotential,developinggreaterdepth offlavourandcomplexityovertime.

Uponrelease,theyboastboldandvibrantfruitflavors thatarebalancedbyfirmtannins,givingthewinea powerfulfullbodiedstructure.

Asthewineages,ittransformsandbecomes increasinglycomplexandrefined.Thetanninsbeginto soften,allowingthefruitflavorstomeldtogetherin perfectharmony,makingthewinericheryetsmoother. Thefinishbecomeslongerandmorelingering,leavinga remarkableimpressionwitheachpassingyear.

BluegrassCabernetSauvignonCELLARRELEASEis suretoimpressandreadyforyourenjoyment…wines whichnogreatcellariscompletewithout.

We’vecarefullyselectedthebestwinesfromthefinest vintagestoreserveandcellarwithconfidenceknowing thesewines,withtimeandpatiencewillevolveand maturebeautifully.EachMay,thesewinesarereleased toourClubEquusMembers.

No great cellar is complete without


Love the Experience

Our iconic Bluegrass collection celebrates over three decades of winemaking excellence, expertly crafted with clarity, balance, and depth in every sip. At Saddler's Creek Wines, we take immense pride in handcrafting small-batch wines of exceptional quality.

As a family-owned boutique winery, we are deeply grateful to our loyal CLUB EQUUS members. Your unwavering love and support for our Bluegrass Collection continues to inspire us to create exceptional wines that are meant to be savoured and enjoyed. We strive to exceed your expectations with every bottle we craft, and we couldn't have come this far without your invaluable support.

Thank you for being a part of our journey.

Enjoy Proud Saddler’s Creek owners Original Club Equus members CE1461 Wendy, Frank and Serge amd Irina Laureti 15 Marrowbone Rd, Pokolbin, NSW Australia 2320 (02) 4991 1770 | @saddlerscreekwines #bluegrasswines xxxx

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