1 minute read

Signature Style

One of the least known aspects of winemaking is blending. This vital step in the process is a team effort for our winemakers and ensures the final wine will be consistent, balanced and layered with aromatics, taste and textural complexities.

Bluegrass, like almost all wines are blends in some form. Blending starts all the way back in the vineyard where fruit is selected from specific blocks that could vary in age, clone or soil type, all giving rise to unique characteristics only found in that one parcel of grapes.

Of course then there is blending of different varietals, regions, oak barrels, all of which are individual variables our winemakers have to play with.

Blending is the process of combining all the elements and then fine tuning over and over again so as to create the best possible wine.

ForourHeadWinemaker,BrettWoodward, blendingisa“labour-of-love”.Itrequiresthe closestcollaborationwithhisvineyardand winemakingteam,toensurethatthefinal productcarriesthetraditionalBluegrass stampandmeetsthehighexpectationsour CLUBEQUUSMembersandvisitorstothe cellardoor.

WithBrettatthehelmofwinemaking,these newreleaseBluegrassexhibittherenowned Bluegrasssignaturestyle,whichisexpected andlovedbyourextendedSaddler’sfamily...

Balanced, Elegant and Fruit Driven...

Wines crafted for longevity which no great cellar is complete without.

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