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Clubs & Associations
Alberta Donkey and Mule Club
ARMSTRONG ENDERBY RIDING CLUB Schooling Shows (Eng/West/Games), Armstrong Fairgrounds, April to Sept. www.armstrongenderbyridingclub.ca 10/23
Shows (Eng/West/Games), Armstrong Fairgrounds, April to Sept. www.armstrongenderbyridingclub.ca 10/23
Since 1980, Canadian Therapeutic Riding Association has been the leader in Canada for therapeutic riding and is recognized as such by HETI (the International Therapeutic Riding Federation).
• Certification of riding instructors - basic to senior level
BC CARRIAGE DRIVING SOCIETY, Pres: Ellen Hockley 250-572-7516, Pleasure, Combined, Recreation from Minis to Drafts, www.bccarriagedriving.com 6/23
BC CARRIAGE DRIVING SOCIETY, Pres: Hockley Pleasure, Recreation Minis Drafts, 6/23
BC EQUINE ARENA 2 TRAIL ASSOCIATION (on FB), Clinics & Coaching Building your & your equine’s confidence, bcearena2trail.com 4/23
BC INTERIOR ARABIAN HORSE ASSOC. Pres: Wally Goertz 250-546-6004 11/23 asmarawg@telus.net, clinics, Recreational riding programs, Awards/Social Activ.
BC INTERIOR MORGAN HORSE CLUB see our FB page. Pres: Michelle Kozyn e-mail: akylles3_kozyn@hotmail.com, Trail Rides, Pot O Gold Show, Poker Ride 5/23
BC PAINT HORSE CLUB www.bcphc.com, Open Show & Competition Program, award sponsorships for local clubs, youth scholarship. cathyglover@telus.net 3/23
BC QUARTER HORSE ASSOCATION, bcqha.com Contact Carolyn Farris, email cfarris@telus.net 12/23
Website: cantra.ca
Phone: (519) 767-0700
Email: ctra@golden.net
• National accreditation of therapeutic riding programs
• Partner with Equine Guelph
March 18-19 (Barriere)
April 29-30 (Barriere)
May 20-21 (Quesnel)
May 27-28 (Barriere)
June 17-18 (Knutsford) & Sorting Jackpot June 19 Sept 9-10 Finals (tba) Join us at our 2023 shows! • bctcpa.ca bctherapeuticriding.com
Promoting therapeutic riding, equine-based therapeutic services, and para-equestrian activities throughout BC through networking, educational programming, and outreach activities.
BC WELSH PONY & COB ASSOC. (see FB) Pres: Rosanne 604-302-7650, bcwelshponyandcob@gmail.com. Breed promotion program throughout the province.
BOUNDARY HORSE ASSOCIATION (Grand Forks BC), Offering shows, gymkhanas, clinics & more. See us on Facebook, 250-443-3191, kmespenhain@telus.net 4/23
Canadian Cowboy Challenge
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