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Canadian Cowboy Challenge News
Iwas hoping to share the results from the CCC’s first Challenge of the season, but due to unfortunate circumstances with booking, the date needed to be changed. The Halcyoina Double Header, in Saskatchewan, on June 3 and 4 was rescheduled to June 17 and 18. Posting of Challenge results will start in August.
The play day on May 20-21 in Carstairs went well. Smoke from the wild fires deterred a few riders but overall the play day was well-attended. There were 8-10 riders each day with 4-6 people coming out to observe some of the obstacles used in a CCC Challenge and how courses were set up. Riders could get help with obstacles if requested or a lesson could be scheduled. Some worked on obstacles at their own pace and/or had shorter rides but spread their rides throughout the day. The cost for a play day is based on per horse per day bases and a lesson cost is arranged through the instructor.
A course was set up in the outdoor arena while some obstacles were set up in a small field adjoining the outdoor arena. The small field area had manmade obstacles as well as some natural obstacles to