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BC Agricultural Expo

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Promoting Youth in Agriculture Through the Legacy of the 4-H Program

An Interview with… Riley Knoll, age 17, Beef and Sheep Division


South Thompson 4-H Club Senior Member and 2023 4-H BC Provincial Ambassador

Tell us about your 4-H career

I have been in 4-H for 8 years with projects in the Sheep, Rabbit and Beef Divisions. Over my time in 4-H I have participated in many shows, judging opportunities, public speaking and Provincial and National trips. I have gained many lifelong skills, friendship and experiences that will be with me for a lifetime.

What are your 2023 projects?

This year in 4-H I have a Market Lamb, Ewe with Lambs and a Market Steer. This is my first year showing beef and it started out with a bang! As soon as we got him home, my steer jumped a fence and headed for the hills. My brother roped him to bring him home but at the same time my horse spooked, I came off and broke my arm. I was told showing a steer would be exciting but had no idea it would start on day 1.

What skills has 4-H taught you?

The 4-H program has taught me the importance of hard work. I have gained confidence in public speaking, leadership, animal husbandry and teamwork. Through 4-H I have learned to take responsibility for myself, my livestock and for others as I now take on the role of a mentor in my 4-H community. As a Provincial Ambassador for the 4-H Program this year, I am proud to promote the program in my region and throughout the province.

Best part of the 4-H program?

As a senior member who has been given many opportunities in my 4-H career, I have found the best part of the 4-H program to be the industry connections I have gained. Meeting people who I have been able to build lifelong connections with and expanding my knowledge of the agriculture industry through 4-H has greatly impacted my life path. I have also been asked and had the opportunity to put on showmanship and clipping clinics for other 4-H youth. Giving back to the agricultural community is a big part of 4-H.

Where do you compete and sell your projects?

I compete with my animals mainly in the interior of BC. This includes North Thompson Fall Fair, Rock Creek Fall Fair, Prospect 2000 and BC Agricultural Expo. I sell any marked projects at the BC Ag Expo at the end of September. The support at our auction has been incredible and I plan to use the money I have made to fund my post-secondary education. Our agricultural and business communities have rallied every year to make the auction a success and make sure kids are rewarded for their year of hard work with great livestock prices.

How does BC Ag Expo incorporate the 4-H program at the fair?

BC Ag Expo has been a large supporter of the 4-H program since it was first established. By offering bursaries, postsecondary education funds, and large awards, this show helps support the future generation of youth in agriculture. Currently as one of the biggest shows in the province, BC Ag Expo gives 4-H members the opportunity to showcase their projects at a year-end show, producing high-end livestock and then selling them at the Monday auction.

What would you like to tell new 4-H members about the 4-H program?

The 4-H program is filled with unlimited opportunities so take every one you can! Be willing to put in the extra work as it will bring you to the top and give you a boost in life as you age out of the program. Build connections, get out of your comfort zone, and work hard at it. I believe that 4-H is by far the best youth development program in all of Canada so use it to the fullest of its potential.

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