3 Things to
when Preparing for your First Show
First the handler leads horse past obstacle with their own body close to the obstacle. This allows the horse to bend away while looking at the obstacle. Next the handler leads the horse past from the side away from the obstacle. The horse is allowed to look at the obstacle and bed away, but without the security of the handler between. Once the horse is relaxed the handler can then ask the horse to move past the obstacle in true bend. The horse is bending around the handler and into the obstacle. By going through these stages you can build your horse's trust and confidence.
By Lisa Wieben and Birgit Stutz Photos by Marc Lavigne, Rider Birgit Stutz Trailer loading Over the past year you may have been lucky to still have a place you could haul out to ride, even if it was to get out on a nice trail. If not, your horse may not have been off the property in a while. Taking a few days to practice trailer loading will pay off on show day. When those first show nerves are taking hold, or we are running late with last minute details, our horse picks up on those emotions and picks that moment not to load. Being confident your horse will load will make all the difference as you are departing for the show (trailer loading could be a whole other article, but for now we will just say… ‘be sure to practice before the big day!’ If you need help with this be sure to find someone - a coach/trainer/qualified friend or neighbour) - so that your horse has a good experience and builds confidence.
Lead past the object asking your horse to stay in correct bend (not bending into you). Leading your horse from the left side, the object is to the right of the horse. You can use a dressage whip to tickle his belly to remind him to stay bent around you and not look away at the object. Following this progression will teach the horse that you will not force him into something he is not ready for and build his confidence with an easy progression.
Now it’s time to bring this into riding. When you have a spot that your horse is worried about, allow the horse to bend away from the spot. For example, you are riding along the rail and your horse wants to counter-bend past a barrel in the Prepare your horse to ride past the judge(s) table, corner. As you begin to feel him change bend, flower boxes, letters It may have your aids will change. In true bend you ride the The first time out to an event your horse horse more from the inside leg, but when may be more aware of his surroundings been a year since you he counterbends, you will then change than you are used to. Be prepared last competed or you’ve been your bending aid to the outside leg with a plan. When we are getting our anxiously awaiting your chance to (which is now your new inside leg). The horses used to a scary object or area horse will be bending around your new we usually start on the ground with a attend your first show. You’ve done inside leg as he changes bend past the simple exercise. the work, you’ve practiced the tests barrel. Your body will turn to be in the Lead the horse past the object/ direction of the bend. This may turn area with you between the horse and at the level you plan to show, you into a bit of a leg yield off your new the area. By doing this the horse can have all the correct tack and attire, inside leg depending on how much look at the object, but still bend away but you may have neglected a the horse wants to move away from the from what he is worried about. Putting object. Once the horse is past the scary yourself in the middle shows the horse few things that could make barrel wait for him to begin to change to there is really nothing to worry about as all the difference on true bend before you change the aids and you are not bothered to be beside it. your body position. If doing this in a trot you will Lead the horse from the offside of the show day. change your diagonal as the horse changes bend object, but keep your body ahead of the horse to and then change back after the horse changes back to true allow the horse to look at the object and bend his body bend. away if he is still worried. The handler will keep his or her core in This will keep the horse comfortable as he goes past the object. If we front of the horse’s nose, turning in the direction the horse is looking, drawing with an open inside hip (the hip closest to the horse’s head) try to hold or force him to remain in true bend while he is nervous about to keep the horse moving forward. The leading hand will remain back an area he could invert (lift his head and hollow his back), creating more under the horse’s throat to maintain contact guiding the horse in the stress in his body. Once you have ridden past in this way a few times then you can start to ask him to stay in true bend as you go by (your horse will direction you want him to move. 14 • AUGUST 2021