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Bach Rescue Remedy
Bach Rescue Remedy for You and Your Animals!
By Lisa Wieben
You may have already seen or used Bach Rescue Remedy at some time. It is usually available in local Health Stores. If you have not tried it yet, it is a remedy that you may want to keep handy in your horse trailer or barn or even in your purse or car.
This young Warmblood recently moved to a new location. He was quite depressed. After Rescue Remedy he began to perk up and act like his silly, playful self again.
Dr. Edward Bach was a well-known doctor, bacteriologist, and pathologist. His main focus was to find the cause of disease, which he came to believe begins with the emotions. When an emotion becomes noticeable, such as fear, anger, guilt, grief, the body systems are affected. During his research and search for something that would get to the root cause of disease he began to study plants and discovered their ability to help people. He created the Bach Flower Remedies which include 38 different remedies. Each remedy is associated with a basic human emotion. For example Mimulus is for when we are anxious or afraid of something specific, such as heights or giving a speech. Taking this remedy helps us overcome fear and face it with courage.
The Rescue Remedy Formula is a combination of five different remedies:
Star of Bethlehem: helps animals or people that have experienced trauma, abuse, an accident, or shock, whether experienced recently or in the past. It can help to let go of the trauma and bring more joy to life. Dr. Bach called this remedy ‘the comforter and soother of pains and sorrows.’ Rock Rose: for situations in which the animal or person experiences panic or terror such as an accident, going to the vet/doctor, thunderstorms, fireworks, etc. This can bring a feeling of helplessness. It is usually a brief state. Cherry Plum: helps animals who seem to have lost control of their actions such as constant barking, scratching, licking, chewing, etc. For people that fear losing control, such as an angry outburst or that may be on the verge of a breakdown. This helps to calm the mind and allow the person to think and act rationally. Clematis: helps animals who seem to be sleeping too much and not really paying attention to what is going on around them. For people this can be the daydreamers, or those that have no interest in the present moment. They may lack energy and have trouble focusing. The positive side of clematis is interest in the world around them, inspiration and a sense of purpose. Impatiens: in animals this can show as one that can’t wait for their meal or going for a walk, pawing, or the animal that doesn’t want to stand still. In people this will show as irritation and frustration with others… impatience. Taking impatiens can lead to a more calm and relaxed way of being.
Rescue Remedy was created for emergencies, but with horses and other animals, can be used during times of stress, such as travel, changing ownership, going to the vet, during thunderstorms. For people, you may take it before an event, before a speech, before going to the dentist, after an accident, or any other stressful situation.
The remedies are never intended to replace medical treatment but can be of invaluable support while waiting for medical help in an emergency or a support during stressful times. They are safe and natural and will not interfere with other medical treatments.
The human version of Rescue Remedy is preserved in alcohol, but the animal version is preserved in glycerin. To feed to a horse you can add four drops to a horse crunchy, carrot, or apple and feed it to them. With people, four drops in a glass of water that you sip throughout the day.
The Rescue Remedy can be found at Health Food Stores. Many stores do carry the other remedies, but many do not. You can contact a Bach Flower representative to help you decide which remedies to use. Of the 38 remedies, mixes can be made for particular situations.
I personally found that using Rescue Remedy with one of our dogs who was terrified of thunderstorms was amazing. She would be panting and not wanting to leave our sides even hours before the storm appeared. After giving the Rescue Remedy she would calm down and lie down.
I have also created mixes for my own horses to help them during stressful times or for training issues. Each horse has been very individual in what they needed. Several people I know also keep the remedies when they travel to shows. Helping our horses stay calm and relaxed during travel and when going to a new facility can make all the difference for them. Not to mention keeping ourselves calm and relaxed can make all the difference to our horses as well! All animals and people can benefit from these wonderful flower remedies. For more information you can visit the Bach Flower Centre’s site: https:// www.bachcentre.com/en/.
Lisa Wieben is a Bach Flower Level 1 (soon to be Level 2), an Essential Somatics Clinical Practitioner, an Eden Method Clinical Practitioner, a Centered Riding Instructor, Equine Canada Competition Coach, and Irwin Insights Level 7 Coach. Her passion is developing confident, healthy riders. www.somaticrider.com