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Pinto Horse Association of Ohio

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Pinto Horse Association Of Ohio

We are actively planning our awards banquet to celebrate the 2022 show season. The banquet will be held on February 11th, 2023 at the Thirsty Pony in Sandusky, Ohio. The club will be holding a silent auction and is asking any members to please bring any donations to it.

August 25-27, Summer Sizzler, Champion Center, Springfield

September 22-24 Fall Wind Up, Garwood Arena, Columbiana

If you are looking for a new place to show, come to Ohio Pinto. There is no better horse show family to join. If you would like more information about PtHAO, check out our website at: https://www.ohiopinto.net/ and Facebook page. Can’t wait to see everyone either at the Banquet or the first show! Again, contact any of your officers, directors with any questions. May your barns be spotted and horses be warm.

Hello Everyone! Our annual banquet is back. We would love to see you on Friday, February 10th at Bakers in Milford. We will be serving a full course meal and will of course have our famous Silent Auction. It is $30 per person. Please reserve and pay in advance. We hope to see you there!

As of right now, the green trail is fully separated from the bikers trails. Please make sure to stay only on the equestrian trails. They are marked. Proud Lake Trail Riders has been working diligently with the DNR to separate our trails from the bikers. A huge hurdle was just accomplished in that the location of the new bike trails has been decided and agreed upon. The next step will be cutting out the trails. Once the trails are separated, there will be signs up stating what are horse trails and what are bike trails. We have been working on this for the past several years and we are thrilled that the park is committed to making this happen. As of right now, the GPS maps have been sub-mitted and we


are moving forward. If you encounter bikers on the trails that are not giving the right of way to horses, please contact the DNR immediately. If you are able to get photos, please try to do so.

Remember, it is hunting season and there is hunting allowed in Proud Lake. Please wear bright colors and be visible.

If you would like to join our email list, please email me at efrusy@yahoo.com and also remember to like us on Facebook!

Stay safe and keep riding!



Snow and ice are in our lives as we wait for spring to appear around the corner. Some of us are planning our activities for the months ahead. WDAMI will again have a booth at the Michigan Horse Expo coming up on March 10-12, 2023. If you are a WDAMI Member, we are looking for volunteers to help staff the booth. If you would be willing to help us out, please contact Suzanne Morisse at eaglehorse1@hotmail.com

The WDAMI Board is busy putting together three educational clinics for 2023. There are two clinics planned so far The first is an Introduction to Western Dressage, Working Equitation and Trick Training Clinic, to be held on April 15 and 16 at Rach Riding Academy in Milford, MI. The Clinic will start at 9 am and will run to 5 pm both days. The Working Equitation instructors will be Karen Rach-St Clair and Alex Tyson. The instructors for Western Dressage will be Dorothy Mueller, Sue Hughes, and Suzanne Morisse. And Trick Training instructors will be Suzanne Morisse and Dorothy Mueller

Our Second Clinic will include a WDAA Western Dressage Show on Friday evening June 23 followed by a Freestyle Clinic on Saturday and Sunday, June 24-25 The Clinic will feature Western Dressage Large “R” Judge Joan Williams. Joan is a WD Multiple World Champion and Supreme

Champion, a USDF bronze, silver, and gold medalist, and has earned top honors in USDF freestyle awards. The clinic will be held at the Lucky Dog Ranch in Harrisville Michigan For more information, please contact Mary Linton at 810.338.0884 or by emailing: luckydogranch.jm@gmail.com

Our quote of the month is: “Success in Dressage is the relentless execution of the basics.” (I do not know how wrote this, but I thought it was a good one!)

Don’t forgot to renew or join WDAMI and WDAA for 2023 and be part of the fastest growing equestrian sport. You can find us online at https://www.wdami.org/

Thank you for your support.

Be safe, have fun, enjoy your equine partner and exercise the act of kindness to all. Until next time ~ Suzanne Morisse, WDAMI President

2023 MQHA Approved Shows


Weds.April 5 to Sun.April 9 – 6 Judges!

MSU Pavilion, East Lansing | Contact MQHA


Tues. May 16 to Sun. May 21 – 8 Judges!

MSU Pavilion, East Lansing ContactTom Powers: tripfarm@aol.com


Thurs. May 25 to Mon. May 29 – 5 Judges!

Midland County Fairgrounds | Contact MQHA


Fri. June 23 to Sun. June 25 – 4 Judges!

Ingham Co. Fairgrounds, Mason | Contact MQHA


Sun. July 2 to Sat. July 8 – 6 Judges!

WMFA, Ludington | Contact MQHA


Fri. July 21 – 1 Judge


Sat. July 22 to Sun. July 23 – 2 Judges

Midland County Fairgrounds

Contact NMQHA: Mary.short123@gmail.com


Thurs.August 24 to Sun.August 27

WMFA, Ludington

Contact: LisaTerryMemorial@gmail.com


Thurs. Sept. 14 to Sun. Sept. 17 – 6 Judges!

MSU Pavilion, East Lansing | Contact MQHA


Fri. Nov. 10 to Sun. Nov. 12 – 4 Judges!

MSU Pavilion, East Lansing | Contact MQHA

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