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Association/Trail Riders News
As we close out 2021, we're actively planning for the New Year. Needless to say, we're hopeful that 2022 will bring us back to some semblance of normal, but only time will tell. We're in the process of planning our events for next year and no major changes are anticipated. In the past our outdoor events have always been popular and well received, so we firmly believe in the old adage: “If it ain't broke, don't fix it.” Still, we're always open to change and given Ma Nature's mood on any given day and other circumstances, we have to be ready to alter a scheduled event. We really have our fingers crossed on planning for our annual banquet, “The Spring Fling.” As we have reported many times before, this event is co-hosted by the Pinckney Trail Riders and because of Covid, we haven't been able to hold it for some time. Since many of us belong to both clubs, it has always been all the more special. We are hoping that the festivities will not be affected this time around. As this is being written, we've had a taste of winter weather, but history tells us that temperatures can still go up somewhat and the clouds can give way to blue skies. That means that the trails at Brighton can still be visited, so an enjoyable ride is not out of the question. Mark Delaney, BTRA President
Fort Custer Horse Friends Association
Hello Trail Riders! Well, 2021 is over, good, bad, or otherwise! The good: our Fall Equestrian Campout was a huge success with a packed event area including many old and new friends. The weather was good for campers and trail exploration. Food was enjoyed by all, breakfasts and potluck supper. Money was raised for continued work, maintenance and improvements at the Park once again. Thank-you to everyone on the board who worked so hard to set this event up, cook, build fires, clean campsites, and generally help to make everything run smoothly. Thank-you to all that attended the campout and continue to support our efforts to have one of the nicest places to ride and get together with friends and horses! Plans are in the talking phase of extending the picket area for the horses in each campsite further back into the trees to access more shade for the animals. It will require clearing of scrub type trees and bringing in sand and gravel for fill around the picket areas. The DNR has already agreed this is doable with the right paperwork to be submitted and approved. There was discussion at the November meeting of having electricity for the campsites. This could take approximately 2 years to work with the DNR with all it will entail. The board feels these improvements would be a big draw to campers in the hot weather months. This way horses would have shade on the picket lines and air conditioners could be used for campers. Discussion of planting trees was ruled out as it would not be feasible for the club to support watering, maintenance, and care for the success of young trees. 2022 will be an exciting year to see what we can make plans for future improvements. The Park is open, the trails are groomed and cleared. Winter is a beautiful time to explore Fort Custers’ wandering woods, prairies, viewing lake vistas, and crossing meandering creeks. Come and see what you are missing! Visit our website www.fchfa.org for news, riding buddies, and calendar of events. Call Nancy at 269-967-3613 for questions. See you on the trails! Toni Strong, Secretary
Happy New Year from the Michigan Foxtrotting Horse Association (MFHA)! Did you get a new Fox Trotter for Christmas? Or are you intrigued by them? Then we invite youth and adults to learn more about them by joining the Michigan Fox Trotting Horse Association. We have been an affiliate for the past 30 years of the Missouri Fox Trotter Horse Breed Assoc. www.mfthba.com based in Ava, Missouri. Fox Trotters are the most comfortable and unique versatile gaited horse! That's why so many people ride and drive them. Our website and Facebook page offer background, health, gait and training information. We offer yearly clinics and trail rides. We have offered colt starting, gaiting, Dressage, camping, obstacle, and horsemanship clinics with qualified instructors, as well as trail rides including an annual MFTHBA National Trial Ride (NTR). Our 2022 clinics and NTR are in the planning stages now. More will be shared about them in the coming months. We invite youth and adults to join in 2022. A single MFHA membership is only $15. The family membership is just $20. Both are a steal at these prices, compared to other breed associations. Go to www.michigan foxtrottinghorse.com to print off a membership form and join this busy group of enthusiasts who love to promote, host trail rides and hold clinics for those interested in learning the many things that Fox Trotters are known to do. Like us on Facebook, too. Historically, Fox Trotters were used for plowing fields and pulling buggies, working cattle, competing in shows, as well as safely navigating the hilly terrain of the Ozark mountains with their surefooted and comfortable no-bounce gait. Today they can be found all over the USA and Europe pulling wagons and sleighs, camping and trail riding, competing in 4-H and Dressage shows, County Fairs, endurance competitions, Versatility programs, jumping and in breed-show classes and in therapeutic
riding programs for the handicapped. Fox Trotters are a wonderful family horse. They are even-tempered and quick to learn. They come in many beautiful colors and in various sizes too. Start your search now. Once you ride one you will want one. Come get involved in the exciting world of Fox Trotters!
Remember to renew your Ohio and National Memberships, and it is not too early to nominate your horses for 2022 Ohio year end awards.
Written by Marilyn Mannino
Mark Your Calendar for Ohio Pinto Shows:
It's 2022 and snow and ice are part of our lives as we plan for the coming spring and summer events. As you make those plans, I have a few things you will want to add to your list! WDAMI will be at the Michigan Horse Expo, March 11-13, 2022. We hope you will be able to drop by and visit with us there. Also be sure to make a note of our regular WDAMI shows: Dressage at Waters Edge, April 22-May 13, with videos due by June 10. Sunflower Horse Show June 10July 1, with videos due by July 15. The Battle of the Saddles, July 15-August 12, with videos due by August 26. We have added a versatility award for all three shows this year, as well as a drawing for door prizes if you enter all three shows. Finally, please do not forget to sign up for our upcoming Awards Banquet which will take place from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. on February 26, 2022, at the Holiday Inn and Suites in Mount Pleasant. Hope to see you there. I would like to reflect back to 2021 for a moment and say thank you to Wyn Farm and to Sunrise Equestrian Sports for holding USEF Lite shows last year. What a great opportunity for our members. I also want to thank Spotlight Horse Shows for supporting and managing our online WDAA recognized horse shows. In news from WDAA, the new Western Dressage tests are out and, for the first time, have added a series of tests for Level 5. Shows are still allowed to use the old tests until March 1. So, if you are entering a show
Pinto Horse Association of Ohio
February 5: Year End Awards Banquet April 30-May 2: Rockin T, Sullivan, Ohio May 20-22: Fulton County Fairgrounds, Waseon, Ohio July 22-24: University of Findlay, Findlay, Ohio August 26-28: Champion Center Expo, Springfield, Ohio September 23-25: Garwood Arena, Columbiana, Ohio
As the weather gets colder and our pinto friends get fuzzier, Ohio Pinto is getting ready for the coming year. Elections were held in the fall: President Kaylee Clagett, Vice President Angie Wolfe, Secretary Leslie Watson, Treasurer Amy Leibold, Directors: Edie Kuns, Emily Wolery, Kristine Roath, and Megan Schott were elected. Our shows for 2022 (pending PtHA approval) will be April 30-May 1-2, Rockin T, Sullivan, Ohio; May 20-22, Fulton County Fairgrounds, Waseon, Ohio; July 22-24 University of Findlay, Findlay, Ohio; August 26-28 Champion Center, Springfield, Ohio; September 23-25 Garwood Arena, Columbiana, Ohio. The showbill will be available once it is PtHA approved. The 2021 Year End Award Banquet will be held on Saturday February 5, 2022 at Cedar Corners in Sandusky, Ohio. $30 for adults, $15 for children under 10. See the “Pinto Horse Association of Ohio” Facebook page for more information and the form to make reservations.

Ohio Pinto would like to thank Big D's for their continued support of our organization through its Big D's Bonus Bucks program. The bonus bucks earned are put towards year end awards. If you’re interested in being an Ohio Pinto sponsor in 2022, please see the updated information on the Pinto Horse Association of Ohio website at: www.ohiopinto.net and our Facebook page.
between now and the end of February, you will want to be sure to ask the show's management whether they are using the 2017 or 2022 tests. Because it is the start of a new year, you will also want to check out the rules for Western Dressage in the USEF rule book and make a note of new and changed rules. New rules and changes will be in red print, which make it easy to discover what is new this year. Our tip of the month comes from page 197 of the book “When Two Spines Align” by Beth Baumert: Corners are dreaded by inexperienced riders but are the saviors of experienced riders. In fact, experienced riders “prepare for the corner” when the corner isn't even there, just so they can rebalance the horse. Try to make friends with your corners. Each time you let your horse “takeover” in the corners or fall in, you lose him a little. Each time you can confirm the bend before the corner and then turn him with your outside aids without losing the bend or the line of travel, you improve your horse's balance and the mobility of his forehand. WDAMI is looking for sponsors for our yearend awards and educational events. If you would be willing to help by sponsoring or by helping us to find sponsors, please contact us by email at: infowdami@gmail.com. If you would like to volunteer or offer other services we may need, please contact us. We can always use the help. Please don't forget to renew your membership. Thank you for your support. Be safe, have fun, enjoy your equine partner and exercise acts of kindness to all. Until next time. Safe Riding, Suzanne Morisse, WDAMI President
Horse Association & Trail Riders News Are FREE of Charge!
Email: saddleupmag@gmail.com Deadline: the 18th for following issue. Word Limit: 600 words