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Michigan Horse Expo 9
L a p e e r E q u e s t r i a n T e a m T a c k S a l e F u n d r a i s e r 2 0 2 3 Crafters Welcome
Lapeer Center for Innovaon (Old Lapeer West High School) 170 Millville Rd. Lapeer, MI 48446
Use South parking lot near the gymnasium and cafeteria. Saturday March 18, 2023
10:00am – 2:00pm No early entry
Vendors: $30 per 10x10 space Late fee aer March 11th spaces will be $45 Please bring your own tables and chairs Set up starts at 8:00 am
No refunds. No sale of pop or food allowed, vendors are allowed 2 “workers” per space purchased, addional people must pay admission.

Reserve your space now! Mail boom of the form with checks payable to MIHA Lapeer Eq Team to Amanda Dixon 8325 Petz Rd. Imlay City, MI 48444
You will receive a confirmaon email when we receive your payment Admission- $3 Cash Only, Children 10 and under- Free
Quesons? Call Amanda Dixon @ 810-614-3691 or Kaitlynn Tuckey @ 810-614-1468 or
E-mail lapeerequestrianteam@yahoo.com
The Lapeer Equestrian Team, MIHA and Lapeer Community Schools or any party associated with them, are not responsible for any injuries, or anything damaged, lost or stolen.
Lapeer High School Equestrian Team Tack Sale Registraon Form
Contact name________________________________E-mail_____________________________________
# of 10x10 spaces ______________ x $30= $ _______________ Late entry (aer March 11th) ________x $45= $ ______________ Total = $______________
Mail to: Amanda Dixon 8325 Petz Rd. Imlay City, MI 48444 Make checks payable to MIHA Lapeer Eq Team