10 minute read
Michigan). The weather was great, only one rain day to ride in.
MI HORSE DRAWN VEHICLE ASSOC. Michigan Horse Drawn Vehicle Association (MHDVA) held a Pleasure Driving Show and Combined Test and Driven Dressage for the 4th year in a row at the Ionia Fairgrounds, Ionia, Michigan. Terry Pickett was Judge and Melissa Boyd was Technical Delegate. Partici-pants came from all over Michigan, as well as Indiana and Ohio. We are planning a 2024 show at the same venue.
A harnessing and hooking clinic was held on Mother's Day in Owosso, Michigan. It was hosted by Brian and Kathy Robertson at their home, with Brian as clinician. A group of over 20 people asked questions and learned alot!!
A gathering of MHDVA members with a potluck is planned at Sleepy Hollow State Park, Laingsburg, Michigan on Saturday, June 24th at 10:00 am. Individuals can bring their equine and drive at will. Potluck at noon.
A drive is planned at Lake City, Michigan the weekend of October 13 to 15. Contact Dorothy for more info., (517) 763-3729.
Visit us online at: http://www.mhdva.org/
If you haven't done a shore to shore, try it, you will be hooked! Our MTRA president filled in as bus driver and everyday entertained the riders with MTRA history Wish I had been riding the bus! 15 riders completed the ride using the blue dot trail and received their blue trail patch. Many more completed the ride but not exclusively on the marked trail.
June 25 was our board meeting at Goose Creek trail camp, where the ride takes a layover day. On the agenda is next years rides, plans for 2024 major workbee, and our annual banquet to name a few things. August brings the family ride. Any member who likes to stay at one camp, ride, have fun, kayak if you want, would enjoy this ride. September brings the last shore to shore ride and one of my favorite rides. Fall is in the air! October is the color ride and is on the west side of the state, which has excellent color This ride includes layover days and is more relaxed with campfires and music in the evenings.
Hope to see you on the trail!
Visit us online at: https://www.mtra.org/ https://proudlaketrailriders.org/
As of right now, the green trail is fully separated from the bikers trails and a good portion off the orange trail. Please make sure to stay only on the equestrian trails. They are marked. Proud Lake Trail Riders has been working diligently with the DNR to separate our trails from the bikers. A huge hurdle was just accomplished in that the location of the new bike trails has been decided and agreed upon. The next step will be cutting out the trails. Once the trails are separated, there will be signs up stating what are horse trails and what are bike trails We have been working on this for the past several years and we are thrilled that the park is committed to making this happen. As of right now, the GPS maps have been approved and two of the trails are separated.
If you encounter bikers on the trails that are not giving the right of way to horses, please contact the DNR immediately If you are able to get photos, please try to.
If you would like to join our email list, please email me at efrusy@yahoo.com and also remember to like us on Facebook. Stay safe and keep riding!
Mi Trail Riders Association
The second June ride has started shore to shore! This ride goes east from Oscoda at Lake Huron to the west shores of Lake Michigan at Empire.
Myself and 42 others completed the first June shore to shore using the north spur and ending at Oscoda, Lake Huron. This was the best ride I have done! We had so much fun. Riders were from Ohio, Canada, Missouri and Florida (and some from
We just finished up our Scrabble Ride and it was a huge success. Thank you to everyone who came out. We had one of our biggest turnouts for an event ride. We especially liked that we had a bunch of new faces and appreciate those who traveled quite a distance to get to us.
Our Circle Ride with Kensington will be Saturday, September 23rd with camping from September 22nd-24th. This ride consists of starting at either staging area and riding to the other one for lunch before heading back to your original staging area. We will have more information about this ride as we get closer.
It's time for the big annual virtual online horse show, WDAMI Battle of the Saddle!
WDAMI's biggest show of the year, BATTLE of the SADDLES, known as the BOSS Show, will open for entries from July 31 through August 20, with videos due by September 10, 2023. Our judge this year is Joyce Swanson, one of the WDAA 2023 World Championship show judges. We have many great door prizes and awards including high scoring junior, adult amateur, open, rookie, and the overall score high score, as well as harmony and versatility awards and the overall highest score for driving All participants will receive a free key chain
just for being part of the show So join the fun and be part of WDAMI's biggest online show And don't forget the Sunflower Show videos are due on July 9. Good luck to all the competitors.
WDAMI would like to acknowledge everyone who participated in the WDAMI Dressage at Waters Edge Horse Show and say thank you for your support, and congratulations to all the winners.
The Joann Williams Freestyle Clinic held in Harrisville, MI was a big success. We all learned a ton and had fun in the process. WDAMI would like to so say thank you to Mary and Jerry Linton of the Lucky Dog Ranch for hosting this wonderful learning opportunity
Ida Norris will be returning to Equinox Farm in Highland, Michigan, on September 9 and 10 for another great western dressage clinic. Ida is an amazing clinician and gets everyone involved in the learning process. So don't miss this great oppor- tunity to learn by riding or auditing this fantastic clinic For more information, please contact Liz Snoblen 248-767-9502. WDAMI is looking for sponsors for our year-end awards and educational events. If you would be willing to help by sponsoring or by helping us to find sponsors, please email us: infowdami@gmail.com
Monthly Quote: Hug your horse every day!
Please remember to help and support one another and always keep in mind your horse's mental health. Please share your ideas and concerns with us. We always love to hear from our members. You may email me at eaglehorse1@hotmail.com.
Don't forgot to renew or join WDAMI and WDAA for 2023 and be part of the fastest growing equestrian sport. You can find us online at https://www.wdami.org/. Thank you for your support. Be safe, have fun, enjoy your equine partner and exercise an act of kindness to all.
Until next time...
Suzanne Morisse, WDAMI President.
1. Free Horse Association & Trail Riders News
2. Free Show & Event Dates
3. 15% Off Non-Profit Discount
4. $30 Online Only Event Flyer (one full page, full color)
$50 Online Only Event Flyers (two full pages, full color) Free event flyer design included.
Deadlines: 16th for the following issue. Email: saddleupmag@gmail.com
810.714.9000 (Mon-Fri 10am-3pm)
If questions, contact our show secretary Gina Al-Madan 248.469.7746 or email: justamereshows@gmail.com
Detroit youths 8-13 are invited to join an 8 week 4-H club to experience some of the many projects that 4-H has to offer! This free club will meet 5:30pm-6:30pm on the 2nd & 4th Wednesday of every month from May-August. Contact Wayne Co. 4H Program Coordinator, Ashleigh Apel, 734-727-7408, apelashl@msu.edu.
MSU Extensions Adulting 101 virtual programs help teenagers and young adults demystify the obscure reality of being an “adult” through free, educational, monthly sessions. Upcoming sessions: Sew What: Clothing Care Saves Cash July 13 at 1pm, and Eating Healthy on a Budget on August 16 at 1pm. For more details, email Katherine at jamies13@msu.edu.
Upcoming events at the MI 4-H Children's Garden! Come cool off from the summer heat on July 20 and have fun in the garden during Water Day. For $5 per child, kids will play water games, do water art, and explore all things fun about water Join in on July 27 for an annual tribute to insects in the gardens, Bug Day. For $5 per child, kids will be collecting bugs, observing bugs, and even making bugs. Our friends from the MSU Bug House will be back this year with their amazing collections of insects from all over the world!
Finally, August 8 will be Bubble Day, for $5 per child, kids will explore the wonder-ful world of bubbles as they paint, eat and, even make music with bubbles. The 4-H Children's Garden is located at 1066 Bogue St., East Lansing, MI. All events are 10am-noon, and the parking lot is pay-byplate from 7am-10pm weekdays.
Mark your calendars, the Michigan State 4-H Horse Show will be from August 1820, 2023 at the MSU Pavilion. Over this three-day show, members selected by their county 4-H programs will compete in classes such as: dressage, English, wes- tern, trail, jumping, and gymkhana. The MI State Miniature Horse Show will be taking place over the same weekend.
MI 4-H Horse & Pony Extension Educator Taylor Fabus, email tenlenta@msu.edu.
The 4-H Horse Judging Contest will be on July 17 at the Ohio State Fairgrounds Noon-4pm. Also on July 17, 4-H Horse Skillathon will take place at the Voinovich Livestock Center Mezzanine from 8amNoon. Skillathons are open to any Ohio 4H or FFA members ages 8 to 18.
The Ohio State Fair Junior Horse Show will be July 17-21 at the Ohio Exposition Center in Columbus, Ohio. Exhibitors who qualify must submit their entries, the nonrefundable $50 stall fee online by 1pm on July 1. The Classical and Western Dressage show will be held in conjunction with the Ohio State Fair Junior Horse Show on July 20 all day at the same location. Stall assignments for the Ohio State Fair Junior Horse Show will be posted on July 14 and horses will be allowed to move in beginning on July 16.
Looking ahead, the Ohio State Horse Groom and Clean Contest will be all day on August 26 at the Hartford Fairgrounds, 14028 Fairgrounds Road, Hartford, OH. The primary objective of the Groom & Clean Contest is to provide an opportunity for 4-H youth to demonstrate their knowledge of horses and equine related subject matter (written test), grooming and team work skills (grooming phase) and their showmanship skills in a competitive yet friendly and relaxed setting. Registration paperwork and the fee of $30 per team is due by August 18.
For more information about any Ohio 4-H Horse events, contact Dr. Kimberly Cole, Ohio State Extension Equine Specialist, by email at cole.436@osu.edu.
Aloha – All Harrison Co. youth in grades K2 are invited to a Mini 4-H Day Camp to Hawaii! Mini 4-H Day Camp will take place on July 12 from 9am-3pm at the Harrison Co. Extension Office. Camp size will be limited, please call the Extension Office at 812.738.4236.
Is your family new to 4-H? Stop by the DeKalb County 4-H Orientation Session on August 2, 6pm-7pm. This will be the last of four 4-H orientation sessions offered for families that are new to 4-H. This session focuses on what you need to know before Fall Fair, and getting your Fall Fair animals and projects entered in Fair Entry so that you do not miss the Sept. 8 deadline. All sessions will take place in the Exhibit Hall at the DeKalb County Fairgrounds, 708 S. Union St., Auburn, IN. Effie Campbell, 260.925.2562, campb314@purdue.edu.
Elkhart County 4-H'ers head to the Elkhart County 4-H Fairgrounds for the following meetings: 4-H Saddle Club Jr Leaders July 2 & August 6, 7-9pm, 4-H Saddle Club Advisory Board August 7, 8-9pm, and 4-H Saddle Club Meeting, July 10, 7:30-9pm. Call Ashley Holdeman at 574-354-7403 or email ashleyholdeman4h@yahoo.com.
Summer Judging projects will be presented at the DeKalb Co. Fair from July 1720. Summer Judging is for static projects and the Summer: Goat, Horse & Pony, and Draft Animal shows. The Draft Animal Competition and Fun Show will be on July 15, the 4-H Horse & Pony Speed Show will be on July 21, and the 4-H Horse & Pony Halter & Pleasure Classes will be on July 22. Also in DeKalb, save the date for a Mini 4-H meeting August 14, 6pm. Please contact Effie Campbell at 260-925-2562.
For more information on Indiana 4-H news and events, contact Courtney Stierwalt, the 4-H Youth Development Extension Specialist at dickerso@purdue.edu.
Michigan State University Extension welcomes David Lindsay as the new Equine Educator for the Michigan 4-H Horse Program!
David will provide leadership and expertise in equine education and be housed with the Department of Animal Science at the Michigan State University campus in East Lansing.
In 2021, David received his Bachelor of Science degree in Animal Science. As a Spartan, David was heavily involved with the Department of Animal Science’s equine courses and clubs. He was the President and Treasurer of the MSU Driving Club, as well as the Treasurer of the MSU Horseman’s Association. He also served as a Teaching Assistant for the Draft Horse Basics course under Dr. Cara Robison’s guidance for two years. After graduation, David was the Assistant Stables Manager for the world-renown Grand Hotel Stables on Mackinac Island where he guided VIP guests on carriage rides with the famed Grand Hotel Hackney horses. In 2022, he was the Assistant Farm Manager for Shining Stars Percheron Farm where he cared for, assisted with training, and showed Percheron Draft horses across multiple states.
Since joining MSU Extension, David has been working diligently in preparation for his first big event, the State 4-H Horse Show at the MSU Pavilion which will be held on August 18 – 20,2023. 4Hers selected as representatives by their counties from across Michigan will compete with their horse or pony project for state awards.
Throughout the year, Michigan 4-H Horse Programs hosts many fun and educational activities where 4-Hers can participate without owning a horse. State events including the Hippology Horse Contest and the Horse Judging Contest held in early Spring allow 4-Hers to showcase their knowledge and abilities related to the Equine Industry. Exploration Days is another funfilled summer event where 4-Hers can explore their future, try new things, and experience college life on the MSU Campus. Have a youth interested in joining a 4-H Club? That’s easy! Reach out to your local Michigan State University Extension office and find the club information you’re looking for Head online to https://www.canr.msu.edu/4h/ and click on Join 4-H. You can fill out a short form that will be sent to your county Extension office, and they will reach out regarding your interest!