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Great Lakes Buckskin Associaon Open Show
IBHA Approved Classes
JUNE 10 & 11, 2023
MSU Pavilion South Arena/Barn, 4301 Farm Lane, East Lansing, MI
Start Time 8:00am – Rain or Shine www.glbahorse.org facebook.com/MGLBA/
Something for everyone – Miniature Horses, IBHA Horses, Walk Troers, Ranch & Trail Classes and Added Money Sweepstakes!
~ BREAK ~ Move Up ~
Class Fee $6/Judge
Ofce Fee $10 Weekend (1 horse/1 exhibitor) Blanket Fee $80 Weekend (1 horse/1 exhibitor across divisions) Stalls $50 Weekend or $40 One Day
Camping $50 Weekend
Sweepstakes Class Fee $15
Sweepstakes Payback 75% of entries plus100% of money added.
1st 35% ~ 2nd 28% ~ 3rd 22% ~ 4th 15%
Current Coggins Certicate required; current health papers for out-of-state horses required.
Current showbill, entry form, blanket fee class listing, and other show information available on www.glbahorse.org on the “Shows and Show Info” page.
NEXT SHOW: Proudly partnering with the MApHC for the...
EQUINE ACTIVITY LIABILITY ACT: This show and its sponsors operate under the Michigan Equine Activity Liability Act, in part: “An equine activity sponsor, equine professional, or another person is not liable for an injury to or the death of a participant in an equine activity resulting from the inherent risk of the equine activity.”