High School
Springfield A Paws in Time.
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Mustaches The 'stache is back, whether it's growing on your face or plastered to a shirt, hanging on a necklace or buzzing on your phone cover. The trend is sweeping the nation and Springfield is no exception.
Fashion Trends As always, the students at SHS have made themselves known for their expert taste in fabric, shoes, accessories and over all fashion in general.
Yearly, students decide what's hot and what's not.
Psuedo-professionalism has integrated itself into SHS. These swanky blazers from brown to highlighter pink have been fashionably accenting many student's outfits.
By popular demand, some of the more trendy items this year were rocked along side some famous styles of years past.
Cutouts This new fad traditionally uses some basic shapes such as stars and hearts. This style of shirt is normally decorated with jackets, matching accessories and boots to create a complete look.
Collars This blast from the past has found itself gracing the necks of students at SHS. The simple style has been purchased already stitched to a shirt or cut into a necklace to accentuate an already fab look.
Bows Bows have recently been used to highlight some debonair hairstyles of students as well as to flaunt their trendy accessory. While some people buy their bows, others choose to showcase their ingenuity by crafting their own.
Varsity Jackets Students at SHS agree, there is no better way to sport your school spirit than with a varsity jacket. Whether you've earned it yourself or have been gifted with one by a dear friend, many are sure to be in awe of your outfit.
Colorful Jeans
Leather Jackets
Boys and girls at SHS have been sporting leather jackets as a tribute to the 80s with a modern twist. Particularly in the cool months, these jackets prove to be both fashionable and functional a great mix!
Nail Art
Whether to ornament with a logo, to create individuality or to just match a cute outfit, girls at SHS have been decorating their nails. This chic trend has shown off the creativity of our students.
Sneaker Wedges
SHS students have found another way to rise above the rest with these fashionable and popular kicks. These sneakers not only fit the demand for comfort, but also complete a hip look.
Attached to a jacket, dress or skirt, you can add a peplum style to your wardrobe, to spice up a drab look or just to let out the fashionista within.
Annually, Springfield High School is recognized for its outstanding events. They cover a diversity of topics like school spirit, charity, and student acheivement.
Pit Band
Pep Rally
Powder Puff Rally
Lunch Karaoke
Spirit Week
Powder Puff
Top 6 most anticipated events of the year!
Thon Celebration Powder Puff Prom Cougar Idol Spring Musical
After School
Students congregate for a variety of events year round. Some of the more festive occassions consist of school dances, THON and Spirit Week. Additionally students come together for serious topics such as Empty Bowls, the Bully Project and Alternative Beverage Day. Overall students have fun and leave with a fresh bushel of memories.
Hello Dolly
Pit Band
Empty Bowls
Empty Bowls
Empty Bowls
Snow Dance
Alternative Beverage Day
Frosh Hop Springfield High School freshman and their dates enjoy a fun filled night of dancing and making new memories at Frosh!
Annmarie Bednar, Sydney Murphy and Melvin Kanjirathunkal
Faculty organized trips to visit Germany and have German students visit SHS so students had the opportunity to experience new cultures.
SHS throws a party to welcome, meet, and befriend the guests from Germany.
German students experienced school and home life by going to classes and staying with host families from Springfield.
SHS students celebrating the arrival of foreign exchange students.
Hut Hut!
The junior team plays for the first time against the experienced senior team in hopes of getting the win. Below Aly Gormley gives seniors a run for their money as she brings the ball down the field.
The Powder Puff game between the Juniors and Seniors is in support of the Steve Stefani Dance Marathon.
Aly Gormley Touchdown! Emily Verica Corey Falls
Powder Puff - Juniors
Lyssa and Maria FTK!
Kellie, Emily Sarah Fred rick and Aly
To the right seniors and juniors dive for the ball during a fumble.
Below seniors share their enthusiasm as they prepare for a challenging spar against the juniors.
To the left, Rachel Kilker and Lauren Notorfrancesco
As the game progressed, players were encouraged to keep playing hard for the win and for the kids.
Brooke Bayliss, Lyndsey Matteo, & Emily Kane
Brianna & Victoria
Below Stephanie Cant runs for a touchdown, helping to secure the victory for the seniors.
Seniors playing hard.
owder Puff
Lyndsey Matteo and fellow seniors practiced and executed a successful offense as their defensive counterparts aptly played against the strong junior offensive team.
From the sidelines, fellow senior teammates keep up the energy by cheering their team to a victory.
To the left, Rachel Kilker, Christina Orlando and Emily Verica go toe-to-toe for the touchdown.
Lauren Notorfrancesco brings down a junior who attempted to steal the ball during a senior offensive play. Seniors huddle as they contemplate how to overcome the fierce junior team.
The faculty team spare against the champion student team in a spirited match of tug-o-war.
Joe Sheeran, Ben Lambert, Amanda Donegan, Christina Orlando, Kylie Bongaardt, Brooke Bayliss, Kenea Mickens
Spirit week was filled with daily activities and competitions and ended with a fun filled pep rally.
Senior class banner at the pep rally.
The award-winning band and color guard invigorate the school through song and dance.
Cheerleaders display their acrobatic talent and school spirit. Go cougars!
"I strongly suggest at some point in everyone's life that they see a good production of Our Town. It is a life-changing experience dealing with self evaluation, life and love." ~ Christina Neroni, Emily Webb
Christina Neroni & Kevin MCClain
John Kampmeyer & Monica Fischer
Our Town by Thornton Wilder
Tom Fogel played the role of the choir director who is tormented by depression and alcoholism.
Monica Fischer and John Kampmeyer played the roles of Mr. and Mrs. Webb.
Photo by
Danielle Agan and Kevin McClain played the respective roles of Mrs. Gibbs and George Gibbs.
Benn Tyler Iffrig
Our Town Men
FP Cast
Danielle Agan
Our Town was a performance about the lives of Emily Webb and George Gibbs who learn the importance of cherishing the moments they live and the people they see, for they are both infinitely fleeting.
Alex Melso
John Kampmeyer and Kevin McClain
Kevin McClain
Tom Carson
Kevin McClain and Christina Neroni
"Our Town is a show that hits home because of the simple joys in life that it emphasies that everyone can relate to." ~ Paige Klaniecki, Stage Manager
i g e n r a
Our top musically gifted students traveled to Carnegie Hall to fill the auditorium with beautifully composed music with other talented students from schools around the district.
Benjamin Iffrig, Paige Klaniecki, Monica Fisher, Hannah Feehery, Sarah Fox, Lia Ranalli and Davis Caramanico
Juniors, seniors and their dates celebrate the winter weather at the Snow Dance hosted by SHS.
Ross Lawrence, Lindsey Piller, Heather Sinkinson, Michael Corrato and Phillip Polanco
Snow Dance
To the left, Jaclyn Daddona and Allison Brown enjoying an evening of dancing and socializing.
Floor Hockey
Table Tennis
School Wides Floor Hockey, Table Tennis
To the right, the floor hockey champions celebrate around the Stanley Cup.
Above, Vince Marra and Aaron Coyne tasting victory during school wides.
Floor Hockey Championships
Table Tennis opponents pose before sparing against each other to determine who will be the victor.
To the left, Dan Rutecki and Lauren Notorfrancesco dueling another team in table tennis.
Above, a vigrorous game of Badminton that will decide who are the champions.
As if we need any more of a reason to be excited about Badminton, Floor Hockey and Table Tennis, the school wide tournament motivates everyone to put their best foot forward and see if they have what it takes to be number 1
Alternative Beverage Day
Kevin Agren, Matthew Byrne, Kyle Vearling, James Porreca, Benjamin Lambert
Lia Ranalli enjoys catching up with past students and drinking hot chocolate during alternative beverage day.
Q. How did you spend your break?
In the spirit of the holiday, Benjamin Iffrig dresses as a christmas tree to get in the holiday spirit.
A. I hung out with my family and enjoyed the holiday!
Daria Bensinger, Annmarie Bednar, Megan Heppard, and Anna Ferrigno.
Maddie Varsalone, Libby Battista and Kelsey Colgan
To the left, Alexa Acchione proudly carrying her two roses.
Karlene Raines
Brian Dunbar
Some SHS students stop and pose for a picture for Rose Day.
Below, two students celebrate their roses they recieved during advisory.
Above, Lindsey Piller proudly receives her rose from Mrs. Fellona.
Mary Kate Clifton and Ashley Cody discuss their roses.
Mike D'Angelo and Rose McManus sing during lunch for Rose Day.
Two students take a break from lunch to sing us the latest tunes.
Two beautiful orange roses.
This student rocks out to singing the summer hit Some Nights.
Boom Box Tuesday
Melso stops by to get music students in the mood for class.
Boom Box Tuesday has been a great way to get pumped up and energized between classes. Students show off their dance moves and do impromptu karaoke.
Mr. Hartshorn, Alex Melso and Sam Mola.
To the left, Alex Melso, the officiator of Boom Box Tuesday
Andrew Laur, Sam Small and Alex Melso
Above Rachel Charmella, Alex Melso, Colin McKnight and Shawn Rodgers. Morgan Kane, Kenae Mickens, Alex Melso, Shane Cullen, and Dan Archibong.
Students in the Band Room joining in the fun of Boom Box Tuesday.
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Spring Musical In this year's spring musical, students perfromed in Hello Dolly, an enchanting and entralling story about life, love, devotion and a little bit of luck. The musical was brought to life by Danielle Agan, Monica Fischer, Alex Melso, Christina Neroni, Benn Tyler Iffrig, John Kampmeyer, Anna Ferrigno, Steve Halko and the rest of the crew and pit.
Cygaelle Bergado and Benn Tyler Iffrig back stage preparing for the Saturday showing.
Pit prepared for months in advance so they could give their flawless rendition of the complex score to Hello Dolly.
Scenes... Danielle Agan and crew being glamorous during the final scenes.
Cornelius confessing his love to the widow Malloy. Alex Melso and Danielle Agan unfolding with passion the last scenes of Hello Dolly. Benn Tyler Iffrig and Anna Ferrigno expressing their ecstatic exhaustion after a great show. Alex Melso and Benn Tyler Iffrig.
Pit band during a dress rehearsal.
Soph Hop Above, stunning students model with their dates before attending soph at the Drexelbrook.
To the right, Andrew Heppard and Bridget Liberati
Say "Cheese"! Friends come together before the dance.
SHS students hang out in front of the dance hall.
Fashionable men posing pre-soph.
Between the lively music, chatting with friends, posing for pictures and, of course, dancing, fun was had by all that night.
Bully Project Reach
To the left, Jessly Joseph and Jessica Joseph the night of the Bully Project showing.
Kain Gerena, Jessica Joseph and Hailey Gerena painting the banners to be hung on the auditorium walls.
To the right, Leah Welde, Sarah Fredrick and Lisa Edwards.
Bully is a documentary that shows the raw existence of bullying. The event was hosted with the intention of educating SHS and the Springfield community about what can be done in our schools to prevent these horrors from occuring.
To the right, Hailey Gerena, Christina Kelly and Heather Sinkinson
After the movie there was a panel discussion where viewers could ask questions from professionals and students.
To the left, Tom Carson, Dan Swanick and Colin Wainwright.
S HS Seamus O'hara and Dan Stewart Colin Wainwright Mr. Brown Mr. Brophy
To the left Mr. Cellona wowed the crowd with his rockin' drumming talent.
Above, Mr. Allen dancing and acting like Baby from Dirty Dancing.
Mr. Allen
Mr. Brophy and Mr. McCann played Baby's parents from Dirty Dancing.
Mr. Hermann
Mr. Kerrigan simultaneously played the piano and sang.
Danielle Agan
Mr. Wallin and Mr. Hermann sang Simon and Garfunkel's "Feeling Groovy".
&Teacher's Got Talent
Mr. Dale enchanted the crowd with interactive folk songs.
Jason Marchetti
Thon Lip Syncing
The Cougar
ougar Idol
Dance Marathon leadership teaches the attendees how to do the 2013 Dance Marathon line dance.
Taylor Cutcliff
Dennis Xhori
Jammin' Out Hoot's horn line gets ready to play
Hannah Feehery
To the left Monica Fischer gets ready to wow the audience with her wonderful talents.
ougar Idol is a much anticipated event that Springfield High School students look forward to all year round. The day before Thon Springfield's very own students bravely get up on stage infront of a live audience and display their wonderful talents. Whether it's rocking out on the guitar, singing, dancing, or even a comedy skit the students never fail to impress.
Benjamin Weaver and Alex Hagendorf jam out and freestyle an original piece. For the Kids! The Leadership team shows the audience this years line dance for Thon!
FTK! For the Kids!
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7. 10. 9.
1. MaryKate and Jenny Caggiano Victoria and Jacqueline Bruno 2. Luke and Adam Krauter 3. Nick and Emily Santana 4. Jimmy and Collin Bracconier 5. Alex and Brittany Pavlovitch 6. Davis and Corey Caramanico 7. Christina, Mike, and Jack Orlando 8. Ed and Matt Paynter 9. Gary and Madiline Thurwanger 10. Huey Lynch and Victoria Andreacchio 32
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13. 14.
17. 18. 19.
11. Shawn and Samantha Dresner, Allison and Ashley Moll, Melanie and Hannah Corsi, Katie and Jessica Donovan 12. Stacey and Mattie Porter 13. Zach and Hannah Young 14. Lyndsey and Tara Matteo 15. Kenae and Kendrick Mickens 16. Jessica and Dan Stewart 17. Amanda and Richie Brown, Kristen and Nick Daversa 18. Symone, Devin and Jquaine McDaniel 19. Emily and Elizabeth Kugler 20. Colin and Gillian Wainwright 33
23. 24. 26. 27.
28. 31. 29.
30. 21. Matt and Rich Latessa 22. Dasiah and Lamar Shaw 23. Stephanie and Cant Cara Dunfee 24. Emily and Morgan Kane 25. Pat and Bridget McKnight 26. Arielle and Tereza Athanas 27. Andrea and Steven Kinsey 28. Rachel, Dennis, and Luke Charamella 29. Christian and Gillian Limroth 30. Joe and Brett Sheeran 31. Sarah and Erin Gamble
38. 37.
35. 36.
39. 42. 41.
32. Alex and Vince Judak 33. Demarkus Clark and Tevelle Wilson 34. Tyler and Morgan Glenn 35. Joe and Kristina Fishchetti 36. Tierra and Tianna Jay 37. Sneha and Joshua Jose 38. Matt and Kaitlyn Bedard 39. Rachel and JR Kilker 40. Kelsey and Joey Colgan 41. Micaela and Marissa Klick 42. Mike and Matt Gade 35
47. 46. 50. 27. 49.
48. 51. 31. 29.
52. 43. Monica and Vincent Freiberg 44. Matt and Jake VanPelt 45. Phil, Peter, and Paul Kim 46. Mary and Jimmy Reardon 47. Miranda and Joe Davis 48. Farid and Amid Zeineddine 49. Lauren and Rob Notofrancesco 50. Phil Brumback and Dom Franchi 51. Courtney and Christine O'Connell 52. Amy and Chris Chan 53. Brooke Oslar and Ali Lodise 54. Nick and Brian Biehl
61. 60.
58. 59.
62. 63. 64. 55. Alex and Mike Hagendorf 56. Mike and Andrew Astrino, Jason and Alex Karian, and Seamus and Katie O'Hara 57. Amanda and Bridget Donegan 58. Michelle and Kenney Sexton 59. Tyler and Nick O'Shea 60. Bobby and Zach Mattox 61. Katrina and Scott Waywood 62. Carl and Lisa Edwards 63. Tyler and Kelsey DiMatteo 64. Joe and Time Spano 65. Jessly a nd Jessica Joseph 66. Joe and Julia DePrince 67. Jim and Jessie Eden
"Playing golf for the high school team has been a great experience. I can't thank my teammates and coaches enough for all their hard work and support. If I could go back and do it all again, I would." Kyle Hakun, 2013
Sp o r t s Tennis
Lady Cougar Soccer
Cougar Soccer
el r Fi a g ou yC Lad Hockey
Cou ross
ar B aske
Cougar Swimming
Ice Hockey
The varisty football team exits the field after a challenging, but victorious game.
Andrew Astrino, Ryan Busch, Pete Cacesi, Nick Cahill, Kyle Chevalier, Billy Clemens, Jordan Collins, Jake Crowther, Dom DeCesaris, Justin Donnelly, Brandon D'Ortone, Maxx Drumm, Azck Dworkin, Joe Fischetti, Nick Fosco, Alex Fuentes, John Gable, Mike Gerzabek, Mark Gorman, Alex Grajek, Mark Gurenlian, Brad Hajjar, Jimmy Hart, Nick Jannelli, Ryan Joyce, Austin Kiker, John Kilker, Danny Korinth, Luke Krauter, Jonah Levin, Jeff Lord, Bruce Macknight, Dan Mackowiak, Mitch Masi, Nick Matyszczak, Tom McCann, Rob McHugh, Colin McKnight, Andy McMonagale, Sam Mola, AJ Noce, Max Polumbo, Josh Proctor, Steven Randolph, Tyler Ranieri, Jimmy Reardon, Andrew Recchilongo, Harrison Rovner, Anthony Savarese, Nick Scarpato, Paul Schneider, Jack Schott, Juan Serviano, Sam Small, Dave Sousa, Jesse Stewart, Ryan Straube, Ryan Travers, Paul Uhrig, Collin Wainwright, Mike Wallace, Torpey White, Hunter Young
To the left, Reslen preping for a penalty throw.
Cougar star jogs downfield to assist on a goal.
Cougar 12 stays back to play defense and to keep his eye on the ball.
Cougar boys leap into action to score a goal on Garnet Valley.
Springfield player kicks ball out of Garnet Valley's possession.
Boys Soccer 40
Coaches give inspiring pep talk to Lady Cougars before a big game. The talked tactics, team spirit, the importance of communication and good sportsmanship.
irls Soccer
Katie Bedard, Haley Byrne, Anna Canova, Emily Crockarell, Riley Cutcliffe, Taylor Cutcliffe, Madison D'Ambrosio, Victoria DePietro, Jennifer Eden
Shannelle Fry, Erin Gamble, Aly Gormley, Cailyn Gormley, Lyssa Hawley, Rachel Hentnick, Jordan Joachim, Christina Kelly, Lindsay Kern, Kaylee Lennon, Shannon Mahon, Emily McCarry, Jenni Monkman, Noelle Morrissey, Lauren Notorfrancesco, Bridget O'Connell, Katie O'Hara, Christina Orlando, Alyssa Paolucci, Emily Paulus, Alex Pavlovitch, Brittany Pavlovitch, Mattie Porter, Stacy Porter, Mary Reardon, Katlyn Ryan, Emily Santana, Lauren Schnickling, Haley Shea, Sadie Shea, Stephanie Shea, Melissa Shields, Autumn Spence, Megan Tronco, Angela Tumelty, Emily Verica, Taylor Winkleman, Camille Woodward
"I got to experience soccer at the highest level at a young age; I decided I wanted to be part of that for as long as possible."
Football Tyler Achuff, Nick Apostolu, Ryan Bensinger, Collin Braconnier, Tyler Bush, Brandon Butler, Charlie Carbin, Zac Carr, Jeremy Cavanaugh, Matt Cella, Justin Cicala, Jack Collins, Josh Corey, Aaron Coyne, Shane Cullen, Dan Dickinson, Joe Dougherty, Mike Dougherty, Matt Doyle, Cameron Durham, John Ferguson, Barry Foster, Sal Fox, Matt Gade, Mike Gade, Hoah Grace, Joe Heffernan, Dan Higgins, Jim Jendrus, Dan Ketler, Adam Krauter, Braian Layden, Brad Lord, Erick Lowe, Chris Mallee, Dom Marascio, Vince Marra, Alex Masino, Dave McCann, Rob Murphy, Seamus O'Hara, Will Orangers, Darius Peyton, Isaac Peyton, Dylan Power, Tony Roberts, Joey Sciarrino, Matt Serrano, Lamar Shaw, Dan Smyth, Pat Smyth, Luc Spence, Tyler Staud, Ricky Sterling, Josh Seeney, Phil Thompson, Mitch Williams, James Williams-Harris, Jordan Wren, Zach Young
HUT HUT Springfield player sprints to catch the pass to complete the first down.
SIDELINES A few players jog off the field to talk to their coach about their preformances and how to enhance their playing.
TEAM HUDDLE The football team forms a huddle to quickly talk tactics to successfully gain a touchdown.
Go Cougars! Springfield High School cougars celebrate their high scoring victory, while the band plays their victory song!
Cheerleading LETS GO COUGARS! Meghan Bailer, Kellie Barnes, Sammie Bolter, Samantha Brower, Rachel Charamella, Jill Clement, Taylor DeBello, Anna DeBenedictis, Julia DePrince, Gina Digioia, Amanda Donegan, Cara Dunfee, Megan Fitzgerald, Celina Geslao, Jamie Greer, Sara Hackett, Leighanne Hanshaw, Jessica Harkins, Sarah Hart, Chelsey Jackson, Shannon Jackson, Morgan Kane, Alex Karian, Lauren Kennedy, Brandi Layden, Tara Matteo, Maggie McCloskey, Alex McCormack, Leah McDonald, Janie McMenamin, Shannon Minnis, Laura Monzo, Taylor Murray, Melissa Papale, Karma Penater, Natalie Pizzi, Sarah Polohovich, Callie Robinson, Emily Ross, Molly Scully, Leighann Shanabarger, Megan Sherwood, Natalie Stagliano, Ashley Sullivan, Cassie Varacalli, Tiffany Wood, Hannah Young
This year the Varisty cheer squad travelled down to Disney in Florida for the Universal Cheerleading Associations national competition. Though this was their first year there, they placed 14th out of 28. Additionally they placed second in the Central League competition. This is not unexpected given that the SHS cheerleaders were able to place first more often than not despite the numerous injuries the team suffered.
"Dreams dont work unless you do"
Paige Barrett, Rebecca Bennett, Amber Dath, Brianna Fox, Paige Gavula, Rose Georgias, Brooke Gilligan, Kerianne Gilligan, Aubrey Gruwell-Keating, Kathleen Hughes, Sam Kemmey, Marissa Klick, Micaela Klick, Elizabeth Kugler, Emily Kugler, Mia Luciani, Alexis O'Toole, Jess Pearse, Nicole Raymond, Cassidy Smedley, Christina Smith, Emily Stevenson, Chloe Williams
irl's Tennis
Victoria Bruno, Jennifer Caggiano, Mary Kate Caggiano, Amy Diep, Alyssa DiCandilo, Stacy DiCandilo, Cassandra Mae Enad, Corey Falls, Leah Grubb, Nina Jakubowski, Paige Klaniecki, Rose McManus, Christina Neroni, Serena Park, Lindsey Piller, Lia Ranalli, Katey Slavin, Emily Smith, Katrina Waywood
To the right Lia Ranalli slams a forehand to her opponet winning herself a point.
Alexa Acchione, Kristen Applegate, Jenna Barnard, Katie Baumann, Katie Bedard, Carrie Black, Sarah Brennan, Emily Brennecke, Mary-Kate Brennecke, Sarah Brooks, Maria Brophy, Stephanie Cant, Maddie Clark, Brittany Correnti, Andrea Coyle, Taylor DeBernardi, Chrissy Dexter, Kelsey DiMatteo, Shannon Flaherty, Sarah Gamble, Rachel Goff, Shannon Hagarty, Megan Hayden, Emily Kane, Olivia Kane, Erin Larkin, Sarah Larkin, Lauren Leaf, Lyndsay Matteo, Carol Matyszczak, Bridget McKnight, Kim Morton, Bella Orloff, Roisin O'Sullivan, Reveka Pasternak, Jen Perchalski, Kylie Pfizenmayer, Amanda Piazza, Kristen Pirollo, Clair Remy, Kristen Roberts-O'Brien, Amy rosenzweig, Ally Scanlon, Gina Spurio, Hannah Sweeney, Nicole Ward, Michaela Whitaker
The field hockey girls hussle down the field to score a victorious goal.
To the left the Varsity field hockey team stop and pose for a team picture.
With her percision and skills the goalie awaits for the other team to run down the field to try and score a goal. With sucess she blocks the shot and gives the Springfield team a chance to make another goal and win the game.
To the left, one of Springfield's players gets ready to take a shot at the opponets goal hoping to help the team out.
With pressure of an opponet Springfield player swiftly runs down the field in hopes of making a goal.
Two Springfield players sprint down to pressure their opponets and looking for an oppertunity to steal the play from the other team.
Cross Country Boys Cross Country: Ray Cessna, Ryan DeStefano, Tim Horan, Kyle Klosinski, Collin McGuckin, Justin Miller, Nick Scarpato, Will Seifried, Colin Wainwright Girls Cross Country: Jordan Joachim, Sneyha Jose, Megan McGinn, Kiera Meighan, Emmie Nguyen, Holly Sinnott, Sydney Wharton
Grace Galligan and Justin Millier
Derrick Baun, Dillon Baun, Sean Dempter, Kyle Hakun, Tim Houtmann, Rada Ilieva, Yana Ilieva, Dan Kelley, Joshua Lochon, Kenny Lynch, Samantha Miller, Andrew Peranteau, Colin Ringwalt, Chris Strawley, Brian Todaro, Brandon Wynne
Kenneth Lynch
Brian Todero
Tim Houtmann
Rada Ilieva
Dan Kelley
Andrew Peranteau
Kyle Hakun
Colin Ringwalt
Samantha Miller
Brandon Wynn
Boys Basketball The Cougars Take the Court
On the sidelines the rest of the team sits and watches the action cheering on their teammates to victory.
Chris Abbonizio, Derek Aungst, Matt Carpenter, Sean Carpenter, Jordan Collins, Matt Conran, Joe DePrince, Nick Fox, Nich Gorman, Joe Hoey, Jeremy Hudak, Mason Liberty, Thomas McCann, Pat McKnight, Brian McCloskey, Dan McTeague, Matt Methlie, Johnny Militello, Steve Fandolph, Dan Rutecki, Kyle Ryan, Jack Schott, Bill Smith, Pat Smyth, Rich Sterling, Chris Strawley, Dan Swankick, Kevin Swanick, Quanief Tavares, John Wallace, Dan Wasson, Quideer Wimes
Players stay focused in the heat of a game, a tactic that leads them to victory.
The Lady Cougars play hard throughout their whole season. With extremely high team spirit the girl's basketball team triumphs and make many memories that will not be forgotten.
Off on the sidelines two Springfield players take a water break and watch their teammates work hard for a victory.
Alyssa Abbonizio, Rebecca Bennett, Sarah Brennan, Madison D'Ambrosio, Tori DePietro, Kristen Dolan, Erin Gamble, Aly Gormley, Cailyn Gormley, Maggie Hobbs, Olivia Kane, Erin Larkin, Kaylee Lennon, Kelly Lynch, Shannon Mahon, Mairead McGillian, Noelle Morrissey, Jen Patterson, Jess Pearse, Kylie Pfizenmayer, Alex Poplawski, Mattie Porter, Claire Remy, Michelle Ronayne, Autumn Spence, Hannah Sweeney, Samantha Tamaccio, Nichole Ward, Tiara Womack
Girl's Basketball
The girl's team take a quick break from the game to talk tactics with their coach in hopes of winning the game.
Ice Hockey Michael Astrino, John Belifie, Andrew Bendsen, Bryan Biehl, Nich Biehl, Ryan Brawley, Rich Brown, Stephen Cavaliere, Tom Coll, Jim Eden, Charlie Eppehimer, Frank Faragasso, Michael Gerzabek, Dan Madonna, Stephen Reger, Kyle Riddle, Tyler Riddle, Mark Rodgers, Peter Sabato, Jim Schickling, Ryan Smith, Bill Swahl, Ryan Vogt
The Ice Hockey team had an amazing season this year! They celebrated many victories with each other and carry on the cougar pride.
To the right, Billy Swahl celebrates the teams victory.
Penalty Box
irls Track
Kaitlyn Baumann, Brooke Bayliss, Kayla Byrd, Anna Canova, Emily Cardie, Sarah Gamble, Tia Holland, Darlene Kenney, Maria Luciani, Lauren Milewski, Emmie Nguyen, Daisian Nicholas, Emily Paulus, Kyra Phillips, Amy Rosenzweig, Sophie Rosler, Emily Santana, Courtney Scarpato, Lauren Schickling, Stephanie Shea, Megan Tronco, Kaelyn Whetzel, Chole Williams, Emily Zito
Nick Apostolu, Ray Cessna, Ryan Destefano, Cameron Durham, Dennis Farally, Barry Foster, Tim Horan, Kyle Klosinski, Jayvee Lacasandile, Sean Laughlin, Jeff Lord, Eric Lowe, Colin McGuckin, Andy McMonagle, Zac Methlie, Rob Murphy, Justice Nduka, Ed Paynter, Nick Scarpato, Anthony Roberts, Mitchell Smedley, James Swanick, Phillip Thompson, Collin Wainwright
oys Track To the right, Collin Wainwright finishes his part of the run.
To the right, Nick Scarpato vigorously runs to the finish line.
Tim Abbot, Edwin Addis, Kelley Bartivic, Dan Boyer, Phillip Brumback, Dennis Charamella, Luke Charamella, Justin Cicalla, Jake Crowther, Shane Cullen, Dylan Daino, Joe Davis, Ryan Dejewski, Joe Dougherty, Brian Jones, Shazod Kerr, James Kimpel, Brad McKay. Matt Bedard, Audean Miller, Sonny Pastore, Chris Patrikios, Isaac Peyton, Chris Sciarrino, Joe Sciarrino, Chris Swan, Jake VanPelt, Matt VanPelt, Tri Vu, Joe Walsh
"Wrestling teaches you nothing comes easy. Nothing in life comes easy, so you have to work at it."
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S 62
wimming and Diving
Boys: Nick Apostolu, Billy Booth, Christopher Flemming, Nick Giaquinto, Kevin Houtmann, Mark Kelly, Alex Kmetz, Brian Layden, Dave McCann, Pete Mele, Greg Murphy, Jake Nave, Sam O'Hara, Matt Quagliariello, Michael Rodgers, Will Seifried, Dan Stewart, Sean Swartz, Gary Thrwanger, Farid Zeineddine Girls: Julia Bingaman, Allie Brown, Jacqueline Bruno, Victoria Bruno, Riley Cutcliff, Taylor Cutcliff, Amanda Dezzi, Sarah Discristino-Brennan, Rose Georgias, Rachel Hentnick, Angela Johnson, Christina Kelly, Lindsay Kern, Samantha McCarthy, Meghan McGinn, Dayna Miller, Samantha Miller, Lauren Notorfrancesco, Christine O'Connell, Courtney O'Connell, Christina Orlando, Natalie Orlando, Reveka Pasternak, Kristin Roberts-O'Brien, Kylene Ronayne, Holly Sinnott, Courtney Sturgeon, Jessica Thorpe, Madeline Thurwanger, Camile Woodward, Trish Maleno
Amnesty International
Law & Order: Mock Trial
Jazz Band
Science Olympiad
This year Indoor Percussion and Drum Line had a space theme. They were so successful in executing their show that they are competing in Wildwood for their championships. (Above)
To the left, Amnesty International is a proactive activist group, who petitions for the rights of people across the globe.
(Right) International Thespian Society
Favorite Clubs Kevin McClain "Jazz Band" STW PEERs
Above, Colorguard member warms up before a half time show.
Photo Club ITS Right: Future Educators of America
Right: The Gay, Straight Alliance
Right: Future Business Leaders of America
" " "
I'm sorry I waited until junior year to do it. ~ Davis Caramanico about STW
Art-making is not about telling the truth but making the truth felt. about clay sculpture
Be a man.
~ Seamus O'hara about Hi-Q
To the left, the Gay, Straight Alliance organizing their involvement in the Aids Walk in Philly. This is one of many activities that the GSA has been a part of such as the Bully Project and Day of Silence.
(Left) Tim Deaton at Game Club.
(Above) National English Honor Society Indcution
Above students working hard and being recognized for their efforts in such clubs as NHS, NEHS, PJAS, colorguard and much more!
ty s e n Am
International Just in 2013 AI has contributed to Mao Hengfeng being released from prison, the closing of Tamms Supermaximum Security Prison, Children released in Bahrain and creating safety laws for Afghan women.
Amnesty international is a club that is founded internationally that tirelessly works to defend and promote human rights. This is done by writing hundreds of thousands of letters, raising money and speaking out about the injustices.
Their mission is to help create a world where everyone regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation or gender identity is given all the human rights outlined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Currently, Amnesty International pursues such issues as abused prisoners, the suffering impoverish, the death penalty, torture internationally. censureship and refugees who are being mistreated.
To the right, the whole group without their fearless leader, Mr. Heron, stands proud of the work they helped to accomplish.
skin more than deep The Color Guard and its captains Lexi Galantino, Val Vecchione, and Kaitlyn Ross led the guard through two incredible seasons of hard work and dedication. With the Voyage of the Conquerors in outdoor to The Letter and Titanium in indoor, the Color Guard has become a family.
Color uard G
Indoor & Outdoor
Above, the outdoor Color Guard warms up before an excellent execution of their portion of the half-time show.
Thomas Fogel
John Barber & Alex Kmetz
Christina Kelly
PJAS Alex Costa
John Barber
Christina Kelly
"You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation." ~Plato
lay Club
Above Lyndsey Matteo and Justin Miller
mpty Bowls
Below, Jenny Monkman, Christina Kelly, Kelly McCullough, John Kampmeyer, Emma Wiley and Kate Clifton.
The GSA bowling in the fall to enjoy an afternoon together.
The GSA having fun and preparing for the 12k Aids Walk in Philly.
Lisa Edwards, Jamie Coladonato, Sarah Fox, Heather Sinkinson and Mike Corrato at the Aids Walk.
Leaders Lisa Edwards, Heather Sinkinson, Jamie Coladonato and Sarah Fox.
4 71
nternational Thespian
Above, senior Christina Neroni
Above, Senior Alex Melso.
Hannah Feehrey
Monica Fischer
Steve Halko
Ben Weaver
Paige Klaniecki
Kevin McClain
Kim Morrissey
Davis Caramanico
The International Thespian Society has been active since 1929 and continues to pursue and acheive its goal of "shaping lives through theatre education". Furthermore ITS strives to honor the acheivements of it's students, support theatre educators and advocate the importance of theatre education in the school and in the community.
National English Honors Society
National Honors Society To the left, Marie Breingan and Kristin Baldwin being honored for their outstanding involvment in scholarship, leadership, service and character. These qualities are recognized nationally through SHS in these students.
To the left, Rachel Kilker, Alexa Acchione and Amy Rosenzweig
World Language Honors Society
Dubois Honors Society To the left, Mr. Williams, Justice Nduka, Stephanie Jones, Samira Alhassan and Kyra Phillips.
PEERS Peers is a group that has been a long standing support group for students in need to reach out to another trustworthy student. Beyond helping students at a personal level, Peers help to make Cougar Idol, The Bully Project, Cocoa House, Thon Lipsync Contest and much more.
Cinema Club
Law and Order: Mock Trial
Community Service Club
The Community Service Club has been dedicated all year to help out those in need. Frequently CSC visits the new SLC as well as endorses different charities such as the Turkey Drive.
REACH stands for Respecting Ethnic and Cultural Heritage. They actively get together and meet with SHS students to help people understand the value of diversity.
Yearbook Lindsey Piller the fearless editor takes on the challenge of creating the school wide yearbook with her trusted team of writers and photographers. The team was motivated to produce the best yearbook they could this year with the theme of a school subject notebook with plenty of doodles to go along with the theme!
Sean Kenney
Yana Illieva
Serena Park
Cygaelle Bergado
4. 78
Student Council 79
Game Club To the left and below, the game club enjoys an afternoon with each other.
Below, the Ski and Adventure Club in Vermont, shredding up the mountain sides.
S 80
Above, Tim Deaton victoriously leading a game on the Wii at the Games Club.
Left to right: Mrs. DriksMoore, Colin McGuckin, Jim Turner, Phil Brumback, Jake VanPelt, Rada Ilieva, Veronica Gillespie
ki and Adventure Club
Photo by Rada Ilieva
Photo by Julia Bingaman
Photo by Rada Ilieva
"Watching the shows, I could tell that it was with great effort of the stage crew that the show was executed with such harmony between the actors and the set."
tage Crew To the left, Hannah Feehrey enjoying the joyous STW atmosphere with the Stage Crew.
To the left, Emily Kugler working with Stage Crew to perfect her part in the play.
Alex Melso and Davis Caramanico, taking a break from their hard work with the crew.
Reading Olympics
Students Against Destructive Decisions SADD creates and hosts many activities throughout the school year to spread the word about making good choices. One such activity is Alternative Beverage Day wherein students are encouraged to choose not to imbibe illegal and dangerous substances over the winter holiday.
"Our competition this year was really fun. We went to Cabrini College to compete against other schools. It's great to be around other people who are interested in science."
Kelsey Quinn and Lia Ranalli planning the schematics behind their presentation.
To the left, Lia Ranalli appropraitely follows safety practices while sawing a piece of wood.
To the left, Kayla Harris studiously works at crafting her exhibit.
Above, Kayla Harris, Lia Ranalli, Kelsey Quinn and Ross Lawrence
Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper 84
r c h e s t r a
Mr. Cooper teaches the orchestra kids musicality throughout the school year.
To the right a couple of orchestra students stop and take a picture for yearbook before they play.
To the left, Tom Fogel take a break from playing a poses for the yearbook.
Practice To the left Mr. Cooper teaches class and practices before the sping show.
Band To the left, the drumline performs in the stands at a home game.
Below, the band honors their senior members with this banner in addition to their love and support.
Rachel Graham, 2013 Drum Major "I couldn't be more proud of the season we had. Thank you to all the dedicated members of our band and staff! Each and ever one of you made our success this year possible!"
To the left, the band marches in costume on Halloween in the Scenic Hills' and Sabold's parade in addition to performing their half time show at Scenic Hills, Sabold and Don Guanella.
Halftime Show! To the left, the SHS band performs their superb halftime show gallantly at an away game.
To the left, the band watches the home game and waites for the cue to cheer the players to victory!
Below, the horn section energizes the crowd and players from the stands.
Go Big Blue!
To the left, Leah Grubb, Allie Brown and Rachel Graham.
Springfield Singers and Treblemakers meet before and after school regularly to perfect their pieces to perform at school and competitve events.
"It's a place where you can put your troubles away and take a break in your day. All of this while having fun and perfecting a talent we all have. David Yingling, 2015
Singing completes me. Alex Melso, 2013
"If everyone started off the day singing, just think how happy they'd be."
"Springfield Singers is one of my favorite classes. We come together to create beautiful music and we always ahve fun doing it. Mrs. Descano is AMAZING!" Benn Tyler Iffrig, 2013 90
"Words make you think. Music makes you feel. A song makes you feel a thought."
pringfield Singers
and Treblemakers
To the left, the alto and soprano section rehearse for their winter show.
To the left, a dedicated student arrives early in the morning to practice.
To the left, the tenor and bass section warm up for a rigorous class.
raphics & ainting and rawing
Above, Michelle Sexton and Samantha Murray
Sculpture andClay
To the left, students intently glaze their pieces to perfection to display in celebration of the arts.
To the left, a student slips and scores extra bits of clay to enhance his piece.
To the left, a student carefully attaches coils to make a large sphere shape for his face jug.
To the left, a student delicately etches shapes into her pieces.
To the left, students expertly use tools to form specific structures out of their works.
ndustrail Arts
To the right, Mr. Trout helps a student cut his wood.
Above, John Gable and Jake Van Pelt in the Industrial Materials room. To the right, a student carves out the shape of a piece to her project.
Working Hard! To the right, John Gable prepares to glue and clamp an addition to his project. To the left, Lady Cougars diligently craft their artwork for Celebration fo the Arts.
Mr. Trout Students frequently utilize Mr. Trout's expert advise to enhance their projects.
Photo matt students Above be tures to n their pic lebratio e C ed for y la p is d rts of the A
Above, students take pictures of subjects around the school to incorporate into their projects.
Mrs. Descano plays the piano so the students can sing along.
Above: Two students happily sing music for thier chorus class. Practicing for the spring concert coming up.
Above: Courtney O'Connell sings along to the sheet music in her chorus class.
Springfield student reads sheet music singing along to the snappy tunes they will be singing for the spring chior show.
The Jazz Band does a dress rehearsal in the band room to prepare for an upcoming performance.
To the left, Mr. Blandford passionately leading the Jazz Band during their performance. His job is to conduct, educate and lead the Jazz Band so that they become further groomed for success.
Drumline & Jazz Band
Christina Kelly
Christina Kelly and Leah Grubb
Leah Grubb
World Language Brittany Nardi studies in French class. Sr. Robinson talks to his Spanish II class.
Mr. Williams and his German III class take a trip to the Brauhaus Schmitz in Philadelphia.
Ms. Wirth tells the class about a trip to South America.
Joshua Pierce looks over vocabulary in French class.
Justin Donnelly takes the Spanish Challenge.
Colin Blake, Eric Lowe and Kaitlyn Diehl play Pictionary in Ms. Wirth's Spanish Class.
T e c h & Vo Tech
Med-tech students sterilized and ready to work.
Med-tech students in class at Taylor Hospital.
# Departments
Mr. Hepp, Mr. McKnight and Mr. Hartshorn
Left: Mr. Hartshorn, Center: Mr. McKnight, Above: Mr. Hepp
Mr. Ash and Mrs. Squitiere
dministrative Technology
Mr. Piombino, Mrs. Laubach, Mrs. Gill, and Mr. Scroggins
Mrs. Bean and Mr. Mallon
Chartwells 102
Maintenance Mr. Ferry and Mike
D uty Aids
Ms. Veccione, Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Hoyt, Mr. Hickie, and Mrs. Gorgone
Family & Consumer
Mrs. Driks-Moore, Mrs. Snyder, and Mrs. Delaney
ine Arts
Mr. Mann, Ms. Fellona, Ms. Cammarota, and Ms. Belton
Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Giuffre, Mrs. Pedrotty-Stump, Mrs. Romasko, Mr. Tierno, Mrs. Wells, and Mr. Spiropoulos
I Technology ndustrial
Mr. Lang, Mr. Trout, and Mr. Ash
Language Arts
Mr. Henry, Mr. Allen, Mrs. Conlin, Mr. Brett, Mrs. Yoka, Mr. Kerrigan, Mr. Mroz, Mr. Gildea, Ms. Owston and Mrs. Staats
Learning Assistants
Ms. Rehmani, Ms. Riddle, Ms. Cook, Ms. Marrone, Ms. McCarthy, Ms. Helmle and Ms. Destafano
ibrary Staff
Ms. Marrone, Mr. Wong, Ms. Dowman, Ms. Cook, and Mrs. Kirby
Mr. McCann, Dr. Talarowski, Mr. Mazurek, Mr. McCarthy, Mr. Young, Mr. Britton, Dr. Harley, Mrs. Clementi, Mrs. Bratz, and Mrs. Cuozzo.
M r. A twell Music Mr. Blanford, Mrs. Descano k and Mr. Cooper
N urses
Mrs. Brown, and Mrs. Hercer
Physical Education Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Purvis, and Mr. Smith
Mrs. Jepersen
Ms. Ford, Mrs. Barber, Mrs. Kovatch, Mr. Vandenberg, Mr. Hermann, Mr. Zumpano, Mr. Celona, Mr. Conlin and Mrs. Tanner 107
Mr. Schmidt, Mr. Nelson, Mr. Brown, Mr. Pratt, Mr. Holloway, Mrs. Cole, Ms. Lynch, Mr. McRae, Mr. Heron and Mr. Brophy
S upport Staff
Mrs. Wylie, Mrs. Garling, Mrs. Penrose, and Ms. Mastalski
Special Education Mrs. Akins, Mrs. Boland, Mr. Bosak, Mrs. Burke, Ms. Carty, Ms. DiCamillo, Ms. Fatica, Ms. Koethe, Mrs. Lorah, Ms. Lucas, and Mrs. Ruskowski
World Language
Mr. Jurkiewicz
Mrs. Madden, Mrs. McDonnell, Mr. Robinson, Mrs. Ward, Mrs. Wirth, and Mr. Williams (not pictured) 109
S eniors
# Like a 13oss
! s r a g u o C
Helen Abel
Alexa Acchione
Michael Agovino
Kevin Agren
Casey Algeo
Michael Astrino
Arielle Athanas
Anthony Barbuto
Casey Algeo Comi ng to Sprin year w gfield as the my se b of my iggest nior but b life. T e o s t deci thank my fr sion iends you s o a nd pe much me an ers, for w d help elcom ing m aroun ing e find d. To my w my te for no ay acher t only s, tha educa me an n k you ting m incred e, but ible e will r giving xperie emem nce th ber fo went at I rever. by in H a i g b h proud link o Schoo f an e to say l ye, bu I grad t I 0m uated a Cou gar.
thanas been Arielle A s have r a e y r been so ast fou e p v e a s h e h e T ill Ther table. s that w t e e i r g r o o f m un me To the ghs and . u r a e l v y e r n ma rt fo to my hea getting f n i o e n r o u live pleas es ad the h I fun tim e l e p h t l l peo a for y thanks e. To m m know, r o f or e r k you f ing the n e a b h t d , s n a cher glad I0m so and tea s a t s n u e r o a p ave S sure me. D s- Trea a g n n i a h h s t pu eza A way u. Ter o y oes by t g e t i , Im e r he oment every m t. too fas
Best Hair Colin Wainwright and Amanda Donegan
Jenna Ree Barnard
Kelley Bartivic
Elizabeth Battista
Joshua Bauman
Brooke Bayliss
Joseph Beal
Kathrine Becker
Matthew Bedard
Jenna Ree Barnard
Thank s to ev Mom and Dad- thanks for your eryon achiev e who e my g helped endless support. I wouldn0t be who I o a everyo ls and me n t hanks e who am, if it weren0t for your love. Eddiet made o experi my hi ence a you0re everything I aspire to be. Liv g h n schoo unforg especi l ettabl ally w e and Autumn- thanks for not only a o n ne. I t to th and fa ank m mily w y pare being my best friends but for being ho ha becom nts ve pus e m hed m ore th the sisters that I never had. Mm and possib e a n I ev to le. As er ima Pp- your love is the base of our an anc g Stay c i ned horma lassy S n onc pringf family. Billy and Julia - Thanks for e said ield. I , 'm Joe the countless memories. Love you all Beal? to the moon and back! g. I erythin v e r o f r s. I Becke k you ou guy y t u o Kathrine nd Dad-Than h n y wit being a m toda Mom a n a u I f o e h v w Ha ove 0t be ve you! exa 1 L l o L A wouldn ! 1 h c n i mu u! Dev etimes. me too s m s o i s love yo m u t o 0 t, nd y ild, don end. Bu an0t sta n c a I s only ch a h g h u y d ven tho ery stor g.4 Goo n 3Ev i ! n r n you2 e a i e g ty be uck nex st a new u j s i Good l g din very en in life e ! of 2013 s s a l c luck
Matthew Bedard "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go, Instead, where there is no path and leave a trail."
John Belfie
Anna Berger
Nicholas Biehl
Kylie Bongaardt
James Braconnier
Marie Breingan
Jacob Brown
Hailey Bruinsma
Anna B Don erger 0t c ry b e it ha cause ppen its ov e d 4 F mem er sm r i e ory t nds 1 ile be h roug than cause forge h k out t t our s for h e t e yea ime t woul rs, ne very ogeth dn0t ver k e now r. Th Solid what e81 stori I0d d es, so than o wit lid fr ks fo hout iends r alw you. right . a A y s bei mber ; tim n e g 1 does Dad go by there. Yo 1 t h a u nk yo too f dream ast. M were u for s. 3I s om a uppo am w the c nd rting ho I hoice my am t sIm Roos oday ade y evelt beca ester use o day.4 f ~ Ele anor
Kylie Bongaardt Thank you, Mom, for not only being my mentor and sounding board throughout my high school years but also my inspiration. Dad, thank you for praising my success but never pushing me harder than I pushed myself. Hi-Q, Thon, PEERS and friends, thank you for giving me so many memories to take with me. Seamus, thank you for everything! 3I0mma be what I set out to be, without a doubt, undoubtedly.4 - Eminem Hailey Bruinsm a Spring field h a s been me. F an int rom m erestin o ving h findin g jour e r g e w i ney fo n 6th hat I l I n o s r r g T o e r v h p a e a d e n e h t t o do i king m to fina e m g n n i y k y lly photo friend under so m r ma graph s and statem uys. Al ents fo r g a u y p o . n y t y w e t m ent. M achers ro nd I everyt hou Jacob B like to thank y frien would y life a e it wit hing a n m o f d o d l e d t be an r v u s have nd sho a lov pa e g I wo 0t ha i m n b a d c l a e e b u w . b h e o c e M e c e u d n I s w y fam me so there ay ball, been ily hav for many am tod better every as s have ar Base g y a u u r g e o o t f C u s h o u d y i p l y e n p t e , k s g p s c s sI orted t of m ve a at. La want t friend me th y life ldn0t ha ll for th u o a o a r c u g o n o i d v u y d con e a sp gh ter an helpin thank tinue ecial t the win g t r o h e m . v a . I o nks to e reali also with also li family ze my Mr. M to play s k y e u f g a u t n f ll pote o than n for adopt group o ntial. k the ed fam I wou Color ld Guard ily. I l ove yo f o r 116 b eing m u! y 3
Phillip Brumback, Jr.
Victoria Bruno
Dylan Buchanan
Sarah Burke
Mary Katherine Caggiano
Nicholas Cahill
Stephanie Cant
Davis William Caramanico
Sarah Burke Many lessons were learned during my time here. I'm excited to continue my education and see what the future holds for me. High school has taught me to be yourself, see the good in other people, and most importantly to be there for others. Thank you to my friends and family for everything. Bella and Andre, love you guys.
Stephanie Cant at I "Far from wh not once was, but going yet what I am you to to be." Thank has everyone who where I gotten me to I'm am and where
Nichola sC Mom& ahill Dad, thank much you fo for m r doin e, than me to g so k you do thi f o r n motiv gs ove you gu ating r the y ys. Jac e a rs, I lo kie an a huge d Kell ve part o y, you f my l finally g i r i ls are fe; the out. Y young ou gir for m e s ls are t is e. Tha alway nks to for all s t h all my ere the m soccer emori Playo b es, esp oys ffs. G ecially abriel thank D l e, I lo istrict you fo ve you r ever senior a n d ything year! ! Goo d luck
Davis Caramanico To all the people I love, you know who you are and you know the reasons why. Yes all of you; teachers, friends, and parents (all three of you). I hope we never need to reconnect.
Thomas Carson
Thomas Carson
Allison Carullo
Jeremy Cavanaugh
Amy Chan
Michelle Chan
Rachel Charmella
Vanya Paulina Chavez
Sheraine Cheeks
Allison Carullo
When I started I was but an Life is an experience; it has its ups sapling, but now I have grown into and downs, so hold close to your heart an ent. Shout to the boys. those times that make you happy. To Amy Chan my friends, we had so much fun this I would like to say thank you to year I will never forget you and the my parents, younger brother, and memories we0ve made, and to my friends for helping me reach this family, thank you for your love and point of my life and supporting me support you0ve helped me grow into every step of the way. I love you the person I want to be. Class of 2013, all. Thank you to Mr. McCann, it0s been a great ride, good luck next Mr. Schmidt and the PEER year! Facilitators. And a special thank you to Mr. Blanford and the music Michelle Chan 3The world is indeed full of peril and department for giving me the opportunity to grow as a musician in it there are many dark places. these past four years and being my But still there is much that is fair. And second family. As Green Day said, though in all lands, love is now mingled with grief, it still grows, 3For what it's worth, it was worth all the while.4 These high school perhaps, the greater.4 - J. R. R. Tolkien memories will be ones I'll remember. Always. Vanya Paulina Chavez
Jeremy Cavanaugh Thank you Mom and Dad for everything you have done. High school has been a great four years. Thanks to Coach Kline for a great 4 years of football. Coach Lemieux thanks for the fun lacrosse seasons. I'm going to miss all my friends and the good times we've had. Let's make this summer count and have some fun. Dom and Lu I'm going to miss you guys. Yea Lu.
Rachel Charmella Thanks Mom and Dad for everything I couldn0t have done it without you two. Dennis and Luke, it0s going to be weird not living together, love you! Alison, thanks for keeping me sane these past 4 years, I love you! Kenae, La, Amanda I have unforgettable memories you0re irreplaceable. Lax and cheer girls these years have been awesome I can0t believe how quickly it has gone by. Good luck Class of 2013!
Thank You for my family and friends for being always there for me I Love You All "I think the right thing to do is enjoy the ride while you're on it" Vanya P. Chavez 118
Kyle Chevalier
Kelsey Colgan
Michael Corrato
Melanie Corsi
John Anthony Costa
Aaron Joseph Coyne
Michael Crouse
Alicia Marie Curtin
Kelsey Colgan "Don' t live down expec to tation s . G do som o out there ething and remar Wend kable. y Was " serste in
Michael Corrato "People judge you by your performance, so focus on the outcome. Be a yardstick of quality." -Steve Jobs
Aaron Joseph Coyne Thanks to my parents ta os C for all the support over John Anthony with fire g in y la p t a th the last 4 years. People tell me rned. u b t ge l il w I t tha is dangerous; ut Thanks to my brothers g to happen, b in go is t a th for always having my Odds are life. Some e k li is re fi h back. All my playing wit y it safe. la p to u o y ll huskeyville boys, keep people will te r u o y s en p p When that ha a it real. Good luck to rself is to take u o y to y it il b all my friends and the responsi llest, and find fu e th to fe li class of 2013 "If not risk, live ings, even if th le tt li e th in me, then who" enjoyment rned. So u b t ge t h ig m it means you fire. let0s play with
Melanie I0d likeCorsi to than k my fa and fri mily ends, a s well a teacher s the s that h elped m If you e e most. ver thin k you m bad de ade a cision, just rem the girl e mber, from th e Bee M left her ovie husban d for a bee.
Michael John D'Angelo
Kristen D'Aversa
Chelsea D'Ortone
Holly Davia
Lori Anna Davis
Miranda Davis
Charles Day
Robert DeLuca
Holly Davia "N
ot all those wand who er ar e los R. T t."-J. olkie R. n
Miranda Davis
Wow. Never thought I'd get to this year. Mom, thanks for baking for me for all those months. And Dad, thanks for being her partner in crime. You guys are lucky for creating the coolest ginger ever, go you!! Joey, enjoy the rest of your years in high school and make it last. Karli and Chloe, have fun getting to high school, then have a blast girls. Will never forget my true friend and hope to never remember those fake ones. neverlookback. Peace, Springfield High School.
Charle s Day 3T
he be st wa pred y to ict yo ur fu creat ture e it4 is to -Abr Linc aham oln
Everybody's Friend
Zach Young and Brooke Bayliss 120
Joseph DePrince
Tyler Demcher
Bryan Dewan
Jaclyn DiGregorio
Tyler DiMatteo
Louis DiMichele
Tyler James DiRosato
Katherine DiSanto
Joseph DePrince
Tyler Demcher
Bryan Dewan
One thing I0ve learned throughout high Thank you Mom and Dad for making sure that my Mom and Dad I love you so so school is to always look on the bright side. high school career was the best it could be, you much. Everyone here is beautiful. I My years at Springfield have helped me always encouraged me to do anything that am going to miss all of my realize that things will always look up interested me, and you made sure that I had good brochachos. Education is so eventually, regardless of the circumstances. grades. For the friends I have made over the past 4 important. That0s why we0re here, With the support and encouragement of my years, thank you for making these past years the man. However, I feel that we don0t parents, family, friends and girlfriend I have best that they could be, I won0t forget about any of learn enough stuff. As my role model come to the conclusion that I0m going to be you as this chapter of my life comes to an end and George W. Bush said, 3Rarely is the successful in anything I decide to do in life. anew one opens. For my senior friends good luck question asked: Is our children Love you guys. with whatever you decide to do after graduation learning?4 In conclusion, God Bless day, be it college or work. And for the ones still in America Jaclyn DiGregorio high school good luck with the rest of high school, Tyler James DiRosato 3Wherever you go, go with all your heart.4 and make sure to do anything that interest you. Class of 2013, it0s been real. Thank you to There are paths in which you must Tyler DiMatteo everyone who supported me. Mom, Dad, take to become a man, along those Rachel, and Christina thanks for everything. Mom and Dad 1 Thank you for all you do for me. paths you meet people that change Thanks for always believing in me and pushing me your life. I'd like to thank all of To my friends, I love you guys. I will never forget the memories. Leadership, you are all to succeed. Love you! Kelsey and Kaylee- Enjoy those people who have made me amazing and together we have accomplished every minute of high school. It goes by so fast. My into the man I am today. Mr. J and the impossible. Peers, you will forever inspire boys- Thanks for all the funny, crazy, best Mr. Trout have been some of the memories we0ve had together. Baseball Team 1 me. Springfield High School, thank you for best role models in this school for Great four years together. Good times2 lots of the best 4 years! me, they've taught me to look at life Katherine DiSanto laughs2 with perspective. I would like to "So, I guess we are who we are for a lot of reasons. And maybe we'll never know most of them. But thank my parents and everyone. even if we don't have the power to choose where we come from, we can still choose where we go from there. We can still do things. And we can try to feel okay about them." -Stephen Chbosky, The Perks of Being a Wallflower 121
Scott Dischert
Kristen Dolan
Amanda Donegan
Katherine Donovan
Brian Dougherty
Michael Dougherty
Robert Doyle
Shawn Kimberly Dresner
Kather Kristen Dolan ine Don ovan 3 L Mom & Dad- Thanks for everything & ife0s a happy there song w always believing in me! Thanks for is som hen e one by side to driving to every game and always being your sing a long4, not be supportive. I love you! Bobby- You0re I would the pe rson I witho the best brother anyone could ask for. am no ut my w family f r i e n Thanks for always being there, no matter and ds I ca nnot t them hank what. I love you! Ballers and Friendsenoug h. Thanks for making these past four years amazing! Leadership- Love you all to the moon & back, For The Kids ALWAYS. TT- My favorite junior! Enjoy next year. I0ll miss ya! my y life, m n i ur ters past fo uppor y s e t s t r e e s h e h g g u Do big in ts. T Michael paren rown nk the g a y e h m t v a y o Ih all n want t especi azing. eing o s B m d . a I just n y e l n i l e e ica I and fr have b athlet uture. d d l f n e i y a family f g y m l in cal for er at Spr ademi doors c y a n a bett years h a t e o m b b n d s e op way w an n. m has to gro many a s e t e it dow c l l n d a e l i b o r t e h o tesexp the Fo amma all my e t e s w u o o fell plan t ll my a o T . person 122
Brian Dougherty These past four years have flown by, but have also been the best four years of my life. Okay, enough with the clichĂŠs. Mom & Dad the backpack is getting higher. Bill & Meghan - I have nothing to say to you. Fellas - you guys are the best. All hail his noodleness. "Let's ride a bicycle made out of dreams into friendship" - David H. Adams
Brian Dunbar
James William Eden, IV
Carl Edwards
Alison Ervin
Jenna Federle
Hannah Feehery
Monica Anne Fischer
Joseph Fischetti
Brian Dunbar Groucho Marx said " I intend to live forever, or die trying" . I plan on doing the same. I will do something good that will ripple through time and benefit the lives of people generations down the line. I also want to live to be 105; that way I will have lived in three centuries. I know it's a dream but, why not live dreams and dream reality? That makes life a bit more fun.
t year for s a l e s th thank made h e s v e a e le h r L heart de u r d e o F u n y a o a s n 3Y am Jen iend th all. S sters. i est fr u s b o es wi y y i 8 r e m o y v e o r m m e a nd ,Il To u two , & your m om a table o t y e M g , r s 4 ck ul. ear the unfo ur so est ba eing our y f o b b y t r e s o n h a f i t s g ce the p e thank s brin a pla y d a m l o o for th w l h T s a , r k l l e k n i c w ro tha orev SHS g my will f . n i s e y m b e u th ug for ve yo anks o h t L , d r da the g bro i b t s be . ories mem Monic a Ann Hannah Feehery e Fisc "In these bodies we will live, in these bodies we her "I can ' t s e em to will die, and where you invest your love, you wher stop ever singin I am. invest your life." I want to thank everyone who worse g A n d wh , I ca a n made these past four years so special. To my t ' t seem 's sayin g thin to sto g friends, I love you all so much and I wish all of s - an p every ythin thing g I a you the best of luck. Mom, you are the strongest nd th -Soun d of M ink and f e el." woman I will ever know and I love you dearly. usic Emily girl, love you! Good luck class of 2013!
Devin Foley
Nicholas Fosco
Brianna Mae Fox
Sarah Fox
Michael Gade
Sarah Gamble
Christopher Ganley
Nicholas Giaquinto
Nicholas Fosco My past four years in Springfield have been amazing. I will never forget the countless hilarious moments and accomplishments I had with Springfield Soccer. Dance Marathon 2013 was an amazing experience where I learned many life lessons. I cannot thank my parents enough for sacrificing so many things to make my high school experience the best that it was. I will miss all of the friends that I made during my time in Springfield.
Sarah Fox "How lucky I am to have something d." that makes saying goodbye so har ~ A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh Springfield has given me such I wonderful memories and for that it am so grateful. I have found that as is rare to come by a school that is s. I accepting and encouraging as our ates will miss my teachers and classm but terribly and wish you all nothing Sarah G a Thank mble the best in your futures. s to ev eryon schoo e who l great made ! To a and lo high ll the st than f r i e n ds gai ks for lesson ned the m s learn e m ed. Sa ories a alway rah^2 nd s mak - than i n g ks for Dad t me lau hanks gh. M for ev om an Erin t e d rythin hanks g . Colle for alw with m e n& ays pu e. Fie tting u ld Ho miss y p ckey g ou ne irls go xt yea past fo nna r , y ou ma ur yea d rs awe e the some.
Veronica Gillespie
Katerina Giordano
Tyler Glenn
William C. Grace
Rachel Graham
Jamie Greer
Leah Grubb
Mark Gurenlian
Mark G urenlian Lacros se team , Socce Thon, r team Comm , unity S great t erviceimes a all t S HS . will alw Gym c ays ho lass ld a sp in my ecial p heart. lace
Most Musical
Bn Weaver and Gianna Soussan
Dominic Gyukity
Alexander Hagendorf
Bradley Hajjar
Kyle Hakun
Steven Hallko
Megan Ann Hayden
Alexandra Haynes
Joseph Heffernan
Alex Hagendorf rs have been These past yea olation is incredible. Is ready. Dad, revealing, be Mom, don't keep rockin'. fine! To the worry! I'll be couldn't ask both of you, I etter, Thank for anything b you!
Alexan dra Ha ynes High s chool has be and ba en bot d, but h good w hat ma worth d it were e it the pe life. If o p le in m it were y n't for I woul m y teach dn't be ers where As for I am n my fri ow. ends, t makin hanks g high for school and fu both c n. And razy to my dad, th m o m and anks fo r every thing! 126
Joseph Hefferman Mom and Pops, thank you for the support and love you gave throughout my life. I don0t know where I would be without you guys and your moral support. Major shout out to all my friends and all the boys on the football team. I0m glad I decided to play this year I experienced memories I0ll never forget. For all you underclassmen don0t underestimate high school it0s the time of your life. SHS thanks for the memories!
Megan Ann Hay den "The future b elongs to those who believe in the beauty of thei r dreams" Elean or Roosevelt
Cameron Hollmes Durham
Timothy Houtmann
Christopher Iaquinto
Benn Tyler Iffrig
Rosilyn Issac
Tierra Angelete Jay
Angela Johnson
Katie Lynne Jones
Cameron Holmes Durham To move to a place where everyone is close was one of the best times of my life. Getting the privilege to know new people and making so many friends: Forming a family and bonding with each other through sports, gatherings, or hanging out. Springfield High School class of 2013 staff and student body will always be dear to my heart.
Christopher Iaquinto Mom, thank you for all your support. I0ve had so many experiences at Springfield High School that I will never forget. I0ll miss all my band friends and the time we spent together. I feel very fortunate to have spent the last four years surrounded by such amazing friends, teachers, and staff. Katie Lynne Jones
Angela Johnson Thank you to everyone that has made a difference in my life the past 4 years. Shoutout to my teachers, friends, and most importantly my family for giving me all the support possible. A special shoutout to my best friend Katrina! SHSswimming will always be my favorite trend on twitter, I love you guys! Congrats class of 2013! 3Dreams reveal unconscious wishes4- Sigmund Freud.
Benn Tyler Iffrig To those who have traveled with me on my journey thus far: Thank you for making me the person I am today. Can I get a halleloo? "If you can't love yourself, how can you love anybody else?"
To all my friends I can0t imagine what high school would have been like without meeting each of you. Mrs. R, Mrs. L, and Mrs. T you all have a special place in my heart; you girls are the greatest and I0ll miss you every day. I absolutely love each and every one of you guys, and I will never forget the special moments we have shared.
Sneha Jose
Jessly Joseph
Alexandra Judak
Emily Patricia Kane
Olivia Kane
Anthony Karalis
Jason Karian
Amani Kassem
Sneha Jose
Alexandra Judak
Emily Patricia Kane
Sometimes you have to forget what0s gone, appreciate what still remains, and look forward to what0s coming next.4 Thank you Dad and Mom for always supporting me! Joshua, keep focusing on school and be involved. To all of my friends: thank you for always being there for me whenever I needed you guys. Lastly, thank you SHS for the great memories. We did it, Class of 2013!
These past four years have flown by. Some of them have been the best years of my life. To all my friends, family, and teachers, I'd like to thank you all for everything. You've all done so much for me and i'll never forget you guys. The experience has been like no other. Here's to the future - I can't believe this is it, class of 2013. "Enjoy it. Because it's happening".
Mom and Dad love you guys to the moon and back! Morgan, good luck next year as an only child, don0t miss me too much. Eddie you0re the best big brother anyone could ask for! Mia, Mary, &Lynd0s, I wouldn0t be the same without each one of y0all NEVER CHANGE.! Hockey babes keep up the tradition and always work hard play hard. Love my softballers forever.
Olivia Kane
Anthony Karalis
Mom and Dad, I just wanted to Mom and Dad thanks for everything you0re the best I love you. Mommom and Pop I love let you know that I appreciate you. Dev thanks for always being a great role everything that you have model. JillyBeans (my twin) thanks for always provided for me, you guys have always been there for me when I making me laugh. Jen,Nicole,Kristen&Billy you0re my best friends since those SFA days, I Needed you most. I have made don0t know what I would do without you guys. many memories and I0m on my way to make more. Love, TT: My Favorite Baller! Autumn, Luc Anthony &Genna it0s great having family at school I 3You can0t put a limit on love you. Lady Cougars: good times. anything. The more you dream, FOCKEY: WorkHardPlayHard! the further you get.4 1Michael Phelps 128
Amani Kassem We all take different paths in life, but no matter where we go, we take a little of each other everyhwere.4 Thanks to all my teachers and friends for the best experiences. Love you habibi my fiancĂŠ ~ my life! Byebye 2013 3
Lauren Kennedy
Daniel Marshall Ketler
Rachel Kilker
Phillip Kim
Andrea Kinsey
Paige Klaniecki
Micaela Marie Klick
Kyle Thomas Klosinski
Kenned nd ilker y scary a y l l Rachel K a SHS h u s as left it's gs are u eginnin ad, but me w s B never " y l l a u ith m forget re us emor hat . Tha dings a n for be e i e tween t s e n b I0 ll ks to n ing so i all g my pa helpfu " S/o to erythin g v Zack, n e i v r i l e nts l and Sam, orth now caring Ran, kes it w y you k a l i proud m m a . f k eep m . Che and aking er pri riends f y keep m m ncess e your . es0 #f tiaras you are o i h n Aman w a l on str ists; da an aight. later d Rac forev K See you enae, h, bes er I p t frien inky p my bo ds romis yfrien e . T d Jim hanks the ha bo wh to ppies o ' t s mad chick who's e in the me alway schoo s been l and there for m e. d. our hea y n i y r a sto e it a . I0ll be i e k l c t t ie st mak i l n u la J a K . e d e m n ig r Pa the e membe est.4 ries in o 0ll re t s u l o l as the b a Y w 3 e t r 0 I e . ou step W ow . Y n y . k a r k o u o o o as, y our d That0s no g out y use it w n a i c o , there's g e t , e n s e o s f e r d n i u o go yo s bus n't keep ngerou o a d d u a o o.4 y 's 3It pt off t and if e , d w s a o e r b e ght onto th you mi e r e h w g knowin
Andrea Kinsey I have had an amazing four years here at SHS. I would just like to thank all my teachers and everyone who supported me. I can0t wait to start the next chapter of my life. For The Kids! Go Cougars!
Tyler Kneipp
Jocelyn Kopaczewski
Caroline Kortan
Luke Krauter
Emily Marie Kugler
Joseph LaSpina
Benjamin Lambert
Matthew Latessa
Jocelyn Kopaczewski Thank you to my family for their support, and to the crew for making these past 4 years unforgettable. Mom thank you for your love and guidance. Best of luck to the class of 2013 thanks for all the memories. It's been real SHS, we out! "Enjoy the little things in life because one day you will look back and realize they were the big things." r ething, fo m o s Luke Krauter r fo g ays waitin finished "we are alw nd, to be e k e e w e are e it to be th e are 21. w w ll ti , r e summ is we miss school, till 0s sad t a h w 0 iting and e 5present th always wa in t n e g utiful mom ves waitin li le every bea o h w r u e spend o we end because w e future. th r fo d n row a e day for tomor es and on v li le o h w a g our waiting on up skippin y a d t s la end our ." we will sp ever come n l il w t a th tomorrow 130
Caroline Kort an "we are alway s waiting for so mething, for it to be th e weekend, to be finished school, till sum mer, till we are 21. we are always wa iting and wha t0s sad is we miss every beautiful mom ent in the 5present 0 because we spend our whole lives waiting fo r tomorrow a n d for the future. we en d up skipping our whole lives and one day we will sp end our last day waitin g on a tomorr ow that will never com e."
Benjamin Lambert When I hear somebody sigh, 'Life is hard,' I am always tempted to ask, 'Compared to what?'4 -Sydney J. Harris 4
Richard Latessa
Ross Lawrence
James Leahan
Matthew Lee
Michael Lembotesis
Christian Michael Limroth
Bradley Lord
Sean Loughlin
Ross Lawrence Thanks to everyone for four awesome years. I don't know what I'm more thankful for, all the good times, or the times that I got good stories out of. Thanks mom and dad for all your support. To my section, thanks for three crazy years and I'll miss you guys. To my friends, I don't know how you put up with me, but you've made these years amazing. So long shs.
Michael Lembo tesis Thanks M om, Dad, and Niko for all of y our suppo rt and everything you have done that has allowe d me to su cceed; I wouldn0t have been able to do without y it ou. High s chool was good time a , but "Don 0t be a to give up fraid the good a nd go for the great."
Bradley Lord ll your d Dad for a n a m o M s Thank rs! Eric y school yea m g n ri u d ys being support KS for alwa N A H T r, and Taylo and Mr. Mrs. Mroz . e m r fo High there making my r fo u o y k n e. Brophy tha morable on e m a e c n e ri o School expe may lead; g th a p e th re whe ave "Do not go path and le o n is re e re th instead whe erson h Waldo Em lp a R ~ " il a a tr 131
Maria Rose Luciani
Matthew David Lynch
Bruce Macknight, III
Jason Marchetti
Vincent Marra
Christopher Martin
Lyndsey Nichole Matteo
Robert Harry Mattox
Bruce MacKnight II I would like to thank my mother, father, and brother for all the support through the years. I love you guys so much. Hats off to Mom-mom and Pop-pop for always being there for me. Many thanks to the best secretary at SHS, my Grandmom. Also special thanks to Tyler, Eric, Denis, and Mr. Brett for being the best of friends. 0There are two paths you can goo by but in the long run there1s still time to change the road you1re on.2
Jason Marchetti The past four years have been amazing on so many levels. I have had the best group of friends, supportive family, and great teachers. PEERS and Dance Marathon Leadership 2012 and 2013, keep it real, For The Kids! You guys have made me a better man. Mom and Dad, I never could've done it without you guys. To all my friends, thanks for all the memories! There are too many to count. "We Are..."
Christopher Martin 0May the wind always be at your back and the sun upon your face. And may the wings of destiny carry you aloft to dance with the stars2 Shout out to anyone I have ever had a good time with and my boys. Diane and Clifford Martin I couldn1t thank you enough for what you have done for me. Nmart keep my legacy going! P.S LOVE YOU MOM-MOM! 132
Vince Marra "Wouldn't have changed a thing." Ma I love you and Ms. Mroz, What would I do without you?
Lyndsey Nichole Matteo Mommy and Vince thanks for helping me to get this far. Dana thanks for setting the perfect example. Tara my twin thanks for always being right there for me and Anthony thank you for making it fun. To my best friends: Em, Mia, Mare, and the 229 ladies I'll love you always, FBLA do big things stay classy, and to my field hockey babes you taught me to always work hard play harder.
Carol Matyszczak
Glenn McCarry
Symone McDaniel
Kelly Rose McElrea
Melissa McGill
Thomas McGinley
Bradley Scott McKay
Patrick McKnight
Glenn McCarry Thanks mom and dad for being there, couldn1t have done it without you. Fran and jay I look up to you both, thanks for having my back. Emily live it up it1ll be over before you know it. My boys1 thanks for the memories, we did it big. Shout out to lax boys for a great 4 years. Juls thanks for being there for me you1re the best. Note to self: Think before you act.
Thomas McGinley I would like to th ank my Mom and Dad, you wer e always there for me. Love you always.
night ecially Patrick McK chers, esp a te y m ll s to a et, "Big thank ers. Bridg g d o R . s om z and M ve fun. M Mrs. Mro a h d n a r next yea g good luck r everythin fo u o y k n tha e great and Dad, ou guys ar Y . e m r ne fo ears! you've do reat four y g a n e e B you. er! and I love this summ s d r a w to rward next Looking fo , live it up s y o b ll a n basketb uicker tha q To all my s e o g t I ave fun. year and h !" you think
Shannon McGee
Alexander Melso
Kenae Mickens
Alexander Milone
Samuel Louis Mola
Allison Elaina Moll
Michael Montanaro
Robert Murphy
Kenae Mickens Shannon McGee om, Dad, ool was poppin! M ch hs ig H Mom and Mom-mom I really ng. Ken anks for everythi th a an N couldn't have done any of this Always these last 2 years. up e liv without your love, help, and ways be ur big sissy will al yo ow kn support with everything. I , her. Rach, Manda ed ne u yo if e er th appreciate everything and anything e countless hels thanks for th C r, au L you've done for me. Danny I've ature into ies, continue to m or em m always been able to come to you year thanks l women. Senior fu ti au be and you've supported me with st year the best for making this la everything and have always been don't miss 1s been real SHS, It e. on there for me. I love you all and ace Mitzi, much. Rest in pe o to e m thank you all so much. I got my u. love and miss yo strength to keep going through it all from you guys. Allison Elaina Moll "You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do." ~Eleanor Roosevelt To my friends that I now leave behind may you carry on and look fear in the face. 134
Samuel Louis Mola To my mom and dad I can1t thank you enough for what you guys have done for me over the years, I love you guys. Shout out to all my boys for the great times we've had, and to the ones that have yet to come. Shout out to SHS soccer and chr's for four great years. "here we go"
Samantha Murray
Alexa Naughton
Jacob Nave
Christina Neroni
Ian Nestor
Lauren Notorfrancesco
Robert Notorfrancesco
Courtney Leigh O'Connell
Courtney Leigh O'Connell "I guess we are who we are for a lot of reasons, and maybe we'll never know most of them. But even if we don't have the power to choose where we come from, we can still choose where we go from there" -The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Samantha Murray So I just spent a really long time trying to come up with an inspirational quote that could 0wow2 everyone and sum up my four years here at Springfield, and I realized that I couldn1t really do it. So, uh... go cougars!
Alexa N aughton Mom and D ad 3 T I love hanks you gu for ev y s ! Bri 3 luck a erythi t SHS ng! love y n o e u! Go xt yea you! C od r! Goi herish ng to the m next y m omen iss ears, t ts and hey go you! G t hese fast! K ood lu ate 3L ck! Be grade. ove st frie Isaac nds si 3 I lov the m n ce 6th e you! arines Good , Do w good r luck in ork! 0 eason There t h e s 4comm y call is a these encem c e e r nt exe emon not th rcise1 ies e end g i r t a 1 s the b duatio luck C n is eginni lass of ng.2 G 2013! ood
eroni Christina N faith be "Let your r." n your fea bigger tha
Jacob N ave Going t o miss t he lacrosse team. It 's been a great r ide. Thanks to Sean and Halko f or maki ng senior y ear wha t it is.
John Michael O'Doherty
James Daniel O'Hara
Zachary Ondo
Christina Orlando
Tyler O'Shea
Francis Panico
Alyssa Paolucci
Christopher Patrikios
John Michael O'Doherty All good things must come to an end. Thanks to my parents for always having my back and loving me unconditionally. Caroline and Patrick you have both always been great role models, I will always look up to you guys. My boys, you guys made these four years crazier than I could have ever imagined! Nicole, you always stuck with me through everything, I would do anything for you babe.
Tyer O'Shea 0He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.2 -Muhammad Ali I would like to thank my mother and father for making my dreams a possibility, my grandparents for always being there for me, and my brother Nick--we may not always get along but you know I love you. And thank you to my friends and those who have always been there for me along the way.
James Daniel O'Hara 0Someday we1ll look back on this and it will all seem funny2 -The Boss THON Leadership: You guys are the best. The laughs and memories you all provided me will carry on for a lifetime. Kylie, thank you for accompanying me through this incredible senior year. Good Luck Katie Thank You Mom and Dad for all the love and support you have selflessly given me throughout the years. Love, Seamus
Zachary Ondo Man, I wish I could have had my first kiss before I graduated5.
Christopher Patrikios
I just wanted to say thanks Mom and Dad for giving me such a wonderful life. It had its ups and downs, but you always tried to keep it up. Like Forrest Gump always said, 0Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get.2 Alyssa Paolucci Even when I got the worse "It's hard when you miss people. But if you piece of chocolate you guys miss them it means you're lucky. It means you know how to make it a good had someone special in your life, someone one. worth missing." Best friends, I couldn't imagine spending these past 4 years with anyone else. Love every one of you. Kate - don't miss me too much! Love ya. Mom Dad and Val, wouldn't be here without you. Thanks for everything! Soccer girls I miss you already
Alexandria Pavlovitch
Edison Paynter
Danielle Peebles
Zana Pendergrass
Zoe Petruzzi
Darius Peyton
Isaac Peyton
Michelle-Thuanh Pham
Danielle Pee bles h c it v lo v a 1ll e 0 w L , y a b u Alexandria P g g h in a ss s much as moment pa you breath r.2 e v a s re 0With each lo fo e and love n st g la a l s il y w o t a u live.2 3Jo es th ri o m e m p h e u n k want to giv ny Depp I ma putting e a big tha , thanks for d a D d n n k a you to my and Dad fo Mom and Mom r always s st 18 years a p se e th u p e p o r h ti e n with m . lp e g me and ing me. I e for m wouldn1t you1ve don h a ! v d u e o o y everything been able it without ithout to you. Spec ve done it w a h t 1 ia n ld l u P th , o a st a C u fa n li k o n s to a to , Kelsey, K by atie, and A ick, it goes ! n a fu lw e Britt and N v lex for a a y h s d k n n a o t w n e ing how to om m ry e v e m sh ake me sm You girls cheri r the have mad ile. ds thanks fo n e ri F e ! y th z e ra s e 3 u y ls n e Stay c ir fo a g rs rgettable. occer nd laughs! S t 1 n o d , ls memories a score goa t back and h g fi s y real! a lw a S 3 it1s been H S ! P E T S be afraid to
Corey Pierce
Justine Pillarella
Lindsey Piller
Erika Jean Plaswirth
Phillip Polanco
Alexandra Poplawski
Stacey Porter
Steven Pullia
Lindsey Piller To my family, thank you so much for supporting me throughout my high school experience. I would like to thank my teachers, but specifically Mrs. Fellona and Mr. Mann. You guys truly helped me not only with my artwork but you taught me some valuable life lessons. So with that I leave you with this, 01I'm not great at farewells, so, uh, that'll do1 4That's the worst goodbye I've ever heard, and you stole it from a movie.12
thing. y r e v or e Porter be Dad f Stacey d n and n u a f r m a o ye d ks M e this all an d a Than u o m y I love e, you when an! I h e c Matti S u y if so m o Bab Even s you . s i n nice t o m o " em ing to stars. e for th h t t I'm go o g o h mon ay. "S and a l l l go aw ' u iss, yo you m
Phillip Po lanco "You a ll are awesom e!"
Alexandra Poplawski Can't believe these four years are already over! Thank you Maddie for being the best sister ever, you always have an invite to visit next year. Mom and Dad, thank you for everything and for always supporting me. Love you guys! Lauren, best friends since the first day of 5th grade. Friends, thanks for all the fun times and memories. Lax and basketball girls, I'll miss you! "To infinity and beyond." -Buzz Lightyear
Brett Quinn
Kelsey Quinn
Brad Raczy nski
Karlene Raines
Lia Ranalli
Nicole Raymond
Mary Elizabeth Reardon
Steven Reger
Brett Quinn
Kelsey Quinn
0Well, all I1m saying is I wanna look back and say, I did it the best I could while I was stuck in this place. I had as much fun as I could while I was stuck in this place. Played as hard as I could while stuck in this place2 Love ya mom and Dad! Thanks for everything.
"So this guy...Francois Rabelais. He was this poet. And his last words were 'I go to seek a Great Perhaps.' That's why I'm going. So I don't have to wait until I die to start seeking a Great Perhaps." -John Green, Looking for Alaska
Nicole Raymond
Mary Elizabeth Reardon
Mom and Dad-you truly are amazing, I can1t thank you guys enough for all of the love and support you give me. Michael and Maryelyse- you guys are the funniest people I know and you both mean the world to me. Kozmo, friends, and loved ones- I can1t imagine where I1d be without any of you, thanks for everything. It1s been real Springfield hold it down for the class of 13.
0We laughed until we cried2 Emmy and Mimi, couldn't live with out my sisters. Brookey your my sunshine. Rach, rock on. Love ya'll with all my heart. Jimbo keep on being annoying, ill miss it. Mom and Dad, I appreciate the excess amount of love you have given me. Piombino, thanks for putting up with me. To my tribe, score goals. Everyone else, remember me as that girl Britney with the really loud laugh.
Karlene Raines
No combination of words could describe how blessed I feel to have met so many extraordinary people and to be involved in so many activities that have truly changed my life for the better. I couldn1t thank all my teachers enough for giving me the amount of knowledge that has prepared me for my future. To all of the close friends I1ve made, I pray that this isn1t goodbye. Thanks for all of the memories.
Steven Reger I had a very memorable time during my years a SHS and I couldn1t have done it without my best friends, hockey team and especially my family - I love you all. I would like to say sorry to some of my teachers that I gave hard times to and especially to my parents because I wasn1t always on my best behavior but you know I love you mom and dad. Central League Champs!
Joseph Reilly
Anthony Roberts
Robert Roman
Amy Rosenzweig
Steven Russo, Jr.
Daniel Rutecki
Peter Sabato
Rachel Sahrbeck
Than k you Mom Dad f and or yo ur lov suppo e and rt thr ougho the ye ut ars.
Robert Roman I1d like to thank my friends and family for all the good times that I1ve had. I1d like to leave you all with a Wayne Gretzky quote: 0Procrastination is one of the most common and deadliest of diseases and its toll on success and happiness is heavy.2
Peter S The l abato ast fo ur yea overlo rs wo oked n1t be forev broug e r . High ht no thing schoo and a b l u t a lot lot of of lau memo thank ghs ries. I my te want amm Baseb to ates f all an rom b d I sports ce Ho oth ckey f fun a n o d r High makin a sign Schoo ifican g l . t I wan part o paren t to th ts for f ank m all the my am y hav y bitiou e don1t s olde who i and r brot nspire her an me. I a lot d sist 1ll mi er ss eve rythin g3 140
Amy Rosenzweig 0In this moment now capture it remember it2 Here1s to my girls; I1ve always loved you and I always will, I know you1ll all do great things. Shout out to my field hockey team, you crazies taught me to laugh through the hardest moments. Thank you peers for making me stronger. My bros; you guys are the best. My sister, Mom, and Dad I couldn1t have done it without you. Class of 2013 that1s whatsup!
Jhordan Salinas
Nicholas Santana
Nicholas Scarpato
Samantha Joanne Schaffer
Kassandra Schwartz
Maria Sermania
Michelle Lynn Sexton
Dasiah Monique Shaw
a Salinas ked for s Jhordan a e v a ery n't of h th....ev i d l w u e o t c a "I . radu venture ass to g d l c a t r e n t e t r be iffe I1d was a d d n e y heart k e m f we o om he bott for From t arents p y e. m e for m thank n o d e v like to y ha ing the y everyth hank m t ily o t e k li ire fam o t s l n e a y d 1 I nd m gh rents a a p d n ort. Hi a p p gr u s t s ide tha endles r r r i e e t h s t a r fo ler co as a rol ldn't w l o o , I wou sch t i a w e rth th was wo 2 a thing change
Nicholas Santana I just want to shout out my awesome family and friends who make my life what it is today. Good luck Emily with your lacrosse hope you get the school you wanted. Love you all and hope you1re
Saman tha Jo anne S "The chaffe harde r st par lettin t abou g go o t growi f wha and m ng up t you oving , is w e r e on wi used not." t t h o; High some schoo thing amaz l y w ou're ing an as abs d i wo olutel make u y ldn't it if it be ab wasn' Leesh le to t for m and J y 9 gi en tha there rlfrien nks fo and M ds. r a o l w m do wi ays be I don thout ing 't kno you, y Michelle Lynn Sexton w wh amaz ou1re a ing pe t I 1d the m rson i ost High school was quite a thrill, but I'm ready to for all t n t h e wor he me ld. Th morie spread my wings and fly away! Thanks to my anks s SHS . parents for always letting me be as creative and free as possible. Alex, James, and especially Mike, you'll always have a special spot in my heart. And Kenny, good luck, live it up, and never stop being yourself! 141
Joseph Sheeran
Heather Sinkinson
Holly Sinnot
Charles Smith
Daniel Brian Smyth
David Sousa
Alexander Soussan
Gianna M. Soussan
Heathe r Sinkin son "You only l i v e life o do it r Couldn1t have asked for a better high nce, b ight, o ut if y nce is you to ou school experience than the 4 years I e nough all of . " m T h y paren ank teache have spent at Springfield High School. ts, my rs, my f a m for he ily an I have made long lasting friendships lping d my r a friend i s e a n m d s e to b and love my crew. I1d like to thank my succes e sful pe the ha c o p r uldn't son I py family for supporting me throughout am to have d d a o a n n y d I wi .I e it wi and always being there. Brett, carry on sh you thout y w a o ll hap hateve u the Sheeran name and I wish you best piness r, whe i n r y e ver, a ou do of luck and cherish every moment nd wh it. eneve r because time really does fly.
Joseph Sheeran
've sa ing you h t y David Sou r e v for e single and dad m o e every t m a i s c k e n r a p Th se I y ap I promi e, I trul d m n r A o . f . . e r don gethe :). spent to e w ve mom a d e n l I r y seco e t aving m t you af h i s s i y v a l l w i l t for a will s ould Matthew u o body I c y e k m n o a s h g T can't s bein ou still d alway y n t a u k b c , a b ything bout an a way. o t k l ta n I go a an e h w m " - K-Sw oo r p e y e h m s e e hav not th epherd h s e h t "Be 142
Daniel Brian Smyth In the words of Johnny Tsunami, 0Go big or go home,2 and nobody can say we didn1t go big. Firstly; I1d like to thank my parents, grandpop, brother and sister. Pat and Kay live it up, but keep those grades up.. Can1t believe it1s all over, but I1ll never forget the countless good times we had together. Special shout out to the lacrosse and football squads.
Joseph Spano
Annwar Srour
Darren Andrew Stackhouse
Steven Starr
Erik Stevens
Jesse Stewart
Jessica Stewart
Michael Albert Strolli
Jessica Stewa rt 0Life move s p retty f stop a ast. If nd loo you d k aroun you co on1t d onc uld m e in a iss it.2 those while, Thank who h you to ave go today all of tten m . Mom e whe and D that y re I am ad, th ou ha a n v k e y d next y ou for one. D ear. Y all anny, o g u ood lu are go are m ck y rock ing pl aces. L , and never you eaders stoppe hip, y d insp accom o u have iring m plishe e, we d so m been r h ave uch to eal, Sp gether ringfie . It1s ld.
Most Vivacious
Christina Neroni and Benn Tyler Iffrig
William Joseph Swahl
Daniel Arthur Swanick
James Edward Swanick
Kevin Donald Swanick
Sean Swartz
Brandon Terry
Gary Thurwanger
Alexandra Tierno
Josep h
Biggest Heart
Mom l and D you f ad I woul or al l the d lik have e to t l ove a given hank n d m s want uppo to giv e through rt yo u out m eab my f ig sh riend y life o .I ut ou sa Thes t to a e fou nd the ho l l r yea ckey years rs we team of m r . e the y hoc great best key c est m 4 a r e e mori er. I and o e h s wit ff the ad th h the e ice th forge t e at I w t. Fo am o r n ill ne the b all th ver oys. e me SHS mori than es! ks fo r
Lia Ranalli and Joe Beal 144
Cara Toland
Megan Tronco
Matthew Van Pelt
Nicholas Vergara
Evan Viggiano
Tri Minh Vu
Collin Wainwright
John Wallace
Cara Toland If I only had the chance to say either where I am from or where I am going, I'd chose to say the latter. Where we are from is just as much a part of us as who we are now, and we carry it with us just as it carries us to where we are going.
Matth ew Va nPelt To m y fam ily, th me al ank y l thes ou fo e year r supp it wit s , I coul hout orting y d ou. T n1t ha you fo o v e don my fr rg iends e and m iving me s , t h ank ome o emor f the ies of made best t my li the la imes f e . s Y t o four y To th u guy e Kno ears a s rr, tha wesom advis nks fo e. ory an r the d all t I hop b e he lau st e the ghs th next f enjoy a t we h our y able a ears w ad. s the i l l be as last fo ur yea rs we re.
Tri Minh Vu "Nothing is hopeless...Not while there's life."
Most Likely To Fall Asleep
Jhordan Salinas and Melanie Corsi
Nicole Maureen Ward
Katrina Ann Waywood
Benjamin Weaver
Luke Richard Wiedman
Imyrah Cierra Williams
Mitchell Williams
Alexis Nichelle Wooden
Justin Woolson
Katrina Ann Waywood I1ve been so blessed to have had the experiences I1ve had. I1m so thankful for all the support and hard work my parents and grandparents put towards helping me get through these years. I wouldn1t be the same person without them or my best friends, Nina and Angela. I look forward to all that lies ahead and back at all the great times I won1t forget.
Benjam in Wea ver 0Mus ic is a higher wisdo revela m and tion th philos Van B an all o p hy.2 3 eethov L e udwig n Life comp is like osition a , music there1 beginn s alwa al ing an y s d an e a up to nd, bu your o t the r wn in Mom est is terpre and D tation a d . , especi Thank family ally E s , and v a f r n i marki e 3 n d a s3 nd tea ng you chers r note comp f o r s on m osition y and th will co e man me. y mor e that
ing or help f d a d nd k mom a oolson to than y e m k i l k n o Justin W tha ll als ork like to ol. I wi f my w o o h l c l s a h I would h wit t hig ing me parents oughou p y r l e h m t h r e r o o m ot f ers f igh it was n y teach f I m . f l ghout h o o u l o l o h a r c h s t h me was out hig all if it helping t s a r e y through h a c d a e m to of my t who I a s. e b and all t o n teacher d y l u m o f w o I d all school ents an r a p y m not for 146
Brandon Wynne
Megan Yates
Zachary Young
Elizabeth Zebley
Zachar y
Young "Wha t lies b ehind tiny m us and atters what l comp Ralph ies be ared t Waldo fore u o wh a s are Emers t discov l i e s within on. H er wh i g at lies us." ~ h scho experi within ol ma ences d m e I've fa e. Bec me friend ause o ced, m ships f e t n he I've cr tors I' I've al eated, ve me ways h t a , n d of c ad, I c I've fo ourse an tru und. the fa ly say mily I'm pr oud o f what
Most School Spirited
Jaclyn DiGregorio and Huey Lynch
Way Back When...
9. 11.
16. 13.
15. 17.
19. 22.
23. 24.
1. Stacy Porter, 2. Nick Cahill, 3. Kat Giordano, 4. Gary Thurwanger, 5. Arielle Athanas, 6. Bobby Mattox, 7. Allison Moll, 8. Colin Wainwright, 9. Alexandra Judak 10. Dan Rutecki, 11. Jeremy Cavanaugh, 12. James Swanick, 13. Monica Fischer, 14. Casey Algeo, 15. Vince Marra, 16. Allison Carullo, 17. Jenna Federle, 18. Kylie Bongaart, 19. Jhordan Salinas, 20. Tyler O'Shea, 21. Jake Brown, 22. Pete Sabato, 23. Nick Fosco, 24. Alison Ervin
Senior Polls Funniest Laugh Tim Houtmann and Mary Reardon
Most Theatrical Monica Fischer and Alex Melso
Most Original
Sarah Fox and Christian Limroth
Best Dressed Rachel Charmella and Joe Sheeran
Most Talkative Emily Kugler and Jake Nave
Most Likely to be Late
Kylie Bongaardt and Gary Thurwanger
Biggest Kid at Heart Erika Plaswirth and Kevin Swanick
Most Athletic Rob Murphy and Alex Poplawski
Most Likely to be a Reality TV Star Brett Quinn and Nicole Raymond
Cutest Couple Heather Sinkinson and Mike Corrato
Most Likely to Succeed
Kelsey Quinn and Seamus O'Hara
Best Personality Megan Tronco and Tom Carson
Most Artistic Alex Hagendorf and Lindsey Piller
Most Likely to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse Paige Klaniecki and Evan Lennon (not pictured)
Best Smile Cameron Durham and Courtney O'Connell
J uniors # Stay C14ssy
Alyssa Abbonizio Timothy Abbot Tyler Achuff Danielle Agan Sarah Agostine Tatijana Ambrose Nicholas Antenucci Nicholas Apostolu Annette Armellini Gianna Arocho Omarr Asbury Derek Aungst Ethan Baiocco Kristin Baldwin Nicholas Baratelle John Barber Alexis Barbieri Kellie Barnes Samantha Bass Kaitlyn Baumann Michael Baxter Kaitlyn Bedard Jason Begley Rebecca Bennett Daria Bensinger Ryan Bensinger Andrew Bertolino Caroline Black Brianna Blake Adam Blythe Robert Booth John Bova Ryan Brawley Marykate Brennecke Maria Brophy Samantha Brower Allison Brown Tamara Brown Marissa Bucci Matthew Bunker Elena Bustamante Brandon Butler Kayla Byrd Matthew Byrne Anna Canova Matthew Carey Christopher Carlson Sean Carpenter
John Casper Raymond Cessna Liam Chambers Olivia Chamblee Dennis Charamella Luke Charamella Angelica Christina Martina Ciancaglini Justin Cicala Rebecca Civatte Mary Clifton Ashley Coady Jamie Coladonato Abdul Colen Mary Conroy Brittany Correnti Mark Crawford Matthew Crawford Emily Crockarell Kelsey Crystle Shane Cullen Shane Cunningham Jacklyn Daddona Timothy Deaton Anna DeBenedictis Taylor Debernardi Carmella Decaria Domenic Decesaris Monique Deluca Julia Deprince Amanda Dezzi Daniel Dickinson Mark Disalvatore Bridget Donegan Joseph Dougherty Kelsey Dougherty Zakk Drumm Brendan Duffy Taylor Dunphy Lisa Edwards Stephen Edwards Alexis Ensley-Gregg Corey Falls Gabrielle Faragasso Laurie Feldkircher John Ferguson Julia Finio William Flaherty
Thomas Fogel Richard Foster Sarah Fredrick John Gable Peter Gagliardi Alexis Galantino Erin Gallagher Liam Gallagher Alexiz Gavula Kiera Geiger Barbara Georgias Hailey Gerena Brooke Gilligan Dillan Gilroy Christopher Gluck Ydelis Gomez-Velasquez Mark Gorman Alyson Gormley Ryan Graham Michael Granger Christopher Greenwich Aubrey Gruwell-Keating Emily Ha Sara Hackett Matthew Hagenbach Tyler Haggerty Alyssa Hajjar Leighanne Hanshaw Jessica Harkins Kayla Harris James Hart Lyssa Hawley Rachel Hentnick Andrew Heppard Grace Hershey Radhika Hira Joesph Hoey Jessica Hoffman Julianna Horne Rada Ilieva Shannon Jackson Dominique Jackson-King James Jendrus Aimee Johnson Stephanie Jones Danielle Joyce Ryan Joyce Sarah Joyce
Gabrielle Juliano Morgan Kane Peter Karalis Nadine Kassem Daniel Kelley Christina Kelly Mark Kelly Sean Kenney Lindsay Kern Daniel Kim Peter Kim James Kimpel William Kroft Victoria Krauter Michael Kwon Jayvee Lacasandile Thomas Lanciano Brett Lane Timothy Leaf Angelo Lerro Aleksandra Lilic Branka Lilic Gillian Limroth John Lipka Judith Llonch Andrew Lord Eric Lord Jeffrey Lord Michael Lunanuova Kenneth Lynch Daneil Mackowiak Brianna Madden Corrine Maguire Christopher Mallee Dominic Marascio Joseph Marion Robert Mastroddi Maria Matej Tara Matteo Kevin Mattox Amir Mayo Emily McCarry Kevin McClain Mary McCloskey Kelley McCullough Devin McDaniel Taylor McDermott Daniel McGonigal
Nicholas McGonigle Colin McGuckin Daniel McIntosh Bridget McKnight Jacqueline McParland Melissa Militello Samantha Miller Alicia Millspaugh Shannon Minnis Ryan Morrison Kimberly Morrissey Kimberly Morton Kaela Mosley Lais Moura Gregory Murphy Yume Nagase Christie Neff Victoria Nelson Emmie Nguyen Albert Noce April O'Hara Ryan O'Kane Katie Ong William Orangers Natalie Orlando Timothy Owens Robert Parker Emily Paulus Kayla Pavlovitch Jessica Pearse Leah Pellegrino Andrew Peranteau Jennifer Perchalski Athira Pillai Leah Plasmeier James Porreca Kierra Powell Julia Prager Justin Prager Joshua Proctor Amanda Purfield Matthew Quagliariello Aysha Ray-Walker Joseph Rayer Andrew Recchilongo Claire Remy Michael Repace Alezia Rhodes
Paul Rice Colin Richers Kyle Riddle Colin Ringwalt Kristin Roberts-O'Brien Michael Rodgers Kylene Ronayne Michelle Ronayne Emily Ross Nicole Royds-Helverson Valeria Rubio Katlyn Ryan Marissa Sacca Sara Sadoff Kemsey Saint Jacques Anthony Sanfilippo Lauren Scarpato Lauren Schickling Carly Scott Molly Scully Nicholas Semprevivo Daniel Sharer Haley Shea Stephanie Shea Mahnam Sheikh Shahbeeza Sheikh Brandan Skahill Megan Smedley Christina Smith Emily Smith William Smith Gefry Solaman Brian Spaccarelli Autumn Spence Daniel Stewart Lauren Stief Andrew Storz Christopher Strawley Christopher Swan Aiswarya Thomas Amani Thompson Philip Thompson Madeline Thurwanger Brian Todaro Joseph Travagline Christopher Tubbs Angela Tumelty Kevin Turnbull
James Turner Nichole Valente Jacob Vanpelt Kyle Vearling Valerie Vecchione Emily Verica Vincent Vitale John Walsh Eric Ward Austin Weber Michaela Whitaker John White Torpey White Tiara Womack Michael Wright Denis Xhori Olivia Young Nicholas Zaffiri
# The Golden Grade
S ophomores
Christopher Abbonizio Ali Akbar Samira Alhassan Nancy Aleen Colin Anglim Kristen Applegate Spiros Argyros Marshall Asbury Meghan Augunas Meghan Bailer David Barr Nicholas Barr Paige Barrett James Base Maksim Batytskiy Andrew Bendsen Morgan Bennett Stephen Bertoline Bryan Biehl Joshua Biondi Colin Blake Tyler Bollinger Samantha Bolter Bettina Bowers Daniel Boyer Collin Braconnier Emily Brennecke Katherine Brinsfield Sarah Brooks Jade Brown Richard Brown Tara Brownlow Jacqueline Bruno Brock Buggy Tyler Bush Haley Byrne Justin Campbell Cory Caramanico Zachary Carr Krista Casasanto Stephen Cavaliere Christopher Chan Zachary Ciabattoni William Clemens Jamie Coghlan Thomas Coll Valerie Coll John Collins
Jordan Collins Matthew conran Joshua Corey Hannah Corsi Alexander Costa Macy Crossin Jake Crowthe Emily Cummins Taylor Cutcliff Nicolas D"Aversa John Daino Nathan Daly Jacqueline Davis Taylor Debello Lauren Desantis Christine Dexter Alyssa DiCandilo Allison Dicanzio Morgan DiChiacchio Sarah Dicristino-Brennan Kaitlyn Diehl Kyle Dobinson Nicholas Dortone Sean Dougherty Zachary Dworkin Nichole EAstburn David Eckard Jessica Eden Charles Eppehimer Rachel Ernest Francis Faragasso Lindsey Faulds Michelle Fessler Madison Fetterolf Morgan Fitzpatrick Shannon Flaherty Alejandro Flores-Brown Sabrina Follo Eric Fournier Dominic Franchi Vincent Freiberg Matthew Gade Domenic Gaeta Erin GAmble Kain Gerena Angie Giang Morgan Glenn Ayan Goran
Patrick Gower Noah Grace Julia Graham Alexander Grajek Deanna Gryn Shannon Hagarty Sydney Hagenbuch Genevieve Hennessy Nicole Hernandez Daniel Higgins Rachael Hilden Tanisha Hira Dane Hoban Margaret Hobbs Tia Holland Ryan Hom Jacob Howard Phuong Hua Kira Iatesta Tianna Jay Marshall Jenkins Michael Jenkins Jordan Joachim Jins Joseph Vincent Judak Ian Junker John Kampmeyer Anastasia Karagiorgos Alexandra Karian Darlene Kenney Mitchell Keppel Danielle Kerr Ryan Kerr Austin Kiker Jared Kilgallen Alex Kmetz Daniel Korinth Michelle Kovacs Adam Krauter Akhila Kurian Ava Lambert Erin Larkin Sarah Larkin Andrew Lauer Brian Layden Kayla Lennon Christopher Lennon Christopher Lessig
Bridgaline Liberati Joanna Liscom Dasan Lites Catherine Looby Eric Lowe Stephen Luong Kelly Lynch John Lyons Thomas MacIntosh Sarah MacKus Daniel Madonna Mary Maher Paticia Maleno Alexander Masino Natalie Masson Andrew Matusik Nicholas Matyzczak Kathryn McCaffery David McCann Thomas McCann Samantha McCarthy Brian McCloskey Alexandra McCormack Kevin McCormick Jquaine McDaniel David McDermott Jessica McFall Carley McGinty Sean McKenty Colin McKnight Shannon McLaughlin Rose McManus Michael Mea Kira Meighan Kendrick Mickens Justin Miller Lindsey Mills Dominique Molinario Laura Monzo Emily Mosenson William Mulray Bradley Murphy Brian Murphy Ryan Murphy Taylor Murray Brittany Nardi Rebecca Neergaard Daisjah Nicholas
Bridget O'Donnell Nicholas O'Shea Michael Orlando Gianna Ortiz Evio Panichi Madison Parsons Robert Paynter Vincent Peracchia Nicole Phillips Joshua Pierce Madison Pierce Arjun Pillai Natalie Pizzi Sarah Polohovich David Popplewell Eirik Potts Stephanie Powell Dylan Power Thomas Price Tyler Ranieri James Reardon Luke Reichert Suliaman Reid Imani Reynolds-Hamm Amanda Richard Callie Robinson Sophie Roesler Till Roesler Rebecca Rogocki Michael Romasko Kaitlyn Ross Dhanyan Sam Emily Santana Anthony Savarese Allison Scanlon Courtney Scarpato Kiara Sceno Timothy Schmidt Claire Schneider Paul Schneider John Schott Joseph Sciarrino William Seifried Matthew Serrano Leighann shanabarger Lamar Shaw Mandeep Shergill Mary Sherwood
Megan Sherwood Melissa Shields Katey Slavin Samuel Small Connor Smith Melissa Smith Ryan Matthew Smith Samantha Smith Timothy Spano Lucas Spence Gina Spurio Ali Srour Natalie Stagliano Tyler Staud Matthew Stellfox DArrell Sterling Emily Stevenson Courtney Sturgeon Anthony Swink Gregory Switliski Samantha Tamaccio Quanief Tavares Jessica Thorpe Shannon Tracy Ryan Travers Cassandra Varacalli Ryan Vogt Joseph Walsh Daniel Wasson DAvid Wasson Leah Welde Raheem Wells Sydney Wharton Kaelynd Whetzel Tyrell White-Vaughn Emma Wiley Chloe Williams James Williams-Harris Kaitlynn Wilson Tevelle Wilson Quideer Wimes Taylor Winkelman Tiffany Wood Jordan Wren Zoey Wright-Chapis Reslen Yassine David Yingling
# Get Fresh
Edward Addis Serina Addona Alexxis Agostini Gregory Aldorasi Victoria Andreacchio Daniel Archibong Andrew Astrino Tereza Athanas Christian Auve Grace Baiocco Lauren Balbierer Jacob Bartivic Justin Basunga Derrick Baun Dillon Buan Jason Baxter Annemarie Bednar Cygaelle Bergado Julia Bingaman William Booth Sarah Brennan Emily Brolley James Burkhalter Ryan Busch Peter Caceci Jennifer Caggiano Alyssa Campbell Charles Carbin Zachary Cariola Jamie Carney Matthew Carpenter Patrick Carr Lindsay Casadei Matthew Cella Wayne Cellini Joel Chacko Elizabeth Chalker Francesca Ciancaglini Madison Clark Jillian Clement Joseph Colgan Alexander Comati Kyle Condon Brendan Conway Tyler Corbin Brianna Cornman Nicholas Cosmi Andrea Coyle
Renee Crossan Mia Cullen Madyson Cunningham Riley Cutcliff Ariana Czukiewski Madison D'Ambrosio Alex D'Annunzio Brandon D'Ortone Dylan Daino Amber Dath Joseph Davis Joseph Decesaris Raffaele Del Sordo Megan Deluca Sean Dempter Victoria DePietro Ryan Destefano Ashleigh Devine Linda Dewan Stacy DiCandilo Christpher Dicristino-Brennan Briana Diehl Amy Diep Gina Digiola Kelsey DiMatteo Noelle Dinkins
Sebastian Dolceamoremathues
Justin donnelly Jesica Donovan Samantha Dresner
Maxx Drumm Michael Duffy Cara Dunfee Jack Ellis Cassandra Mae Enad Mark Eskridge Tanasia Evans Dennis Farally Michael Feng Anna Ferrigno Alyssa Figueiredo Kristina Fischetti Megan Fitzgerald Christopher Fleming Nicholas Fox Paul Fox Chelsea Frattari Shynelle Fry
Alexander Fuentes Emily Gallagher Nicole Gaffin Eli Gardner Paige Gavula Michael Gerzabek Celina Gesalo Charles Gibbone Kerianne Gilligan Rachel Goff Rahma Goran Nicholas Gorman Cailyn Gormley Evan Graci Larell Gray Conor Green Michael Hagendorf Ache Hall Charles Harper Sarah Hart Brooke Hawley Michael Hayes Alexxus Heilenmann Zachary Heitz Megan Heppard Tess Herman Nelson Hernandez Daniel Hill Zachary Hoffman Timothy Horan Kevin Hourtmann Tran Hua Jeremy Hudak kathleen Hughes Thomas Hughes Yana Ilieva Chelsey Jackson Nicholas Jannelli Raymond Jefferis Solaman Jesly Patrick Johnson Ra-Tah Johnson Celena Jones Keely Shaye Jones Joshua Jose Jais Joseph Jessica Joseph Rishi Joseph
Cara Kahmer Melvin Kanjirathunkal Earl Kelly Samantha Kemmey Nicholas Keppel Madeline Kerr Shazod Kerr John Kilker Paul Kim Steven Kinsey Marissa Klick Rimal Kudhair Elizabeth Kugler Mary Kwon Steven Lancello Alyssa Lawler-Burnett Brandi Layden Lauren Leaf Kaylee Lennon Mason Liberty Alexandra Lodise Joshua Luchon Shannon Mahon Nicholas Martin Michael Masi Zachary Mattox Kristian Mayer William McCallig Leah McDonald Mairead McGillian Meghan McGinn Brenna McGuckin Robert McHugh Jake McKinney Jane McMenamin Daniel McTeague Joseph Mea Kathleen Mecca Peter Mele Matthew Methlie Zachary Methlie Jessika Meyers Lauren Milewski Johnny Militello Audean Miller Dayna Miller Ashley Moll Jennifer Monkman
Noelle Morrissey Brandon Murphy Sydney Murphy Patrick Murr Chibveze Nduka Meaghan Nieman Christine O'Connell Kathryn O'Hara Samuel O'Hara Roisin O'Sullivan Alexis O'Toole Jack Orlando Isabella Orloff Maxwell Palumbo Melissa Papale Serena Park Reveka Pasternak Sonny Pastore Kenya Patrick Brittany Pavlovitch Matthew Paynter Karma Penater Jae Petruzzi Kylie Pfizenmayer Emily Phillips Kyra Phillips Amanda Piazza Michael Pickard Kristen Pirollo Jacob Plank Mattie Porter Lamar Powell Steven Randolph Sarah Feilly Tyler Riddle Erin Robinson Mark Rodgers Shawn Rodgers Eden Roth Harrison Rovner Elizabeth Russella Stephen Russo Kyle Ryan Roustam Sadati Reras Salen Devon Schartner James Schickling Anthony Sciarrino
Christopher Sciarrino Andrew Secundo Juan Serviano Kenneth Sexton Chloe Shaner Sadie Shea Brett Sheeran Leah Sherman Aaliyah Simmons Cassidy Smedley Mitchell Smedley John Smith Ronald Smith Patrick Smyth Samuel Stafford Nickolas Starr Richard Sterling Ryan Straube Tyler Stroyek Ashley Sullivan Sophia Swafford Hannah Sweeney Benjamin Thorpe Danielle Trench Michael Vaughan Gillian Wainwright Brianna Wallace Michael Wallace Joseph Walsh Scott Waywood Jefferson Weiah Alexis Welsh Zachary Werndl Kaylan White Kaylin Williams Camille Woodward Christopher Woody Michael Woody Hannah Young Hunter Young Jacob Zappo Amid Zeineddine Emily Zito