1951 Scrivener

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1951 S~'t p'te4eHU







';Jlte4ea ~UJ4 Se~(J,ot

To Springfield High School-its physical construction, its democratic organization, its spiritual outlook, and its fine educational background-he dedicated his full powers of concentration and guidance. Therefore, it is fitting that we, the Class of 1951, in this, the year of his retirement, dedicate our Scrivener with admiration and gratitude to Harvey C. Sabold, our Supervising Principal.

The most manifest sign of wisdom is continued cheerfulness. -Montaigne












"Whom., then, do I call educated? First, those who control circumstances instead of being mastered by them, those who meet all occasions manfully and act in accordance with intelligent thinking, those who are honorable in all dealings, who treat good naturedly persons and things that are disagreeable, and furthermore, those who hold their pleasures under control and are not overcome by misfortune, finally those who are not spoiled by success." Iso crates.

HARVEY C. SABOLD Supervising Principal




Administrative Assistant 5

CALVI J G. ALLISON B.S. Social Studies, English West Chester State Teachers College "Trmnp, Tramp, Tramp, tbe Boys Are Running"

JUDITH COCKRILL Secretary Keystone Secretarial "Ty-hewriter Song"

BETTY JANE BEHNEY B.S. Social Studies, English Kansas State College, Boston University, Oklahoma University. "Ilflant To Do Homework"

ANGELA F. CORBIN B.S. Business Education Temple University "Take A Letter, Miss S17litb"

SARAH L. BERRY B.A. Latin, English Coe College, Radcliffe Coll~ge "My Buddy"

DORRIS R. DALTON Secretary Banks College "Tbe Merry Secretary Song"

EDITH A. BIGELOW B.S., M.A. English University of Pennsylvania "Give My Regards To Broadway"

ELSIE A. DENICE B.S. Mathematics, Visual Aids Barnard College "Put On Tbose Old Records"

JANE E. BRUSCH B.S. Physical Education Ursinus College "Janie" OPHELIA BUEHLER B.S. Home Economics, General Science Dr~el Institute "If I Knew You Were ComhI', I'd Have Baked a Cake"

RUTH G. CALLAHAN Art Moore Institute, University of Pennsylvania, University of Puerto Rico, University of St. Andrews (Scotland) "T!Je Old Master Painter"

RACHEL G. DESIDERIO Secretary Springfield High School "Racbel, Racb.:l, I've Been Tbinking" MARGARET G. GRAHAM B.S., B.S. in L.S. Librarian Bloomsburg State Teachers College, Kutztown State Teachers College, Drexel Institute "We'll Be Close As Pages In a Book"


English, Guidance Hood College, University of Pennsylvania "Hearts and Flowers"

SHARPLESS D. GREEN Geography Harvard University "Far Away Places"

HAZEL B. NEELY A.B. Spamsh, French Otterbein College "Que Bueno"

WALTER ]. HALL B.S. Coach, Social Studies Bucknell University, Columbia University, Pennsylvania State College, Duke University "You've Got To Be a Football Hero"

WILLIAM ]. NUNAN B.S., M.S. Social Studies, Mathematics \Vest Chester State Teachers College, University of Pennsylvania, Texas A. & M. "Yes, We Have No Money"

ESTELLE A. HEISS Art Pennsylvania Museum School of Industrial Arts "I'll Paint a Portrait of You" (On Leave of Absence)

ADA M. PEEL A.B., A.M. Home Economics Columbia University "Home on tbe Range"

EDWARD S. HOTTENSTEIN Science \Vest Chester State Teachers College "Flasb, Bam, Alikazam"

ELVIRA H. SANBE B.S. Social Studies, English University of Pennsylvania "C'est, Si Bon" (On Leave of Absence)

ALBERT M. JONES B.S., M.A. Coach, Social Studies Gettysburg College, Pennsylvania State College For He's a Jolly Good Fellow"

CHARLES C. SCHMIDT B.S. Business Education Temple University, University of Pennsylvania "Money!J the Root of All Evil"

SHELDON S. R. MADEIRA A.B., M.S. English Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania State College, University of Pennsylvania "Doctor, Lawyer, Indian Cbief"

DONALD P. SCHNEIDER B.S., M.S. Physical Education, English University of Pennsylvania "Take Me Out To tbe Ball Ganze" '

ELWOOD S. MILLER B.S. Instrumental Music New York University, Moravian College, Muhlenburg College "Strike Up the Band"

WILBUR R. SCHOPF B.S. Physical Education West Chester State Teachers College "I've Been Wukkin' On De Railroad"


KATHRYN N. SHRIVER B.S.; M.S. Vocal Music Temple University, University of Pennsylvania "Music, Music, Music"

GEORGE D. THOMAS B.S.; M.S. Mathematics, Mechanical Drawing University of Pennsylvania "Pass That T-Square and Bury That Triangle"

DEAN T. STEPHENS B.S.; M.S. Science, Biology, Physics, Senior Science Lafayette College, Uni.versity of Pennsylvania "Tbree Little Fishes"

FLORENCE V. TRIBIT R.N. School Nurse Methodist Hospital Training School "Black and Blue"

PAUL M. STOUFFER Music B.A.; M.A. Peabody Conservatory, University of Pennsylvania "Our Director"

THEODORE WALTER B.S. English, History University of Wisconsin, Temple University "Paper Doll"

JAM,ES W. WEAVER B.S.; M.S. Mathematics Grove City, Penn State "Love Geometry? Yes, I Do"

ALBERT J. WENTZ B.S.; M.A. Industrial Ans University of Pennsylvania "Tbe Woodchoppers' Ball" .


VERNE K. WITCHEY Dental Hygienist Temple Dental School "Smiles"


I·! 1 I

Left to right: William Griffiths, Charles Bewley, William Gilday.

Left to rigbt: Florence Raymond, A:.na qampion, Ann Thomas, Annie Bacher.





Richard Lewis


Charles Wunder


.... Carol Haworth


Peter Hottenstein





Edith A. Bigelow

"Neither a borrower nor a lender be; For loan oft loses both itself and friend; And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry. This above all: to thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man.-"Hamlet," William Shakespeare.

Walter J. Hall

James W. Weaver 11

ADRIAN M. AIKMAN "Aikie" General Track 2, 3, 4; Choir 3, 4; Monitor 3, 4; Operators' Club 2, 3; Stage Crew 2, 3, '4; Scrivener 4. "Wadda y a say, men?" Keeps the choir laughing with his toothless antics . . . track star . . . real wit . . . easy to like ... seen pushing his black hotrod ... gives the girls a tumble.

SIGRID CONRADINE ALBRECHT "Siggie" Academic Basketball Manager 3, 4; Basketball Intramurals 2; Girls' Chorus 2; Choir 3, 4; Orchestra Trio 3, 4; String Ensemble 2; Honor Society 3, 4; Scott's Hi-Q 4; Softball Intramurals 2, 3; SpriHian 4; Scrivener 4; Orchestra 2, 3; Senior Play 4 (Prompter). "0 joy, 0 rapture unforseen." One of our distinguished District Chorus members . . . always talking about farming ... loves to cook up potions in chemistry ... really m:lde that pineapple and watercress salad sound delicious.

ROBERT WILBUR ALLISON "Bob" Academic Cross Country 2. Interests: Scouring; Riding; Hunting; Fishing; Trapping. Died December 17, 1948. MARGARET BEATTY Margaret Academic Girls' Chorus 2, 3, 4; Dramatic Club 3, 4; Tri-Hi-Y 3, 4; Scrivener 4; Senior Play 4, (Property Committee) . "Are you listening?" Friendly and dependable . . . seen with Janey ... sweet and silent ... lots of fun ... keeps us stocked up on our sweets ... ex-teacher, her sister-in-law . . . active in Tri-Hi-Y.

HENRY MARTIN BEDFORD "Toady" Academic Basketball 3; Spri-Hian 4; Operators' Club 3, 4. "Nice!" Lank longimde ... too much night life ... attempts to pass English by laughing . . . smokestack. . bent twig on dance floor . . . not lacking in wit.

ALFRED BERGER "F;ed" Academic Football 2, 3; Basketball 2; Operators' Club 2, 3, 4; Monitor 3, 4; Choir 3, 4; Track " 4; Spri-Hian 3, 4. "Hahf" Seen washing cars at the Esso station ... carrot top 路 .. looks forward to Dickinson's vacations ... classy little bell on his black Buick . . . swell guy. WILLIAM ALLEN BOSBYSHELL "Bill" Academic Operators' Club 3, 4 (Secretary); Spri-Hian 3, 4 (EditorIn-Chief); Scrivener 4 (Associate Editor); Monitor 4; Scott's Hi-Q 4; Football 3, 4 (Manager); Senior Play 4; Varsity Club 4. "Wbat's your major maladjustment?" Boss of the Spri-Hian 路 .. seen flashing his green and white jacket . . . Navy-bound 路 . . capable football manager 路 . . radical speech-maker in the Senior Play. BETTY LOU JEANETTE BRADY "Bets" General Girls' Chorus 3, 4; Dramatic Club 3; Scrivener 4. "Ob! Well!!" Pert charmer ... cute kid with a sense of humore?) ... clothes that count . .. 5' 1" of pep seen at Walt's after St. Joe's slightly mad . . . baby bomb with the boys.

NATALIE POOR BRANSON "Lee" General Hockey 2, '3; Swimming 2, 3. "I disagree!" vVesttown's lass · . . our gal's full of pep . . . black-haired charmer ... seen with Debbie ... tall ~'nd slender · . . loves to argue with Mr. Madeira ... set on reform. BARBARA CHASE BROWN "Brownie" Academic Basketball 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 2, 3 (Vice-President) 4; Band 2, 3 (Vice-President), 4; Choir 2, 3, 4; Scrivener 4 (Editor-InChief); Spri-Hian 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; String Ensemble 2; Scott's Hi-Q 4; Softball 2; Senior Play 4; Varsity Club 4. "Okay, I'll do it." SPOrtsminded . . . loves that math · . . bound to succeed . . . cutie with the curls big boss-man of yearbook always working ... makes a dandy, brainless mother ... seen balancing a bass.


JANET LORENE BROWN "Jan" Business Girls' Chorus 3, 4; Dramatic Club 3; Scrivener 4. "I got a letter!" Loves that shorthand (?) . . . seen at St. Mike's ... blonde beau-catcher · .. full of fun ... can really dress! . . . lends her tones to chorus . . . blue streak talkativeness.

EMORY JACK CARTER "Jack" Academic Football 4; Scrivener 4; Monitor 4; Senior Play 4. "Can I have the car tonight, Pop?" Seen snapping photos for Scrivener . . . keeper of the peace . . . bats about baseball · .. likes sophomores-feminine style ... nice guy.

LOIS E. CHALUPA "Lo" Academic Tri-Hi-Y 4; Scrivener 4; Dramatic Club 3, 4; Girls' Chorus 3; Spri-Hian 3, 4; Basketball Intramurals 2; Baseball Intramurals 3; SeI;lior Play 4 (Prompter). "I'll get tbe car tonight, if my fatber isn't home." Sees Penn State in the future ... friendly and fun ... loves knitting ... true blue . . . dependable . . seen arguing with Barbara . . bears trial of sister's clothes.

GLORIA JUNE CLEGG "Sis" Business Dramatic Club 3, 4; Girls' Chorus 3; Scrivener 4. "Hey! Jean." Pert and peppy · .. spends time between Walt's, St. Joe's and Wildwood . . . chatter chick . . . loves men · . . treats 'em tough wiggles and giggles.

JOAN LOU CODY "Joan" Academic Basketball Intramurals 2; Girls' Chorus 2, 3, 4; Scrivener 4; Senior Play 4. "Oh Heavens!" Sleek black hair · . . seen driving a borrowed car . . . loves to work . . . youngest in the class . . . seen with Carol ... always talking. BARBARA ANNE COLVIN "Barb" Business Dramatic Club 3; Tri-Hi-Y 3, 4; Choir 4; Spri-Hian 4; Girls' Chorus 3; Basketball Intramurals 2; Scrivener 4; Committee Senior Play 4 (Property). "Oh! stop it, will you?" Quiet 'til you know her! ... chirps in the choir always arguing with Lois worked in 5 & 10 on 69th Street . . . knits socks with square toes.

ELIZABETH JANE CONNET "Berty" Academic S\vimming Team; Dancing, "Oucb!" Liked New York so \\'ell she couldn't bear to leave ... new addition to S.H.s. from Bartram ... interested in swimming and dancing ... fun to be with.

EV ARD BARNETT COTTRILL "Flee" General i\lonitor 4; Track 4; Football 4 (Manager); Operators' Club 4; Senior Play 4 (Stage Crew); Varsity Club 4. "Dear Mom," Seen - running movies or record machine , . . argumentative aptitude ... likes to talk in PAD.... a popular guy with lots of personality.

BEVERLY CROSBY "Lester" General Girls' Chorus 3; Student Council 3, 4; Choir 4; Spri-Hian 4; Scrivener 4; Baseball Intramurals 3. "Come on, Mary." Wiggles and giggles . . . pest and pestered ... popular and peppy flirts fun in view, but really true to be w{th.

WILLIAM R. CROTHERS "Bill" Academic Track 3,4; Basketball 3,4; Monitor 4; Softball Intramurals 2, 3; Varsity Club 3,4. "Don't rigbtly know." Mr. Hottenstein's headache ... daily nap in English class . . . comes to school-occasionally ... tall timber ... often silent, but a good guy.

DONALD F. CRAWFORD "Don" Academic Dramatic Club 4; Monitor 4; Spri-Hian 2, 3; Track 2,4; Stage Crew 2, 3,4. "Wbat a riot!" Has a passion for racing trolley cars ... fatal fascination in Coatesville ... one of Mr. Madeira's pals . . . seen smoking his pipe ... one of the "gang."

SARA JOAN DEARMOND "Joan" General Dramatic Club 4; Spri-Hian 4; Scrivener 4; Library Assistant 4; Senior Play 4 (usher); Basketball Intramurals 2. "Wait a minute!" Seen-torn between Dot and typewriter . . . Miss Graham's right-hand girl ... seems quiet, but wait till you know her!! ... passion for pretzels . . . able and willing . . . dependable.

DORIS ANNE K. CRESS "Doll" General Dramatic Club 3,4; Girls' Chorus 4; Scrivener 4. "Cbeck Out!" Seen at St. Joe's . . . made a lovely nurse for J. P slim and sometimes silent a great gym enthusiast ... hides determination behind her curls.

LELA EVELYN DIEHL "Lee" Business Dramatic Club 4; Senior Play 4 (Make-up). "How about tbat!" Seen-gritting her teeth in room 1 ... product of a Maryland boarding school ... peaches and cream skin ... seems to have thrived on buggy corn-flakes . . . giggles and gabbles.

DAVID DUMIGAN "Bulge" Academic Track 2, 3, 4; Football 4; Operators' Club 4; Scrivener 4; Softball 2, 3, 4; Monitor 3, 4; Varsity Club 4. "I don't know." Seen at the other end of a camera .-.-. the "Corduroy King" ... math whiz ... need a telephone?-just ask Dave ... runs a cab service in his blue Ford.

JOHN JOSEPH FANELLI "Cooch" General Monitor 4; Dramatic Club 4; Student Council 2, 3, 4; Stage Crew 4; Football 2, 3,4. "Now lookit here." Seen-reading encyclopedias in the library to improve his mind . . . loves to argue in P. A. D.... "Little Explosive" . . . takes a lot of teasing ... quite an addition to the football team. DON W. FIREOVED "Meat" Academic Football 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2, 3, 4; Softball Intramurals 2, 3; Track 3; Orchestra 2,3,4; Monitor 3, 4; Varsity Club 3, 4; School Dance Band 3, 4. "Tbat's no excuse!" Size 14 shoe ... the terrific number 15 . readhead minus the temper . 88 keys . . . gentlemen prefer blondes . . . seen-whizzing by in his green Studebaker ... Oh! that wit.

CHARLES B. FORD "Shouders" General Football 2, 3,4; Stage Crew 3,4; Track 2, 3,4; Varsity Club 3,4. "C-mon back!" Authority on automobiles ... stock car owner ... boulder shoulders a car's innards fascinate him a mainstay on the line of the football team ... makes with the wisecracks in P. A. D.




SALLY GERTRUDE FOWLER Sally Academic Girls' Chorus 2, 3, 4; Spri-Hian 3, 4; Basketball Intramurals 2; Baseball 3; Scrivener 4; Dra'matic Club 3, 4; Senior Play 4 (Make-up) . "Excuse -me." U. of P. fan ... tells tales of Wanamaker's from behind the scenes ... preparing to descend on Kutztown State Teachers College . . . fun and fancy free ... talented with a paint brush. MARY JANET FRASER "Janie" Business Girls' Chorus 2, 3, 4; Dramatic Club 3,4; Tri-Hi-Y 3, 4; Scrivener 4; Library Assistant 2, 4; Senior Play 4 (Properties). "Personally -myself, I think-" -to • with Margaret ... quiet as they COllie . . • purtie gal with a sweet smile . . . 1L:nds a willing hand ... a loyal friend ... pleasing personality.

MARY ANN FREDD Mary Ann Academic Girls' Chorus 4; Basketball Intramurals 2. "Wbogewbats!" Dark, silent and 5' 10" ... causes frustration among basketball opponents ... made for a farm ... slim as' a willow wand ... friendly and fun.

NEAL GALLAGHER "Gazelle" Academic Basketball 2, 3, 4; Monitor 4; Football 4; Dramatic Club 4; Varsity Club 4. "'Gadc:.ooks!" Casanova ... dash of deviltry . . . "Gunner" is his nickname on the basketball court . . . Howard Johnson's strong arm busboy . . . seen pushing his multi-colored car.

SALLY LOUISE JOHNSTON "Sal" Business Girls' Chorus 2, 3; Dramatic Club 3; Choir 4; Scrivener 4 (Business Manager); Tri-Hi-Y 3, 4, (Secretary); Senior Play 4 (Tickets). "1 don't know-but . . ." Can really type ... best things come in small packages ... always doing somebody's work for them . . . has a wonderful sense of humor . . . capable business manager for the Scrivener.

WILFRED JONES "\Vill" General Monitor 3, 4; Football 2, 3, 4; Track 2, 3, 4; Varsity Club 4. "As long as tbere m'e two people in tlJis world . .." ... Good SpOrt . . . speedster on the track ... loves to talk ... touchdown bound . . . object of much teasing from Mr. Hall.

DOROTHY DEBORAH KUNKLE "Debbie" General Choir 2, 3, 4; Senior Play 4 (Make-up). "Let's have a Clip of tea, Scottie.". . \Nill be \\'ith Sadler Wells someday what gorgeous red hair' always interested when the talk turns to the U.S.A.F.... artistic ability plus other talents. "

DOLORFS i\IARY LARSOi\ "Do Du" General "Oh 1I0!" . . . \Vill make a wonderful \ VA V E . . . ah\'ays laughing . . . good SpOrt . . .wonderful sense of humor P.AD.-her major worry scholastically . . . lives for weekends.

RICHARD ERNEST LEWIS "Dick" Academic Football 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2, 3, 4; Track 2, 3, 4; Varsity Club 3, 4; Band 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 2, 3, 4; Choir 3, 4; MonitOr 3, 4; Honor Society 3, 4; Class Officer (President) 2, 3, 4; Student Council 3, 4 (Treasurer); Baseball Intramurals 2, 3; District Chorus 3, 4; District Orchestra 2; SCOtt'S Hi-Q 4. "Hello Honey!" ... \Ninsome whimsicality "drums along the JVlohawk" seen-everywhere at any time . . . third term as class president popular with e\"eryone Tarzan of the Senior Class. LEON SUTPHIN LOWRIE "Bud" Academic Football 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2, 3, 4; Track 2, 4; Choir 2, 3, 4; " Spri-Hian 4; Varsity Club 2, 3, 4; Class Officer (Vice-President) 2, 3; Softball Imramurals 2, 3; Monitor 3, 4. "I'm only kiddin'." ... Champion basketball player . . . a ready steady ... seen-cruising by in his black Lincoln . . . terrific dresser ... valuable empluyee of the \Norld Hardware Store ... fa\'orite summer pastime s\\"imming. JEAN E. 1\IC CARTY "JVlac" Business Dramatic Club 3, 4; Girls' Chorus 3. "Hella there." ... Can usually be found in typing room, \\"orl~­ ing for i\lr. Nunan . . . can really dancc . . . confides all her troubles to Gloria ... adds a lot (?) to the Dramatic Club. CHARLES B. i\L-\lTS .4.c\demic "Charlie" Track 2. 3. -t; i\!onitor -t; Softball Intramurals 2, 3; Varsity Club -t. "This is by far . .." ... Seen -burning up thc cinders in thc Spring . . . shy guy . . . a gcnius (;) in Spanish class ... Dick Button's only rival to the amatcur skating cro\\"n spcnds his \\'cck-ends at Pittsburgh.

VERNON W. MARK "Vern" Academic "Teacb me bow to dance, boney." . Always has a laugh up his sleeve ... clowning glory . ' . seen-doing figure eights at Lansdowne skating rink ... Mort's favorite truck driver.

CECELIA ANN IVIOCKLER "Cele" General Business Girls' Chorus 3, 4; Tri-Hi-Y 3. 4; Dramatic Club 3, 4 (President); Scrivener 4; Spri-Hian 4; Senior Play 4. "N ore!) wbicb is it, neitber or eitber?" . . . Has an unusual laugh . . , always ready to help . . . made Mrs. Schwartz seem real . . . wonderful sense of humor . . . beautiful black hair ' , . friend to all.

FRED tVIOHR "Diz" Academic Basketball 2, 3; Monitor 4; Softball Intramurals 2, 3. "lV/.1o wa7lts to take off fo?' tbe sb01'e?" ... His heart belongs to his car, , . the "Thin Man" , , , hot-rod happy . , . makes frequent visits to Ocean City ... can talk h:s way Out of any situation.

ISABELLA C. MONAGHAN "Scottie" General Business Choir " 4; Senior Play 4 (Makc-up) , "I doon't bauve an accent!" ... Always scen with Debbie . , . really had a tough time learning Amcrican History ... cutc accent . . . can really dance Scotland's loss was our gaIn.

CAROL ANNE MORGAN "Carol" Academic Basketball 2, 3, 4; Scri\'ener 4; Spri-Hian 3; Choir 3, 4; Girls' Chorus (Prcsident); Honor Society 3, 4; Baseball Intramurals 3; Student Council 3; Hocke\' Tmramurals 2; District Chorus 2, 3, 4; State Chorus 4; Varsity Club 4; Senior Play 4. "Tbey turned out all rigbt." ... One of the mainstays of the alto section of the Choir . . . good enough to be a professional photographer ' .. often seen with Lynnc . . . traveled to Elwood City for State Chorus. LOUISE CATHERTNE PANCOAST "Lulu" Business Cheerleader 2, 3, 4 (Captain); Tri-Hi-Y 2, 3, 4; Spri-Hian 2, 3, 4; Varsity Club 3, 4; Dramatic Club 3 (President); Scrivener 4; Girls' Chorus 2. "Let's all go and raise some \-Vill cheer anywhere cain." anytime loves (?) gym .. " takes shorthand like a whiz ... drives that Plymouth like a hotrod. WILLIAM S, PANCOAST "\Villie" General Cross Country 2, 3; i\lonitor 4; State Crew 2; Dramatic Club 4. "T'Vbo is it going to be to'17igl.1t, "T,Villie?" ... f orC\'cr bumming cigarettes, , . dane in' feet. , . the opposite sex fascinatcs ,him . . . oh, thar curly hair . " . c10thcs arc a conrnlvcrsi,l! issuc bet\\"een him and i\ lr. Hall.

EDWARD PETER P.,,,[{RIS "Ed" .-\cldcmic Band 2, .i, 4; Orchcstr'l c. 3. 4; Brass Choir 2, 3. 4; D'1l1cC B;1l1d 2, 3, 4; DisHict B'Hld 4. "TValllw' buy,) C,1I-.7' , , , , l.il,es to takc trips to Fl(lrid" , " Iimelight shy , , , surprises t'\"(~ryonc with his kno\\'kdgc " Charlic Spi\'ak's onl:' ri,',l!,

SHIRLEY PAUL "Shirl" General Girls' Chorus 3; Choir 4; SpriHian 3, 4; Scrivener 4; Senior Play 4 (Usher). "You bet!" ... Always gets all her homework done (?) . . . loves to type ... contemplates joining the WAVES with Dolores ... will make some lucky man a wonderful secretary..

LOUEEN G. PEIFER "Lou" General Girls' Chorus 3, 4; Dramatic Club 3; Scrivener 4. "Did T0777.my call, .Mom?" · . . Dances like a dream . . . loves (?) school so much she never misses a day ... lives for weekends . . . often seen with Mary. THEODORE LOCKE PHILLIPS "Ted" Academic Operators' Club 2, 3, 4 (President); Spri-Hian 2, 3, 4 (Circulation Manager); Scrivener 4; Stage Crew 3, 4 (Captain); Choir 2, 3, 4; Cross Country 2, 3, 4; Monitor 4; Scott's Hi-Q 4; Honor Society 3, 4; Track 2, 3, 4; Varsity Club 4; Senior Play 4. "I am a genius." A second Mr. Belvedere has poppa' appeal ... Mrs. Denice's errand boy . . . future Sam Goldman · .. takes long trips to Pilgrim Gardens in his gray monster. ROGER HAIG POINDEXTER "Haig" Academic Band 2, 3, 4; Y.M.C.A.; Orchestra 2, 3, 4; Omega Gamma Delta Fraternity. "Doggone t!:Jat teac!:Jer!" . . . A newcomer from New York · . . loquaciousness is his byword . . . following in Benny Goodman's steps . . . likes his socks bright and flashy.


JOANNE B. POLLOCK "Jo" Academic Girls' Chorus 2, 3; Choir 4; T riHi-Y 2, 3, 4; Scrivener 4; SpriHian 4; Baseball Intramurals 3, 4; Hockey Intramurals 2, 3, 4; Basketball Intramurals 2; Library Assistant 2, 3, 4; Senior Play 4. "Really!" . . . Made a lovely Sybil ... keeps her report card near the top . . . finds out "why?" ... crazy about T.V. ... head is a fiery beacon .. has a mind of her own. LINTON MARK RIGG "Rabbi" Academic Orchestra 2, 3, 4; District Orchestra 2, 3; Band 2, 3, 4; Operators' Club 2, 3, 4; SpriHian 2; Monitor 4; Brass Choir 2, 3, 4; Dance Band 3,4; Track 3, 4; District Band 2, 4; Senior Play 4. "Ba!:J!': . . . Soda-jerk in off hours . . . trumpet talent adds grey hairs to Harry James' head ... seen whizzing by in his Ford convertible with two people behind the steering wheel.

GEORGE R. ROLAND "Hillbilly" Academic Cross Country 2, 3, 4. "Get tbe car tonight!" ... Any day now he'll blow up the chemistry lab.-and Shirley along with it need a match? -just ask Roy continually hangs himself with his own rope in English.

M. JOYCE ROSSITER "Joycikins" General Ch-eerleader 2, 3, 4; Tri-Hi-Y 3, 4; Spri-Hian 3; Scrivener 4; Varsity Club 3, 4 (President); Attendance Office 2, 3, 4; Dramatic Club 4. "Isn't be a doll?" ... Mr. Richardson's girl Friday . . . often seen with Mattie . . . loves to cheer . . . can type like a demon ... has beautiful clothes . . . dances like a dream.

FLORENCE MARY ROSTRON "Polly" Academic Basketball 2; Choir 3, 4; TriHi-Y 3, 4; Student Council 4; Scrivener 4; Senior Play 4 (Tickets) . "Ob! brotber." . . . Small, blond, and terrific ... wonderful sense of humor . . . chemistry worries her . . . Grace and she-inseparables ... makes all th'e men feel like Tarzan.

LYNNE M. SKOW Lyne Academic Baseball Intramurals 2, 3; Color Guard 2, 3, 4; Girls' Chorus 2, 3; Choir 4; Hockey 3; Attendance Officer 4; Scrivener 4; Spri-Hian 2, 3, 4 (Business Manager ); Senior Play 4. "Golly, Ned!" ... Has many friends . . . had a terrible time being old while playing Aunt Jen . . . seen most often with one of the two Carols . . . carried the flag in the band like a soldier.

DAVID C. RUNKLE "Dave" Academic Football 2, 3, 4; Monitor 4; Basketball 2; Varsity Club 3, 4; Softball Intramurals 2, 3. "Prove it." . . . Heard before he's seen . . . seen driving by in his brother's "Chevie" . . . one of the many injured on the football team . . . holds the record for being able to speak 200 words per second.

WILLIAM F. SONGSTER "\Villy" General Operators' Club 4; Dramatic Club 4; Monitor 4; Track 3; Senior Play 4 (Stage Crew). "Cbeck tbat out!" . . . Chief ambition-to make the distinguished honor roll . . . always knows the answers in English, but never gets them right . . . happy-go-lucky . . . never a dull moment when Bill is around.

MATILDA CAROLYN SCHICK "Mattie" General Business Color Guard 2, 3, 4 (Captain); Dramatic Club 3, 4; Girls' Chorus 3; Scrivener 4. "vVait 'til you see Drake." .. .. Always laughing ... often seen with Joyce . . . really made a swell Captain of the Color Guard ... friendly to all.

JAMES WALTER SPEYER "Gizmo" Academic Track 2, 3, 4; Monitor 4; Cross Country 2, 3,4 (Captain); Varsity Club 4; Choir 2, 3, 4; District Chorus 4; Senior Play 4. "Wbat a demon!" . . . Music interests him . . . you name it, he'll sing it . . . adds a lot to the choir ... mighty misogynist . . . seen-at the Youth for Christ Rallies . . . spends his summers at Sandy Cove.

WILLIAM J. SCHAFFER "Bill" Academic Baseball Intramurals 3; Monitor 4; Senior Play 4 (Stage Crew). "Hey, Abe!" ... President of Mr. Madeira's Webster Club . . . Bing's only SpOrt shirt rival ... always telling tall tales ... seen-leaving school at frequent intervals.

DOROTHY M. STAUFFER "Dot" General Girls' Chorus 2, 3; Hockey IntramuraIS 2, 3; Dramatic Club 4; Spri-Hian 4; Scrivener 4; Baseball Intramurals 2, 3; Senior Play 4 (Usher). "Does my bair look all rigbt?" ... Chemistry worries her ... going to be a swell nurse . . . can usually be found typing for Mrs. Peel . . . seen-talking to Joan.

MARY LOUISE STRAIN "Mary Lou" Academic Choir 2, 3, 4; Tri-Hi-Y 2, 3, 4 (Secretary); Hockey 3, 4; Varsity Club 4; Spri-Hian 3, 4 (Associate Editor); Baseball Intramurals 2; Attendance Officer 4; ~tudent Council 2; Scrivener 4; Class Officer 2 (Secretary); Senior Play 4. "1"111 InmgTy." ... Sings like a bird . . . livened up our play rehearsals . . . Dr.' Linaberry couldn't get along without her eats and eats and never gains an ounce. BETTY A. STROUD "B,et" Academic Girls' Chorus 2, 3; Tri-Hi-Y 4; Spri-Hian 4; Scrivener 4; Baseball Intramurals 2, 3, 4; Senior Play 4. "Really?" . . . Chemistry her major maladjustment . . . can type like a demon . . . often seen with Cindy ... will make some lucky patient a swell nurse ... loves to drive.

GEORGE O. THOMPSON George Academic Operators' Club 4; i\lonitor 4; Choir 2, 3, 4 (President); District Chorus 3, 4; Spri-Hian 4. "TVhat's cu;ro'l1g with you?" ... . . . All-American talker . . . innocence is bliss ... puts the emphasis on the \\"!"ong syllable Monon Downey's only riyal.

MARY ELIZABETH WAD LUND "Mar" General Girls' Chorus 2, 4; Dramatic Club 3; Scrivener 4. "Hey, Lou." . . . Loves(?) school . . '. wonderful sense of humor can be found with Loueen often seen in Figlio's ... loves to dance.

DONALD C. WALTON "Don" Academic Orchestra 2, 3, 4; Monitor 4; Dramatic Club 3, 4; Senior Play 4.

"Yoit're being tlJat way!" .. , Seen playing the piano for the Orchestra . . . loves to crack his gum ... one of Mr. Hottenstein's policemen . . . loves to talk in Spanish class.

RICHARD WATT "Dingy" General Cross Country 3. "How doing?" .. Keeps the pickup boys working at the bowling alley . . . one of the "Toni Twins" . . . seen-playing basketball with his brother. in-law . . . "Tobacco King."

HARRY S. WHITCOMB "Har" General Stage Crew 2, 3, 4; Spri-Hian 4; Operators' Club 4; J\ilonitor 3, 4; Track 2, 3, 4; Senior Play 4 (Stage Crew). "If you're lucky!" ... Formula for friendship wears springs on his shoes peril to pedestrians ... had a special interest in the Senior Play . . . seensawing his fingers in shop. BARBARA ANN WILLITS "Barb" General Basketball 2, 3, 4; Hockey 3, 4 (Manager); Orchestra 2, 3, 4; String Ensemble 2; Girls' Chorus 2; Choir 3,4; Hockey Intramurals 2, 3; Baseball Intramurals 2, 3; Scrivener 4; Attendance Officer 4; Varsity Club 4; Senior Play 4 (Prompter). "Guess wIJo I just saw!" . . . A really swell guard on the basketball floor . . . takes care of "Mom's" equipment during hockey season . . . big help to Mr. Richardson . . . usually found in the thick of things.

CHARLES WUNDER "Chuck" Academic Track 3, 4; Class Officer 4 (Vice-President); Monitor 4; Operators' Club 4 (TreasuEer) ; Football 4; Dramatic Club 4; Student Council 4. "vVby?" . . . Air Force-bound · .. always in the "Dog House" · . . his blue "chevie" can be seen parked on Rolling Road · .. personality boy.

DAVID CHARLES WORTHINGTON "Dave" Academic Baseball Intramurals 2, 3; Track 2, 3, 4; Football 2, 3, 4; Choir 2, 3, 4; Stu'dent Council 2, 3, 4 (President); Monitor 4; Basketball 2. "T'Vell, I dOl/'t like to brag, bw-" . . . Keeps the Student Council running smoothly ... buckshot beebee . . . loves to dance . . . ne\'er has his hair mussed up . . . docs anything for a laugh.

ESTHER LOUISE YOUNG "Essie" Business Photography; Dramatic Club 4; Twirling 2; Senior Chorus 2, 3; Senior Play 4. "OlJ, Gad!" ... VVelcome addition to S.H .S. this year . . . good sport ... fun to be with ... loves to ride may ride in a circus some day made a swell nurse in the Dramatic Club play.

, , , ,


March 18, 1949-0ur first class Ill,eeting. May 6, 1949-Soph Hop "1\lay Time." December 21, 1949-,,\Ve got our class rings. June 2, 1950-Junior-Senior Prom-Cynwyd Club. November 27 and 28, 1950-Senior Pictures. December 14, 1950-U. N. Trip. March 2 and 3, 1950-Senior Play "American Passport." May 22, 23, 24, 1951-Washington Trip. June 3, 1951-Baccalaureate. June 6, 1951-Commencement.


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Barbara Brown

Editor-m-Chief Associate Editor

.... William Bosbyshell

Business Manager

Sally Johnston

Assistant Business Manager Editorial Staff ATt Staff

Shirley Hancock

..... M. L. Strain; S. Albrecht G. Haabestad; J. Pollock L. Skow, Editor; C. Haworth; J. Cody S. Fowler; B. Willits

Photography Staff . . C. Morgan, Editor; D. Dumigan; T. Phillips; E. Carter Business Staff: A. Aikman; B. Colvin; J. Hoopes; G. Glauner; L. Pancoast; S. Fowler; D. Cress; L. Chalupa; D. Stauffer; B. Hesser; S. Paul; N. Green; M. J. Fraser; L. Peifer; B. L. Brady; M. W a~hmd; J. Rossiter; J. Brown; B. Crosby; C. Wunder J. Fanelli; C. Mockler; B. Stroud; J. De Armond; C. Hoot. Advisers: Miss Graham, Mr. Thomas.

Editor-in-Chief Associate Editor Sports Editor Business Manager Circulation Manager Junior High Editor Exchange Editor

William Bosbyshell Mary Lou Strain l\lbert Ciarrett Lynne Skow Theodore Phillips Bette Denice Sigrid l\lbrecht

Editorial Staff: B. Brown, L. Pancoast, S. Dallas, M. l\. Cialloway, N. Cireen, C. Long,

Ci. Hewitt, S. Fowler, J. Johnson, S. Osborn, H. Bedford, B. Tuckwood, L. Fischer, J. Pollock. . Business Staff: C. Haworth, oj. Melville, B.

Photography Staff: Ci. Thompson, H. Whit-




Pollock, J. Coulson, B. Skow, N. Light, I. Sharp, B. Stroud, L. Chalupa, B. Hesser.

Circulation Staff: F. Berger, E. Heap, C.

Sports Staff: L. Lowrie, l\. Schick, Ci. Haabe-

Typists: B. Crosby, S. Paul, D. Stauffer, P.

stad, E. Durst.

Mockler, B. Cilover, Stewart, B. Colvin,




De l\rmond.

First Row: J. Pollock; B. Hessel', Treasurer; G. Reininger, Vice-President; K. Gregor, President; M. L. Strain, Corresponding Secretary; S. Johnston, Recording Secretary; M.]. Walter. Second Row: F. Rostron; L. Glover; M. J. Fraser; R. Warnock; N. Green; J. Hoopes; B. Kazio; M. Taylor. TIJird Row: C. Mockler; ]. Korenko; S. Oberle; C. Long; S. Hancock; G. Haabestad; L. Chalupa. FourtlJ Row: C. Poole; B. Stroud; ]. Rossiter; E. Heap; M. McKenzie. FiftIJ Row: S. Osborne; E. Durst; J. Krumboldt; L. Pancoast; B. Pollock; M. Beatty; B. Colvin; Mrs. Neely, Adviser; Mrs. Peel, Adviser.

First Row: J. Pollock; B. Colvin; M. J. Fraser; M. Beatty; ]. DeArmond. Second Row: P. Janes, B. Phipps; G. Mauro; V. Pflieger; G. Reiniger; Miss Graham, Adviser. Tbird Row: C. Fairlamb; R. Bedford; J. McCormick; ]. Strain; E. Poeschl. Fourth Row: E. 'Venkel; B. Alb.ert; P. Janes; S. Pigage; G. Gilger; L. Meliodon.



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First Row: A. Simpson; B. Yarnall; G. Rostron; E. Duncan; L. Parris; R. Mainwaring; iVI. Kazio; B. Small; R. Schopf. Second Row: Mr. Richardson, Assistant Coach; F. Bloomingdale; R. Mossman; D. Bedwell; E. Peters; B. Parker; A. vVhittaker; R. Harris; B. Kerr; i\11r. Shopf, Coach. Tbi1路d Row: R. Beggs; R. North; R. Lappin; C. Miller; B. Johnson; ]. Rostron; L. vVebberking; B. Steimer; R. Masho. Fourtb Ro路w: C. Songster, Manager; A. Robinson; D. N'oyes; D. Schaub; O. vValter; B. Caldwell; T. Thesieres; ]. Bell; D. Howell; ]. Smith, Manager. Fift!J Ro路w: E. Hatley; ]. Barranger; R. Chalupa; D. Evons; H. Kerns; P. Robertson; R. Bosbyshell; S. Schreiber; G. Lownes. Sixtb Row: D. 'Walker; ]. Elliot; A. Raymo; R. Shutt; D. Taylor; D. Woodruff; R. Sorenson; D. Dirren; D. McCain, Manager. Se'L'e'lltb Rocu:: L. Sault; T. Fanelli; ]. Strain; ]. Charlesworth; B. Carpenter; ,\\. Hoven; B. Adler; C. Holt.

First RocUJ: C. Ford; IV. Jones; D. \Vorthington; N. Gallagher; T. Hall, Captain; D. Dumigan; D. Runkle; ]. Carter; R. Lewis. Second Ro'U': I'l'1r. HaLl, Coach; VV. Driscoll; \V. Swatek; G. Glauner; D. FireO\'ed; L. Lowrie; C. \Vunder; \ V. Lotter; H. Reynolds; ,\ Ir. Schneider, Assistant Coach. TNI'd Ro路w: ]. Stumpf; A. Charlcs\\'orth; IV. Kresge;

D. Koetzle; B. Jones; D. Mossman; F. Irey; G. Hoffman; Mr. Jones, Assistant Coach.

Fourtb Row: ]. Miller; R. Hall; R. Shear; K. ConraJ; R. Schiller; ]. Kilpatrick; B. Baker; ]. Steele. Fiftb RO'(:J: \V. Kynett; IV. Bosbyshell, Manager; E. Cottrill, i\lanager; IV. Fredericks; E. Carroll, ,\Iallager; ;\1. Minatelli, ,\Ianager; ]. Fanelli; ]. 1\lcLachlan.

First Row: B. Sack; AI. Taylor; S. Osborn; C. Schopf. Seco'lld Ro-u;: C. Fairlamb, i\Ianager; N. ';Valters; 1'. Von Glohn; J. Coulson; B. Denice; S. Molin. TiJird Ro-w: Aliss Ewing, Coach; B. Tuckwood; C. Herrmann; K. Reid, Captain; J. Schaub; S. Dallas; B. Kazio, i\Ianager. Fourth RO"<1): F. Doxie; L. Gorby.

First RO-1V: G. Phillips; G. Reiniger; E. Durst. Seco'lld 1\0"<1): A. Schick; B. Skow; B. Crouse; A. Mcrcdith. TiJird Ro·w: B. ·Willits, Manager; B. Pollock; B. Rhoades, ,Vlanager; L. Forrester; B. Joncs, Captain; B. Brown; M. L. Strain; Miss Brusch, Coach.



Kneeling: .J. Schaub; J. Coulson, t\1anager; B, Denice; B. Kazio; K. Crosby, Manager; B, Glover. First Row: B. Tuck\\'ood, .\lanager; C. Herrmann; M. Taylor; E. Durst, Captain; H. Pancoast; S. McKay; Nliss Ewing, Coach, Second Ro~i.V: C. Long; L. Abrahamson; P. L. Aikman; D. Lappin; A. Schick; A. Meredith.

First Row: B. Brown; G. Haabcstad; B. Skow, Captain. Second Row: B. 'Villits; B. Crouse; B. Jones'. Tbird Row: B. Pollock; L. Forrester; C. McCormick; G. Reinigcr; S. Albrecht, Manager; N. Walters, Manager; Miss Brusch, Coach.


First Row: W. Kynett; T. Brooks; K. Conrad. Second Ro"u); R. \,y oUe; R. Shutt; D. Taylor; D. \lVoodruff; R. Schiller. Tbird Row: \IV. Krebs, IVlanager; R. Hall; L. Sault; i\[r. Hall, Coach.



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First Row: A. Garrett; H. Reynolds; J. Schmidt. Second Row: J\Jlr. Jones, Coach; L. Lowrie, Captain; R. Lewis; D. Fireoved; \IV. Kresge. Third Row: W. Lotter; N. Gallagher; J. Doherty; W. Sheely; T. Hall; J. Fitzpatrick, Manager.

First Row: B. Crouse; N. Green; H. Pancoast; B. Glover. Second Row: Mrs. Corbin, Adviser; ]. Korenko; L. Pancoast, Captain; J. Rossiter; G. Reinger.

First Row: N. Rhoades; B. Denice..second Row: V. Pelieger; W. Ford; L. Walters, Captain; ]. Wright.

First Row; Miss Brusch, Adviser; B. Jones, Secretary; J. Rossiter, President; L. Forrester; B. Brown. Second Row: B. Pollock; H. Pancoast; N. Green; G. Phillips; L. Durst; G. Reiniger. Tbird Row: B. Crouse; B. Skow; A. Schick; A. Meredith; G. Haabestad. Fourtb Row: B. Willits; J. Korenko; M. L. Strain; C. McCormick; B. Glover; L. Pancoast.

First Row: Mr. Jones, Adviser; R. Lewis, Treasurer; B. Lowrie, Secretary; T. Hall, Vice-President; R. Wittig; D. Fireoved, President; D. Stephens. Second Row: L. Rose; E. Cottrill; W. Lotter; T. Phillips; E. Nussy; W. Kynett; J. Speyer; R. Wright. Tbird Row: W. Crothers; A. Charlesworth; C. Ford; W. Jones; C. Wunder; J. Fanelli; W. Kresge. Fourtb Row: D. Runkle; W. Driscoll; D. Worthington; J. Stumpf; W. Swatek; A. Garrett; G. Glauner; W. Bosbyshell. Fiftb Row: C. Maits; D. Durnigan; A. Aikman.



First Row: D. Lappin; Mr. Miller, Director; M. Taylor; A. Sharp; B. Skow; B. Jones; B. Von Glahn; D. Webberking; Mr. Stouffer, Assistant Director. Second Ro'1.v: R. Wilson; VV. Madison; B. Kazio; G. Dirren; B. Rhoades; J. Whittaker; L. Skow; M. Schick; N. Phillips; J. Schroeder. Third Row: S. Jester; G. Phillips, Librarian; C. Haworth; I. Reiniger; B. Messick, Vice-President; D. i\'liller; R. Clair; ]. Urian; J. Davis. F01lrt!.' How: S. Dallas, Librarian; S. Osborne, Custodian; R,. Parker; T. Eyerly; \V.

Roach; K. Crosby; L. Piercy; W. Kerr; B. Denice, Custodian; D. Smith; J. Eyster; R. Lappin. Fiftb Ro"u;: A. Meredith, Secretary; K. Reid; B. Brown; W. Campbell; F. Dreyer, K. Conrad; D. Tribit; W. Pusey, B. Mueller, Uniforms; A. Desiderio; D. Lilley; ]. Bell; M. Hoven. Sixtb Row: L. Riggs, Student Director, President; R. Lewis; D. Stephens; G. Starzman; E. Parris; G. Glauner; ]. Erbeau; J. Songster; R. Mohn, Uniforms; ]. Light; L. Rankin, Secretary; ]. Fitch, Secretary.

M. Schick, Captain; L. Skow; B. Rhoades; G. Dirren; B. Kazio; ]. vVhirraker.

B. Skow, Majorerte; B. Jones, Sergeant; D. vVebberking; A. Sharp; M. Taylor; N. Von Glahn.



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"at?z!at'n (( FIrst Row: S, Holloway; L. Mangini; 1- Stumpf, President; G. Reiniger, Secretary; Mrs. Neely, Adviser. Second Row: R. Warnock; B. Alben; B. Farley; L. Fischer; N. Walters; B. Resnick. Third Row: J. Johnson; G. Di~ren; H. Reynolds; J. Roberts; G. Hoffman; G. Hewitt; N. Ryder. Fourth Row: J. Lang; S. Oberle; V. Sticklen; S. Sykes; 1- Korenko; S. Oberle; M. McKenzie.



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FOR THE NAl )/ .

First Row: W. Songster; G. Clegg; N. Gallagher, Vice-President; C. Mockler, President; J. Fanelli, Treasurer; K. Gregor, Secretary; Miss Bigelow, Adviser. Second Row: M. Beatty; S. Fowler; L. Diehl; E. Young; M. 1- Fraser; N. Green. Third Row: W. Pancoast; C. Wunder; D. Walton; D. Crawford. Fourth Row: L. Chalupa; D. Stauffer; J. DeArmond; D. Cress; M. Schick; J. Rossiter; L. Pancoast; J. McCarty.

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c«17.·a?ux9Jw-J' Se.7ted: C. Mockler, M. L. Strain, J. Kilpatrick. Standing: Miss Bigelow, C. Haworth, T. Phillips, G. Phillips, B. Bosbyshell, B. Brown.







First Roru;: Mr. Nunan, Adviser; S. Osborne, ]. Kilpatrick, President; S. Meneely, Secretary; M. Mci\lcnamin. Second Row: J. Coulson, B. Kazio, ]. i\'1eh'illc, ]. Ashcraft, S. McKay, P. Fitzgerald. Tbird Row: ';Y. Shccly, ]. McLachlan, W. Lappin, R. Hall. FOllrtlJ Row: B. Glo\'cr, ]. h':rumboldt, ]. Robbins, B. Pollock, L. Lcnnox, J. Graeber.

First Violins: A. Desiderio; S. Dallas, Secretary; C. Essick; N. Von Glahn; B. Willits. Second Violim: J. Schaub,; B. Adler; M. Crowell; D. Webberking; B. Tuckwood; P. Schaffer. Trzmzpets: L. Rigg, Student Director; E. Parris, President; ~.Messick. Trombbnes: L. Rankin, Secretary; W. Roach. Flutes: S. Osborn, Librarian; B. D.enice; K. Irving, Librarian. Clarinets: J. Fitch, Treasurer; D. Smith; R. J\'Iohn; W. Pusey.



Eyster; 1. Lilley; D. Stephens.

H oms: D. Conrad; A. Meredith, Custodian; W. Campbell; I. Reiniger. Cello: G. Artley. String Basses: B. Skow, Vice-President; B. Brown; C. Hoot. Drums: R. Lewis; F. Dreyer. Bells: Gail Phillips, Custodian. Tympani: George Hoffman. Director: Mr. 1\-1iller.

First Row: B. Colvin, J. Pollock, J. Songster, J. Martin, G. Thompson, President; S. Albrecht, D. Worthington, Vice-President; S. Hancock, Miss Shriver, Director. Second Row: S. Johnston, P. L. Eckman, E. Gold, B. Crosby, B. Sack, E. Durst, N. Light, S. Paul, B. Glover, F. Rostron. Third Row: L. Skow, J. Sadley, B. Rhoades, E. Bergner, M. A. Galloway, B. Jones, L. Abrahamson, K. Reid, G. Haabestad, D. Kunkle, B. Booth. Fourtb Row: M. Minatelli, B. Willits, C. Long, B. Tuckwood,. M. L. Strain, B. J. Hesser, E. Heap, I. Monaghan, J. Hoopes, C. Haworth. Fifth Ro'w: R. Wright, E. Nussey, J. Speyer, A. Berger, T. Phillips, R. Schiller, J. Light, R. Wittig, L. Rose. Sixth Row: J. Knaff, W. Krebs, G. Gavey, C. Savidge, W. Kresge, L. Lowrie, R. Lewis, A. Garrett.

Barbara Messick Lee Rankin Edward Parris Linton Rigg

First Violins: N. Von Glahn; J. Schaub; P. Schaeffer; B. Adler; H. House; B. Tuckwood. Second Violins: M. Crowell; K. Hoven; R. Householder; W. Hughes; A. Norman; B.


Flutes: B. Denice, Librarian; K. Irving. Cello: G. Artley, Secretary. Clarinets: N. Phillips, Librarian; R. Clair;


Schroeder. Saxophones: I. Lilley. Trumpets: G. Starzman, Vice-President; R. Miller; M. Hoven. Trombones: W. Roach, Secretary; W.

Schlegel. H onz: .1. Reininger. Accordion: K. Schweizer. String Basses:

J. Fitch;

H. Bell; M. Eikner.

Bells: L. Piercy. Drums: R. Wilson; N. Rhoades. Student Director: B. Messick. Director: Mr. Miller.

First Row: Miss Shriver, Director; A. Jones, J. Gregory, D. Gamble, J. Gregory, J. Brown, J. Krumboldt, B. Pollock, S. Osborne. Second Ro"UJ: B. Glover, J. Melville, D. Simpson, N. Walters, L. Fischer, J. Ashcraft, M. Fraser, B. Alben, R. vVarnock, J. Coulson. TiJird Row: P. vVatson, S. Meneely, M. A. Fredd, B. Crouse, F. Doxie, W. Graff, A. Schick, L. Gorby, N. Ryder. FourtiJ Row: S. Fowler, C. Mockler, M. J. Walter, J. Newton, L. Peifer, D. Cress, J. Cody, S. Oberle, J. Korenko, M. Wadlund. FiftiJ Row: S. Sykes, 1. Sharp, V. Sticklen, L. Tansley, C. Poole, M.. Hill, M. Beatty.

This year Springfield formed its first baseball team under the able coaching of Don Schneider. Although the boys lack school experience, many have had training with the Springfield AA. On the schedule for this spring were two games each with Ridley Park, Sharon Hill, Clifton Heights, Nether Providence, Upper Chichester and Marple-Newtown.

First Rocu;: A. Garrett, D. Worthington, E. Cottrill, D. Runkle, Captain; L. Hicks, C. Maits, W. Crothers. Second Row: R. Hance, YV. Sheely, D. Fireoved, N. Gallagher, "H. Poindexter, T. Brooks, W. Loner, Mr. Schneider, Coach. T/.Jird Row: W. Swatek, H. Reynolds, J. Knaff, R. Wittig, \,y. Kresge, A. Charlesworth, J. Light. Fourtb Row: E. Carter, Manager; D. Woodruff, D. Taylor, D. Dirren, L. Sault, B. Jones, D. Kresge, J. Hnffman. 50

First Row: R. 'Vittig, D. vVorthington, A. Aikman, C. Ford, C. Maits, R. Lewis, J. Stumpf, D. Stephens, \V. Jones, J. Speyer, L. Lowrie. ~eco7Zd Row: R. 'Vright, 'v. Pusey,

vv. Kynett, T. Phillips, A. Berger, G. Hoffman, L. Rankin, E. Nussey, F. Dreyer, Mr. Schopf, Coach. Tbird Row: M. Thomas, H. Fredd, R. Hay"vonh, E. Horrochs, H. Hicks, J. Pawling, D. Neely, E. Kibblehouse, R. Swatek, A. Chibatar, R. Molm. Fourtb Row: J. Erbeau, F. Finn, R. Mark, H. Whitcomb, W. McBride, J. Kilpatrick, J. Knaff, G. Baker, vv. Driscoll, C Savidge, G. Cavey. Fiftb Row: J. Harrington, J. Miller, C. Black, L. Rigg, VV. Fredricks, R. Hall, J. McLachlan.

First Row: R. ~Wright, N. Butz, VV. Krebs, vv. Sheely. Second Row: D. Stephens, J. Light, L. Rankin, R. Roland. TlJird RO"<.~: G. Cavey, Manager; VV. Pusey, I\lanager, J. Speyer, Captain; T. Phillips, 'V. Lappin, .\ Ir. Allison, Coac 1,.

First Ro~v: A. Garrett, R. Lewis, L. Lowrie, T. Hall, D. Fireond, H. \Vhitcomb, C. Maits. Second Ro路w: E Cottrill, \V. Pancoast, \V. Songster, W. Bosbyshell, T. Phillips, A. Berger, J ..5peyer, "V. Shaffer. Tbh'd Row: "V. Crothers, L. Rigg, G. Thl11opson, C. Ford, F. Mohr, D. \Valton, E. Carter. FOllrtb Ro路w: \V. Jones, D. Runkle, D. Crawford, D. \Vorthingron, P. Hottenstein, G. Glauner, D. Dumigan, N. Gallagher. Fiftb Ro路w: E. Parris, J. Fanelli, C. Wunder, A. Aikman, Mr. Hottenstein, Adviser.

Standing: T. Phillips, President. First Row: W. Bosbyshell, Secretary; A. Berger, Treasurer; G. Hewitt, Vice-President; C. "Vunder, H. "Vhit:ol11b. Seco'l/d Row: D. DUl11igan, IY[rs. Denice, Adviser; D. Smith, R. Bedford, \V. Songster, E. Cottrill. Tbird Ro路w: R. Koetzle, \V. Krebs, G. Thompson, H. Bedford, L. Rigg, D. Lilley. Follrt!J Row: D. Dirren, J. Ruggierio, J. Gregor, J. Light, R. Schiller, E. Carroll, G. Cavey, W. Sheffer.


First Row: Mr. Madeira, Adviser; P. Hottenstein, Vice-President, D. orthington, President; R. Lewis, Treasurer; C. Haworth, Secretary. Second Row: F. Rostron, G. Reiniger, L. Fischer, B. Crosby, S. Osborne, P. Stewart. Tbird Ror...:;: J. Fanelli, A. Schick, ]. Stumpf, Sergeant At Arms; L. Abrahamson, C. Wunder. Fourtb Row: G. Hewitt, R. Schiller, B. Baker, "V. Kynett, "V. Lotter.



First Row: Miss' Behney, Adviser; L. Sault. Treasurer; B. Denice, President; ]. Lotter, VicePresident; D. Taylor, Secretary. Second Row: S. Molin, ]. Oldham, N. Phillips, N. Rhoades, K. Irving, D. Mockler. Tbird Row: D. Dirren, ]. Gregor, D. Walker, T. Thesieres. Fourtb Row: J. Hagele, G. Artley, A. Ruggierio, D. Breeser, P. Rohrer, E. Wagner. Fiftb Row: O. Robinson R. Harker, M. Wardell, E. Peters.

*-=============* Ume-ticul-t PuSSPO-tt by DANA THOMAS Produced by rhe Class of 1951 under rhe direerion of EDITH A. BIGELOW CAST Ed Hamilton-An AmericJ.n fJ.rher

LouelIJ-Baby of rhe Family Judy-rhe older daughrer Dick-the son Sybil Jennings_in love with Dick BcrrhJ. HJmilton-~he mother Bill Wilson-a catch in any season Aunt Jen-Mr. H:tmilron's Aunt Mrs. Schwartz-a neighbor Mr. Craig-F:\Cher's employer Radio Announcer

News Comment;l(or Junior

Ted Phillips Carol Haworth Mary Lou StrJ.in

Bill Boshyshell Jo Ann Pollock BarhuJ. Brown Lincon Rigg Lynn Skow CeciliJ. Mockler Jim Speyer Sigrid Albrechr Don Walton Emory Carter

___ j Don WaJron

Men's voices

1 E mary

)" Crowd of passers-by




Neal Gallagher Esthet Young

Adrian Aikman N.1ncy Green Barbara Colvin

Betty Stroud

Ca rtcr

Fred Berger Don Walton Bobbc Jean Hesser Joan Cody Cafol Morgan Barbara Willits Emory CJ.rtcr






Shirley Paul. Shirley USHERS hy Stauffer .J 0:10 Dc Armond. Hoopes. Grace Ha:lbcstad. Doror Rostron. Joyce Hancock. Florence

Ethel Heap.

at Eight.fife"n P. M.


COMMITTEE Florence Rostton. TICKET Kay Gregor. Sa l1y Johnston. PROPER'rIES



Nin""n hundred and fifry On.

Barbara Colvin. Mary Janet FCJser. Margaret Beatty. Lois

Chalupa. STAGE CREW yard Comill. W,l, . ram Songster. William Harry Whitcomb. ~ Shaffer. Gail PhillIps. PROMPTERS . Chalupa. Sigrid Albtechr. BJrbarJ. Willits. L DIS MAKE·UP Isabella Monaghan.

Debbie Kunkle. Sa. IIv Fowler.


Diehl. Cynthia Hoot. LIGHTS AND SO UNO EFFECTS Harry Whitcomb.


Ptoduced by specia I arrangement wirh The ora Northwestern Press. .Minneapolis. Minncs


The class of 1951, this sixth day of June. 195-1, being of sound mind and generous spirit do hercby bequcath these. our bC,loved and treasured posscssions. to the underclassmen of our dear old Alma Mater:

1. Bud Aikman. will permission to ride in my car whenever she pleases to Lee Fischer.

I, Lela Diehl, will to the future "new" stu-

dents rhe salutation "Happy Landings, Kids."

I, Sig Albrecht. will to each Cougar a super senior year.

I, John Fanelli, will my good marks to my

I, iVlargaret Beatty, will my mile and a half

I. Don Fircovcd, will my front seat in

walk to school each day to Gertrude Mauro.

"Chief's" class to the next guy who thinks he knows the answcrs.

I, Henry Bedford, will my ability to laugh at Mr. Nladeiro's jokes to Chip Hance. I, Al Berger, will my Pep Boy's driver's license to anyone who can't pass the test at Chester.

I, Bill Basbyshell, will my dubious math abiliry to my kid brorher, Ronny. I, Bette Lou Brady. will my size "3" shoes to anyone who can fit into them.

I, Lee Branson, will my love of Stone Harbor to "Pogol! Mcssick.

(, Barbara Brown, will my seat in solid to some junior girl who knows a good class.

I, Janet Brown, will all my books to anyone

brother. Tom-he'll need them.

1, Charlie Ford, will

my srock car "500" to

any "Hot:Rod." I, Sally Fowler, will my arr talem (') to George Cavey and my typewriter to Shirley Sahn.

I. Mary¡ Jane Fraser, will my scat in my favorite class. office practice, to :mybody who want sit.

I. J\ilary Ann Fredd, will to the next graduating class-thc whole world to make :1 living in.

I, Neal Gallagher, will my gazelle shirr to Steve Van Jim.


I, AI Garrett, will my ability to get by withdoing homework to anybody who hates to carry books.

I, Lois Chalupa, will "The lasr of the Chalupas" to dear old Springfield High.

I. George Glauner, \\'ill my position in football to any underclassman who has a strong body and'a weak mind.

I, Gloria Clegg, will my love of pegged pants to my litrle brorhers, Buzzy and Walter.

I, Nancy Green, will to Dell my abiliry to get along with t\.'Jr. Madeira; she'll need it. .

I, Joan Cody, will my ability to talk loudly

I. Kay Gregor. will my love for Mr. Madeira's

who is ambitious enough to open them.


I, Jack Carter, \viII my chcmistry notebook anyone fool enough to take chemistry.

in Mr. Hall's class


anyone who needs it.

jokes to anyone who can stand thcm.

I, Barbara Colvin, will to Bobby Wright, 6 inches of my height so he can make time with those junior girls.

I, Grace Haabcstad. will my ability to get in trouble with my Airratious ways to Gertie Reiniger.¡ .

I, Betty Connet, will anything I have to any-

I. Tom Hall, will my number "25" jersey to

one who wants it.

Joe Stumpf.

I, Evard Cottrill, will my authority over other

f. Shirley Hancock, will my problems with chemistry to anyone who wants them.

football managers to the next senior manager.

I. Don Cra'wford. will my seat in chemistry to anyone who wants it.

I. Carol Haworth. will illY drumsticks sister, N a n c y . '

I, Doris Cress, will my love for hot-rods to Dell Green.

I. Ethel Heap. will my math ability and my big mouth to my brother. John.

I, Bev Crosby, will my English ability to my

I. Bobbe Jcan Hasser. will Illy affection for

sister. Kate.


my .

bookkeeping to Marilyn McKcnsie.

I, Will Crothers, will will my will to any will for Will.

I. Lee Hicks. will

1. ~\laril\'ll Hill. ~\'illl\ll'. J\!:ldeir:l's \"w.:abulal'Y

I. I-Iaig Poindcxter. \\'ill Illy troubles to somL poor Junior \\'ho wants nothing hur trouble and grey hair.




little sister.

I. Rav Hinrichsen. \\'ill to G~orgc Hc\\'itt.

. lllY

little h!:lck hook


my shoes to the finder.

I, Jo Pollock, will my good U) rimes at school to my sister. Babs.

I. Joycc Hoopes. \\'ill

to any Junior my ability keep an empty car \\'hilc driving through town. to

I. Cindy Hoot, \\'ill Ill\' blistered fingcrs from playing the string b:lss' to Bctte Sko\\'.

T, Linton Rigg. \vill my musical and conducting ability to Lcc Rankin. I, Rov Roland. will my cross country shocs and ~igarcttcs to Lefty Leonard. .

. . . . . .--------.c---::::;~---~~ .



I. Pete Hottenstein, will my ability to learn chemistry to :lny poor sucker who hns the nerve to rake it. T. Sally Johnston, will mv vcrs:ltilirv to Ray Wolf~. . . .

1. Wilfred Jones. will mv number "41" football jersey


Herbie Kc¡rn,5.

T, Jovee Rossiter, ,viII my love for cheerlc:lding t'o my little sister, J~dy. I, Pollv Rostron, will lllY chemistrY worries my' brothcr, Georgc. . .


I. Davc Runkle, will my tackle position to any numbskull dumb enough to go out for fuotball.



I. Mattie Schick, will all my knml/ledge to 111:' sister, Vannie-hope she makes good use of it.

I, Dolores Larson, will mv scat in TVlr. Madeira's English class to :m~'onc who wants it.

I, Bill Shaffer, will my leopard skins to Catgirl Reynolds.

f, Dick Lewis. will my ability to have so much spare time to Pat Stew:}rt to do whatever she

I, Lynne Skow, will my ability to rype "0" \vords a minute to my sister, Bette.

T. Deb Kunkle. will my art major


wants with it. I, Bud Lowrie. will my "A's" in chemistry Bill D r i s c o l l . ' .


T, Jean McCarty. \vil] my position as lVIr. Nunan's secretary


some other fool.

I, Charlie Maits, will my basketball "skill" to

Ray vVolfe. I. Vernon lvIark. will my girls to Don Tribit.

I, Cele Mockler. will my expression "Hi, Hon" to Bill McBride, my adopted brother.

T, Fred rVIahl'. will pemlission


drive my

T, Bill Songster, will my ability to drive Larry Foster.


J, Jim Speyer, will my plenty of nothing to Charles S:lVidge.

T, Dot Stauffer, will my love for chemistry anyone who wants it.


I, Mary Lou Strain, will my ability to pUt my foot in my mouth every time I open it to Liz Durst.

T, Betty Stroud, will my problems of getting my homework done to my brother, Jimmy.

Shirley Holloway.

I. George Thompson, will my front seat in

T, Isabella Monaghan, will my knowledge of

English class to any poor jerk who thinks he knows all the nns,vers.

model "A"


American history Scotch lassie.


the next wee dumb

I, Mary vVadlund, will my brains in Math to

T, Carol Morgnn, will my darkroom technigue to

any up and coming


I. Lulu Pancoast, will my Jove for giving anyone a "car race"


my sister, Helen.

I. Bill Panco:lst, will my ability to dance


Judy Melville. I, Don Walton, \vill my English outline to any junior. I, Dick Watt, will anything \vorth having anyone who \V:lnts it.


Bette Denice.

I, Harry Whitcomb, will lcavc!!

I. Ed Parris, will my place in the trumpet

I, Barbar Willits, will the privilege of smying after school to watch hockey (?) practice to Barbara Rhoades. .

section to anyone who has enough hot air fill it.


T, Shirley Paul, will my typewriter in Office Practice to Shirley Sohn.

I, Dave Worthington. will my build Stumpf.

J. Ted Phillips, will my custodianship of the Operators' Club to Pete Hcwitt.

I, Chuck vVunder, will marks like mine anyone who wants them.

T, Louecn Piefer, will my love for dancing to anyone who cnn keep up with Jack Duffy.

I, Esther Young, will my worries to the Cl:lss of 19;2.


Joe to


Extreme Front: Donald Stephens, William Bosbyshell. First Row: Theodore Phillips, Carol Morgan, Sigrid Albrecht, Barbara Brown, Richard Lewis. Second Row: Jo-Anne Pollock, Cynthia Hoot, Walter Pusey, William Lotter, Carol Haworth, Sally Johnston. Tbird Row: Miss Berry, Barbara Jones, Bette Skow, Mr. Weaver. Fourtb Row: Mary Lou Strain, Lynne Skow, Dorothy Stauffer, Grace Haabestad.

As we look into the future, we find there have been many new tunes, and also the Class of '51 has been ;ery busy. In the year 1961 we find many of our old classmates doing a variety of different jobs. Sigrid Albrecht is helping her husband run a large grain and dairy farm in Delaware. We find Emory Carter and George Glauner pros pering in the poultry business in a town nearby. Margaret Beatty has set up a kindergarten in Virginia and we find Joan Cody employed as one of the "brat busters". Looking out into the Chesapeake we find Admiral Rigg commanding the "Missouri" in its permanent base. Ed Parris is an up and coming .';oung officer, and in the radar room Bill Songster is scanning the area for foreign invaders. Cruising up the bay to Philadelphia we run across a tugboat commanded by Captain Hall, and dO\m in the galley Shirley Hancock is cooking chow. In,the city of Philadelphia can be found quite a fe,,' of the graduates. Dave Runkle holds the job of catcher for the Phillies, and Henry "Stretch" Bedford holds up the ceiling at Convention Hall when the Warriors play. Playing center with the Harlem Globetrotters is Neal Gallagher, while the sports coverage for the teams is handled by Al "Scoop" Garrett, 'world famed SP~)rts \\Titer. Out in the West Bette Lou Brady is helping her husband break wild horses on their ranch. Rounding up the broncos on the range are Al Berger and Don Walton. On a nearby farm l,ee Branson and Mary Ann Fredd raise chickens for their feathers. They sell the feathers to Bud Aikman, who makes them into linings for rocket ships. Speaking of rocket ships, pilot Vernon l\Jlark has just completed his 100th round trip to Saturn, with Ethel Heap as his co-pilot and J 0 Pollock as his hostess. Barbara Brown has discovered an equation which will solve the income tax problem in one step-don't earn anything. Dave Worthington .is still trying to earr

enough money to pay the taxes on his first million dollars, and Harry Whitcomb has retired on the income from his invention, a machine which automatically does homework and then hands it in if you aren't in school. Holding jobs as private secretaries are Janet Brown, secretary to Haig Poindexter, president of the "Blow-Yourself-to-Bits" Chemistry Sets for Children, Incorporated; Joan DeArmond, secretary to Pete Hottenstein, the 99th vice-president of the International Organization of Lonely Hearts Clubs; Bobbe Jean Hesser, secretary for Ray Hinrichsen, the chairman of the board of officials appointed to investigate the living conditions of the male rats on U.S. merchant ships; Shirley Paul, secretary to Charles Maits, the chairman of the directors of the Only-Comb-it-Once Hair Tonic Corporation. Doctor Theodore Von Phillips has just published a book entitled, "Entertainment for Geniuses-Splitting the Atom!" Looking down the chorus line at Rockefeller Center, we find Marilyn Hill, Isabella Monaghan, and Loueen Peifer using their talents to good advantage. In the wings Deb Kunkle is getting ready to dance "Swan Lake" with her little ducklings. On a shopping trip to vVanamaker's store in the City . of Brotherly Love, one mio'ht see Sally Fowler, \\'ho is employed as head of the art department. or Lela Diehl, who gives weekly concerts upon the vVanamaker organ. If you look in the "Congressional Record" for I <)() I, you \\ill probably find that James W. Spe.'¡cr has established a new filihuster record of nine \\'eeks. Sail." Johnston has just been acclaimed the \\'orld's champion typist with a record of 322 V2 \\'Ol-ds a minute, Playing at Sunnybrook during the present season are "Meatball's i\tJusicians" featuring Grace Haahestad and led hy Don Fireoved. Flying the jet airlines o~ round-the-world schedules are Chuck Wunder and Charles Ford. ,


Mary Lou Strain has reached her goal of becoming the first woman president by being elected president of the International Organization of the Howling Wolves. In the laboratory of Gerber's Baby Food Company, Carol Haworth and Lynne Skow are making experiments to determine how to grind coconuts into a fine mash to feed to child prodigies.

If you looked over the winners of the Miss America contest, you might learn that Miss America for 1953 was Kay Gregor, and in 1954 she was Mattie Schick. Head judge of the contest was Fred Mohr, expert on beauty and culture. Doctor Cynthia Hoot, the famed pediatrician, has discovered how to raise children without discipline. She appeals to their basest instinct, the want of food. She is assisted in her work by Barbara Colvin, a capable and expert secretary. The future will find Nancy Green running an air taxi with Jimmy. Bill Pancoast helps to start the planes, and Dick Watt has devised an automatic pilot; so that when he flies he can just sit back and listen to the radio. A look into the New York Office of the National Bookbinding Company might find Lois Chalupa, Gloria Clegg or Doris Cress operating the machines or sitting on the boss's lap. Beverly Crosby will surely be found keeping her section of the Bell Telephone Switchboard in stitches as a result of her jokes. On a trip to the City Hospital, one might see Dolores Larson comforting her patients in the accident ward. By chance, one might visit George Thompson, who is recovering from a small accident sustained on his two cylinder diesel engine motorcycle. Joyce Hoopes and Mary Jane Fraser are busy at the long distance eswitchboard. They frequently connect Bud Lowrie, super salesman of the Lighter-Than-Feathers Football Shoes,

Incorpo'rated, with Dick Lewis who is the president of the University of Wisconsin. Wilfred Jones can be seen giving an exhibition to prove the wearing quality of the "LighterThan-Air Football shoes" by running nonstop from New York to San Francisco on one pair of shoes. At the Kodak factory Carol Morgan is working on an atomic method which will take, develop, print and enlarge pictures in one easy step. The Kodak Company boasts a chief executive in charge of taking color slides, Dave Dumigan, and a champion developer, Evard Cottrill. Among the girls who are working full time as baby sitters and dish washers are: Jean McCarty, Louise Pancoast, Joyce Rossiter, Dorothy Stauffer, Barbara Willits, Mary Wadlund, and Betty Connet. Esther Young, because of her love for horses, is driving the only remaining horse-drawn milk wagon in the country. Cele mockler has just won a prize for possessing the most beautiful legs in show business, and John Fanelli has taken over the job of writing script for Milton Berle. Bill Shaffer, the noted criminal lawyer, is working to rescue Don Crawford from the hands of the government. It seems that Don discovered a means of drawing gold from Fort Knox with a magnet suspended from a helicopter. Florence Rostron is baking pies for the "Polly's Baked Goods, Incorporated." If you walk past the right church on Sunday you might chance to hear the Reverend Lee Hicks preaching to the congregation on Famouse Phillies Pitchers. Ah, last but not least, we come across Bill "Rip Van Winkle" Crothers who has not awakened since the nap he took to celebrate graduating.


l~~~/~ ~ --------- /-:::j,. /



SECTION ONE First Row; G. Cavey, J. Martin, R. Durham, S. Holloway, A. Charlesworth. Second Row; L. Glover, L. Fischer, E. Gold, B. Albert, A. Green, E. Durst. Tbird Row; H. Curter, D. Denzler, M. A. Galloway, G. Dirren, E. Bergner, W. Driscoll, Mr. Schneider. Fourtb Row: G. Hewitt, R. Bedford, E. Carroll, N. Burz, C. Hance, T. Brooks, L. Diggins.

SECTION TWO First Row; B. Rhoades, B. Jones, M. McKenzie, N. Ryder, J. Johnson. Second Row; B. Messick, S Oberle, J. Lang, C. Poole, H. Pancoast, G. Reiniger. Tbird Row; B. Jones, D. Lilley, D. Mossman, L. Foster, R. Koetzle, W. Kresge, J. Nagy. Fourtb Ro·w: J. Light, R. Janes, W. McBride, J. Hoffman, R. Mohn, Mr. Madeira. Fiftb Row: E. Ryder, W. Pusey, J. Korenko, L. Mangini, W. Lotter, C. Long, S. Oberle, B. Greenberg, F. Masho.

SECTION THREE First Row: J. Vance, S. Sohn, R. Wright, M. J. Walter, P. Stewart. Second Row; S. Small, R. Warnock, L. Tansley, D. Simpson, N. -Walters, B. Phipps. Tbird Row: D. Riesenberg, J. Sadley, D. Stephens, R. Wittig, C. Savidge, B. Skow, J. Stumpf. Fourtb Row: W. Swatek, J. Songster, H. Reynolds, L. Rose, R. Wolfe, Mr. Jones. Fiftb Row: C. McCormick, D. Treible, R. Wittig, T. Shavney, D. Tribit, J. Schmidt, S. Sykes, V. Sticklen.


SECTION ONE First Row: H. Fredd, P. Fitzgerald, ]. Da\·is. S. Dallas, A. Desiderio. Second Ro·w: J. Coulson, F. Ade, J. Eyster, P. A. Eckman, C. Essick, M. Galloway. Tbil"d Ro~v: W. Campbell, J. Baker. R. Hall, W. Fredericks, C. Black, A. Chibitar, ]. Erbeau. Fourtb Ro·w: M. Graff, L. Gorby, B. Crouse, F. Doxie, L. Abrahamson, Miss Berry. Sixtb Row: G. Dougherty, F. Dreyer, E. Clegg, K. Conrad, R. Bleeker.

SECTION TWO First Row: J. Lynn, A. Meredith, R. Leonard, A. Jones, S. Meneely. Second Row: J. Melville, J. Gregory, J. Gregory, M. McMenamin, S. McKay. Tbird Row: C. Joos, R. Kayser, N. Hanlon, "\IV. Lahey, B. Kazio, Mrs. Neely. Fo1t'rtb Row: R. Nichols, R. Marks, W. Lappin, "\IV. Krebs, J. Kilpatrick. Fiftb Row: J. Harrington, W. Neely, S. Osborn, 'iV. Kynett, J. Krumboldt. J. McLachlan, J. Miller, E. Kibblehouse, R. Hayworth, lVl. Minatelli.

SECTION THREE First RO"<1): L. Lennox. 1. Sharp, B. Tuckwood, B. Pollock, J. Robbins. Second Row: S. Osborne, D. Webberking, B. Sack, G. Phillips, M. Taylor. £. 'iVenkle, J. Ashcraft, D. Smith. Tbird Row: "\IV. Quinn, L. Rankin, J. Steele, T. Robbi, R. Shear. Fourtb Ro·w: P. Watson, K. Reid, A. Schick, J. "\IVhittaker, C. Smith, A. Sharp, Mr. Stephens. Fiftb Row: J. Pawling, E. Nussey, "\IV. Simpson, R. Schiller, ,V. Sheely, M. Thomas, G. Hoffman, F. Wanner.

SECTION B First Row: P. Janes, J. Kederis, S. Molin, V. Pflieger, G. Mauro. Second Row: A. Melchiorre, S. Jones, J. Bristow, C. Jones, P. Janes, J. McNiel. Tbird Row: J. Hinrichsen, 1. Miller, J. Fitch, J. Gregor, J. Elliot, D. Lappin, D. Harley. Fourtb Row: C. Holt, M. Johnson, T. Hapgood, D. Evons, L. Meliodon, Mr. Nunan. Fiftb Row: R. Goebel, M. Dell, 'c. McKee, F. Longbottom, S. Dillman, A. Hart, M. Malz, D. Landis, T. Eyerly, D. Gernhart.

SECTION A Fint Ro"<./): H. Bell, D. Breeser, B. Heller, S. Brown, J. Bear. Second Row: J. Eckman, E. Exley, R. Acinapure, N. Haworth, B. Denice, K. Crosby. Tbird Row: D. Dirren, A. Gerber, J. Cutter, P. L. Aikman, B. Adler. Fourtb Row: C. Connon, P. Hill, C. Fairlamb, M. Eikner, N. Lynch, R. Bosbyshell, Mr. Thomas. Fiftb Row: A. Bricka, F. Bloomingdale, C. Dixon, E. Durham, J. Bell, H. Bedwell, P. Evans.


SECTION C First Row: S. Sandford, N. VonGlahn, J. Holscher, S. Scheid, L. \Valters. Second Ro~: M. Warnock, J. Wright, L. Smith, M. Pugsley, C. Ryder, D. Wilkinson. TlJird Row: M. Hoven, L. Sault, 1. Wilson, J. Miller, E. Poeschl, D. Kresge, J. Vogeleer. FOllrtb Row: S. Pigage, T. Tatem, H. Kerns, B. McCo\lrt, A. Ruggierio, J. Schaub. Fiftb Row: F. Montgomery, J. Sallada, D. 1\1orroni, C. Miller, F. Irey, B. Mueller, D. Mossman, C. Schopf, D. Howell, Mr. Green.

SECTION D First Row: Mr. Wentz, R. Sorenson, D. vVoodruff, C. Songster, A. Raymo. Second Row: R. Steiner, .H. Schmidt, P. Robertson, J. Strain, Wm. Parker, R. North. Tbird Row: R. Shutt, D. Walker, B. Sylvester, D. Taylor, VV. Sheffer.


SECTION A First Row: 1\1. Angstadt, M. Hill, B. Gaul, D. Gernhart, J. Johnston. Second Row: J. Karl, P. Downes, A. Conover, M. L. Eckman, J. Hagele, V. Exley, K. Aldinger, J. Lotter, V. Gerson. Tbird Row: S. Irey, J. Eckert, C. Billingsley, N. Harrigan, B. Howard, L. Clair, Mrs. Corbin. Fourtb Row: P. Herb, S. Leonard, B. Green, L. Greene, J. Falkenburg, W. Ford, J. Leach, A. Galloway.

SECTION B First Row: M. Martin, L. Murphy, D. Egan, L. Hobbs, T. Fanelli. Second Row: R. Harker, R. Beggs, H. McCormick, J. Oldham, A. Whittaker, R. Bennett. Tbird Row: D. McCrea, Miss Bigelow, R. Chalupa, D. Parks, J. Charlesworth, B. McKenna, B. Carpenter, I. New. Fourtb Row: J. Durham, R. Householder, D. Rudolph, E. Anderson, P. Hutchinson, R. Johnston, L. Webberking, E. Troischt, A. Ferrell.


SECTION C First Row: A. Robinson, L. Morroni, P. Remaley, R. Lambert, J. Murray. Second Row: H. Wanner, A. Simpson, R. Parker, J. Mickey, R. Yarnall, W. Madison, G. Phillips. Tbird Ro~v: Miss Brusch, D. McCain, J. McCormick, G. Starzman, F. Stearns. Fourtb Row: O. Walter, E. \Varnick, W. Schlegel, F. McCartney, Mr. Schopf. Fifth Row: J. Rostron, J. Smith, E. Peters, C. Miller, R. Walker, D. Schaub, O. Robinson, G. Lownes, A. Sheard.

SECTION D First Row: G. Rice, L. Simpson, J. Speyer, L. Kimmel, G. Smith. Second Row: B. Wright, L. Shirey, G. Freas, N. Spahr, E. Wagner, D. Rennie. Tbird Row: ]. Robinson, B. Robbi, S. Szemes, S. Turner, M. Waldrop, Mrs. Buehler.

SECTION A Fint Roc..;;: C. Han'ey, ?vI. Green, T. Abel, M. Crowell, G. Artley. Second RO'1.<J: L. Harrington, 'V. Clegg, ,V. Hughes, J. Manning, A. Firlein, S. Fullerton, J. DeHart. Third Row: R. Ferrell, D. Bedwell, VV. Dreyer, G. Corsonnes, W. Diggins, D. Burke, VV. Flood, R. Aldinger, W. Fatz, Mr. Allison. Fourth Row: 1. Blum, S. Barger, A. Diamond, J. Glover, E. Duncan, R. Harris, R. Clair, J. Heap, L. Coulson, K. Albrecht.

SECTION B Fint Row: R. Mark, C. Humphreys, P. Krampf, M. Light, E. Lynch. Second Row: S. Jester, iVI. Mullin, R. ?vlartin, P. Kennedy, T. Kemp. Fourtb Row: R. Third Row: 1. Lilley, R. Lappin, R. Masho, R. Noyes, R. Martin, P. Kennedy, T. Kemp. Fourth Roc<1!: R. Miller, G. Rostron, W. Kerr, 1\1. Roach, R. Miller, G. Lawton, Miss Behney. Fifth Row: K. Irving, P. Jones, R. Dell, L. Parris, R. Mainwaring, S. Kierstad, C. Lane.


SECTION C First Row: V. Raker, N. Rhoades, H. Malloy, J. Ortlip, E. Marsh. Second Row: R. Small, N. Walsh, L. Warnock, J. Schroeder, R. Studley, J. Stroud. Third Row: IV. Sylvester, T. Thesieres, R. Schreiber. E. Walch, J. West. Fourtb Row: E. Sanborn, L. Piercy, D. Ramsey, A. I'Jorman, 1. Remiger, R. Sweeney, Mr. vValter. Fifth Row: vv. Schopf, G. Horan, J. Giacoponella, D. Yoder, W. Walton, C. Sticklen, P. vVilding, D. Wilson, R. Weiss.

SECTION D First Row: B. Smith, P. Schaffer, L. Mainster, R. Robbins, N. Phillips.. Second Row: J. Urian, S. Swing, B. Hauf, G. Phipps, G. "Varner, K. Schweizer. Third Row: N. vVilliams, V. Hollenback, F. Walton, S. Davis, P. Lynahan. Fourth Row: M. Wardell, J. White, B. Tuckwood, J. Rossiter, Miss Heiss. 66




326 Baltimore Pike

Springfield, Po.

Manufacturers of Academic Caps and Gowns

Quality Counts



PHILADElPHIA 6, PA. Swarthmore 6-3366


RUSSELL E. MILLER Westbrook Park's First Realtor . ,402 N. Springfield Rood Clifton Heights Mad-6-4400 SW. 6-1809


Breakfast • Luncheons • Dinners HOGIES-ORDERS FILLED TO TAKE OUT Fountain Service and Bulk Ice Cream Free Deliveries on Orders of $1.00 or more Fresh Baked Goods Daily Springfield, Pa. 188 Saxer Avenue

DEWEY-MURPHY, Inc "Your Dodge-Plymouth Dealer" Woodland Avenue at Powell Road Springfield, PO. Phone SW. 6-3607


SW. 6-9743

V. S. DJ ALLESANDRO Atlantic Service Station


Saxer Avenue and Powell Road Springfield, Pa.

SHIELDS FOOD MARKET (Ed. J. Shields, Prop.) Quality Meats, Groceries and Fresh Produce 156 Saxer Avenue Springfield, Pa. Phone SW. 6-2206-Daily Free Delivery

Compliments of Bill and Jim Wright


150 Saxer Avenue

5/10c Store

Springfield, Po.

146 Saxer Avenue Springfield, Pa.

JONES COAL AND FUEL OIL Aldan, Pa. Since 1882

Oil Burners - Oil Burning Units Coal Heaters - Automatic Coal Heaters Electric and Gas Domestic Hot Water Heaters

Phones: Madison 6-2281


Sharon Hill 6220




BARTLETT'S ATLANTIC SERVICE State Road and Township Line Drexel Hill, Pa.

Phone: Sunset 9860


"Known Wherever There are Schools and Colleges"


1601 Chestnut Street

Philadelphia 3, Pa.


Decision Before deciding on plans for next year, check on the advantages of taking Peirce courses in Stenography, Secretaryship, Business :\dministration,or Accountancy. In much less time than you think, you can acquirc a thorough preparation for a successful career in the business world. One of our experienced Career Counselors will be glad to help you and your par"nts reach a decision about your future. Write, call, or telephone PEnnypacker 5-2100.


A Complete Real Estate Service

Sa les-Renta Is-Mortgages-I nsu ra nee Developments

Phone: SW 6-3434


1420 Pine Street Philadelphia 2, Pa.

Woodland Avenue at Trolley Station

SWarthmore 6-964B

THE RIGG SHOPPE 204 Ballymore Road

MA'C'S Texaco Station Springfield, Del. Co., Pa. JOE McBRIDE, Proprietor

SWarthmore 6-0895

Springfield, Pa.

"Serve the elite with E. Leet's Flowers"

Baltimore Pike, Near Saxer Ave.

"It's Economy to Buy Quality" SPRINGFiElD MARKET


15 Brookside Road

4822 Drexelbrook Dr., Drexel Hill, Pa. SWarthmore 6-6646

Permanents $6.50 up Evenings by Appointment

13 East Woodland Ave.

SWarthmore 6-1209

Springfield's Fi.rst Complete Television Center WM. J. PENZA * Television Sales * Service * Installation


Prompt Delivery

Springfield, Pa.

226 Baltimore Pike, Springfield, Del. Co., Pa. SWarthmore 6·7413

WALT'S DRIVE IN Hamburgs Hotdogs

Compliments or



Open 7 A.M. for Breakfast

144 Saxer Avenue

Baltimore Pike and Woodland Ave.

Springfield, Pa.

Compliments of

Compliments of

CHURCH SUNOCO WOODLAND INN Baltimore Pike and Woodland 10 East Woodlawn Avenue

Springfield, Pa.

Beautiful Gifts


The Flower Shop

FLOWER GARDENS & GIFTS Baltimore Pike at Lehann Circle

Springfield, Pa. Unusual Corsages .','.'

Phone Swarthmore 6-1600



THE MUSIC BOX For Delivery

Repairs Lubrication Washing Official State Inspection Station SCOTT and GOHEEN Gulf Service Station Saxer Avenue at Powell Road Springfield, Pa. Road Service

For the best in


ANN'S GROCERIES Baltimore and Grove Springfield, Po.

SWarthmore 6-9764

FRANK'S BARBER SHOP Compliments of



MEN'S AND CHILDREN'S HAIRCUTTING 202 Ballymore Road, Springfield Third door from Saxer Avenue

Custom Built Homes


321 Prospect Rd. SpringfIeld Swarthmore 6-1643

MAdison 3-9095


ROBERT N. CRONRATH WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR Cigars Cigarettes 83 Hartly Drive lansdowne, Penna. Phone: Madison 6-2433

414 N.

Housewares - Paints - Hardware Appliances - Glass - Electrical Supplies - Garden Tools Springfield Rood Toys Clifton Heights,

SWarthmore 6-3379

EDDIE'S BEVERAGE DISTRIBUTOR Edward Colosimo, Proprietor All leading Brands of Beer and Soda Keg Beer on Order 7 Brookside Road


Springfield, Del. Co.

HOTTLE'S CARDS & GIHS 406 No. Springfield Rood Clifton Heights, Pa.

LESTER FORRESTER & SONS 155 South Rolling Road Springfield, Del. Co., Pa. Swarthmore 6-'3149


Free Delivery

20 E. Woodlond Ave.

SWarthmore 6-0863

HEETER'S SPRINGFIELD BODY SHOP Wrecks Restored Front end Aligning

Welding Refinishing



Imported and Domestic



CONSTRUCTION Distributors of Min-Aquawater and Ginger Ale

Springfield, Pa. Phone Sw-6- 1414

62 North Front Street Philadelphia, Pa. Phones: MArket 7-3142-3143


Esso Oil Burners - Essoheat Fuel Oil -

Frigidaire Products

Susquehanna and General Coal

Phones Swa.6-0600

Media 6-0123

Case Beer, Ale, Porter Barrel Beer on Order Carbonated Beverages Free Delivery




162 Saxer Ave., Springfield, Pa.


Phone SW 6-0812

Don Eastman, Proprietor SWarthmore 6-2443

~'\\.\ff .~". lvJ.(I,.~









Photographic Supplies


Cameras Commercial Photography


They've made their way


~~ "'IPI1ERS.' tt.t.~


By the way they're made

EVERYTHING PHOTOGRAPHIC (State and Plum St.) Phone: Media 6-1263

Phone SWarthmore 6-3393

Free Delivery

Springfield, Pa.

Wishing the best


For the boys and girls

N. E. Corner Baltimore Pike and West Avenue

In the class of /51

Springfield, Del. Co., Pa.

Butter and Eggs

Fresh Pork and Bacon

Bill and Roy

Fresh Killed Poultry on order Sausage and Scrapple

SWarthmore 6-3592




Phone: SWarthmore 6-2470




Workmanship Guaranteed

RCA Television

218 Powell Road

S. Levin

Springfield, Del. Co., Pa.

186 Saxer Avenue

Springfield, Pa.







Brady Whitley, Pharmacist

14 Brookside Road Springfield, Po. (Delaware County)

154 Saxer Avenue SPRINGFIELD, PA.

Swarthmore 6-3540-41

Phone: SVV 6-1618


MARVIN A. GROSS CO. Real Estate - Insurance 616 Baltimore Pike Springfield, Po. Phone SW. 6-0511

HSPRINGFIELD PRESS" PILGRIM HARDWARE CO. Electrical Appliances - Housewares Paint-Glass-Hardware-Sporting Goods 1041 Pontiac Rd.

Hilltop 6-8448

Springfield's Weekly Newspaper

Drexel Hill, Po.

152 Saxer Avenue

SPRINGFIELD SUPPLY CO. Lumber - Millwork Building Materials SWA. 3024-360 William P. Sprengel

Phone: Swa. 6-2084

Baltim.ore Pike At Woodland Avenue Springfield, Po.

"The High School Printers" Tickets-Programs

CLARENCE F. SCHUCK Realtor Brookside and Springfield Roads Springfield, Del. Co., Pa. SWarthmore 6-0411

EVANS CHEVROLET CO. For Econom ica I Tra nsportqtion

SALES-SERVICE-PARTS Complete Body and Paint Shop We call for and deliver your car at No extra charge TOWNSHIP LINE & BURMONT ROAD Sunset 9-7840

GR. 4-6200

- Visit Our New and Modern Show Room and Service Department -

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