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MISS SARAH L. BERRY In memory of Sarah L. Berry and her years of unmatched sincerity and friendliness, which commanded for her the admiration of hundreds of students, we dedicate the 1953 Scrivener. The high ideals which she taught and practiced will linger long in our memories. Small, then, is thi s tri bute whi ch we pay to her in compari son to those thi ngs whi ch endeared her to a II .
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0/ '53
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SEATED AROUND TABLE; LEFT TO RIGHT: David C. Wolstenholme, Dr. J. Leonard Halderman, Leslie L. Taylor, Robert B. Greer, Russell E. Hoehl, Elizabeth S. Pusey, John C. Spahr, William H. Jones, Francis Harrigan.
The Springfield Township School Board is made up of seven citizens from our community who are elected by the voters for periods of six years. Mr. Russell E. Hoehl is president, Mr. William H. Jones vice-president, Mrs. Elizabeth S. Pusey secretary, andMr. Leslie L. Taylortreasurer. Other members of the board are Mr. Francis Harrigan, Mr. David C. Wolstenholme, and Mr. John C. Spahr. Mr. Robert Beatty is the district's solicitor. In October of last year, Mr. Harold C. Halberstadt, who had faithfullyserved on the School Board for 16 years, moved to Des Moines, Iowa to accept a position there. Tenof his 16 years of service to the township had been spent as president of the Board. Mr. Hoehl, former vi ce-president, was chosen as Mr. Halberstadt's successor. Deep appreciation is extended to these citizens who have so willingly given up their time to attend meeti ngs and to work on pro i ects connected wi th the betterment of the entire school program in our township.
ADMINISTRATION MESSAGE TO THE SENIORS American Democracy is bui It on the ideal of belief in the inherent worth of each individual. Therefore, it is the purpose of our educational system to give each of you an opportunity forfull growth and development. The Schoo Is are charged wi th the responsi bi Iity of passing on those values, which are basic to our American way of life. History proves no government can produce a good, secure society ifintegrity, honesty, self-discipline and spiritual values are lacking. It is my hope your schooling in Springfield have convinced you these values are basic to a good life, and you will resolve to practice them. Insodoing, you will earn your rightto full citizenship in Our Great America. Best wishes for your happiness and success in your various fields of endeavor. J. L. HALDERMAN Superi ntendent
6 SEATED: Mrs. Elsie Erbeau, Miss Dorris Dalton. Helen Walker
Seniors: Although I am sorry to see you leave our school, and will miss having you with us next year, I connot he Ip but fee I more than a little envious of the opportunities facing you as you graduate. You have been told often enough that you are facing a world of unrest and confusion and certainly this is true, but the world has always been in such a state and yet men and women have been able to find and take advantage of the myriads of opportunities that are always present. Certainly the way is not easy and our modern world is a competitive one, but if we are prepared, we can seize our opportun iti es and make the most of them. Seek all the education and training that you can, but if you cannot go directly to college don't give up. There are many ways to achieve an education and advanced training outside the walls of forma I institutions, and many of our Ieaders of today prepared themselves without benefit of for m a I college or university training. Go to college if you can but if this isnot possible prepare yourself in every way possible so that when your opportunity comes you wi II be j''Cady for it. RICHARD K. SMITH Principal
E. THOMPSON RICHARDSON Administrative Assistant
RICHARD K. SMITH Principal 7
FACUlTY CALVIN G. ALLISON B. S. Core, Science, West Chester State Teachers College
BETTY JUNE BEHNEY B. S•• M. S. Core, Kansas State, Temple University
HARRY L. BELL B. S. Civics, World History, General Math, West Chester Teachers College
EDITH A. BIGELOW B. S., M. A., English, University of Pennsylvania
JANE E. BRUSCH B. S. Physical Education Ursinus
OPHELIA BUEHLER B. S. Home Economics Drexel Institute of Technology
MARY ANN BURNS B. A., M. A. Latin and English Rosemont College, University of Pennsylvania
WILLIAM McCLELLAN COST B. S. Core, Pennsylvania Military College
ELSIE A. DENICE A. B. Mathematics Audio-Visual Education Barnard College
FACULTY ROBERT H. FRASER B. S. M. Ed. Core University of Pennsylvania; University of North Carolina
O. GRANT GOODEN B. A. Shorthand, Typing Colorado State College of Education, Peirce Business School
MARGARET G. GRAHAM B. S., B. S. in L. S. Librarian Bloomsburg Sta te Teachers College, Kutztown State Tea c her s College, Drexellnstitute of Technology
MARGARET H. GREEN A. B., B. S. English, Guidance Hood College, University of Pennsylvania, WestChester State Teachers College, Pennsylvania State College
WALTER J: HALL B. S. Social Science Bucknell, Columbia University, Pennsylvania State College, University of Virginia
ESTELLE A. HEISS Art, Pennsylvania Mus e u m and School of Art, University of Pennsylvania, Penn State
EDW ARD S. HOTTENSTEIN B. A. Science West Chester State Teachers College
ALBERT M. JONES B. S., M. Ed. Social Studies Gettysburg, Penn State, Bucknell U.
VIRGINIA D. KELLER B. A. Music University of Pennsylvania
rACU1TY EVAN G. KOONS B. S•• M. S. Health, Physical Education, University 0 f Illinois, Albright College, University of Delaware HELEN KOUTRAS B. S. Core, Temple University
SHELDON S. R. MADEIRA A. B., M. S. English. Pennsylvania State College, University of Pennsylvania MARGARET L. MARKLEY B. S. Physical Education, Health, General Science, Ursinus
MARGARET M. McMICHAEL B. A. English, Mathematics, University of Pennsylvania, Temple University ELWOOD S. MILLER B. S. Instrumental Music, Moravian College, Muhlenberg, New York University
BRUCE B. MORGAN B. S. Mathematics, West Chester Srate Teachers College HAZEL B. NEELY B. A. French, Spanish, Otterbein College, Drexel Institute WILLIAM J. NUNAN B. S•• M. S. Mathematics, West Chester State Teachers College, Texas A. & M. University of Pennsylvania ADA M. PEEL B. S•• M. A. Home Economics Rutgers University, Columbia
fACUlTY ELVIRA H. SANBE B. S. English, Social Studies, University of Pennsylvania CHARLES C. SCHMIDT B. S. Business Course, Temple University
WILLIAM R. SCHOPF B. S. Physical Education, WestChester Sta:e Teachers College KATHRYN N. SHRIVER B. S•• M. S.• Vocal Music, Temple University, University of Pennsylvania
DEAN T. STEPHENS B. S.• M. S. Biology, Physics, Lafayette, Penn State GEORGE D. THOMAS M. S•• B. S. Mathematics, Mechanical Drawing, Shop University of Pennsyl vania
FLORENCE V. TRIBIT R. N. School Nurse. Method ist Hospital THEODORE R. WALTER B. S. English, Temple University JAMES W. WEAVER B. S. Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Grove City, Penn State A. J. WENTZ B. S. Industrial Arts, University of Pennsylvania
Doris C. Fancher, Bay Path Jr. College, Mass; Univ. of Conn.
Rachel G. Desiderio, Springfield High School.
Ann M. Mu Icaster, B. S., M. S., University of Iowa Dietitian.
Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Bacher, Mrs. Tyson, Mrs. Foster.
William Gilday, Edward Standring, Charles Bewley
Theodore Green, Supt. of Building and Grounds.
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SlNIORS DA VID WILLIAM CAREY "Dave" Academic "Hey Bake. can I borrow your English homework?" Real talkative••• loves Solid class? n ..• enjoyed that New York tripl ••• oh that blonde hair I ALAN JON CHIBATAR ~~"
"Spinwheels" Hot rod enthusiast••• keeps Leamy Avenue burning at lunch time••• terrific dancer••• seen with Sonny. KENNETH CUFTON CONRAD "Cons" Academic Operators Club 4; C I ass Officer 4 (President); Band 2. 3. 4; District Band 2.3.4; State Band 4; Orchestra 2.3.4; Football 2.3.4; Basketball 2. 3.4; Softball Intramurals 2.3.4; Monitor 4; Senior Play 4 (Ticket commitree); National Honor Society 4. "Its a winnerl" Boss man of the class••• toots a mad French hom••• likes his women••• Wowl Those boots I BARBARA JEAN CROUSE "Crousie" Academic Basketball 2. 3.4 (Captain); Hockey 2. 3.4; Girl's Chorus 2; Choir 3.4; Tri-Hi- Y 3.4 (Vice president); Honor Society 3. 4; Cheerleading 2. 3.4 (Co-captain); Bowling 2. 3; Spri-Hian 3.4; Varsity Club 2.3.4; Scrivener 4; Senior Play 4 (Usher); Future Teachers of America Club 4 (Secretary-treasurer). "Hey, whats this answer?" Tall and slim••• excels in sports ••• full of pep••• future plans for Gettysburg. SARAH ANNE DALLAS "Sally" Academic Orchestra 2 (Secretary) 3.4; Band 2. 3 (Librarian) 4; Hockey 2. 3.4; Scrivener 4 (Editor-in-chief); Varsity Club 4; District Orchestra 2, 3; Senior Play 4; Spri-Hian 2. 3,4; National Honor Society 4; Bowling 2. "You know itl" Petite. hard working yearbook editor•••• Mr. Madeira's gal Friday••• always seen with Sue••• dependable••• swell kid••• next stop. William and Maty.
JAMES MILBURN DA VIS "Big Jim" Academic Band 2. 3.4: Orchestra 2.3.4: Spri-Hian 2. 3.4: Senior Play 4. "Don't know. do you?" One ofWoody'sFire House Five Hundred••• teases the girls••• enormous appetite••• can take a joke. ALBERT JOHN DESIDERIO "AI" Academic Band 2. 3. 4: 0 r c h e s II a 2. 3.4 (Student director): District Orchestra 203.4: State Orchestra 3.4: C I ass 0 ff ice r 3.4 (Treasurer) National Honor Society 4. "How about thatl" Short and dark••• Oh I can he play that violin I Makes a swell treasurer••• seen with Jack••• plans to' study music. GERALD JOHN DOUGHERTY "Doc" Commercial-general Football 2. 3: Basketball 2. 3: Dramatic Club 3 (Secretary) 4: Thespian Society 3.4: Varsity Club 3.4: Intramural Baseball 2. 3. 4: Intramural Basketball 4. "Little game tonight boys? " Always with Harry••• can really sink those shots••• never gives the girls a break••• Prep school. HARRY HENRY DOUGHERTY General Football 3: Intramural Basketball 3. "Do you have any gum?" Jerry's standby••• likes 'em short and blonde••• quiet till you know him••• nice guy••• never without gum. "Doc"
FAITH ELAINE DOXIE "Faith" Academic Girls' Chorus 2: Choir 3. 4; Hockey 2. 3.4; Tri -Hi- Y 4: Baseball Intramurals 203.4; Varsity Club 4: Girls' Sextet 4: Senior Play 4: (Property Commitree); Future Teachers of America
"Away with you I " Can rea 11 y keep those balls out of the goal cagel ••• famous for her laugh••• just loves (2) debates ••• a wonderful friend to have.
SlNIORS MARGARET LOUCRETlA ECKMAN "Peggy Lou" Commercial Choir 2.3.4; Girl's Sextet 4. ·Well. what are you gonna do?" Beautiful voice••• can be ~een on Paul Whiteman's show••• always with Pat••• plans to "e a secretary in a radio station. RACHEL EUZABETH ELUS "Rae"
Commercial Dramatic Club 3.4; Senior Play 4 (Usher). "Come on. let's get with itl" Rae plans to enter the secretarial field and make lots of moneyl?l ••• Frannie's shadow ••• can be seen and not heard. Loves to dress for gym class on cold daysl JOAN CONSTANCE ENDRICH "Sport" Academic Tri-Hi-Y 3.4; Senior Play 4 (Property Committee) "Well. tain't my fault" A m us es Mr. Madeira with those hair styles••• swell kid with plenty of energy••• future holds college and engineering. JOHN MARCEL ERBEATT "Jack" Commercial Band 2. 3,4; Orchestra 4; Monitor 4; Track 2,'3, 4~ "What is this chaos?" One of the quiet ones (till you know him)••• Albert's standby••• really can tickle the ivories••• headed for the husiness world. CAROL ANNE ESSICK "Snooks" Academic Bana :l., 3.4; Orchestra 2. 3, 4; District Orchestra 2, 3; Senior Play 4. "I'm hungry" Cute and sweet ••• loves 0) to play that violin••• partial to underclassmen••• qui c k to blush, •• will make a cute WAVE... aspires to mix chemicals.
JOAN EYSTER "Eys" Commercial Choir 3.4; Orchestra 2; Band 2.3; Spri-Hian 4; Scrivener 4; National Honor Society 4; Senior Play 4 (Usher). "Don't let it throw you, Barb" Terrific piano player••• Barbara's shadow••• speed demon on the typewriter••• Michigan. here she comes. PATRICIA MARIE FITZGERALD "Fitzie" Commercial Dramatic Club 203.4; Tri-Hi-Y 4; Scrivener 4; Senior Play 4 (Usher). "Heavens to Betsyl" Swell kid ••• full of fun•••short and dark••• always ready to help••• will make a good secretary for some big concern. HAROLD TAYLOR FREDD "Sonny" General "Son of a gun I "Quiet. but nice••• plans to be a missionary ••• sports a different car each week••• easy going••• seen with Alan. WALTER WILLIAM FREDRICKS "Head" Academic Choir 4; Basketball 2. 3.4 (Co-captain); Track 203. 4; Dramatic Club 3; Class Officer 4 (Vice president); Varsity Club 3.4 (President); Intramural Baseball 3.4; Monitor 4; Thespian Society 3.4. "You have no talent at alll" Second home on Summit Road ••• can really sink those shots••• seen driving the "Iron Horse" (all 6'5" ofhim)••• swell friend. BARBARA ELIZABETH GLOVER "Glov" Academic Hockey 3.4; Basketball 2.3.4; Intramural Baseball 2.3.4; Choir 3.4; Girl's Chorus 2; Tri-Hi-Y 3.4; Honor Society 3. 4; Student Council 3.4; Dramatic Club 2; Cheerleader 2. 3. 4 (Co-captain); Spri-Hian 203.4; S c r i v en er 4 (Co-arteditor); Varsity Club 3.4; BOWling 2.3; Senior Play 4 (Stage Crew). "You know I" Ro 0 ts for Springfield and Penn Charter••• peppy cheerleader••• pert, pleasing manner••• looks forward to being a "woman in white. "
SENIORS LORETTA EliZABETH GORBY "Goo" Commercial Girls' Chorus 2; Dramatic Club 4; Varsity Club 4; Hockey 2. 3.4; Scrivener 4; Basketball 2; Intramural Baseball 2.3.4. "Down boyl" K e e p s steady company with B's••• seen with Mickey••• always cheerful and joking••• a good driver I? 1••• fast and forceful fullback••• a real wit I JOANNE LYNNE GRAEBER "Jo" Academic Bowling 2.3; Scrivener 4; Dramatic C I u b 2.3. 4;lntramural Baseball 2.3.4; Senior Play 4 (Usher); Thespian Society 4"Laugh. Ithought I'dnever starU" Always fashionably dressed••• footlight performer••• won't cut her hair••• college is her aim••• willing to help at any time••• will keep you laughing•. WINIFRED SUZANNE GRAFF "Mickey" Academic Choir 3.4; Spri-Hian 4; Scriveneq; Girls' Chorus 2; Tri-HiY 4; Senior Play 4. "I got a letter today" Favorite Christmas carol--"Here we Go A Wassailing..... pals around with Teeny••• a brain (?) at Trig••• partial to the Marines••• plans to work for the Bell. BARTON GREENBERG "Bart" Scrivener 4. "Your colloquialism is very impertinenU" Shutter snapper of the yearbook••• just loves English class?? •• seen behind the counter at "Doc·s..... could sell snowballs to an Eskimol JOAN ANNA GREGORY "Greg" Commercial Girls' Chorus 2; BOWling 3. 4; Dramatic Club 3.4; Attendance Officer 4; Spri-Hian 4; Scrivener 4: Senior Play 4 (Usher); Thespian Society 4. "Well. that's the way it goes" Cute and sweet••• quiet until you know her••• always looking for "Dizzy" ••• future plans include being a private sec ret a r y. and then a good wife.
BEVERLY EUZABETH HAAS "Bev" Academic Dramatic Club 3.4; 1n tr a In u r a I Baseball 3.4; Bowling 3; Scrivener4; Spri-Hian 4; Tri-Hi-Y 4; Senior Play 4 (prompter) (Stage Crew); Thespian Society 4. "Oh. go on I" Up P er Darby's los s. Springfield's gain••• really worked on the yearbook••• always with Sally••• still looking for the right guy••• everybody's friend. RONALD BRUCE HALL "Horse" General Dramatic Club 203.4; The s pia n Society 3.4; Basketball (Manager) 2.3.4; Baseball Intramurals 2. 3. 4; Football 2.3. 4; Stage Crew 2, 3.4; Track2. 3, 4; StudentCounci14; Operators Club 4; Monitor 4; Senior Play 4 (Stage Crew). "Well now. it's this-a-way" A real operator••• always laughing (?) with Mr. Madeira••• Seems to like underclassmen • •• great tackle on the mighty eleven. NANCY JANE HANLON "Shorty" Commercial Basketball 2,3.4; Varsity Club 3.4; Girls Chorus 2; Choir 3. 4; Spri-Hian 4; Scrivener 4; Baseball Intramurals 3.4; Bowling 2. 3. "That's for surel" Long. lean and I a n k y ••• plays a great game of basketball. •• proves that Springfield grows them big • •• good friend to all. JAMES ARTHUR HARRINGTON "Athos" Academic Intramural Basketball 4; Track (Manager) 2; Student Council 4; Senior Play 4 (ticket committee). "I don't know you, and you don't know mel Member of the Student Council. •• always with Harry••• avid basketball fan • •• secret loves. RAY JOHN HAYWORTH "Jack" General Track 2.4; Cross Country 2. "1 hope 1 pass this year" Hails from Upper Darby••• love interests out of town••• New York trip proved he could really sing.
23 -----,---------------
RUTH LOIS HILL "Ruthie" Commercial Senior Play 4 (Usher). "Got a I e I t e r today" The qui e t type••• likes to receive letters (especially from Eddie)••• enjoys homework in Home Ec. class••• enjoys her summers at the shore] GEORGE HENRY HOFFMAN "George" Academic Football 2,3: Varsity Club 2,3,4: Orchestra 2,3: Dramatic Club 2,3: BOWling 2: Monitor 4: Track 2,3.4 (co-captain): Delco Champion 2: Suburban Champion 2.3: District Champion 2.3: State C ham pi 0 n 3: Intramural baseball 2: Ath1etic Council 2.3.4: Future Tea c her s of America Club 4: Senior Play 4. "Anybody want to buy my car?" Springfield's State Champ ••• can rally clear thatctossbar••• never has any trouble with his cars) ? 1••• Frequents Fairview Road••• Phys. Ed. in the future. EARLE LYLE HORROCKS "Earle (oil) Well" Academic Track 2, 3,4: C r 0 s s Country 3,4: Varsity Club 3,4: Dramatic Club 3.4: Intramural Basketball 4: Intramural Baseball
3· "Who Me? 11? ?neverll Holds down a spot on the Cross Country team••• seen in the Crosley or the Nash••• likes the younger set••• one of those who enjoyed New York. JULIA MARIE JOHNSON "Judy" Academic Dramatic Club 4. "Has anybody seen Tommy? I Mr. Hottenstein's pal••• Oh those eyes! ••• Always h a v i n g trouble with Tommy••• new addition to S. H. S••• cute and sweet. AUDREY ANNE JONES "Orv" Business Girls' Chorus 2: Choir 3. 4: Tri-Hi-Y 3.4: Spri-Hian 4: Scrivener 4: Senior Play 4 (Usher). "Holy COWl" Seen with Louise••• attends Y.F.C. meetings ... keeps 'em guessing••• her pal moved to Florida... quiet. and nice.
ERNEST WALTER KARGER "Emie" Academic Cross country 4; Intramural Basketball 4; Orchestra 4; Varsity Club 4; Basketball 4. "You all" One of Mr. Jones' first seven•• left his heart in Virginny••• plays a hot violinl ••• speed demon on the C.C. team••• all those "You aIls" send usl BARBARA MONICA KAZIO Academic "Babs" Color Guard 2.3.4 (co-captain); Scrivener 4; Spri-Hian 3.4; Tri-Hi-Y 2.3.4; Basketball 2; Hockey 203.4 (Manager); Dramatic Club 2. 3. 4; Girls' Chorus 2' Varsity Club 4; Senior Play 4 (Usher). "Wonder if I got a letter today?" Waiting for the Air Force to land••• managed the hockey team to an undefeated season ••• engaged••• cute color guard. EDWARD LEWIS KIBBLEHOUSE "Eddie" General "Leave well eno u gh alone" One of th e boys••• keeps the girls guessing••• quiet but nice••• loves the word "school?" JAMES STEWART KILPATRICK Academic "Killer" Dramatic Club 2. 3 (President) 4; The s pia n Society 2,3 (President) 4; Football 2.3.4; Basketball 2,3.4 (Manager); Track 203.4 (Manager); Operators' Club 3.4; Varsity Club 3.4; T rae k 2,3.4 (Manager); Intramural Baseball 2,3,4: Senior Play 4. "Take it easy" Big Stevel A realterrificguy••• swell actor ••• really hits 'em hard in football games••• aspires to be a lawyer. JACK JOSEPH KNAFF "Numie" Academic Choir 2,3,4; Student Council 4 (?'resident); Track 2; Football 4 (Manager); Varsity Club 3.4; Senior Play 4; Baseball 2.3.4 (Co -captain); Scrivener 4 (photography Editor); Bowling 3; Spri-Hian 3.4. "Ooooh. da pain" Runs Student Council••• terrific dancer••• never without a camera••• loves to laugh and make others laugh with him••• aspires to be a doctor.
SlNIORS FWRENCE MARGUERITE KOMMERELL "Floss" Academic Orchestra 203.4; Chorus 2.3: Librarian 3; G.A.A. 203: F.H.A. 2.3. "Oh brother!" Hails- from Illinois••• active in the orchestra ••• object of Mr. Madeira's teasing••• looks forward to being a laboratory technician. WILliAM A. KREBS "Krebsie" Academic Choir 2,3.4 (President): C r 0 s s Country 2.4: Basketball 2 (Manager): Monitor 4; District Chorus 4; Operators' Club 2. 3 (Vice-president). 4 (President); Senior Play 4. "Did any films come in?" Loves to dance••• never with the same girl tw ice ••• a real operator? J••• likes fish••• gets a kick out of chemistry class!? J JOANNE WRRAINE KRUMBOLDT "Jo" Commercial Dramatic Club 2; Girls' Chorus 2; Choir 3.4; Spri -Hian 3.4 (Business Manager); Scrivener 4; Student Council 3; Tri-HiY 3.4 (Corresponding Secretary); Bowling 2: Senior Play 4. "Who are you trying to kid?" Seen with Danny••• top rate personality••• oneofthegym enthusiasts••• cute kid••• quickto blush. WILLARD CARPENTER KYNETT. JR. "Will" Academic Student Council 2.4; F 00 t ball 2.3.4 (Captain); Choir 4: Basketball 2.3.4; Track 2. 3.4 (Co-Captain); Varsity Club 2.3.4; Baseball Intramurals 2. 3. 4: Monitor 4: Dramatic Club 3; Thespian Society 3.4; Future Teachers of America Club 4; Senior Play 4 (Stage Crew). "Always fooling around. aren't you Knaff?" Likes the "Small" ones••• capable cap ta in of the football team••• lends his voice (1) to the choir••• terrific guy. WILLIAM ERSKINE LAPPIN "Bill" Academic Dramatic Club 2. 3. 4: Football 3; Senior Play 4 (Stage Crew); Thespian Society 3.4. "Oh. the painl" RegUlar member of the Bachelor's Club!? J ••• lots of fun••• tops at telling tall tales••• authority on automobiles••• wolf at ease••• plans a Navy future.
LOUISE MARGARET LENNOX "Peggy" Academic Tri-Hi-Y 3.4; Dramatic Club 203.4; Scrivener 4; Spri-Hian 4; Bowling 3; Senior Play 4; Future Teachers of America Club 4; National Honor Society 4; Thespian Society 3,4. "Oooh. I'm so happy I" Good actress••• a riot when you get to know her••• always has a friendly 0) smile for her English teacher••• lots of fun••• a good student. ROBERT THRYGVE MARK "Bob" Business Dramatic Club 2,3,4; Cross Country 3; Baseball 3,4; Football 2; Thespian Society 4; Basketball Intramurals 3. "What do ya say there, hot-rod?" Likes baseball••• the girls envy that hair I •• • friendly and full of fun••• nice smile••• panial to Sophomore cheerleaders. WILUAM JOSEPH McBRIDE "Mick" Football 2,3,4 (Manager); Operators CI u b 2.3,4 (Treasurer); Scrivener 4; Dramatic Club 4 (President); Senior Play 4; Thespian Soc i e ty 4; Varsity C lu b 203,4 (Treasurer). "Aw, for crying out loud" Runs the Dramatic Club••• terrific personality••• capable manager of the football team••• lots of fun at Senior panies••• ''Mick and Mickey". SYLVIA JEAN McKAY "Mickey" General Dramatic Club 2.3.4; Thespian Society 3.4; BOWling 2,3,4; Softball Intramurals 2,3,4; Scrivener 4; Spri-Hian 3,4; Senior Play 4 (Usher); Varsity Club 4"I don't know but. •• " Full offun. •• terrific dancer•••• tirelessly lightheaned••• active in the Dramatic Club•••• likes millionaires••• "Mickey and Mick". JAMES LEROY McKELVEY "Big Jim" Academic "Silence is golden" The quiettype••• seen behind the counter at Doc's••• nice guy••• rides around in that convenible of his••• plans on being an aeronautical engineer.
S(NIORS MARJORIE MAE McMENAMIN Academic "Margie" Dramatic Club 2.3.4; Tri-Hi-Y 3.4; Spri-Hian 4; Bowling 2; Baseball Intramurals 2; Senior Play 4; Future Teachers of America 4. "That's all. Ihope" Would do anything for a friend••• active in Tri -Hi -Y••• seen taking pictures••• really drives that Nash 1 ••• her curfew is her problem 1 JUDITH M. MELVILLE "Judy" Business Dramatic Club 2.3.4; Girls' Chorus 2; Spri-Hian 2.3; Scrivener 4. "Are you kidding?" Oh. that blonde (?) hair••• always laughing••• usually has a trick up her sleeve••• sharp dresser ••• really keeps them guessing I ANNE SHELDON MEREDITH " Anne" Academic Orchestra 2.3.4; Band 2.3 (Vice-president) 4 (President); District Ban d 2.3.4; Scrivener 4; Spri-Hian 3.4; Baseball Intramurals2. 3.4; Hockey 2. 3.4; Varsity Club 2.3.4 (President); Student Council 4 (Parliamentarian); Class Officer 2 (Vice-president; Basketball 2; Future Teachers of America Club 4; National Honor Society 4. "Get off it will ya. Schick?" Neat personality••• guards the goal••• likes her men nice and tall••• a lways has a smile for everyone••• plays (1) the French horn. RICHARD WILLIAM NEELY "Dick" General Track 2. 3.4. "Too soon. too soon I" Looks for w :at d to English class••• always seen with the boys••• quiet and nice••• service bounu. SUZANNE OSBORN "Sue" Academic Band 2.3.4; Orchestra 2.3 (Secretary) 4 (President); Hockey 2.3; Spri-Hian 3. 4; Class Officer 4 (Secretary); Scrivener 4; (Associate Editor); Bowling2; DanceBand 4; Scott's Hi-Q 4; Future Teachers of America Club 4 (President); Senior Play 4; Thespian Society 4; Nat ion a 1 H 0 nor Society 4. "That'll be terrific!" Sharp dresser••• hard working associate editor••• nice personality••• really I 0 v e s those surprise parties••• partial to a pol e vaulter••• Bloomsburg. bound.
SUZANNE OSBORNE "Sue" Academic Girls' Chorus 2; Tri-Hi-Y 2,3 (Secretary) 4 (President); Dramatic Club 2 (Secretary) 3.4 (Treasurer); Student CounCil2.3 (Secretary); Spri-Hian2. 3. 4 (Editor-in-chief); Class Officer 2.3 (Secretary); Scrivener 4; National Honor Society 3.4; Scott's Hi-Q 4; Thespian Society 3.4 (Secretary. Treasurer); Senior Play 4 (Promptor); Future Teachel'S of America Club 4; Bowling 2. "Who, me?" Capable editor of the Spri-Hian••• fiery red hair••• members of National Honor Society••• quiet and sincere••• future English teacher••• partial to alumnil JACK PAWUNG "Jack" General Track 2.3.4; Stage Crew 4; Monitor 4. "Big man." Member of the track team••• quiet••• big help on the stage crew••• seen with Dick••• swell guy. GAIL ANN PHILUPS "Gail" Academic Hockey 2,3,4 (Captain); Intramural Baseball 2. 3.4; Scrivener 4 (Co-art Editor); Spri-Hian 3.4; Varsity C I u b 203.4; Thespian Society 2 (Vice-president 3.4; Band 203.4 (Secretary); Orchestra 2.3.4; BOWling 3; Senior Play 4; National Honor Society 4. "Kissing isn't sanitary. dear 1? I" Sweet and terrific••• fast with a hockey stick. •• heart belongs to an alumnus (E. P.) ••• future in commercial art. BARBARA AUCE POLLOCK "Barb" Commercial Spri-Hian2. 3.4; Hockey 2, 3.4; Basketba1l2; Baseballlntramurals 2; Dramatic Club 2.3.4 (Vice-president); Thespian Society 3. 4 (President); Student Council 4; Varsity Club 2.3. (Secretary) 4; Girls' Chorus 2; Tri-Hi-Y 2.3. 4 (Treasurer); Senior Play 4. "Are you serious?" Seen working for Mr. Nunan••• keen. sense of humor••• a 1way s willing to help••• good friend to all••• keeps P.A.D. class awake••• Oh. those poker games 1? 1 WILLIAM LAWRENCE QUINN Academic Quinnie" Intramural Basketball 2.3.4"So what." Tall. dark and quiet••• looks fOIward to chemistry c I ass ••• "Brother Quinn" in English c las s ••• actions spoke louder than words on the New York tripl
S(NIORS STEWART LEEDS RANKIN. JR. "Lee " Academic Cross Country 2.3: Class Officer 2.3 (President): Track 2: Band 203.4 (Student Director): Orchestra 203. 4: Brass Choir 2.3.4: District Band 3.4: District Orchestra 4: Varsity Club 2.3.4: National Honor Society 3.4: Monitor 4: Senior Play 4 (Ticket Committee). "Isthatrighn" Mr. Miller's right hand man••• hot rods around in that blue Ford convertible••• likes cross country••• terrific piano player••• swell guy••• future M. D. KATHERINE DOUGLAS REID "Teeny" Academic Hockey 2.3.4: Band 2.3 (Secretary) 4: Spri-Hian 2.3.4: Bowling 2.3: Baseball Intramurals 2.3.4: Choir 2.3.4: VarSity Club 4: Scrivener 4 (Assistant Business Manager): Future Teachers of America Club 4: Senior Play 4. "I just failed thatonel" Forever worrying about tests••• can really translate Spanish? I••• always complains about her straight hair••• heads for Penn State next year. ANTHONY DREA ROBBI "Toni" Academic Basketball Intramurals 4: Monitor 4: Scott's Hi-Q 4: National Honor Society. "Oh. Horror I" MathematicS wizard••• has a cute red blush ••• intramural basketball. his favorite••• likes those out of town gals. JOAN SHIRLEY ROBBINS "Joan" Academic Tri- Hi- Y 3.4: Dramatic Club 2. 3.4: Spri -Hian 4: Scrivener 4: Bowling 3: Attendance Officer 4. "Well. you know mel" Always knows her chemistry I"••• never without love problems••• has her own car••• forever talking••• hides behind Joan in English class••• crazy about horses I RICHARD FRANCES RUDDY "Lump" Academic Football 203. 4: Baseball 3.4: Boys' Chorus 203: Choir 203: Football Club 2,3: Basketball Club 2.3: Baseball Club 2.3. "Your too much!" Quiet until you get to know him••• pastime is .telling good jokes••• left his heart in New Jersey••• newcomer this year.
BERTHA MARGARET SACK "Babs" Business Choir 2. 3.4; Hockey 3; Scrivener 4. "Well?? 1 Oh. those flirting eyesl ••• often seen typing for the teachers••• always ready to race with her Buick••• sings like a bird. ANNE LOUISE SCHICK Academic "Yannie" Student Council 2; Hockey 2,3.4; Basketball 2,3.4; Baseball Intramurals 2,3.4; Dramatic Club 3.4; VarSity Club 2. 3.4 (Vice-president); Girls Chorus 2; Scrivener 4 (Business Manager); Spri-Hian 2,3.4 (Sports Editor); Athletic Council 3,4; Bowling 2.3; Senior Play 4 (Usher); Future Teachers of America Club 4; Honor Society 4. "Wait until I tell you the joke I heard last night)" Money troub les of the Scrivener fall on her s h 0 u Ide r s ••• as good scholastically as she is in sports••• be aut ifu I blonde hair (NaturaD) ••• hopes to make thehockey teamatUrsinus. ANNE MARIA SHARP "Sharpcheese" Academic Band 2. 3.4 (Majorette). "So, has anyone seen Mr. Miller yet?" Sews like a dream ••• love those white slacks••• protege of Sam Lang••• Math, her favorite••• twirls. with fire I WAYNE ALLEN SHEELY "Woner" Academic Basketball 2.3.4 (Co-captain); Baseball 2.3.4 Co-captain); Student Council 4; Dramatic Club 2.3; Choir 4;Varsity Club 3.4; Thespian Society 3.4; Intramural Basketball 4; Athletic Council 3.4; Monitor4; Future Teachers of America Club 4 (Librarian). "Let's play basketball" His dry humor keeps everyone laughing••• can really sink those shots I ••• works hard (?)••• boy with a college future. CONSTANCE CLARA SMITH "Connie" Business Dramatic Club 2. 3.4; Senior Play 4 (Promptor). '''Wanna bet?" Quiet and sweet••• works at the 5 & ro••• worked hard behind the scenes for the play••• liked by everyone••• plans to be a secretary.
ClASS HISTORY I SUPPOSE WE were rather proud of ourselves. Arterall, being a sophomore, is quite an honor. Pretty cool characters so we thought. It was Thursday, March 8, 1951, when together, we he Id ourfirst class meeting. As officerswe chose Lee Rankin, president; Anne Meredith, vice-president; Suzanne Osborne, secretary; and Donald Smith, treasurer. Our biggest accompl ishment was the production of the Soph Hop, the theme of which was "Springtime in Central Park", with music ably supplied by Jimmy Howard and his orchestra. . WITH HIGH HOPES we started our junioryear. As electionswere again held, the class saw fit to re-elect Lee Rankin, president; Suzanne Osborne, secretary; Donald Smith, treasurer, plus Ronald Schi Iler, vice-president. Our next objective was the sale of magazine subscriptions, which realized a sizable profit totaling $512.53. This money was placed in the tr"''",ury for further expenditures. Then day of days, February 6, our long awaited class rings arrived. The particular style had been changed from that of previous years to one we all liked. One dark spot on our happiness was the death of our class advisor, Sarah L. Berry. OF COURSE WE attended many dances during the year; the Christmas Dance, Turnabout, Tri-School, and others, but above all in importance was the Junior-Senior Prom, given for the Senior Class of '52, and held at the Bala Country Club. The beautiful setting, gorgeous colors, and dreamy music, provided by the "Stylers", set the mood fora wonderful evening. And so ended the year amid lingering thoughts of an excellent year in the future. AT LAST. ... WE made it! What seemed would be a long and arduous year began in the fall of 1952. Firston the docket of business was the job of officer elections. With astounding proficiency we elected Kenneth Conrad, president; Wally Fredricks, vice-president; Suzanne Osborn, secretary; and Albert Desiderio, treasurer. Thus we commenced a unified class under capable management. Next on the agenda was the annual task handed down from senior class to senior class of selling Christmas cards. And how we sold them! It might have started off slowly, but it ended up over the top witha huge profitwhich we used to finance class expenditures. Wesold well over 900 boxes. BECAUSE OF A larger class, our trip to New York had to be divided into two groups. We had the exp.erience of visiting Radio City, Times Square, and then the recently bui It General Asserl!bly building. We returned with a richer and fuller knowledge of the working of our United Nations. TRUE TO PERFORMANCE the Senior Play, directed by Miss Edith Bigelow, wasan outstanding success. The Curtains lifted to "The Little Dog Laughed", a gay comedy, on the nights of March 6 and7 in the school auditorium. Itproved to be well worth the time and energy expended during those long rehearsals. . . AND THEN WHAT we had waited for so long. The Washington trip. Two wonderful days of sight seeing and plenty of fun on May 21 and 22. While there, we vistied the Capitol Building, the White House, the Library of Congress, and many other places we will never forget. BACK TO THE salt mines and final exams. Nevertheless, we managed to pull through in one piece. TAKING A BREATHER, we returned to attend the awaited Junior-Senior Prom, on June 5, held at the Bola Country Club. Following thiswas the Baccalaureate Service on June 7. On June 8, we got together for the Senior Dinner-Dance, and had a wonderful time that ended with a rather teary eyed chorus of "Auld Lang Syne". On June 10 we graduated. CERTAINLY WE LOOK back with no regrets other than our parting friendships. We'll always thank those teachers who helped us and made possible our achievements.
I. B. Crouse, 2. G. Tallman, 3. P. Fitzgerald, 4. R. Baltz,S. S. Osborn, 6. W. Sheely and S. Meneely, 7. T. Robbi. 8. B. Glover, 9. S. Meneely, 10. B. Boyd, II. C. Endrick, 12. G. Phillips, 13. F. Doxie, 14. C. Smith, 15. J. Graeber, 16. B. Booth, 17. J. Kilpatick, 18. B. Tuckwood, 19. W. Sheely, 20. J. Eyster, 21. L. Gorby, 22. G. Hoffman, 23. P. Eckman, 24. M. McMenamin, 25. J. Whittaker, 26. R. Ruddy, 27. R. Hill. 28. Lois Abrahamson's birthday party.
I. L. Abrahamson, 2. A. Desiderio, 3. B. Krebs, 4. S. McKay, 5. 1'. Watson, 6. J. Knaff, 7. F. Bruno, 8. N. Hanlon, 9. B. Kynett, 10. J. Harrington, II. M. Taylor, 12. B. Haas, 13. J. Davis, 14. L. Rankin, 15. A. Sharp, 16. B. 1\lcBridc, 17. B. Sack, 18. M. Graff, 19. J. Gregory, 20. R. Ellis, 21. J. Krumboldt, 22. B. Mark, 23. L. Lennox, 24. S. Dallas, 25. F. KommereU, 26. D. Webberking, 27. K. Reid, 28. J. Melville, 29. W. Fredericks, 30. J. McKelvey, 31. A. Schick, 32. A. Jones, 33. S. Osborne, 34. A. Meredith, 35. C. Essick, 36.'B. Kazio, 37. J. Erbeau.
JUNE 1O,1g63
NEW ELEMENT Washington, D. C. - Professor LOUISE LENNOX. PH. D, rod a y announced her discovery of WOMANIUM, the I04th elem ent. When asked to comment on this rare element, the professor sa id that the element exists in several forms, having an atomic weight of 120. It is seldom found in the absence of man, and it has an astounding affinity for expensive metals, precious stones, and the skins of rarer fur-bearing animals.
SALLY DALLAS, recently appointed ambassador to the Island of Pelew has just introd uced the new "GibsonGirl" style. Shewill be accompanied byFLORENCE KOMMERELL. and CAROL ESSICK for mer 1 y with the Just-ice department.
JURORS CHOSEN The following persons ha ve been selected from the jury wheel to serve during the sesslons' of the local court. HARRY BORGARD, unemployed, BILL QUINN. wild animal hunter, PEGGY ECKMAN, opera singer, JACKKNAFF. peanut vendor,.RONALDBALTZ. flag pole sitter, JUDY JOHNSON. glass blower, BA RBARA CROUSE, olympic star, LORETTA GORBY. parrot trainer, GERALD TALLMAN, eX-lawyer.
A d inner was given in honor of the fa m 0 u s men and women in the sports world. Those taking part were GEORGE HOFFMAN. wellk now n pole va u 1t e r , WAYNE SHE ELY. and W A L T ER FREDRIC'KS, professional basketball pIa yers wit h the H a r 1e m Globe Trotters, BILL K Y NET T. voted best football coach of 1963, and ANNE SCHICK. onlywoman football player in the East.
SPECIAL Starts Monday in the Chronicle: The married life of SHEILA and JACK.
The annual horse show will be held next weekend at JOAN ROBBINS' horse farm. M iss Robbins is expected to take firsts in most of the events, but strong competition is expected ifBILL LAPPIN enters the show with his thoroughbred horses.
:::arrying all the states but their own, Fire Chief JIM KILPATRICK, of Pennsylvania, and Utah's BILL KREBS, emerged victorious in the 1963 Presidential election. Despite the insuperable opposition, the rwo swept the nation to become the country's youngest men in history to hold such high offices. KILPATRICK has named some future members of his Cabinet as follows: Miss BARBARA TUCKWOOD, Miss Alligator Bowl of 1954> KENNETH CONRAD, author of the revised ed ition of Forever Am b e r; JAMES DAVIS, in charge of the Defense Program; GERA LD DOUGHERTY, woman hater; EARLE HORROCKS, mechanical engineer; and CLAUDE BLACK, presently with the Mayo Clinic.
AUDREY JONES. president of the Women's C 1 u b, announced that the Fashion Show would be held on November II at 2:00 p. m. in the school auditorium. The commentator will be Miss BARBARA KAZIO, buyer ofteenage clothes for BLEECKER'S department store. Some of the models are NANCY riANLON. former circus performer for Barnum and Ba iley; JUNE WHITTAKER. fa m ous bottle blonde; JOAN GREGORY, cover NEW SUPERINTENDENT g i r 1; MARJORIE McMENAMIN, OF NURSES CHOSEN finder of the lost chord; CONNIE. SMITH, book critic; and SYLVIA McKAY. former Mrs. Tommy Miss BARBARA GLOVER was appointed the new superintendent Manville. of nurses last night at the hospiul banquet. The hospital Maintenace Staff appointed W. C. T. U. PRESIDENT BEVERLY HAAS as her assistant. TO SPEAK Miss JOANNE KRUMBOLDT. presidenrof the W.C.T.U. will preach at the banquet given in her honor by the Toppling Pear Tree L 0 d g e of the Daughters of the Anarctic Rumrunners, banquet Chairwoman ANNE MEREDITH revealed today.
CHURCH NEWS This Sunday, HAROLD FREDD. famous missionary, is going to speak on his trip to Africa.
LOCAL TEACHERS AT CONVENTION Four of our local teachers attended the convention of the Lonely He arts Club he 1d last wee k. Those who attended weteMARION TA YLOR, former running star in the Olymp ics; SUZANNEOSBORN, charge of the Didie class; FAITH DOXIE. principal of the Happydale School. Featured speaker was MissKATHERINE REID, former cat keeper at the Philadelphia Zoo.
Lets go to press--FLASHI The Nobull Prize for safe driving and sane rules was awarded to BOB MARK amI BILL McBRIDE, proving a rolling hot-rod gathers no moss. Best Dressed Women of 1963: JOANNE GRAEBER, former aerial artist who hung from her hair; GAIL PHILLIPS, commercial artist; and BARBARA POLLOCK, World's Speed Typing Champion.
Two of our local citizens have won fame in showbusiness. DORIS WEBBERKlNG is the star of the I ¢3IceFollies this year, and is making a trip to Switzerland to compete in the Womens Single Figure Skating Championship title race. ANNE SHARP has achieved the award for the worlds champion majorette.
MR. AMERICA OF 1963 The winner of the annual Mr. America contest was announced last night by distinguished jUdges GEORGE BAKER and DAVID CAREY.
TODAY'S SERVICES OFFERED If you need a baby sitter at any time, ca 11 RUTH HILL, Valley 67 8 9.
ENTERTAINMENT JACK ERBEAU, batitone virtuoso, rendered a spirited recital last week at the Josiah Q.Wanttamaker er Home for the Auricularly Deficient. Conspicious among his repertoire were "There's a Tavern in the Town" and "You'll Have to Carry Me Back to Old Virginny"
ARE MILDEST A cigarette board, consisting of MISS JOAN LAMPE, MR. RICHARD RUDDY, and MISS JUNE THACHER, who were chosen by theU. S. Smoker's Bureauas America's m 0 s t discriminating smokers, have selected MAMELS. as the mildest brand on the market. T his information was recored by MISS JUDY MELVILLE chairman of the board.
6 a.m., RA Y HAYWORTH and and his Rise and Shine Rhythm Boys. II a. m., How To Be Little and Like It, starring FRANCINE BRUNO. 1 p. m., Business Ba am in g, sta rr ing EVERETT WENKEL, president of the Sun Oil Company. 2 p. m., "How to be an Efficient Homemaker" featuring Miss Suzanne Osborne.
NEWS Dr. and Mrs. Lee Rankin are now missionaries in A f c i c a teaching Ubangee children. Mrs. RANKIN will be remembered as the former LOIS ABRAHAMSON. JOAN EYS· TER has at last returned from her trip to Michigan where she was visiting her long lost aunt. ProfessorTONI ROBBI is preparing for his trip to the planet Mars.
ON HIGHWAY HARRI NG TO N BAG S RECORD DEER Famous hunter JAMES HARRINGTON today brought down a 24 point, 350 pound buck with the first shot. "That's the largest stag ever shot in the Yellowstone National Park's Hun tin g Prohibited Reservation" genial game warden HARRY DOUGHERTY qUipped. HARRINGTON's bail was set at $5 00 • 00
THIS WEEK'S BEST SELLERS 'Why the South is the Best Section oftheUnion" by ERNEST KARGER "Popular H air Styles" by JOAN ENDRICH "How to be a Good Secretary" by RACHEL ELLIS "Why I Joined the Foreign Legion" by MALCOLM THOMAS
A misfortunate mishap occured yesterday when a car driven by Miss BARBARA BOOTH collided with a ttuck dri ven by BILL CAMPBELL. Dr i v e r CAMPBELL, who prid es himself a n his ability to follow directions 0 n a highway marker atttibutes the cause of the accident to a billboard near the edge of the road which read:. Look Now and See If You Are Wearing B. V.D.·S
CONGRATULATIONS JAMES McKELVEY, on his new rocket s hip des i g n. RICHARD NEELY, on downing 100 Mars men planes. PAT FITZGERALD on w inning the ti tIe of "The Boss's FavoriteSecretary." Alsowe must not forget ALBERT DESIDERIO'S accla imed success at the Metropolitan Opera Company and RONALD HALL on his new jet propelled scooter.
NEWLYWEDS A series of weddings took place this week at various places. The brides were JANE BOYD, winner of the national jitterbugging contest. PATRICIA WATSON, for.mer diamond ring saleswoman, a nd MICKEY GRAFF, Spanish teacher.
REMINDER Do your Christmas shopping early.
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PROMPTERS Connie Smith Beverly Haas Suzanne Osborne
PROPERTY COMMITTEE Francine Bruno Faith Doxie June Whittaker Joan Endrich
MAKE-UP COMMITTEE June Thacher Marian Taylor Doris Webberking
STAGE CREW William Campbell Malcolm Thomas Ronald Hall Bart Mc Court Ronald Goebel
Robert Mark Barbara Glover Lois Abrahamson Beverly Haas
LIGHTS-SOUND EFFECTS William Lappin, William Kynett
USHERS Anne Shick Rachel Ellis Joan Gregory Ruth Hill Barbara Kazi 0 Barbara Tuckvvood Joanne Graeber Barbara Crouse Sylvia McKay Audrey Jones Pat Fi tzgera Id Joan Eyster
The many long hours spent by the cast and stage crevv resulted in an outstanding presentation of "The Little Dog Laughed. "Under the able direction of Miss Edith Bigelovv, the play vvas presented March 6 and 7. Difficulties presented themselves/ but all vvere overcome by the cooperation of the entire cast.
ClASS Will We, this talented Senior Class, in the year one-thousand nine hundred and fifty-three, in the Township of Springfield, County of Delaware, State of Pennsylvania, being of irrefutably sound mind and body, do hereby promulgate this, our last will and testament. To our legitimate heirs, that unique crew known as the Class of fifty-four, do we now bequeath certain inalienable rights; beaming and scowling at Mr. Smith at a reduced rate, and serving as honor (?) monitors in these hallowed halls. Furthermore do we award them that supreme privilege of taking exams early. Morever, being an extremely generous lot, we surrender our cherished desks and tattered textbooks. Our accomplished and glorious graduating group wishes to make individual legacies. I, LOIS ABRAHAMSON, will my ability to get home early on dates to Bette Denice. I, BARNEY BAKER, will my stool at the Knothole to all those who want to drown the i r sorrows. I, JOHN BAKER, will a gallon of blood to Macbeth. I, RON BALTZ, will my power to get along with "Edsy" to Jack Steele. I, CLAUDE BLACK, wi II my "brains" to Richard Plotts, he may need them. I, BOB BLEECKER, wi II my baseball cleats to Pete I, BARBARA BOOTH, will myabilityto forget my P. A. D. newspaper arti de on Fri day to Tommy Eyerly. I, HARRY BORGARD, wi II my cigarettes and running shoes to Don Evons. I, JANE BOYD, will my ability to "catch a man" to any junior who wants one. I, FRAN BRUNO, will my seatin shorthand to "Mugsy" Warnock. I, BI LL CAMPBE LL, wi II my bench in shop to Don Evons. I, DAVE CAREY, will my excellent grades to Wi II iam Koerner. I, ALAN CHIBITAR, will my genius and integrity to anyone who needs it. I, "CONS", will my ability to get along with Mr. Hottenstein to Jack Steele. I, BARBARA CROUSE, will the presidency of the Olds Maids' club to Judy Schaub. I, SALLY DALLAS, will my sergeant's stripes in band to Bette Denice. I, JIM DAVIS, will leave good 01' Springfield High School. I, ALBERT DESIDERIO, will my broken violin strings to Bert Adler. I, HARRY DOUGHERTY, will my good luck to any junior who needs it. I, JERRY DOUGHERTY, will my c I ever schemes to the bright boy who thinks he can fi II my footpri nts. I, FAITH DOXIE, will my P.A.D. reports to Mr. Hall as a rememberance. I, PEGGY LOU ECKMAN, will my seat in shorthand c lass and my "love" for the teacher to Charmain Ryder. I, RACHAEL ELLIS, will my number 13 art . board to Shirley Schieb. I, JOAN ENDRICH, will myhair-dotoMr. Madeira who can figure how to set it.
I, JACK ERBEAU, will my abilityto run the 4.40 yard run to anyone who is dumb enough to run it. I, CAROL ESSICK, will myability to blush most of the ti me to Steve Szemes. I, JOAN EYSTER, will my band uniform to anyone whom it happens to fit. I, "FITZIE", will my moth-eaten jail suit (formerly known as gym sui ts) to anyone who wants it. I, HAROLD FREDD, will my "37 Cadillac to Mr. Madeira. I, WALLY FREDRICKS, will my size40 baseball pants to Jack Barranger. I, BARBARA GLOVER, will my ability to miss the bus for New York to anyone who is too cold to stand and wait for it. I, LORETTA GORBY, wi II my smooth love life to anyone who can stand it. I, JOANNE GRAEBER, willtoMr. Madeira a paper sterlizer to use before he marks tests. I, MICKEY GRAFF, will my parking space next to Mr. Madeira's car to whoever doesn't mind being teased in English class. I, BARTON GREENBERG, will my ability to laugh at Mr. Madeira's jokes to any junior. I, JOAN GREGORY, will my abi lity to take two lunchperiodswithout E. 1. R. finding out to Vicky Pfleiger. I, BEV HAAS, will my afternoons after school to any junior who wants to work on the Scrivener. I, RON HALL, wi II my a b iii ty to show movi es to Elwood Peters. I, NANCY HANLON, will my height to Bette Denice. I, JIM HARRINGTON, will a joke book to Mr. Madeira. I, RAY HAYWORTH, will "Macbeth" to my faithful teacher, Miss Bigelow. I, RUTHIE HILL, will my "good times" to any Junior. I, GEORGE HOFFMAN, wi II my A's in chemistry class to Jack Knaff on a second time around. I, EARLE HORROCKS, will my ability to get along with Mr. Weaver to Phyllis Rohrer. I, JUDY JOHNSON, will my .ability of talking my way out of detention when I'm late to any Junior havi nq Mr. Ha II. I, AUDREY JONES, wi II a II my "good
times" at S.H.S. to the class of "54. I, ERNIE KARGER, will my Pogo Button to Bob Sorenson. I, BARBARAKAZIO, will my love for the Air Force to any junior who enjoys writing letters every night. I, ED KIBBLEHOUSE, will my motor scooter to Mr. Madeira. I, JIM KI LPATRICK, wi II my football helmet to anyone with a head big enough to fit it. I, JACK KNAFF, will myabi lity to go steady with beautiful girls to Richard {Lover} Shutt. I, FLORENCE KOMMERELL, will myability of not talking in class to Carole Jones. I, BILL KREBS, will my headaches, broken projectors, and all the other mess that goes with the Operators Club. I, JOANN KRUMBOLDT, will my ability to stay up until 3 o'clock doing a P.A.D. booklet {toothpicks included to keep the eyes open} to anyone who lets his work go to the last minute. I, BILL KYNETT, will the build formerly bequeathed from Dave Worthington to Joe Stumpf and to me, to Bi II Carpenter. I, JOAN LAMPE, will my love for Lincoln High to anyone. I, BILL LAPPIN, willmyseatatthe "Knot" to Dick Shear. I, LOUISE LENNOX, will my propensity for being late to anyone who is unfortunate enough to acquire it. I, BOB MARK, will my seat in Office Practice to Fred Dreyer· I, MICK McBRIDE, will leave, finally! I, SYLVIA McKAY, will my abilitytodrive to Nancy Spahr. I, JIM McKELVEY, will my ability to pass physics to Cliff Connon. I, MARG IE McME NAMI N, wi II to so m e plane geometry student myabi lity to understand the Ethem theorem. I, JUDY MELVILLE, wilimyabilitytogeta driver's license without my own car to my sister, Kay. I, SHEILA MENEELY, will my good attendance record to anyone who needs a day off. I, ANNE MEREDITH, will mygoaliepadsto any hockey player who has enough nerve to wear them. I, SUE OSBORN, wi II my abi lity to get along with Mr. Miller to Bette Denice {she'll need it}. I, SUE OSBORNE, will all Spri-Hian troubles to any who hasn't enough work in his senior year. I, DICK NEELY, wm Macbeth and all his
friends to the lucky English class of '54. I, JACK PAWLING, will to Judy Oldham a yellow convertible. I, GAIL PHILLIPS, will my shelf on the Greyhound bus to whomever it fits. I, BARBARA POLLOCK, wi II my consistent ability to fiunk chemistry to anyone foolish enough to take it. I, BI LL QUI NN, wi II a can of fresh Crisco to Mr. Madeira for his "frying pan." I, LEE RANKIN, will all my "clinkers" 'to Wi Ison Roach. I, KATHERINE REID, will mygymsuittoany seventh grader small enough to get into it. I, TONI ROBBI, will my cigar butts to Jungle. I, JOAN ROBBINS, will my ability to tuik to my sister Rhoda, who will probably beat me. I, RICHARD RUDDY, will all my broken test tubes to Mr. Hottenstein. I, BABS SACK, will my love troubles to Patsy Hill. I, ANNE SCHICK, will my great ability to score goa Is in hockey, and to fou lout in every basketball game to Jo-Ann Robinson. I, ANNE SHARP, will my typewriter and "special" language for typing class to Larry Morroni. I, WAYNE SHEELY, will No.3 uniform to Bill Faulkner, the only basketball player small enough to fit into it. I, CONNIE SMITH, will my name "Smith," toJoanFalkenburg,andmyambitiontowrite a good letter in office-practice which will please Mr. Schmidt, to my sister, Joyce. I, JERRY TALLMAN, willtoMr. Hottenstein one half box of tropical fish foods. I, MARIAN TAYLOR, will my ability to make burnt food in home-ec to anyone who an stomach it. I, JUNE THATCHER, will my red jacket to Nan Doering, who wi II keep up the cleaning bill. I, MALCOLM THOMAS, will my quiet ways to any loud junior. I, BARBARA TUCKWOOD, wi II to my sister, Beverly, my half-interest in the left halfback position on the hockey team. I, PAT WATSON, will my ability to waste time in study hall to Pat Janes. I, DORIS WEBBERKING, will my ability to acquire a size 15 ring to Helen Malloy. I, EVERETTWENKEL, will my girls of S.H.S. to Ray McDonald. I, JUNE WHITTAKER, wi II to my brother, Art, a seat in Miss Bigelow's class.
To this, our last will and testament, dowe the noble class of '53, affix our hand and seal, this 10th day of June. Notary Public: Toni Robbi Register of Wi lis: Albert Desiderio Witnesses: Mrs. Denice, Mr. Jones, Mr. Hottenstein Justice-of-the-Peace: Anne Schick Prothonotary: Jim Davis
Mr. Kenneth Conrad President of the Class of 1953
FIRST ROW: B. McBride, 1. Knaff, B. Glover, S. Dallas, S. Osborn, G. Phillips, B. Greenberg. SECOND ROW: Mr. Walter, B. Pollock, B. Haas, S. Osborne, M. Taylor, B.. Kazio. THIRD ROW: A. Meredith, L. Abrahamson, N. Hanlon, L. Lennox, B. Tuckwood.
Sally Dallas, Editor in Chief; Sue Osborn, Associate Editor; Anne Schick, Business Manager; Katherine Reid. Assistant Business Manager.
FIRST ROW: 1. Gregory, K. Reid, A. Schick, J. Robbins, J. Graeber. SECOND ROW: J. Eyster, J. Krumboldt, P. Fitzgerald, S. McKay, B. Sack, J. Melville. THIRD ROW: Mt. Thomas, M. Graff, B. Crouse, S. Meneely, L. Gorby, A. Jones.
FIRST ROW: A. Meredith, R. Hall, L. Abrahamson, Vice-president; J. Knaff, President; L. Sault, Treasurer; S. Molin, Secretary; Mr. Madeira, Advisor. SECOND ROW: B. Pollock, B. Glover, N. Harrigan, S. Palmer, G. Phipps, N. Hayworth, 1. Wright, R. Acinapura. THIRD ROW: 1. Gregor, D. Dirren, T. Thesieres, S. Fullerton, D. Woodruff, 1. Harrington, E. Troischt. FOURTH ROW: O. Robinson, W. Sheely, W. Kynert, B. Hauf, B. Howard, 1. Lotter, G. Lawton, W. Diggins, G. Rostron, L. Hobbs.
FIRST ROW: G. Phillips, 1. Kilpatrick, Vice-president; B. Pollock, President; S. Osborne, Secretary-Treasurer; W. Kynett. SECOND ROW: Mr. Nunan, Honorary Member; S. McKay, S. Osborn, A. Bricka, 1. McNeil, Miss Bigelow, Sponsor. THIRD ROW: W. McBride, E. Horrocks, R. Mark, W. Lappin. W. Sheely. FOURTH ROW: 1. Graeber, L., Lennox, M. McMenamin, 1. Gregory.
Vol. XXII-No.2
,vas .,eated gro. last y"<,, ~ ",.0gram. The cheml~ .. choir, capably directed by Miss wrong? Couldn't Schrivpr. rhn, deep into their magmolecular weight .. uresenting to us it? as "The Carol FIRST ROW: Mr. Madeira, S. Dallas, Exchange Editor; L. Abrahamson, Assistant Editor; S. Osborne, ., During the The rain d Editor-in-Chief; A. Schick, Sports Editor; A. Meredith, J. Knaff. SECOND ROW: S. Osborn, G. Phillips, the spirits 0 19, the choir B. Haas, B. Heller, V. pfJeiger, S. Molin, J. Marcheson, B. Denice. THIRD ROW; C. Essick, M. "Out of this for the eveMcMenamin, J. Davis, D. McCrae, F. Bloomingdale, E. Raymo, L. Lennox. FOURTH ROW; N. Harrigan, Dance. The I, man, who ofB. Pollock, B. Tuckwood, J. Robbins, L. Murphy, J. Schaub, B. Glover. attire seemed Perfect Gift." with evening gv uurStauulllg was the duet VyvU .rtov~l~ires. cuukids! sung by Joanne Krumboldt and Jack Knaff. They sang the magDig that 1.U1.-.--"Jesus, Sylvest' -l\y him e hr'
-rcligiou$ Lord Bll"'"
December This movement was 19-5chool closes f"~ - ........... ;~I vacation 20-Christmas FIRST ROW: Mr. Madeira, J. Eyster, J. Gregory, J. Krumboldt, Business Manager; S. Szemes, B. Crouse, Delta Phi N. Hanlon. SECOND ROW; C. Jones, M. Taylor, B. Kazio, P. Evans, M. Pugsley, J. Sallada. L. Walters. J; J. Wright. THIRD ROW; J. Hagele, F. Doxie, S. Meneely, M. Graff, K. Reid, A. Jones. 5-Return to ~ 26-Mid-year Ex...
the ~rollp pn'Tide OYE'nur"," the l"\"l'ning" of (,h ri~t 11l;l~ etet. .miZ;lliol1.
FIRST ROW: Mr. Nunan, Sponsor; B. Glover, L. Abrahamson, L. Rankin, S. Osborne, B. Crouse, Mr. Weaver, Sponsor. SECOND ROW: 1. Eyster, C. Herrmann, K. Conrad, A. Desiderio, S. Dallas, 1. Schaub. THIRD ROW: A. Meredith, A. Schick, L. Sault, T. Robbi, M. Hoven, 1. Fitch, L. Lennox. FOURTH ROW: B. Denice, G. Phillips, S. Osborn, J. Wright.
SEATED: L. Abrahamson, T. Robbi, S. Osborne. STANDING: B. Denice, S. Osborn.
FIRST ROW: 1. Miller, B. Pollock, B. Crouse, S. Osborne, President; 1. Schaub, 1. Krumboldt, 1. Endrich. SEC0ND ROW: A. Ruggerio, C. Schopf, C. Jones, B. Kazio, P. Evans, 1. Marcheson, N. Hayworth, F. Bruno. THIRD ROW: L. Abrahamson, C. Fairlamb, F. Doxie, S. Meneely, M. Graff, M. McMenamin, Mrs. Neely. FOURTH ROW: L. Meliodon, M. Maltz, M. Taylor, B. Tuckwood, 1. Robbins, B. Glover, W. Ford, M. Eikner. FIFTH ROW: B. Haas, A. Sloat, L. Lennox, A. Jones, B. Green, D. Landis, M. Hill, P. Fitzgerald.
FIRST ROW: Miss Graham, D. Bedwell, B. Green, E. Wenkel, D. Landis, E. G. Phipps, S. Molin, L. Walters, G. Mauro, 1. Wright, S. Jester, 1. Bristow, 1. Hull, C. Kopf, p. Jynahan, E. Poeschl, C. Fairlarnb, R. Householder, B. ROW: P. Herb, 1. Schaub, S. Palmer, W. Ford, B. Heller, F. Figarola, V.
Peters, L. Meliodon. SECOND ROW: G. Wenkel. THIRD ROW: J. GrcgM, Lambert, R. Archambault. FOlll,Tl-1 Pflieger.
FIRST ROW: Miss Brusch, A. Schick, A. Meredith, President; B. Glover, N. Hanlon. SECOND ROW: B. Pollock,
1. Schaub, G. Phillips, M. Taylor, B. Kazio, B. Denice. THIRD ROW: F. Doxie, B. Crouse, L. Abrahamson. FOURTH ROW: B. Tuckwood, 1. Robinson, K. Reid, L. Gorby, N. Von Glahn, S. Dalla~
FIRST ROW: Mr. Jones, D. Woodruff, E. Karger, W. Fredericks, President; W. McBride, M. Hoven, 1. Erbeau. SECOND ROW: 1. Dougherty, W. Sheely, 1. Strain, R. Baltz, L. Rankin, G. Hoffman. THIRD ROW: R. Shutt, D. Dir:en, W. Krebs, W. Carpenter, R. Chalupa, 1. Knaff, L. Sault. FOURTH ROW: W. Kynett, 1. Kilpatrick, 1. Holscher, R. Mark, D. Walker, E. Horrocks, D. Taylor, H. Kerns.
FIRST ROW: G. Hoffman, 1. Pawling, Mr. Hottenstein, R. Hall, J. Erbeau. SECOND ROW: E. Wenkle, W. Kynett, W. Sheely, K. Conrad, J. Baker, L. Rankin. THIRD ROW: C. Black, T. Robbi, W. Fredericks, W. Krebs.
ST ANDING: W. Krebs, President. FIRST ROW: W. McBride, J. Strain, J. Kilpatrick, F. Bloomingdale, E. Peters. J. Gregor. SECOND ROW: Mrs. Denice, R. Bosbyshell, K. Conrad, J. Ruggerio, F. Dreyer. THIRD ROW; D. Dirren, W. Sheffer, J. Elliott, R. Nichols, R. Hall, R. Sylvester.
FIRST ROW: Miss Bigelow, B. Pollock, W. McBride, President; S. Osborne, S. Meneely. SECOND ROW: S. McKay, B. Haas, J. Gregory, 1. Robbins, P. Fitzgerald, 1. Melville. THIRD ROW: 1. Dougherty, R. Mark, W. Lappin, 1. Kilpatrick, E. Horrocks. FOURTH ROW: L. Lennox, R. Ellis, M. McMenamin, A. Schick, L. Gorby, C. Smith, 1. Graeber.
FIRST ROW: A. Sloat, D. Landis, C. Jones, President; D. Sullivan, 1. McNeil. SECOND ROW: A. Desiderio, C. Schopf, C. McKee, A. Bricka, 1. Sallada, Mrs. Neely. THIRD ROW: R. North, F. Bloomingdale, F. Dreyer, 1. Hinrichson, S. Szemes. FOURTH ROW: P. Wiest, 1. Schaub, H. Bell, C. Herrmann, R. Wells, -r. Miller, M. Malz,. D. Wilkinson, R. "Bosbyshell.
FIRST ROW: N. Harrigan, W. Ford, O. Robinson, B. Carpenter, President; C. Kopf, 1. Eckert, Mr. NWlan. SECOND ROW: 1. DiLacqua, E. Kerns, D. Rennie, C. Davidson, B. Evangelista, G. Horrocks, B. Gaul, L. Kimmel. THIRD ROW: W. Alber, P. Downes, E. Peters, L. Hobbs, T. Fanelli, D. Richards, E. Troischt, I. New, D. Marin. FOURTH ROW: 1. Hull, M. Hill, B. Howard, 1. Lotter, 1. Dunbrack, B. Robbi, S. Szemes, 1. Hiddeman, 1. Bauman, B. Johnston. FIFTH ROW: L. Murphy, P. Rohrer, 1. Leach, E. Raymo, C. Fredericks, J. Falkenberg, V. Gerson, E. Wagner, C. Billingsly.
FIRST ROW; C. Harvey, F. Figarola, R. Robbins, President; S. Kierstead, Miss Burns. SECOND ROW: G. Phipps, S. Swing, M. Wardell, 1. Mascher, 1. Blum, A. Norman. THIRD ROW: R. Noyes, 1. Gengenbach, S. Fullerton, P. Lynahan, A. Diamond.
A. DeSiderio, S. Dallas, C. Essick, N. VonGlahn, H. Adler, E. Karger, 1. Schaub, B. Adler, P. Schaffer, B. Tuckwood, M. Crowell, K. Hoven, 1. Schwan, B. Worthington, W. Hughes, R. Householder, 1. Hagele, F. Kommerell, M. Baker, P. Stein, G. Starzmann, R. Miller, M. Hoven, L. Rankin, W. Roach, 1. Lampert, S. Osborn, Presidenr; B. Denice, K. Irving, L. Piercy, N. Phillips, J. Davis, 1. Urian, 1. Schroeder, B. Muller, 1. Lilley, F. Behrle, K. Conrad, A. Meredith, K. Crosby, G. Habicht,1. Erbeau,1. Fitch, K. Aldinger, 1. Eckert, A. Karpinski, M. Taylor, S. Davis, E. Willits, R. Wilson, N. Rhoades, G. Phillips, K. Schweizter, N. Piercy, S. Poindexter, p. Hoehl, J. Hagele, Director, Mr. Miller.
FIRST ROW: K. Rice, H. Danner, R. Miller, G. Srarzmann. SECOND ROW: W. Schlegel, T. Eyerly, W. Roach, L. Rankin.
FIRST ROW: L. DeSantis, A. Gerber, 1. Strain, 1. Puliti, G. Baker, W. Krebs, President; B. Booth, G. Gilger, W. Sheely, F. Doxie, 1. Holscher. SECOND ROW: Miss Schriver, R. Hill, J. Eyster, B. Heller, P. Evans, V. pflieger,. S. Molin, N. Hayworth, 1. Marcheson, 1. Wright, R. Acinapura. 1. Eckman. THIRD ROW: 1. Barranger, R. Chalupa, R. Sauer, 1. Elliot, L. Sault, J. Knaff, D. Taylor, D. Dirren, O. Walter, D. Woodruff, T. Hapgood, W. Fredericks. FOURTH ROW: A. Jones, S. Brown, S. Pigage, B. Tuckwood, J. Boyd, J. Krumboldt, B. Glover, S. Scheid, C. Ryder, P. Hill, B. Sack, C. Scipione. FIFTH ROW: P. Aikman, D. Lappin, L. Abrahamson, M. Graff, B. Kynett, F. Coe, R. Plotts, C. Songster, M. Dell, B. Parker, K. Reid, M. Eikner, B. Crouse, N. Hanlon.
FIRST ROW: G. Horrocks, N. Spahr, L. Simpson, P. Rohrer, B. Evangelista, P. Downes, S. Szemes, G. Freas, V. Bellini. SECOND ROW: Miss Schriver, M. Rost, J. Johnson, D. Ge,nhart, E. Kerns, J. Oldham, 1. Speyer, J. DiLacqua,1. Bristow, M. Angstadt. THIRD ROW: V. Gerson, J. Robinson, L. Clair, N. Harrigan, P. Herb, M. Martin, C. Billingsly, L. Murphy, E. Wagner, L. DiLacqua, G. Mauro. FOuRTH ROW: D. McCrea, J. Dunbrack, K. Aldinger, L. Green, 1. Karl, B. McKenna, 1. Lotter, C. Herlillann, L. Shirey, D. Etherington, S. Steinfeldt, 1. Leach, B. Robbi.
FIRST ROW: B. Glover, B. Crouse, Co-captains. SECOND ROW: L. Claire, B. Heller, B. Tuckwood, Mrs. Beuhler, C. Herrmann, V. Pflieger. W. Ford.
N. Piercy, S. Gervin, H. Malloy, Mrs. Buehler, N. Phillips, C'lptain; M. Light. R. Greene.
LEFT TO RIGHT: S. Brown, D. Webberking, Sergeanr; A. sharp, Majorerte; M. Taylor, Sergeant; N. von Glahn. KNEELING: S. Davis.
LEFT TO RIGHT: B. Kazio, Co-Captain;J. Whirtaker, Co-Captain; 1. Wilson, J. Hagele, E. Willits, M. Pugsley.
FIRST ROW; A. Sharp, B. Murray, B. Gates, T. Rankin, J. Hedl, L. LeCalsey, C. Crowder. B. Bell, A. Remaley, 1. Lampert, E. Baket, E. Evans, R. Gattey, Mr. Miller. SECOND ROW: D. Webberking, R. Smith, D. Dunbrack, K. North, J. Urian, B. Denice, R. Fancher, 1. Samuels, R. Neely, 1. Lindley, R. Hoopman, L. Davis, M. Pugsley. THIRD ROW: M. Taylor, A. Desiderio, S. Nagele, J. Kohut, N. Rhoades, S. Poindexter, D. Breezer, 1. Glover, S. Fell, S. Jester, L. Tatem, N. Phillips, K. Crosby, E. Willits. FOURTH ROW: N. von Glahn, L. Rankin, T. Eyerly, H. Adler, J. Schroeder, R. Wilson, L. Shirey, S. Dallas, C. Essick, S. Osborn, M. Crowell, G. Phillips, J. Hagele. FIFTH ROW: J. Barranger, W. Roach, B. Mueller, R. Lappin, J. Davis, A. Meredith, K. Reid, K. Hoven, L. Piercy, B. Tuckwood, R. Miller. SIXTH ROW: S. Brown, S. Davis, H. Gates, W. Schlegel, J. Fitch, D. Lappin, F. Behrle, 1. Lilley, J. Erbeau, B. Kazio, 1. Whittaker, 1. Wilson.
Lee Rankin, student director and Mr. Elwood S. Miller, director.
FIRST ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: B. Lappin, J. Kilpatrick, R. Hall, K. Conrad, W. Kynett, captain; R. Baltz, R. Ruddy, B. Baker, Mr. Koons, coach. SECOND ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Mr. Jones, coach, A. Whittaker, J. Bell, T. Camerate, R. Yarnall, R. Howell, H. Kerns, R. Parker, D. Morroni, Mr. Bell, coach. THIRD ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: T. Fanelli, T. Hapgood, D. Harley, P. Robertson, J. Strain, R. Singley. R. North, B. Adler, A. Raymo. FOURTH ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: C. Songster, manager, D. Walker, D. Taylor. M. Hoven, S. Szemes, B. Walter, L. Mossman, D. Woodruff, F. Montgomery, J. Holscher, manager. FIFTH ROW. LEFT TO RIGHT: D. Kresge. B. Carpenter, G. Eberly, R. Shutt, R. Chalupa, D. Dirren, R. MacDonald, G. Starzmann, L. Sault, J. Steele. SIXTH ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: B. McBride, manager, J. Knaff, manager, J. Elliot, manager.
Our football squad turned out lost fall to be greeted by our new head coach, Mr. Evon Koonz. Practice began late in August and by the end of September the boyswere ready to go We dropped a close one to Prospect Pork, 13-6 and another to Yeadon before we measured Nether Providence, 18-0. Swarthmore beat us at home, but the following Saturday we topped Lansdowne in a thri Iler, 29-12. That was the extent of the Blue & Gold's fortunes for the remainder of the gridiron season. Successive defeats by Clifton Heights, Ridley Pork, Sharon Hill, and Marple-Newtown followed giving us on overall record of two victories against seven defeats. Much credit is due the boys and coaching stoff, however. The team played hard and the ~ames were characterized by good sportsmanship and fine teamwork. Many underclassmen sow lction and should be ready next fall to give our school on experienced, fighting team.
Bi II Kynett, Captain
jim Ki Ipatrick
Ron Hall
Ken Conrad
JUNIOR HIGH FOOTBALL SQUAD FIRST ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: R. Walker, R. Harris, W. Sylvester, J. snyder, D. Burke, T. Thesieres, P. Kennedy, W. Roach, G. Romon. SECOND ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Mr. Schopf, R. Schopf, W. Dryer, J. Mason, S. Sanborn, W. Faulkner, R. Small, R. Campanaro, Mr. Morgan. THIRD ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: M. Kazio, A. Sandell, J. Adams, D. Rex, E. Evans, D. Troischt, L. Snyder, R. Sault, J. Kederis. FOURTH ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: J. Sylvester, D. Gorby, R. Clair, D. Mockler, R. Kazio, B. Sullivan, K. Lownes, J. Mossman. FIFTH ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: R. Smith, A. Guckes, J. Camerote, R. Turner, J. Gregory, D. Downes, L. Logan, R. Mainwaring, A. Wells. SIXTH ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: 1. Davis, manager, R. Sweeney, R. Noyes, R. Lappin, R. Woodruff, R. Miller, J. Stroud, m~naQer.
Barney Baker
Ron Baltz
Richard Ruddy
Bi II Lappin
FIRST ROW: M. Taylor, B. Glover, G. Phillips, Captain; N. von Glahn, B. Denice. SECaND ROW: C. Fairlamb, Manager; S. Dallas, K. Reid, B. Tuckwood, B. Pollock, B. Kazio, Manager. THIRD ROW: A. Schick, F. Doxie, 1. Schaub, Miss Brusch, Coach; 1. Robinson, A. Meredith, B. Crouse.
HOCKlY HOCKEY SCHEDULE 1952 Miss Jane Brusch
SHS 1 2
3 4 1 9 1 2
Swarthmore Nether Proy. Prospect Park Ridley Park Media Marple-Newt. Yeadon Clifton
Barbara Crouse
Anne Meredith
1 1
o 1
o o o
Gail Phillips
Sally Dallas
Anne Schick
FIRST ROW: J. Speyer, C. Schopf, C. Herrman, Captain; K. Irving, S. Molin. SECaND ROW: E. Wagner, B. Tuckwood, N. Spahr, L. Claire, C. Lane, N. Rhoades. THIRD ROW: S. Fell, Manager; E. Marsh, J. Lotter, Miss Ewing, Coach; K. Aldinger, P. Aikman, E. Willits, Manager.
HOCKEY TEAM The hockey team, ably coached by Miss Jane Brusch and captained by Gail Phillips, had its first undefeated season in fifteen years. The team consisted mainly of seniors, five of whom were three year lettermen. For three years Miss Brusch's girls have earned money to send the team to hockey camp in the Poconos. Congratulations to Miss Brusch and the girls on ,their fine record this year.
IBarbara Tuckwood
Marian Taylor
Barbara Pollock
Teeny Reid
Loretta Gorby
Barbara Glover
Wayne Sheely
FIRST ROW: R. Hall, Manager; W. Sheely, Co-Captain; J. Kilpatrick, Manager. SECOND ROW: W. Kynett, D. Taylor, W. Fredricks, Co-Captain; D. Woodruff, E. Karger. THIRD ROW: D. Walker, D. Kresge, J. Steele, W. Carpenter, L. Sault, Mr. Jones, Coach.
BOYS' BASKlTBAll VARSITY BASKETBALL Coach Al Jones had been waiting a long time for a league championship and at last he found the team that could do it. The "Cougars", co-captained by Wayne Sheely and Wally Fredricks, finally won the Suburban Four Championship. After several pre-league games the Springfield quintet carne back after Christmas vacation in top condition to begin its League play on January g. After fighting hard and successfUlly beating many opponents, the Cougars won the game that eli n c he d the tit I e over Upper Chichester, 82-47. The Cougar cagemen had not only won the League but also had broken the school scoring record. Thenext'stopwas thePalestta on March 5 forthe Quarter-Final Round District I Class "A" P. I. A. A. Playoffs. Although the team lost by a score of 58-31, we put up a hard fight against a Haverford team that greatly outclassed us. All in all we had a wonderful season and everyone in Springfield is extremely proud of our boys.
Wa Ily Fredri cks
Ernie Karger
Jack Steele
Ken Conrad
Bill Kynett
FIRST ROW; E. Peters, L. Hobbs, O. Robinson, Manager; O. Walter, D. Richards. SECOND ROW; M. Dell, Manager; D. Marin, D. Nobel, J. Barranger, R. Johnston, R. Parker. THIRD ROW: R. Chalupa, G. Starzmann, R. Phillips, D. Schaub, Mr. Morgan, Coach.
Larry Sault
69 62 62 69 62 46 55
82 31584
Don Kresge
Don Taylor
OPP. Clifton Heights Marple Newtown Nether Providence Upper Chichester Clifton Heights Sharon Hill Marple Newtown Nether Providence Upper Chichester Sharon Hill
4° 43
41 44 43 45
44 35
Dave Walker
Bi II Carpenter
Dave Woodruff
FIRST ROW: Miss Brusch, Coach; B. Crouse, Captain; N. Hanlon, P. Aikman. SECOND ROW: A. Schick, L. J. Robinson. THIRD ROW: B. Tuckwood, Manager; K. Crosby, Manager; S. McKay, M. Taylor, B. Glover, J. Schaub.
Barbara Crouse
Anne Schick
Nancy Hanlon
Lois Abrahamson
FIRST ROW: N. Harrigan, Manager; L. Claire, N. Spahr, D. White, K. Hoven, Manager. SECOND ROW: B. Denice, E. Wagner, C. Lane, M. Green, K. Irving, J. Oldham. THIRD ROW: K. Aldinger, E. Raymo, P. Downes, C. Klamt, J. Lotter.
GIRLS' BASKETBALL -- 1953 Under a good jobof coaching by Miss Jane Brusch, the basketball team had five wins and two hard-fought losses to show for thi s year's efforts. Several girls will be lost to the team by graduation. They are Barbara Crouse, Nancy Hanlon, Vannie Schick, Lois Abrahamson, Sylvia McKay, Marion Taylor, and Barbara Glover. An up-and-coming Jay-Vee team, however, will fill their positions. The team, captained by Barbara Crouse, was characterized by good sportsmanship. The girlsput in many long, hard hours of practice. Their excellent spirit and teamwork combined to make a real success of the 1953 season.
Barbara Glover
Marian Toy-lor
Sylvia McKay
KNEELING: T. Rankin, G. McNeil. STANDING, FIRST ROW: A. Hahn, W. Alber, E. ·Karger, R. Miller, F. Behrle. SECOND ROW: R. Nichols, W. Parker, E. Horrocks, W. Krebs.
FIRST ROW: R. Parker, R. Baltz, J. Hinrichson, D. Schaub, J. Erbeau, k. ;,or<...,,,on. :>tCOND RUW: R. Hayworth, J. Pawling, -R. Neely, J. Elliott, W. Kynett, Co-captain; G. Hoffman, Co-captain; B. Baker, D. Evons, Mr. Schopf, Coach. THIRD ROW: R. Parker, A. Whittaker, P. Fitzpatrick, W. Alber, R. Plotts, R. Yarnall, F. Coe, R. Howell, R. Bosbyshell, J. McKelvey. FOURTH ROW: W. Fredricks, J. Steele, W. Carpenter, J. Barranger, G. Starzmann, R. Hall, D. Walker, l<. Sauer, R. Nichols. FIFTH ROW: J. Kilpatrick, Manager; M. Lolln, Manager; J. Fitch, D. Harley, F. Behrle, R. Singley, J. Holscher, C. Songster. A. Johnston, F. Bloomingdale, Manager.
FIRST ROW: L. Sault, W. Sheely, Co-captain; Mr. Bell, Coach; 1. Knaff, Co-captain; D. Woodruff. SECOND ROW: E. Karger, J. Bell, L. Hobbs, M. Hoven,1. Baker, M. Dell. THIRD ROW: R. McDonald, F. Montgomery, D. Kresge, R. Ruddy, R. Mark. FOURTH ROW: C. Miller, Manager; B. Adler, Manager; L. Rankin, A. Raymo, B. Bleecker, B. Mueller, Manager.
FIRST ROW: Mr. Schopf, Coach; W. Sylvester, W. Fatz, R. Masho, W. Kerr, R. Woodruff, K. Rice. SECOND ROW: R. Dell, W. Temple, D. Mockler, 1. Mossman, A. Guckes, R. Hutchinson, K. Allen, G. Gaul. THIRD ROW: W. Flood, J. Meliodon, B. Aldinger, G. Corsones, S. Fullerton, C. Stackhouse, G. Sotter. FOURTH ROW: R. Miller, Manager; R. Miller, R. Karger, P. Lutz, R. Koch, D. DePalma, R. Noyes, Manager.
FIRST ROW: J. Kerleris, D. Gemhart, P. Janes, A. Hahn, N. Haworth, H. Kerns, G. SIessIer. SECOND ROW: C. Jones, B. Heller, D. Landis, C. Herrmann, P. Hill, M. Johnson. THIRD ROW: 1. Gregor, C. Holt, C. fairlamb, G. Gilger, A. Gerber, P. Janes, H. Gates, Mr. Weaver. FOURTH ROW: D. Harley, T. Eyerly, J. Hinrichson, D. Shear, T. Hapgood, M. Hoven, R. Goebel, F. Behrle, 1. Holscher.
ClASS Of 1954 FIRST ROW: T. Tatem, R. Sylvester, A. Sloat, S. Szemes, I. Wilson, 1. Steele, C. Sullivan. SECOND C. Scipione, N. von Glahn, L. Walters, C. Schopf, J. Sallada, 1. Wright, M. Warnock. THIRD ROW: R. 'SingIey, D. Walker, B. Stemier, D. Woodruff, 1. Strain, Miss Bigelow. FOURTH ROW: P. Wiest, Songster, R. Sorenson, R. Wells, F. Dreyer. FIFTH ROW: S. Seheid, D. Wilkinson, C. Ryder, A. Schaub.
ROW: P. Rice, W. Tollenger, C. Miller, C. Ruggierio, 1.
FIRST ROW: B. Beacher, F. Marcone, G. Mauro, R. Plotts, A. Melchiorre, B. Mueller, 1. McNeil. SECOND ROW; M. Pugsley, J. Marcheson, S. Molin, V. Pflieger, 1. Moore. S. Pigage, C. McKee, M. Malz. THIRD ROW: D. Mossman, -A. Raymo, M. Mairoano, W. Sheffer, D. Shutt, E. Sault, D. Kresge. FOURTH ROW: Mr. Madeira, D. Morroni, J Ruggierio, N. Lockhart, B. McCourt, W. Parker, R. Nichols. FIFTH ROW: I. Miller, L. MacCain, N. Lynch, E. Poeschl, L. Meliodon, C. Klampt.
ClASS Of 1954 FIRST ROW: M. Eikner, R. Bosbyshell, S. Brown, M. Dell, H. Bell, H. Bedwell, P. Aikman. SECOND ROW: K. Crosby, A. Desiderio, 1. Bristow, E. -Denice, R. Acinipura, 1. Eckman. THIRD ROW: G. Eberly, D. Dirren, R. North, 1. Elliott, B. Adler, J. Bell, Mr. Stevens. FOURTH ROW: 1. Duffy, E. Durham, A. Camerote, C. Connon, D. Evons, FIFTH ROW: F. Bloomingdale, A. Bricka, L. DiLacqua, D. Breeser, p. Evans, L. DeSantis.
FIRST ROW: V. Gerson, R. Bennett, B. Howard, T. Fanelli, L. Claire, P. Fitzpatrick, 1. Bauman. SECOND ROW: M. Angstadt, V. Exley, M. Eckman, 1. DiLacqua, V. Bellini, E. Evangelisra, C. Billingsley, C. Davidson. THIRD ROW: R. Archambualt, D. Egan, R. Bums, P. Dougherty, K. Cowley, R. Chalupa, W. Carpenter, 1. Barranger. FOURTH ROW: F. Coe, 1. Durham, E. Anderson, B. DiDonaro, K. Clay, W. Alber, R. Beggs. FIFTH ROW: 1. Falkenberg, 1. Eckert, K. Aldinger, P. Downes, 1. Dunbrack, A. Conover, Mrs. Neely.
ClASS OF 1955 FIRST ROW: B. Gaul, F. Ruddy, E. Kerns, R. Harker, G. Freas, 1. Hartz, S. lrey. SECOND ROW: M. Hill, W. Ford, N. Harrigan; B. Green, P. Herb, L. Greene, G. Horrocks, D. Gernharr. THIRD ROW: 1. Karl, M. Loan, C. Frederick, R. Ferrell, L. Hobbs, R. Jump, R. Lambert, 1. Hagele. FOURTH ROW: P. Hutchinson, 1. Hall, R. Householder, 1. Charlesworth, 1. Livezey, C. Kopf, Miss Sanbe.
FIRST ROW: M. Martin, R. Neff, J. Lotter, L. Morrani, J. Leach, W. Madison, J. Hilddeman. SECOND ROW: 1. Puliti, E. McKenna, L. Kimmel, D. Rennie, J. Oldham, H.McC·ormick, L. Murphy, G. Rice. THIRD ROW: F. McCarrney, D. MacCain, R. McDonald, F. Montgomery, C. Heller, J. Murray, C. Miller, FOURTH ROW: P. Remaley, E. Peters, E. Raymo, 1. New, D. McCrea, K. Mulheim, P. Robertson, E. Gottshall. FIFTH ROW; D. Noble, R. Parker, D. Marin, T. Udakin, G. Lownes.
ClASS OF 1955 FIRST ROW: P. Rohrer, L. Webberking, B. Wright, D. Rubolin, J. Robinson, B. Robson, D. Shirey. SECOND ROW: R. Yarnall, L. Simpson, E. Wagner, M. Rost, J. Speyer, B. Shirley, G. Smith, D. Howard. THIRD ROW: Mr. Walter, F. Steams, G. Starzman, W. Schlegel, R. Sauer, E. Sentman, D. Schaub. FOURTH ROW; D. Rudolph, D. Richards, A. Sheard, R. Schaum, A. Whittaker, E. Troischt, O. Walter. FIFTH ROW; S. Turner, N. Spahr, B. Robbi, D. Howard, S. Steinfeldt, D. Etherington, S. Szemes, E. Willits.
FIRST ROW: T. Abel, R. Clair, S. Davis, E. Duncan, B. Behrle, R. Karger, 1. Gengenbach. SECOND ROW: M. Green, C. Frederick, M. Crowell, S. Fell, F. Figarola, E. Clarke, 1. DeHart, L. Harrington. THIRD ROW: 1. Camerote, W. Faulkner, D. Burke, G. Corsones, W. Fatz, R. Aldinger, A. Diamond, S. Fullerton, W. Diggins, 1. McCafferty, R. Davies, D. Bedwell, W. Flood. FOURTH ROW: Miss Hooper, R. Dell, R. Campanero, K. Albrechr, S. Barger, D. Brannan, W. Clegg, A. Firlein, R. Ferrell.
ClASS Of 1956 FIRST ROW: S. Kiersread, 1. Glover, C. Lane, W. Hughes, P. Jones, G. Lawton, M. Light. SECOND ROW: C. Lundgren, K. Irving, D. Johnston, S. Jester, H. Malloy, M. Kazio. THIRD ROW: 1. Hoffman, R. Harris, P. Krampf. R. Lappin, K. Hoven, W. Kerr, P. Lynahan, p. Kennedy, E. Marsh, J. Martin, V. Hoffman, 1. Lilley. FOURTH ROW: M. Henry, D. Maiorano, B. Hauf, 1. Heap, T. Kemp, 1. Giacoponello, A. Johnson, C. Humphreys.
FIRST ROW: R. Noyes, D. McBride, R. Sweeney, 1. Schroeder, A. Wells, R. Mainwaring, B. Mansell. SECOND ROW: R. Johnson, D. Yoder, D. Sullivan, D. Mockler, W. Shankweiler, 1. Stroud, N. Walsh, R. Small. THIRD ROW: R. Mark, W. Roach, R. Schreiber, T. Thesieres, R. Martin, C. Stackhouse, W. Sylvester. FOURTH ROW: E.Reiffer, E. Walch, R. Miller, R. Walker, E. Sanborn, G. Rostron, Mr. Bell. FIFTH ROW: W. Dreyer, P. Putz, J. Mickey, L. Warnock, L. Parris, R. Weiss, R. Wilson, p. Wilding, R. Schopf.
ClASS OF 1956 FIRST ROW: S. Palmer, A. Norman, N. Rhoades, S. Poindexter, M. Wardell, G. Warner, N. Phillips. SECOND ROW: S. Swing, V. Raker, P. Schaffer, 1. Phipps, K. Schweizer, J. Urian. THIRD ROW: N. Thesen, N. Williams, J. Ortlip, L. Piercy, R. Robbins, J. White, Mrs. Peel. FOURTH ROW: E. Warner, B. Tuckwood, B. Smith, J. Jeffries, P. Jamgochion, D. Ramsey, 1. Rossiter.
FIRST ROW: C. Kelly, L. Caldwell, S. G. Eikner, H. Danner, M. L. Steams, J. Gregory, P. Hoehl. SECOND ROW: P. Connet, E. Evans, S. Clark, D. Rex, T. Rankin, L. Davis, R. Neely, L. Blake. THIRD ROW: R. Koch, 1. Mason, H. House, 1. Meliodon, K. Rice, Miss Beheny. FOURTH ROW: P. Capus, E. Hottenstein, C. Degler, E. Eyerly, B. Worthington, 1. Kyle, N. L. Piercy, R. Murray, W. Gates.
ClASS OF 1957 FIRST ROW: R. Ortlib, H. Guckes, M. Kemp, C. Andrews, G. Jones, A. Guckes, G. Beam. SECOND ROW: G. Gaul, D. Conlin,1. Platt, R. McCandless, B. Dougherty, G. Wenkle, 1. McKee, Bilbrough. THlRDROW: W. Boczkowski~ 1. West, B. Stewart, H. Holt, W. Phoenix, 1. Smith, 1. Snyder. FOURTH ROW: B. Bramwell, p. Fredd, E. Graeber, M. Griffiths, Mr. Fraser. FIFTH ROW: B. Hutchinson, D. Downes, B. Shannon, A. DelCalliano, B. Levis, W. Temple, 1. Wolf.
FIRST ROW: G. Sipter, D. Gorby, 1. Orr, W. Toyer, I. Ebling, 1. Miller, R. Cottrill. SECOND ROW: M. Robinson, 1. Kederis, S. Jones, C. Wright, p. Anderson, 1. King, D. McKelvey. THIRD ROW: 1. Waller, L. Logan, D. Horrocks, R. Woodruff, W. Obdyke. FOURTH ROW: R. Greene, P. Lambert, F. Walton, S. Morgan, Mr. Morgan. FIFTHROW: R. Farrell, 1. Atz, W. Sutton, D. Cae, H. Etherington, D. Quinn, p. Tegtneir.
ClASS OF 1957 FIRST ROW: B. Zang, M. Neff, 1. Bellini, I. Josaphs, J. Hobensack, S. Girvin, D. Troischt. SECOND ROW: 1. Dascola, B. Klamt, J. Hartman, D. Nevin, N. Karger, P. Koltun, 1. Shapiro, C. Howell, S. Torbit. THIRD ROW: S. Patterson, T. Pugsley, B. Taylor, K. Curry, K. Allen, A. Denk, C. Knolwes, Miss Hums. FOURTH ROW: D. Salopek, B. Yockum, B. Ellis, S. Larson, K. Lownes, 1. Mossman, R. Smith.
FIRST ROW: A. Klein, M. Baker, J. Lownes, R. Figarola, H. Didin, R. Kincaid, N. WiIIerton. SECOND ROW: B. L. Park, J. Malloy, J. Hepburn, A. Gift, J. Scott, J. Camillo. THIRD ROW: G. Habicht, A. Karpinski, A. Manbeck, M.A. Criswell, Mr. Allison. FOURTH ROW: W. Copernoll, B. Roman, R.J. Poli, J. Hiddernen, C. McMahon, R. Solopek.
ClASS Of 1958 FIRST ROW: J. Craig, M. Black, J. Madison, W. Bristow, K. Peters, W. Byre, J. Hedl. SECOND ROW: K. North, G. St. Gerrnain, N. Hoehl, H. Berezny, S. Schaub, E. Thomas, W. Nickerson, J. McLaughlin. THIRD ROW: B. Starzman, p. Stine, B. Schwatt, K. Matter, S. Neagly, S. Shirey, L. Shutt, Miss Koutras. FOURTH ROW: D. Claffy, D. Dunbrack, J. Apple, J. Samuels, A. Schriver, J. Gaunt.·
FIRST ROW; M. Buckman, D. Fredd, S. Batdorf, 1. Adams, E. Bryan, R. Fentzlaff, S. Udakin. SECOND ROW; B. Hall, B. Hart, V. Dalrymple, 1. Crowder, 1. Diehl. G. Csircsu, T. Houck, D. Oldham. THIRD ROW; S. Hoffman, L. Altman, S. Corsones, Miss Heiss. FOURTH ROW; S. Colio, B. Nussey, F. Harker, R. Fairlamb.
ClASS Of 1958 FIRST ROW; M. Fuller, E. Baker, E. Neagley, G. DeHan, G. Myers, L. Tatem, C. Moore. SECOND ROW; A. Remaley, R. Gattey, M. Durham, A. Marcheson, V. New, J. Lampen, R. Bell. THIRD ROW; K. Schwabe, B. Horrocks, M. Patton, N. Mendler, R. Eyler. FOURTH ROW; K. Steele, M. Fosberg, R. Fancher, R. Black, R. Hoopman, A. Oblad, C. Crowder.
FIRST ROW: H. Hill, L. Snyder, P. McAllister, R. Sault, B. Fanelli, A. Sandell, L. Geigle. SECOND ROW: A. Sprey, R. Shisler, L. Fatz, C. Jump, P. Fraser, K. Melville, 1. Liebeskind, W. Hickman. THIRD ROW: Mrs. Denice, C. Heller, P. Hull, Mrs. Buehler. FOURTH ROW: B. Gezon, R. Turner, 1. Sylvester, G. Kelly, W. Richter, R. Kazio,
ClASS Of 1958 FIRST ROW: C. Tison, R. Duncan, E. Renshaw, I. Lindley, C. Pritchard, G. McNeil, M. Stahmer. SECOND ROW: W. Wood, A. Ware, 1. Walters, N. Valentine, L. Rohrer, N. Strain, A. Warnock, R. Bragg. THIRD ROW: P. Van Inwegen, F. Warner, J. Smith, Mr. Cost. FOURTH ROW; S. Eyler, E. Poeschl, L. White, M. Pomeroy, 1. Van Wenkle.
MILLER-FLOUNDERS Safe Milk "Serving Milk to Springfield and Delaware County Families since 1889"
Congratulations to the Class of 1953
GEORGE A. STAUFFER Baltimore Pike & Woodland Avenue Springfield, Penna. SW.6-9687 SUNOCO SERVICE
JONES COAL AND FUEL OIL Aldan, Po. Since 1882 Oil-Burners-Oil Burning Units Coal Heaters and Automatic Coal Heaters Electric and Gas Domestic Hot Water Heaters MAdison 6-2281--- FArragut 9-2218
Compliments Of
WALSH-CURLEY ELECTRIC CO. Electrical Contractors Jobbing (608 Fairfield Ave., Upper Darby Flanders 2-2396
A Sign Of Good Service For prompt, courteous co-operation on Residential Or Commercial Real Estate Sales, Rentals and Insurance, stop in or phone.
23 E. Springfield Road
Custom Bui It Homes
432 Prospect Road Springfield
Formal photography by CAMERA MASTERS STUDIOS
IN OUR many years of service, people of many religious denominations have called upon us. In every case we have carefullyfollowed any ritual or procedure specified. We make no distinction among the families we serve---all receive the same courteous consideration and our best professi ona I efforts. MAdison-6-2110
ROBERT N. CRONRATH Wholesale Distributor Cigars Cigarettes 83 Hartly Drive lansdowne, Pennsylvania
Clifton Heights
ALBERT ROBBINS & CO. Wholesale Jewelers 801 Sanson St. Phi lade Iphia, Pa.
Phone: MAdison 6-2433
MAdison 3-9604 Bill WANNOP 21 Years Esso Service Baltimore Pike & Delmar Rd. CI ifton Heights, Pa. ,
FRED A. FISH Jeweler 5 E. State St., ~edia, Pa. ~Edia 6-1916
I---------------------+------------------------l We Call For And Deliver MADISON'S ~OBll SERVICE Springfield, Pa. Baltimore Pike & Sproul Rd. SWarthmore 6-9707
John & Herman's Expert Washing & lubrication TYDOl SERVICE STATION Baltimore Pike Springfield
SWarthmore 6-9659
LAMB TAVERN CHARLES A. HIGGINS Established 1808 112 W. State St. Springfield, Del. Co.,Pa. Media Famous for Over a Century for Fi ne Food Phone ME-6-3700 Swarthmore 6-2611
Swarthmore 6-9662
HEADQUARTERS For AUTO SEAT COVERS & TOPS SPRINGFIELD GULF SERVICE CENTER N. E. Cor. Baltimore Pike & Bishop Ave Springfield Pa. Ma. 3-9625 5 Min. CAR WASH.
BEAM BUIC K COMPANY 295 E. Baltimore Ave. Media, Penna Media 6- 1742
326 Baltimore Pike~ Springfield 6 Hour Service in Plant' For Prompt pick up an.d delivery , Service Phone: Swarthmore 6-3366
C. ROBERTS STATE & SPROUL ROADS . SPRINGFIELD, PENNA Swarthmore 6- 9663 Tires - Batteries - Accessories
BILL BATTEY Road Service
Phone Sw. 6-9754
LOU'S TEXACO STATION Baltimore Pike Near Saxer Ave. Ti res - Tubes - Batteri es
Sporting Goods Fishing Tackle Guns and Ammunition Team Athletic Equipment 18 South Orange St. Media 6-1823 Media, Pa.
G.E. Appliances R.C.A. Television Comp Iiments . Hoover Cleaners From a
SPRINGFIELD ELECTRIC FRIEND 186 Saxer Avenue . SWarthmore 6-2470
r Milkshakes
Our Own Make
Ice Cream
Media, Pa. MEdia 6-0242
T INC. Baltimore and Radnor Streets
Let a "Test Drive" convi nce you ..... YOU CAN PAY MORE but you can't buy better than the
ME 6-0200-0201
Comp Iiments of
Compliments DOMINICK'S Barber Shop 190 Saxer Avenue
WOODLAND INN Springfield, Pa.
DENISON'S GREENHOUSES Cut Flowers and Potted Plants Sproul and Beatty Roads Springfield, Pa. Phone, SWarthmore 6-5432
Flowers for every occassion ERNEST MUEH LMATT Florist Media Rd. Marple SW 6-2630
They've made their way By the way they're made Baltimore Pike and Woodland Avenue
LARRY'S AMOCO SERVICE Baltimore Pike & Leamy Avenue Springfield, Pa. Lubrication Washing
OAK CREST PHARMACY Thomas C. Stevens, Pharmacist MAdison 3-2200 429 Spri ngfi e Id Road Clifton Heights Penna.
YEAGER'S PASTRY SHOP 427 N. Springfield Road Clifton Heights, Pa. MAdison 6-2694
THE SHOE SPOT "The Spot For Fine Footwear Expertly Fitted" 203 W. State St. Media, Pa.
Comp Iiments of GEORGE MI KSIT
Portable Typewriters MEDIA OFFICE SUPPLY CO. 19 S. Olive St. Media
Plastic Ti les Media 6-5728 Fashion Floors 17 S. Olive Street Media, Pa. Floor Coverings
Fu II Dress-Tuxedos-Cutaways and Shoes For Hire - Weddings, Parochial Graduations, Etc. IRVIN STERN - 108 W. State St. MEdia 6-0310 Media, Pa.
204 W. State St. MEdia 6-4519 Media, Pa. MEDIA STATIONERY COMPANY Stationers Blank Books Greeting Cards Legal Blanks Stationery Office Supplies Rubber Stamps
e Service center ATLAS Batteries Tires Road Service
BLAIR JONES Cabinets Carpentry Alterations
State, Sproul Roads Springfield, Pa. SWarthmore 6-9640
SWarthmore 6-1291 Springfield, Pa.
For Economical Transportation Sales - Service - Parts Complete Body & Paint Shop "We call for and deliver your car at no extra charge II
Township Line & Burmont Road Sunset 9-7840 GRanite 4-6200 Visit Our New and Modern Showroom & Service Department
¥ebtyl' ~l!Pp!lZetl ryun£RJll..V'"Sf;RV1C£"
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Comp Iiments
CL .arbrool.
I IIIt.;rMol Md, , ..... MIIIIdf , . 11""',11I'1
of SACKVILLE MILLS CO. Wallingford, Pa. Plumbing
WI LLiAM H. SHARP Registered Phone SW6-3578 240 Ballymore Road Springfield, Del. Co. Penna.
Free Delivery SW. 6-3379 EDDIE'S BEVERAGE DISTRIBUTOR Edward J. Colosimo, Prop.
Swarthmore 6-3592 Estimates given NUNCY FANELLI Painter and Decorator
Beer- Ale - Soda Cold Beer To Take Out Keg Beer Available At All Times 7 Brookside Road Springfield, Pa.
Workmanship Guaranteed 218 Powe II Road Springfield, Del. Co., Pa.
LOWNES FOR FLOWERS Corsages A Specialty Cut Flowers Telegraph Service 225 E. Woodland Ave.
Gifthings Plants Delivery SW.6-1017
162 Saxer Ave.
Springfield, Pa.
Phone SW. 6-0812
Swarthmore 6-8300
CIBSON·HILLES Custom Bui Iders
36 East Woodland A"".,ue
Springfield, Pa.
SWarthmore 6-3421 WEE WILLIE SHOP FOR CHILDREN Nationally Advertised Brands Toys and Gifts 9 Brookside Road Springfield, Pa.
Compliments of THE FRIENDLY TAVERN 2312 Garrett Road Drexel Hi II
Ladies' Haircutting and Shaping For Home Permanents FRANK'S BARBER SHOP 202 Ba II ymore Road Spri ngfi e Id, Pa.
Shoe Repair Doub!es the Wear FAMOUS SHOE SERVICE 182 Saxer Avenue, Springfield, Pa. Frank Ruggierio SWarthmore 6-4530
Comp Ii ments of LIBERTY FOOD MARKET State & Sprou I Roads Springfield, Pa. SW6-885I Open Sunday Evenings
ANGELA SHOPPE 420 N. Springfield Rd. C Iifton Hts ., Pa. Infants To Teen Wear MA 3-3214
WEST'S SUNOCO SERVICE Baltimore Pike & Chester Rd. Springfield, Pa. Phone SWarthmore 6-9671
PORK'S TAVERN Media, Penna.
Compliments of DUKE'S TAVERN 144 Saxer Avenue Spri ngfi e Id, Pa.
MULHERN'S ESSO SERVICENTER ~ Notch Lubrication! By Expert Lubrication Men! Bishop Ave. & Springfield Rd. Clifton Heights Phone MA 3-9926
McCOLLUM'S PHARMACY Rosemont Ave. and Burnley Lane Phone CL 9-2900 Drexel Hi II, Pa.
IDLE HOUR SERVICENTER A. Davidson Esso R. Pender Dealer State Road & Township Line
PILGRIM HARDWARE CO. Electrical Appliances-Houseware Paint-G lass-Hardware-Sporting Goods We Deliver 1041 Pontiac Rd. Drexell Hill, Pa. Hilltop 6-8448
Comp 1i ments of KLOSE BROTHERS, INC. Chester, Pa.
SW6-5412 H. W. PENNINGTON Roofing & Siding 5 W. Front St. Media, Pa.
DIRECT CLEANERS Drive-In 3 Hour Dry Cleaning Launderers Springfield SW6-8444
CEO ReB L00 M.... . . . for Finer Home Furnishings State at Olive Media, Penna. The whole of our vast and handsome Furniture Floors are devoted to the idea that every home should be as individual as the family that lives in it. Whether you live most happily with gracious traditional styles, prefer smart contemporary lines, or find pleasure in a deft blending of the two, you'll find an outstanding collection here, dayin day out. So whatever your choice, look to Georg Bloom for the widest selection of fine design and new ideas in the kind offurnishings you like best.
Case Beer, .Ale, Porter Carbonated Beverages
Cold Case Beer Free Delivery
Springfield's First Complete Television Center
"SPRINGFIELD BEVERAGE DISTRIBUTING CO. 608 Ba Iti more Pi ke Springfield, Del. Co., Pa. (Near Saxer Ave) Don Eastman, Proprietor Swarthmore 6-3500
WM. J. PENZA Sales Service
Television Installation
226 Baltimore Pike Springfield, Del. Co., Pa. SWarthmore 6-7413
Congratulations to the Class of 1953
Compliments of
A fRllNO
Chicken Of The Sea Fancy Tuna DELAWARE COUNTY MOTORS, INC.
80 East Baltimore Avenue Lansdowne, Penna.
Madison 3-5600 Finest Tuna Made
Saratoge 9-5317
JOE'S TflACO SlRVICl STATION Expert Lubrication & Auto Repairs Washing a specialty
SWarthmore 6-9685
Joe Yancale, Prop.
'Baltimore Pike & Norwinden Drive Springfield, Pennsylvania
Insurance RALPH RUPERT ~ealtor
Compliments of
SWarthmore 6-0425 616 Baltimore Pike
SWarthmore 6-3299 Springfield, Pa.
Comp Ii ments of YOUNG'S GMC Woodland Avenue Springfield, Pennsylvania SWarthmore 6-2455
Beautiful Gifts The Flower Shop HAWKES Flower Garden & Gifts Baltimore Pike at Lehann Circle Phone: SWarthmore 6-1600 For Delivery Springfield, Pennsylvania Unusual Corsages
Norwood, Pennsylvania Washburn 8-6944
Jobbing Repairs
Electric Sewer Cleaning
Free Estimates
Prompt Servi ce
Showrooms at State & Darby Creek Roads, Springfield, Penna.
LESTER FORRESTER & SONS 155 South Rolling Road Springfield, Pa. Sw6-3149
MARTELS Better Food For The Table Springfield, Pa.
"PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS" Shield's Food ~arket Curl's Esso Station Nessen, ~cTyier & Adams, Inc. Franklin S. Pancoast, Bui Ider Eddie's Beverage Distributor Lownes For Flowers ~cCracken & Company, Rea I Estate Figlio Drugs Nuncy Fane II i, Painter and Decorator Erwin's Dairy Bar Springfield Electric Evans Chevrolet Company Sackvi lie ~i lis Company George C. Topp itzer' s William H. Sharp, Heating & Plumbing Joe's Texaco Service Station Newson Brothers Ralph Rupert, Insurance Co. Griffith Funeral Chapel Young's G~C Hawkes, Flower Garden & Gifts Jones Coal and Fuel Oil Walsh-Curley Electric Co. Delaware County ~otors, Inc. Wee Willie Shop For Children Frank's BGrber Shop Li berty Food ~arket West's Sunoco Service Duke's Tavern ~cCollum's Pharmacy Pilgrim Hardware Co. H. W. Pennington, Roofing & Siding Friendly Tavern Famous Shoe Service Angela Shoppe Pork's Tavern ~. ~ulhern's Esso Servicenter Id Ie Hour Servicenter Klose Brothers, Inc. Henry J. Rohner L. Henry LeBaron Tucker's Shoe land ~urphy ~otors
Prisci lIa Sportswear Greenbergs Springfield ~arket Di Luzio & Sons Florist World Hardware Co. The Nancy Shoppe Springfield Supply Co. Drexel Hill Furniture Co. Blair Jones
The Shoe Spot George ~iksit Fashion Floors Direct Cleaners Georg Bloom Spri ngfi e Id Beverage Distributing Co. Wm. J. Penza ~i Iler-Flounders George A. Stauffer Charles A. Higgins Lamb Tavern Gulf Service Center Beam Buick Co. Swan C leaners, Inc. Bi II Battery, Sporti ng Goods Lou's Texaco Station George C. Roberts ~.F. Williams Funeral Home Albert Robbins & Co. Fred A. Fish, Jeweler Tydol Service Station ~adison's ~obil Service Bill Wannop Robert N. Cronrath, Wholesale Distributor Charlie's Woodland Inn County Chevrolet, Inc. Dominick'" Denison's Greenhouses Ernest ~uehlmatt Larry's Amoco Service Lines ~otor Company, Inc. Chicken of the Sea Fancy Tuna Oak Crest Pharmacy Yeagers Pastry Shop ~edia Stationery Company ~edia Office Supply Co. Rennie's Restaurant B. Gross Outfi tters for Men Roberts, Inc. Oakcrest Barber & Beauty Salon Sutton's Esso Servicenter People's Tire Store Henry's Barber Shop ~urphy Motors, Inc. Levon s The Dog House Westbrook Luncheonette
---------e=:==d---------GOING DOWNTOWN BY HELICOPTER . . . . . . . . . .. may not be as far off as you think. This year helicopter lines in New York, Chicago and Los Angeles wi II start to ferry passengers between ai rports or to downtown landing spots. Industry experts say travel between major cities by helicopter will bp. started within five years. Helicopter commuting should begin by
1963. Helicopterswill playa major part in your lifein the years to come. If you would like to get some information about working at Piasecki, call our Employment Office, SWarthmore 6-4000.